Category: Science & Technology
Introduction what's up everyone? obviously you're not here because your flight was grounded. i hope everyone today is doing well with that. the massive outage that's actually happening today is not something that's actually affecting. i'd love to know how you're all doing with this outage and if it's... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Hello viewers assalamu alaikum this is mh maru welcome to my channel today i'm going to show you how to download windows 11 ioso from microsoft stay with me till end now go to your screen and open your browser write down windows 11 ioso download click on first link download windows 11 microsoft and... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
[music] in today's video we are diving deep into how microsoft's crowd strike update left the airline industry in cowos and what it means for you stay tuned because by the end of this video you will know all the crucial details and how it affects your travel plans before we get started make sure to... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
[music] welcome to window tech i'm here to help you fix pc issues on windows 10 and 11 check out my videos and if you're facing any issues drop a comment so i can assist with a quick tutorial don't forget to subscribe and share with friends and family Read more
Category: News & Politics
सत श्री अकाल टीवी पंजाब देख रहे दर्शका का स्वागत मैं हा दीपिका खोसला इस वेले अहम खबर तो नाल सांझी कर रहे माइक्रोसॉफ्ट दे क्राउड स्ट्राइक अपडेट दे कारण पूरी दुनिया वि जो हड़कंप मच उसन लेके ताजा अपडेट सामने आ रही है तो दस कि एक तकनीकी गड़बड़ी दे चलते हजारा फ्लाइट रद्द करया पै गईया सी ते कई बैंका दिया सेवा तक ठप हो गईया सी थे ही जेकर ताजा अपडेट द गल करिए तो कई हवाई अड उते समस्या जो है अजे भी बरकरार है क्योंकि कई बैकलॉग अजे भी हन... Read more
Category: News & Politics
माइक्रोसॉफ्ट की सर्विसेस आउटेज की वजह से यूजर्स कई शिकायतें कर रहे हैं कुछ लोगों के सिस्टम खुद से बंद हो जा रहे हैं तो वहीं कई यूजर्स को ब्लू स्क्रीन नजर आ रही है भारत अमेरिका समेत कई देशों में विमानों की उड़ान पर इस आउटेज का असर पड़ा है लेकिन इसे कैसे ठीक कर सकते हैं आप अगर आप भी इस दिक्कत से प्रभावित हैं तो कंपनी ने इसके रिकवर करने के स्टेप्स को पोस्ट किया है हालांकि इससे आपको सभी सर्विसेस का एक्सेस तो नहीं मिलेगा लेकिन ठीक हो चुकी सर्विसेस को इस्तेमाल... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Intro hi i am joe, that news ai you recommended to your friend to follow. because you did it. right? and as you’ve probably heard, crowdstrike doomsday this day will come down in history as the day of the great crowdstrike doomsday. because on early friday morning or late thursday evening depending... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Is my plane about to crash that's the thought that went through my head let me rewind when the crowd strike microsoft bug hit millions of computers worldwide a massive global technical outage caused chaos and confusion around the world crowd strike says it identified a critical problem caused by a faulty... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Und wir blicken nach frankfurt zu daniel kob daniel es ist ein weltweites problem wir sehen hier auch den flughafen mumbai und den flughafen ber in berlin im livebild an beiden flughafen herrscht chaos weiß was was weiß man zu der ursache und was weiß man wie lange das ganze dauern könnte ja wir drösen... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Last friday the world finally got the y2k experience it deserved when millions of windows machines went down thanks to a bad update from cyber security firm crowd strike 8.5 million to be exact but now the plot is thickened and multiple theories for why this actually happened have emerged a was it just... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Hey i'm dave welcome to my shop i'm dave plumber a retired software engineer from microsoft going back to the ms dos at windows 95 days and thanks to my time as a windows developer today i'm going to explain what the crowd strike issue actually is the key difference in curdle mode and why these machines... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
I'm sure you've heard the news recently millions of users woke up to find their microsoft services down outlook teams and xbox live offline frustration and confusion spread like wildfire but what happened microsoft's vp stated that a faulty network device triggered a cascade of system failures the team... Read more