Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 01:50:15 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: ceedee lamb contract
all right make sure y he up Alex for the cookies $10 pan 12 in there cooking man yeah see y I say that why I did that you [Music] buting all right all right you say we back back they thought it was going to be no another one back when they thought it was going to be another one another not for real we back man [Applause] as you can see remod uh got it looking pretty good so let you clap it up Yes Man uh it's been we been hey we've been away for a minute but we been having some good things that's been going on yeah uh you know just remodeling everything with you moving having a little girl congratulations on that appreciate it appreciate it you know what I'm saying yeah young s feeling with that part life is like yeah best thing ever how you been though you been chilling yeah man baby girl you know my world right now just like you say just move M I'm doing all right man and the Boom Room redone is finished looking good look good ready for SE ready for the season ready for the Cowboys do what cowboys do you know what I'm saying ready for them Baltimore Raven to go to New Orleans yeah yeah man I'm have all that we going to have all that cuz you know last season when we did the uh predictions you predicted and you predicted the Cowboys of Baltimore and you was I was wrong but you predicted more of Baltimore yeah I did I was almost right predicted that him and Kansas City was going to match up and you said y'all was going to be Kansas City yeah we so you got it was a little biased cuz that's your team it was bias though I swear you got it right I swear it was bias I swear it was bias I really believe that we was best team in n and we was in the regular season yeah yeah yeah of course U but yeah we got a lot of topics that we can get into man it's a lot of stuff out here yes a lot of stuff happening mind blowing you know a lot of stuff been going on we got family issues family problem yeah lot of stuff uh but you know we all going to start on light up so we going to start off with the sports let's get it um NBA we going we didn't get to uh do the Olympics so they got the gold medal with the Olympics uh um a lot of people was saying okay we CL it up a lot of people were saying do you think that this uh new what they calling them the monstar I think that's what they call the Avengers The Avengers they calling them Avengers do you think that they can beat the original Dream Team blow they ass right out the water going to blow them right ey what do you think is going to be the factor because yeah you can say that but then now let's try to bring it to some type of reality it's never going to be real but what would be the factors of the win Steph Cary Stephan Curry the lethal shot and the reason I say Stephen Curry is because his shot is unguardable you seen that corner three he hit on Wim yeah you know how high he had to put on the Arc of the ball for it to make it in there you know now he know how to shoot over women that's crazy that's scary it is then you got LeBron James on navigation anytime you got LeBron navigating it's a real it's real and then you got KD lethal KD had a perfect game one of these games um then you got you got who who who Anthony Davis out there Joel embiid didn't want to play for his hometown so he playing for uh whoever whoever uh man I'm telling you it's beautiful I ain't going to even cap with you it's beautiful uh old M Johnson was Larry Bird on the team see see that's that's when we going to part way cuz you have to put some respect on that name no no if it was Magic Johnson in the 80s I did what you saying was the HIV magic joh it was the sick one it was the sick mag but it was a old magic joh but it was a old mag joh but this was my fact don't don't forget he was old yeah but it's magic right okay he a facilitator the only thing we need to do is facilitate okay who going to score okay Larry Larry do the best scorer they ever [ __ ] scored Michael Jordan he's not the best scorer like we we going to go there but look we going to go there hold on but look this is my Factor okay go ahead I feel like the defense is going to be defensing right and I just feel like it's going to come down to the the heavyweights yes all that shoo [ __ ] is cool but when I look at y'all big dude y'all had ad bam MB I look at these cuz I watched the game and I'm looking at them coming off the bench K some fo okay but they got Charles Barkley Patrick y hake masan uh I'm talking about they got coming off the bit Scotty pimping coming off the bench bro you know what I'm saying they like did you say our bch yeah yeah our [ __ ] was a little sus suspect we had DJ white Drew holiday [ __ ] uh who else KD k k k was off the [ __ ] KD was off the [ __ ] Jason Tatum Jas T you did that like he ain't a world champion play top five in the NBA right now play no minutes man yeah that's let me get the the the breakdown for the that's Steve C that's Steve Cur F that he didn't play but Anthony was on the bench but they had some mustard on them for real I think that they they overwhelmed them and depending on what era of basketball we play we playing right in 2000 right right there two 20 Michael Jordan had 80 points Larry had 80 points too how because nobody gets to touch Jordan ain't never scor 80 points nobody that was KOB but nobody get to touch them like step like put it think about this if if we going to take back then with Steph Curry he do that screen he know for fact before I shoot the ball nobody really going to touch me back in the day when you running around that screen you might catch a elbow you still catch your elbow to the day on the screen I thought you was going to say something about hand chicken you know that's how he shoot he like to run around screens and then he catch the ball and shoot but hand cheing would have been a better argument for what you saying n cuz when it come around that screen I'm going to meet you at your spot who who who going to keep up with with Cur run around them screens who going to keep up with Cur and then if you hit even back then if you hit a [ __ ] with a bow while he trying to screen or go around the screen that's a foul my [ __ ] that's not that's not a legal play so I hear what you saying but my [ __ ] but how many how many elbows you you can't foul out against these [ __ ] you can't put yourself in foul trouble against the uh Avengers yeah so you talking about that elbow that don't mean nothing so you think Steph Curry will be the factor Steph I think Steph Curry LeBron and AD we got three factors none of them people that you named from the Dream Team can stop LeBron James from doing whatever he want to do yeah nobody on that dream team can stop Kevin Durant from being a scorer you don't think so not at all nobody can stop K from doing what KY do no one can stop LeBron from doing what he want to do and nobody can stop Steph Curry from that three it just it's unfair the skill set the skill it's so much more skill Evol yeah Jordan like like Jordan would be a top 10 top five player today but he wouldn't be number one he was the first of what we see now yeah you know what I'm saying and really honestly it was Scotty Pepper too Jordan could shoot no three F you think Jordan going to take on Joel and me if it was this damn age he definitely would have do how to shoot a three cuz he would have worked on it no CU he could have worked on it then he could have worked on it then wasn't regie Miller shooting thre wasn't yeah but that wasn't his thing he was more of a perimet but wasn't regie Miller shooting thre one Ray Allen shooting thre didn't Larry Bird shoot threes too yeah and Larry bir before Michael Jordan just throwing that out there yeah you right just throwing that out there but that Ain his game I Ain know that's another thing everybody talking about though uh Zion WIS what's what's wrong with him now it's something good you ain't seen the latest he's skinny what yeah I got bro got skinny bro get out he he losing well he lost the weight I can say remember last time we talked about he was SW he be incredible hope he was showing off the muscles he going be and all that but he going to be S now he's skinny though he might be S after that I got to see how skinny he done got he not that skinny but you know they don't want him to get over 300 or even close to he like 6 68 69 he only 66 66 he only 66 yes at four yeah he like let me see you know what I'm saying okay yeah okay yeah so they said that's that's dangerous though yeah that's the only thing we needed him to do was to get in shape you know the last playoffs his last game versus LeBron he played he played incredible he played good okay I thought they was saying that [ __ ] was [ __ ] was like interes or something he just he just likes a lot of weight yeah yeah yeah but he still still got that muscle he still play defens in right now NFL for sure sure yeah he was at the tackle stadi but now he NFL I mean he NL DT ready left left linebacker ready ready to pass rush yeah drop into coverage a little Z looking good Z I like that I like that I like that yeah a lot of people talking about Z too man but he got that I'm sh beard going yeah got I'm sh I think they can be a sleeper team uh yeah no uh yeah what type of sleep team like just to go to the playoff then LeBron LeBron play get the play in they probably going to be a playoff team this year okay I was trying to see what you say yeah they going to be a playoff team but you can't sleep on them yeah I'm SLE because you don't what Z I got a pillow I got the big cover kingside cover you know he shoot almost 60% from the FI I don't care where you unstable fam it's more people that's on s team come 6 point from the field [ __ ] this A Team game no not a lot of people do 60% yeah do yeah do most of the big indivual most of these big man do do 60% they don't show they don't shoot much but Zion they ain't doing 60 though that's hard bro no that's hard to do don't get me wrong that's hard to do but you got to get 60% Ingram got to get 40 50% um CJ McCullum got to step but they play good they play good they was all right fam see that's what I'm saying what what we doing the gold where the gold post at we don't need to move if we if we looking at the Mavericks the last team that come out the West no they can't beat the Mavericks I don't think can they beat Minnesota I don't I don't know you think they can beat the timber wolves I gotta see what Zion look like Bo okay can they beat can they beat can they beat them can they beat them no Minnesota beat I think that Minnesota Minnesota beat think that [ __ ] was hyp I don't know how they did Thunder can they beat the Thunder I don't know Z look bro Zion is really a beast can we say that bro we not bro when you if you want to say Zion gonna make the all NBA team if you want to say Zion could possibly be the MVP if you want to say something singular about Zion but as a team of 15 players mhm the pelican are nowhere close to Dallas to Minnesota to Denver yeah [ __ ] they not better than Memphis we got Sacramento coming out now Sacramento nice Sacramento don't sleep on uh the Suns yeah the Suns K don't sleep on the Lakers the Lakers was the team that beat them Golden State not they better go State go state just real the Spurs they better than the Spurs bom but bom btom so what is it it's 15 teenss is it or it's 15 team in the uh in the west yeah okay yeah it is they a good number 10 10 yeah they a good number 10 number 10 and nine the Pelicans the Pelicans I mean that's play in game material that's what saying they good 10 I think what s through 10 go to the play play in one through eight one I'm saying who oh yeah s 7 to 10 I think it's 78 and then 9 to 10 or something like that yeah yeah so I can see them being n and 10 oh one team we did forget you just forgot the Clippers a so they better the hold on Paul George gone yeah he gone so I I put I put them over the clips oh Ka you he that yeah I put them Ka I had you winning the finals last year I said I said I don't know why you did that and I told you told and I told you and I and I told I S up here and told you bro like hold on that what we need to talk about Paul George M yeah we definitely we can talk about it what do you think the sing for is ful Philly what do you think round exit what second round exit going against who Milwaukee Boston um I think Orlando okay let's bring Philly how you just did New Orleans though but for the for the for the oh Philly Philly top top three top 14 top I'm so you got Boston of course CU they won fight so we going get what the Nicks the Nicks the Nicks over Milwaukee no I'm just oh you want me to call it in order yeah I thought you was going to oh in order Milwaukee Boston so what yeah I put me a walk Boston we can't do that Giannis was hurt so we didn't even see a full and then I don't bro Dame and GI is winning Championship bro you can't do that I was doing that last year I don't care what can't do that now I can do that can't do yeah we yeah we can every year they go to theight oh yeah I yeah I get they together they showed me last year they show me this is y'all last year to get this [ __ ] together or Chris M to your ass gone or whoever ass is gone I don't care you know what I'm saying cuz they whatever they got to do to and this year they got to show me but Gian is on the team uh Dam everybody running the back everybody coming back cuz they saying what you said grip hurt so we got to run it back so like I say Milwaukee number one Boston number two you put Philly number three you know what I'm saying uh Nicks number four Indiana five where you going magic magic uh Magic uh six Cavaliers s number eight damn Jimmy Jimmy buckets trash uh Miami Miami they top yeah they top team Miami going to be a playing team that's crazy for for sure you know they turn up like at the end of the season Miami always like yeah but that's the end of the season at the end of the season you plan to get into the play in okay you not playing to like no no okay uh we already was talking about uh Milwaukee M Damen lar his name been floating around in the metaverse uh First Take talked about him night capap gild Aras everybody had they yeah opinion on it but uh a lot of people feel like Dave came out kind of saying he needed he he feel like he slept on uh and some people agree and some people disagree like me Shannon sharp disagreed I agree he said that he's not that caliber you're not in that conversation step KD Lebron yeah Kawai Joker you're not in there Gian is you're not in there but how not and he's a top 75 player well Russell Westbrook is a top 75 player Russell westler I let say this Russell Westbrook is definitely not in that uh t with LeBron now and Dame is not either see when you in that t right there you're a champion one can get you in there and like sh Shay said yeah dang you had your chance to go off and yeah that boy T suck let's oh Lord oh oh Lord oh this the pre-season this [ __ ] not going to play in the regular season but I swear if I was Jed Jo M McCarthy when you get done and when you think you going to go to the locker room the security going to hit you with the look now your locker room not right here your locker room not right here your locker room who he throwing it to right ain't nothing white he must think they wearing got R he not ready fam yeah and that's for all you cboy that's for all you cboy was that that was out there talking about Trey L need to start over with that crazy cuz that was me I was like we need Tre wow and I think we need to appreciate that I think that we need to pay that we we we going get we going to get on that let let's get back on D can go we going there next but let get back on Dane okay let get back on Dane let's get back on Dane yeah cuz this going to be definitely first Hall of Famer no he first B Hall of Fame top 75 player amazing Space Jam two Space Jam two number I think he number two and threes all time all time that's why got Rings that's why got no rings set out this Earth but that's why he got no rings cuz he highest paid uh por guard that way he ain't got no rings can't pay nobody to join you and you ain't trying to leave to go join nobody else cuz you want to be the highest PID n you want to be dang dollar so you to your he you lived up to your name you got the dollars but you don't get no ring so he's the Camelo Anthony of this generation yes for sure Dam when you put it like that it's crazy for sure I was going to say that but you you took that at my my uh mental frame so yeah he's definitely the the he's definitely the carelo Anthony but I believe this year Well really next cuz something in my heart and it's my bias but the Lakers going to do something I just feel like the lers going to do something but that's just me but if the Lakers don't do nothing I got me walking I got me for sure that's what I got but we oh you know you gotta look out in the west you said the Spurs but women gonna be 10 times better he got he got [ __ ] he the win against all the [ __ ] in the olypics you see how feeling you see how him him losing to America made him real emotional he bullying everybody he was bullying everybody all he need is one more piece he just need a point guard he going to be the future he need a point guard shooting guard that I give about three more three two three more years he he going to be win in the back to back Championship yeah for sure for sure for sure for sure so yeah but D but R it's really no it really no it really no no help for Dame man Dame was a great player phenomenal to C5 for everybody Hall of Famer if he was the lead today but the thing is Ray it's like bro I don't I don't know what [ __ ] do stuff for yeah you know what I'm saying I don't like like [ __ ] say I don't care about titles I [ __ ] let me win a Dallas Musical award let me win a podcast of the Year award you know what I'm saying like I got my reasons why I do it to speak my mind speak the truth on topics but yeah we want to win too yeah at the end of the day you know what I'm saying like we talking about earlier validation what's what's the highest regard of validation in sports championship Championship just is what it is man D you got to go get a ring D you got to go get a ring every who saying that you not LeBron tur Cur and if he get but if he get that he right in there can't say nothing about him and and and it's just like Lamar in the NFL yeah you know what I'm saying Lamar you got two NFL MVPs but that's the thing that's what Shannon was saying even though you don't got that ring you don't have no MVPs got got this dude got three this dude I can look at them and say he oh scoring T Dam you ain't got no you ain't got no the skill set is amazing but the accolades is don't add up to skill but everybody know Portland you can only way you can get MVP cuz he probably deserve one but only way you can get one nowadays you have to be first second you know they want you to be the first second yeah you got to team also like sh okay see was number one that he was really could W it this year they said a lot of they said a lot of people cheat sh out though number one I don't give a damn about his team one his team was better than the Mavericks when we first came in the Oklahoma City Thunders was supposed to do better than the MAV yeah and the Mavs prove that they better than everybody in the west they told y'all y'all babies so my my thing my thing is for little d Leonard you know what I'm saying get in the lab focus and like I say you can win MVP this year you still got chance to write these wrongs but I'm telling you all day got to win is a championship and he won't even yeah man I think we going the reason why I think we're going to win this year cuz a lot of people forget that D was going through a lot last year remember he got divorced with his wife then he sa when they got rid of the coach and brought in Doc Rivers and all person he said he was going through it with not being able to be with his kids and going through a divorce so hopefully he in a better mind frame you know what I'm saying to be able to just put everything out on the court we we we Ro for uh damn I already said you going to be a champion with GI I stand on that he deserve it for you got three more years to prove the nigg wrong so yeah do this out all right so we got on the NBA we going to switch over to the NFL uh I wanted to start off uh with the the hottest topic of the NFL through the whole damn preseason Dam talk about it CD lamb holding now Lord uh as you see he's not on the side he's not none of that he hasn't been to the facility I forgot where they said he was but said he's working out a lot of people say working out yeah a lot of people say a lot of people a lot of cowboy fans are waking up we're waking up to Jerry Jones and starting to look at Jerry like do we even want to support the Cowboys anymore cuz that's how I feel I me switch her team a lot of people like done with at this point it's not even about she a Binger yeah she Swift she a bangle she said Jerry helped her do it though I don't know why Jerry helped her do it I think C I think CD lamb help to do it y let's just be real do you think city is wrong for ho now yes and I can say that cuz my quarterback didn't hold out he played on the franchise tag you know what I'm no he played on his last season he didn't ask for no contract they tried to franchise tag him after that he stood on business now if this was your final year if this was if you done did the season and you need I I hate to but that was Lamar no that was Lamar Lamar contract no it had expired like Lamar didn't re re renegotiate his deal until after his years he that that time he played he basically he played year even though he was mad I he had to sign pay me all I still came out and I I still performed I wasain I didn't hold out yeah and I and I made my I made my millions and then y'all try to franchise T me and that's when I said trade me that's when I said I ain't Sig or nothing no franchise T I want a contract I want 200 Mill and I want that I really want the same thing that desan wat got and that's fa now if this was CD lamb in offseason you Ain have no contract you making zero dollars the next year because you are not making no money I can understand that Jerry Jones trying to try to tag you and you just led the most receiving yards in cowboy history most touchdown most receptions I understand that brother go get your bag but Justin Jefferson is the best receiver in the league you trying to make more money than Justin Jefferson and Devonte Adams and Jamar Chase get out of here with that fam so do you do you think he should have uh signed a 33 cuz they gave him 33 I said 33 before I even seen 33 I seen that AJ Brown make 31 and uh Jefferson make 35 said okay just put him somewhere in between 33 and a and sign it but they gave him 33 sign it he want say he like to girl too but what what it is is the young [ __ ] don't have no mind for real and and I know ain't in their shoes and stuff but like how we talking earlier [ __ ] the [ __ ] live beyond their means the [ __ ] live be the [ __ ] live [ __ ] live beyond their means oh my God I can't believe that he get cut he cut they live he get cut they live beyond their means so I mean if $33 million ain't enough for nobody my [ __ ] you might well just retire you [ __ ] is you [ __ ] is greedy and selfish man now I'm all for [ __ ] getting paid but fam a [ __ ] offer you $ 33 million and you ain't never had $33 million you ain't never seen no money like this come on now bro and then I hate when they be when they get drafted they say how much they love guys like Jerry Jones and stuff like that but then when it's time for you to get paid and it ain't even time for you to get paid it's not time if a [ __ ] still on a contract and obligated to play for me through this negotiation bro bring your ass to work you said it's up to the company to pay you early yeah it's not I don't have to pay you you work for a company where they make contract but I work for General Motors and they pay you it's a different they they going a UPS got a union upsit until it's time yeah you know what I'm saying like but some people got unions they got people to and but they got the NFL PA yeah all you [ __ ] send your money to the NFL PA M that's what you do that's why you get your NFL representatives to go in there and talk to the owners and the commission and the committee so y'all can come out to a balance but what the owners need to do and tell them fam we not paying y'all nothing until you give me what I want and that's if I sign you for four years $17 million [ __ ] I done sign you for 4 year 7$7 million how do you feel about I get exactly what you're saying fly yeah I agree with what you're saying but it's like you got it man and this is the way that the lead is going Jerry we're the richest bill in and this why I'm 10 bill in cuz I do good business that's messed up no it's not messed up because it's not messed up how is it messed up cuz I make 10 they did the analy the analytics on the 31 teams in the NFL 32 32 teams in the NFL the salary caps Jerry is 31 as money spent the last 6 years better be the and that's why he's 10 billion so now you're the richest but you the and you don't like paying nobody that makes sense if that don't make sense to you I don't know what would make sense I get it if you had the highest paid you don't care about winning you care about money now Jerry that's why I care I don't care about Jerry no more no you don't you don't go get us nothing you should pay your people early that way you can go get other players that's what team I how can I get players you a lesser charge no and then I'm going go get people how like Philly did so Philly can go get Bley everybody come up with money but Jerry Jerry everybody like Philly P like six [ __ ] this year everybody that Jered they paid six [ __ ] but they lost [ __ ] bro they don't have a son reic no more we lost they don't have their Corner yeah we lost [ __ ] bro who did y'all lose so do you think Jerry's in in any type of no he's not wrong you don't think that he's stuck a way I'm say he's stuck up in his way old white man um and who just won the superl last year want you who just won Super Bowl last year pay my home now right yes sir you remember Tyreek Hill at one point Tyreek Hill was the number one paid Receiver right right yeah without paying him $30 million a year they still won and now receiver is making $30 million a year over there bro what I'm telling you is money do not equate to winning but the price is going to keep going up so if you don't pay city now I'mma pay him later it is going to be more so this no no stop stop stop stop stop stop stop right there this is the no stop right there stop right go ahead if I know where you going to be at next year uhuh right right yeah I'm a Val you waiting you four years it's your R contract I gave you four years on it you play good your third year yeah you going to have to come back and show me the same effort not no see y'all [ __ ] get hurt1 million since he been in you don't think he ready to buy a house for his family he can't buy a house don't do that he can buy a house he ready for the 100 million no he can buy a house ready for that man he can buy I don't care what you ready for I don't care Bro Jared Jones don't owe him Jared Jones Jerry Jones do not owe him no contract negotiation right now Jared Jones owe him another cont contract negotiation after this one expired you're definitely right and he he try what's wrong with you [ __ ] that's the word yeah the phras of the day is living them beyond your mean cuz what you [ __ ] want to do what you want to do what you [ __ ] want to do today y'all only think about the workers never think about the boss CD if you want a goddamn million dollar house like that what you think Jared Jones paying if you take care of this person this person that family that family that family how many fames you think Jerry Jones taking care of and I'm against I don't like J Jes he owe him money he owe who money he owe CD his money how do he owe what money do he owe CD he he owed him what money do he owe CD lamb you got to get the what money do he owe CD lamb he ow what money do he owe CD lamb I bet CD lamb got every from last year's contract how much he making I don't bro he is on a rookie deal he's on a rookie deal that's what I'm saying he's on a rookie deal so he's on a rookie deal okay how much do rookies make that's what I'm saying I don't know that man contract they all the they not all the same some of them different some of them be for higher some of them be for lower lower some of them get guaranteed fully some of them don't [ __ ] I don't know what you and your age Justin Jefferson Justin he play out his contract before they paid him huh just did he play out his full contract before they paid him I don't know he didn't bro that's the owner of Minnesota it don't bro bro what happens to somebody else life whatever happens to somebody else life don't post look it's like this it's like this it's like no no this is what we have to go through this no yes we should no fam Len to me listen to me my [ __ ] y'all football if we if we talking about let's play football [ __ ] I'm F to get ready to pay you $4 million bro I'm bro what if I get killed what if I dear have [ __ ] you know what you you know what you signing up for I what I'm going pay you for agree with him getting paid if if I pay you if I pay you and you get hurt [ __ ] all I got to give you is your guaranteed money and that's not even half of your contract if he get hurt this year traumatically hurt man didn't that get paid when he broke his no no no no no no no no no [ __ ] that didn't didn't he pay that and make him the highest paid quarterback at the time after that broke his damn ankle yeah come on man didn't he make Zeke the highest paid running back yeah yeah didn't he make Terence Smith the highest paid left I mean Tyron Smith the highest paid tackle Center tackle I know I'm saying oh the center everybody that done got paid by Jared Jones When It's Time to Get Paid they are the highest paid at their position but and you think that CD it's a [ __ ] in college better than you right now so you said CD need to Humble itself yes and it's a goal to be achieved yes and either way you going to get your money Michael Parson's out there but he he Michael Parson out there got two he got another no Michael Parson is time he didn't get draft the same time oh no he like two years late a year late but regardless he got two more years in his now Michael P's come next year and he still got to play on the contract I'm going to say the same thing about that young B I'm going say the same thing why J need to pay and then have you noticed when a [ __ ] hold out they never the same caliber of player so so so cuz Dak is Happy see the thing about Dak that the reason why he ain't got to hold out regardless [ __ ] I get $50 so I didn't already got my money so I work something out with y'all that's how Dak looking at like I'm I'm I did a Super Bowl like you know saying he already got paid but these rookies is looking at it like bro I ain't made well go somewhere else next year like even if you sit fight I think about this let let's talk about the basics my [ __ ] you [ __ ] always think about money money money money money money money that's what they play for no [ __ ] you play For the Love of the Game the money comes with it you wasn't out in two days you didn't go wake up in peeee for free you didn't go wake up for that [ __ ] to say one day because you ran you you you got 1,700 yard and 135 catches one year out of your 4year contract you waited for that and you did and you did that [ __ ] just and then you did that [ __ ] just to get paid you think you slick [ __ ] you ka you play good with it I want to no I want to stay here I want to stay here serious I want to stay right here okay cuz they can go get that money from anybody in the league okay why is it that you trying to get this money out the Cowboys if you feel like you worth this price you saying hold out hold all the way out but I guarantee if you hold out the whole season you're not going to even get $33 million from another team yeah you're not so it's best to play your $45 million contract this year and then get signed on CU aend up making more so it's like a don't cuz while you missing training count why you mixing them games you ain't getting paid for that you actually getting fine you getting fine and you ain't you getting fine and you ain't getting paid you understand get paid you're not getting paid because your whatever your grand whatever your whatever your your grantee is they probably gave it to you as a signing bonus so you ain't coming to work you ain't getting paid for that and then while you ain't coming to work I'm finding you and you people sit here every day type of away why y'all on y way to work talking about how CD Now need to continue to hold out because Jerry Jones ain't about nothing and it ain't even about Jerry Jones Jerry Jones goingon to be a 10 billion 10 do 10 billionaire type of guy whether CD lamb play for the Cowboys or not and CD lamb is hurting his stock not just with the cowboy but with other teams and it would take a it would take a team like Cleveland or or or or just somebody to get just somebody to get anything to them to they say okay we going to pay you with Justin Jefferson you ain't Justin Jefferson you got Dak Prescott Justin Jefferson you know a't gon lie fly I ain't gonna lie bro and I was on record saying this CD dropped the ball a lot remember I always say this I I say bro every game got a lot of drops this [ __ ] got dropping the ball fam he didn't show up that [ __ ] in the playoffs he was dropping the ball y'all forgot y'all was talking about him real bad when y'all lost the playoff game at then a couple months go by you see a niggaer need to get some money what it really is is cuz I talk to my people you know what I'm saying I mess with all the type of people in the world but I talk to these [ __ ] y'all looking at a white man withh holding money from a black man but y'all not looking at the finances the [ __ ] Lord forgive me I'm trying to stop cuz y not listening at y not looking at the the contract that they this guy CD lamb signed to the Plantation you got to go ahead and do it when you at work and you sign up because that's a contract I know employment employee agreement employers agreement all that bro that ain't nothing but a contract you sign that contract when you look you got to call in you can't no call no show you got to show up on the days that you have worked and it's all right there and pwork and at the end of that discussion they're going to tell you to sign your name and date it so they know when you date you they know when you agreed to this and they know when you sign so basically you telling the little kids that's watching you right now that you don't want to be a Dallas Cowboy no what I'm telling no no I'm telling little kids no I'm telling the kids no no cuz you're not going to do that I'm telling the little kids tell no no I'm tell you telling Kid Say say no no no no no no say you saying that I'm not saying that contract I'm not saying another inter I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm going to let you finish and repeat that to be heard but say you're saying it because what I'm saying I'm tell the kids what I'm saying K Ray is Big Ray is telling y tell y that Jerry Jones is making the Cowboys like not a team that that you want to go to because you know you got a old time slave owner mentality ass man that's going to make you play out this full contract even though if you look around the NFL all 30 [ __ ] teams are playing players I'm saying cuz they said Cincinnati and the Dallas Cowboys is the only they got the oldest owners and these [ __ ] is cheap they don't like spending their money bro with but if you look around the NBA and look at everybody else contract I mean everybody get paid you don't have to play your contract you going to get paid and then the [ __ ] that got paid get what they doing going back into their contracts let me ask you a question who got paid in won a championship what you mean which receiver has gotten paid and has won a championship you don't have to win the championship to get paid I'm not asking you that I asked you which one got paid and they won Championship which one AJ Brown AJ Brown a won no Championship no Philly they went to a subo but they did not win Phil didn't win a superow can Kan City beat him oh well I think AJ Brown was he the closest right with Debo Debo hasn't won Championship cuz patri will wi and they ain't got one $30 million receiver on contract oh that what you talking about now kids what I'm telling y'all is this take accountability don't go to the Cowboys don't no no no don't go to the NFL yeah yeah yeah kids if y'all looking at it like this don't go to the NFL but because you're going to be obligated to fulfill a contract and the moment you sit down on your contract because the NFL don't guarantee weak game CHS and stuff like that so when you sit out one you hurt your chance of getting H easily especially like soft tissue injuries and they really don't be nothing soft they be you you be out for like anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks maybe even longer with soft tissue turs and stuff like that you risk your value going down while you sitting down in case you want to go to another team and you risk inte Integrity you [ __ ] going to get to the NFL without Integrity y'all gonna get treated like CD L y'all gonna get treated like Jamar Chase and the [ __ ] Gonna Get Paid believe me the N going get paid somehow some way some form of fashion but at this moment in time this got everything to do with CD lamb and now Jerry Jones Jerry Jones been the owner of the cowboy since the 80s I believe 90s since the '90s I I believe it was the 80s but he bought him right when right when no he bought him a little bit before he bought him he bought him a little bit before uh the '90s nuh right go look it up but I'm pretty sure he bought I think he bought him I don't even think he drafted Troy aan I think Troy a was he was already there him and EM yeah that was the 90s Troy no that was the 80s that was the 80s Troy got drafted in the 80s yeah okay you might be right go look it up maybe I'm room but but y'all make these agreements y'all he bought the Cowboys in 1989 okay so yeah basically 1989 for 140 million and they're worth 10 billion billion now I think he did great and want to p and he has three championships I love six five five no he has three yeah we watching the game I understand what you said were we already talking about this or was we not about okay we B all look I'm going just say this I'm going give you the flo so you can put pop your [ __ ] then we can move on you ain't going to let me PO for especially once I godamn G no I'm going give you the floow I'm going give you the floow I'm say what I say I'm going give you the floow you got yeah y Tripp it's on yeah it's on okay Bet come only the things I'm saying mhm understand what you're saying that it's still a contract in the play and contracts really you don't have no choice but to sign that contract getting drafted cuz that's the rookie contract is time out time out time out out time out time out that's I swear [ __ ] don't know nothing to say their life you don't have to sign that Rook contract what you going to do uh if I feel like this not fair I won't sign it then what's going to happen uh another Play No another team that wanted me will sign me for what I want you can do that [ __ ] you're a free agent just cuz you get drafted don't mean nothing [ __ ] you're a free agent so you can get drafted and not sign to that team yeah [ __ ] Eli Man done did it it's been plenty of people Joey Bosa did that so that's why they said [ __ ] you got the right niggaas a contract you ain't got to sign it okay they get I didn't know that that's why they say okay but at the same time I'm saying you don't even get a number until you sign your contract more cool bro because it's not like it's not happening that people getting their money the last year they country I can see the last year like Chase is two three years that's different but don't BR go chase are getting paid the last year they contract man that's just what's happening I don't know if I agree with the holding out because I feel like you should still care more about the chemistry of the team so I get what you saying there but I don't get what you saying is that that Jerry like a [ __ ] should play the last of their contract because I just don't agree with that because that's not what's going on like if that what was going on okay but that's not what going you told me you told me he trying to get his family house right trying to get a dream house he trying to get the dream house I said 4 or 5 million to make it sound sweet but as we just got the phone he say he got 197 I didn't know that the fact that you [ __ ] can't get a dream house with $ 19.7 million is crazy n you should be able to the fact that you can't get your dream house your credit it don't matter the fact that you can't even get your dream house with five M you keep saying you eligible for a contract M [ __ ] from the day you signed your first contract you eligible for any extension that the ownership want to give you [ __ ] you don't have to wait till a [ __ ] last you you don't have to wait if if a [ __ ] go, 1500 yards like puka the cool for the Rams M the Rams should be talking to puking the cool right now saying we going to pay you $35 million going to give you that $35 million contract going to make you the highest paid uh wide receiver but really by the time you get to that 35 cuz you still got to play on this rookie deal by the time you get to that 35 you talking about [ __ ] will be making 45 48 and that's what I'm telling no no no no no uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh that's saving money no no no no no so you can go get more pieces see you can't be on Jerry's side and against Jerry but that's what Jerry should do no what Jerry should do is what so when [ __ ] come I thought you going to give I thought you was going so I I thought you to break your neck bro it's not a bro you just said Jerry got money he the highest paid team they got the salary the low one uh the second not going to sweat right contract so all this you saying bro is is what what I'm saying is bro you really want to be right about the situation you you you but really you helping my point if I tell you that Jared Jones could have been signed CD lamb to whatever he wanted to sign CD lamb to was better to do it after he had that tremendous rookie year or the year after his rookie year before he just broke out all them Cowboy records and stuff yeah but now we got to see what the market looking like now we got to see what the market looking like so you already signed for 4 years and nobody made you do this but your own self cuz you wanted to get a bag remember when you heard the commissioner and you got the thing and then when you came in there Jerry the best Jerry the best keep that same energy for them folk years you got discrepancy with the with the uh with the folks you got some discrepancy with the folks yeah handle that in in behind the scenes No matter what the media talking about handle it excuse me handle it behind the behind the scenes and God damn when you get done playing football God forbid you get an injury I don't wish nobody no injury so God forbid you don't get no injury and your time come up to play your time come up to be a free agent yeah get what you need to do way out your options that's how you take control but the the more you it don't matter how much money Jerry Jones give you guess what he years guess what he might be super cold in the next three years right guess what when that that next contract come and it's three years in guess what we'll be right back here we'll be right back what we talking about right now some my CD CD or anybody who had this type of mentality my daddy made a my daddy made a comment he say if you a supervisor and the job is offering you less money than it is for the supervisor if you take that job who fault is it who fult is it if you take that job for them lower Wages that's but that's the company who no that's not the company fault cuz the company I said that's the company you're with but it's your fault for being with the company that's all I ask no no you ain't with the company yet this is what they offering you oh it's like an application like interview no this this you got they don't interviewed you you got the job cuz you don't you don't you don't have a job until you sign that employee agree and then you take the job so they telling you oh this job you you know that this job 25 an hour yeah they tell you I need to give you 19 an hour yeah at that moment in time what you going to do who who fault is it if you take that 19 an hour no that's definitely your fault if you going to take it that's you here we are here we are but and and is CD do CD got a job or do he own the Cowboys do CD own the Cowboys or he work for the Cowboys you ain't going to ask me one of them back d c you trying to back me to the no I'm not I'm asking you what type of question how is I'm bagging you to the only one [ __ ] answer to the questions so it might you might think some else I feel like you think some else no damn I feel like you think something else I really do I get exactly what you're saying I agree with you but and I also said I agree with you when I said you should be missing practice but what I'm saying as Jerry Jones you always want to be in the news bro you always want the drama he don't want just pay the man bro you to make a point know I'mma pay you when I say I'm pay since you ain't came to practice no Jerry Jones sit up here on his see I go off what [ __ ] say not no insulation no no uendo or whatever sh sharp say I don't do all that I don't do all that I don't know these people I don't care about these people enough to know that right there I'm not going into what did Jerry really think I don't know him enough to know what he really thought so right here he said we will under all contract negotiations at a later dat right now we focus on winning football and then you turn around the next week and say you going to hold out cuz you mad that he said he focusing on winning football I only need Dallas Cowboys is that what happened yeah I own these Dallas Cowboys not only do I own these Dallas Cowboys my fans the people that pay to see y'all play have been craving for a championship I've paid everybody I've made everybody that that earned number one spot I made them number one right or wrong Y no who did not get who did not become the highest P we got to do our homework on that I ain't going to disagree I'm saying no I said who deserve it bro just because you went all proo mean you supposed to get the highest paid contract I think he made Tony Romo highest paid didn't deserve he never paid he never made Tony Romo how you make Tony Romo the highest pay and you got pay man Tom Brady played in the world of pay man Drew Tom Tom BR the only that really just took pay cuts feel real T Romo was not the highest PID I think so no sir no sir and if he was congratulations to that but that just you proving my point if if that's what you saying you proving my point he made Tony Romo the highest paid quarterback cuz he do dumb ass decisions how is that dumb ass DEC so him how so he PID every time he pay a [ __ ] y'all say it's a dumb decision but when it come up oh pay him pay him what y'all really want y'all [ __ ] just want to complain y'all [ __ ] want to complain that's it oh [ __ ] like so get some words to CD man we going to top it off talk to CD if CD I ain't got no word for CD or no [ __ ] like CD I'm tired of [ __ ] like that bro you f to make $19.7 million and it's not even [ __ ] making $7,000 it's not even [ __ ] that can afford the [ __ ] man that what I'm saying you be talking about the middle class and all that bro I'm talking about them private people people that ain't got no chance in the world [ __ ] you complaining about $19.7 million yeah and there people that don't got $19.70 to put in their gas tank man miss me with that man you [ __ ] is trash fam you [ __ ] is trash fam [ __ ] is trash bro I swear it's trash it's trash for us to to even try to Advocate that a niggaer making that much money is missing some money and I understand it's nothing wrong with getting more money and getting more money and get more money that is the goal [ __ ] I never told you after 19.7 don't go get that 35 M but niggga you owe me $19.7 Million worth of work honor that [ __ ] don't come to me talking about everybody else doing that if you worri about what everybody else doing 6 your ass down at home because [ __ ] it'll be more players like you I guarantee it how yall say had drew p Michael Antonio Bryant dead Bryan CD lamb 88 [ __ ] I'mma put another [ __ ] in 88 after you now you can wor for 15 years or you can give it up after four and this ain't got nothing to do with no Slayer I don't care about no Cowboy I don't care about no racism [ __ ] I'm talking as a business owner [ __ ] if I give you a wage and you sign for that wage [ __ ] play give me what I want I deserve that [ __ ] I bought this team for $124 million back in the 889 [ __ ] that's a lot of money back then that's a whole lot of money back then and I'm turning this [ __ ] into A10 billion do Corporation [ __ ] that's your problem no no that's not my problem no my problem is I wish I could talk J slap [ __ ] out sh that's your problem [ __ ] he I'm 30 I a never see y'all do [ __ ] you want to talk about the business you a businessman and you sacrificing I'm telling you as a business as as a business you can't say that when you just when you just condemned him for paying Tony Romo the highest pay we like why you need go get Barkley That's you Jerry right you Jerry be Jerry for AE be Jer you Jarry Jarry why you go get sh Barkley bro you just said now you just flexed on me Jerry and told me you had a you bought this team for 120 [ __ ] I'm worth 10 B stop thinking about the money bro I earned that money to win I earned that no you don't you have to cut that paycheck to win who make 30 you don't got no Patrick mahom who make you don't got no pck I don't care about that you need to and Patrick Mahomes is not the highest paid matter of fact Petro Mahomes Pedro Mahomes took a 10 year he did $500 million cont he did cuz he want to win cuz he want to win he didn't sit out he didn't ask them to read no Patrick Mahomes did what Patrick Mahomes do and he won on he won a Super Bowl on his rookie contract so he got the right for the owner and and the Reed to come out there and say hey we want to extend you and he still took a low ball and he took the low ball they and it's still high it's high but they got like 10 years 10 10 years over half a meillon I mean half a billion dollars they gave 10 years half a billion dollars and he going to collect every bit of it you want to know why you want to know why and they can and they extend that cont and they can extend that like let them do this [ __ ] hey do your homework do your homework they already revived his contract you know what they told him you the best quarterback in the league every time a [ __ ] get paid we going to make you the highest paid of that season so every time Leon got paid every time thean got paid everybody got paid every year I'm looking the same amount of money that the highest paid [ __ ] got he might got the best contract that history can buy yeah but [ __ ] I make the same [ __ ] he make a year I make the same [ __ ] he make year every time the [ __ ] think they F to go up on me I just renegotiate and then [ __ ] on top of that re renegotiation I win a subo just to make it sweet just so nobody can deny me Patrick mom's a bad [ __ ] Patrick mom bad [ __ ] but I'm talking about I'm talking about like like they do good business in Kansas City how no you can't say that no no no no no don't try to over talk me when you say that cuz you like to T slick [ __ ] then move on no [ __ ] if they was about spending money they would have paid Tyreek you right they would have kept Tyreek but they said you know what they have to keep Travis Kelsey [ __ ] Travis Kelsey going to retire he don't got long in the NFL yeah you're right they should have paid tyq come on no they shouldn't because they won a Super Bowl without him with him too though I won with you and I won without you and then I'm saying that we cut you after we won and I went back and [ __ ] I cut you after I won I went back to the sub lost it no no I didn't go back I went to the AFC or whatever where I went to I lost to the bingles but I'm in the AFC Conference Championship the next year I come back when everybody say oh y'all done fell off should have killed Tyreek These [ __ ] Can't Catch no balls and what I do y'all talking about Lamar Jackson the Jugger I this it don't matter [ __ ] wasn't catch the ball don't matter be on [ __ ] ass it don't matter what all I'm trying to say is D is not Patrick okay so if Dak not Patrick and CD SC 1700 1700 yard CD I don't trust to get you the highest paid and you didn't show up to me versus the goddamn Packers you make a good point come on man I'll pay you for regular season stuff but I need to see this hate is just the drama let's just play football it ain't no drama I told you life is what you making you don't have to go on TV every day and see them drum [ __ ] you need turn the TV off you for the cowboy F you know you Bo it's nothing good especially like this last month every day bro it's just some [ __ ] and then Jerry speaking on it saying he don't have no urgency for CD they don't miss CD yeah you don't you want to know why he don't miss City you don't know why he miss City just like I don't miss no wolf that done left cuz guess what it's somebody else trying to get on oh okay yeah I mean with CD cuz it ain't I got I had a bad ass partner I had a bad ass partner I don't think I never get nobody like him but somebody can work 88 if you give me production like he do and then somehow I might win a Super Bowl wow wow but y'all better understand what going on in real world fam saying there a lot of players out here it's a lot and they just need the opportunity and they need the opportunity and since you don't want to take this opportunity that you signed up for it's a kid number 18 18 all the D be likeo number 18 18 and guess what Jerry can offer him a 30 B no but look Jerry we call him 18 but we going to find out his name in a minute then number 18 the name that we find out for a minute Jerry gonna offer him about 32 men all and he going to make and guess what he gonna go get right his dream house he going go get a dream house and a whole lot of other stuff yeah yeah yeah I mean I agree with you bro but I just feel like Jerry yeah let go get into some real [ __ ] cuz I'm feel I feel like that I feel like let get some real [ __ ] going going man Lord forgive me I'm trying to start cussing I probably been okay my people my people y'all just hurt my heart bro cuz y'all so money rounded okay okay hold on I got you I got you we got one more deal I'm going I'm going strong just I got you I got you all right just give me your Super Bowl predictions before we get off the NFL uh I did it with you last year this was the last preseason game right here so regular season coming up uh give me super browl predictions wait give me your AFC NFC Championship then give me super browl AFC NFC Championship I need that Kansas City versus Baltimore and I need Baltimore to be Kan city I got Baltimore be Kan City again close game close game okay Kanas City going to lose by 10 like how we lost by 10 well they lost by we lost by seven we lost by seven they going to lose by 10 they going to lose by 10 yeah cuz we got Dereck he now D have about what 150 yard Yeah by right yeah 7080 then he probably have another 180 in the earth three touchdowns two on the yeah yeah it's going to be a shootout though for sure no it's going to be a shootout cuz exact your word what's the score you think it's going to be a low score just like said the shootout like 38 to 38 30 38 38 28 I mean 3128 something like that it's going to be high 29 29 boy the score is going to be high I give it 29 31 SC going to be high yeah 293 some [ __ ] oh them boys going to play they going to hit 30 whoever hit 30 going to win yeah yeah yeah and then the NFC San Francisco going back they going back they are the most dominant team well you know what they miss both now I think they lost uh Brandon and IU too Brandon IU give me Detroit and bro don't do it in the background behind you go see it for us I'm bro please just say it the background bro please y got too much going on y got too much going on I did that last sh bro please bro D got to do with this [ __ ] yeah but he not we got to okay I understand but he not going to do it U I'm I'mma take I'mma take I'mma take I'mma take I'mma take I'mma take you said Detroit Detroit or the NC wide the open Philly from going off paper they do look mighty good they the best looking team on paper they do look mighty good but I'm not going out they so you think Detroit going win the division I think I think it' be bottimore versus Detroit and Super Bowl actually and Detroit coming cuz they ain't never had [ __ ] we let them taste a little bit of they tast it and they and and and they got a mar St Brown yeah they tasted it he don't play just for the money he play to win yeah good coach good coach good co D Dan Quinn will make you run through a brick wall they got glass on the other side and you'll run through that yeah Dan Dan Campbell my bad not Quinn sure not Dan Quinn but Dan Campbell is that man shout out Detroit and then I I want to say this I want to say this um I want to say this too who I'm not I'm not understanding who else I I I I can't get a dam see I'mma go Philly Detroit versus Philly and I'mma give it to Detroit either Philly yeah or Cowboy somewhere in there too but yeah we Wild Card though but Detroit I I feel Detroit and the Ravens and I got the Ravens winning the whole thing yeah I like Green Bay too but I don't think they going to be Detroit te that's proven I say Detroit yeah I don't think Detroit going know what they look like they add they add you know what I'm saying so yeah uh I think I go where you going I think patri Mahomes going to threee okay and then I got to put the Dallas Cowboys in the Super Bowl you know it's all right hopefully we yeah that's H opinion or this bias uh a little bias bias let me get my real opinion okay my and uh I ain't going to lie I can see like go ahead and say it I know you don't want to say it because you're D Cowboy go ahead and give him that yeah like feeling come on now barley and like that's could be dead like lar that's like Lamar but faster even better cuz they got all them receivers we ain't got no receiver like that but they don't got the defense like we got Barkley is dere Henry not Barkley barley not D Henry but D Henry not but they ain't got that defense like we got that defense yeah they got they got them DBS no they don't a lot of DBS they lost yeah they lost DBS and that line remember fles that may be how Detroit going beat them they going run their ball with Gibbs and uh down and what's the other boy name uh dang I forgot his name Detroit is Detroit I got Detroit in can City Detroit can City that's good pick that's a good pick that's a good pick all right Sor I got a little heated with that it just it seemed like every year we talking about [ __ ] holding out y'all [ __ ] holding out [ __ ] rather the little 19 million but you don't say [ __ ] about Jerry speaking to the media about his players and all that you don't hear Cincinnati on SC calling back okay like why you here CD get out of here go why you in headquarters C CD was in play house after they lost to the the Packers bro I swear no yeah he was in the turn too our section was right by his give a dam No Cap No Cap that's crazy you know I didn't pay I look I ain't spend out my means like CD at the station you know what I'm saying we split that money damn we split that down two bot to split it yeah that was on all right so uh we going to get on hey R can you take me to the big out yeah all right we going to uh get on political views let's talk about it political views let's talk about it that's what we going to get on yes Lord I've been upset y'all uh man it's a good episode right here how do you feel about the importance of voting the importance of voting a lot of people steer it off a lot of Our Generation steer it off from the voting of course uh not I ain't going to say a lot bro cuz it is a lot of Our Generation that do vote you know what I'm saying like it's a lot of people that do vote m but most people don't vote what you saying most people you know yeah you know I know don't vote yeah kind of how you tell me it's a whole another General people out here M they all they friends vote but how do you feel about the point of vote you know I think that it matters I'm trying to get as many black men black people as my generation cuz I think we a little lost we got lost in the sauce man and you know what I was hooked in The Matrix and then I unhooked out the Matrix is that right yeah so I try to get as many black people of my generation to not vote for Trump cuz it just seems like we got caught up in the hype and well my with my people everything on social media is lost so it's like Trump took us by a storm like I sit back and I seen it cuz I was even one of them but he took us by he's like a Charleston white and people grew and people people start having emotional feelings for people from the phone literally bro so it's like everybody start loving Trump and his Antics and the entertainment to the fact I've been liking Trump yeah bro but he to be was like him we been like him be honest though before he was the president we liked it Donald Trump our culture rap songs artists all that the generation don't like him yes they do generation knew Trump before we knew Trump but they don't like him now they don't like him now they don't care about the social media like that they don't like him now but they liked him like I just like to I like for stuff to be real Plain Jane so nobody don't Donald Trump was wellike in our community before he became the president of the United States but a fact I'm saying they don't like no no you said older people never like the Trump no I said older people don't like him now okay now you just now vote I said president but all them older people but all them older people but all them older people what we called Millennials and [ __ ] all the older people are slow and don't know yeah no you can't say that all of them bro you canot say all of them slow we got some the ones that smart the ones I ain't saying elderly I'm just saying the older you know what I'm saying the generations half of the Millennials are voting J half of the Millennials like I'm saying cuz some 80 80 babies are millennials I'm going let you but like they're they're not voting for Trump cuz they're not into the social media like that I think social media made us fall in love with Trump bro I don't think so [ __ ] was already in love with Donald Trump I'm saying when he was running for president the first time it was cool to say vote for TR that [ __ ] it seemed cool this time I still tell a [ __ ] to vote this time I don't know I don't know so you say you're not going to vote damn can I say the important if it was important or not shees I think it's important bro I do too okay I'm glad you think so only in your neighborhoods only at the local spot maybe in your state maybe in your state but locally is where it counts for you regular civilians yeah that's why you vote for your senators and all that electorial college uh considered folks those are the people that's getting the vote for for the president really yeah your vote matters a little bit the popular vote do matter just a tad bit but that electorial vote has so much more weight in the way that you can make sure that your electorial vote is heard is if you use your local vote where the PO the popular vote is more controlling of the who wins it than and you thinking you going to go to a ballot put cam Harris or Trump on there and your vote really mattered who the president of the United States was because we've seen numerous time where the popular vote voted for this person but the electorial votes made this person win so if y'all keep running over the same if y'all keep doing the U-turn in the same street in the same Circle you'll never leave the same street you'll always be on the same street we just keep going down the same street we might turn off here a little bit because we like what they talking about but they bring us all the way back on the Main Street so how do how do you feel about KLA Harris I feel like she fake I feel like I feel like I feel like she's not equi I feel like I wish I had one boom or something like you can't just say that all fast fly and then run through it like all casually like you didn't just say this lady was fake she is I'm just being real I just want to ask a woman what what having Megan having Megan twerk for having Megan twerk on that stage that was real fake you're using her popular you're not caring about the like having a woman twerk her ass in front of elderly no listen elderly people and children and you're trying to get their vote this is a serious topic twerking ain't never been a serious topic but you're using Megan's popularity to real if you let Megan twerk at your campaign you most likely going to get her worshippers to worship you so my thing is this and it's the same thing for Donald Trump don't get me wrong but I haven't seen him do none of that yet I ain't see him do none of that but she got all quo them and this that person coming up that's that's equal that's equivalent to me I don't know about everybody else but that's equivalent to me of Joe Biden going to the bedroom I mean The Breakfast Club and telling you if you don't vote for me you ain't black my vote don't dictate my skin color this lady up here dancing should make me vote for you more or less so that's why you that's why you want vote for and I won't vote for because every time they ask her a question she always deflect and talk about Trump and what Trump not doing why we must bro that's what I try to tell you right I actually you be on X watching that [ __ ] no I listen like I go to YouTube and get the full Clips I don't like like if I see something for Trump do the same thing and then when I go to the clip when I go to the clip whatever he said in that minute video that minute video it' be totally different entire nomination speeech his hers a little bit of but once she start being F once she started being fake to me I just stopped I think that k is a great woman she could be and it's I I don't know her I think she's a great woman I don't know her I don't know if T I don't know if Trump is a great man I think that's why I don't vote that is I think that [ __ ] should vote for K why because I feel like Trump no no no no without saying Trump name why should Camala Harris be the president of the United States the reason why KLA Harris be president of the United States is because I feel like she can you know what keep real I'm keep it real I'm really keep it real with you yeah a lot of [ __ ] that she say that they going to do at all the times that she say the [ __ ] she going to do I said damn but you was the vice president sobody a been de it ain't like you ain't been in the office like when you say and I'mma do this I'mma sign this can't yall do this [ __ ] right now you can do what I be thinking like and aren't you kind of like the president right now since B is not president so I don't understand like oh my God but the whole reason for me voting for her you know it's cuz of trump bro like I don't like the [ __ ] she doing the only thing I can say I like with Trump is when it comes to the war bro the Ukraine [ __ ] like you said that's the only thing yeah you don't care about the farmers that he help and in the laws he pass for us to manufacture our own crops and get more benefits out of growing our own food you don't like that you don't like that it's okay you don't like the fact that he tried to bring the manufacturing to us where we can you know I'm saying bring bring back China yeah you didn't like that he also trying to get the chips made cuz Taiwan right now is the the mecca like the car chips and we all get that from over there he tried to bring it over here just in case China try to go to war with us they going to take Taiwan first of course and it's going to make us the economy shut down of course so he trying to bring stuff like that over here I you wasn't you wasn't with Trump when he um when he um gave that them HBC fun the hbcs you want with him with that I don't like the proud boys and that's what it come down to bro so you think CA going to put the proud boys up yeah how they going to stay where they at right now in the woods they come out the woods tell the TR president with they pit for flames and all that and I feel like the immunity I feel like it's more bad do you know what BR boys Is For Real y they're not a racist correlation I'm just being I'm just being honest they are americ they are pro American no they are they racist they was fighting you showed me the video when you show me no no when you show me when you show me when you show me no no no that was when the the the the that was like more KKK [ __ ] that no when you show me when they had them torches and [ __ ] when they had them torches and [ __ ] that was more KKK it probably was some proud boys out there but that more KKK but as far as proud boys fam when we seen they was fighting antifa yeah antifa let's talk about oh don't do that let's talk about antifa let's talk about antifa okay what antifa like to do give abortions antifa like that LGBT J antifa want [Music] to they they so what they call them the radical left yeah they definitely rad left they so left this anti and I don't even want to call him antifa I don't even know what the hell antifa stand for I feel like it's anti-am cuz that's how it make me feel you you want us to open the borders to [ __ ] and we can't even feed our veterans and our homeless people and we can't give mothers who in need food St and woo woo I want to know what antifa I'm going say what what the say mean and listen to me I don't mess with no pray boys neither but what I'm saying is if Don Trump Donald Trump scared a lot of [ __ ] he scared a lot he scared a lot of us [ __ ] for for sure he make us feel like if he's the president it's going to be a civil war can I be honest for y'all real quick r or can I ask you a serious question yeah as a black man would you like to go into your own stores or would you like to go to other people's stores would I do what would you like to go to like your store your family member store I feel like we need to grow our own [ __ ] well have our own markets where we had that yeah we had that I agree we had that in a couple places too they tried to highlight they try to highlight Black Wall Street and how they bom Black Wall Street but they don't talk about the other Wall Streets we had multiple Wall Streets so do you think the black billionaires are slaves no no cuz you know you you always say don't nobody owe nothing right they don't owe nobody so but do you think that the black billionaires need to do more for the communities that they come from let me say that that they come from I say every word that they come from to like Dr Umar said they asked about whatever he talking about JayZ he was like you haven't had none of the five things that affects the economy bu Oprah a hospital Y supermarket School uh I think he said a bank and it's something else that really like how you saying black wash black wash yeah that's what down do you think that it's kind of they job to come back into the communi to build this type of stuff cuz even though we can talk about that we not capable of that type of econ economic power you don't got to have a billion dollars to do that y'all need to stop lying to yourselves you don't have to have a billion dollars to help your neighbor you don't have to have a million dollar to help your neighbor you have to have $100 million to help your now if you want to do something like that like hospitals grocery stores saying to really build you don't have to have a billion dollar but you but to grow the economy we need their help no we need their help but they don't owe you no help but they get out here Oprah withy we haven't seen Oprah in a decade and she came out talk for the Democrats for us to vote for Camala where the [ __ ] have you been because I just told last time I heard your name I heard you burnt up them people [ __ ] in Hawaii just about the land out there burnt up oh my Lord oh my God where you been over if I tell you that they don't need to help us you probably tell me some about the government assisted my [ __ ] if everybody on this block right now where we at mhm let's say just gave $100 a month to the community everybody matter of fact this whole little Community Bas everybody in the community gave $100 to the community that's cool that's across the street in no time we could have built that there no time we could build that you you hoping that somebody who got a billion dollar about kissing white people ass you say having a personal pot of $100 personal pot because we they do do that when they pay taxes but the city do what they want to do with it but you're saying we should have a personal everybody should know everybody on this block and we come together come together not tax funded but just our our money our money I get what you're saying our money the [ __ ] a tax funding we all pay taxes well that's we taking care of America every time they get money out our check we done serve America every week or every two weeks some people monthly salary you but you're serving America yes Lord yes Lord but if you're waiting on Oprah winrey who got her money by kissing white people ass to come save [ __ ] it's like asking stepen off of Jango to team up with [Music] Django instead of letting this [ __ ] save broom Hilder you you got mad cuz he roll in here on an EG yeah now y'all not hearing me right you not hearing me so when I think of Donald Trump the reason I tell people to both for Donald Trump cuz it's time for you [ __ ] to get uncomfortable it's time for you [ __ ] to get in y'all space to where I need Ray Ray need me all this I need to get my own [ __ ] [ __ ] if you not able to get your own [ __ ] shack up with the village turn up like boy we need to take a page out the Mexican books the Jews who come over here illegal the Chinese people that come over here illegal we need to we the only ones that feel like we have to have our own place to stay our own car and this that and third to say we made it we the only race of people that feel like we got to have Jays on our feet to make sure we we solidifi and now it's even more than Jay Jay's will get you talked about now because everybody want Gucci and Lou and Prada [ __ ] be living in the [ __ ] North Dallas project want a Tesla how the hell do you stay in the North Dallas project and got a Tesla [ __ ] want to be in John West with a goddamn L [ __ ] w't be East Grand with a BMW Mega Motorsport a Bugatti how how like this [ __ ] here calling me probably to go to the club [ __ ] a never called me to ask me what can we do to help the community a [ __ ] never called me to do that not but the [ __ ] I'm telling you the [ __ ] done call me back to back you call me back to back and I ain't going to answer I'm done with this cuz this is more important to me ain't no Club more important to me than seeing my people make it but I am a firm believer you have to make it yourself to help somebody else make it yeah so don't get me wrong as as for some certain amount of time you have to be selfish within your own thing but I could be the voice of reasoning but you still need to pay your ti [ __ ] huh you think cuz you just went and gave a church $20 you pay the ti or tell them 10% of your check you pay TI give 10% of your check to the community and see how God have blessed that Community but if you keep waiting on the devil to bless you niggaer you going to wait on it ain't it's going to be done the way he want you to do I ain't calling America the devil but if the shoe fit word if the shoe fit word I'm not calling Donald Trump the devil but if the Sho fit word I ain't calling CA Harris um the devil but if the shoe fit word none of these people are for us bro BR I re my good book The Bible right mhm some people they don't read the Bible that's fine but if you want to get a nice little story y should read the Bible how many times people have been broken out of Egypt as the Israelite the son of Abraham the son of Jacob the son of Isaac formerly known as sons of Abraham I mean of Adam and of course we the children of God how could you think because like Pharaoh when when Moses brought the people out of Egypt did you he didn't just bring them out of Egypt you know how many times he had to go to God and God did this and the Pharaoh heart still was hardened to the point where it took so many things like God had to get worse and worse and worse with his punishment for this [ __ ] heart to get softer cuz every time God did something to him he got harded that's what you're dealing with politicians like Democrats are showing Robert Kennedy Jr in different country I mean in different States for what reason I don't even have no clue I see that but why are we swinging Robert Kennedy as a Democratic party oh you don't want him no and he switched up cuz he was a Democrat but now he just spoke for Trump yeah he said he might Endor at that yeah he did oh he already did well and that makes it even he him out and that make that Mech up if you see that's what I'm saying you call him a [ __ ] ass nigz he went with Trump but if he you was talking about the war though like no no you said [ __ ] ass [ __ ] stand on there we don't need to switch it up I got no you call him [ __ ] ass [ __ ] but you kind of [ __ ] ass niggaas so stand on that you kind of [ __ ] ass [ __ ] cuz he brought out Trump yeah but if Robert F Kennedy who's an independent he don't give a damn if you're a republican he don't give a damn if you're a Democrat you see the views over here you see the views over here if this [ __ ] who do who's actually in that world side with this man over this lady what is that mean right what do it mean cuz he always put us on games and he not the only one always I listen to Robert and I mess with all the kennedies yeah his uncle got shot in the head right here in this city yeah because what he was trying to do for the country and make it better and then we went and grab Lindon B Johnson who told us [ __ ] going to vote Democrat for 200 years and you [ __ ] right now inside of that 200 years and we still asking to vote Democrat you [ __ ] go to the ballot and just say that's what London be Johnson said yeah London be Johnson 6:35 yeah yeah he said we going do it he said I'mma have the [ __ ] voting Democrat for the next 200 years that what he said and guess what you [ __ ] did or doing cuz it ain't been 200 years since he been alive I mean since been since been the president I won't even say since he been dead but since been the president it ain't been 200 years [Music] they ain't been too years and you [ __ ] are voting Democrat and like I told you earlier where did the Democratic Party come from the Confederates who the hell is the Confederates the racist hang a [ __ ] kill a [ __ ] whip a [ __ ] beat a [ __ ] drug a [ __ ] slam a [ __ ] do whatever they want to do with a [ __ ] but Trump doing the same [ __ ] I ain't seen Trump slam [ __ ] doing the same [ __ ] no no no no you said Trump no because CA Harris people doing the same thing she's just doing it systematically yeah at least I can see the enemy when Trump is in here a mother I'm for Lord forgive somebody telling me I'm for you I'm going to fight for you how you been fighting for us and youve been vice president you've been letting that man had his anesthesia for four years and you ain't said nothing but set back he dropped out the race who the hell is running the country some people talking about Obama is the president right now and the vice president that this is what I'm saying fam she basically already the president right now no she not Joe Biden is he stepped down no but he stepped out the race but he still can he still oh yeah he stepped out the race yeah he's still the president he's still the one that's doing [ __ ] he said he still got a lot he said he got five months left and he got a lot of work to do before he get lead the office and he ain't going to do a damn he said he going to start signing a whole bunch of stuff what type of stuff he going to sign uh already sent the babies back to war on the draft B because he want to go to it's crazy the Republicans they barely go to war when they in office the Democrats always at War how I got I got to do my homework cuz I don't know when was the last president that was a republican besides trump it was George Bush he was abl Democrat he was a republican he was he was a republican George W bush George W bush he was a republican well you got to take that war [ __ ] back I said I said I said all that Ira [ __ ] I said most I said most n i I said because before that was Bill Clinton I will say Bill Clinton didn't go I think Bill Clinton was a Democrat he was a Democrat but he didn't go to war but he was a true he was true but I get what you're saying though before that it was George it was it was I think it was George Bush daddy and he yeah and he started that Iran no he didn't he just wanted a new world that's what was working with us and he was a part of the CIA and [ __ ] right yeah so then he somehow we not working with this [ __ ] man do y' damn homework I don't like the Ukraine [ __ ] I can say that I don't like the Ukraine stuff I don't like I don't like the China stuff I don't like the like you think AA Harris going to be able to go over there and talk to Kim J the way she looking at it like or whatever his name is I got generals and I'm and I trust my generals I'm commander-in Chief okay Commander I'm the commander and chief but I got my generals I got my lieutenants I got my TR I trust them Donald Trump is like them [ __ ] dirty this General I'll fire his ass y'all be trying to do some [ __ ] ass [ __ ] so which one is better D the trage just scary but which one I a ask you that fam like which one is better which which one you want the [ __ ] that's going to cast out all the [ __ ] that's working against us or is you going to be with the person that say oh I got these people already I'm just going to have them do what they do whole time the people might be corrupt fam bro I ain't going to lie don't don't lie go lie and say I'm voting for cam Harry because she the best candidate she not who the best candidate Trump but the people that come behind him that's why I don't vote that's why I don't vote who coming behind him they trying to make us scared of The Proud boys you say you scared of The Proud Bo to be scared no if a proud boy come make it like end of democracy if Trump become office and that's end of America and then I tell you this democracy propaganda that they throwing at that's what they do they say you like a lot of people say if vote become if if he become office democracy is done what okay we talking about democracy right M let's talk about about democracy that's they say America is right let's talk about democracy okay democracy so you telling me it's cool to have men and women sports cuz they transgender that's democracy that's democracy you telling me that we'll give China a pass of hate rhetoric but we won't give citizens who've been here for over 400 years plus rhetoric but that's democracy you telling me that in order for me to help you survive in the world you need to put in these amount of hours so I can help you and government assist you but then I need to know how much you making just to give you a right enough amount you telling me that's democracy you telling me US taxpayer is paying millions and billions of dollars to Donald Trump Camala Harris Joe Biden Obama George Bush whoever in office whoever the Senate Greg Abby you telling me it's democracy to pay them to keep [ __ ] us you telling me that's democracy I think democracy is full of [ __ ] and God forgive me but I have turned up I think democracy is full of [ __ ] but it's the best you going to get I think socialism is the best you going get really cuz it's democracy but it has its rules it has its standard it has the law laws that you need to abide by is is Russia socialism socialism Russia is like communist or something like that they might be socialism they some but they they hard they hard I think Comm is the worst you can get no I don't think it's the worst you can get I think if you're dictator under a communist state is the worst you can get it's not communist is the way you run your country the dictator is what is wrong with you so if the dictator is full of BS and the Muslim is well we we believe that because America portrayed that to us but if you go to China they might love they dictator if you go to Korea they love Kim they love that see how they stand they love Kim and then it might be fair who knows cuz we scared to go against the grand here you don't want J the trumping office CU you scared some people going to come in KKK hoods and mess with you like we ain't got them things I just feel like I don't I don't like that just say you no I just don't like that just say I don't like that racist [ __ ] well if you don't like that racist stuff how can you vote for Kamal Harrison then you think you think you [ __ ] white [ __ ] you think that you got the audacity to talk about this lady Blackness how dare you yeah you how dare you fix your lips he talk about to go to the a National Convention with a black people s here y'all need to question her Blackness you do you do just like you need to question Oprah Blackness just like you need to just like you want to question Oprah Blackness cuz she a billionaire she ain't came back and help folks but she black but we she ain't did [ __ ] so we need to question her Blackness how can you help them and not help your people that's called questioning your Blackness don't move the goost cuz of white man said sometime the truth going to come from an unreliable source sometime the truth going to come from places you don't want it to come from sometime truth will hurt matter of fact nine times out of 10 the truth going to hurt cuz it's the truth and you need to hear it so you think Donald Trump is the truth I think he he ain't telling no lies I think he for the proud boys I think he for making America great again I think he for putting America number one I believe him that's the whole thing I believe him America great again yeah yeah I'm with that too you know when I thought a miracle was you know when I think a miracle is great segregation segregation yes Lord and then it'll be better cuz I don't mind coming to y' neighborhood I should be able to come over here and chill but I don't even want to come in y'all mix my [ __ ] yeah I mean like let's be for real that black we don't even like going to that [ __ ] now we just want to be able to say it we I rather we I rather we 28 28 Studios where than faace I rather wear Eminem Who We sponsored by than going to Gucci I rather create my own brand and pay for that and sell it to my community for the cheapest price I can make it we making a profit and making woo woo then going over there and bring Prada and Ralph and all the people that don't really like us if we going to talk about race we the we are racist amongst ourselves a [ __ ] got to have a certain point of shoe cuz we don't want to support our own we don't want to support our own and then when we support our own we feel like our own is too high if a [ __ ] sell a shirt for $40 that's too high but you going to go to Versace and pay $ 400 yeah that's racism you are the biggest problem in racism you won't get it lady $40 cuz you feel that's too high and she above she in the community but you'll give these people that Beyonce n and all them done gave $4 million and all this stuff to to a campaign of Cala Harris Why Cala Harris or Donald Trump can't fund they own they own campaign they Rich they got Mion why they can't do that you telling me Jerry Jones you got to charge president Trump every time you want him every time he come out here do a Convention of speech at 18 And1 you going to charge him but you want a republican to win how I'm opening that dope R if I got a damn stadium and I want this man to win I give my people money I give you a chance to speak to my people in my building and I won't charge you for that things can be simple like that but you know what we added on to right you know what we do right get what we do we talk about the money we talk about the money well he got to make his money somehow shoot all he do is concerts and have a 20we long season but sometime let's just say 18 cuz he don't get PID the 18 week of the Season well the 19th week of the season so you get 19 weeks to make billions of dollars then you turn around throw all the nice concerts in the fights and you telling me you got to charge Trump to come to the Republic do some Republican business or I don't know who's a Democrat owner but let just say Cala Harris you want to go to Tyler Perry Studios and have a Ry and Tyler Perry charge you to come to the studio and have a r do that make sense but at the same time he going to endorse your campaign baby you paid for that endorsement and he paid you to pay him like that money circulating like that what about the people down here the people you talking about you fighting for then they got the middle class confused thinking they ain't able because the middle class trying to live like the rich the poor trying to live like the middle class and the rich trying to live like the 1% y'all [ __ ] if you 1% live like a 1center if you're rich do rich [ __ ] if you middle class stay your ass in middle class ride coach you're not first class yet and if you broke you might want to take the gound let's talk about it to go to vacation I guess so godamn to enjoy the vacation yeah you got to do what you got to do to enjoy it yeah unless you going to take the plane and then you going to try to ride coach cuz you just can't do economy so you want to ride Coach man I rote a PJ before you know that r no I a know that yeah I went on the PJ before ask me how much I paid for the PJ Nathaniel shout out to my big brother Chris Po shout out to my big brother Chris through and get what he didn't do he didn't add me for nothing and you know how much fun I had in Vegas you know how much of a time I had and experience I had in Vegas and I in middle class or private line one of them too but guess what being able to be in my means fam you know the only thing I took on that plane was a bottle of Mo Dwight bottle because I felt like damn [ __ ] risk their lives to go on a plane like this bro don't put me on the PJ I mess with him I mess with him wholeheartedly but gu what I tell him too man you need to fund your people before you find anything yeah don't go out here giving nobody none of your money for their campaign go ahead and campaign where you campaign at give back to all of you like you do like you do but what that was just a a uh example of people giving back to their Community but that what I'm saying if Chris can do that why can these beire [ __ ] because they don't have the heart that Chris got exactly and that's our problem and that's our problem that's why we behind because it's got It's got to take somebody to reach behind like Chris can only do so so cuz he ain't he trying to elevate and get to ja all the way up here y' got some generation money your generation came but they money but they money probably didn't come like how like bro like bro work for his money so he understand so he understand the value and you know what I'm saying they probably was struggling and then got some money and they don't understand they don't understand we the only culture where the top people don't reach back stop saying culture we the only race we the only race the Jewish race they they don't reach back and build with their communities and make sure that they got do whatever they need to do to make sure they neighborhoods or to care of or whatever companies whatever we're the only race that do that and I got one more story uh about the race uh I heard a [ __ ] was talking he was saying about prison stories how when the white boy come into prison he was like this the problem with black people white boy come into prison the ER C going to run up on hey you good what you need got come need to eat this that come with us you need to Bo cigarette whatever they don't want nothing back from the dude they just looking out essays D come through they hey need to eat comary what you need cigarette what you need our people soon come through they mean M checking you out trying to get commentary from you [ __ ] call your people tell them whatever and he said he he realize that's why he couldn't trust black people this a a Mexican dude talking he said [ __ ] sit back and tell him like look how they act yeah you can't trust that they don't even care about CU we run around trying to survive we ain't living m so and then like you know we get in conversation we bring up our elders and who fought for this and who fought for that our elders are disgusted with us if they could talk to us I guarantee you the Malcolm X's the Martin Luther Kings the the people who had to sit at the back of the [ __ ] Rosa part sit at the front of the bus so you can sit at the front of the bus but I rode the bus as a child bro I'm personally sit either in the middle or the front because Rosa Parts had fault for that but most [ __ ] go immediately to the bay and they pan fair to like you you think that's systematically program that we like going to the back yeah yeah yeah because they showed you what happened to Rosa Parks and other people who sit in the front but more than they show you the outcome of her sitting in the front [ __ ] just like just like them Israelites had to get up and get out of Egypt you [ __ ] on going to have to get up and get out of Egypt [ __ ] the land of milk and honey bro we had milk and honey we just had instead of having milk and honey we had the cow and bees and we looked at them with the milk and honey and ask man how y'all get man fact just give us the milk and honey we don't care about the cows we don't care about the bees but you need the C Lord forgive you need the cow right you need the cow to get the milk and you need to be for the honey we just want quick milk and honey we left the resources we left we left the we Ed they we used their [ __ ] and left our resources no we the Israelites before coming out of Egypt they grabb the cattle they grab this they grab that whatever the Lord told them to take with them they grabbed it what I'm telling y'all is the land of milk and honey they had cows cattle there go your milk milk and honey don't mean that this land was made out of milk and honey milk and honey is a metal for to say [ __ ] this is where you got peace and weal this where you start to become independent this where you start becoming your own people now yeah and you get tricked sh my [ __ ] do I'm on that paper [ __ ] I told that [ __ ] you really love me big go take this trip W this [ __ ] up and send it back and put it on that yeah they didn't say a word all they did is SW pop out on that Cur that's what I heard started with a my brother he didn't got them Birds you say you got that body type of [ __ ] I never heard [ __ ] a [ __ ] [ __ ] who the [ __ ] you scar [ __ ] yeah

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