Prince George's County Public Schools Board of Education Meeting 6/27/2024
Published: Jun 27, 2024
Duration: 02:36:10
Category: Education
Trending searches: pgcps
the time is now 7:01 and welcome back to the June 27 2024 Prince George's County Board of Education meeting before we continue I would like to remind everyone to ensure that their Wireless communication devices are turned off to avoid any technical interference with the microphones and taping of the meeting to hear the meeting interpreted live in Spanish a call in line has been established for the community the number to call is 508 92451 55 board member meline aelia Frasier please make this announcement in in Spanish thank you so much for those who are not able to observe now the meeting is being recorded and can be accessed on the Prince George's County YouTube channel for later viewing lastly for recording purposes I would also like to remind all board members to turn on their microphones when speaking at this time we will have the board Prayer by board member Jonathan bricks and pledge of Allegiance please bow your heads oh God we pray to administer that which is just in all educational policies being ever mindful of your guidance steers to action with love wisdom and understanding amen [Music] amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with li justice for all thank you Miss Adine please call the [Music] role Mrs Adam Stafford present Miss Buddha Str present Mr Briggs present Dr Harris pres Mr Jackson here Mrs Fraser present Dr J Miller pres Dr Z Miller present Mr Murray Mrs rout present Miss Walker present Miss refer Force present Mrs viin SP present with nine um members present we have a quarum at this time we will have the adoption of the Open Session agenda as amended please be advised that the transportation updates are current and have been removed from the agenda a status update will be given at all board meetings in August in August the motion is to approve the June 27 2024 Prince George's County Board of Education meeting agenda as amended second Lita Walker it has been moved and seconded is there any discussion seeing none Miss Adeline please call the RO Mrs Adam Safford hi Miss with TR I Mr Briggs I Dr Harris I Mr Jackson I Mrs Fraser I Dr J Miller Dr Z Miller hi Mrs rout Miss Walker hi Mr ver Forbes I Mrs B Murray I with 10 members the U agenda is adopted the motion is to approve the June 13 2024 Prince georgees County Board of Education meeting minutes second it it has been moved and seconded is there any discussion seeing none Miss Adeline please uh take a roll call vote Mrs Adam Stafford I miss wther I Mr Briggs I Dr Harris hi Mr Jackson hi Mrs Fraser hi Dr J Miller Dr Z Miller I Mrs rout Miss Walker I miss R Forbes I Mrs mckin Murray I with 10 votes in affirmative the motion carries to adopt the agenda and this time we will have the news break we will watch heroes in the making family Pride filled the auditorium at Charles Herbert flowers High School recently as 17 seniors were recognized for completing a 2-year course in firefighting is it everything you hope for it definitely is and more how so because just I like working out I like being disciplined I like learning new things and putting myself in new experiences and this is exactly what that program is learning new skills being disciplined and just hardworking and you could be the difference in uh someone's life you could save lives here you feel that responsibility yes sir that's a responsibility that I want too did you know what you were getting into I won't I won't say I knew fully I had an idea but I wanted to do it I felt like all my life I I feel like God's been telling me you got to help people so always it's reiterated in the Bible over and over and over again and you know what I'm saying I want to make the Lord proud help people out beginning of last year when the program started I came in on being able to do like one pushup I was not physically fit but coming up to the ends of the school year or this program I'm capable enough for I feel like I can keep up I can do a couple push-ups and I'm even started my fitness journey myself you know going home and trying to maintain my shape and always get better as you should in life when they come in they feel like they they're feeling overwhelmed which is which is normal and it's okay we let them know that but we also let them know that their mind is stronger than their body and their will to push through the hard times will make them a better person in the long run so it's a 2-year program it's a Korean technical education program um the students come from across the county so we have two programs one in um at gwi Park services our students from the south and the program after Charles herry flowers Services those students from the north even the cadets who don't immediately joined the Prince George's County Fire Department eventually discovered the siren Call of Duty and service irresistable what's the next step so I got a few steps so one of my steps would be going to college I recently got into how University on a scholarship but I also want to um enter the Pia FS department and hopefully become a technician but we'll see which one comes for us yeah it's a phenomenal program been going on 11 years we have the opportunity to hire over 30 cadetes into our fire and EM department and that's just what we've hired on the career side there's numerous others that are volunteering in our community and again we're reaching out every day to try to get more of them in into our program we love this program it's homegrown talent and that's what we're about I can tell you love them I do I do I do and the thing is I watch them grow so you know when they first start they're a little apprehensive they a little nervous and you watch them grow and develop um and this program just really builds that character so we really enjoy it congratulations and thanks to all Prince George's County's heroes in the making thank you Chief Patel and the Communications Department for that great presentation at this time I yield the flo floor to Vice chair Walker thank you so much today June 27th 2024 marks the last board meeting for four of our amazing colleagues in case you don't see these amazing balloons and Gifts around please take a look because we are excited to really recognize them at this time over the years these four board members our chair Judy mickens Murray our former chair Dr Wanita Miller Miss Joselyn route and our student of the board rain Rivera Forbes we simply want to say thank you over the years you have been encouraging you have supported our staff our families our students our communities and you work diligently to really fulfill the mission of Prince George's County public schools and we sincerely say thank you so colleagues before we give our official guests I'd love to open it up to any board member who would like to give any words that they have for our for that's leaving tonight and while you think about that not to worry because we have a video that we want to show right now thank you so much [Music] [Music] hi PGCPS students my name is rera fors and I'm honored to be the 43rd student member of the Prince jges County Board of Education also frequently known as SM I'm currently a senior at Duvall High School and I have the privilege of representing all 131,000 PGCPS students to my colleagues I want to say thank you I appreciate the confidence that you have given me and I promise you moving forward we will become a board of Distinction with your help so thank you guys so very much tonight The Unsung partner for Prince George's County Public Schools board of education is Mrs Mary Hopkins Navy who is a dedicated Community servant whose passion for making a difference has shaped her adult life I I hope that the folks in this uh room in our community can see that this board is committed to Bringing Home resources for our children and this is the Innovation that I know that our school system will be able to continue to do we saw we heard from our community and we figured out how to fit in a need and that's amazing right and I just would like to also thank our parents who advocated and who who were Partners in in in championing the needs of a Buie Community our chair of the board Judy Micks Murray let us know what is going to be the legacy of Judy I hope that the Legacy for me will be similar to the first time that I was on the board when you come back to any organization when you've been gone for 10 12 years and folks say to you we're still doing some of the stuff that you put in place or some of the stuff that you are started that's a tribute to something that withstands the test of time and every decision that I make I look at will it St withstand the test of time because time goes on we will move on we will move on but there will be life in this system after we move move on so my goal is to try as best I can to lay a foundation that others can build upon and because you had confidence in me and voted me to be chair of this board one Legacy is I hope you never regret that decision people will will say that I was a change agent a fighter for the for for right and for people's rights and when I say people's rights we always have to think of our professionals our nonprofessionals our our our uh employees and I have advocated for our employees as for our sta our board staff the son mentioned earlier we created The Unsung and I always want to remember that we we brought in youth we brought in adults but the youth one youth that we brought in is now he has published two cookbooks nationally and he's a prince Georgian so those are the kinds of things it's that I like I think everyone will say that I have demonstrated true leadership in terms of operations in terms of collaborating in terms of policy and legislation so I I I just think that that will be my legacy so you know for me this a little personal it's personal because I am embedding leadership skills into my children and they see through my work and so just to get them involved that's my legacy first and foremost I just want to say thank you for your service um it is an honor to be able to stand next to you as we take on the challenges of Education in our school system it's a blessing to be able to call you colleagues and friends I love you all thank you for always receiving my textes or call in the middle of the days or late at night or early in the morning in order for us to figure out how we're going to P oursel to get things done thank you for always being avner and putting up with this guy yelling during Texas and call me virtual meetings just thank you for just always being available to me and and I know that whatever the next chapter is in life we will bring the same amount of and energy to the next chapter in life and I'm sure that you'll doly and abundantly well so I just want to say thank you again I'm I love you all and until my time hello student member of the board Rivera Forbes board member Miller board member mckin Murray and board member rout I just want to say thank you I'm out here in the sun I love the Sun but I also wanted to share that each one of you brought a unique ray of light to the board your contribution utions individually and collectively made an indelible Mark to the students in Prince George's County public schools for that we are grateful please know that it was a pleasure serving with you please know that you will be missed so from the bottom of my heart thank you and from The District 5 family I want to say thank you and continue to let your light shine dear horita J Judy and rain as you conclude your term on our school board I want to extend a distric heartfelt thank you for your dedication and service your commitment to our students and Community have been truly commendable Monita your guidance encouragement and support will never be forgotten thank you for the reminder that my voice as a Latina matters Jocelyn your tenacity has been a source of inspiration thank you Judy for your leadership During the period transition and M you're such a gift thank you for the reminder that we're here to serve our Scholars thank you for all of you for your hard work I wish you all the best your future endeavors may be great and keep making us Prince George's proud colleagues mickens Murray Rivera Forbes rout and Miller on behalf of District 3's students parents and school communities I bring thanks your commitment and Leadership was felt every day of your service and on behalf of all of District 3 again thank you and thank you for always making us PGCPS Crown board chair mckin Murray Dr W de Miller board member route and the rain Riva Forbes allow me to take a moment to express my most sincere gratitude thank you so much for the countless hours that you provided in service on behalf of our PGCPS Scholars thank you for your passion your advocacy and your accountability partnership each and every one of you brought so much good to this board and we will use it to Spur us further along in our journey of providing excellent education opportunities to our students hey there I just wanted to say thank you thank you thank you thank you so much for your passion your commitment your perseverance and your dedication to the scholars of Prince George's County your ideas your amendments um your frustrations your Joys your laughs all of it has not gone unnoticed and as we continue forward as a board your legacy and your Footprints will definitely be left in aand and for that I simply wanted to say thank you thank you so much for the time that you've served on the board of education for Prince georgees County good evening board members as your tenure uh on the Prince George's County school board comes to an end I wanted to extend and my heartfelt gratitude for your your dedication and Service uh and quite frankly your unwavering commitment to our community your hard work and your passion have really made a significant impact not only on our schools but also the students and and families uh in our community throughout your time on the school board you've had you've really navigated a number of uh major challenges but also celebrated a number of successes as well your contributions have helped really shape the future of our educational system ensuring that every student has the opportunity to thrive and succeed you know quite frankly we just want to thank you for your countless hours of service your thoughtful decisions and your steadfast advocacy uh for the insurance of uh quality for our students your legacy will continue to inspire and guide as we move forward here's to wishing you all the best and all of your future endeavors thank you hi everyone it is delegate Nicole Williams from District 22 chair of the Prince georgees County house delegation I just wanted to stop by and say thank you to all of the members uh this Thursday who this is your last board meeting so first I just wanted to say thank you just thank you so much for everything that you have brought to the board of of Education your wisdom your expertise your knowledge opinions because of you our school system is better and so for that I do say thank you uh rain our student board member who is also my constituent uh as your delegate I am so proud of you I am just looking so forward to all of the amazing things that you will do in the future uh Dr Wanita Miller who has has been a mentor to me in so many different ways uh thank you for all of your institutional knowledge and wisdom and everything else uh to Joselyn route uh who is just always a ray of sunshine and I think the internal Optimist uh on the board thank you for everything and last but not least uh chair Judy mckb uh from one chair to another and it's been a pleasure working with you this past year in my first year as chair of the delegation and so I just want to thank you all so much for all of your service uh you will be missed but I know you will not be far away because I'm sure we will see each other again and you will continue to do great things for Prince George's County thank you thank you so much to all of you who have spent so much time time and energy trying to make our school system the best that it can be thank you to rain Rivera our student board member to Dr Judy mckin Murray Dr Miller and the council School Board member Jocelyn route we really appreciate your service and we look forward to the new ways you find to contribute to our school system and our commes hello this Michael Jackson senator from District 27 also your curent chair of the prince Georgia Senate delegation thank you thank you thank you for allowing me to be a partner uh with you uh in our uh duty to be of service to our school system uh and I know uh as you move on to the next step uh that you are going to continue to do uh the same uh I will always be your partner thank you very much for the honor of serving with you on behalf of the board of education office we would like to say goodbye to four of our dear board members rain Rivera Forbes Mrs Joselyn rout Dr Wanita Miller and Mrs Judy mckin muray the impact of your passionate advocacy for students staff and families of the Prince George's County Public Schools Community will be felt for years to come we wish you much success in all of your future endeavors even if that means rest and relaxation thank you for your [Music] service it on here you have lights it's not my turn yet girl all right thank you well I did want to just say thank you to Wesley Oliver he's not here tonight but of Dreams Al live production who turned that around so quickly I'm just um just so thankful for that um I just want to give a clap one more time I know but we Haven even all right so I am going to sit in this seat while we say something to our four we do have a couple of lights right here and so let's get started with Dr Z Miller I don't know where to begin but I don't want to I know we have a long night ahead but we would be remiss if we didn't just take the time to publicly acknowledge all of the work that the four of you have done so I'll start with um board member Joselyn rout you came here in the summer and rolled up your sleeves and got right to work I really admire your passion your passion for reminding us that parents are key stakeholders in this work I also admire the passion that you had and it was said earlier with students with special needs and really advocating just fiercely advocating for them I want to say thank you we know this is not the end we'll be continuing to work together so thank you for your service to um student member of the board um this rain Rivera Forbes there isn't enough that I can say to thank you for what you have done in terms of keeping our eye on what is the most important reason for why we sit here there's not one time that you sat on this deis on a zoom call in the back on a phone call that you did not remind us this is what the students think I represent the students you are a clear strong Fearless advocate for students you are very intentional you are courageous and you are dedicated keep that up as you go forward and know that you can count on me for whatever you need because your future is bright brighter than you can ever imagine to board chair mckin Murray I just want to say thank you for your service I know many many times we would sit and talk about you were a a a chair what I would say processes you like processes and we go back and forth about those processes I know sometimes I would get on your nerves but I thank you for taking my calls every hour and going back and forth thank you for serving in the role of chair and thank you for getting us to this point to my name's sake Dr Miller I was sworn in on a Tuesday I had to come to the board on a Thursday I can't imagine anybody who would pick up the phone and say I want to make sure that you're prepared before you sit on that seat I didn't know what I was going to do you picked up the phone and you called and you showed me where the board docks were where everything was so that when I came and sat on this seat on the first day I was well prepared but not only that your mentorship some times it was encouragement but I what I valued the most is the days that you would actually I didn't have to worry what you were thinking if there was something that I could do better I knew but you didn't just leave it at just saying what went wrong you gave me the extra push of this is how you can do it differently sometimes it was painful but it was well worth it so I want to say thank thank you from the bottom of my heart for your mentorship for your strength and for your courage thank you thank you so much board member Adam Stafford all right thank you so much I wanted to just thank each and every one of you for your service each of you have been a true Advocate and voice for our students Dr Miller I want to thank you so much for really helping us to stay grounded in our community and thinking about how we can Elevate the status of Prince George's County public schools by highlighting our unsung heroes I certainly learned a lot from that com that component of our board meetings and it really helped us to stay connected and grounded also thank you for being such an advocate for the board at the legislative level and really using your years of experience to help us to make the connections we need to advance policies that Advance St that support students thank you so much I want to thank you for just all of your collaboration on how to better serve our students uh we worked together this year on the college application Workshop which was very well attended the best that we've had so far and I definitely I attribute that to your advocacy and your you know spreading the word about the importance of college application and so thank you so much for being a leader and as our first student board member to vote on the budget it's been a pleasure to serve with with you on the oafa committee and you really set the standards high for all of the student board members to follow Joselyn rout I wanted to just thank you so much for being such a fierce advocate for mental health in our community Through Your advocacy this year we've been able to expand through budget amendments mental health first aid for students throughout this County and also we're able to actually finally after many years enact the disability issues Advisory Board which is going to be a very very crucial step in US providing the oversight that we need over our special education programs and so I thank you so much for your advocacy and your focus and to Miss Judy mickens Murray chair Judy mickens Murray thank you so much for helping to unite our board around professionalism um by really helping us to stick to a professional development calendar and providing leadership in that way and then also helping us to pass important amendments such as allowing our students students to work with our it Department to repair computers over the summer that was such an amazing um contribution that you've made um that I'm hoping that partnership will last for years to come thank you personally just for all of your advice and support and I wish all of you the best of luck going forward thank you thank you so much uh moving on to uh Dr Harris great thank you uh for this time um and to my colleagues that are departing us tonight you will truly be missed um to miss Jon R again thank you for your passion when it comes to mental health work um when it comes to uh the parent voice and parent advocacy on the on the board um that does not go unseen or unheard and you will surely be missed for that uh Dr Miller thank you for your legislative knowledge thank you for being um uh someone we can bounce ideas off of thank you for your leadership on the board um as well as the historical value of the board and what it brings chairman Murray thank you also for your historical knowledge on the board your leadership your guidance um how you've helped to steer this board um over the course of the past year um again you will also be missed during your time uh but we will be remiss if I didn't say that and finally rain rera Forbes um thank you for being a dynamic voice for our students uh thank you for everything you've done for students while on the board uh thank you for touring the culinary department and cooking with our students um that was one of the Fondest Memories I have uh and so you all will again truly be missed so thank you thank you so much um board member Briggs thank you so much Vice chair Walker I first want to start by just saying thank you for your service to all of our appointees because you could have chosen to do so many other things at your time particularly for those who are retired I can imagine that sitting at home watching your favorite show or whatever it may be would be a better alternative than being here um not to say that we're not doing amazing work um I would do that regardless um I want to start with chair uh Judy mckin Murray because I think that um if Dynamic were a person I think you would be that you have done such a phenomenal job this year I think you um are so thoughtful so kind so strategic um and I think you brought your years of experience to this role and it's necessary um and I think when you think about public service when you think about giving back you think about a person who can contribute their all and I can't think of a time where I've been in community and conversation with you and you haven't brought the full um Just Breath of who you are and so I really really want to thank you for taking that dedication and I think your legacy will be remembered uh for many years to come as you have hoped and I'm looking forward to continuing to to work together uh I want to go to um Vice chair of the policy and governance committee Ry Rivera forb student member of the board felt like it was yesterday that you joined us um bright brighty bushy tailed I'm sure you've got some Stripes along the way learned some things um but I think what I've seen from you was just phenomenal not only phenomenal growth but I think you started off phenomenal you've kind of kept it consistent throughout the process um you are brilliant I hope you know that you bring so much expertise and I've talked to so many adults who were like I don't think I was doing that when I was her age like how does she know this how you know I mean truly you should just take that in and then not to you know puff yourself up or anything but I think to know that the person that you show up as is seen and it is appreciated and I think that you really do stand as a role model for so many of your peers um and I hope that you continue to bring all of that expertise and all of that experience and all of that excitement about whatever it is you want to do whether it's law schooled or whatever those next steps are to that next chapter and know that as many have said I'm here to support um here to offer um up any type of resource that I can so that's there um I'm going to go to um the form chair of the board um Wanita Miller Dr Miller um who the first day I think of you I think of you kind of vibing with my parents when they were here for like that one or two days for uh for our um our signing in swearing in and they loved you and I think from there I knew that I was not going to get in your bad side because my mom was going to ask me how's that sweet lady doing and I would have to say well you know and whatever it was so I really appreciate you bringing you know just I think so much to um to the school system all the years of experience is not um underappreciated I think being an educator is in itself an act of service uh anyone who's done it knows that it takes so much commitment dedication sacrifice patience and a lot of times you don't get much from it especially compensation pay um right but you're here cuz you care and so I think that that's the thing you've going on to do other things and uh public office and it's appreciated but I just hope that you also stay in touch and keep connected with the board um for all your contributions and then finally my a chair Pier here um Mrs route um who was just really a bottle of energy and um experience and expertise um I want to say to you thank you for your service as well I think um when I we first met it was at moo and uh you were you were just you you were you and that means a lot of energy and excitement um but I think over the the months and up to this year um I think brilliant also you know you bring so much expertise um and I hope that whatever it is that you're going to do next that you continue to serve um cuz I do think you bring a lot to the role and I think we need your voice we need your expertise and experience and it should just not go without saying that every person that signs up for a public office doesn't bring authenticity doesn't bring expertise um and so when we get good people who do I just hope that even when you don't hear from the community um that you continue to uh pursue that path um whatever it may look like for you so thank you this is so great I I hope all of you all are receiving all of this amazing kudos for your work uh th far board member Jackson thank you uh slide over here a little bit so I I wrote some down cuz I had so many thoughts to come to mind but I'm going to be brief um first I want to start with Dr Miller um I've been knowing Dr Miller since I was 21 years old when I was a um a little pup at uh at the the County Council and um she was always a leader in the community as I was growing up and um one thing that I uh learned from her is um she's a fighter um and no matter what she faces um she's a fighter and I've learned that from her is that when you have something to say you got to say it you can't let anybody silence your voice um and you're a fighter um and I learned that lesson from you and I will always keep that with me and tell to day I die um with rain um our smob I think 20 years from now you'll be the president of the United States um but one thing I I would like to say is that uh whenever I'm in a community and I hear people talking bad about this generation coming up you're you're always the person I can point to I said have you consider this person do you know what she's doing do you know some of the accolades that you've accomplished and I'm always um eager to tell people about you know the little bit I do know about your story and how you overcame challenges to be the great student that you are so um you definitely um give a lot of light and hope to this generation so I just want to say thank you for being who you are and I'm looking forward to uh great things from you for sure um Joselyn um with B board member r i want to say um I just I'm just so thankful um for your energy and passion and I think a lot of people have um mentioned this tonight and um one of the things that I've really learned from you is um the freedom and being who I am and my authenticity um I believe that you show up as who you are um no matter where you are and there's a freedom in that and I've learned that from you and I'm thankful from that for that lesson that I've learned from you and I appreciate that um and you for sure and thanks for always being an advocate for our children and fighting for our kid ISS um I think that you've you've displayed um at a high level um your passion for fighting for our kids man I'm just so thankful for you um and uh finally uh uh Judy um I just want to say your resiliency is just remarkable um no matter what was thrown at you um we went through a lot of challenges um but you always always remain professional um and you always uh stay evenhanded and I think you handle everything um with so much grace and I'm just thankful for the virtues that you presented um representing this board to the public and we can look at you um as an example um on how to lead going forward and I just want to say thank you for your service service thank you so much board members um as we continue to thanks I'm just going to walk around because we have a couple of awards that we would like to give out tonight but before that uh Miss rout would like is that you did you hit your would you like to chat no okay let's go yeah when they when we get the please continue we would love to hear we can do that before the awards I just you know I like tears I'm trying to get it out of you guys so let's let's do some awards I'm working on it I'm working on it testing one two three all right so party isn't over we're so excited to be able to continue to recognize our four award recipients for your tireless efforts right here for the Board of Education from those that's looking on and those that's in the room we just simply want to say thank you so our first award recipient is our student member of the board if you would come forward [Applause] please um yeah if you thank you so much the so if you would just hold this up for us um our student member of the board joined us last year in 2023 it felt like just yesterday um Miss R Forbes one of the things that I would love to say to you directly I said it in the back but you are truly an advocate for students what you all don't see sometimes is rain checking us on the students voice I want you to make sure you hear and from a students perspective I want them to know that you have worked tirelessly with them in mind the um efforts that you've made the Partnerships on the board with the um Excellence that you've executed inside of the community we simply want to say thank you so from us to you this is um an award that's directly for you and I'll read it uh rain Award of recognition presented to rain Rivera Forbes student member of the board July 2023 through June 2024 in recognition of your outstanding leadership as student member of the board your tireless efforts have helped to strengthen the spirits of the students across Prince George's County and heightened advocacy efforts for public education across the entire state of Maryland we are extremely proud of your work and your dedication to the mission of Prince georgees County Board of Education respectfully Judy mickens Murray board chair Lolly to E Walker Vice chair Prince George's County Board of Education Prince George's County Public Schools this is presented to you on June 27th 2024 thank you for your service don't go because actually okay okay oh yeah okay well we're going to keep on going he but don't go too far because you're going to have a special presentation from the superintendent our next um award recipient is our former board chair Dr Wanita Miller come on down woo all [Music] right we've got to get the fancy I love it thank you thank you Dr Miller you want a tissue no okay okay Dr Miller oh my goodness do I need a tissue yes all right you are a strong pillar I had to write this down cuz I knew um you are resilient you are a resilient bounceback you're a dedicated servant who is honest and to the point even if I don't want to hear it but you um absolutely share what it is on your mind based on your experience and for that you will be sorely missed Dr member Dr member Dr Miller is an atlarge member of the board since 2021 and served as board chair from 2021 through 2023 you are recognized for your honesty your unwavering commitment and uh she's also a proud resident of District 9 you know I always have to add in District 9 so for that we want to read to you your uh plaque no um Dr Miller award for distinguished Public Service presented to Dr Wanita Miller in recognition of your tireless efforts and unwavering support of students staff and residents of Prince George's County your commitment to empowering students and their parents through Equitable access access to Quality instruction and opportunities will continue to remain a shining example for other future Visionaries to follow at large member 2021 through 2024 board chair 2021 through 2023 Prince George's County Board of Education presented June 27th 2024 congratulations and thank [Applause] you thank you all right our next award board is for our board member Joselyn route come on down woo I had to write it too um when we think of Joselyn when I think of you miss route I think of being an amazing advocate for mental health and special needs I think of you as the parent advocate not only do I think of you you say it you start everything you start with is as a parent a Advocate I am here to say and that right there stands on the foundation of who it is that you are at heart and who it is that we know you will be as you continue to come here for comments and making sure that you hold us accountable for what we have committed to for mental health Space special needs space and the parental space so for that I want to say thank you Miss rout is being recognized tonight for her tireless efforts and unwavering support for her students staff residents of Prince George's County and we are just so excited that we had this small time with you to be able to give such a big impact so for that we say thank you all right your award reads award for distinguished Public Service presented to Joselyn route at large member July 2023 through June 2024 in recognition of your tireless efforts and unwavering support of students staff and residents of Prince George's County your commitment to empowering students and their parents through Equitable access to Quality instruction and opportunities will continue to remain a shining example for other future Visionaries that follow Judy mckin Murray board chair Lolita E Walker Vice chair Prince George's County Board of Education presented to you June 27th 2024 thank you excellent excellent and then let let's have our current shair Judy mckin Murray [Music] please oh chair Judy Micks Murray thank you so much for your dedication your clear passion for leadership and to ensure that our board was heading in the right direction uh through transition you've stad fast you've held on your foundation and for that we simply say thank you I want to thank you for your leader ship your passion which is evident because you started your tenure with the board in 2002 you had a brief Breakin service and then in case you all didn't know she then came back to the board as an at llarge member beginning in 2021 talk about dedication talk about commitment talk about owning your yes and then you were elected chair from your peers in 2023 you're being recognized for your long-term tireless advocacy for the rights of children of parents and of gaining access to Quality education in Prince George's County and for that we say thank [Music] you and I will read yours this is the award for distinguished public service presentent to Judy mickens Murray in recognition of your tireless efforts and unwavering support of students staff and residents of Prince George's County your commitment to empowering students and their parents through Equitable access to Quality instruction and opportunities will continue to remain a shining example for other future Visionaries to follow at large member 2002 and 2021 through 2024 board chair 2023 through 2024 Prince George's County Board of Education presented to you on June 27th 2024 you're welcome you're welcome and it doesn't stop there because you have one more amazing plaque oh oh sorry amazing plaque and this is a gavel that's being presented to Judy mckin Murray chair 2023 through 2024 it reads A Champion for children Prince George's County oh I'm going to cry I was trying not to cry thank it's my go it's my goal you succeed and while I have the while I have the collective group before you all move I just just want to from the administration and the entire organization uh extend our heartfelt uh gratitude for your work your dedication your service it's been invaluable in terms of the contributions that you provided for this community uh so when I when I think about your contributions I think about uh what a rose is and a rose is a symbolic has symbolic meaning around uh love it has a bloom in reference to what it brings in terms of its beauty and your work has been just that uh so from the administration we'd like to present each of you uh a a vase of roses uh for the work uh and the love that you have brought our community and brought our children thank you very [Applause] much appreciate it thank you thank you we're going to take a picture please we're going to take one with the Board of Education and one with um all of our colleagues with the STA as well Administration [Music] so let's get one just with the um group that is heading out let's get one with just the four that's heading out [Music] right MERS [Music] two two thank you administra [Music] fr [Music] okay can I get [Music] [Music] take a step to your right okay you can't see my camera anybody [Music] [Music] all right do that again education3 1 2 3 educ thank congratulations miss you um [Music] got three [Music] two but I got to tell you what to get from is [Music] and now we'd love to hear remarks from the four that the famous four who are leaving us tonight and have given so much impact we're going to get started with um Miss Joselyn R thank you thank you so much um my my kids will be giving you a little something that goes with my speech good evening distinguished colleagues PGCPS staff esteemed parents and beloved students as my term comes to an end I sit here before you with a heart full of gratitude and pride it's been an honor to serve the Prince Georges county public schools community and I'm deeply appreciative of the trust and support that you've shown me during my tenure on the board of education my time on this board has been a little challenging to say the least but so rewarding I'm proud to say that every vote I took every email I responded to every program I attended and every motion I put forth centered around the unwavering principle that the needs of our Scholars and their families are Paramount last week my immediate family insisted that I take my dream vacation for some much needed rest and relaxation I travel to the lush green Landscapes of Costa Rica a country Renown for its Rich history and vibrant culture Costa Rica is not just a paradise for its National Beauty it's also a land where some of the world's finest coffees are grown the story of Costa Rican coffee is a tale of resilience transformation and Excellence qualities I believe we can learn from in our own lives and throughout PGCPS Costa Rica's relationship with coffee dates back to the 18th century when coffee plants were first introduced to the country by the the 19th century coffee had become a major export profoundly influenced the nation's economy and culture the dedication of Costa Rican Farmers to grow high quality coffee has made it one of the most sought out after beans globally let me tell you about the resilient Coffee Bean the process of transforming a coffee Cherry into a coffee bean is neither simple nor easy it begins with the careful harvesting of cherries each picked at its peak ripeness which takes about 1 to three years with the roll out of the blueprint for Maryland schools and the brilliantly unique P3 strategy to build new safe learning Havens for our Scholars Administration and teachers ensuring that all students receive a quality state-of-the-art Equitable education that will also neither be simple nor easy the transformative journey of the coffee Cherry requires patience and precision just as we must carefully choose moments in PGCPS is history to make important decisions that keep our Scholars at the Forefront once harvested the coffee cherries undergo a process to remove the outer layers revealing the precious being within this stage of separation is crucial symbolizing how we must shed our own layers of Doubt fear Discord political agendas and hesitation to uncover our true potential as the second largest school district in the state of Maryland it's through peeling away these layers that we reveal the core of who we really are much like the Coffee Bean resilient excellent and the finess the Journey of the Coffee Bean doesn't end there the beans must then be Dr ride which is a period of patience and endurance when they are exposed to the Earth's elements and they are then allowed to transform this drawing process is similar to the challenges and trials we face in life it's through these experiences that we gave strength and resilience becoming tougher and more prepared for what lies ahead finally the beans are toasted a process that brings out their rich flavors and Aromas this final stage is where the true essence of the Coffee Bean is realized similarly in our lives is through the culmination of our efforts experiences and perseverance that we will bring out the true best in Prince George's County Public Schools the coffee Cherry as it starts its life is much like each of us full of potential surrounded by layers that protect and nurture it inside this Cherry lies the Coffee Bean the heart of what become a delicious aromatic cup of coffee I charge each of you today to be like the Coffee Bean that you have from Costa Rica embrace the layers that make you who you are who our Mighty school system is but don't be a pray to peel back those layers and reveal your true potential be resilient through the drawing processes of life knowing that each challenge makes you stronger first I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to my awesome Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for blessing me with this opportunity to serve on the PGCPS Board of Education thank you County Council County Council chair Jolene Ivy and vice chair Harrison along with the princh charges County Council who unanimously appointed me here to serve in this parent seat on the board of education chair nickols Murray your unwavering dedication and resilience as the chair of this board has been a beacon of strength for us all despite the challenges you did your absolute best and for that I am immensely grateful for you to oafa chair Shayla Adam Stafford your leadership and friendship has been invaluable especially during My Darkest Hours your support has been a source of comfort and strength and I'm forever thankful back in February my mother became very seriously ill you all don't know it was Shayla that got me through it I received Daily Calls prayers meals support at that time I knew she was more than just a colleague she empathized with my situation and picked up literally where I could not she advised me to rest and she defended me when members of this board treated me harshly I'm forever thankful and grateful for the leadership and Humanity that you have given that's true leadership I also want to express my deep appreciation to our superintendent Millard House II and our chief of staff Miss Quincy boy Stewart you and your dedicated ated team have worked tirelessly to support the needs of our Scholars their families and our staff your commitment to striving for excellence and Equity has made a significant impact on our community it's now time to stretch a little we can do it Dr Judith White you are a super bad sister and I'm so thankful for your Innovative leadership and commitment to our Scholars Dr Davis you are such a sweet and kind personable Chief thank you for always hearing me and working through your team to strengthen mental health and substance use awareness and the response that we will provide to our students and their families as a mental health professional and Advocate I thank you Dr Balwin I really haven't had the opportunity to work closely with you during my time here but the times that I've had you've just been oh so generous oh so nice and oh so accommodating thank you we need more people like you and HR Dr Coleman your leadership as the chief for operations has been invaluable thank you for your commitment to ensuring our facilities are safe and conducive to learning and thank you for starting to solve that big grown man problem that Transportation Board office I really appreciate all of the support that you have provided the scheduling the travel the checks and balances ensuring agendas are set constituent Services texting me calling me printing anything and booking the facilities to hopes events in the community my time on AB board would not have been possible without your support Miss Cindy now you my girl you held me all the way down thank you a huge thank you to our fabulous security team you stayed up with us and you ensure we made it to our cars okay I thank you to the parents yes all of you watching at home and out here thank you for trusting me with your family stories and allowing me to Advocate on your behalf your voices have been my guide and your courage has been my inspiration and to our incredible students I encourage you to continue to do your absolute best your potential is Limitless and your determination will shpe the future of our community remember you're the heart of PGCPS and your success is our goal colleagues as I reflect on the work that we have all done I will be missed if I didn't take this opportunity to advocate for the continued efforts needed to elevate our school system now somebody needs to take notes all right resiliency requires action we must continue to increase mental health support and awareness ensuring psychological safety for all of our Scholars physical fitness and wellness are huge components in producing positive endorphins in our bodies to assist everyone's mental health we must concentrate on the physical fitness of our students especially our elementary age babies I charge you to get to begin an improvement plan to upgrade playground equipment for our Scholars our students need and deserve a physical Outlet Partnerships are key and I'm confident through strategic and Innovative approaches we can achieve the goal of improving our Scholars playround equipment I'm confident also that strengthening our Partnerships with the county agencies like the Department of Health that those will be crucial steps to supporting the needs of our students and families it's also imperative that we pay our teachers a living wage so they don't have to work multiple part-time jobs to support their families supporting our bus drivers with training and continuous professional development is equally important we must focus on building even more schools than what we've done and we've done a lot using that P3 model but we have to ensure project labor Agreements are in place and the most important thing let's raise these test scores in reading and math it's time as a mother of my four PGCPS Scholars I understand the P the importance of person centered support I'm eager to work with the established disability issues advisory committee by with as this board reactivated policy 1700 this committee will be instrumental in ensuring the voices of students are heard and their families are supported lastly I must extend a special thank you to my family for their unwavering support throughout my appointment here to my coach Rod my fiance my best friend thank you for holding it down to my children thank you for your patience and understanding every time I said okay okay I have a meeting your love and support has been my foundation and I'm eternally grateful for your sacrifices I'm honored Zachary I was able to confer your degree with board members Adam Stafford and principal Lisa funner Jones I'm so proud of you Zach go far Eli and Josiah he set the bar high for you and I'm looking to continue to support you through your educational Journey listen to mommy don't box yourself in take advantage of all opportunities be leaders and advocate for the voiceless I say I say I know you two can be whoever you want to be to Jordan at home my little princess thank you for being my encouragement when I got frustrated I started to stare at your beautiful picture you are the future of PGCPS you kept me going thank you to my children I did this for you mommy loves you and I'm proud of you in closing while my turn is ending my commitment to this school system remains steadfast I'm not going anywhere together we've achieved much but there's still a lot of work to be done let's continue to strive for excellence equity and the success of every scholar in PGCPS thank you for the privilege of serving you Costa Rica's coffee beans are well-renowned for their quality and so too can PGCPS be known for our quality and our Excellence remember it's through resilience and trans transformation we achieve greatness thank you and God bless you all thank you so much Miss Ral Miss Riva Forbes hello everyone um I do not have a written speech I thought about writing but when I first started this it was actually speaking from the heart so I'm going to do that again because that's what I'm great at um you all know my name is R Riva Forbes and I am the 43rd student member of the Prince jurges County Board of Education today's actually my last day being the sworn in smob as my successor Jamal J jongo sitting right there in the back smiling we'll be taking over for me and it it's truly been just an amazing journey for me and all that I've learned I'm not going to go too long but I would like to start from the beginning I've been in the Prince George's County public school system while I was I'm in alumni now it's crazy I was in the PGCPS School System since I started school I was born here in Maryland I'm raised in Prince jores County Maryland still being raised here and I started my journey in middle school I was the sports girl I didn't really do SGA I like to speak up for things um especially to my counselor I would just sit in the office with a bunch of complaints of everything students would need but I didn't know what SGA was because unfortunately not every school has access to an advisor that is willing to support the student body in their advocacy so during Co online it's actually really funny when I joined DuVal High School I met someone that introduced me to the student government Association and I just happened to get so lucky because our regional SGA which is prass had a spot open for a Middle School advocate and since I was basically still an eighth grader I slid right into that position and I got started advocating for middle schools in PGCPS online and I I truly enjoyed it I got to meet so many people so so many people and I was truly inspired by one of the first mobs I met in my life which was the 41st student member of the board formerly Nina Jackson I ended up watching her online and eventually I got recruited by her to advocate for smob voting rights and this was back in like 2020 y'all so we've been advocating for a few maybe even longer than that but that's when I got started in it um and that was for Bill 50621 and that was the first bill I ever advocated for to the Maryland general assembly um this but we started with the Prince George's County delegation and we just really wanted to get advocacy for SMS and in that time of advocating where her I knew from that moment this is where I want to be I I want to Advocate I want to do this now obviously I wasn't ready to become smob yet because I had to learn from the amazing 42nd smob Alvaro seron Ruiz who truly inspired me to be where I am now and with his leadership and serving on his advisory Council for two years I was able to see how effective a student member of the board can be when they are confident in themselves and their advocacy and they utilize the support of the student body who elected them to their position and with his leadership and guidance I was able to testify on HB 1079 and I know many of you in here know that bill because I brought it up numerous times for my voting rights which gave the PGCPS student member of the board the opportunity to vote on the budget the opportunity to vote on student disciplinary matters the opportunity to vote on school closing reopenings obviously with the exstension still from Personnel matters and collective bargaining but with those new voting rights I was very nervous because I realized oh my goodness I'm going to be the first student member of the board with those rights and then on top of that there's a new superintendent and new Administration lucky me so I was really walking into a room that I did not know but thankfully with the support of chair mckin Murray in the beginning one of the first board members to actually reach out to me when I first started my term she took me under her wing and gave me genuine guidance for everything I had to do as mob but I'm not at my thank yous yet I'm still getting through my story okay so um as you know I really like I said I really appreciate this role it has made a monumentous impact in my life I mean I can't even explain what advocacy has done for me it has truly changed me as a person it's shown me my passion in life who I want to be and what I want to give to the Next Generation Prince JG County Public Schools is beautiful every single student in our Public Schools is beautiful they're all so bright and often times we're overshadowed by negativity that the media puts out or even by our own failures in properly promoting ourselves and what we have to offer for our for our students and we are great I mean some of the our alumni and all of our PGCPS Hall of Fame videos and pictures they are great people they go on to do great things and even the students who haven't been recognized have gone on to do great things I hope that we continue recognizing the beauty here but I knew like I said I wanted to be a part of that and I knew it would be on this board and an advocating okay now I'm going to move to my thank yous y'all I'm going hurry up so take your time I first want to thank your last meeting my family my family is one of the biggest reasons why I'm here I mean they drove me to all of my different campaigning events and I mean I had to go to school I visited over 20 schools in my time as student member of the board I've attended many events and visiting every school meeting with so many students I couldn't have done it without them especially with no driver's license I remember one time my Grandma had to sit 2 hours in the car because one of don't look at me like that y' one of our meetings just it ran over a little bit we were just talking so much uh the students had so many questions and I came back and she was just like never again obviously she did take me again but I was truly grateful for that and then the many um students who are like family to me that helped me with developing my campaign site my Instagram page my Graphics just making it all happen for me I was so grateful for them and their leadership as well serving on my campaign team so I thank my family for that I thank my mother who raised me and is a big part of the reason why am here now by always just always pushing me in everything I did and I appreciate apprciate her for that I appreciate my grandparents they have always been great just great people they're beautiful my grandmother is a very beautiful soul and she always told me um it's actually really funny but she would say like whoop that snake and keep it moving and it's a very weird term but it's essentially saying you know take out those obstacles in life and keep it pushing and she would tell me that in all my down moments and my grandpa he would just smile he was happy to be there and I appreciate him for that um my siblings I I truly appreciate how in support they are of me I remember my little brother took so many pictures of me on my swearing in day he was like my sister's on the board of PGCPS now he didn't understand what that meant but he was just so proud of me and it it ignited a fire inside of me as board member route said um he's a big reason why I'm doing this as well to create a better future for him as he continues his um tenure in the school system and my older brother Christos Johnson he did graduate from the school system but he was a beautiful person person and unfortunately he is no longer here but he always inspired me to go for big things he always inspired me to be great and to be someone that could represent just beautifulness or like the rose like superintendent said and I really appreciate him for that and all that he has gotten me through my two other younger brothers I appreciate them as well as they're watching at home and watching me just go on to be um somebody great so I'm appreciative to them my cousins my aunts my uncles I can't even tell Y how many people got me here it's it's insane and I'm grateful to the Duvall staff my principal um Pamela Smith she great if you don't know my principal she's great she is leaving Duvall High School but she has truly been a force to be reckon with for students and she has cared about us so much and I'm so grateful for her because she also pushed me to run for small and throughout my entire time she supported me I'm grateful for my teachers especially Mr K miss Sally Master Sergeant Daniels Lieutenant Colonel Brown and I'm also grateful for my counselors Mrs Banks and um Dr hold on y'all I'm not GNA cry not gonna cry Dr Simmons I'm just so grateful for them too because again they're just a big reason on how I got to where I am now and just helping me get through everything and becoming student member of the board and it takes a lot board members you know it takes a lot to get here especially for board members that had to run campaigns the student member of the board runs a similar one and it's it's taxing but it's so rewarding and I also want to thank for from the board I want to thank Miss Rosa I have to give a big thanks to her although she's not here when I say she had me on my toes because one thing about teens as you know we just don't pick up the phone sometimes especially a phone that's not our main phone so many of the times I would get an email of hey rain have you seen this I sent it like days ago and I'm like oh my goodness I totally forgot and she was just always there for me and even in moments of need she was just a guidance for me meeting with me and I'm grateful for her and Mr Moody Mr Moody um he's a day one for me if you don't know what that means it's basically someone that's been there from the beginning and I worked with Mr Moody since I was 13 years old that's when I first met him and he has been just a tremendous support for me a great mentor he has always given me platform and I appreciate him for that and he's a great service to the PGCPS community so whenever he does leave I hope that there's a big party for him or maybe I'll throw it myself um and I also want to thank the chief officers all of you you're really really amazing but I definitely do have to thank Chief Boyd um I met you in the beginning of my term amazing amazing person you have always been amazing you've always been a bright light you've always carried your bright light everywhere and I appreciate you for that and you've definitely inspired me cuz when I see um a fellow woman in a high place and she's really like stepping into her own it makes me proud and inspires me to want to do that one day um I also want to thank Dr Judith White you have definitely been a major support to me more than you know just in the times of checking in on me it has truly truly inspired me and it's guided me and just to know that someone cared that meant and it can go a long way more than you think um I also want to thank superintendent house you know most of the reasons why I'm thankful but when my brother first passed you were a great support and a great help to me and not once did you turn away not once did you look at me differently despite what was in the media despite what people had to say you were in constant support So for anybody that may think that superintendent house is not for the students you are completely wrong he has always shown up for students he has been dedicated for students and he cares and we do make mistakes as human beings but he has stayed steadfast and that's what we need someone who's genuine in their care for the student body of PGCPS so I thank you for that and I'm going I'm going to wrap it up y'all wrap it up I'm bouncing around I also want to thank my oceans team you know who they are this is from my youth ministry at church um they're a big reason of why I'm here as well and taking my campaign photos and just getting me started in my whole journey as smob so I'm very grateful to you all and to my campaign manager JN A J back at home she's a senior from CPA she graduated and I'm just so grateful for her because she helped me in my campaign as smob and my smob advisory Council of all the students who worked with me I'm grateful for you as well all right and now let me move to the board oh great great great people many of you are great people and you've truly inspired me I'm going to wrap it up and go quick Miss Ral I have enjoyed working with you I truly have like everyone has said you're just a bright light you came in with the energy and even times when I was tired coming from school cuz mind you Thursday board meetings I was coming straight from school at times uh you just woke me up many times woke me up in a meeting when I was half sleep so I I definitely appreciate you for that and just like everyone else said your advocacy for students you've always been very strong and that's what I appreciate because we need someone that's going to stand up even when others might not so thank you for that and Mr Briggs oh man I have enjoyed working with you you're also someone I started in the beginning with as chair of the policy and governance committee um originally when you were Vice chair but we were liaison together on Peak first and you know that was something but working with you at first I was a bit lost I did not know what I was doing and you're very very detailed organized person you're on it that's what I like about you but you truly inspired me um and actually one of the things you might not remember is when you told me you were taking your theater classes I was like wow is he actually I was like wow he he's doing a lot of things and mind you Mr bricks has a full-time job as many of the other board members but like truly just it was greatness and anytime when I was overwhelmed you had always told me it's okay to take a step back you never pushed me beyond my limit you always gave me advice and I really do appreciate you for that and always uplifting me board member Jackson I appreciate you as well we've had our conversations I met you actually through a virtual meet and greet so I was really grateful for you um you've given a lot of advice I really appreciate the work you do in the community especially with young boys young men I've seen what you've done on social media and and how you really create a big impact on changing the narrative and that I look up to because we need action like I said can't keep saying that we need action board member Boozer straw there I've also loved working with you you are a very kind soul and that's what I like about you you're again you're genuine you're very genuine but you're also an advocate for many students especially the students that are most overlooked in PGCPS let me get these roses out the way because I can't see you too well but you have been a tremendous advocate for them and for your District as well I've never besides um by Walker you have been up there advocating for your district and always making sure that they were represented so I appreciate you for that and I've loved working with you um I'm going to go on this side then I'll go back to you guys again I'm hurrying up y'all I know we got to get home um Dr Miller Dr ju Eden Miller first I have enjoyed working with you because outside of Cher mck M you also took me under your wing when I first came and just gave me great advice but also gave me a journal and little do you know I've kept it it's not here today but I've been journaling in it and it actually had a scripture on it I do not remember the exact scripture I'll be honest but every single page had a scripture just about leadership and and really being an advocate and that was what I appreciated because it helped me get through many times Hard Times sad times and it inspired me that I can be a woman of faith and lead by example and I really do appreciate you for that and all even though it has been some rough moments on the board your advocacy your fire for students is still needed and again sometimes we need people to say the hard things that others want to get things done so I appreciate you board member lasah Frasier oh I have loved working with you um a big reason is because your advocacy for our latinx student population has has been the main front for many different things um you've always made sure that we were represented you always made sure that our voices were heard and I really do appreciate you for that and not only that since I'm leaving you will be the only Latino on the board and you're still holding it down for us you're still representing for us and little do you know you are a representation for so many young Latinas at home so many young latinx students at home that are seeing that we can be great we can be Representatives we can be examples and you are setting that so if you don't think you are you are a walking representation and you will go down as a legacy for many people thank you Dr kid Affairs this is my this is one of my best friends on the board if you guys didn't know this is my bestie right there um we're basically the same height too so there's that I did talk to Dr har a lot he doesn't actually like when I say doctor for some reason I've never heard somebody not like doctor behind their name but um our I'm really the moment where I got to know you more and when I really started to look up to you was when we did go on The Culinary tour at Oxen Hill High School um after you almost finished burning yourself with the grease and um I failed to make proper french fries we had a moment to sit there and just talk and really get to understand each other and our perspectives and and I really knew that you you are somebody that is just great you are truly great and your love for the student body that was a big thing for me because being able to talk to you one-onone I was able to really understand why you're here and what your passion is for and you're also super smart I mean like come on now I feel like when I first thought you I was like rockets is he going to space or something but you just every time we're the board meeting y'all don't hear this behind closed doors but he's on it with the facts the figures if we need anybody to answer a serious scientific question it's him engineering question it's him and it really does apply to the student body because there's so many things that we could have maybe not seen and he brought it up he looked a little bit deeper and saw things that others didn't and because that I'm grateful I'm also grateful for you just checking up keeping in contact with me I really appreciate that as well okay I'm moving fast I'm moving fast y'all okay board memb Adam Stafford I really really enjoy working with you as well I can I keep saying that for everyone but with you um it started in also in the beginning of my term as well you were another board member that reached out to me and you immediately started getting me on to everything I needed to know every single thing especially when it came to AAA alongside board member um Harris cuz I didn't know anything about the budget and you guys I remember y told me the budget is just something that you learn over time and I was like guys I only have basically 9 months what do you mean over time so you really helped me in just getting all my information down together and along with um Chief how just having that personal development for me so I can learn more about the budget I've genuinely appreciated that but also like I said just your passion for the student body your and then your unwavering dedication like you're you're here right now you're here you could be at home right Tes in but you're here for the student body you're here setting example and not only that you're setting a better future for your youth at home and I think that's so beautiful and I find it very inspiring so thank you okay Dr suppor merer I thank you you have always given me just kind words kind and considerate and that's what I love about working with you you it's never been a moment where I've heard anything negative from you throughout my entire time on the board you have only given me positivity and I knew when talking with you it was going to be genuine every single time and I am so grateful for that and you may not know it but every single word you've given to me has truly been appreciative it truly has been every single time every single phone call so I thank you for that all right I'm going to finish my finish my last two okay Vice chair Walker man when I first met you I was like y'all we we are in for something here she is on it I mean never lacking on it but what really inspired me about you was when I learned about your books I was like what she wrote book she got books y'all if y'all don't know go get it online but so does her son as well I mean let's talk about generational success beautiful but when I first met you and just how you all your things District I think it was it District 9 rocks District N9 on on top something like that maybe that's a new one I just District n rocks yes you were always always advocating for the students of PGCPS but especially your District 9 students as well and something else I really appreciated was how you highlighted them I don't see many students being highlighted by their districts but you did you highlighted the greatness coming out of District 9 and I think it's so beautiful cuz it sets an example for many students who later on continue to do big things but it also shows students that are currently doing big things that they are being notice it's seen and I appreciate that because again it's just the beautifulness in that and little do we know just a little thing can go a long way so thank you for that I'm extremely grateful and lastly chair mckin Murray okay like I said she was one of the first board members to reach out to me but even to have almost an hourong conversation with me before I got on the board I have genuinely genuinely looked up to you and this is a personal connection you are like you're like family to me here and with you I knew that I had someone to rely on I knew that I had someone to trust that was looking out for me I knew it was you and you took care of me everywhere I mean y'all she didn't let me out her sight in the beginning I was like oh my goodness I can't even go hang out with the other smob she she needs to know where I'm at 24/7 but she truly took care of me and when I originally doubted myself joining the board cuz I was so new to everything and my confidence did lack a few times you had told me these great words I still carry them with me and it was to look myself in the mirror and give myself permission and she actually had me do it on the phone and before I did any big decision I was worried about that's something I did I still do it to this day I remind myself to give myself self permission and I truly thank you for that and I also thank you for like I said just looking out for me when I lost my brother you immediately called you were immediately there in support to see what I needed and not only that you respected my privacy when many others didn't and I genuinely appreciated that as well and not once that you question me on any of my actions you just walked with me through it and that is true you also helped take care of my family too when they needed it and my grandma my grandpa my younger brother are very much grateful for you as well and I can speak on the behalf of them you are a beautiful person a beautiful soul and despite what others say you have truly inspired me truly have and when I go on to talson I know I'm going to be remembering you I'm going keep remembering I'm going keep in contact with you cuz she's she's truly a great person I can't say it enough I know I'm running on my time but chair mckin Murray I mean and she's checked me sometimes I got checked y'all cuz you know yall know how them old school people are they get you and she got me a few times but it was always it was always in the heart of wanting me to do better wanting to see me succeed and I knew that with you so I didn't mind the times where I needed to wake up to reality a few moments so I I genuinely thank you for that I thank all of you and working with every single last one of you I think the security staff and the janitors who talked with me when I was waiting for my rides I thank Mr Revel for also waiting on my rides at times and staying here and also helping me even though you were new to the board um Miss Adeline as well miss Barton um and some of our board's office staff that left early I just appreciate every single last one of you all of you have been extremely great great to me and in my time as smob and who knows what I'm going to I don't know yet I know I'm going to keep this with me ending in my remarks this is my end if you don't know where I'll be going cuz I'm only going to be an hour away I'm going to talson University I'll Be Ma thank you thank you thank you I'll be majoring in law American civilization with a minor in international relations I'll be participating in the army RC program and I hope to finish my career as a second lieutenant in the Army um out of college and starting my path into law school to eventually become an immigration lawyer thank you this is not the last time you'll see me though so keep that in mind I don't know where I'll be but PGCPS will always be in my heart and I will always be PGCPS proud thank you talson is absolutely lucky to have you not you hope to be you will be we already know uh thank you so much Miss R Forbes uh Dr Wanita Miller as I have consistently told my colleagues I do not intend to stay here until 12 midnight or I'm going to kick my 10:30 bedtime but I'd like to also well I'd like to say to all of you by God's grace and mercy this has been a true and rewarding [Applause] [Laughter] experience it's been like I can't even follow that one I thank all of you who have contributed to my success on this board I don't want to call individually because I might miss someone and I don't want to miss anyone to my colleagues the beautiful accolades you gave me really make me feel comfortable that if I left this Earth tomorrow I know how you felt and you didn't have to wait until I transitioned to say it so I'm really grateful for uh your com your accolades not just comments your accolades um board member Ralph you spoke a lot about the experience here and I concur with what she said I was was she uh was Miss um um Rivera said too I do not want to be here late but I want to thank all because we do have some business to finish up and um everybody knows I'm about business I just thank all of you my heart is warmed by the messages tonight um and thank you all I can say is thank you and God bless you thank you to the security Especial especially because they know when it's time for me to go out there by myself cuz I will leave I will make my exit but I want to thank you all for all that you do for our stakeholders our scholars in the Prince George's County Public Schools it has been an honor to serve and my record proceed uh prior to coming here precedes what I am about community and service uh yes I'll be leaving here and I have a cruise plan for Alaska and then I I've been asked to go to Cuba so if you want to find me I will be on somebody's Cruise Line and I will talk to you in January God bless you amen for travel thank you so much Dr Miller and uh we're going to move to the chair chair Micks mury thank you so much um yes we do have business bus to do but this was important and I think all of the community will see Prince georgees County knows how to treat each other this was phenomenal and for the community this was a surprise the four of three of us did not know any of this was happening so for those who planned it I appreciate you for those who took the time to see me thank you one of the things that I always say we must see our children if you can see our children the way the administration and our colleagues saw us today we are on the path for Success so I appreciate everything that was said tonight Rin you are my child I have children so I understand and to superintendent house I have 133,000 children when I took over this board and that's how I see that I treat people the way I want to be treated and I think that's what it's all about there was love in this room tonight genuine appreciation love for that I thank you and for my husband I'm not going to be here to 12 we are going to go do business now but I have one more thing to do so please just bear with me Mr Ral could you come to the center please don't SH now [Laughter] to my colleagues superintendent house leadership team and Community our board has a leader now in the board office that will help us tremendously he has demonstrated that since he came on board I can't say enough ril about your skill set I knew when Vice chair and I interviewed you we could we didn't need to think about anybody else since you've been on board the transition that you have taken in that office the ladies are happy now when I walk in that office it's warm when I walk in that office people are having fun doing the work that's tremendous so since this is my last last a meeting thank you I have two more days okay since this is my last meeting I would be remiss if I as chair of this board did not say thank you thank you and I'm thanking you on behalf of my colleagues you deserve it you've earned it and you haven't been here that long superintendent house thank you uh chair um Chief of Staff board thank you cuz you discovered him first so we appreciate that so to everyone thank you okay to everyone I will say to my colleagues you are bright you're intellectually smart and there's no reason that you can't leave this board and this school system to success and I have said that consistently to the leadership team I have said consistently you are smart you know what this system needs and if we get out of each other's way we'll be extremely successful so superintendent house I look forward to your leadership let them go let them free them up let them make decisions you'll be surprised we have the team in Prince George's County to set the standard for the state and I have said that for 2 years I believe that in my heart so I will sit and I will watch you thank you for giving me my flowers tonight staff I appreciate all that you have done for me Miss Adeline you have been my rock since I came and you know I don't know a lot about technology I I don't know a lot about computers and I definitely don't like to write a lot of letters you have been instrumental to my success so I want to go on the record to say Miss Adeline thank you so much so with that said public we're going back to business now so thanks [Applause] everybody and I'm going to skip the chair's report cuz I think everybody reported out on behalf of the chair so thank you superintendent house I give you the floor oh I'm sorry we must do a moment of silence at this time I would like to call for a moment of silence as we honor the memory of the following PGCPS staff and family and Community leaders Nathaniel Rasheed student the foundation School Terrence seavor night cleaner Thomas G Pullin K8 Creative and Performing Arts School Jerome Jack Dent brother-in-law of Sharon Dent division of Information Technology and brother of Eric Dent building supervisor at Eleanor Roosevelt High School and Daryl Dent building supervisor at Laurel High School please may we bow our heads thank you and superintend house before I come to you I need to go to um board member Shayla Adam Stafford Personal Privilege thank you so much I just wanted to let the community know that the disability issues Advisory Board the application is available now on the PGCPS website the application will be open until August 15th so we're encouraging community members MERS to apply um board members will then nominate someone to be selected by the full board so again thank you to everyone to help make that possible our board staff our colleagues for helping to get this important uh committee reactivated and so we're asking community members to please sign up uh to serve in this capacity thank you thank you so much superintendent house thank you madam chair and I'll be brief um a couple things especially that we we want Community to be aware of as we um um move over and transition completely into to summer as we have the Prince George's County Public Schools will offer free summer meal services at at 25 School sites for children under the age of 18 uh from Monday June the 24th through Friday August the 9th breakfast will uh will also be served from 9 to 9:30 a.m. in lunch from noon to 1:00 p.m. meals must be eaten on site and in dates and times are are subject to to change but but will uh ensure that we notify Community for a complete list of sites for our summer meals um web page is is where families can go uh to take a look at at where some of those changes where those sites are specifically additional free meal locations can be found on the Maryland summer Mills website uh as well uh additionally uh Prince George's County public schools has received the everfi uh powered seal for the third consecutive year uh awarded to only 10% of the United States school districts across the country the seal recognized his exemplary commitment to financial literacy social emotional learning wellness and Career Education through everi digital programs Adam shair that completes my my report thank you so much the chair recognizes the speaker for the P speakers for the public comments on agenda and non-agenda items excuse me oh I over 2 no I got it I 2.14 I just saw [Music] that 2.14 policy and governance recommendations the chair recognizes board member Briggs thank you so much chair mck Murray the policy and governance committee met virtually discussed the public comments on the following board bylaws and voted unanimously to forward them to the full board revised bylaw 9210 chair this policy aims to establish the responsibilities of the chair of the board to set forth the procedures for the election of the chair and vice chair and the steps to be taken in the event of a vacancy in either office revised by law 97 9271 student board member M this policy aims to provide guidelines for the election and rights and privileges of the student board member and the professional development requirements for the student board member following board policy 9320 adoption and Amendments of bylaws public notice shall be given at a regularly scheduled board meeting that a first reader reading of a proposed bylaw revision uh will occur at the next regular scheduled meeting on behalf of the policy and governance committee I'm announcing that the bylaws will be Advanced as first reader um at the next scheduled board meeting uh Board of Education meeting in keeping with the board policy 9340 um policy development the policy and governance committee is responsible for reviewing policies suggesting changes and voting on whether to send the uh the policy to the entire board for consideration with the recommendation to seek public comment the following policies have been approved unanimously and are being sent to the full board board policy 0116 Wellness nutrition and physical activity this policy promotes student wellness initiatives through a coordinated School mental uh school health model board policy 280 one safe and supportive schools this policy outlines the approach for maintaining safe and supportive school and workplace environments board policy 3517 security of buildings and grounds this is a recision this policy was developed to provide protection develop the necessary security systems and organize the Personnel approved so that the Department of Security Services can perform the protective services required board policy 5125 Student Records also a recision this was developed to keep Student Records confidential and Safeguard them from those who might use them for other than legitimate purposes board policy 5126 student information a recision this policy was developed to provide guidelines under which student information can be provided to entities board policy 5132 portable electronic devices in the schools this is a recision this policy was developed to ensure that the use of PEDs uh was encouraged uh during the school day for instructional purposes and at other times as approved by school administrators provided that P use does not violate the code of student conduct in the student rights and responsibilities handbook and finally board policy 8261 um rights and privileges granted by board uh to by the board to student uh to the student member this is a recision this policy was developed to provide the board with direct input concerning the thoughts and feelings of students um I want to know for the record that I said P it I normally wouldn't say an acronym and I don't um I'm not remembering what that one is so I just want to say that for the portable electronic devices yes um and I think I might have said it right the committee is recommending that the policies and bylaws be Advanced to seek public comment on behalf of the policy and governance committee I move that the policies be approved to seek public comment thank you the motion before the board is the policies move forward for public comment second it has been moved and seconded it we're open for a discussion any discussion seeing none Miss Adeline please I call for the vote Mrs Adam saffron Miss bu Str hi Mr Briggs hi Dr Harris hi Mr Jackson hi Mrs friser I Dr J Miller hi Dr Z Miller I Mrs rout I miss Walker yes I miss Riva Forbes I Mrs mck Murray I with 11 votes in the affirmative the um motion is adopted now we Mo move to I'm [Music] sorry one4 public comment public comment thank you the board will recognize your comments but will not address them registered speakers have 3 minutes to make their presentations and may not relin any part of their speaking times speakers may not address individuals or issues with profanity or derogatory terms you will be warned once if you continue your comments will be muted and you may be removed from the meeting speakers are encouraged to use titles rather than names for example chair board member superintendent principal Etc there are five live public speakers for tonight we also received the video comment which will be uploaded to board dos upon receipt uh first speaker is Mr Timothy Meyer PTO president Mount rainia Elementary just making sure this is work working and turned on uh and I have to say I really wish that the media had been here for those last two hours because that was PGCPS at its finest uh as you vote tonight I want to emphasize the importance of keeping our faith two blueprint schools on schedule and also as we vote on next year's budget uh extra appreciation for the CFO and this board for stepping up to lead and to help limit our budget deficit for next year a situation which we never should have faced these past few months have reminded us how vital the blueprint is how leadership and political will can't be assumed and how our fight is just beginning after Decades of underfunding giving our schools the resources we need need to make Maryland an education destination cannot be optional it's not a priority it's the priority but I'm mostly here to say thank you to our outgoing board members first to our student board member who's not who's not here right now uh but she's always asking thoughtful questions taking her responsibility seriously and if you reflect on what being a PGCPS graduate means our future is bright to our at large member who has shown the importance of having parent perspective on this board extra thank you to you for your hard work after the tragedy at Riverdale for your leadership and giving voice to all those parents who know that there's nothing more important than keeping our kids safe and to our chair and former chair I thank you both and especially grateful to I'm especially grateful to our chair for her recent visit to mount reineer Elementary leadership isn't easy you get a lot of opinions a lot of headaches and never quite enough hours to do it all I just got elected to my sixth term myself so I know how hard your job is but also how rewarding and I say this because we'll have a new chair soon and that leader is going to need some patience and Grace from all of us as they take on the tough work that's ahead each of our outgoing board members share a few very important things in common you're all public servants your tenure on this board is not your first time giving back to the community and for a student board member I know that this is just the start you may have different leadership styles you may disagree on issues from time to time but there's no doubt each of you truly love PGCPS you instinctively get what makes this school system special PGCPS proud isn't something that can be taught you don't learn it as you go it's who we are and each of you truly embody that thank you champ your time is up if the timer is Right correct I thought I saw it at two and a half minutes when it started oh I don't I watching that's why St I have one more sentence if I may okay that's fine uh thank you to your service for thank you to all of you for your service for giving your best and especially I want to say thank you to all of your families for sharing so much of your time with PGCPS all the best to each of you thank you so much our next speaker is Teresa Smith I don't see her coming to the mic Anthony tigman Tillman okay there we go yes good evening all I'm really feeling the love um you know I hate to say what I'm going to say but when you love someone you still hold them accountable mhm so that's what I'm going to say um thank you all to the outgoing members you guys you know we We Appreciate You You know despite everything that's that's happened on this board you guys are loved and appreciated for all the work that you do for our Scholars and I really want you guys to know that um transportation you know when I think about this this issue of Transportation it is really this man it's a lot of work but you know one thing I want to come up here and say is I applaud all of you guys great work on this um I really hope this works out and please keep us updated because we we going to need them updates and we going to need to work on this to make this happen in real life um you know one one of the biggest things that we accomplished this year is the safe passes pilot program and you know we worked hard on that program and and we did it in April in two months we had no issues and guess what we did did with no money we had no money y'all we had 150 volunteers at six schools with no issues let's add that to the budget and make it a reality like we need money y'all when y'all think about this budget next year please think about that safe passor program because all of our students deserve to go home safe and be safe while they leaving school and at school so please think about that when you guys you know are doing that budget next year just throw a couple dollars in there for us we need y'all um finally um let's pay our teachers more you know I was I'm looking at it I'm I'm walking around these schools in these classrooms and I'm looking at these amazing decorations and these teachers only got $100 y'all they get a $100 reimbursement that's nothing we need to make sure our teachers get at least a match you know it's so many donut shoes Pages out here you can't donate to everybody so let's help these teachers get some supplies and some money so they can do great things and and also let's let's see if we can um you know pay our teachers to just like you know get some gas money or something cuz these teachers go to school every day and they don't got no gas money you know let's help them like let's get some reimbursements for gas like let's make this happen let's let's make sure that our kids go to school happy and leave happy and let's be all PGC proud as a as a proud student acrossing High School I I I come back and we Advocate hard to make make sure that we are doing this great work and we can't do this without you guys every single person in this room is a part of that success that we need to see in our school system so let's make sure our students are doing well and moving forward in real life not on social media in real life and let's make sure that we are all making our kids happy mentally and physically have a great day thank you uh the next speaker is Tanya Wingfield individual citizens accountability and governance speaking on accountability blueprint I don't see her walking towards the podium she's not here okay uh find our last speaker Delvin Champaign individual Dora Kennedy French emergence speaking on comprehensive academic platform and Dora Kennedy School move and I don't see that person finally there will there will be a public video um added to board docs from Altha Jerry Carter individual speaking on parent access to Student Records per FPA don't know what that means LW thank you now we will move to 6.0 budget consent agenda superintendent house I'm sorry uh chair I request that we Co 6.8 adoption of the FY 2025 Board of Education approved operating budget for discussion before vote okay uh superintendent house we will discuss 6.8 adoption of the fiscal year 2025 Board of Education approved operating budget before we vote vote so a board member has asked so that was what we would do okay so would you like to start there yes please thank you good deal what I what I will say uh just want to thank you all for for uh for joining us and uh looking forward to the engagement um over the last few months our team has has really worked diligently to develop a budget that aligns with our strategic goals and priorities and the needs of our students and ensures the um efficient use of of resources as well we've engaged through analysis extensive discussion careful consideration of feedback uh from various stakeholders uh this budget really reflects in in my eyes the commitment of academic excellence equity and Innovation now we recognize the constraints and economic realities that uh that we we face in the state of Maryland uh as well as in the county and we've made every effort to allocate funds responsibly strategically um to this state our goal is to maximize the impact of every dollar spent ensuring that our students receive the best possible education and support I want to extend my my gratitude to all board members especially the oafa committee led by um board member Adam Stafford our staff uh led by of course uh our chief Chief Financial Officer liser how who contributed to this comprehensive and thought budget proposal your hard work and dedication are are deeply appreciated as we move forward with the approval um and consideration process I encourage open discussion and thoughtful deliberation uh your insights and perspectives are invaluable and uh as we finalize this budget and continue continue the collective efforts to advance the educational opportunities of students in the Prince George's County thank you for attention and we look forward to any questions and discussion at this time thank you uh board member the the question before us a motion that's what yes I I move for adoption of the FY 2025 Board of Education approved operating budget second second it's been moved and seconded to approve the fiscal year 25 operating budget and we're ready for a discussion and I see board member Walker and we'll start with you thanks so much um I sound like a broken record so I'm just going to look at you and then I'm going to glance over here at Miss how um I'm I'm concerned with the incremental impact of Integrity compliance officer it's at $691,000 and my concern with that is I'm looking to see if we can delay it I just it's really inside of my mind that looking at all of the things we have on our budget to date and whether it's split with the County Council or we take a look at uh what we have here I appreciate you all hearing me each and every meeting when I'm talking about this line item um we just need all the funds that we can get for a lot of what you heard here today and so I just really want to know if there was a consideration based on my last two comments of this here and if and why you chose to keep it in I'm going to vote tonight and I just wanted some help on um if your consideration for that thank you so much there definitely was uh consideration in in everything that we uh thoughtfully looked at um I know you know even our our legal council has has looked at you know what our responsibility is to the office uh as well and we think um what we have here in the budget is reflective that so just so I'm clear we think that the $691,000 is what we need and not defer and if if you don't mind I'd like to u to allow um absolutely our our legal counsel to to kind of share what his review of our responsibility uh at this juncture is do you mind yes sir uh can you hear me yes there you go can you hear me yes there you go uh thank you board member Walker for the question so when looking at the statute that creates the office which which we you referring to there is not a lot of leeway as relates to us funding the office now I I will defer to Chief Howell as relates to the amount of the funding but the fact that the office is required to exist and we are required to ensure that it exists is Our obligation so you know is the is the level of funding something that we could um negotiate not from the legislative perspective it's not thank you I do appreciate that um don't mishear me don't misunderstand I am here to comply with the law absolutely a hands down my question about the $691,000 was more if there was room to defer some of it so we can leverage that funding this year Well in 2025 uh for other things as we move forward such that we have deferred a number of other things um as we've talked about in previous board meetings thank you so I'll just address that real briefly um the budget that was submitted is based off what was requested in order to stand up that function to begin the work that's required and So based off of what was provided that is what's reflected in the budget um when we did meet with County Council to review our requested budget um I guess about a month or so ago we did request funding for this office um but of course that was not provided but we did ask for it and we will continue to ask for funding as we move forward with our budgets uh next year as well okay thank you so much didn't recognize that piece board member boo boerr yeah thank you so much and I want to uh once again thank Chief how for all your work this year on this budget and getting us through um uh challenges at times and um getting us into a much more steady place than than I think uh many other school systems are experiencing at this point in time um so your your work is very much appreciated and all of your colleagues who of course have to work very hard um to make sure that this budget is uh finalized I I too am concerned about the um the the amount of funds for the office um the integrity and compliance office I think that these funds really should come after there's actually a work plan this office was founded without any consideration for the fact that it's duplication of E in the system that um is already being funded in the in the board for the Board of Education the um our internal audit office we have experts who who do this work every day have for years and uh we actually uh recognized uh the retiring uh chief of that office uh last week for her service the um we as a board and as we transition to a fully elected board our job is this oversight of the school system and we have been doing it um quite well and I think we will continue to because we have had for years the experts uh reporting directly to this board doing these investigations and I and that is not always very public so I don't think the public understands that they're already paying for this all of these services are already being paid for and overseen by the Board of Education so even if we vote to move this forward this evening because it's in law I think it's really important for everyone to understand that this board does this work and as and we the the desire of this County to return to a fully elected board was this oversight and that is what we are um going to do um we maintain a fraud waste and abuse count a a online system that no member would ever suggest the public not utilize if they so felt there was something that should be reported and this board re reviews all of those so the duplication of this office is a duplication of cost to to this County and so I just feel like I can't move forward without saying this um and then appro approve the funds I needed on the record to understand that there's a law that's telling us we have to spend the funds that we have to stand up a dup duplication of efforts in the school system thank you thank you in any questions from any other board member Z Miller thank you so much I I just want to start uh by thanking superintendent house and your entire team and particularly Chief how Chief how um during the past board meeting and during the aafa meeting we talked extensively about the bullying prevention and I I want to say I just want to thank you for the efforts that you put in I heard you when you said it takes work uh it takes work every time we ask for whether it's a a a change in position or change and we're advocating for something we recognize it's not just moving a number on a on a spreadsheet so I just want to publicly say thank you for really putting in that effort and for the team and the Chiefs really putting that effort to uh restore that position and to ensure that we have some support for students so that we can continue with um ensuring that we take care of the psychological Health thank you so much thank you any other questions from any board member uh Adam Stafford I just want to say thank you to Chief Hal and her team for really working to uh reconcile this budget um as we look across the nation as my colleague said there are many school districts that are really uh suffering right now um and with the uh the use of the blueprint funding and uh just your uh Innovation we've been able to come out um in a way that I think still honors our commitments to students and communi so thank you so much for all of your work to get us here thank you uh Dr Harris thank you I just want to Echo the sentiments of our our um aafa board chair and thank you to Chief how um and to ensure my colleagues that at our aafa meeting we also had discussions around the reallocations of uh FTE or positions that were not able to fill throughout the school year and so we'll Circle back around to that and another time to redistribute those funds um according to uh Chief how's division thank you okay thank you any questions from any other board members if not I have one comment as you look at the Integrity officer Chief Howell when you go to the County Council I see this as pass through I see this as and we should demand superintendent house that the dollars to support that office are they they have no negative impact on your budget your the budget here is just a vehicle for them to give money to support that office and that's how I see it and what I would suggest is that you as you do your budget you will ensure with your questions that this portion is fully funded period and that is why I believe uh CFO Howell you made it it separate lines so everybody can see it and it doesn't get mixed with the rest of the money that's required for the the system thank you with that said no other comments we're ready for the vote Miss adline would you call the role please to approve the fiscal year uh 25 budget Mrs Adam Stafford hi Miss bu Str hi Mr bricks hi Dr Harris hi Mr Jackson I Mrs Fraser I Dr J Miller I Dr Z Miller I Mrs rout abstain Miss Walker I miss r forbs i Mrs binp I with 11 votes in the affirmative one exstension the motion carries to adopt the budget superintendent house now can we uh take the remainder of absolutely thank you madam chair uh items 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 and 6.9 require board approval thank you so much the motion on the floor is to approve under budgets consent agenda 6.1 through 6.7 and 6.9 it has been moved in seconded is there any discussion we might want to just read the titles I know a lot okay you read them yeah thank you we're just going to read these for the record uh 6.1 is approval of vendors to RFP uh p011 d24 USDA processing cheese and eggs 6.2 is approval of vendors to RFP p011 d24 USDA processing Meats poultry and fish 6.3 is approval of blueprint schools program Phase 2 exclusive negotiation agreement Amendment 6.4 is approval of memorandum of understanding for blueprint schools Phase 2 program 6.5 is RFP 01324 for interpreting Services 6.6 is fiscal year 2025 facilities usage rates 6.7 expenditure requirements fiscal year 2025 and 6.9 fiscal year 2025 non-resident tuition rates thank you Miss Adeline please call the rooll Mr ad Stafford hi Miss with Str I Mr Briggs I Dr Harris I Mr Jackson I Mrs fer I Dr J Miller Dr Z Miller i m Mrs Ral I miss Walker i m Riva Forbes I Mrs pensbury I with 12 votes in the affirmative the motion is adopted unfinished I should have something oh okay unfinished business Board of Education meeting calendar for school year 2024 2025 we will now consider the unfinished business second reader uh item 7.1 thank [Music] you I gave it to um the oh the calendar that's on me I'm sorry y second Super house yep I'll I'll take it thank you ma'am Madam chair item 7.1 requires uh board approval uh which is the uh the board calendar thank you the motion before the board is to approve the board calendar uh for year 2024 2025 it's been moved and seconded is there any discussion and I see two lights um Harr board member Harris and and board member who the stugis uh col sorry can you hear me colleagues yep there it is colleagues I'd like to uh make a motion for uh modifications to the Board of Education meeting calendar for school year 2024 to 2025 to include the climate change action plan ad hoc committee meeting dates uh we went through and added the dates they're on the off Wednesdays where Alfa does not appear I've got a list we work with um board staff to create that that list before the record I'll read those dates into the record if you allow me all right so the motion is to include the following dates as the climate change action plan at hoc work group committee uh for the 2024 2025 school year June 26 2024 August 28th 2024 October 16th 2024 December 18th 2024 February 19th 2025 April 23rd 2025 and June 25th 2025 this aligns with the charter for the climate change action plan at hoc committee workg group and we will also submit uh the work plan for the topics we plan to discuss thank you thank you board member Adam whoo's brother I was going to speak to the same topic thank you okay fine uh board member Adam Stafford thank you um I just wanted to know that this calendar doesn't um include our professional development dates that um I guess are to be determined but I just wanted to note that for the record that this is not like included on our approved calendar so they will require a board vote uh by our new board when that does happen so it's just something that I wanted to make note and that also the disability issues Advisory Board will once they establish their bylaw then that will also be added to this as well so it's just something I wanted to know for the record okay so that's future than your Walker thank you um this calendar also notes I made a note earlier but it it notes that we meet on October 31st which is Halloween a closed meeting at 5:00 and an open meeting at 7:00 with children that's going to be a tough one uh so I wanted us to reconsider moving that to earlier in the week my oh that's Cube annual conference um and for a date to be determined guess we will have to vote on that yes uh we will have to vote on amending the calendar first before we can approve the calendar so we need to vote as amended with those dates which you have and your recommendation was the the 31st of October uh my recommendation was to move the 31st of um October I did not have a recommendation on when that was because so that could be a future yes thank you to just move it to um align on a future meeting okay um likely the week of the four 24th boundary oh yep exactly so we can maybe move the boundary meeting from the 24th if we can move the board meeting up to the 24th and then relocate the boundary hearing meeting which is currently set for the 24 virtually Cindy if you captur those dates that Vice chair just said could you repeat that please so that she can get to shift the Halloween meeting which is on October 31st currently to Thursday December 24th October oops what did I say yeah just say October okay October and then the October 24th date we would um shift to another day maybe the week of the 14th so the 15th or the 16th we would have to check with the the administration calendar okay so board members what we're voting on is to accept the Amendments as Dr Harris uh described which 15 and then the uh dates which VI J Walker uh just commented on okay excuse me hold on a minute that's Walker okay v um Adam St um yes I know that we are we are voting on the calendar right now and we're also voting on the format of meetings and when they occur and I just wanted to introduce a motion that we hold the first meeting First full meeting of the month virtually um to accommodate for just some of the challenges that we've had with attendance and to make our meetings more accessible to the public and and so essentially what it would do is on the calendar the first Thursday um the first Thursday of the month that we meet as a full board it would be a virtual online meeting not hybrid it would be virtual okay boy member Adam Stafford I think that's a separate issue and I think that's a future discussion for the all elected board tonight we're voting on and what we're voting on now is to amend the calendar as uh Dr Harris described and vice chair Walker that is the motion that's on the flooor now so any I don't see any more questions Miss Adeline please call the role on the amendment before I call the role who second KF motion second thank you all right Mrs Adam Stafford I miss Buddha Str I Mr bricks hi Dr Harris hi Mr Jackson hi Mrs Fraser hi Dr J Miller hi Dr Z Miller I Mrs rout hi Miss Walker hi M rera Forbes hi Mrs mckb I 12 votes in the affirmative the the calendar to amend the calendar is um adopted so that's it for tonight right yep oh now we need to adopt the calendar is amended okay so the motion on the floor now is to adopt the calendar as amended for um school year 2425 second and it's been moved and seconded by the Vice chair and I see Adam Stafford I just wanted to ask that the um format of the meetings be put on a future agenda okay thank you any other discussion Miss Adeline please call the role on a do um on approving the calendar as amended Mrs Adam Stafford hi Miss bu sh I Mr Briggs I Dr Harris I Mr Jackson I Mrs Fraser I Dr J Miller I Dr Z Miller I Mrs M rout I miss Walker I Mr ver Forbes I Mrs mck spr I with 12 votes in the affirmative the motion carries uh and and please take for a follow-up item uh the question for board member Adam Stafford thank you okay new business first reader I the floor is to board member Briggs policy and governance chair to introduce the new business first read of agenda items 8.1 through 8.9 thanks so much chair mckin Murray the policy and governance committee met virtually discussed the public comments on the following board policies and bylaws and voted unanimously to forward them to the full board item 8.1 bylaws and rules of procedure this document is for the conduct of business and meetings of the board item 8.2 new policy service animals and schools this policy aims to provide guidelines permitting the use of service Animals by individuals with disabilities on pgcp as property and at school related and school sponsor activities item 8.3 new policies student information and Records this policy aims to provide guidelines that ensure compliance with the federal and state laws for collecting maintaining and releasing information about students that is contained in education records item 8.4 revised policy 0101 education Equity this policy aims to establish standards of behavior that affirm the rights of all students to have Equitable access to a quality education that empowers them to receive a student- centered education and promotes College and Career Readiness item 8.5 Revis policy 0119 theory of action this policy aims to provide framework that outlines what steps PGCPS must take to meet the desired outcome of achieving equity and excellence in education item 8.6 Revis policy 6161 Core Curriculum resources this policy aims to articulate the board's expectations for establishing a structure for the identification of appropriate textbooks and instructional materials and the accountability for these materials item 8.7 res sended policy 4111 employment recruitment this policy was developed to promote the best Employment Practices for employment opportuni ities in Prince geores County Public Schools item 8.8 recced policy 61 80.1 evaluation and selection of classroom instructional materials this policy was developed to properly select classroom instructional materials that Implement and support the instructional programs of the Prince Georges county public schools and item 8.9 rescinded policy 8371 appointments this policy was developed to provide guidelines for appointments the committee recommends advancing the policies and bylaws as first reader on behalf of the policy and governance committee I move that the policies be approved as first reader the motion is to approve the um policies 8.1 through 8.9 under new business as first readers second has been moved in second that in discussion Adam [Music] Stafford hi um my only question is under the curriculum Core Curriculum resources under the standards I'm wondering since our school district has done a lot of work around developing um culturally responsive materials inhouse something that I think is really Dynamic that we already do um is there a way that that language can be added into the standards for the selection of materials like you know requiring that the materials meet some of the satisfactory uh markers of high quality instructional materials but then also cultural responsiveness I don't know if that can be added in here I think you're directing that at me well okay well I'm going to answer I'm just going to say that um certainly we can add in you know we can revise and amend the policy to include pieces that are align with the law so as long as we're not suggest anything that's going against what Maryland State Law requires for the standards for um instructional practices then I I think it shouldn't be an issue yes that is in line with the blueprint standard for curriculum materials that they are designated as high quality and then also cultural responsiveness even if it isn't I think that we should lead the way and basically you know requiring that that is a component that we are evaluating for because it's something that we we are doing across our district I it's a great suggestion if you just want to send it right up we can we can do that as a second reader thing board member Boozer struther yeah thank you I want to speak to 8.4 educational Equity um and I know sometimes it's difficult to track these documents of the the formatting here so I'll follow up as well but I'm concerned about at least what's present being presented here that it looks like we're pulling back from adverse childhood experiences definition a lot is um deleted out I just want to make sure that that's still the driving that Aces is still the driving yeah aces are still yeah they're foundational yeah I I'll need to follow up with you it's just difficult to read this documents and so much about the community identifiers is also deleted out so yeah no yeah let's have a conversation yeah thank you just for clarity thank you board member Harris yeah quickly I want to thank the committee for their work specifically speaking to items 8.4 educational equity and item 8.7 employ employment recruitment um specifically to section 8.5 around holistic uh academic well-being and then 8.7 just trying to tighten up the language specifically around uh their recruitment efforts that we that we've been discussing for the past months so thank you to you and your committee seeing no more questions the um motion on the floor is to approve 8.1 through 8.9 under new business as first reader Mr Adine please call the role Mrs Adam Stafford hi Miss bu Str I Mr Briggs I Dr Harris I Mr Jackson I Mrs friser I Dr J Miller I Dr Z Miller I Mrs Ral I miss Walker hi Mr ver Forbes I Mrs mpar with 12 votes in the affirmative the motion is adopted next non-consent agender there none followup items follow-up items from June 27th 2024 Prince George's County Board of Education meeting will be posted on board docs upon receipt the board would like to inform the public of the following uh upcoming meetings the oath of office ceremony for the school year 2425 student member of the board June 28th that's tomorrow 2024 at noon if folks want to join us the Prince Georges County Board of Education Retreat June 29th 2024 at 1: p.m. virtual special board meeting July 1 2024 at 5:30 p.m. please be advised that the board members 6 week break begins after your meeting you want to say July 2nd you're you have a meeting scheduled on July 1st okay so we'll say July 1st but they have a meeting on July 1st uh the break will be for 6 weeks continue to check the board web page for updates and more information about the next board meetings and other board meetings there been before I journ note the time is 9:36 9:36 with all that we did tonight thank everybody thank you so much uh there being no further business before the board at this time 9:36 the June 26 7 27 2024 Board of Education meeting is adjourned and goodbye everybody