up short tonight but what an effort that he provided it's the first loss of his career I have no doubt he will absolutely bounce back Brooklyn and also Puerto Rico should be very proud of him for how hard he fought at this level ladies and Gentlemen please give a round of applause to Edgar berlanga and his entire team Edgar came out and fought courageously and really showed to the world that he certainly belongs at this extremely high worldclass level uh Edgar you know we are about an hour moov from the fight so how was the experience like what's going through your mind I know you're disappointed having that o taken away but still you came out and fought your hardest tonight um first and foremost I want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ you know for this opportunity you know I went in there with a legend today man um you know we came up short obviously you know I'm a winner at heart man so you know I'm a little down but you know I know I won the world after this performance you know I got dropped in the third round I came back and you know fought a hard fight you know I fought a legend man so a guy like me right you know the whole world was against me right and um I was probably like zero to 100 you know like one to 100 and on the odds right and just facing a legend man is something different you know it's uh it's a blessing too to be to share the ring with him um but I'm excited you know I I finally got got my feet we at the highest highest level at a pinnacle of boxing you know and I feel like you know I handled I handled it well you know we sold the fight great and we fought a a great fight you know we gave the fans what they wanted to see you know war and you know that's what Mexicans and Puerto Ricans do you know when they go in the ring and share the ring together questions for Edgar berlanga from the media questions straight back Edgar Dan rafield here heck of a performance even in a loss I wonder if you uh take solace in the fact that you were able to go the distance with him in a fight that so many people thought that you were going to be knocked out in the early part of the fight um yeah you know like I said before man you know the whole world was against me you know and I was saying it in interviews you know nobody believed in me um you know I felt like I had probably like 20% of the world you know maybe 10% of the world that believed in me you know they thought I was going to probably get knocked out in two three rounds you know but it was a great fight man I know you know that uh it was going to be a great fight at the end of the day man you know um I'm a warrior and uh like I said before you know I was I was calling this guy for four years you know and like I said man he's a legend you know he fought Floyd Mayweather when he was young and look who he became after that loss you know so I gained a lot of experience man being in the ring with him you know he's a great Fighter um you know but I know that he knows that I'm I'm I'm the future legend of the sport so to follow up on that briefly do you feel like that even though this was not a win for you that's similar to what happened with Canelo and losing to Floyd like you mentioned that this will help you in the future that you're be confident that you're to be taken seriously that you'll be able to hang with the other top Super middleweights out there after going 12 rounds and taking the best one of the best fighters of all time yeah man um definitely I put the whole 168 pound division on notice um I know that they know that I'm coming to fight and listen you know facing a guy like Canelo right he he's the he's the man he's the he's the top dog at 168 you know there's no bigger than him you know at the 68 division he's a Floyd Mayweather he's a Manny Pacquiao he's that type of guy you know when you fight him it's like a concert you know and I feel like I handled it I handled it very very well you know um I gave my part you know people laugh right cuz but for real for real right he's a guy that I looked up to growing up man you know and obviously I didn't want to tell him that you know I didn't want to tell him yo you like you Idol to me you know I didn't want to say that because it's like damn I'm about to fight this dude but uh he's some that we always studied that we always looked up to and I wanted to fight him I'm like damn I want to fight my idol but I never I never told him you know I never told the media I never told nobody you know because I felt like people would have really thought that I was going to go out there and just take a knee or something just to get the opportunity to fight my idol you know but I told him after the fight I said you somebody that we look up to you know um for many years and you know it's a blessing man to be here you know I'm not going to lie this is crazy you know 22,000 sold out you know it's it's a blessing questions for Edgar bringo hey right here Edgar Miguel MAV fight news first of all Edgar congratulations on this fight do you feel you're a player now at 168 after this performance um I truly right you know right now I'm a winner right so we you know I got defeated today so you know 50% of me is down and 50% of me feels okay but um you know between my father you know one of the Legends right here memo my coach Eddie Hearns and uh Keith is telling me that you know I shocked the world and you know right now you know I'm a superstar in the 168 division you know I handled everything well man you know I went in there with a legend and I shocked the world you know um people thought that I was going to probably get knocked out early and I went in there and did what I had to do you know we didn't come out with the victory but hey it is what it is you know it's it's just another steeper s to Greatness I go right here congratulations on great performance you fought the best fighter in the world you you fought the best fighter in the world congratulations on that performance um you took his best shots you even got up when you got knocked down in the third round can you rate canelo's Alvarez power how hard does he hit from everybody that you fought or ever sparred um I'll say he is the hardest for sure um one of the fighters that hit very hard was uh Angulo you know he's a Cuban guy and he punched very hard too so I'll say both of them are like the same but you know with Canelo I was just mentally ready for his shots you know I already told myself I know I'm going get hit I know I'm going get hit on my chin but it's you know I got to bite down on my mouthpiece and push you know and look what happened in the third round I got hit with a left hook i d we'd be practicing and Camp the whole time you know keeping my right hand to to my chin and I wound up just moving and he connected right on my chin and you see how I punched my glove you know that's like a thing for me when I you know my last time when I got dropped I was punching my gloves cuz I'm like damn I got hit with a with a shot I'm not supposed to be on the floor but uh you know it comes to boxing you know um the grace done got dropped you know got hurt but it's about how you come back and and respond I had a quick question for Eddie Hearn and you've watched Canelo destroy so many other guys how proud are you of Edgar and the way that he hung in there through this fight yeah so proud because he's never boxed anywhere near that level before and and you know one of the things that we probably wanted and needed was that fight between where he's been fighting those levels and Canelo Alvarez and it was such a huge jump that the worry is is that you're out of your depth but he never really looked out of his depth in there you know we got beat and we got got beat well by a legend but it was always competitive the rounds and I think more importantly it was the way that he handled the week the way that he handled the dressing room the way that he handled the ring walk the crowd but for me one of the most pleasing things was the the the boxes that he ticked you know an impregnable chin that took every shot in the artillery of Canelo Alvarez and to be honest like the knockdown was an incredible left hook it was kind of like a flash knockdown but it was never really hurt in the entire fight and even when he got dropped he came back he was firing back and people loved it I think his um ring IQ which we knew was better than people anticipated was good and frustrated Canelo Alvarez at times but you know I said to him after and he's disappointed he should be because he's a winner and he lost but ultimately when he drops back down a level which is just what you do because Canelo Alvarez level is so high he's going to really start to understand the experience that he gained tonight and like he said about Canelo Alvarez fighting Floyd Mayweather at a young age that's what he's done he stepped up to a whole new level and got a wonderful experience tonight you know I said to him earlier he's he secured his entire life and his family's life forever at such a young age and it's just the beginning because right now I think you have to say that he's probably the number one name in the division outside of Canelo Alvarez you know and and there's huge fights out there for him you know next year hay mongia Caleb plant Charlo PCO our Young Gun coming through but he's right now the man in the division as far as I'm concerned and I'm very proud of that performance I think he deserves a huge amount of credit and and just to follow up real quick you've worked with Canelo so closely uh on the heels of this Triumph is it makees more sense for him to fight a lighter guy like Crawford or to try to go up for the glory of Beal beer be winner or benovitz yeah I mean look canelo's going to do whatever Canelo wants to do he's earned the right to do that you know if bivo wins in a couple of weeks he could have a shot at him for the Undisputed championship at 175 Crawford was there tonight chasing the fight and uh you know he's earned the right to do whatever he wants hey Caleb what's going on man niji from cigar talk um first of all congratulations you know even in this loss your stock has gone up I think you know you've gained a bit more respect for this fight um Caleb plant was up here before you and one of the questions was asked you know how he would fight you next and you know if that was something he wants he made it clear that um he wants to fight you so I just want to know um what do you think about that fight I think that fight is possible you know but I just finished fighting one of the greatest Fighters right now in our era you know so I'm not really focused on on Caleb you know I got to go back take time off my family and then when I head back in the gym you know call up Eddie call manager hit up coach hit up my dad and we see who's on on next on the line one more make uh AAR you want to translate or you want me to translate uh okay um okay when and the question was about what's the biggest lesson that edar took from this fight and edar was saying that the biggest lesson that he took was the experience from Canelo and what it takes to face someone like that and also he talked about a wanting to be the next Superstar from Puerto Rico and this is the kind of challenge that he needs in order to reach that leveled um so what what did uh what was the most complicated part of facing Canelo and also was Canelo the best opponent you've ever had um I think I I was I think besides Floyd Mayweather and and bivo you know I think I was one of the best opponents for for sure you know I'm definitely show a lot of you know IQ in there um but you know he has a lot of experience you know I'm remember there usually the guys their first title shot they get for one belt you know I could have been fighting for the Undisputed my first title shot against a legend you know so you know I'm going up somebody that's been there over 20 30 times you know at this level and this was my first time you know so I can't really be too hard on myself you know because right now I feel a little you know I feel a little down I'm not going to lie um you know I got defeated but hey you know I feel like we won the fans for sure edar hell of a fight champ you did amazing tonight you showed a lot of heart uh one thing I seen from watching from outside obviously was you were in tremendous condition you took you took hell of a shots you got down you got back up and you fought the rest of the fight fought your hot out came back hard after uh every every every exchange he was coming back hard with with fire what do you attribute that to uh how how were you able to uh keep coming as hard as you did pause um you know I I think this is I know that there's more in the tank with me you know this is a big big experience for me you know a lot of a lot of guys man you know fold under this type of pressure you know like what Canelo said he said oh it's different with me in there you know like the fans you know and being in his territory and coming to the West Coast you know it sucks energy out of Fighters you know it makes Fighters feel weak you know then you you look across the ring and it's like damn I'm finding Canelo Alvarez I'm finding a legend you know so these guys become a different type of fighter with the lights you know with me I feel like I came I came to fight you know I showed the fans that you know what they wanted to see you know we didn't come out with the victory but you know we got the victory you know um I know after this you know it's a big experience for me it was amazing show you know the buildup was amazing you know building up this fight um I'm ready for it all man I'm ready for the big lights I'm ready to sell out another Stadium you know I I know now after this I know I could do it myself you know Puerto Rican Day weekend or we could take it back to Puerto Rico ni shout out in Arena over there how's it going Edgar uh Brendon Taylor here true School sports um coming into the fight there was a lot of talk about you know IQ you know and and your and smarts and intelligence um I wanted to ask you what did you learn about yourself in those 12 rounds with Canelo Alvarez and what about canelo's skills what in canelo's skill set makes him so hard to figure out when you're in the ring with him um I just felt like you know I was pouring too much you know I could have threw more combinations there was a lot of stuff that I should have did you know when I go back into tape on my team I'm I know I'm going to be disappointed in a lot of things you know cuz it was a lot of stuff that I know I could have probably like pushed more on him and push him back and you know break his will but um you know he's a legend man you know so he you know he's going to weather the storm you know and I feel like I weather the storm very well you know I took his best shot came back and every time he hit me I hit him right back you know so you know it was a five fight Egger right here in the front Marcus Hayes fight Hub TV uh you and I interviewed after mongia and Canelo in the MGM Grand in front of about probably 800 people in the lobby it was packed um you told me something in that interview you said that if I get the canel Alvarez fight I'm not going out like everybody else did I'm going to I'm going to represent myself how do you feel when you watch The Arc of the fight and you heard the fans you heard everybody kind of changing over people were cheering for you people were really showing you a lot of respect after all the disrespect that you received how's that make you feel um I feel excited man you know um I'm glad that you know I I finally won the world the boxing world you know people was doubting me you know even my country you know Puerto Rico and they went yesterday you know how much people was like disrespecting me from from my Island you know when I sweep Blood and Tears for the for my Island you know Puerto Rico and then all of a sudden today it was like the whole island was like rooting for me you know everybody was like showing me love and I seen it I was said damn like you know God is good man um and then after this performance I know you know Sky's a limit like I know after this a superstar status for real you know I experienced the top of the Pinnacle of boxing you know I fought a legend I did everything I had to do What fighters should do when they get at that level you know like when Floyd May with the four Pacquiao it was that type of Fight You know I got friends that was in that from the York and it was like yo we trying to go watch the fight in different clubs and everything is is sold out and I that made me feel good I was like and this was today right before the fight they was like yo we trying to watch the fight we can't watch the fight nowhere in New York everywhere is sold out every bar every Club everywhere in New York you try to go watch that this fight it sold out and I felt good you know cuz like I said before you know it could be 50% people that hate me and 50% people that love me but they still going to watch and you know like I always say man I love my haters you know they push me the greatness this question is for uh Eddie Hearn and Keith connley I wanted to ask because one of the young guys linked to Edgar was uh Diego peo is is there a possibility that fight could happen in the near future yeah I mean firstly as edar said he just just finished his fight so his job is to relax now with his family and then our job with with Keith is to plan the future you know um of course Diego is a young Fighter coming through but edar just fought Canelo Alvarez on a on a huge stage and his stock really Rose tonight so I think the guys like Diego are definitely chasing edar Banger and they should be you know all all young Fighters should be now chasing people like edar banga he's been chasing people for a while but I see him as one of the top top guys at 168 now not just as a fighter but commercial as well and like he said you know he's always done big numbers you know when we went to the Garden he did a great gate and that only going to increase tonight so yeah I think you know that's a potential fight down the line but me and Keith now will plot The Comeback and I'm really excited you know almost feel like it's like a new signing because we knew he was a big star before but now I feel like we've got one of the biggest stars in the division and I think the comeback Trail and the comeback plan is going to be really really fun first of all Edgar super proud of you tremendous fight tremendous effort I think first of all he proved all the haters wrong as he said he won the world tonight even though he didn't win the fight uh as far as going forward I think like Edy said we'll sit down I think the smart thing to do would be a homecoming in either New York or Puerto Rico uh get his legs back underneath him get him another win and then Target guys like mongia Charlo Caleb planton if the Diego PCO fight makes sense we can do that fight as well but there's probably at least three four or five fights that are huge for Edgar in the next couple years here edar for um can you tell us just um how uh if you were hurt really bad on that third round and also what you saw in the 10th round when Canelo seemed like to go to his corner and then you almost caught him um no it was like a flash knock down you know he caught me and when I hit the floor that's why I got upset and I started hitting my glove cuz you know when I if I hit the floor I'm not I'm not I know I'm not supposed to be there so it was more of a flash knockdown I felt the shot but I wasn't hurt you know I HED it well um I took his best shot and you know I feel like I gave my best shot to him as well uh so before the fight there was an intense war of work which started at the Los Angeles press conference continued throughout five week uh what did that mean to you for me you know it's um it's a part of the sport you know it's nothing personal um you know we humble you know I come from a humble family from humble beginnings you know but uh you know this is a fight you know so we got to sell we got a solid fight and you know at the end of the day once the fight is signed there's no there's no respect you know as for you know at that level between me and him you know so that's all it was it was nothing personal with him um you seen in the ring I was still talking talking to him and telling him stuff you know when he was hitting me I was telling him to keep hitting me keep hitting me I was trying to do like a Roba do Muhammad Ali then you know on Geor George Foreman I was telling like come on keep hitting me come on you can't hit me come on I don't hurt that don't hurt come on again you know to take his back shot to try to get him tired Edgar final comments say you conclude what has been a tremendous fight week here in Las Vegas the place was rock and you and Canelo Alvarez treated fans around the world to a sensational World Championship prize fight the floor is yours edar um you know first and foremost I want to thank everybody here all my fans that came out you know the Mexicans the Puerto Ricans that show love you know um it was a big big event for us you know there's a big event in Las Vegas you know we was up against UFC and I feel like we you know we shut them down with this event um so you know God is great I want to thank memo right here you know my my personal trainer you know he's a beast right here you know he's a legend I don't to thank my brother Johnny my brother R you know and my whole team you know my dad Eddie Hearns Keith Conley Mark for right Ray for right and the whole Squad you know uh it was a long Camp it was a difficult Camp because you know we find a legend so it was a lot of it was a lot of hard stuff going on in the gym mentally you know my coach is on me mentally but it's fight heavy you know because we knew who we was up against we was up against a legend you know so I couldn't fight how I fought all my other fights you know I had to step it up a notch mentally it wasn't really about nothing physical it was all the mental you know when they say boxing is is 90% mental 10% physical people don't really understand that but it's really that man everything is is mental with the sport you know obviously I got hit with a big shot in the third round and I shook it off like nothing you know that's that's the mental that don't got nothing to do with me physically you know my mental wasn't right I probably would have stood down there and just take a knee and just call off the fight let me get a paycheck you know but nah you know obviously I showed the world that we not here for a paycheck you know I'm really here to shock the world and just you know become a superstar and become the face of boxing you know this is this is this don't end here man you know I'm I'm on the greatness you know I can't wait to get back in the gym I want to do another Main Event probably in New York madis Square Garden or Puerto Rico at the chy sale and just you know take over boxing man you know Canelo he you know he's he's already getting out the door you know and I want to be that face at 168 well Edgar we wish you all the best of luck a round of applause to Edgar berlanga ladies and gentlemen what an effort here tonight and wishing him all the best of luck looking forward to seeing him back in the near future

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