Alec Baldwin Facing a New Trial?! A Bold Request to Reconsider.
Published: Sep 05, 2024
Duration: 01:08:50
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: alec baldwin
[Music] power [Music] [Music] hey welcome to Dolly talk this is Dolly how is oh sorry how is everybody doing doing we have a interesting stream today uh right so we got well I was expecting today to stream at 1 o'clock for Hannah Gutierrez reads uh next trial yes she's a naughty girl and took a pew pew into a bar and apparently that's a no no in New Mexico who knew oh apparently she did because she was taking pictures of it with it in the bathroom so when they found seized her phone went through her phone rifled through it found pictures of her in a bar I think it was on October 4th very early October um because Hannah is not known for making the best Life Choices believe it or not I know it's it's it's shocking I mean a girl with the hair representing Ukraine flag so I was expecting to cover that really excited to see Carrie and uh oh what's his face bus bows uh spurgen out at each other unfortunately BS decided to actually take a plea deal I know I could not believe it either but so they're gonna take a deal there so I'm going to I guess go ahead and read what the preemptive or uh the conditions are most likely to be um now there is still the other thing the appeal that is September 26th I believe at 9 amm uh where they're going to argue the motion oh what the hell was it sorry guys should have had that up um motion for new trial or for dismissal for Discovery violations and under the Court's inherent power um you know basically BS likes to go ahead and wait for Alec Baldwin's attorneys to do the hard work and then just kind of cheats off them like he's freshman in high school ah so Donna murf's Turf how are you doing everyone Yun half Irish nibl y good to see you so let me see here sorry um cats are making noise very disconcerting all right where is the tab defend it okay my cats are making something uh loud noise uh hold I'll be right back sorry guys you guys doing how did you open that cabinet can't wait till I'm done streaming really never gone in that cabinet before sorry guys my cats are uh so what's this about can Alec go back to trial well I'm going to get into that uh right after Hannah um theoretically yes um but well we'll go over the motion and why it's not a very good motion so basically Miss gy era's re is charged unlawfully I have a highlighter I did no apparently not um okay so she's charged with unlawful carrying of a firearm and a licensed liquor establishment by Grand Jury indictment filed on November 16 2023 uh Miss guti eras has accepted a plea agreement um so she requested requests this court to schedule a plea hearing special prosecutor K morisy does not oppose this request um so plea one count of unlawful carrying of a firearm in a licensed liquor establishment uh the parties agreed that the defendant shall receive a sentence of 18 months of supervised probation that may be transferred to Arizona subject to the requirements of the interstate compact pursuant to such and such yes yes that means she's coming to my state I'm not saying I got a chance but I'm still gonna maybe I at least get an interview uh yeah she did not really care all right so uh basically G defendant shall receive a deferred sentence pursuant to nmsa on the condition of successful completion of 18 months of supervised probation uh if the defendant becomes incar carcerated in the Department of Corrections due to a violation of her term of probation she shall be subject to a one-year term of parole um defendant shall obey all laws and shall fully comply with rules regulations and probation is determined by adult probation and parole defendant shall not possess Firearms or ammunition and shall not reside in a residence where Firearms are present all right you if you remember she talked about on the jail calls about um after she gets out she's now a felon what she would uh do and like if she had to live with her father uh where his guns would be and basically skirting the rules um defendant shall not consume alcohol or illegal drugs oh and shall be subject to a random Ur analysis o poor Hannah uh complete any treatment or counseling program shall submit a DNA sample and pay $75 Crime Victims reparation commission fee so it's not too bad so we just have the uh appeal now for Hannah now let's get to Mr Baldwin so yeah States motion oh Jesus Christ my cats hey hella how you doing what are you doing okay I'm okay just you know I'll clean it up later Focus dolly Focus all right State's motion to reconsider dismissal with prejudice um Carri T morresy who respectfully submits the motion to reconsider dismissal with prejudice and in support thereof State submits the following so yeah Carrie basically is gonna double down on the dumb [ __ ] juice and just this whole thing is just coping and seething and oh my God mads okay so she is just it's so bad it's so bad um okay so the state asserts that there were insufficient facts to support the Court's ruling and there is no violation of the defendants due process rights oh just wait you wait um specifically the state asserts that while the state may have suppressed the ammunition from defendant Baldwin the defendant was aware of the existence of the ammunition and the specific characteristics of the ammunition prior to trial the ammunition is not favorable to the defendant and is not material to his defense oh hey gamest how are you doing okay so yes Carrie literally just said that while the state may have suppressed that evidence from Baldwin the defendant knew it was being suppressed anyways so the defendant found out unknown to the state so it doesn't matter because the defense already knew that's like saying I'm stealing from Walmart the security guard is watching me on cameras and is going to intercept me as I leave the store well Walmart knew I was stealing from them they were watching me do it so why are they upset they could have stopped me anytime [Applause] yes it gets the levels of absurdity and cope uh are quite High moreover the state request the court the state requests the court order defense Council to provide a description and all documents related to when and how they learned of the tesy ammunition so that the court May properly cons the court May properly consider Prejudice to the defendant and a record for possible review by a higher Court can be created hint hint someone's going to the appal court it I mean this whole thing feels like it's just a motion written for the appeals court um okay so oh hey Sky how you doing um coping well she's trying to she is really sething and upset that she lost this so facts of the case we all know the facts of the case uh loaded live round into a real gun that was being used as a prop by Alec actor Alec Baldwin who I don't know if you guys know this was actually in the hunt for the Red October true story oh God this whole thing is just nuts um okay let's kind of get [Music] into um so these are blanks and she's explaining all this stuff that's already on the record [Music] so all this stuff is on the record it's like she's writing it for the appella court really but again there's no real case law in here um you get a really shitty picture showing dummy rounds visible in Baldwin's revolver um then this is just like the basic fact not too much uh too much um argument yet but exhibit one and this was I also have the exhibits um I can show this tab really quick so 279 pages of exhibits yes oh wow sky thank you so much um do you think the appeals court know that Alec Baldwin is in the hunt for the Red October oh I would hope so I think he was at least in Beetlejuice we should let them know that yeah carry and her white whale um so like the first thing is like the screen actor Guild man cats I swear they've been good all day as good as they get um so basically this is the rules and the safety crap um nothing too special hey Steph JK how you doing hey gam stay uh so let's get back to the 52-page dismissal reconsider dismissal the safety rules are simple one treat treat all firearms as if they are loaded SL ready to use I mean not bad idea do not play with or engage in horse play with any Firearms never point a firearm at anyone unless you know you're trying to direct a scene or something apparently or your name is Alec Baldwin never place your finger on the trigger unless you are ready to pew pew keep your finger alongside the firearm and off the trigger okay Mr Baldwin declined to participate in the safety check with Miss gy Aras out of fear that he might insult her yes okay yes Alec Baldwin do you really think Alec Baldwin gives a [ __ ] about anybody else I do not think he cares if he didn't even know her name on the body cam video Oh that girl it maybe his senorita wife who is or is not Spanish we don't know um and look he it should have been dismissed I'm just saying he's not the nicest of people anyways Miss gutier has failed by bringing live rounds onto the movie Set and loading a live round into Mr Baldwin's gun Mr Halls failed in many ways by not participating in an adequate safety check ensuring that all rounds placed in the gun by Mr guti were inert and he fely notified the casting crew that the gun was cold meaning it was inert and safe okay so yeah it just goes into more background blah blah blah so and this is the ammo 45 Long cult dummies these boxes were dissimilar to the other boxes of dummy rounds provided by Seth Kenny Seth the sus and his suppliers okay so we're getting into the good stuff soon additional circumstantial evidence that Miss guti era has introduced the live rounds to the set of rust is that Miss GTI era is requested to shoot live ammunition out of the real prop guns on her previous film the old way that is true uh right and good Lord what are you using a 1988 printer um basically this is where she ask Seth can she shoot the set guns with real bullets um I mean basically yeah well and a lot of money and lawyers uh um basically Hannah makes wants to shoot the real set guns and Seth is like no do not uh it always ends in tears so Anna was always kind of playing fast and loose with the rules okay there is absolutely no evidence that the live ammunition was placed on the set of rust by a sabater or provided by Mr Kenny or Miss Zachary and that is complete horse done I'm sorry but Zach um Seth Kenny is holy crap is he sus he I was trying to be I was trying not to cuss uh um but I guess she's gone so we can swear everyone in that entire investigation is pointing fingers at each other oh well look at him he has this green ammo can or oh well Sarah was doing this or Hannah should have been doing that or check this check that meanwhile Seth is there doing the exact same thing texting the lead detective Hancock there's like 200 um what the hell sorry guys once um I don't understand hello okay I'm sorry um that was really weird sorry the um YouTube would just started playing in the background I couldn't find the tab um so Seth Kenny is there just texting Hancock the entire time for months yeah I know Hela you may have deduced that early on um from day one like the moment Seth got on the set he's there trying to not only lead the investigation give Hancock information asking her to do things like ask Hannah what she had for breakfast which is weird all the while in insulting Hannah constantly calling her a dirt bag th's dirt bag daughter um there was a very hostile much more hostile than we realized between um Sarah and Hannah uh it I acquired the actual video of Troy tusk's Depo uh and he talks about it a little bit maybe we'll play a few minutes today if we can finish early anyway so I'm just gonna skip ahead so the live rounds found on the set of rust have numerous specific characteristics all of the live rounds have Starline brass casings silver primers and identically shaped projectile with a 6mm me plate oh I like that word me plate the Mi plate is the tip of the nose of the bullet SL projectile so yeah this okay that's a [ __ ] picture hold on guys hold on I did some research um so oh wait that's not the right one well that's the side view of the live ones um but this now are the yes Matt um so when Troy tesy came yeah I know phrasing uh near the end of Hannah's trial like day eight or what nine to testify for Hannah he had a bunch of ammo the 45 long Colts that Hancock had been wanting to get her to get but not really trying hard anyways in this box of 45 Long cult three of them these are you guessed it the 45 Long Colt Starline brass with silver or uh yeah silver primer so these are the live ammo that was found on set now they act like um what I find interest it is worth noting that Starline brass only manufactures brass casings Starline brass does not not manufacture actual ammunition well yeah these are all freaking reloads it's all reloads but yeah so as far as the live one but the fact that he has similar reloads at Troy tusk's house and it all started when they did their Cowboy training camp a few months I think August of 21 Troy tesy and or no sorry th Reed and Seth Kenny went and got like 345 long cult from storage at Troy tusk's house want here C your Kitty story time so they go they stop by Troy tesy get the ammo and then just chill out Junior they go do this um training camp well then Seth Kenny takes the remaining ammo and takes it back to his place PDQ which when the search warrant was served a month later well no none of this ammo was there good kitty but the fact that he Seth Kenny had in his possession for a Time the same ammo from this batch he was also advising them on Dummies blanks bullets things like that shaping their understanding of the investigation anyways okay um so yeah this okay this goes into what I was talking about out um this is a semi- wad cutter bullet you see the top Parts kind of the bullet well the whole thing's the bullet but then that uh darker Part near the bottom that's where the shell is crimped onto it so this whole thing the whole reason they never is there a plan oh I'm gonna shave soon I need to it's I've just been really busy um so when Seth Kenny was leading the investigation he was having Mr tesy search the ammo and see if they had any 45 Long Colt with uh nickel silver primer which he said he didn't he sent this picture here of four different bullets none of them match the live on set so Hancock and everyone just decided that the ammo that was there was not needed really um almost none uh the judge won't reconsider it I'm sure she'll deny it outright then Carrie will appeal it but it's appeals are for losers and I don't see any chance this goes back I'm sure Alex's lawyers are going to have a field day writing the response and I cannot wait I cannot wait to read the response to this oh because they got into it so many times at trial uh okay so here there is absolutely no evidence that the rounds dropped off by Mr tesy were ever in the possession of Seth Kenny or Sarah Zachary and that is just not true I'm sorry but you don't know that because Seth Kenny had over a month to hide the ammo uh there's no evidence that any of the rounds left the state of Arizona until brought to New Mexico by Mr tesy at the request of Mr Bulls in March 2024 but they went to Texas for the cowboy training camp and then Seth Kenny took them back to his place yes yes yes yes yes Matts in the end of Alex's trial Carrie insisting putting all kind of stuff on the record that must have been for this appeal now it was really weird the way she said that and it felt like that was for an appeal but she then after acted like she wasn't really going to appeal oh I'm sorry uh yeah um so that's what the whole thing you remember the other prosecutor quit well she just wanted to outright dismiss it so I'm guessing their argument now was going to um G Mory is not one to give in or give up ever wanted to appeal it so then the other one left she quit smart woman uh and Carrie decided to do that whole I don't even know how to describe what she did at the end of day three of the Alec Baldwin trial um uh my request advice just trim it yeah I'm going to I'm not going to yeah just leave it a little bit shorter um so see where was so yeah um K morisy freaks out and she just wants to make a record and I why I don't know because it's not going to go anywhere um there is uh substantial evidence that Hannah GTI arz was in possession of strikingly similar live rounds on the set of rust from at least October 10th to October 21st and again in November 2021 again if Seth Kenny had those rounds at the time and remember Sarah Zachary threw out some rounds we don't know if they were dummies or not uh um it could have come from either place now while none of this really goes necessarily to the evidence or I'm sorry it goes to exculpatory for Baldwin it's really not up to the prosecutor to decide what to turn over or not to turn over and then when they were in the middle of trial they get all this new evidence then they make it really sus by hiding the New Evidence under a different case number uh oh hey Cammy prz how you doing thanks for being here uh so anyways um and again this we're on page 30 2 of 52 all of this is just a rehash of everything on the record already there's nothing yet that really sets it apart um anyway okay so we're getting into kind of some of the stuff that I wanted to talk about um so then she talks about this haveit tour not being a real thing okay um okay this is the good part on July 11th State called Marissa Pole to testify on cross-examination defense Council questioned Miss Poppel about a Good Samaritan who was Hannah's father's like best friend Troy tesy who turned in ammo he stated was related to the rust investigation that this okay this is where she gets into this idiot Theory the defense was aware that Mr tesy not only turned in ammunition that he claimed was related to the rust investig ation but they were aware that some of the rounds turned over had the same physical characteristics as the live rounds found on the set of rust the defense knew more than undersigned Council Carrie morrisy knew about the rounds turned in by Mr tesy yes kry is saying that it should not have been dismissed because the defense already knew about it even even though she didn't turn it in they had to figure it out um how I don't know how they figured it out yet my guess they were pretty confident so it wasn't just a oh there's a lot more ammo here of different kinds than we realized moment all of a sudden so I'm guessing Mr tesy who is trying to help Hannah by helping Alec Baldwin probably told Shapiro and uh Baldwin's team because ultimately it's gonna potentially help Hannah yeah that's what she's trying to say but it the state still should have turned it over and just because they found out the state was being sneaky or not oh maybe not intentionally but it was sus yeah it was an insane day um on redirect undersigned Council elicited testimony from Popple that the rounds turn in by tesy were visibly dissimilar to the live rounds from the set of rust and I do believe that Carrie and Morris or I'm sorry um yeah Carrie and Popple at the time both believ that and the defense was just setting the trap for them so and they were on relying on the two photos of the live rounds provided by tesy in November 2021 and again in January 2024 and Mr tesky statement of Mr Kenny November 2021 that none of the rounds in his possession had silver primers and all had dis similarly shaped projectiles well at this point you knew that tesy and Kenny were no longer friends and they there was a fallen out and tesy was uh teaming up with Hannah [Music] so I would have thought she'd kind of take his information more with a grain of salt than you did again the defense had more information about the rounds turned in by Mr tesky that UND signed council did not miss Poppel agreed on redirect that the live ammo or rounds dropped collected from Mr tesky looked a similar and this testimony was incorrect as demonstrated by the exam of the three rounds in the courtroom on July 12th 2024 uh poo made a mistake because she had not viewed the live rounds turned in by tesy in several months and there are thousands of rounds of ammo in this case human beings make mistakes oh good the I'm sorry defense sorry we're sorry sorry yeah okay it does not mean that they are lying or the intentionally buried evidence is claimed by the defense Miss paal's mistaken testimony and undersigned council's ignorance of the specific character characteristics of the rounds collected from tesy do not make the rounds relevant or material to the case against Baldwin well you don't get to make that determination ma'am that's not the way the case law works this is a sus sus sus thing you don't decide defense strategy for them in fact the state would have stipulated to a jury instruction that the jury should assume that if the L okay oh wait no one on the prosecution team to include law enforcement ever intentionally kept evidence from the defendant it simply didn't occur to the prosecution that the rounds were relevant to the case against Baldwin even if they were the same or similar to the live rounds found on the set of rust in fact good sir the state would have stipulated to a jury instruction that the jury should assume that if the live rounds turned in by tesi had been tested by the FBI that the testing would have determined that the powder was consistent with the live rounds from rust well that's that's great that it that's wonderful Carrie I'm glad you would have done that now that you were caught admitted to it all um let's see so late in the afternoon on July 11th the defense notified the court and councel that the defendant would be filing a motion to dismiss based on the tesy rounds for the Court's consideration the following day interest okay so they were planning for this the night before end of day two the court initially asked the defendant to file the motion by five so the would have opportunity to prepare some kind of written or verbal response oh hello hello you good what's with all the sparkles sparkles look the sparkles on your head I don't know this is your layout I didn't put the sparkles on it oh really no have I been having a fru FR thing yeah I think have have you been sticking your nose in the um in the booger sugar oh [ __ ] yeah well goly goly look at here look at here I was wondering about that I was like it's very Christmasy I did not make it Christmasy or snow I did not remember me I made it Rusty yes you did I did um so for those of us catching up because I did originally send you yesterday on uh Twitter the news about uh the whole idea that bwin was being attacked Again by Miss carry because she cannot help herself no but then you went and found this document yeah yes well done yes um I still think she should go off to Kenny instead oh yeah that would be smarter because he's actually the one who's guilty at least look into him some that would be smart but no she has it in for Balwin yeah well she's got a bit of a heart on for his lawyers were mean it's not about the lawyers it's about in it's about getting Baldwin because that's but she likes his politics how can you like his politics um why is this why is this pink now um okay can you turn off the little lights that go off when we talk yeah true I will in a sec true fact Alec Baldwin had some very good attorneys but I'm still wondering if the prosecutor held back evidence purpose purposely or not um I really don't think it was on purpose they got the ammo near the end of Hannah's trial and I think they were all just scrambling and just weren't really thinking and put the wrong case number on yeah um honestly the that particular evidence was useless anyway so it wasn't going to make any difference so I think it was just stupid and like the the detectives involved weren't the brightest no if you have a look into it like they they actually weren't very smart they allowed this Seth Kenny person to completely distract them yeah allowed allowed him to tell them where to search in his prop house like if you actually go back and have a look at some of dar's previous videos and you'll see that he just was like hey would you like to search this part now yeah and they were like okay let's do that about they weren't the brightest so no I don't think this was purposeful because if it were purposeful you'd think that they'd hide something that was actually going to uh stop him being convicted and this wasn't going to stop him being convicted I don't think so but still um they're from New York aren't they Baldwin's lawyers oh yeah um one is from local new uh New Mexico I was Heather LeBlanc uh there's one from Texas and the rest are very very very expensive very high-profile lawyers yeah uh that are very good at what they do yeah super annoying but good at what they do well it's not that the previous defense refused them as well uh Bulls was an idiot and never even really looked at it and just told the guy to give it to the police and that's the thing because the previous defense said it was irrelevant they they had the opportunity and that was their decision to call it irrelevant and that's why it's not Brady in that instance um because it's the defense's decision to decide whether something's irrelevant it's not the prosecution's decision to decide if it's irrelevant um okay so oh it is worth noting that the the defendant was being represented by at least nine attorneys all of whom were present in New Mexico for the trial and Josh John bash who did not appear for the trial the me was was being outgunned by these high-profile New York Lawyers the me didn't have a chance against all these fancy lawyers to be fair she was doing really well until that last day she really was too oh oh wow she actually made that argument the state was represented by two attorneys and did not have the human resources to respond to a motion to dismiss and prepare for the next day w Witnesses in one evening the fact that the motion was raised during trial was a tactical decision by the defense to take advantage of little old State's limited resources oh dear wow poor poor prosecutors they just didn't have the resources boy I'd love to see a defense attorney make that argument how weird is it so it's so different is like the tables have turned for once I mean I it's like all the arguments she probably wants to make as a defense attorney and never does and then like okay I miss this part usually the opposite way around yeah y it's like they know his defense lawyers they're out gun so what what are you doing um Okay so you live in Santa Fe Cammy interesting did you have did you go to any of this wow that would have been so interesting yeah uh I only know Carrie morsy from the dean Cummings trial and I really liked her in that and yeah less than impressed that's the thing like we we knew her prior like we knew her from the den CS trial a lot of us watched that one and we thought she was incredible because she was a defense attorney then yeah um and not just because of that but she was so well regarded like she's the highest of the of the uh the fraternity of defense lawyers and of of just lawyers generally in New Mexico um and she's so well regarded that yes the state uh post her I suppose yeah to be this special prosecutor on this case so she's not usually a prosecutor at all never yeah yeah um and so yeah when they went and got her for this I was like Wow You' really really gone to pick the best yeah until that last date yeah and then it was like oh hang on I'm really disappointed in you yeah you've really dropped the ball you just watched it on TV yeah I mean if I were there and I mean I'm on the other side of the world but if I were there would have been like yeah I know you know this is what I do the defense knew that some of the rounds turned in by tesy were the same or similar to the live rounds from the set of rust and laid in weight okay oh my God what's going on with it I can't hear you because the music's on really yeah is that loud it's like no no you're breaking up it's just like a dozen streamyard seriously yeah God damn it well there goes my Superior little oh yeah he's so Superior does the exact same thing damn it the defense knew that some the and laid in wait to move to dismiss during trial when it had a tactical Advantage I mean the audacity to try to gain a tactical Advantage from one side did you put the little thingies back what little thingies the snowflakes I didn't do anything why do I have snowflakes again they never left no they did I am not touching anything on the settings at all I don't know how they work I do kind of all right I have to make the argument again to go back to streamyard I'm thinking about it Jesus Christ the defense scheduled its third evidence viewing in this case for June 18th that the defense suddenly cancelled without explanation on June 17th after CST Poppel had prepared hundreds of items of evidence for viewing she prepared and they cancelled on her on July 12th under signed Council expressed her concern to the court that the defense was aware of the tesc rounds before the trial and likely learned of it from Miss guti ER as's Council perhaps this was the reason they cancelled their schedule evidence viewing suffer Carrie suffer defense Council responded that he shouldn't have to disclose this information to the court and if he was required to it should be provided to the court in Kamara without addressing whether the information concerning how long the defense knew about the tesy rounds and their similarity to the live rounds found on the set of Rush should be heard in camera the court agreed that the significance of the defense having the rounds prior to trial was relevant to whether the defendant suffered Prejudice the court agreed to address the issue and never did the court lied wow um yeah my dearest morisy I tried to battle with Alec Baldwin's fancy New York Lawyers but was defeated at the Battle of the B please please morisy take up my sword and charge the enemy and get revenge on my behalf oh God that was great the state respectfully requests his court order the defendant to provide all information regarding when and how they look learned of the tesky rounds to the court and the state so that a full record can be made for the likely possibility of review for the likely possibility of a review by a higher Court mom defense was mean to me the state is entitled to a full record for Apple 8 review app oh I I sorry I got some really angry cats around here at the moment well just one come here come here the court heard additional testimony from Popple related to the motion hearing oddly the court attempted to require the state to call its Witnesses and ask questions relevant to the motion Hearing in the presence of the jewelry under sign Council explained to the court that it would not be appropriate to take testimony related to the motion in the presence of the jury the court continued to insist that the state take testimony from Hancock and Seth Kenny in the presence of the jury ultimately the court uh agreed to release the jury for the day well that wasn't the judge at that point did not realize how bad this AR or how bad it was for the state and just wanted to continue the trial and get this kind of information on the record and waste as little time as possible because she already said this wasn't going past Friday ironically it was just a different Friday at it end I know right um so no there was no cover up because there was nothing to cover up says somebody covering up he very sad poor sah he's like I'm not the only cat in the house that that little bastard contrary to the defendant's assertion in his motion there is absolutely no evidence that Seth Kenny was ever in possession of live Amun ammunition that had the same character eristics of live ammunition from the set of rust because you waited a month to serve a search warrant princess you know maybe that had something to do with it and I'm pretty sure he knew yeah he did know because he was there trying to find the ammo he's playing Captain detective there with Hancock so he knew the kind of ammo to be looking for well Golly Golly complain about the cost of Trials and you have this yes absolutely however as evidenced by his October 21st interview Mr Baldwin was aware that dummy rounds looked exactly like live rounds and that it was possible live rounds could have been accidentally comingled by Miss Gutierrez in her dummy rounds there is hey there's no evidence that Kenny provided live rounds to the set or rust and the state never intended to bury anything my God the defendant's motion is full of rank speculation that the court cannot rely upon when dismissing a case with prejudice the defendants Asser that the evidence allegedly suppressed was exculpatory and material must have some basis in fact the defendant cited to State DAV Davidson in support of its motion um and that's where they get into the differences of evidence and being exculpatory and what's necessary for charges um but okay she this is going to get overrule because it doesn't matter whether or not they meant to suppress it they did yeah so that's the whole rule of Brady yeah that's that's what Brady is it's it's it's not whether you meant to it's not whether or not it was exculpatory or wasn't exculpatory is the fact that the defense didn't get it it's the it's the defense's decision whether or not it's ex sculp Tre they're the ones who are supposed to decide that's it and whether it's a mistake or not it's still evidence they should have had the evidence that's it yep none the judge made the correct law by the correct call by the letter of the law yeah done she's seething oh yeah car is stething yep so she is at least citing some case case law here after like 40 pages but none of this yeah um sorry Mt um you would think it matters if the state acted in bad faith I don't know I think it looks worse it looks worse but but I don't think it does matter even a simple whoopsie because the the judge stated very clearly that no whether or not it's a mistake or or not the defense didn't get it yeah so I don't think it does matter I think she said that very clearly so that's why she ruled that way I think different judge a different judge might rule a different way but this is this judge yeah as long as it stays with this judge not do well even if it goes the decision is appealed appeals court really don't like um overruling or um a judge's decision during trial um they give them pretty broad discretion on they allow in or or what they to do yeah yeah I mean I could be wrong yeah things have happened but she was very clear she made sure that she ticked everything off when she made her ruling oh yeah and she made a good record so so yeah that's um the motion the motion in the ocean yes hey do we have any um any Twitter reaction to this or any has anyone done any um responses to it um hold on one sec oh I always like hearing all the seething yes yes Carrie is very but hurt um yeah oh God don't get me started on that what is that I mean that's a whole different thing that's a whole different thing and I mean if if the trial had have gone on question is whether or not that would have come in because those were the interviews that they were arguing about yeah they they had just finished having having a big argument outside of the jury about these interviews that he had had uh with was it um uh ENT tonight or yeah ABC the the actual the the like the news interviews like with um sorry I don't know all of your news outlets over there but he said yeah he said flat out that he didn't actually pulled the trigger he didn't actually shoot and I mean that's PS of course he yeah that's been disproven it's been disproven many times that that particular um firearm it just can't physically go off unless without you pulling the trigger yeah unless it's like malfunctioned or modified in some way but well 16 different things would have to go wrong at once on that particular firearm for it to malfunction and go off right 16 yeah things uh and I don't think that that you know the the Italian um maker of the the gun like he's there and I don't think that he is going to uh allow 16 things to be testified to going wrong on a um on that his firearm he made that firearm yeah um I know it doesn't exist anymore that particular firearm but for those 16 things to all have gone wrong at once um he he would testify in rebuttal if he had to I'm sure oh yeah that could possibly happen but I don't think that the defense would go down that line that's why they really wanted to suppress those interviews yeah really really wanted to suppress those interviews fair enough too because he made a dick of himself in those interviews yeah um very similar to uh Sarah Boon right now that I'm sure that that judge that judge that um lawyer who's just coming from the north is going to try super hard to suppress all the things that she has been saying yeah um the the interrogation the Bonny staff as much as possible of all the silly things that she has said guys just goes to show you something happens whether you're guilty or innocent shut the hell up yes shut up uh yes that's usually a good idea I'm sorry can't find anything um oh no not too many people have said anything yet okay yeah um so what do you have next oh uh bring your trials people yes it's chilly day woohoo been a chil day for quite a while how's he doing uh he's sething a he's sething because apparently YouTube's trying to kill his channel fancy that so our favorite constitutional law scholar is doing up to his normal stuff um he's getting on YouTube and he's talking about how the cops are pigs and how you need we need to overturn Terry versus Ohio and all that kind of stuff and he showing lots of traffic stops and showing people how they should not talk to the cops how they should just get out their trifolds and show people that you know don't talk just film the cops and just be as mean as you can to the cops and just show them your trifold because your trifold is going to show them everything you need to everything the cops need to know about you so be as much of an [ __ ] as you can uh but also whilst he's addressing his live audience his couple of hundred people who are there cuz that's not enough no because clearly he's been Shadow B vacuum yes by the big vacuum uh he's he's telling them that look at this I usually get between 30,000 and 150,000 views per day or per video uh but I'm only getting like a thousand views per video so what's going on YouTube is against me he's very mad he's sething you've barely I love it I love it when he's I love it when he sees so we're going to watch that nice next sounds good guys join me um tomorrow is Friday I yeah I'll try and do another um Wade stream because there's some updates with his fans oh really yeah they're pretty happy what about uh the donations are going very well oh good and they're yeah working on the uh getting some files together uh updating some links and just you know they're ready to fight are we G to do more um of the trial probably yeah sweet yep or I can let keep going with the trial yeah hey all right guys I uh had a lot of fun and um please like And subscribe if you haven't and I will see you guys over at helis yay bye bye