St Andrews & Hope Virtual Worship 2024 08 25 Pentecost 14

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 01:06:45 Category: People & Blogs

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good morning welcome to those late summer Services where attendance is all over the place it's good that after 33 years of ministry one doesn't when you have low numbers this time of year anyway I um have some announcements please join us for coffee after the service everyone is welcome next Sunday I am on vacation actually for two weeks and so Andrew Havis is going to be speaking apparently he told everyone except his parents actually probably didn't even tell anyway probably not probably not anyway Andrew's here and then the following week is Brian a we haven't had Brian for a while so um we might be here for one of those and then we're going to go hang out with our John or one of the other ones so we're still discussing which is which thank you for all your prayers and support for the summer camps the summer camps I think went very well though next year I'm getting my C Zone shot not tomorrow the two days after c 3 days after Camp I'm going to get it beforeand so Brian is next week worship committee yes worship committee I get back to work on the nth and guess what 1:30 worship committee here at the church hey on the 11th there's an official board meeting and I have to know Carol's off board meeting will also be the 10th isn't that fun there will be communion on the on the 15th and there will be a hand meeting on Wednesday the 18th at 700 p.m. time to evaluate the summer and do some additional planning for next year September 22nd is the Carol's 153rd anniversary service and I have been told who their anniversary speaker is but it's not functioning in my brain right right now so I can't tell you so if you're thinking this is going to be a fire and brimstone message this is going to be a reflective worship service from a tired Reverend Jim I had to finish getting ready a little bit after the 12 Camp con last night on invitation to the outdoor service this was a final night and it is the chapel a tonight so if you like the gospel music it is tonight in Petro Oh I pushed you hard right don't tell West but he's turning 50 those of you who know West on the 31st it's at the picnic shelter behind the arena and it says no gifts but donations to LCS are accepted and West comes FR County development service yeah so the people that help support group home and so LC CDs they lots of friend Pi he used to attend here and um and West comes a friendship Club every week doesn't he so um yeah don't don't uh avoid West's party I'm sure it will be fun I believe that's all of the announcements at this point are there any other announcements that need to be made and let us remain seated As we sing Our call to worship we have come to join In [Music] Worship We join In Worship singing Praise to Christ the lord praying God you speak his mighty word let us worship as the spirit of the Holy One PR PR that all God blessing will be sh all and at this time we're going to light Christ to remind us Jesus Christ while he may not be visible to our physical eyes is here listening to our praises and our prayer requests yes let's go to God In Prayer our loving God As We Gather here to again hear stories of your provision and blessings that we might grow in our trust in you and have the courage to stay faithful even in unpopular times or when some people might be targeting us as we look at the story of Daniel who overcame not just the Lions then but the jealous advisors who were trying to take him out help us to learn to count our blessings help us to recognize that you are there to bless and help us and we thank you for the concert last night with the Lois pepper vocal camp for Coral camp we thank you for for all the effort and energy that went into it we thank you for Elizabeth coming in at the last minute to take the place of Nixon uh with some health issues and we also thank you God for the good summer camps this summer and for the growth that all happened with the staff we thank you for Maya recovering that seems very well from her uh from her uh buing her head playing one of the games and we also thank you for Matthew Havis getting accepted into this London Police Services kadc Program we pray a blessing upon him as he trains and learns and we have we know and ask that you would bless him that he could be a great public servant in the future meanwhile Lord we thank you as we thank you for all these blessings we also ask that you would forgive us for the times we don't recognize your blessed heal those times when we don't look for your support and so kind of compromise our faith or or hold back from living out as your disciples forgive us for this sin or for any other shortcomings that might come to mind Lord here our silent prayers and confession forgiving God we thank you for your grace and forgiveness May the power that raised Jesus from the dead and save Daniel from the Lion's stand help us to grow in holy lot living we ask this in jesus' name amen our opening himym of Praise Is by faith looks up to thee [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] by to thee th lamb of C [Applause] saor div now here while pray take all one heal away say behold heart to my heart heing as thou died for me oh my love me you be our and sprad we God in darkness day white sorrow tears away no let me ever St from the [Music] my When Death full is free sh GL be r the Savior all here and his oh there save and so let's GRE and meet each other and pass the Peace of Christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] be with you be [Music] this time Wayne is going to come and sing for us as if he hasn't done enough singing all it's usually to my right are in one choir and to my left in the other choir so I'm going to sit over here as you Le Us in worship [Music] I feel the touch of hands of kind and tender there Le me the P that I must strong I have no fear when Jesus walks beside me oh I shall the arms of God so let the Stars reach the Dark Cloud rise they won't worry me for I'm Shel s within the arms of go he walks with me and not of can harm me for I [Music] sh the of God soon I shall he to fall from heav foral come home my child it's the last you a false and waake in God's new heaven shelter s within the arms of [Music] R out the dark CL they where we need more of shall s [Music] within he walks with me and all of she har me for I shall In The Arms Of God he walk with me and all of Earth shall me for I shall the arm of [Music] God thank you so much Wayne and as Wayne has shared his gift with us of Music at this time we are going to sing our offertory as our offerings are brought forward so let us stand and sing together oh bless theft our man and bless the word our hearts and is the will of God the rest of God is in your hand [Music] let us pray Lord we thank you for the blessings you have given us as we give back to you just a portion of the time the talents and the treasures you've given take them take us and use us for the growing of your kingdom as like Daniel we might be able to be and bear witness to your reality and the better that and that it is better to live as your people [Applause] [Music] amen it is now Story Time and so I want us to look at the hero of Daniel now everybody knows about Daniel so what is d famous for folks gel the lies then now the tricky part why did he end up in Lion stand in the first place because he prayed cuz he prayed yeah why would prayer get you in Alliance then well let's find out you see Daniel had earned great respect by the king King King Darius of the mes and the Persians and King Darius decided that he was going to make Daniel in charge of all the rest of the administrators prime minister over the entire Kingdom this did not go over so well with who the other administrators who didn't like the Daniel was going to be their best their their their supervisor so they decided to see if Daniel had ever done anything crooked in his government John John you guys are in political office there's all these people looking out get you right right right on yeah no but it's true listen we all know it and that's why your willingness to serve is should be honored in my humble opinion CU that even happened back in these days but guess what they couldn't find anything that made them even more angry and so they decided that and this is what the Bible reads we'll never find any basis for charges against this man Daniel unless it has something to do with his law are the law is God so they went to the king sorry they went to the came with a suggestion we want you to make a law that nobody for the next 30 days can pray to any person or any God except you King dar now appar apparently King Darius had a little bit of an ego because darus agreed to this and then word was out if they didn't if they did pray to some other God or person they'd be throwing the LI at so what did Daniel do he went home opened the windows towards Jerusalem and prayed three times day just like he always did only this time the people saw him doing it and they brought him before King daras and they accused him saying Daniel the Exile from Judah pays no attention to you or your decree you put into writing he still prays three times a day now when the king who wanted him to be his prime minister heard this well this was not what he was expecting or wanting he was greatly distressed and he was determined to rescue Daniel but as much as he tried to find a loophole in the law all the other advisors kept reminding him the rules can't be changed so by sundown King was [Applause] sad and he sent Daniel into the lion stand but as he sent them these are the words he said to Daniel may your God whom you serve continually rescue you and then the king returned to the palace for a sleepless night and he waited and he waited and as soon as the sun rose even a little bit the very first light of dawn the king hurried out and called out Daniel Daniel servant of the Living God has your God whom you serve continually been able to rescue you from his lions and this is what he heard back my God sent an angel to shut the mouths of the Lions they have not hurt me because I was innocent in his sight that King was overjoyed Jo at this news now he was overjoy Daniel how did he feel about the other advisors that's where the other advisors went into the lion's den the story says there is very different than Daniels now why am I telling you the story there are going to be people who misrepresent us there are going to be people who attack us sometimes because of our faith sometimes because of some other things how should we [Applause] react I'm going to suggest that Daniel knew where the source of his character and good character came from and it was God and he just kept on praying being faithful to God because it was being faithful to God that God was faithful to him that he would live the life and be offered the the position of prime minister and so he didn't change he wasn't going to let other people control him and doing what he believed was right what he believed God wanted him to do and so he just continue and then you trust in God and I think the point of the story is if we honor God God has a habit of honoring us now does that mean he's going to rescue us exactly as we want I don't know about you but every time I think God should do this it never happens something else happens often better often different but God does something different so let's pray if you could repeat after me dear God dear God has Daniel trusted you Daniel Tred even when people tried to track him even when people tried to tr him help us to find the courage us find the courage to trust in you trust in you when we face big troubles and look for your deliverance look for your deliverance amen and let's say the Lord's Prayer together Our Father Who Art in Heaven hallow be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but Deliver Us from Evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever amen we're going to sing a song about how great is our God and you've done this before but Lord you want to just C the CU that's the tricky part okay oh yeah [Music] theend of King mesty let all Earth rej all the Earth re he himself in and [Applause] darkness High [Applause] his PR say me I pr is our God and PR How Great Is Our [Applause] God W to W be stand and time is in his beginning again beginning again the [Applause] [Music] God our s me how great our God and all see [Music] how PR Our God how PR Our God PR is our God and all see our prise God how great our God sing me our great is our God and all will see how great how great our and now we're going to invite your we to come and meet us in our spiritual [Music] readings so our scripture reading today we start off with Hebrews 11 32-33 it's found on 1263 of the PE Bibles so we've been hearing the writer tells the story or comment on Abraham and Joseph and Moses and he continues on by [Music] saying and what more shall I say I do not have time to tell about Gideon Barrett Samson ja David Samuel and the prophets who through faith conquered kingdoms and AD Minister J gain what was promised who um who shut the MTH of yeah who shut the M of lions then we're going to switch over to Daniel to find out to read the story of Daniel So Daniel in the den of lions this is chapter 6 1-24 so it plead darus pleas darus to appoint 120 SATs to rule throughout the kingdom with three administrators over them one of whom was Daniel the satrs were made accountable to them so that the king might not suffer lost now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators in sat by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole Kingdom at this the administrator and satat tried to find grounds for charges against Daniel in his conduct of government and Affairs but they were unable to do so they could find no corruption in him because he was trustworthy and and neither corrupt or NE finally these men said we will never find basis for charges against this man Daniel this man Daniel unless it was something to do with the law of his God so the administrators and the satra Went to went as a to the king and said oh King darus Live Forever The Royal administrators reflex SATs advisers and governors have all agreed that the king should issue an evit and enforce the degree that anyone who prays to any any God or man during the next 30 days except to you oh King shall be thrown into the lion's de now Cain issued that decree and put it in writing so that it cannot be altered in accordance with the laws of the meats and pures which cannot be repealed so King Dar put the degree in writing now when Daniel learned that this decree had been published he he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened towards Jerusalem three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed giving thanks to his this his God just as he had done before then these men went as a group and found Daniel praying and asking God for help so then they went to the king and spoke to him about his Royal Decree did you publish a decree that during the next 30 days anyone who prays to any God or man except to you oh king would be thrown into the lion's stand the king answered the the gree stands in accordance with the laws of the mes and the Persians which cannot be repealed then they said to the King Daniel who is one of the Exiles from Judah pays no attention to you okay or to the decree decree that you put him right he still pray three times a day when when the king heard this he was greatly distressed and he was determined to rescue Daniel and made every effort until sundown to save him then the men went as a group to the king and said to him remember O King and according to the law of the me means and the pers no decree no decree or e e that the king issues can be changed so the king gave the order and he brought Daniel and threw him into the lion's T the king said to Daniel may your God whom you serve come continually rescue you a stone was brought and placed over the mouth of the dead and the King sealed it with his own signate ring and let the rings of his Nobles so that Daniel's situation might not be changed then the king returned to the his Palace and spent the night without eating and without any entertainment being brought to him he could not sleep at the first light of dawn the king got up and hurried to the lion stand when he came near the den he called to Daniel in an anglish voice Daniel servant of the Living God has your God whom you serve continually been able to rescue you from the Lions and Daniel answered oh King live forever oh King live forever my God sent his Angel and he shut the mouths of the Lions they have not hurt me because I was found innocent in his sight nor have I ever done any wrong for you King King was over joy and gave orders to lift Daniel out of the den and when Daniel was lifted from the den no wound was found on him because he had trusted in his God at the King's Command The Men Who had falsely accused Daniel were brought in and thrown into the lion stand along with their wives and their children and before they they reached the floor of the den the Lions overpowered them and crushed all of their bones so the next reading the responsive reading is from Psalms 118 uh verses 9 [Music] to4 it is better to take refuge in the Lord then to trust in his in princess all the nations surrounded me but the I them off they surrounded me on every side with the name of the Lord I cut them off they swarm around me like but they died out as quickly as burning thorns in the name of the Lord [Applause] I I was pushed back and about to talk the Lord help me the Lord is my strength and my S he has become my [Music] salvation he is Lord he is he is risen from the dead he is every KN shall bow confess that Jesus Christ [Music] is thank you B for reading for Maryland today and uh you can tell you got an extra long one but it's a cool story let us pray Lord as we look into the scriptures again today continue to teach us that we might grow as your people give us wisdom on how we might live and respond when people try to attack us even as Daniel was attacked onen so as noted today's hero is Daniel and he's famous from the Lim but the story is really about overcoming character assassination you see Daniel was doing such a great job working for King Darius he was about to become his prime minister in charge of all the other advisors just like Joseph when he was in Egypt except this time out of jealousy the administrators and satrs tried to find grounds to get charges against against Daniel but they couldn't find any negligence or any misbehavior and so they decided it was only in something to do with the of his God would they ever be able to trap him and so they went to the king and said make God nobody can pray to anybody but you for the next 30 days or be thrown in to the Lion's Den this was a specially designed law to trap Daniel to get him eaten by lions because of their jealousy this shows two things one the horror of jealousy and envy and how destructive it is but it also shows us how maybe how we might react when people are hosle to us there was a bit of a controversy during the opening of the Olympics with the uh Last Supper uh Grand Queen Last Supper instead of having Jesus the the The God Who came to lay down his life for us as a meal the last they decided to have dionis now as anyone knows anything about Greek mythology dionis was the god of wine and rry and Madness and pleasure and doing Jolly well whatever you wanted and personally I've been trying to figure out what would be the most responsible response to this because on one hand why would you expect a secular world to Value what we value as Christians so maybe getting angry is not a good answer and lashing out and hostility is probably not a good idea at the same time it seems really jarring and odd I noticed this at the time because I was thinking to myself huh this doesn't exactly fit with Olympic ideals does it I mean if the Olympics are all about not having any particular uh Creed or culture but bringing everybody together to be inclusive insulting you know roughly a little over a billion members of the entire world and their religion might not be inclusive at the same time diones you know pleasure and comfort and ease how's that fit with the Olympics nobody who ever followed diones ever came anywhere close to becoming an Olympic Olympic athlete that takes discipline and focus and attention so what's going on how should we react I think Daniel the whole story of Daniel starting back at chapter one gives us a good example did you know that Daniel and his three friends Shadrach mesach Ando from the fiery furnace story when they first got carried off into Babylon as slaves to come and to work in the king's court they were being given food that the king ate because this was supposed to be the best food what are the chances that Nebuchadnezzar was going to eat kosher food pretty low so The Story Goes Daniel was resolved not to defile himself with the food and wine and he asked the chief official permission not to defile himself in this way now God caused the offal to show favor towards Daniel and capacity but the official told Daniel I'm afraid my Lord the King has assigned you your food and drink if you look worse than the other young men after eating your food of only vegetables and water I might lose my habit so what did Daniel do let's do a scientific experiment for 10 days we will eat vegetables and [Applause] water and the rest can eat the fancy food for the king and if at the end of those 10 days they look healthier and better nourished than if we look healthier and better nourished than the than the rest we'll keep using our food and if not well it's up to you well I guess we'll have to eat the other food so they did it for 10 days and how did it turn out well guess who was healthier and better off Daniel and Shadrach mesach and abedo rather than having a fight and an argument when people mock us or criticize us or or or something that we believe rather than getting angry or bitter we should ask for permission to Let's test this out let's figure this out let's try something I'm going to let you know the secret I knew this from this story growing up how many people you have ever been in a board meeting with me and said and you heard me say something like I wonder if this might be something effective why don't we try a pilot project for a little while and see what happens you've been at board meetings with me I've said that more than once or twice and it came from this but it has to come from an honest attempt to go let's see if this works and if it does it does if it doesn't it doesn't and we follow what is true and right and good and so how do we respond to this I think the best response is do you think this is really inclusive do you think that celebrating Comfort ease and gluty is going to fit with the Olympics folks maybe we should do something different again correct to have a different opinion but let's think this through and demonstrate and show and tell the world that God's truth is more fruitful now we' already noted Daniel was busy showing and telling the Babylonians and then when the Persians and Lees took over King darus the God's fruitful truth that's why he was getting chosen to be put in charge of any everything as the Prime Minister because Darius was that impressed with Daniel then the jealousy came in now how do we respond to this well what did Daniel do if you're being told you can't pray did he go home close the windows and just keep on doing what he was doing H in a hidden way he left the windows open he kept doing that is that because he was arrogant and obnoxious I don't think so I think it's because he understood that his purpose was to show and tell the world that the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is the true and living God here go back to the calling of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and the chosen people listen closely what was the purp purpose of their calling they were they chosen because they were better than everybody else just in case you're wondering the answer is no they were chosen to be a light to the Nations do you remember as Christians we are called in the Great Commission to Bear witness to God and and where does that idea come from it comes from Genesis 1 we as human beings unlike the other animals are made in the image of God we are to reflect God and his ways and his characters in this world Daniel understood that regardless of the effects he was the be the person God created and called him to be and by praying and staying connected with God that was what enabled him to be the person of character that he was and he didn't want to just hide that he did not want to lie he wanted to let everyone know hey this is the better way to live but not an argument just a demonstration now this guy was in trouble he got caught cuz he was set up what's interesting is what Daniel and what the king Darius did next king darus says to Daniel as he's about to throw him in the Lion's thing may your God whom you serve continually rescue you when we've done everything else we can to avoid getting into trouble without compromising our faith we should just pray giving ourselves over and our future into God's hands and see what happens in this story after the king had a sleepless night of worrying about his friend Daniel he runs out and says Daniel did God save you and the answer is yes I don't believe it's an accident that Daniel was saved by the Lord God in order to be even a better witness to the Persian people and The King The King was overjoyed lifted them out of the D Lion's de and then what happened to the people that lied to came said Daniel they got to go in do you know what happens after this King darus makes a decree his decree reads like this every part of my kingdom the people must fear and Revere the god of Daniel for he is the Living God he endures forever his kingdom will not be destroyed his Dominion will never end he rescues and he saves we go to Coral camp we put on some pretty amazing songs in a very short time now Wayne you're there when we're learning our music do we make mistakes oh yeah do those mistakes get pointed out to Us by just about all of our conductors all the time all the time we do not want you to sing River sounds like a growling bear I want River why well it sounds Goofy on our own when you sing it in the chir it makes it much more beautiful now listen go back to the story Why did the King gets stuck having to throw his friend into blind day the laws of the needs and the Persians can never be changed you can never admit you made a mistake what happens when you can never admit you've made a mistake what happens when we admit we made a mistake and we can change and Learn and Grow from it do you see how the Gospel of Jesus Christ the ability to admit our mistakes and be changed brings life and this abil and this rule that oh I'm never going to make a mistake and I can't admit I've made a mistake the what some people might call cancel culture today is an absolute disaster and will make a mess for everybody folks that's been 33 years of Ministry for me now I know my 34th year Ministry people sometimes call you know your church is a lot smaller than it used to be do do you have confidence in the message you're proclaiming you know what the truth is I have more confidence now today than when I got here 33 years ago because of what I've seen this Gospel of Jesus Christ this living God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob gives life and growth in ways it's hard to ignore if you're paying attention I seen it with the Camp staff and then as the campers turn into Camp staff and then the Camp staff turned into adults and then start you know Kyle help direct the coral camp this week cuz aora had some excuse that she gave birth and had a baby by the way she has a very large baby I call him Desmond the friendly [Music] GI but watching him and Andrew and chrisa there and Julianne and Ryan Lexi was a chapel leader they come up through the program they then become leaders in the way the works to see Gordon brette move from the little boy when he got mad as a camper would climb a tree and you couldn't get him out to the guy gu was in charge of campers and G with a power up in manul Island had to leave early and guess what the campers were devastated they love gon folks when we acknowledge that we can make mistakes be forgiven and learn and grow this Gospel of Jesus Christ on so many levels changes lives I don't know why everybody doesn't believe it and when we see people who mock it I go what's wrong with you people are you blind and then I remember Jesus saying how long will you be blind will you ever be seeing but never perceiving hearing but never understanding and I go oh yeah you just need to calm down and be faithful like Daniel and that's what we're called to do and our world needs this gospel good news today more than I think it's needed in a while and I actually think that especially amongst young people there is an openness to this it hasn't been there for a while as I talked to so let's pray for God to use and bless even us as he used and blessed da oh and by the way if that means we get in trouble sometimes maybe it's not a problem maybe it's an opportunity let's pray Lord Jesus Christ we don't come to you as people have everything figured out we have come to you as people who need your leading who need your forgiveness need your help and need your guidance just like Daniel work in us use us as a congregation and our neighboring churches as places to help people find in you hope and forgiveness and new life because your gospel is good news it does change lives and it doesn't cancel or hate people but helps us all to become that which you created and called us to be work in and through even us we pray to be a light to a dark world that needs in help amen we're going to sing because that's what we do around here and this I think is one of the most Co Su prayers that kind of sums up with Daniel is all about and the message of Jesus let's stand and sing and make [Music] prayer thank you the [Music] appreciat of your where there is a let me bring your love when there is your heart and where there to think in you make me a chel of your peace there SP in life let bring and there is Darkness only and where is never that see so much to be you be understood as you understand to be love as to love all my soul may be a Channel of Your Peace he is imp we are part to all men that we receive in guing that reward to eternal life please be seated as we go to God in a prayer Our loving and gracious God you are our Helper and guide and as you helped and led and blessed Daniel and took a situation where people were trying to wipe him out to not just save Daniel but to convince the king and the rest of the MEO Persian Empire that this God of Daniel you are the Living God who saves and forgives and makes a difference and is living and real lord as we hear about the slights and the insults that were at the Olympic Opening Ceremonies don't make us angry at that teach us how to use that as a a time and a place and a way to have conversations that will help people come to realize you are real and you are good and you bring us fruitfulness Lord you have taught us as well to pray for all of our leaders who have authority over us and so we pray for our nation and its leaders federally provincially and municipally and for those men and women who serve and yes subject them elv the people trying to make attacks at them bless them and give them wisdom and Grace and strength for it is in serving that we become great in your kingdom meanwhile God we pray for other leaders Business Leaders and other leaders in our community that you would give us wisdom on how to live well we thank you God as well for our freedom in Canada and our relative economic wisdom give us wisdom to deal with this current challenging Economic Times meanwhile we pray for our world and we pray for peace to come to it yes in the Middle East yes between Ukraine and Russia because if we don't forgive if we don't learn from our mistakes and we just make decisions and refuse to admit we're wrong it will only only lead to ongoing conflict and pain and loss meanwhile God we think of people who are dealing with health issues we think of Heather who's had a little bit of a skin graft gun and we pray that it would heal well we pray for others who like myself are having sore knees or hips or backs we also keep on praying for Teresa's grandson Tyler Armstrong Cathy sister law Audrey Jenny's cousin Kathy dealing with her brain tumor and so many other people that we've LIF up to recently we continue to pray for the completion of the roof repairs the outside seems to be done Lord but we pray that we would get the inside ceiling sorted out with the insurance company we do thank you God for last week's lowest peeter vocal Camp as a place where we can learn that your Gospel of making mistakes finding for forgiveness changing growing and improving is good news and we thank you for all the people that have gone there as campers and staff who are now turning into leaders and adult Volunteers in particular I thank you for Ryan and Lexi and I pray that you would bless them as they fly to whales tomorrow on this great adventure give Lexi a great year of learning and preparing to be a teacher we pray that you be with Ryan as he works and finds place to uh to earn money while over there and God we also think of West with all the wildfires yes it seems that they're not in the front of the news anymore but yet that clean up is going to take a while so be with it we also pray for your people you and not just our churches of here at Hope and St Andrews but our neighboring churches of charow Inwood and Guthrie and napor and of course the 150th being celebrated of the burns Presbyterian and Faith Trinity over in chatland and all kinds of other neighbors God bless your people help us to be like Daniel to Faithfully live out your ways in a way that will in the long run show and tell the world that you and your ways are good when we do make mistakes and fall short help help us to admit them and change and grow and not be foolish like the mes and the PE Persians who made a rule that couldn't be changed meanwhile God we also pray for uh Nixon McMillan as his wife and pass away his funeral was the Saturday before Coral camp we also pray that you'd be with Nixon as he's ended up in hospital rather than getting to come to attend our concert in person as he was hoping to do make him feel and know how much he is loved and missed and just bless him and Lord even though we've prayed for all kinds of situations there are so many more we could lift to you so in the Silence of this moment we lift you any concerns that we have on our hearts and Minds we thank you God for hearing answer according to your will power and might we ask in Jesus name amen at this time we're going to go from the service and as we go from the service we can go in peace not because of situations are comfortable or easy but we can go in peace even as Daniel went in peace under attack because you are there as we honor you God you honor us let us go singing in the peace and love of God the Father forgiveness of Jesus's son the invisible help of God's holy [Music] spirit go now [Music] [Applause] with PR God will you each hour [Applause] of [Music] oh we will you all you [Music] love and show you reach out to so all can [Music] see will be there [Music] [Music] now with me [Applause] in and in love [Music] a [Music]

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