hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys World Play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to stat comparison and preview of the next MTH take to usend so first of all talk about you profile her car making is number one she is 23 so her L ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doan M rooming and much more TI the previous SH now to win this s she has to win Pary let's go for then see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for this [Music] time pr1 million PR is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and Jana play 31 master mates ex 8 and ex 156 so further we see the house who had this will be first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview the next M take to so first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 so her L St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won do IND M room R Beijing stood and much more TI she in a c b in the previous SH now to win this round she has to win J par so let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this time the price $1 million per price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh com with this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh like Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 80 and Par 156 so further we see the H who had this world first meeting between them so their H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ra of success and we are back with another video so guys play part the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how stes comparison and previous the next M take first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she's 23 so her L rati is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won DOA indan M room rang Versa Beijing stood C and much more title cha in the previous round now to win this round she has to win J par let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her lo St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the compis two play this [Music] time priz $1 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh com to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh like Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and 156 so F we see the H who had this will first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to your YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and previous the first of all talk about profile her making is number one she's 23 old so her L St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she room rijing stood much more tit in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win part let's go for and see herone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this time the price1 million per price is $2 million shat has 12 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 m in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and ex 156 so fur we see the H who had this will first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance CH has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview of the next M take to so first of all talk about profile her current think is number one she is 23 old so her lose ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title and tire career she won do indan M room rang Vera Beijing St and much more title she in the previous round now to win this s she has to win par let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her lo is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for comparison two play this time the priz is $1 million par price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming with this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 12 like player 50 Masters in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J PR ex 156 so further we see the H who had this world with first meeting between them so their H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys play part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how say comparison and preview the next first of all talk about profile her ranking is number one she's 23 old so her L rati is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won do IND Mar room ranga Beijing stood and much more TI she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win par go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by1 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W toop player so don't forget for got to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the into comparison two of this time price is1 million P Price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Parry rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and Jana play 31 matches ex 8 and J ex 156 so further we see the h this will be first meeting between them so they has to stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well for welcome back to our YouTube channel way of success and we are back with another video so guys you guys legana part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and previe the next first of all talk about profile her making is number one she is 23 old so her lose St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she W Doan M room ranga Beijing stood much more tighter she C in the previous round now to win this round she has to win J par let's go for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year so she won Z title and her St is 19 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W chop so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this time [Music] sh price is $1 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and J played 31 matches she ex 80 and Jana ex 156 so further we see the H who had this first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play powering the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to tastes comparison and prev the next first of all talk about her current ring is number one she's 23 old so her lose ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title and entire career she won do indan M room rang Vera Beijing stood and much more tit she in the previous round now to win this round she has to win J is letot go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year so she w z title and her L CH is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W chop player so don't forg out a like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this [Music] time price is $31 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 m in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J ex 156 so fur we see the H who had this all before meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play is theana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to it St comparison and PR the next first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she's 23 old so her lose ra is 328 by 71 she want 222 title entire career she won Doha IND Mar room rang Vera Beijing stood C and much more titter she in the previous round now to win this s she has to win J par let go for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she want zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison of two player this time sh price is $1 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and Jana PR ex 156 so further we see they has had this will first meeting between them so they H has stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you will play against Diana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview of the next M first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 old so her lose rati is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan mared room rang Vera Beijing stood C and much more tighter she C in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J par let go for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against w top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the into comparison two player this time sh price is1 million PR price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and jna play 31 matches ex 8 and J PR ex 156 so further we see the H had this will be first meeting between them so the H stands at Z by Z for now then now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you will play against di par in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to estay comparison and prev the next so first of all talk about profile her curent ranking is number one she is 23 old so her lose is 328 by 71 she W to 22 title entire career she won Doha IND mared room rang Beijing stood C much more tighter she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win know J Paris let go for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W chop so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this time [Music] sh price is1 million price is $2 million sh has 122t and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and jna played 31 matches she ex 80 and J ex 156 so further we see the hu this will be first meeting between them so the hu stands at 0 by0 for now now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys World play against Diana par in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction St comparison and prev the next first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 so her L is 328 by 71 she want to 22 title entire career she won do Mar room rangsa Beijing stood C much more tighter she the previous SH now to win this and she has to know J Paris let's go for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she w z title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W chop player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this time sh price is $1 million P Price is $2 million sh has w 122 title and Diana has one Z title sha coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Parry rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex 8 and J ex 156 so further we see the hu had this first meeting between them so the H has stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her see going this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against Diana part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to taste comparison and prev the next first of all talk about profile her car ring is number one she's 23 so is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha IND Mar room roll Beijing much more tighter she the previous SH now to win this s she has to winana Paris for see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two player this time sh price is1 million P Price is $2 million sh has 122 tile and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par r is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex is 8 and J is 156 so further we see the H had this first meeting between them so the H stands at 0 by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you will play part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how toat comparison and previe the next so first of all talk about you profile her current ring is number one she is 23 so her loose St is 32 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World mared room Rolla Beijing stood much more tighter she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J Paris let go for then see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she WS Z title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can and she perform against well top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go forther into comparison two player this [Music] time price is1 million price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sha coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh and J 156 so further we see the H had this will first meeting between them so the H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to Wi this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back back with another video so guys you will play part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview the next so first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 so her lo ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World Mar room R Beijing stood and much more tighter sh in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J par let's go for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W toop play so don't forget to like And subscribe our channel so let's go forther into comparison two of this [Music] time price is $1 million price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex 8 and J 156 so further we see the hu had this will be first meeting between them so the H has are Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you sh World play against Diana party in the round of Olympics so you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview of the next M take to first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 so is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World Mar room roll Beijing St much more tighter sh the previous SH now to win this she has to win J Paris let's go for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the compon two player this [Music] time PR million price is shatak has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex is 8 and J par 156 so further we see the H had this will be first meeting between them so the H stands at 0 by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chance chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against di party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction howat comparison and prev the next take to end first I'll talk about profile her car ring is number one she is 23 so her is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha Indian World M room rij stood much more tit the previous SH now to win this time she has to win parot for see her phone her ranking is 2 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this [Music] time price is $1 million price is $2 million has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 she like Play 50 matches in 24 and jna played 31 matches she ex is 8 and Par 156 so fur we see the hu had this first meeting between them so the has has stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and preview of the next M take to end first of all talk about you profile her car making is number one she's 23 so lose ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha Indian worlded room rijing stood much more TI she the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J par let's go for then see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys you want to know how can she perform against well to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comp prison [Music] this price is1 million price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and jna played 31 matches ex 8 and 156 so F we see the H who have this will first meeting between them so the H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how toate comparison and previous the next M take first of all talk about profile her car ring is number one she's 23 so her is 3 28 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won the room R Beijing stood and much more tigh in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J par let's go for then and see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for comparison two play of this [Music] time price1 million price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh is 8 and PR 156 so further we see the H who had this will first meeting between them so their H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you world play Diana party in the round of of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview the next M take to so first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she's 23 so her lose ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World M room rang ver Beijing stood and much more tighter sh CA B in the previous SH now to win this sound she has to win J par so let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Zer title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the into comparison two play of this time theer price is you 1 million par price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex 8 and PR ex 156 so further we see the H had this will be first meeting between them so the hu as stands at Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to your YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against Diana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and previous the next m so first of all talk about her ranking is number one she's 23 so her L ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won do room much more tit the previous SH now to win this she has to J par let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against well top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the [Music] comp million PR is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh into this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh like Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and ex 156 so further we see the H who had this first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to taste comparison and previous the next M take to end so first of all talk about you profile her making is number one she is 23 old so her L ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she w m room Beijing much more tit she the previous SH now to win this round she has to win par let's go for and see her phone hard ring is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Zer title and her L is 194 about 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W toer so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this [Music] time price $1 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh com with this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 she like player 50 master in 24 and Jana play 31 matches she ex 8 and 156 so further we see the H who had this whole first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and previous the next M take first of all talk about profile her car making is number one she's 23 so her lose ratio is 328 by 71 she want 222 title Tire Herer she won Doha indan M room rang Vera Beijing stood C and much more tighter she in the previous round now to win this s she has to win J par let go for and see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W CH player so don't forget to like and subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this [Music] time priz $1 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh com to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches ex 18 and J ex 156 so further we see the H who had this world first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys play a party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview the next first of all talk about profile her making is number one she's 23 old so her lose St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won do M room R Beijing stood m she in the previous round now to win this round she has to win par than see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W top play so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this time the price is $31 million per price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and Jana play 31 matches ex 8 and 156 so further we see the H had this will be first meeting between them so they hosle stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well for welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to taste comparison and the next first of all talk about profile her making is number one she is 23 old so her L is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won do indan M room R Beijing St and much more tit she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win par then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she wants zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to there so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for comparison two play of this time theer priz is$ million par price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has1 your title sh coming into this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J PR ex 156 so further we see the H who had this SW first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah office hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel way of success and we are back with another video so guys play part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview the next M take first of all talk about profile her Cur ranking is number one she is 23 old so her L is 328 by 71 she won 2 22 title entire career she won do indan M room ranga Beijing stood much more TI she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win let go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Zer title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W toop player so don't forget like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this [Music] time price is $31 million par price is $2 million shatak has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh player 50 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J ex 156 so further we see the this will be first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel way of success and we are back with another video so guys will play isana Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to stast comparison and prev the next M first of all talk about profile her making is number one she is 23 old so her lose ratio is 328 by 71 she W 22 2 title entire career she won do IND Mar room rang Versa Beijing stood C and much more tighter she in the previous SH now to win this round she has to win Paris a lot than see her pH her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W CH player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this time sh price is $1 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh player 50 master in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J PR ex 156 so further we see has had this all first meeting between them so they H has stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you guys sh will play against Diana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to States comparison and previe the next first of all talk about profile her car making is number one she is 23 old so her lose ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title and TI career she want Doha IND mared room rang Vera Beijing stood card much more tighter she CA in the previous round now to win this round she has to win J par let go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two player this time [Music] sh price is1 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and Jana play 31 matches she ex 8 and J ex 156 so F we see the who had this the first meeting between them so their H stands at 0 by0 for now then now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Diana par in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to esap is comparison and previous the next first of all talk about profile her current ring is number one she is 23 old so her lose ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won do IND Mar room ranga Beijing stood M title she the previous SH now to win this sound she has to know jna Paris let go for then see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while Cho there so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go forther into comparison two play of this [Music] time price is1 million per price is $2 million sh has 12200 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J PR ex 156 so further we see the H had this will be first meeting between them so the H has stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel way of success and we are back with another video so guys you sh will play against theana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview the next MTH take first of all talk about you profile her car ring is number one she's 23 old so her lose is 328 by 71 she want to 22 title entire career she won Doha IND Mar room rang Vera Beijing stood C and much more title she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win parot for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she wants title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go forther into comparison of two player this time sh price is1 million PR price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex 8 and J 156 so further we see the H had this will be first meeting between them so the H stands at0 by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then takeen Allah hello every everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you sh World play against theana part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to stat comparison and previe the next take so first of all talk about you profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 so her lose ra is 328 by 7 won she won 222 title entire career she won Doha Mar room rang wor Beijing St and much more tighter she in the previous SH now to win this round she has to win J Paris let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year so she won Z title and her lo is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against world to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two player of this [Music] time price is $1 million PR price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh player 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex is 8 and J ex 15 this is so further we see the H had this will be first meeting between them so the H has stands at0 by0 for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video video so guys will play against par in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how comparison and previous next first of all talk about profile her carent ranking is number one she's 23 old so her loose ra is 328 by 71 she W to 22 title entire career she won Doha IND World mared room roll wor Beijing stood C much more tighter she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to J Paris let go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W chop so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this time [Music] sh price is $1 million price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh like Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex 80 and J ex 156 so F the we see the H had this whole first meeting between them so the H has stands at zero by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see going this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you will play against Diana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to comparison and previous the next first of all talk about profile her ring is number one she's 23 so her L is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha IND Mar room rang Vera Bing stood C much more tighter sh in the previous sh now to win this she has to win a j par let go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the into comparison two player this [Music] time price is $1 million price is $2 million shatak has w 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex is 8 and J ex 156 so further we see the hu had this will the first meeting between them so the H has stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over for her let's see who going to Wi this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you world play against Diana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to EST comparison and preview the next MTH take to first of all talk about out profile her car ring is number one she's 23 so her is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World Mar room roll Beijing St and much more tighter she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to know J Paris let's go for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 2 one year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against well top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go forther into comparison two player of this time sh price is1 million price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex is 8 and J ex 156 so further we see the H had this will first meeting between them so the H stands at 0 by 0 for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you will play against Diana part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and preview of the next MTH to so first of all talk about you sh profile her car ranking is number one she's 23 so how L sh is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World M room Beijing and much more tit in the previous SH now to win this she has to J par let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the into comparison two player of this [Music] time price is $1 million price is $2 million has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 she like played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex his age andana par 156 so further we see the hasu had this will be first meeting between them so the H has stands at Z by Z for now then now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and previe the next first of all talk about profile her car making is number one she's 23 so is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan world mared room rang Beijing stood C much more tigh she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J Pary let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she W Zer title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the pr of this [Music] time pr1 million price2 million shatak has 122 title and Diana has one Z title shat coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh is 8 and J par 156 so further we see the house who had this first meeting between them so the also has stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys play Party in the round of so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and previous the next take end first of all talk about profile her car ring is number one she's 23 so her is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World M room Beijing much more TI in the previous SH now to win this round she has to win J Pary so let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to play so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this the price $1 million price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex is 0 and Par 156 so fur we see the H had this will first meeting between them so the H has stands at Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to stat comparison and previous the next take to and so first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she's 23 so her L St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World Mar room stood much more TI the previous now to win this she has to win J Paris let go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go forther into comparison this [Music] time price is1 million price is $2 million sh has 12 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex 8 and ex 156 so fur we see the H had this will first meeting between them so the H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview the next M take to end so first of all talk about profile her car making is number one she is 23 so her L St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha room much more tit the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J par let's go for then and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the two this [Music] time pr1 million PR is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana play 31 match ex 8 and 156 so further we see the H who had this will be first meeting between them so their H stands at Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take care and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to to YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to stat comparison and preview of the next M take to so first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she's 23 so her L ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won do indan M room R Beijing St and much more tit she Ina in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J par let's go for and see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her lo St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like and subsscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this [Music] time prize1 million par price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with king of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex 8 and Par 156 so further we see the H had this will first meting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ra of success and we are back with another video so guys will play part the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and preview the next M take to first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 so her L ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha and M room rang Versa Beijing stood C and much more titter she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Zer title and her St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W chop so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this [Music] time price $1 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh like Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and 156 so fur we see the H who had this will first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and previous the next first of all talk about her making is number one she 23 old so her L ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she W room stood much more TI in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J party let go for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her lo St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this time the price $1 million per price is $2 million shat has 12 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and jna played 31 matches she ex 8 and ex 156 so fur we see the H who had this will be first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well for welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and previous the next M take to so first of all talk about profile her Mak is number one she is 23 old so her lose ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan M room rang Vera Beijing St and much more title she in the previous round now to win this s she has to win par let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L is 94 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while CH play so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this time the priz is1 million par price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming with this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 12 like player 50 master in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and Jana PR ex 156 so further we see the H who had this world first meeting between them so their H stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys play part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to taste comparison and preview of the next MTH first of all talk about profile her ranking is number one she's 23 old so her lose rati is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan Mar room rang Vera Beijing stood C and much more tit she C in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win par let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her lo St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to player so don't forget like And subscribe our Channel let's go for comparison two play of this [Music] time price is $31 million par price is $2 million shat has 12 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and Jana play 31 matches ex 8 and J PR ex 156 so further we see the h this will be first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel way of success and we are back with another video so guys you is di party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and prev the next first of all talk about profile hering is number one she is 23 old so her L ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she want Doan Mar room ranga Beijing stood much more tighter she C in the previous SH now to win this sound she has to win parisot for than see her pH her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she w z title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison of two play of this time [Music] sh price is1 million P Price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and J played 31 matches she ex 8 and J ex 156 so further we see the H who had this first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by0 for now they now play against before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel way of success and we are back with another video so guys will play par in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how stes comparison and previe the next first of all talk about her car ranking is number one she is 23 so her L ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title intire career she won M room R Beijing and much more title she the previous SH now to win this s she has to win is lot for than see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Zer title and her lo St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W chop player so don't forget for like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this time the price is $31 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 80 and J ex 156 so further we see the H who had this SW the first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Diana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to taste comparison and previous the next first of all talk about profile her carent ring is number one she's 23 old so her lose ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won do IND Mar room rang Vera Beijing stood C much more tighter she in the previous round now to win this round she has to win J par let for see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W CH player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the ENT comparison two player this time sh price is $31 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J PR ex 156 so further we see the H this all first meeting between them so the H has stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you will play against Diana par in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and preview the next first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 old so her loose ratio is 328 by 71 she 222 title entire career she won Doha IND mared room rang Vera Beijing stood C much more tighter she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win par let's go for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L CH is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against w player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go forther into comparison two player this time sh price is $1 million per price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and jna played 31 matches she ex 8 and J PR ex is 156 so further we see the H had this will the first meeting between them so the H stands at Z by0 for now then now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you world play against Diana part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to stes comparison and previe the next so first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 old so her L is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha IND mared room roll wor Bing stood C much more tighter she cam in the previous SH now to win this sound she has to win J Paris let go for then see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her lo St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while toer so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go forther into comparison of two play of this time [Music] sh price is1 million P Price is $2 million sh has 122 and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh player 50 matches in 24 and jna played 31 matches ex 8 and J PR 156 so further we see the H had this will be first meeting between them so the H has stands at 0 by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel way of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against Diana part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and preview of the next first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 old so her L is 328 by 71 she won to 22 title entire career she won do Mar room ranga Beijing stood and much more tighter she in the previous SH now to win this and she has to know J Paris let go for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she wants Z title and her lo is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while toop so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this time sh price is $1 million P Price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sha coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex 8 and J ex 156 so for we see the H had this will be first meeting between them so the H has stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's going one this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against Diana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to taste comparison and preview of the next M take to first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she's 23 so her lo is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won do Mar room R stood much more tighter she the previous SH now to win this s she has to win Paris for see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year so she won Z title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W toop player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the into comparison two player of this time sh price is $1 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with the ranking of top one player and Par ranking is 52 she like played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex is 80 and J 156 so further we see the H had this will first meeting between them so the H stands at 0 by0 for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and prev the next first of all talk about profile her C making is number one she is 23 so her loose St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World Mar room roll Vera Beijing stood much more tighter she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J Paris let go for then see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Zer title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perer my games while to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this [Music] time price is1 million price is $2 million sh has2 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she a and j 156 so fur we see the H had this will first meeting between them so the H stands at 0 by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back back with another video so guys will play part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and prev the next first of all talk about profile her current ring is number one she is 23 so her lo ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan world mared R Beijing stood much more tighter in the previous SH now to win this she has to win a j Paris let go for then see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her lose CH is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W chop so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go forther into comparison two of this [Music] time price is $1 million price is $2 million has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex 8 and J ex 156 so further we see the H had this will be first meeting between them so the hu has stand are Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you sh World play against the party in the round of Olympics so if you want want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview the next first of all talk about profile hering is number one she's 23 so her is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World Mar room r ver Beijing St much more tigh sh in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J Paris let's go for then and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she want Zer title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the into comparison two play of this [Music] time pr1 million price is 2 million shatak has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex is 8 and J par ex 156 so further we see the H had this will be first meeting between them so the H stands at 0 by0 for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chance to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take care and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against Diana part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how States comparison and previe of the next M take to first of all I'll talk about profile her car ranking is number one she's 23 so her 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World M room much more tit the previous SH now wi this she has to J par let go for then see her phone hard car ranking is 50 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the into comparison two play of this [Music] time price is $1 million price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of St one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and jna played 31 matches sh ex is 8 and Par 156 so further we see the hasu had this will be first meeting between them so the hu has stands at Z by Z for now then now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Gana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and previous the nextend first of all talk about you sh the profile her car ring is number one she's 23 so her lose ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha Indian World Mar room ring stood much more TI the previous SH now to win this she has to win J Paris let's go for see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 years old so she won Z title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comp pris [Music] this price $1 million price is $2 million shat has 12 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 she like Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and ex 156 so F we see the house who had this first meeting between them so the house stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how stat comparison and previous the next M take end first of all talk about profile her car ring is number one she's 23 so her L is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won the M room rijing stood much more TI she the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J Pary so let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to play so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for comparison two play of this [Music] time price is1 million pric is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh is 8 and J par 156 so further we see the H who had this will first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to State comparison and previous the next M take to so first of all talk about profile her car making is number one she's 23 so her L ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha Indian world's Mar room rang Vera Beijing stood and much more tighter sh in B in the previous round now to win this s she has to win J par let's go for and see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this time theer price is $1 million par price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming with this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex 8 and PR ex 156 so further we see the has had this will first meeting between them so the H has stands at Z by0 for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel W of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the rounds of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview of the next M take so first of all talk about Ile her ranking is number one she is 23 so her L St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha IND room stood much more tit the previous SH now to win this s she has to J party so let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against world top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the this [Music] time pr1 million PR $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh into this match with the ranking of top one player and Parry rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and ex 156 so further we see the H had this will be first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to your YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and previous the next take to so first of all talk about profile her car making is number one is 23 old so her L ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she M rooming stood much title she in the previous SH now to win this she has to win part let's go and see her phone hard ring is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Zer title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comp two play this [Music] time price1 million par price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh like Play 50 master in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and 156 so further we see the H who had this first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well for welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and prev the next take first of all talk about profile her car making is number one she's 23 so her L ra is 328 by 71 she want 222 title and tire C she won do IND M room rang Versa Beijing St and much more tit she in the previous round now to win this round she has to win J par let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W chop so don't forget to like and subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this [Music] time priz $1 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh com with this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh like Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and ex 156 so further we see the H who had this world before po meeting between them so they H stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this out till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys play party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to comparison and previous the next M first of all talk about profile her ring is number one she's 23 old so her lose ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won do M room ranga Beijing stood much more she in the previous round now to win this round she has to win par let go then see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this time [Music] price is $31 million per price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 mat in 24 and Jana play 31 matches ex 8 and J ex 156 so F we see the H had this will be first meeting between them so they hosle stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to stes comparison and the next first of all talk about her making is number one she's 23 old so her L is 328 by 71 she won 2 22 title entire career she won do M room R Beijing stood and much more tit she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J par let's go for and see her pH her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she wants Z title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while CH so don't forget to like And subscribe our channel so let's go for comparison two play this time the priz is1 million par price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and J played 31 matches she ex 8 and J PR ex 156 so further we see the H who had this will first meting between them so their H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah office hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel way of success and we are back with another video so guys play part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to taste comparison and preview of the next M take so first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she's 23 old so her L is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won do IND M room ranga Beijing St and much more titer she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win par let go for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her those St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while top player so don't forgot to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for comparison two play of this [Music] time price is $31 million per price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master 24 and Jana played 31 matches ex 8 and J PR ex 156 so further we see the H who had this will be first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel way of success and we are back with another video so guys World play against the party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to taste comparison and previous the next M first of all talk about profile her ranking is number one she is 23 old so her lose rati is 328 by 71 she W 22 to title entire career she won Doha indan M room rang Vera Beijing stood C and much more tighter she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win par go for see her pH her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Zer title and her is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the into comparison two play of this time sh price is $1 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh player 50 master in 24 and J played 31 matches she ex 8 and J PR ex 156 so further we see the has to had this will first meeting between them so they has to has stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you guys World play against di part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to States comparison and previe the next M first of all talk about profile her car ring is number one she is 23 old so her L ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title Andre career she won DOA indan M room rangos Versa Beijing stood C much more tighter she in the previous SH now to win this round she has to win J par let go for then see her pH her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W toop player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two player this time [Music] sh price is1 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J ex 156 so F we see the H had this be first meeting between them so their H stands at0 by0 for now then now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Diana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to stay comparison and previe the next first of all talk about profile her carent making is number one she is 23 old so her lose ra is 328 by 71 she W 222 title entire career she won Doha Mar room rang Vera Beijing stood and much more title she in the previous s now to win this s she has to win jna Paris let go for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W Cho there so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the into comparison two play this time sh price is1 million per price is $2 million sh has 122,00 tit and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh player 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and Jana PR ex 156 so further we see the H had this all first meeting between them so the H has stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against Diana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview of the next MTH first of all talk about you file her current ring is number one she is 23 old so her lose is 328 by 71 she want to 22 title entire career she won Doha indan Mar room rang Vera Beijing stood and much more tighter she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win par for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she wants Z title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W chop so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go forther into comparison two play of this time Sher price is $1 million per price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex 8 and J ex 156 so fur we see the H had this will first meeting between them so the H stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you world play against part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how toat comparison and preview the next M so first of all talk about you profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 so her lose ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha IND Mar room rang Beijing St cart much more tighter she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win Paris let's go for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her lo is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform G well top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the into comparison two player this time sh price is $1 million PR price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh player 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex is 80 and J PR ex is 150 say so further we see the H had this will be first meeting between them so the H stands at0 by0 for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel way of success and we are back with another video so guys you will play against di part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to comparison and prev the next first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 old so her L is 328 by 71 she want to 22 title entire career she won Doha IND World mared room roll wor Beijing stood C much more tighter she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to know J Paris let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she w z title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to play so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison if two player this time [Music] price is $1 million price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex 80 and J ex 156 so for we see the H had this first meeting between them so the H stands at Z by for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to Wi this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you will play against de party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the pretty prediction how comparison and previous the next first of all talk about you profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 so her L is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha IND Mar room ranga Bing stood much more tighter in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J par so let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her L CH is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W toop so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two player this [Music] time price is $1 million price is $2 million sh has 12 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh like Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex 8 and J ex 156 so F we see the H had this first meeting between them so the H has stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her her let's see who going to Wi this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you will play against Diana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to EST comparison and preview of the next MTH take first of all talk about out profile her car ring is number one she's 23 so her is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World mared room Rolla Beijing St much more tighter she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to J Paris let go for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 2 one year so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the into comparison two player this [Music] time price is1 million P Price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex is 8 and Jana ex 156 so further we see the H had this will first meeting between them so the H stands at 0 by0 for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to one this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and preview of the next MTH so first of all talk about you profile her car ranking is number one she's 23 so her lose sh is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World M room R Beijing and much more tigh sh in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J Paris let's go for then see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go forther into comparison two player this time sh price is $1 million price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex AG andana PR 156 so further we see the hu had this will be first meeting between them so the hu has stands at Z by Zer for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take care and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and preview of the next mend so first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 so her L is 328 by 71 she won 2 22 title entire career she won Doha indan world smed room R Bing stood much more tighter sh in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J par let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year so she wants Zer title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform g w up play so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comp prison two of this [Music] time price1 million price is $2 million shat has 12 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex is 8 and J par 156 so further we see the house who had this will be first meeting between them so the as stands at Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you sh World play against party in the round of o so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and previous the next M take first of all talk about profile her car making is number one she's 23 so her is 3 28 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World M room rijing much TI the previous SH now to win this s she has to win our J party so let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this the price $1 million is $2 million shatak has 122 title and Diana has one Z title shat coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex is 8 and J par 156 so further we see the hu had this first meeting between them so the hu has stands at Zer by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 19 2% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and previous the next M take to so first of all talk about profile her car ring is number one she's 23 so her L is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World M room rij stood much more TI the previous now to win this she has to win J Paris let for then see her phone her her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison [Music] this price is1 million price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 she like Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and 156 so fur we see the H had this first meeting between them so the H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel W of success and we are back with another video so guys will play part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and previous the next take to first of all talk about profile her current making is number one she is 23 so her lose St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha room rijing much more TI the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J Paris let's go for and see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to play so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the [Music] this pr1 million PR is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana play 31 matches ex 8 and PR 156 so further we see the H who had this will first meeting between them so their H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to stes comparison and preview the next M take to so first of all talk about profile herent making is number one she's 23 so her is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she she won do indan M room R Beijing stood and much more tigh she a in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win par so let's go for and see her phone her ring is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for into comparison two play of this [Music] time price1 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and jna played 31 matches sh ex is 8 and Par 156 so further we see the H had this will be first meeting between TR them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ra of sucess and we are back with another video so guys World play party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview of the next M take to first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she's 23 so her L ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won DOA IND M room rang Versa Beijing St C and much more title she n Kam in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win par let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W toop player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for comparison two play this [Music] time PR $1 million per price is $2 million sh has 12 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches ex 8 and ex 156 so further we see the H this will be first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how taste comparison and previous the next first of all talk about hering is number one she's 23 old so her L St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won room stood much tit in the previous SH now to win this she has to J par let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Zer title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for thear two play this time the price $1 million PR price is $2 million shatak has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sha coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sha Play 50 master in 24 and jna played 31 matches she ex 8 and 156 so F we see the H who had this will first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well for welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and previous the next M take to other so first of all talk about profile her making number one she's 23 old so her lose ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won do IND M room R Beijing and much more title she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win par let's for see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her is 94 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this time the price is1 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming with this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 she like player 50 master in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and Jana PR ex 156 so further we see the H who had this world before meeting between them so they H stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys play part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to stat comparison and previous the next M first of all talk about profile her making is number one she is 23 old so her lose Rao is 328 by 71 she won 222 title and entire career she won Doha indan M room rang Vera Beijing stood C and much more tit she in the previous round now to win this s she has to win par let's go for and see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W top player so don't forget like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this [Music] time price is $31 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and Jana play 31 matches she ex 8 and J ex 156 so further we see the h will be first meeting between them so their H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you guys will play di party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to stat comparison and prev the next first of all talk about profile hering is number one she is 23 old so her L is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she M room R Beijing stood much more tighter she C in the previous round now to win this round she has to win J par let's go for see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she w z title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this time [Music] sh price is $31 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and J played 31 matches she ex 8 and J ex 156 so further we see the H had this first meting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to stast comparison and previe the next first of all talk about her car ranking is number one she is 23 so her L is 328 by 71 she won 2 22 title and tire career she won M room R Beijing stood much more tit she the previous round now to win this s she has to win part is a lot gooder than see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go forther into comparison two play this time the price is $31 million par price is $2 million sh has 122 title andana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J ex 156 so further we see the H who had this before first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel way of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against Zana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to taste comparison and previous the next first of all talk about profile her car ring is number one she is 23 old so her L is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won do IND Mar room ranga Beijing St and much more title she in the previous SH now to win this round she has to win par see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W CH player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this time sh price is $31 million per price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh player 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J ex 156 so fur we see the H this all first meeting between them so the H has stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against Diana par in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to stast comparison and prev the next first of all talk about profile her ranking is number one she's 23 old so her loose ratio is 328 by 71 she wants 222 title entire career she won Doha IND mared room rang Versa Beijing stood C much more tighter she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J Paris for see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against play so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this time sh price is $1 million per price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and Jana PR ex 156 so for we see they H to had this will first meeting between them so they has has stands at 0 by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys guys will play against Diana par in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how stes comparison and preview the next first of all talk about profile her current ring is number one she's 23 old so her lose ra is 328 by 71 she won to 22 TI entire career she won Doha indan mared room rang wor Beijing stood C much more tighter she C in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J Paris let go for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her lo St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W CH so don't forgot to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the into comparison two play this time [Music] sh price is1 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J PR ex 156 so further we see the H who had this will the first meeting between them so the H stands at Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys World play against Diana part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction house St comparison and preview of the next so first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 old so her L is 328 by 71 she want to 22 title entire career she won Doha IND Mar room ranga Beijing stood and much more title sh in the previous SH now to Wi she has to win J Paris let's go for then see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she WS Z title and her loose is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to play so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go forther into comparison two play of this [Music] time price is $1 million price is $2 million sh has one 22 title and Diana has one Z title sha coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex 8 and J PR ex 156 so for the we see the H had this will be first meeting between them so the H has stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see going to one this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you will play against Diana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to stast comparison and preview of the next M take first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 so her is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won do Mar room R Beijing stood C much more tighter she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to Paris for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 years old so so she won Z title and her been L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against world to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this time sh price is1 million PR price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par ranking 52 she played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J ex 156 so further we see the H had this will be first meeting between them so the H has stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview the next take first of all talk about you profile her car ring is number one she's 23 so her loose St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World mared room Rolla Beijing stood much more tighter she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to J par let go for then see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she w z tital and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform gam well to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this [Music] time price is1 million price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana play 31 matches ex A and J 156 so further we see the has had this whole first meeting between them so they has has stands at 0 by0 for now then now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how comparison and prev the next first of all talk about profile her carent ring is number one she is 23 so her L ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World mared room R Beijing stood much more tighter she in the previous SH now to win this she has to win J par let go for and see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her been lose CH is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against well toop player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this [Music] time price is $1 million price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex 8 and J ex 156 so fur we see the H had this will first meeting between them so the H stands Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you world play against di part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview of the next first of all talk about profile her ring is number one she's 23 so her is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan M room rang wors Beijing stood much more tighter sh in the previous now to win this she has to win J Paris let's go for and see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year so she wants Z title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go forther comparison two player this [Music] time price is1 million price is $2 million shatak has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex is 8 and J par 156 so further we see the H had this will first meeting between them so the H stands at 0 by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chance is to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Diana part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how States comparison and preview of the next M take to so first of all talk about profile her ring is number one she's 23 so her is 328 by 71 she won 2 22 title entire career she won Doha IND World mared room rijing much more tit the previous sh nowan she has to J Paris let's go for then and see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the into comparison two play of [Music] this price $1 million price is $2 million has 12 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of star one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex is 8 and Par 156 so further we see the hu had this will be first meeting between them so the hu has stands at Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and preview of the next MTH take to the first of all talk about you profile her car ring is number one she's 23 so how L ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha Indian World M rooming stood much more TI the previous SH now to win this she has to win J par let's go for see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against world to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison [Music] this price is $1 million price is $2 million shatak has 12 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Parry rank is 52 sh like played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and PR ex 156 so further we see the hu had this will be first meeting between them so the hu stands at Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel way of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and previous the next take to end first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she's 23 so her is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha M room R Beijing stood much more tigh the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J par so let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Zer title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W CH so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the this [Music] time pr1 million PR is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex is 8 and J par 156 so F we see the H who had this will first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to stat comparison and previous the next M take to so first of all talk about profile her car ring is number one she's 23 so her L ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan world's M room rang Vera Beijing St and much more tighter sh in a in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J par let's go for and see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to play so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two of this time the price $1 million par price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with or king of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and jna played 31 matches sh ex 8 andana par 156 so further we see the H had this will be first meeting between them so the H has stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel W of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how toate comparison and preview the next M take to first of all talk about profile her car making is number one she's 23 so her L St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha and room rijing and much more tigh the prev SH now to win this song she has to win J par let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against world top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go forther into comparison play this [Music] time price1 million price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh Comm this match with the ranking of top one player and Parry rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches ex 8 and ex 156 so further we see the H who had this will be first meeting between them so the H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to taste comparison and preview of the next mon take to so first of all talk about profile her car ring is number one she's 23 old so her L ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she w m rooming stood much more TI in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win par let's go for and see her phone hard ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Zer title and her is 194 by 51 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against well top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for comparison two this [Music] time price1 million par price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh com to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh like Play 50 master in 24 and Jana play 21 matches ex 8 and PR 156 so further we see the H who had this will be first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well for welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and previous the next M take first of all talk about profile her car making is number one she's 23 so her L ra is 328 by 71 she want to 22 title and tire card she won do IND M room rang Beijing St and much more tit she in the previous SH now to win this round she has to win J par let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W chop player so don't forget to like and sub subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this time theer priz is $1 million P Price is $2 million shat has 12 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches ex 8 and part 156 so further we see the H who had this SW before P meeting between them so their H stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys play part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and previous the next M first of all talk about profile her making is number one she's 23 old so her L St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won do indan M room rangsa Beijing stood much more TI she in the previous round now to win this round she has to win J let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W chop so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the compon two play of this time price Min is $31 million per price Min is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and jna play 31 matches ex 8 and ex 156 so fur we see the H who had this will first meeting between them so they hostle stands at Z by Zer for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this out till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys play part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to stes comparison and pleas the next first of all talk about profile hering number one she's 23 old so her L St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won room R Beijing and much more title she the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J let's go for the see her pH her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she W zero title and her lo St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while CH there so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two this time the price is 1 million par price is $2 million shat has 12 122 title and Diana has one title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and J played 31 matches she ex 8 and J PR ex 156 so further we see the H who had this will first meeting between them so their H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys play in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview the next MTH first of all talk about profile her carent ring is number one she's 23 old so her lose is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won do IND Mar room rang Vera Beijing stood and much more tit she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win par let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to player so don't forg out for like And subscribe our Channel let's go for comparison two play this time the price is $31 million per price is $2 million sh has 12 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and Jana PR ex 156 so further we see the H who had this will the first meeting between them so their H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel way of success and we are back with another video so guys will play the party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to taste comparison and previous the next first of all talk about profile is one she is 23 old so her lose rati is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan M room rang Vera Beijing stood C and M title she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win parot for than see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Zer title and her is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go forther into comparison two play of this time sh price is $1 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and jna play 31 matches she ex 8 and J PR ex 156 so further we see the has had this will be first meeting between them so they H has stands at 0 by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you guys World play against di party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how States comparison and prev the next first of all talk about her ranking is number one she is 23 so her lose rati is 328 by 71 she won 222 title and entire career she won do M room rang Versa Beijing card and much more tighter she in the previous SH now to win this round she has to win J Paris for than see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W chop so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this time [Music] sh price is $1 million per price is $2 million shat has2 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J ex 156 so F we see the H who had this s first meeting between them so they H stands at 0 by0 for now they now against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then takeen Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to States comparison and preview the next M first of all talk about profile her car making is number one she is 23 old so her L ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won do Mar room rangsa Beijing stood and much more title she the previous SH now to win this s she has to win jna Paris letot go for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W CH player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this time sh price is $1 million per price is $2 million sh has 122,000 and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh player 550 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J PR ex 156 so further we see the H this all before meeting between them so the H has stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this until then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against Diana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to State comparison and previe the next first of all talk about pile her car ranking is number one she is 23 old so her lose St is 328 by 71 she won to 22 title entire career she won Doha IND mared room rang Vera Beijing stood C and much more titter she C in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J par let's go for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she wants Z title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the into comparison of two player this time sh price is $1 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 she like played 5050 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J ex 156 so for the we see the H had this will first meeting between them so the H stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against Diana part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview of the next first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 so her L ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha IND Mar room R Bing stood C much more tighter she C in the previous SH now to win this s she has to winana Paris let go for then see her phone herent ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her lo is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform again is well top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go forther into comparison two player this [Music] time price is1 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana play 31 matches ex 8 and Jana PR ex 156 is so further we see they has had this will be first meeting between them so they has stands at0 by0 for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you will play against di part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to EST comparison and prev the next first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 old so her L ra is 328 by 71 she want to 22 title entire career she won Doha IND mared room roll wor Beijing stood cart and much more tighter she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to know J Paris let's go for then see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Zer title and her lo is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go forther into comparison of two play of this time [Music] price $1 million price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches ex 8 and J 156 so for the we see the H this first meeting between them so the hu stands at 0 by0 for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to Wi this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you will play against di part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the pretty comparison and prev the next first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 so is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha World Mar room ranga Beijing stood much more tighter the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J Pary so let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W toop player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two player this [Music] time price is $1 million price is $2 million has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and jna played 31 matches sh ex 8 and J ex 156 so further we see the H had this whole first meeting between them so the H has stands at 0 by0 for now then now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to Wi this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against Diana par in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to esate comparison and previous the next M take to end first of all talk about out profile her car ranking is number one she's 23 so her is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World Mar room roll Vera Beijing stood much more tighter she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to J Paris let go for and see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 one year old so she won Z title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two player this time sh price is $1 million P Price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she is 8 and J par 156 so fur we see the H had this whole first meeting between them so the H stands at 0 by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to Wi this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and preview the next so first of all talk about you profile her car ranking is number one she's 23 so her lo sh is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World mared room R Beijing and much more tit sh in the previous SH now win this s she has to win J Paris let go for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of [Music] this price is1 million price is $2 million has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and J played 31 matches sh ex 8 and PR 156 so further we see the has had this will be first meeting between them so the hu has stands at Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys World Play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and preview of the next M so first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she's 23 so her lo is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan world room R Beijing stood much more tighter sh in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J par let's go for then see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her lo St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the into comparison two of this [Music] time price is $1 million price is $2 million shat has 12 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex is 8 and J is 156 so further we see the H had this will be first meeting between them so they stands at Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you sh World play against Diana party in the round of Olympic so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview the next M take first of all talk about profile her ring is number one she's 23 so 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World M room R Beijing much more TI the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J par so let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this count the price $1 million price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex is 8 and J par 156 so further we see the hu had this will be first meeting between them so the hu has stands at Z by for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 9 2% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against Diana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and preview of the next MTH take to so first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she's 23 old so her L ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha Indian World Mar room rijing stood much more tit she in the previous SH now to win this she has to J par let's for see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two of this [Music] time price is $1 million price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh com this match with of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh like played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and 156 so further we see the has had this first meeting between them so they has has stands at Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ra of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and previous the next M take first of all talk about profile her car making is number one she is 23 so her lose ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha and room rijing stood and much more tit the prev SH now to win this s she has to win J par let's go for and see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to play so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the [Music] this price1 million price $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh like Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and 156 so F we see the H who had this first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and previous the next M take to first of all talk about profile herent making is number one she's 23 so her lo is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she though room R Beijing stood C much more TI in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J par let's go for then see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to play so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two this time the price1 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex 8 andana par 156 so further we see the H had this will be first meeting between in them so their H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance CH has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel way of sucess and we are back with another video so guys play party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and previous the next M take first of all talk about profile her making is number one she's 23 so her lose ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha and Mar room rang Vera Beijing St and much more titter she know C in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J par so let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she want Zer title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for theis two play this time the pr $1 million par price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches ex 8 and ex 156 so further we see the house who had this will be first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the rounds of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how taste comparison and preview of the next match first of all talk about profile her ranking is number one she's 23 old so her lose St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won room stood much tit in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J Pary let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 15 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comp two this time the price $1 million PR price is $2 million shatak has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sha coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and jna play 31 matches ex 8 and ex 156 so further we see the H who had this will be first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well for welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to tastes comparison and previous the next take to first of all talk about profile her making number one she's 23 old so her lose ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won do M room RS Beijing stood much more title she the previous round now to win this round she has to win J par let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Zer title and her she is 19 4 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this time theer priz 1 million par price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming with this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 she like Play 50 master in 24 and played 31 matches she ex 8 and J PR ex 156 so fur we see the H who had this whole first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how toates comparison and previous the next M first of all talk about profile her making is number one she's 23 old so her L ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title and entire career she won do indan M room rang Versa Beijing stood C much more titter she in the previous round now to win this round she has to win par let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W toop player so don't forget like And subscribe our Channel let's go for into comparison two play this [Music] time price is $31 million per price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and Jana play 31 matches she ex 8 and J PR ex 156 so further we see the H who had this will be first meeting between them so their H stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you guys will play is the party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how toates comparison and previous the next first of all talk about one she's 23 old so her lose St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won do Mar room R Beijing stood much more tighter she in the previous round now to win this round she has to win par let's go for than see her pH her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she want zero title and her lo St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against well top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison of two play of this time [Music] sh price is $31 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J ex 156 so further we see the H who had this will first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys play in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to taste comparison and previe of the next first of all talk about her car ranking is number one she is 23 old so her L is 328 by 71 she won 2 22 title Andre career she won do M room R Beijing stood much more tit she in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J par lot for than see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L CH is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this time the priz is $1 million par price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sha coming into this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 Mes in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J PR ex 156 so further we see the H had this before meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Diana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to taste comparison and previous day next M take first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 old so her L is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha M room ranga Beijing St and much more title she in the previous now to win this round she has to win par see her pH her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Zer title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the into comparison two play of this [Music] time price is1 million PR price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh player 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 80 and J PR ex 156 so further we see the H had this all first meeting between them so the H has stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I'm I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel way of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against Diana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how States comparison and previe the next M first of all talk about profile her ranking is number one she is 23 old so her lose Rao is 328 by 71 she want 22 title entire career she won Doha indan mared room rangos Vera Beijing stood C and much more tighter she C in the previous round now to win this round she has to win par let's go for and see her pH her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while choing player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this time sh price is $1 million per price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and Jana play 31 matches she ex 8 and J PR ex 156 so we see the hu had this will be first meeting between them so the H has stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against di par in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how toates comparison and prev the next first of all talk about profile her current making is number one she is 23 old so her lose ra is 328 by 71 she won 2 22 title entire career she won do IND World Mar room roll wor ging stood C much more tighter she in the previous round now to win this s she has to win J Paris let go for then see her phone herur ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while Cho so don't forgot to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this time [Music] sh price is $1 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 tile and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J PR ex 156 so further we see the H had this will the first meeting between them so their H stands at Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys World play Diana par in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and prev the next first of all talk about profile her car ring is number one she is 23 old so her L is 328 by 71 she want to 22 title entire career she won do Mar room ranga Bing stood much more tit she the previous SH now to win has to win J Paris letot go for then see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Zer title and her lose St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against one top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go forther into comparison two player this [Music] time price is1 million price is $2 million has 22 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex 8 and J ex 156 so for the see the H had this first meeting between them so the H has stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you world play against theana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to stast comparon and preview of the next MTH take first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 so her is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won do IND Mar room rang Bing stood and much more tighter she the previous SH now to win this s she has to win Paris for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year so she w z title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against world top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go forther into comparison two player this time sh price is $1 million PR price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex 8 and J 156 so further we see the H had this will be first meeting between them so the H has stands at 0 by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till and take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to comparison and previe the next first of all talk about you profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 so her lose St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha Indian World mared room r ver Beijing St cart and much more tighter she in the previous round now to win this s she has to know J Paris let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 years old so she won Z title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against well to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this [Music] time price is $1 million price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex and J is 156 so further we see the H had this will first meeting between them so the has stands at 0 by 0 for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to want this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against di part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and preview of the next first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she's 23 so her lo is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha IND World Mar room Beijing stood much more tigh in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J Pary let go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Zer title and her lose is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W chop player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two player this [Music] time price is $1 million price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex 8 and J ex 156 so further we see the H had this will first meeting between them so the H has stands Z by Z for now then now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against di party in the round of Olympics so if you want to to see the prediction how St comparison and previous the next first of all talk about profile her ring is number one she's 23 so her lo is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha IND Mar room rang Versa Beijing St and much more tighter sh in the previous sh now to win this time she has to win J Paris let's go for and see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she wants Z title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against well top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two player this [Music] time price $1 million price is $2 million shatak has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex is 8 and J ex 156 so fur we see the H had this whole first meeting between them so the H stands at 0 by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you will play Diana part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction House St comparison and preview of the next M take to so first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she's 23 so her is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World Mar room rijing stood much more tit the previous SH now she has to win J Paris let's go for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two player this [Music] time price is $1 million price is $2 million sh has 12 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex is 8 and J par 156 so further we see the hu had this will be first meeting between them so the hu has stands at Z by Zer for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and previe the next take to so first of all talk about you profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 so how St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha Indian World Mar room R Beijing St and much more title in the previous SH now to win this she has to win J par let's go for then see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Zer title and her lo St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want want to know how can she perform against well top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison this [Music] time PR is $1 million price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh like Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she 18 and ex 156 so further we see the has to had this will be first meeting between them so they has to has stands at Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to your YouTube channel with of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview of the next M take to first of all talk about profile her car ring is number one she is 23 so her L is 328 by 71 she won 2 22 title entire career she won Doha and was Mar room ring stood much more TI the previous SH now to win this she has to win J Pary so let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her lo is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the compon this [Music] time PR million PR is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex is 8 and Jana par 156 so further we see the H who had this first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to stat comparison and previous the next take to first of all talk about profile her car making is number one she's 23 so her L ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World M room rang Vera Beijing stood much more tighter sh B the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J par let's go for and see her phone hard ring is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two of this time the price $1 million par price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh like Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex 8 and Par 156 so fur we see the hu had this first meeting between them so the H has stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this out till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel way of sucess and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview the next M so take to first of all talk about profile her making is number one she's 23 so her L St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha IND room rijing stood much more tighter in the previous SH now to win this song she has to win par let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison of [Music] this price is $1 million price is million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming with this match with the ranking of top one player and Parry rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and ex 156 so further we see the H had this will be first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to taste comparison and preview of the next M take to end so first of I'll talk about profile her car making is number one she is from 23 old so her lose St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doan M room R Beijing stood much more tigh in the previous round now to win this round she has to win par let's go for and see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L is 194 by 51 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against well top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this [Music] time price1 million par price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 Play 50 master in 24 and Jana play 30 matches ex 8 and PR 156 so further we see the H who had this will be first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take care and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well for welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview of the next M take to other so first of all talk about Ile her car ranking is number one she's 23 so her L St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won do indan Mar room ranga Beijing St and much more tit she in the previous round now to win this round she has to win par let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W CH so don't forget to like And subscribe subcribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this time theer priz is1 million per price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J part ex 156 so further we see the H who had this world before meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to your YouTube channel way of success and we are back with another video so guys play the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and preview the next M first of all talk about profile her making is number one she's 23 old so her L St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won do indan World M room rang Versa Beijing stood C much more tighter she in the previous SH now to win this round she has to win's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Zer title and her St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W chop so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the compon two play this [Music] time price is $1 million per price is $2 million Shak has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and Jana play 31 matches ex 8 and ex 156 so further we see the H who had this whole first meeting between them so they hos stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to stat comparison and please the next M first of all talk about her making is one she's 23 old so her L St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won M room R Beijing stood much more title she in the previous round now to win this s she has to win par let's go for her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W chop so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this time the price 1 million per price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title TI sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and J played 311 matches she ex 8 and J ex 156 so further we see the H who had this world first meting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys play in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview of the next M so first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 old so her lose rati is 328 by 71 she won 222 title and tire career she won Doha indan M room rang Vera Beijing stood and much more title she in the previous round now to win this s she has to win J par let go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her lose CH is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to player so don't forgot to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for comparison two play of this time the price is $31 million par price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Di has one Z title sh coming into this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 she like Play 50 Master into 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and Jana PR ex 156 so further we see the H had this whole the first meeting between them so their H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take care and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Diana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to State comparison and previous the next first of all talk about profile her making is number one she's 23 old so her lose rati is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha IND Mar room ranga Beijing stood C and M title she C in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J parisot than see her pH her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her lo St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W toop player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go forther comparison two player this time sh price is $1 million per price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and Jana play 31 matches she ex 8 and J PR ex 156 so further we see the also had this will first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you guys sh World play against Diana part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to estat comparison and prev the next first of all talk about her ranking is number one she is 23 so her lose ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title and tire career she won do Mar room rang Versa Beijing card much more tighter she C in the previous SH now to win this sound she has to win Paris lot for than see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W choper so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this time [Music] sh price is1 million per price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and jna played 31 matches ex 8 and J PR ex 156 so further we see the had this be first meeting between them so they H stands at0 by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview the next first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 so her lose ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 tit entire career she won do Mar room ranga Beijing and much more title she the previous SH now to win this s she has to win sh Paris let for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W chop so don't forgot to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this [Music] time price is $1 million PR price is $2 million sh has 122 titles Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh player 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J ex 156 so fur we see the H had they all before meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this until then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against Diana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and previe the next first of all talk about her car ring is number one she's 23 old so her lose is 328 by 71 she want to 22 title entire career she won do IND Mar room rang Versa Beijing stood C much more tighter she the previous round now to win this round she has to win J par for then see her pH her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she want Z title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against world top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the into comparison of two play of this time sh price is $1 million per price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh like Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J ex 156 so for the we see the H had this all first meeting between them so the H has stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you will play against party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to stat comparison and prev the next first of all talk about profile her carent ring is number one she's 23 so her lose rati is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan mared room rang Vera Bing stood C much more tighter she the previous SH now to win this song she has to win Paris let go for then see her phone herent ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against well top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the into comparison two player this time sh price is1 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex is 8 and J PR ex 156 so further we see the H had this all first meeting between them so the H stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till and take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you world play against par in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to EST comparison and preview of the next first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 old so her lose rati is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha IND mared room rang wor Beijing stood C and much more tighter she C in the previous SH now to win this s she has to J par let's go for then see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she wants Zer TI and her lo St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go forther into comparison two play of this time [Music] sh price is1 million per price is $2 million sh has2 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J PR 156 so fur we see the H had this first meeting between them so the H stands at 0 by0 for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to Wi this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you will play against Diana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the predic how comparison and prev the next first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 so is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha Mar room R Beijing stood much more tighter in the previous SH now win this s she has to win J Paris let's go for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Zer title and her been L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the into comparison two player this [Music] time price is $1 million PR price is $2 million has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex 8 and J ex 156 so further we see the H had this first meeting between them so the H has stands at 0 by0 for now then now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against di part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and preview of the next M take to first of all talk about you profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 so her is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha IND World Mar room R Beijing St much more tighter she the previous SH now to win this s she has to know J Paris and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 so she won Z title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two player this time sh price is1 million P Price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex is 8 and Jana par is 156 so fur we see the H had this first meeting between them so the H has stands at 0 by0 for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how comparison and previe the next first of all talk about profile her car ring is number one she's 23 so her lose sh is 28 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World mared room R Beijing stood much more title sh in the previous SH now to win this she has to win J Paris let's go for then and see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how how can she perform against while to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of [Music] this price is1 million price is $2 million has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex 8 and and Par 156 so F we see the has to had this whole first meeting between them so the hasu has stands at Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and preview of the next M to so first of all talk about profile her car ring is number one she is 23 so her lo ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan world room R Beijing stood much more tighter in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J Paris let's go for then see her phone herur ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform g w to play so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this [Music] time price is $1 million price is $2 million shatak has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex is 8 and j56 so further we see the H had this will be first meeting between them so the h as stands are Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take care and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you sh will play against Diana party in the round of Olympic so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and preview the next M take first of all talk about profile her ring is number one she is 23 so her is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha indan World Mar room ring and much more TI previous SH now to win this s she has to win J par let's go for then and see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the into comparison two player this time the pr is1 million PR is $2 million shatak has 122 title and Diana has one Z title shat coming into this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh played 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches sh ex is 8 and J PR 156 so further we see the hu had this will be first meeting between them so the hu has stands at Z by for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92 % chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against Diana party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how stat comparison and preview of the next mon take to end so first of all talk about profile her ranking is number one she's 23 so her 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha Indian World M room stood much more TI the previous SH now to win this time she has to J Pary let's go for and see her phone her R is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to play so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comp prison to this [Music] time price is $1 million price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh like Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and 156 so further we see the hu had this will first meeting between them so the hu has stands at Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to your YouTube channel ra of success and we are back with another video so guys will play against party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how St comparison and previous the next take to end first of all talk about profile her car making is number one she's 23 so her lose ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won DOA and M room R Beijing stood and much more tit she the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J party let's go for then see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Z title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison this [Music] time price1 million price $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh like Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and 156 so further we see the H who had this first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now all play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to yoube Channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and previous the next M take to first of all talk about profile her car making is number one she's 23 so her is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she M room R Beijing stood much more TI she in the previous round now to win this round she has to win J par let's go for then see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this time price $1 million PR price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh com with this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and jna played 31 matches sh ex is 8 and J par 156 so further we see the H who had this will first meeting between in them so they H stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take care Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel way of 6 and we are back with another video so guys World play party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and previous the next M so first of all talk about profile her curent ring is number one she is 23 so her lose St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won Doha IND Mar room rang Vera Beijing St and much more titter she Kam in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J par let's go for and see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for into comp of this time the pr is $1 million par price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Parry rank is 52 sh Play 50 matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches ex 8 and ex 156 so further we see the H had this will be first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play Party in the rounds of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and preview of the next MTH first of all talk about profile her making is number one she is 23 old so her L St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won room stood much more TI in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J party so let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against well top player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comp two this time the price $1 million price is $2 million shatak has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 m in 24 and Jana play 31 matches ex 8 and ex 156 so further we see the H who had this will be first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys World Play Party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to taste comparison and preview of the next MTH take to so first of all talk about you profile her car making is the number one she is 23 old so her lose ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she won do M room R Beijing St and much more title she in the previous SH now to win this round she has to win J par let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Zer title and her L is 19 4 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let go for the comp two play this time the price your 1 million per price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming with this match ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 she like Play 50 master in 24 and J played 31 matches ex 8 and ex 156 so further we see the had this will be first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys will play par in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and previous the next M first of all talk about profile her making is number one she's 23 old so her lose ratio is 328 by 71 she won 222 title and career she won Doha indan M room rang Versa Beijing stood C and much more tit she in the previous round now to win this round she has to win par let's go for and see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Zer title and her is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W choper so don't forget for like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the compis two play of this [Music] time priz is $1 million per price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 match in 24 and jna play 31 matches she ex 8 and J par 156 so F we see the H who had this all be first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by0 for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys you will play the party in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to St comparison and previous the next first of all talk about making is number one she's 23 old so her L St is 328 by 71 she won 222 title entire career she do Mar room ranga Beijing St m more title she in the previous now to win this round she has to win par for see her pH her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against W to player so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play of this time sh price is $31 million per price is $2 million sh has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming to this match with ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 master in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J ex 156 so further we see the H had this will first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this s till then take and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys play in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to tastes comparison and prev the next first of all talk about profile her ranking is number one she's 23 old so her loose ra is 328 by 71 she won 222 title and tire career she won do indan M room ranga Beijing stood and much more title she Kam in the previous SH now to win this s she has to win J Paris letot go for then see her phone her ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won zero title and her L is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while toer so don't forget to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for the comparison two play this time the priz is $1 million par price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has has one Z title sh coming to this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh Play 50 Mes in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J ex 156 so further we see the H had this first meeting between them so their H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take care and Allah hello everyone I hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our YouTube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys part in the round of Olympics so if you want to see the prediction how to taste comparison and preview of the next M so first of all talk about profile her car ranking is number one she is 23 old so her L is 328 by 71 she won to 22 title entire career she won do Mar room R Beijing stood much more title she in the previous round now to win this s she has to win J par than see her phone her car ranking is 52 she's 21 year old so she won Zer title and her lo St is 194 by 151 so guys if you want to know how can she perform against while to player so don't forgot to like And subscribe our Channel let's go for into comparison two play of this time CH price is $31 million per price is $2 million shat has 122 title and Diana has one Z title sh coming into this match with the ranking of top one player and Par rank is 52 sh player matches in 24 and Jana played 31 matches she ex 8 and J PR ex 156 so further we see the H to had this s the first meeting between them so they H stands at Z by Z for now they now play against each other before but according to Performance sh has 92% chances to win over her let's see who going to win this sound till then take and Allah hello everyone I I hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our YouTube channel way of success and we are back with another video so guys you world play

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