Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 01:03:56 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: afl awards
yes yes welcome back to Footy and friends it's a round 24 review but guess what what round 24 is not even bloody over yet it's a Sunday night we're recording on a Sunday evening whilst the freem manal port game is live what's a score d uh P up by seven with seven minutes to go on the third oh my goodness prip quarter cuz we'll get yeah have Caron um Caron obviously had the chance just to put all this to bed yeah and they [ __ ] the bed that's it you say they shat their pants so the the supporters and we just went over to the riser for a Palmer we did we saw croon South uh South C They just won no their football the boys won as well they I don't know it was a whole of Club I think the girls won won the boys didn't look as happy so I don't know if they they did win yeah fans over there watching that so they've had to enjo four heartbreaking quarters to get their side in and imagine how this one the sees of this do did you boys watch this game today I've I am footed out from today are we going straight into this one well I've got a bit to just go to before we get into the footy because while we're over at the Rising Sun um having our pregame meal catching up we had a couple Palmers which was great Brett sto bikes sorry mck sto B Palmer it was a baby was a baby he had a kids P andit bread a Palmer came out 20 minutes before everyone else's did Mick goes I'll ho down on this he literally inhaled the whole thing 20 minutes later we get back and all of our Palmers come over then Mac rocks in and Mac's still recovering from his episode last week feedback did you see that over in barley I saw the shorts were they talking about it over in barley B someone come up to me the bar what did they say mac was great or n talking about [ __ ] in the bed like di is just one of the greatest coaches the recent era who is he Daman hard never know him you're going to be that Sean Greek you always be like anyway so I asked Mac um he comes in a bit L Mac you hungry you you want some you want a Palmer goes no no I'm all right you know so Mick gets the other pal so he's two pmer and um and and Mick goes to you only one but you got I was like cuz ma sitting there with no drink no fluid he was even too shy to ask for a water yeah anyways at thee of the table my favorite part actually when the he's raw dogging the pub is he he's no food no beers just sitting there to screen to screen he absolutely he raw dogging told to go and get stuff utensils where do I go to get that but anyway the girls came over from I'm not sure if they won football or Grand Final great stuff but they came over he's sitting with um number one draft pick Rising Star breto best coaches in the three time Ros learning medal mate Mac Dash and then they ask for the photo um with you yeah my favorite part was like they're getting ready for the photo and you're weaseling out of the the booth and Ma's kind of like on an edge trying to get awkwardly out of Leaning up against the wall not sure what to do with my hand I don't know what he is do either it was Weir photo phot but then it gets back down raw dogging still raw dogging and I'm just about to ho into the second P I can't have you can't have you're not eating you just for the flow the funct way of this dinner we need you to just do something and stop raw dogging the pub can you have a half a Palmer you are you familiar with opening and shutting your mouth in repeated fashion with food in it if you can do that for us man you can contribute to this dinner so I love Mac he went and got a plate right came back and then said go go your n for for us he brings back one he goes M we need two so then he had to go back again he got the other get him get him a mar but then we then we I cut half for him and I'll get go to Mac I cut half and I put it on his plate good you good good size and what happen What happen what happened right there yeah that's good for context I've rocked up at about 645 d d goes oh yeah we're having dinner around 700 so I'm like get a bit early walk into the PB and Mick's already halfway through his pal so I'm thinking I'm not going to go and just order a meal and be like all right now the boys's going to have to wait another 20 minutes for that's just common courtesy yeah that is common courtesy correct and then I get my plate get the knives and forks whatnot and um cuz I'm on the edge of the table it's a four person c table by the way and I'm he was wrapping his head around the mouth opening and closing it's a four person table I've stolen a chair off someone else and um I've got my plate on the edge of the table go to take a bite into the put my Fork into the farmer and the pl just gone just like I'm doing there's no camera here you really want it it's just yeah th's just gone up in the air nearly wore on my lap sort of caught it which was you did it was actually quite athletic you watch that now it was it was good it was good and um did you enjoy the last week did the get much feedback yeah um mom wasn't happy too too many F bombs way too many F bombs [ __ ] the bed yeah B um oh jeez would have been if you did that at home yeah but um no I was all right my bone know is pretty not good we might get you back in later today so HCK and um the Richmond and goast Showdown win let's get the review no I didn't watch it okay okay well you fit in well mate good stuff yeah let's get into it boys because we have thank you back we get a um we have a very big episode today to get through and also catch up with that mate BR who got back from barley bloody how we missed him Lee did a great job Kate did a great job funnier um revisiting what happed at the pub than actually when it was at the pub it was funny it was very very funny hey um before we get into it too this episode of FO and friend is bought to you by a friends at the afpa wow we love the afpa there's a massive uh night of night and I always say this I do really say this I do believe this when I say this not saying it cuz they're partnering with this on this episode but I think the awards at the LPA cuz they are voted by your peers your peers other players are the most valuable Awards to win so we got the MVP best first year player all Australian obviously um we'll go through them all tonight most courageous how much did you to spend on them though I should spend a fair bit of time like I think they're pretty obvious though when you go through them CU you context being you can't vote on your own team so if you played for Richmond which you did and you a free man or Caron we couldn't vote on the players that were nominated from our yes Pi yeah you have to pick the other club so I think it actually is quite um Brett's a winner what did you win Brett the best firsts yeah of course he did back in the day well so did you win as well you 40 when you won it um that was it it was it would have been a great effort if someone won at 40 at the first year that is very true hey um brel did you C did you catch into foot in friends while you're away M did you just try inste of I got the shorts yeah I got the shorts I didn't you watch the the the minis did you watch the KO minis of foot and friends yeah I did yeah yeah got just theight um saw what was the guy's name who was on here yeah do not disrespect broen c broen yeah sorry I just forgot his name oh wow I must admit oh yeah it does Mac see you know um he I actually it warned my heart to see someone else flipping out and losing their [ __ ] frustrated that was very fun it's so Dyan isn't it well one person to get here at this time and the other guy at this time I still think that's on you did you uh listen to Lee lethal Lee Lee who up Montana no I didn't I missed Miss Joy I was um shimmy Miss Kates as well yeah did okayy m i was listen friends that's fine and how was Bary good couple Nazis uh none not one I uh C fruit platters uh ate a bit of fruit had a big Buffet every morning morning actually one treat that I did have every morning was a little croissant exercise before the buff no after when it was a bit hotter yeah I to sweat yeah did you do any um mountain bike riding over there no they didn't have any okay no um but just yeah drank and you know have you been so in barley there's a lot of stray dogs in barley and you can they're very nice dogs and I was just thinking when you're going over there Brett you saw the stray dogs on the street did it make you think of anyone back home home that you you thought oh I've got a stray stray Boris at home and I haven't seen him Andis tear those things the shreds M those things over there mate they are they're mangy looking things yeah they're beautiful dogs though some of them look did you pat a few I didn't Pat one what are they I'm actually half in trued here what are they they're just roaming the streets mate cats Street dogs cats what do they eat find they cuz well it's obviously wild dog there's a lot of like food around scraps around and and a lot of the cafes and the restaurants and the Bal look after them as well which is um which is not we were in New to do a beautiful Immaculate Gardens everything's looked after hardly a scrap of litter we drove over to a uh Little Beach Club Sundays go there by the way very good is it only open on Sundays five star on Tuesday I would give it five stars after check down um but on the way there just rubbish and [ __ ] everywhere like it's just yeah yeah it's a beautiful place though Bary uh yeah like the weather was beautiful and there are beautiful parts of it but there's also some some pretty average Parts well I'm just trying to give do I work for [ __ ] Travel Lodge do I no it's fair enough I will say Mick if you're going to take U you're getting a free flat over there and everything I'm not I'm going not so beautiful I absolutely love Barbie I think it's a beautiful place it beautiful but there is rubbish and unfinished projects everywhere you look so that is not beautiful to look at yeah okay we'll move on if you think there's Beauty in that you are you are right Charles you are projects bit like um Dylan's ideas on this podcast exactly fair enough very good hey moving on let's get into the bloody round review round 24 the last round of the home in away before we get in the real St A F this game M the most games in this weren't great the the first four games yeah sum them up in three words right horse [ __ ] the um I streamed on Friday night uh on the club sports TV YouTube channel how did you polish that Melbourne Collingwood it was it was difficult yeah it was difficult is good he'll win the brown L did you did you keep streaming for the lightning n we did for like another 10 minutes and we like this game sucks like we just needed to stop because we actually had the most people streaming in when the lightning was on funn enough do but um yeah it was an awesome uh awesome night streaming the game wasn't as as good you could sort of tell you know dead rubber both teams weren't going to play um one thing that's really interesting with these games and I don't know if you boys have ever thought about this but we always think about the greats when they leave the game and you think oh you know it it's uh who retired this week from Melbourne maybe maybe there wasn't any reti Grimes from from officially did the did the lap and you sort of see them running out in their last game but it's not just them I look at it's also the guys that are coming in you know out of contract and I think I look at them and they're sort of looking around going this could be the last and this isn't a joke it's just a more of a I've been in this situation myself going I've run around going this could be the last time I memory out of you just take it in did I was that in my last yeah my last game was um around last game uh of the year go Coast versus um jalong in jalong we lost 102 points and you just knew it was the last time yeah and but you looking around like no one again everyone just kind of living their own yeah life I knew I was going to get the chop I hadn't officially kind of I was I was not going to walk the plank I was going to make them oh you've got to make push if any players listening to us at the moment they're in that position make them push you don't retire don't retire um interesting point I did my last game I ever played with Caron I remember getting in I hadn't really played any games towards the end of the year knew I was getting out had a few injuries and bolts actually brought me into the office he goes mate you playing this week you probably don't deserve it but you're playing this week and I was like it's fantastic confidence heading into this game went out there actually started pretty well did my hammy really bad I'd never done my hammy before cuz you know like my body must have just been so like tight I remember coming off yeah tense remember coming off on the bench just saying it was a wreck I remember coming off just on this is the last time you'll be out of here but for Caron especially it was yours BR my last game yeah it was against the dags in the elimination final the you was that no it was for the Giants my last against who the dags the Baris the W bises yeah the you knowen snatch you like called the dags no you like dags no that was an epic game was it uh well what had happened bont had got uh Nick Haynes with an elbow to the throat no followup or anything like that broke his yeah um so there's a fair bit in it and then we Leon had built it right up to be going after these and we did we bashed them up Toby pulled his hair I think yeah cuz he picked me up and um dump tackled me into the ground and then everyone come in toes might have uh scratched him him oh no we just accidental ey gouge yeah he got off that and then he did the same thing like two weeks later just didn't know where his hands it happens it happens so this this game this game we talk about doos were both really good yeah really really good players um and next game let's get a four on this one we'll go through this one last time this year we'll go through it Hawks Airborne yeah you liking them they were and again now were for equal is North were bad the Hawks are pretty bloody impressive I thought going into the game um there was a fair bit on it for them that you have to win and bit of anxiety and bit of pressure but they they just play free and they run and they take the game on it was wet weather M and they you know would just who was your best player on the day uh Mass yeah massia g we can play um all Winger yeah you reckon I think so one of the highest rated Wingers year or if not the highest rated Winger um a great story wouldn't it be a great story if he John yuk so clean and composed and poised around the the clearance so he was um he looks good three speaking of BLS number three got like a new haircut on which is a bit legoy yeah he need probably go a bit shorter I think he used I think he has he used to have the mop I didn't wrate that cuz it was really Buffy but I re because of the John deers he's got good listeners he's he's just keeping a little bit more up on top sometimes with haircuts and and I can't really talk I think I'm in it at the moment where are you at at the moment that's what I'm saying I'm in the middle of you told me to grow it out and I'm I'm halfway through it I'm dancing with my sister it just feels weird so like either what do I [ __ ] do like do I stop the dance or keep going to the song changes and I'll change Partners cuz you're in a hole mate dig up so again clarifying do you want me to keep growing out or do I get the haircut I trim it [ __ ] set me up three weeks of awkwardness with this [ __ ] but um anyway we'll move on hey looks good anything anything any questions for this game I did have a question actually was best in feris you go Brett you show Brett br's back my question was three question was who's who's Hawk's most important player if day doesn't get up serious okay second one was we're talking about clean players um coming through vfl systems is there any players like that that you know of at the moment that could be coming through the draft this year like you talk about John yukim oh as mature ages as mature ages is there anyone like that that's really popping there there's a young guy who played on M granny last year who's played at Ry boss yeah he's he's been invited to one of the combines um really nice boot yeah well I'm very passionate about this you know but has been like one of the top five or six red players in last few games for the cats and and going to a final he's going to be you know starting 18 and a really important piece of a top four side going in the finals so yeah I'm I'm just so passionate about these guys that continually play Above That level John yukim he's in one of hon best and Fest already he's going to be important to their finals campaign so um keeping tabs I know you're a busy man now do you keep tabs on the vfl of these guys he watches it every week yeah that's true all over it couldn't remember my third question we'll move on who wins your best um Shel Sherry missing a couple of games will potentially hurt sh because Sherry's played every game Sherry shael L you one of those three yeah I think they're probably and I'm not kind of telling anyone think they don't know they don't know yeah you don't you don't know you don't know no do you I do vote on it okay good better look after myself there I I wouldn't I haven't kept an audit I just do it okay good cool um Richmond defeated by the Giants wrong but first we go defeated by the Giants what when did they play sorry we started talking mids sentence jalong defeated West coost Eagles thank you smoked them too at home Cameron um n played some really good football our boy olle Henry kick 44 could had a big day Ollie disappointing what do you think about Zack Tui um retiring uh I think it's probably about right like he's he's got everything out of himself and um they've got a few coming through cats do this so well yeah they have like these young like OE Dempsey he played not much 43 first how how long's you been in now H this is only third year maybe takes three years of couple years playing even gr Myers was the say gr Myers um they've got a guy um you know neit who who's kind of been in around there vfl for a bit that will come in I'd imagine next year in um Guthrie like spent a long time he just played his H 100th in well main stay yeah even um max Holmes played you know a fair bit of AFL footy for his first year so these um these experienced guys that retire like I think it's a holistic discussion between club and player and they just know that I think yeah I think he'll go around again just for leadership one more older and you know maybe those decisions were like oh do you keep uh Tui and Hawkins or do you keep Mitch and Mitch I think danger danger if you look at like his position I think that with Mitch is he contract for a few years I think so I think with Mitch on his point is like he's never been a lightning speed player so as long as he can keep his Fitness up and keep longevity in his body he'll continue to be able to keep you know linking up off topic and we'll get to it in a minute we actually already touched on the game so I want to go back you know who's not [ __ ] slowing down who I thought was slowing down but isn't still side bottom my God he was good on the last two weeks he's been so good he play Jack V on Friday night kept him to 11 yeah i' be interesting to see whether he goes around again you reckon no he'll go around he to he he last pendlebury well I already this I already no no so botom what do you want to put on I'm saying he finish up next year makes sense okay but I think I think I reckon side I think side bottom will have a better year than benbury next year um yeah I probably agree with you he's weak as pie F come on mate stand your word no I like Ste I like as stand your word stand your ground even well if they were going to finish up steel s botom you reckon they would have probably made a little bit of a song and dance about it on Friday night yeah I don't think they were going to Absolute impossibility of make finals yeah M you can't you can't let one of your greats go out like that and just unless that's what he wants yeah maybe because I know like Dusty would have want it like that he'd just be like n just let me walk out the door um how far can you know disregard the West Coast days we'll talk about them next week you boys will talk about them next week in terms of um where their list goes and where you see them but does caught by 9 70 minutes to go Jesus D wow that's super close um jalong heading into the finals where do you see him how strong are they looking heading into the finals they've locked in a top four spot yeah I don't know I've struggled to get a raid on them for the last half of the Year where I'm not sure whether they the absolute creme did the creme you know the top of the top four they've just continued to win games that they should have won um like that dogs game down there at home was one that I thought well if they're going to be one of the best teams they'll get the job done but the dogs wiped them that night so I just I'm not I'm not sold and when you ask um or if you ask about the um who could potentially go out and stes I think the cats are probably your chance I don't know the cats I've been wrong with them so many times they're just so consistent I don't think hkin gets back but I think they're a better side with Hawkins in with no disrespect to the big fell at all just their their experience um of Dangerfield of Stewart of Cameron of um but look at the way the Saints rolled him like last week like that does shouldn't happen to a top four side that's absolutely humming and you just get 15 goals kicked on you in the blink of an eye they'll make a prein they'll win at least one of their finals bit of a dead rubber uh Max favorite game of the round Rich defeated by gold Co Suns 66 to 94 interesting game this is one of those games I actually watched sort of the last quarter of this um just cuz on TV and you look at guys like Baker Bolton gram I don't know if Graham I actually didn't see I'm not sure go there you go um Graham whoever else there was but then you look at Grimes picket and Dusty post game I was like emotional yeah seeing Dusty finish up yeah it was it was just it was special yeah Well's special player generational player generational player walking around and ick he showed the emotion you could see how much he loved it and you could see how much like even at the end I don't know if anyone saw it but you know interviewing Jack R was interviewing the three guys and he just wanted again to be like get me away from a talk to these boys it's like with all due respect we just want to talk to you mate we just want to talk to you um but yeah it's it's what's he going to do post post footy ding W just travel around and what I've heard is that he's playing a lot of golf at the moment did you see Hugo Ralph Smith was on Triple M and he's like he's already put the out of office don't contact me sort of thing and he's just been on the golf course I think so that's awesome um great question mate I I've got no idea no idea yeah yeah cuz you can't like you can do whatever you want for the rest of your life but we we've invited him into our uh retirees punish Club we're trying to get him into that but office he's out of office PA won't what do you make of um the go Coast on season what do I make of it yeah average is probably where you thought they'd finish yeah to be honest best season though that to the Inception of the club most wins they've had yeah but they've got a sort out winning away from home and well they did they won two towards the end who were they against uh one was against Richmond again wasn't great and bombers yeah yeah when when the pressure was off it's kind of yeah yeah a bit a bit like Saints really like when the pressure's off they seem to yeah would you rather be the Saints or Gold Coast though list would you rather be dimmer or Co 100% I agree yeah I think they're building something pretty good up there and if they can land a couple of the people they're talking about um Dan roli being one of those then look there's you know another Dasher off halfback Loy wellers only played two or three games back can he add a bit more Ro was good on the weekend if they lose the coaches like we don't know what's going to happen there like he's a chance to um explore his options I've been told but who knows man I think they're a good side I think they are a good side they just got to overcome that mental mental hurdle yeah when they get out of the sunny sunny State much time less time at the theme parks offseason and more time at the bloody Gym training track I say uh Brisbane defeated es in watch the bit of this game yeah weird game um up the gabber what do you think of how random we I think we spoke about this last week with um broen or Kate or one of them were the two MA came on for a bit ma we missed we spoke about the Doss and he decision of not playing da and he in the sendoff liked it he he said it was about Ming and put the fork in the ground and then he played and had no but then he played and had the dh2 on the jumper and I was like what is what's the point of this random yeah that doesn't it doesn't make sense does it like you should have done one or the other like play play in hope I think what don't but they what what's the stance though The Stance was you saying play or don't play yeah I a send off hang on last week you agreed broen said that he agreed with that I disagree oh splin sits on the fence I think they made the call the week before it's like well you know is it Dyson we love him and all that but we've still got a chance to play in the finals and we're picking up S side okay and then later and this week no mathematical chance of playing finals so and he comes out and has 34 so anyway um your last game you liked it you sniff it out yeah I I like the idea of looking after your older players uh but I I thought he should have been out of the side a while ago not not that not just two weeks ago when he said he him up a few years ago oh well potentially but you that was only be but to his credit he's hung on and he's been one of their better players and the reason he's played is because there's no one coming in and saying well I'm taking your spot they're not having a jalong situation are they exactly right so that's why he continued to play and he probably could still get another gig maybe he end up in the blue and white stripes who knows Brisbane heading into the finals yep how do you see them heading in their goal kicking don't they like and that's been an issue for him for the whole year let's be honest but um 1121 that's putrid but their their Midfield is Elite um will ashro starting to really find some footy Loy Neil your boy cars he's flying um they they they don't want they don't want for much I worry a little bit about um them in finals with their bottom five or six who were all young and it's not like they're not going to be really good players which on um you know Logan Morris 12 and he's he's going pretty well but when these finals come you know Logan Morris first year player um Harry sharp I think third year player but he's he's in the side at the moment isn't he so he's um there's the other one there Jasper Fletcher Jasper Fletcher second year player playing on the wing did okay will ash who is a bit of a unicorn He he'll go okay sold I don't know whether he's going to turn up lman three goals too I really like lman I really like but what does it look like when that press on the pressure is on in the the bubble Titans anyway got they're going to play it home they'll play it home potentially the winner which we will find out shortly it'll be either Cardinal Freeman or they'll play think ringer Dinger right now it's down to two points Dockers behind wow how long to go 12 minutes to go holy hell well let's keep that game on tabs and we see how we [ __ ] what do you reckon with Rell in the ass oh this so I think weakest pissed by Adela footy Club what do you reckon BR H I think that again I think they missed an opportunity weeks ago okay well different opinion he's had a he's had a few little things where and they stood by him and supported him with a couple of little duck the loaf turtle um efforts and then yeah I just think for that that it's going to hurt him more as a confidence person teammate that club versus what the benefit the crows will get out of that n i I disagree I think that is a kick in the ass that he needed to say well you know what I'm I'm going to come back and show you next summer okay and that was yeah like I I I can't use myself as an example like I got um my ass handed to me in terms of the BNF result which I tookers well where they saw me at and I was like well [ __ ] this I'm going to get myself super fit and whatever else and you only hope this is what he does yeah you know they say well I don't know whether he'll know what the BNF result is he'll still go okay cuz he played some okay games but he needs to look grew up playing soccer in cheron so that celebration like that kind of yeah I thought he's from Eastern Rangers no he's that's Jak from Mar Bush Rangers is he really there you go there you go didn't know that um do you think this does anything end of the year around 29 how many times I have to say it no one gives a [ __ ] about contracts you can still trade a player with a contract you know that don't you I know that but if someone wants him and they want to get rid of him never might I think Brett sums up really well yeah he he's given him the it's a hard call from Matthew Nicks in their match committee to give him the give him the clip be pretty firm with him I think a lot of his players doing the media rounds were pretty firm with him as well um and then that's that's a form of investment in the in the young man fure in itself hey one thing to sayi support the person no a coach to say to me they said cuz I didn't like getting feedback and they said Dylan worry when people don't give you feedback cuz that's when they've given up yep feedback is good that's fair feedback is good yeah uh what did you make of this game while we don't get hung up on uh relli look not much but I do think that um well held on yeah this of a bit of a no I do I was just I'm more thinking about swans heading into final it's you know what's at 31 points um not still not like super100 no I'm just saying they're still not like they're not looking like a a first no they didn't look dominant but that's um I mean Adelaide aren't the worse side in it like they still um give a fair they have a fair crack every week and Heeney obviously out makes a bit of a difference as well my my issue with Sydney at the moment is their ability up forward with their big boys I don't think they fire on cylinders consistently Parker kick three McDonald 3 Amari 2 last time Amari was at um over kicked nine nine n no no disrespect to the nine but I think eight of them hit him in the face like they were very easy n off his face his boot yeah since then he's on six I think I heard did you not hear about the feedback I said they needed to do next week his horse he said horse needs to get them in a room yeah um Logan Joel and Hayden with in a room 200 gets in a room and he goes boys why do you think they call me horse and they go what does that we just assumed yeah what does that have to do with anything guys never mind hey by the way going into finals I need you guys to act like a horse yeah pretend you're a horse and just [ __ ] keep going that's what a horse keep going start nighing bit of horsepower they need some horsepower heading to final so I agree analy that's soy Giants you both have got Giants they they they run through a brick wall after hearing that from hell that we're I heard last week about the yeah call um how the Syd this is great for Sydney footy yeah is the first Sydney final no we played them back in 2018 yeah right smacked them where at where at scg BO love theg and they played him in the qualifying in 2016 [ __ ] fun fact three and Zip There You Go fun fact two and zip at the moment or G three and zip no they're three more of the Giants boys live in that area than the swans players do like they all live around Paddington Eastern suburbs a lot of the the swans players live down more south like marbra um way so this is a home as much as it's an away game it's very it's closer for them to go to this ground to their home ground get to leave a little bit leave a little bit traffic yeah avoid TOS no tight backs no foam rollers just straight into it they won't even have to warm up that'll factor factor into my decision making enough to TI for this game yeah yeah but in all series that's true Brett isn't it V btim I don't know where they boys live now mate I never went to anyone's house I used to go over their houses and yeah cuz you never had kids or responsibilities and I had two of them so I didn't just get to Wed around just kicked out by nine oh goodness gracious P have kicked out by nine points nine points so confirm what happens if that happens Caron stay Final in and they play what the C boys been doing right now they be having a couple of shits just cuz got the ball next week we think is a great idea n they wouldn't be I don't reckon I think they' just be going home they all in the maybe in the SAA doing hands yeah today something all we'll see what Happ there hey down to ballat what an absolute spectacle this was congrats to the city of I wonder if they went why was it a spectacle well it's just great to get down there and uh and and get Country Town the old skills weren't that that awesome to watch I I didn't think it was much of a spectacle of the game was it windy yeah it was a little six bre one wind is the it is it brings back the old school you know if you're he watched it so he's given us that it's a great spectacle so it was a good game didn't like the game Brett come on it was if you if you're into the wind get front and center if if you're if it's going with the wind out the back and no going with the wind the wind's not going to do it for you and unfortunately the gmen thought of that a little bit they tried to bomb they blazed early Toby we saw Toby have one of those moments I think he kicked two within sort of you know 20 minutes that were great goals and I was like is he about to I thought the same yeah he he about to sort of carry them over the line and start flicking it but at the end of the day the doggies just ran over the top and started playing some good footy um doggies are doggies are looking good heading into the finals w bises m there flag bises chance Mick called it about six weeks ago I did about 13th at the time yeah yeah it was when they were like really bad so flag B is is a legitimate thing I love I love how clean they are I will take Boris down to the Whitnel if they win the flag really I hope for boris's sake I hope they win I'd love him to get out of the house for a just reconnect with his can you take the girls as well can you take the girls yeah take the girls cuz he'd love that you get bis a little little W yeah yeah I'll give him a little B one a little B little B jumper if if they win and my boy Harvey Gallagher plays I will be there for sure you know har is playing you know who played some really good footy while you're away tell me bondie Bond's been playing Bond's been playing some really good footy yeah yeah good on him and got a special mention by the coach in the four walls yeah no he's was on their Instagram the teammates love him they just playing with him because you know what he's going to bring everywh tough itough if I think you were saying Mick earlier about you know this could potentially be the Grand Final depending on where it heads and we haven't looked at the the bracket yet of what happen the algorithms what do giants need to do to beat the Bulldogs where are where are the Bulldogs vulnerable where can you beat them um oh they the how you beat the Bulldogs even heading into the finals like what's their what's their you got to you got to equalize them or nullify well and take away their intercept well they've got it toor the the most weapons in like as a side you know they mids forwards and backs like their backs is their weakness you the backs yeah I don't know that's my point they got down there lob's gone down there is kind of in around there Dale's run off half back you know more offensively minded so I think Jones is their main Defender you you've got to try and nullify or avoid but they're Ms if bondell mids get hold of the ball the balls spend most of their time in the four half anyway you get it into the three out of monster where you go do you know what that is you know who they are yeah it's a lockness Monster's cousin isn't it yeah but who are the players you talking about Norton yeah Jamara yeah Dary what on and the little flea just buzzing around at their feet he's electric isn't he he's good to watch yeah good to watch um Giants so where do they need to flicker is anyone coming back in yeah B Bing was yeah little Brent Daniels Toby Bedford was out Loy Ash will be back from suspension y um but other than that I think they're reasonably full strength so U couple of late changes today so they obviously rested a few now they're going to finish top four um didn't worry them where they played um obviously so Bing is a huge out for them I think he's a he's a class little player he makes it such a like last week against the Dockers I thought he was best player on the ground I said this on the Stream um last night and just uh Brett will shut this down immediately but just an interesting fact when I was at the Giants I actually was in my Peak like physical condition despite a couple Cal injuries the two players that I was sort of trying to get ahead of positionally was Brent danams and Bobby Hill yeah I sort of feel like that's proven like they've turned into some pretty good players sometimes you got sometimes you just got to go you know what you got you got to tiip the Sydney bridge bridge CL you good on your boys you got me you're just too good is too good at the end of the day and and I like to feel maybe me nipping at their heels made him the play as they are today maybe that's you know we'd have to ask him I'm not sure I'm not sure but if if Bob's out there listening or if Brent's out there listening and they think you know what didn't you have something funny about Brent didn't you call him a different Trent called him Trent yes Trent Daniels very funny I called Bobby Robert but he did not like that so don't do that his name is Ian Ian sorry call him Ian so I didn't even call him Robert no it wasn't Robert was there calling Robert well my other mate's name is Bob and I call him Robert anyway his name's Ian um can the Giants win it can the Bulldogs win it I think we know the answer that I think they're both came 100% yeah one of them win it one of these two will they're my two wow I've got it's really exciting all right moving on to this game today Carlton defeated by St Kilda far this was a huge game massive I was watching this one from the television and what's it's all over what do you reckon power home I think really I've gone early in the home but 4 and a half minutes ago they're out by 14 points [ __ ] so that means Caron in the finals yeah the new balances have come off yeah he's sweating up in the air the hot dogs are getting getting bit sweaty thinking about it take it take it away Brit oh mate uh where do I start well it was CT shot out of the out of the gate like they look like right our wom man business here but but they didn't capitalize no they didn't and kill's credit they sort of with stod and um you know went back the other way a little bit in that second term that their ability to you know play against a second rate Caron side let's be honest full of top ups that didn't have all their best players which is fine and hopefully they get them back this is where that buy comes into play doesn't it so they give an extra week but um yeah not the best game to watch but it was exciting at the Finish you know so how are the natives the blue Baggers they're Restless the boys in green didn't do them any favors what about this do you reckon I actually thought it was quite the opposite way even being a c support I was like Jesus than could were lucky it was 121 early like late in the game though Brett when it's one I'm not talking the first quarter you num skull he asked me how the natives were [ __ ] and I answered the question anyway what about this one of the goal umpires had a bottle pinged at him yeah that's no good no oh I think it was plastic but full of water split the Umpire open squ no it wasn't from the cheese Squad this gu just come in from the uh from the OU and just thrown his bottle and walk straight out so they haven't caught him oh he'll be he'll be getting a f oh he'll be getting he'll Scotty who's in our groups he's a big APL fan he said that if that happens in the Premier League Points get deducted of teams yeah right for fan Behavior which is completely Fair pretty crazy um Nick Newman was really good for car um down back just had a heap of it um for ker Wang Mala was really good class I know I know murf does this to you a bit but I just heard the the throat get cleared over toward the back of the room by the C the C expert half a nothing of it how you find the game Mac no it's terrible let's wait till we have the microphone what what did you think M I think if we played any team close to the top eight we would have got rolled that was they W in the top you got saying he lost he lost by what was Point points if we were playing any team from 10 to one we would so you nervous right now about this finals thing oh it'll be a completely different team from today well Sunday so you can flick a switch oh well you'd hope so they're pretty good players coming back in in Max defense you got Charlie uh Harry MC D coning yeah it's half of our senior side I reckon at least yeah so they're they are a chance against Brisbane I was actually up there last year at that um elimination didn't they early yeah they don't mind it at the Gaba but Brisbane are pretty good there too so it's going to be a hard way for them to get it done but it's not impossible no no we could do it with a bit of belief hey Mack what do you think of um Jackson bins today his goal was good it was I actually thought he was quite quite good been good old year in the vfl yeah he's been getting like 40s in the vfl yeah he wasn't getting a look but got his opportunity today one that's jumped up too is uh Lord Lord yeah he was good as well midseason pick did you know 19 I didn't know thatal I I I have no idea I'm not even going to pretend I do 19 and seven tackles Kangas probably could could have done was he playing the Kangas vfl n he's too clean for you BLS he can pick up a ground ball he wouldn't have wanted him Tommy Lynch um to his credit is quite serious did a great job with Kuba Lorden we stuck he's going well yeah no he was good seven tackles that's great did you say that yeah seven tackles Blake akes um blakers as they like to call him do they um was was pretty good as he he does well two gos two n in disposal sorry last one he was playing against his first team he was picked up a lot of people forget that he was from St Kilda I didn't but yeah a lot of people might then he went to Freo and then he came back to the Baggers um cripper did his best in the third quarter he's like boys oh didn't he here we go we're we're away here 12 touches in that SEC that third quarter but then um Jack steel went to him in the last and actually held him pretty well um and they nearly got the job done still and you know Brody Kemp probably could have put the game to bed missed a shot from about 35 out they went the length of the field the Saints Matas philipo had a shot directly in front of about 40 out maybe just pushed it that's what I'm saying if it was a team better than the Saints we would have got smashed yeah thanks man I'm backing you he would have um Matas as well had won early in the game we absolutely put it at right angles so I wasn't confident he was going to hit it anyway but that goal by Jack Higgins Jackie Higgins was just it I've never seen something turn that much that was that was turning yeah it was good it was a great goal and he he backed back from 30 m out to Center Wing um just how about me which was great I loved it bit of bit of Celebration bit of me time um I think it was good as well as we mentioned I think uh we're talking about this back a few weeks ago with E Smith about Crips and play stepping up around him it's just nice to look at that top of the table when you look at Newman at 35 Al not in the Midfield hu at 321 kick the first goal of the game had the clearance and kick the first goal of the game which was tough Walsh Crips acres and Holland who was um really good too so it actually looked like he did get a lot more support at the moment so yeah um who knows I don't know how far chair and that are I'm not I don't know how fit Sam Walsh has been um I think he's been carrying his back a little bit but uh yeah he was good he had 32 of his own uh hu was really good he's just a he's a soldier just turns up gets the job done uh Holland has been that interesting one just that link play almost coming up as a high half forward but mixing up in the Midfield and which Holland are you talking about AER I'm not talking about OE plays a wing mate he just runs all day you know what you're going to get out of him and Acres I think on both wings but and that's probably why bin is had to you know bite his time in the twos because they've had two Rock Solid Wingers that just do the job so so from all report Elijah Holland is playing somewhat of a role of like a Kane Lambert to an unselfish yeah really like picking up helping cripper like pick up his man and do those bits and pieces so yeah that's good and he's reaping the rewards because he's playing every week and he wasn't at the Suns so uh that game's over yeah we've timed it um timed it BR it's 20 point win to the power W and just having a look if you really want to review the game which we haven't watched a minute of it really apart from at the pub no difference for me um so how did you find it I thought it was pretty good I haven't had a chance to watch thei yet had a chance to watch the yet who played well oh look mate I'm sure song did a few good things he was Qui no yeah he [ __ ] drewy I think drewy went in didn't he 32 Willie R kick three well the the bits we did watch when we were at the rising um son and Mac was having his half of Palmer Hayden young out that's Jason hen Francis was um unable goal of the week good goal it will be a goal year nominee cuz he did a really good thing on the half back line kind of did it all himself and Then followed up kicked a really good goal um so he's a handy player Kane Farrell did his ham it looked like yeah so he'll be a wait and see in terms of scans and whatever else fingers crossed for him you never want to be like that going into finals but yeah they've um who who come out of that um side it was Dixon come out with illness um I don't know actually hey um What's happen here with I'm looking at because I know you love the Ruckman Jordan sweets had 38 hit outs did sha Dary is he not playing up there you go so he's he's absolutely dominated REI Luke Jackson hasn't even really played in the rck it looks like no so that I think they' figured it out fre a little bit that that Jackson is a for yeah like a second Rock um Roma So re's Gone in and played his second game and gone okay but the got a hold of him so interesting there you go um looking at Port Adelaide at the moment so obviously wines he's you know inflicted into a bit of form Evans buts burn Jones bergoin Burton in the top sort of scorers there it's sort of weird when you look at like these players too like Rosie rioli the probably the only two out of there that haven't played that well it looks like from this so where that leads us is swans V Giants Port V the cats in Adelaide in the rad Brisbane V carton at the gabber and the only game in Victoria is the dags versus the Boris the Hawks wow the Boris V the Hawks still waiting is that still confir confirmed Marvel they play Marvel wouldn't they no it's the G I think yeah when there's um no only one game in Victoria it has to be at the G that's the agreement helps thew it does help the Hawks yeah Brett is there a date on those games yet or nights or anything they come out by 8: a.m. tomorrow I think but I would assume that it'll be released oh you know the lake yeah someone get on to your new boy Mitch cley might have something he'll he'll probably are we working these back channels as if it's where are we the most important thing in the world yeah that's huge uh all in all pretty good are you happy with that final series if you look at it now those teams that are in there do you think the teams that deserve to be there in there like I think hawthor was the only one that will really all hoping that got in and they did yeah yeah I think hawthor and the dogs were the two teams outside that deserve to be like in the way they playing um even the lines like where they've come from from where they were is is huge um I didn't I didn't honestly see Paul Adelaide or the cats being that high again this year but they've they've um I thought the carton would be finish a bit higher like they've done well to scrape in but would have been nervous as about where they're at yep uh ID and chat the bed Foo had every opportunity should have been finishing higher cing would I reckon the latest start just hurts you so much in terms of pre-season then injuries have crued them throughout the whole year the saints were never there Suns Melbourne Melbourne is probably they need to reset don't they the D like they just need to right let's get a full preseason and and go again get their best players back playing so in the next couple weeks whilst I'm away you boys will be doing a review of the bottom 10 teams y so going through those teams seeing if you know they're going to rise they're going to fall what they need potentially to look out over the offseason to improve and we're doing a little audit yeah doing a little audit and then the other episode will be a bit of a send through any notes I'll be sending you through notes don't worry about that I I this is my time of the year to start shining this management as you know cadin to North yeah yeah goes for 10 mil yeah I think that's it at the moment oh no coming to North as well J Jones getting a foure contract hey jine Jones is a good player um he actually really lik our Instagram the other day too which was good hey Brett just off the top before we we're going to do a full analysis um soorry before we move on we're going to do a full analysis of those rounds um next week as we said but give us a quick one we'll go through and just give tips without really thinking about those games yeah for first week of the F so Giants swans I'm going Giants Giants I'm going Giants Brisbane Blues uhis Brisbane home yeah Brisbane uh jalong Port Port Port over there go port and then boris's Hawks yeah this is a [ __ ] big game do you want to go no I am away I would love to but I'm away I'm going to go to the no I'm back I'm going to the Sydney Giants game if it's yeah if it's on Friday night I'm going to go to the Hawks elimination Boris I'm going Boris too wow I want to see BR down family day I really want to see Boris with the girls down with the B that's a bigo that means I've got to go all the way up up the car to get put him in on the vline or something'll be right get Dad to bring him down Chuck him in the back of the camera fine H very very good hey boys as we said this episode of 4 FR is brought to you by friends of the AFL Players Association now it is the AFL PA snaffle MVP awards we're going to go through here and give our tips of where we think um if you on take this as ver yeah best first you player is the first one yes I'm going with Will Graham from the Suns oh is he a Max Sports boy and before we get into our tips just to clarify some people might not know the difference between you know best first G player in the rising star brandow MVP Rising Star so you can uh play for three years but have to be under 10 games so you can be a 21 year old but uh but win it and and it's inducted by a a independent panel of experts whereas this is voted on by the players and you have to be a first year player so every award we're talking about with the afpa Snapple MVP awards is voted by your peers you can't vote for your teammates but you can vote for the players that you're playing against so I actually think these awards are worth a lot more I'd love the reputation of these Awards to be held in in really high regard because they're are you hosting this year way as I mentioned we I I flick this over to he loves my scraps so yeah probably yeah um I'm a bit disappointed I I was going to do my best first year play I actually love Rich brick get this I had it down to two and I've had to look at the nominees they haven't even been nominated by their Club so it's going to go Shan Mana for long but they've G with Lawson humph and I was going to go with Sam closy from the Suns but they've gone with Will Graham this is actually going to be a very very tightly run thing this yeah I think calb Windsor will win it yeah he's been good yeah but he's been out the last five or six so I think calb Windsor will win it besides he obviously in Harley Reed which is is there I I think one play that I've been so impressed with this year is Darcy Wilson from the Saints yeah I was going to put him down as well the [ __ ] when and as a lot of young blocks do like they struggle periods during the year um not all actually feel good I love I love it when we AG when no when Brett you going to be anxious you want when you say something and Brett's going to shut you down yeah it's like when you you know you want to make your dad proud and they always hate you but then like you do one thing and they go yeah who you going for as I mentioned Darcy Wilson you love them all I do love them all but as I mentioned Darcy Wilson I think we'll take that one out y most courageous that's presented by friends of tuck your feelings as well so this is obviously a big award um and and your teammates nominate you for this so I think they have a better idea as to who like we see the odd act here and there but you don't know who does stuff that you might not see all the time in terms of I'm saying this for the first time and like being at North I I knew who the nominee would be for North so it's not Glen oh what it's his son Glenn who you got who winning this one Brett uh I'm going to go with a bloke who may not be at the club next year but Liam Baker at Richmond is as tough as old boots he won a last year did he really think go back to back yeah he won a last year tough as yeah he's tough as I'm going to go Jack Buckley from the Giants yeah pretty brave yeah for a wary character like he he'll put his head in the hole and go back with the flight big chance winning it um Jack but my tip for this is actually the cross toown rival James robot him oh yeah just balls in you'd say if there was if there was a wounded bull award you'd say that he'd be up there with the we probably could look into it we could look into that number tank we could look into oh tank um tank yeah I remember playing against him early days in like some of the preseason games being like who's this young surfy looking dude he is tough yeah the other one on that list too that would you know you'd be happy to let them walk away with award I is ke Wilkey yeah I think he's a pretty strong player and been consistent for so many many years yeah even just to be named on that list is uh he's pretty pretty awesome which is great I certainly didn't get any no neither did I BR if that makes makes you feel better uh the best Captain so best Captain presented by the diamond guys and this one again is voted by other you know other teams which is which is pretty pretty cool um who do you think's been the best Captain this year boris's Marx spell yeah I I had him down early too but then I look at the rise of another team who they're going to play this week in the Hawks and I like James Sicily just cuz it like it's got to start somewhere in terms and where I know CIS has come from in terms of the player that he was with a hot head and giving away the freeze and the 50s he's had the odd mrema here and there but I I just like the way he goes about it I think the team's playing really well and he's stood up in some big moments through oh it's hard not to go past a bond but I don't want to be boring with that um Bond and Patrick Crips are the two obvious ones that are going out oh God I'm going to have to say Bond P you can make a few you want to bore us with that I didn't want to bore you with that but I did I I think zie Mer's been pretty good as well most of the year I think Maxi G's held his end of the bargain up pretty well apart from a couple of uh weeks out with the injury but um yeah anyway MVP who' you say best uh best Captain Mark B okay the MVP thing and you do Spiel who's it sponsored by uh the most valuable player is bred by snaf and there's three nominations from pretty good reading this like to see who they who they Rite the one he's a great Dylan Mo H seeing him firstand as well the effort we put into trying to stop him he's one that's come on Big Time in the last few years who else is a on Nukem uh Dy Moore will day Sicily oh what about Josh Tracy got nominated at the Dockers yeah along with braa and song No Hayden young Sam Durham Jo calwell Zack Merritt no no Hayden young Maybe looking for a trade oh he's contracted though no it doesn't matter Ben keite you wouldn't read about you would there with the confused haircut doesn't know whether he wants to have the bump part or the the mohawk again not not like these are you don't know who the MVP is for teams and I'm assuming from my thought would these be do you vote like your team votes for your MVPs so you so that's the opposite where you vot three I think you vote 3 21 your own so you play for North you vote for your North MVPs because in collingwood's like Nick Doos Scott pendlebury Darcy Cameron yeah he's a good year that's yeah but just like very interesting anyway my MVP for the year M again I think it's B belly I've got just if if I think he's going to win the brown low and he's best Captain I think he's just the MVP yeah I feel with the MVP and I know that they don't know this while they're voting on it but it's it's almost got to be a team that is going close in finals because they have been that strong that they've got their team into the finals deos hurts them that they've missed out a little bit I think in terms of winning it yeah I just think that they because they haven't got into the finals the voting's already been done no I know but I'm just saying from my perspective I think that hurts him that's why I would go to bondon P because it looks like there actually can be a chance to win the flag yeah um yeah yeah I'm not sure into your reasoning with that because I think that if the voting's already been done it doesn't matter whether he's playing finals because it's not a finals award that's fair and the way you put it makes me rethink but I'm not changing so I would have thought that Nick Doos wins it s with the B but I think Patty Crips is a real chance and I think all the awards though you know Years Gone by sometimes it's been like yeah D's going to win it so close there's been some great players playing good footy for long periods this year definitely has um well make sure you guys you tune in to the AFL PA Awards that'll be on Fox um they normally broadcast it live not sure who's hosting this year cuz you won't be there I will not be if you if you would have Hazard a guess as to who would host it I think Patrick Dangerfield they they always when I'm busy they normally ask him yeah yeah the Pres they normally ask the president which is good hey boys before we finish up it's been so good to finally get back in the same Studio together yeah big announcement actually oh what is it we've got some uh so 700s obviously we had some training going on we had one session some we had one which was a good night though wasn't it the poers at be with the head hon shows at um that have been talking behind the scenes can't say too much y but let's just say this right there's another few sessions that we're going to be running throughout September there's another few sessions of the 700s Y which has actually changed to AF Clubby wow it's got was that a sticking pointand they didn't like I think they didn't like it and I know Brit didn't like the 700s so we have to change the name make it a bit more holistic to AFL Clubby and a bit more realistic and a bit more realistic if we're actually going to try and do something with this there is going to be a few more sessions um throughout September so watch this space in September we will get some dates to you really quickly on that one and ensure that uh you can be a part of it for the people that signed up last time we've got your emails do they get first preference no they don't get first preference but they'll be in come down we want we want a great crew to come Downes get to come again Mac you Oregon Ma's actually upgrade himself to be part of the assistant coaches Max beening he's been doing he's been doing some oneon-one training to get himself up for the next session with his double uh wrong- handed ball drop yeah m m kick 06 that time he could have won the game for us Max a star we love him he's grown a lot is it uh we got any sponsors on board for the uh are we are we tipping a few in at the end of it or what are we doing well we we will no matter what we have there but there'll be some there'll be some great activations there we can't say too much about it yet but I want to just get a few things ticked off in no yeah no it's a working progress there is there is some some things in the background working but first we want to get the dates locked in yeah and they will be changing ovals too so we want to sort of get to around Melbourne um all Central Melbourne no it'll be Central melv but something sort of Southeast and North just to try and sort of mix them all up Central I'll find a place in yeah good anyway boys it's been fantastic to catch up again as always and uh this episode was bought you by friends at the aflpa again thank you so much and we'll chat you soon thanks for listening to another Clubby Sports podcast make sure you're following us on Instagram at Dillan friends on Tik Tok at Dyan friends and if you want to send something in for the show or chat to us on the minis any bit of feedback please email me at mailbag Dillan friends.com we'll cat to you soon lxx thank you so much

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Category: Sports

I don't know why they have a problem with this like i think this is one of the best aspects of the game again we love creativity so doing away with something like this makes no sense to me yeah dude like they said again the the reason why they got rid of these pitch designs the main reason the pitch... Read more

Robert Kennedy Jr. on Suspending His Presidential Campaign #election #drphil #robertkennedyjr thumbnail
Robert Kennedy Jr. on Suspending His Presidential Campaign #election #drphil #robertkennedyjr

Category: Entertainment

You've suspended your campaign how difficult was this decision it was clear to me that because of the media censorship because i was not going to be allowed on a a debating stage that i didn't really have it path the victory so my choice was am i going to spend the next 77 days you know rallying the... Read more

South Florida Bulls 2024-25 Football Preview - DT w/ Alex Golesh thumbnail
South Florida Bulls 2024-25 Football Preview - DT w/ Alex Golesh

Category: Sports

[music] welcome here to a very special edition a wake up call with dan toror in our preview of the aac the american athletic conference i am here picture in picture with south florida bulls head football coach alex goish heading into his second season with the team he's no stranger to the broadcast... Read more