Golf Simulator Breaking 50 Challenge Attempt #2 | Rain or Shine Golf

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:14:25 Category: Sports

Trending searches: east lake golf club
back with another breaking 50 video last week Castle Pines this week at East Lake let's jump straight into it Captain's Choice two man breaking 50 today I'm feeling good about it got to beat 58 that was the last round not a good start all right oh pretty good oh yeah that's it good shot all right I think I tell [Music] you that oh God [Music] gosh that spin right good shot [Music] [Music] good that was do that okay all right that is a tough shot we're going to have get the bunker all right that was career all day yesterday [Music] okay this a chance oh baby oh baby oh noow stay in theway Fairways are so tight okay [Music] oh yeah okay okay good shot basically I want to give you [Music] the Oh Come [Music] yep [Music] I SP like what is that bad got a piece okay that's you [Music] this oh oh my oh that look good get in the hole oh yeah go go go oh look at that BCE yes sir why am I even Dr go it's not even close all right [Music] these Fairways are so narrow [Music] Ser ooh ooh oh that first bounce in the r I'll take [Music] it so funny like I downhill but it so T I know all right is really it just looks like oh yane doodle oh no it's been hard I think it will oh yeah go okay [Music] okay see catch it catch it yes those fire so bad get in the other Fairway oh that could work that could be h w kind of love that that was good that was real good taking that just [Music] oh no okay 13 right [Music] all okay all right [Music] watch keep playing these courses super tight there just okay all right back I knew that was there I knew that was there let's go more tradition realistically probably like [Music] [Music] [Music] another back off [Music] go all right let's go yes [Music] I think want yeah I agree [Music] oh don't play yeah I was thinking that was a little I going to say f [Music] no I was the first [Music] [Music] that's yes yeah cuts off the Heels play that was not though uhoh that's work okay okay oh oh baby oh B A oh no that was a good shot that was so good [Music] oh [Music] ni that was perfect s [Music] what that is m [Music] [Music] all right answer this why don't I am so upset work out work out work out work out that can work out o okay that's good [Music] [Music] oh baby oh baby oh do [Music] it all right score card another 58 another 58 do we have nine more Strokes on us not with that game not that game but I feel like we've played two hard forces um I don't know they just seem long not as many driveable our fors but once again These Are Tour courses where they're playing the playoffs in so I'm sure they are hard for a reason and uh but we will get it so stay tuned follow along subscribe for more we'll see you next time

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