Episode #6 - Episode #5: The DVC Member Cruise (Part 3) - Exploring Naples and Sicily

Introduction welcome to the addicted to DVC podcast a deep dive into all things Disney Vacation Club we share tips tricks and Insider info helping you make the most of your membership join us for the latest news reviews and interviews with DBC experts and enthusiasts whether you're a seasoned DBC member or considering your first contract this podcast is for you now here are your hosts Mike Hurley and Gary Aruda welcome to the addicted to DVC podcast with Mike and Gary this is episode 6 recorded in the defont ly recording studios in Sarasota Florida and cranon Rhode Island I'm your host Mike in Florida joined by my co-host and cousin Gary up in Rhode Island good evening Gary what's going on how are you I'm doing good that was a very enthusiastic intro yeah I got a little I got a little rest before this uh podcast that was like very Prof on Netflix and I we were watching a show I watch the show and you fell asleep anything good I've been looking for a new show to watch uh it's called The Stranger it's one of the harling cin like mystery kind of things is it a it's a show a series yeah it's a limited series it's only like 10 or 12 episodes or something we just started it I'm might have to check that out it said in Britain so it's okay no nothing's perfect you've never taken one recommendation I'll always send you stuff oh I didn't have a chance yet I watched that busy being sick little fires everywhere you told me to watch that oh did you like that no I didn't really enjoy it that much but I did watch it I don't even know what that was about I don't remember either but the one told me watch Reese with spoon right yes anyway we got a lot to get to Parts yeah we do yeah we do enough of this nonsense we're on to part three of this DVC member crw review so that means you're on to night's what five and six yes sir at this point you're right yeah days five and six yeah that's crazy won get right to it tell me what uh what happened you had more ports right there were no days at Sea in between any of these ports right only at the beginning and the end you had days at that's tough I feel like it would have been obviously it didn't work out because it was Italy and they're all close but probably would have been nice to have like a day at Sea in between some of these excursions to kind of stay on the ship it was nonstop but you got to do it and you're in that situation yeah I mean I guess if you if you've already been to Europe and you've been to some of these places then maybe you could have stayed on the ship one of those days but that wasn't our situation so I wasn't willing to give up time in Italy to stay on the ship that's right I mean if it once in a lifetime type of thing first time there you're not going to hang out in the bingo hall all day right it's Disney Cruise Line we don't have bingo halls I thought they had Bingo well you have little like yeah but we don't have gamblers none of those degenerate gamblers Parts they're they're over on the other Cruise Lines Jimmy Buffett Cruise Line yeah we're we're straight up over on Disney Cruise Line we might partake in a couple of uh Suds at night watching a PJ Championship with hippie guy but that's about the extreme you know wonder if hippie guy partook in anything else at night uh I don't not from what I know I I was kind of babysitting oh boy yeah I took you were in charge that's a bad sign yeah I was in charge as we're gonna find out later in the uh not necessarily this episode though we did find a bar that stayed open till two oh jeez yeah and that was that was that was hippie leading me on the Elder Statesman I know a place that it's open till two the great thing was when he was like I'm going to go up to the room now and then we left and he was having a beer somewhere else yeah I love that guy that's very funny though because you're on a boat it's not like he just like stumbled upon this new place it's been there the whole time right I found this new place that's open till too it's like well maybe if you just read the brochure you would have known about it the first day yeah I think I think what his problem was was was that he had every intention of going up to the room at 11:30 yeah and then as he walked out of the sports bar he said yeah maybe let me have a night cap there you go that's exactly what happened yeah that's not a bad thing so day five day five what was our what was our Naples stop uh day five was Naples ah very nice we did not go into the city of Naples we went to Pompei and then sento and then Capri oh you figured out how to pronounce it like a local huh it's not it's no longer Capri it's Capri it's Capri capr okay I didn't know that it's news to me yeah so how was this excursion this was not your favorite day no yeah it was yeah it was it was it was a good day it's a long another long bus ride we're going up a mountain and you just hit traffic cuz what was our first what was our first uh stop we went to Pompei first because it gets really hot and so we got there first thing in the morning we were there before it opened and it was kind of an interesting deal because you know like I mentioned a lot of these tour guides have shops or whatever and if you go in and listen to their Spiel they'll let you use the bathroom yeah so in p it was this little shop where they hand make um cameos which I'm not sure if you know what a cameo is but it's basically like a usually a silhouette of a woman on some kind of you like I have one that's on a piece of Onyx they make them on shells there oh okay um and it was really cool because you know like we actually got to watch you know the artist make one in front of us but you know then they were talking about Mike actually liked the owner of the place because he's like you know if you pay cash we'll give you a discount of you know like this much if you do this we'll give you a discount on this much she's like and if you can't afford any of it um but you want to take my mother-in-law home with you then you can have whatever you want for [Music] free that was a good one like that one I did enjoy that but those mother-in-law jokes they never get old do they it's always funny it does it's across it's across all nationality I mean you know that the when you tow a seven iron and It Go only goes 150 yards the Mother-in-law looked good leaving but didn't go far enough I mean there's just so many good mother-in-law jokes that is a good one so that's when uh we we got split up right our groups got split up yes cuz I was what I was laughing like a child right yes you are so one of the tour gues Parts his name was Guido oh that's funny that makes you laugh doesn't it it makes me laugh it makes me laugh and every time our guide would say Guido Kristen would turn around and I'd be laughing yeah but also you know the guide's Italian so she's not just saying Guido she's saying if you hear me you're gonna be with a me if you hear a guido you're gonna be with a guido and he's CRA up like a child she like she splits the group and she you know we have like our things we're going to be on channel one you're going to be on channel two well the obvious thing is if I hear her she's going to be my guide but she did it if you hear a me you're going to be with a me if you hear a you're going to be with a guo and you lik that I thought it was hysterical he St here for the last what five months and he was he was perfect he had that hat he had the pain Stewart hat oh really oh he was beautiful I've got a picture I've got a couple pictures actually of Guido now if you didn't know his name and you saw him in Italy would you think he's his Guido is his name he Luigi yeah salvator yeah yeah he was definitely like I know as soon as soon as he was done with that guy he was lighting up a heater yeah he wasn't he wasn't John or Michael in other words no he was a though but Mike was saying at one point during the day he's like you don't think about the fact that these are actually people's names you know like when you grow up you know especially in Rhode Island like oh he's such a guido did you call people guidos or time oh okay yeah you're such a guido probably not even supposed to say that that's Italian discrimination yeah no no that that's hate speech right there anti-italian discrimination so what did we do there so we walked through the ruins and they talked about the fact that Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 ad and decimated the town right and these people pretty much just you know died as they were they were just kind of petrified um and they were saying that they've only Unearthed about 80% of the site which is crazy um but it's remarkably intact in terms of you know the structures and yeah obviously there was some damage and whatnot but I mean a lot of it is still in place and you can kind of tell what it was it basically like carbonized everything instantly right yeah yeah but I mean like in the the marketplace they had was it mosaics or paintings I think they were paintings that showed like what each stall was and you could still see like this one was bread and this one was fish and it's really cool yeah that's that's pretty crazy I can't imagine like a natural disaster coming on that quickly where you don't even like stop what you're doing right before it over takes you cuz how far was Mount vvus you could see it I don't know what the distance is but Mike's like that's not an active volcano is it I'm like yeah it's an active volcano that would have been bad yeah I don't you worry though pods we already have uh Ro's in the will he's going to uh up to Cranston oh perfect so if we ever got hit with with one of those you say my mom and dad are taking them he's gonna be showing up at your doorstep he'd gladly live in that basement nice and cool down there and won't be able to breathe Sarah too but that's all right we'll figure it out that's what claran was invented for but I thought I thought it was really cool you know just the the level of civilization that you could see from back then you know like they had pretty much everything we have now with the exception of the technological advances but you know the artwork and the pottery and the jewelry and whatever it's was really cool but then obviously they didn't have have you know like sewer systems so a lot of the slop would run through the streets and so they had these big kind of round stones in the middle of the street so that you could cross without having to step into the muck that's nice yeah what what if anything stuck out for you there Mike not much it was it was too too much history for my liking I feel like Plumbing is a pretty good invention in Civilization Plumbing good one of the better one of the better inventions I would say don't you think top 10 probably maybe that could be an episode best inventions of the of Life fire wheel Plumbing air conditioning how would your Disney trip be without any of these things yeah no kidding deodorant that's a good you get away without deodorant that's that's not a top 10 sa and you might not not a pet not for next you to have it um but then we left there we got back on the bus and we drove up the coast to sarento which was an absolutely gorgeous drive but very twisty very narrow roads and the drivers there just do not care oh jeez we looked out the bus window and there was a tiny strip of Road between the bus I mean it's like the side of the road it's like going up like in New Hampshire the kangam Mangus Highway yeah and you just have in and you're just stopped in both directions and these vesas are just buzzing in the Middle Lane oh they're going in between the on the side on the breakdown you name it they are just moving and there is literally no room that's wild but we loved sento we didn't have enough time there we only what do we have like two hours yeah yeah that's a place where you could literally spend a a long weekend oh yeah spend three days there oh there's just so much stuff going on it's gorgeous it's right on the water it's on a mountain it's beautiful we had really good pizza there and it's funny because you know pizza was invented in Naples and so everybody says that like as soon as you leave Naples it's not the same right but and you want to talk about Rhode Island Pizza snobs these people were terrible but the lady who had the microphone on the bus she was from Naples so she said that there's a couple pizzerias in sarento where the uh owners or the chefs are from Naples so they trained in Naples so the pizza's going to be okay there oh it's okay you imagine the place the pizza is invented here and you're telling people an hour from here I don't even bother getting any pizza and it's 70,000 times better than what you're going to get here yeah because we walked around like the downtown area and it was pretty cool because DCL uh brought some cameramen out so they yeah so they took some pictures so we scanned our band and got a couple pictures taken in sarento oh nice and then she told us gave us like an hour and a half said here are a couple of food recommendations you're on your own so we went over to a pizzeria and what was that cocktail you got so everybody says that when you go to Italy you have to have the appol spreads okay I've heard of it I've never had one it's awful oh really I did not care for it at all it tasted like like DayQuil and it kind of looked like it too it was like a thick orang drink it was very very sweet but it had a strange aftertaste so I was not a fan it's a wine based cocktail it's made withco bits sod did I lose you there for a second yep yep you broke up yeah you're fine I was looking up the recipe yeah i i t with prco just too sweet um yeah it was sweet it just it tasted like garbage it was a sweet it was thick it just wasn't it wasn't good I drank the whole thing but I had to force myself to you can't waste it yeah paid for it I'm drinking it but the H we had a Capra salad that was amazing and then what did we get a margarita pizza and what was the other one it like a meat yeah like a meat lovers so anyway where we were talking about the capry salad yeah and how amazing it was then we got two pizzas nice can't just get one right well you got to try two different kinds if you're there yeah so I got a meat lovers and you got just your standard uh Margarita Margarita I'm surprised they have like a meat lovers like that seems like a very American version it wasn't your American version though no I'm surprised they even had it at all even the Italian version of it I don't remember what was on it though do you no there was just a couple like it was probably like Italian like salami Pudo yeah it was like just p and like some CA or something was it good it was delicious yes yeah yeah I can imagine like a Caprice they sell like they probably make the mozzarella there yes yeah it was just bleeding when it came to your table it was so good like those was made is you had to put your sunglasses on to eat them they would just burn in your eyes they were so bright so good that's awesome sitting outside it's like I mean there's no humidity it's like you're in Los Angeles it was like low 80s just no oh it was beautiful it was it was so nice we could a beautiful area too yeah it's it's gorgeous it's absolutely gorgeous it's kind of like the high rent district gotcha so I mean what would you what did you remind you of American wise sounds like like Malibu like in the mountains on the water yeah it's kind yeah it's just it's it's hen it's I don't know I don't think it's that that expensive no but it wasn't like a typical Coastal beachy town because it didn't have a lot of the the maybe carel a little bit yeah all the flowers and like the it was just very very picturesque and walkable which was really nice very walkable that's cool but then when we left we took a boat and so we had to walk down this very very steep staircase I mean it was like going down yeah it was just yeah if you like somebody like you you don't want to look over the the railing it was I prob wouldn't enjoy Steep and you just walked walked and walked and then once you got down to the bottom of the stairs then you had to walk the decline down to the boat dock H and how far was the boat ride that you um it was what a good half hour or so half hour 45 minutes somewhere around there well that's not bad but then we got stuck on the boat for what another half hour 45 minutes they didn't have they have a slip for yeah they didn't have a slip for us and it was I wouldn't say it was rough but it was a little choppy well you're just sitting there idling and it's just like right yeah um but it cut into our time on cpri which was really unfortunate because at the bot you like when you get off the boat all that's really down at the bottom of the the hill are like little tourist places you know so you can buy souvenirs you can get a gelato or a drink or whatever but like the town there are two towns one's kind of Midway up and then the other one's all the way at the top but in order to get up there you either have to walk take a taxi or you take a finicula and everybody kind of takes the finicula so getting up there was fine you know our cruise director tour guide whatever you want to call like had the tickets for all of us so she gave us the tickets we get up to the top and she's like okay you have you say like half an hour 45 minutes or something at the top so we really didn't have time to do much there at all cuz we had to get back onto the boat to head back to Naples so so you lost like half your time waiting we got a gelato we walked around the town but we could have easily spent a few hours up there which again absolutely stunningly gorgeous yeah and the gelato was good it was excellent but Mike had Mike had chocolate gelato and it was it was warm and it was melting we're standing in this crowd of people because they're they don't really like do lines there it's kind of a free-for-all um and we had to be down at the bottom to get on the ship by a certain time and like Mike is freaking out that we're not going to make it my biggest fear parts that's why I don't that's why I don't leave the states I'm just like you she dragged me onto this trip and we're at the top and I'm like we're going to miss we're going to miss the boat back to Naples and the DCL is going to take off I'm not going to see hippie guy again the rest of my life Gary's going to end up inheriting my golden retriever just all these bad thoughts were going through my head you think you would have died there that you couldn't I wasn't sure I wasn't sure I wasn't sure I started my heartbeat started he was he was not that was not the best part of the trip for him let's just put it that way because you'd see the what do you call it a vasectomy no that's not what it's called what is it called theic whatever she called finicula thought it a v finicula so you'd see this thing because it would depart every like six minutes and there it goes and then we didn't move and then there goes another one and we didn't move I'm like oh my God we could be stuck here and I'm looking at my watch we got to get on this boat in 15 minutes and there's no sign of getting us getting down and his chocolate gelato is dripping all over my white jacket I got the sticky fingers yeah so we finally get down and our tour guide's already at the bottom and he's like what the heck it like magic because she was the one that was rounding us up trying to get us onto this thing yeah and it was like she flew like she was Peter Pan we get down to the bottom and she's there and I'm like where the hell did you come from she had one of those uh old fast passes yeah I guess so but it all worked out we made it back obviously obviously yeah he didn't have a heart attack or a stroke or anything that's good yeah and that was it for M yeah that was it for the exterion it was a long day it was another long day a lot of traveling not as much like seeing it sounds like right yeah so you had pirate night you guys dressed up I saw some pictures uh we our room attendant had stuff waiting for us yeah you had like an eye patch or something right well we got an iPad we got that from uh one of the girls who was at our dinner party oh really yeah she made stuff for all of us it was fantastic yeah when we sat down for dinner she she handed out uh what do we she gave us ey patch patches and a little um coin yeah oh that's funny chocolate coin which we also had left in our room for us by the room attendant that was the night she made the Kraken with the towels and that was cool now this pirate night that's when they do the fireworks right yeah yes is it a special dinner or is it just like you go to whatever pirate themed I don't know where the camera is it's right there you can see you can see that's cool so they it's like a uniform menu at all the rotational ones I don't know yeah I don't know if it's all the same but um you don't miss out going to if your rotation happens to be at this one place no no because our servers were all dressed up um no like there was a Calypso crab cake um what did they have they actually had a Johnny Cake which was surprising don't see those outside of rhod Island too often no um they had a seafood pasta they had a grouper filet they had jerk chicken so it was a little more these pirate Knights more themed to the Caribbean ones right exactly yeah but it was fun you had a good time at it yeah we did it was a lot of fun the fireworks were amazing yeah that's got to be a very cool experience it's crazy I mean the show itself was amazing and then the fireworks were just over the top yeah yeah it's not something you really expect to see on a ship except that everybody talks about the Disney cruise doing it so you know it's coming but it's still really cool right because they're the only Cruise Line that's allowed to do fireworks right right yeah so we read somewhere that a lot of the other cruise ships will kind of try and get close try to H on that night see them I've heard that now you lost you lost what you thought was an earring yes that night because we were watching then she disappears and she's gonna go back to the restaurant to find out if she dropped it somewhere yeah and they were phenomenal I mean I went back in and our our beverage girl was there and then the server was still there and they're like oh you know let me look they like undid the tablecloth to see if it was there they were like crawling on the flo like I can do this you don't have to look for me they're like no no we'll help you we'll help you and we couldn't find it so I went up to guest services and just you know let them know that I had lost it they took a picture of the other one so that they you know they came across that they knew who it belonged to next morning our room attendant when we were leaving said oh I you know I just got noticed that you lost an airing we'll be on the lookout for it I was like wow this service is it really was incredible insane insane and then turned out that it was in our room it had fallen out I guess right after I put it in but but it was kind of under like the chair oh jeez so I didn't see it but like we got a note left on the door from Guest Services you know we're keeping an eye out it was really good I mean not funny but glad you found it it's funny that yeah it was there it's good that it was there right so then I thought maybe people thought I did it on purpose I only had one earring for pirate night there you go that works so and then I think I went to bed after that right and yeah you went back to the bar yeah I hung out with hippie guy guy yeah yep was he dressed like a pirate at the bar hippie guy uh no he was not no I wasn't sure no he just wore his like little piece chain he looked he dressed like Bill lambar that's where he got the name hippie guy and he was from Austin Texas you mean Bill Walton right I'm sorry Bill lambar it was my think yeah Bill Walton okay like one night he had the tie dye shirt nice so Grateful Dead I mean guy and he was a big music nerd so and he he was worse than me he was like if you made eye contact you were done he was talking to H I mean he would go he would turn through husband and wives like three or four they'd come down after dinner have a drink they'd leave another couple would come over Tim would go sit belly up next to them and then is a match made in heaven you know you know me yeah and just have hippie guy who's just as bad if not especially with all DVC owners so you're asking everybody where do you want how many you want how many points you have I was pulling out my pad like a cop making a traffic stop I'm flipping over Tim's got 175 oy West just think on that boat there must have been over a million points oh there might have been a million points on that when when we were doing pizza and that guy had all this Grand cal and Al Grand fian but remember when we were waiting to go into the Vatican Museum we were talking to that couple from California and they had a boatload too yeah what I think they said they had like what 3,000 it was stupid that's wild isn't that gorgeous just think if you got into that thing in like 92 or whatever when old Qs opened they sell for like 30 bucks a point $45 a point or something that would have been the move anyway was great too because then like when I went down he and I started talking about music and then he's like oh if you want to come down to Austin City Limits you can stay with me and my wife doesn't like any of that yeah he's going to be the his wife's going to be the designated driver like I might take you up on that there you go so then what the next day we got up and we got off the boat was the first time we didn't have it easy though we slept in a little bit because we didn't have any excursions planned oh nice kind of get on and off the ship as we wanted to so I think I think I brought you breakfast again because we slept so late that you were going to miss breakfast yeah we had breakfast on the uh balcony oh nice but it's funny because there were a couple of days that I brought breakfast down for him and the first time I did it one of the room attendants he wasn't ours but another one on the floor saw me he's like what is this room service he's like that's really he's like you're a good spouse he's like I hope he's doing the laundry or something in exchange for this so when he saw me the second time he said did he do the laundry yet I said nope laundry is still not done he's like well I'm happy to eat that plate of food if you don't want to give it to him but yeah we have breakfast and then we cut off the ship and walked around poo Sicily (Palermo) so is that a more like your pace kind of thing where you could just go about it and do what you wanted to do yeah I mean we just had to be back on the ship by five or six so yeah but it was I know poo like the city itself is beautiful but the people were very pushy like they have a lot of kind of sidewalk cafes and Street cafes and like you would stop and look at a menu and they're like oh we have a seat two of you and we're like no we're just looking oh we can make whatever you want what do you like well you know we're just trying to figure out you know what we want to do and it was it kind of got annoying to me really yeah it got to a point because every time you just walk by a restaurant they were trying to get you in there like even if like we might have just eaten they oh come on S no we literally just ate but we did stumble across they're kind of famous for their Street Market okay and so we stumbled across a couple of them and that's where we ended up eating and that's where we had our bad experience yeah uh oh we bad food experience yeah yeah you know we had kind of gone up and down a couple of the markets and looked and like oh do we want to try this what do we want and you wanted callari yes so we found a place and they had the Rings and they're like you know can fry them or we can they were they said they could do something else with them too broil them I don't know something we're like oh yeah that sounds really good well they were so chewy that they were almost inedible oh jeez and I mean they weren't expensive at all it was what like 15 EUR or something like that yeah um and it was a a big portion so it wasn't like a ripoff in terms of pricing or anything like that but it just they didn't it didn't taste good it wasn't cooked properly so then we went to a different spot and we got what did we got a lasagna got a lasagna and some kind of spaghetti or something like that yeah yeah it was just basically like spaghetti with meat sauce and that was amazing that was good yep yeah it was just a calamari was was like I took a bite I'm like I can't eat any more of this it was basically in ed in I was trying to force it down because again like we had paid for it and I didn't want to waste it but it was not good yeah but the the issue I had in palmo with those markets was you know like they the little boost like would have seeding but everybody's smoking oh yeah and like I actually started getting sick because of the smoke like my throat hurt yeah I was coughing you know like when you've been around it so much like you're throat starting to tickle oh yeah yeah that's how it was I mean it was I thought Spain was bad Italy you were in the minority if you weren't smoking oh really yeah it's crazy to me isn't it but yeah I mean especially because we're not used to you don't see it anywhere in the US so how often do you walk by someone that's smoking a cigarette here actually a little more often than a yeah cuz I think you got those old New Yorkers right but it's like coffee in my cigarette but like stands out and you can like smell people and stuff like if they come in hav't smoked but yeah I guess if you're just dealing with it I don't know how we grow up with that like at the restaurants go to cellos and sit in the nonsmoking section was like a foot away from the smoking people but I thought this ciot was really cool yeah it was cool like we went we saw the theater where they filmed um Godfather 2 Godfather Part Two and um there was a museum that Mike wanted to go to and we couldn't find it on the map that we had so I stopped I it looked like a security guard outside one of the buildings and I was trying to ask him and he's like you know no no English no English and he's basically like you know the theater's here and the other other place is here and like that's not where we're trying to go like we're never going to find this place I'm like well there's a hotel right here I'm like let's go in there the hotel somebody in the hotel is going to have to speak English so sure enough she gave us directions and they were perfect so it was this Museum that you wanted to go it was called the no Mafia Museum and I think they've got a couple of them because Gary Cole went to one that was in Corleone and that's like a real one this was more of a walking just had pictures and talked a little bit about the history H but when he says pictures like pictures of like people who had been murdered by the mafia so I got like halfway through pretty graphic card you don't want to bring the little ones no not at their AG wa for you outside yeah yeah there's a difference between like movie murders and like real life crime scene photos right definitely hits different it was a lot of blood yeah I bet but it was it was nice because we didn't have anywhere we had to be so we just kind of strolled around and took our time and got to a point where it was hot so we're like let's just go back to the ship well where did we stop before we got on the ship well the one thing that I had wanted that I hadn't had was a canoli oh yeah so there was a bakery got to get a cani in Sicily right yes absolutely canolo actually canoli is plural but whatever um so we found this little Bakery right before we were going to cross the street to go back to the port and we walk in and who's in there but hippie guy there he is oh nice Mr sophisticated he's got his like coffee with his holding his pinky out that was a difference between between the two of us is that we were dirty beer drinkers at night but he was Mr a sophistication in the afternoon I was just a a dirty hungover Beer Drinker the next day no you weren't bad no I didn't drink much but so we sat with with Tim and his wife and enjoyed our dessert you liked it you thought it was good yeah it was good then we went back to the ship we did our spa thing I think we actually maybe took a nap yeah cuz we got back relatively early yeah I think we were back by like 3: and so we still had maybe a few hours before we were going anywhere and then that was our last night with our our restaurant friend yeah oh right because you had the upgrade yes we did yeah the next night we did so that was our last dinner with our La Familia so that was back at Enchanted Garden and it was good it was a good good meal we went and had our picture taken all together it was nice it was a good night nice yeah and that's when because we had the day at Sea the next day that's when I went to the bar and hung out with Mike and hippie guy oh because you knew you could sleep in a little bit yeah yeah there you go but I was so excited because I was going to I had wanted a Peroni and we just hadn't been anywhere where I like was in the mood for a beer and I was like all right well they have it on the ship I was like I didn't really want to have it on the ship because it doesn't really count I was like the ship stocked in Italy so it sort of counts they were out oh no yeah they were out and they they were out of Bud Light and then when we went down that night I saw it on the handle I said Rosario did you just get a shipment in he goes we just got a bunch of fresh kegs in because he was afraid that they weren't going to have Bud Light for the entire ship I so where do you have Bud Light goes we don't have any we can't get any so we're not going to get him until we get back to Barcelona I'm like oh that is not cool where did they get it from I think they got it in Italy oh I think they got a couple of kegs there you said people go I I would help I would have helped them roll it up right through security you need a hand Rosario where do you want this that's funny yeah so that was a night that that you that we hung out with hippie guy then hippie guy and I went to the Other Bar just outside and close that one out I go a Jin and tonic and he was drinking what was the stuff he was drinking had those TOPS oh he was drinking Blandon you ever heard of Blandon bourbon oh it's a type of bourbon yeah so they have like these uh these like horse hor like racing horses the stoppers the stoppers so I guess like there's a set of six and like it's big time to be collecting them so they're like Kentucky Derby like they have the uh the jockeys on top of the horse so uh hippie guy asked the bartend he said if we if you finish that can I get that topper and he's like yeah so he said how much how much is left he goes there's one poor left guys's like how much is that guys's like $22 hit he's looking at me I'm like just do it he's like all right so he ended up doing it he got the topper and then the following night we met him back there again and uh he got a second topper so we got like two or three just on that cruise oh nice I now that you say that I have seen those online like I didn't realize it was Blandon but I've seen those bottles with the horse on top yeah and uh he they made me a genin and tonic pods yeah and when Tim was uh Tim was watching him pour he goes oh my God he goes it's 90% gin and I'm like oh no so bot TNA came over he put it down and he's like Jamaican he goes yeah we had a problem he goes just slow and go and slow go slow go slow I said all I go how and I take a sh I'm like oh my God I might not be able to drive when we get back to Miami in three nights I hate JY it like the worst thing tastes I'm sorry it was titos because I had vodka tonics it was Tios because I was texting Alex because Alex is a big titos guy yeah people like Tios so that was pretty much it for that night that's it that's it that was uh was that day six yeah that was your last port right it was that was it that was it and it was so busy but it went by so fast don't you think yeah it went by really fast like it was like blink and it's over yeah well you guys were on the move you didn't have a lot of like rest and relaxation time constantly filled not at all you were like you were like the Rope dropping weasel when they go to Disney World you were yeah yeah we were it was it was tough but I wouldn't have done I wouldn't have done it any different because it was just you have to you got to see that right I mean what you going to say I don't want to go to the Vatican they want to take a nap and watch TV I mean it's tempting but well they're doing 70s trivia in the bar at two 2m that's pretty good probably have a really good chance of winning if everyone's in Rome there's probably like four people there it's true the only thing that that I thought was a little confusing were the rules for like each Port as to like whether you had to have your actual passport or a copy of your passport yeah because the first the first uh day when we went to Florence it said like in the guide that you just had to have a photo copy of your passport so that's what we had we were fine and then for Rome those excursions were huge so they were huge lines we get right up to where they're going to assign us like what section to go to and like no you need to have you need to have your full p Sports you had be so Kristen had to run up to the room I had to get into the back of the line and then we had to start it again but fortunately it wasn't that bad yeah what it take 10 minutes it took 10 it took 10 minutes but by the time we got through our group had already boarded the bus oh gotcha like we were 131 and they're like oh 131 is already boarded we'll try to we'll get you to the bus and they couldn't find the bus and then somebody out there with the walkie-talkie said I think they already left I'm like well then you got to get us on another bus we got to go with another group I paid $1,000 for this or $450 for this thing yeah right but yeah it was it because where else was it confusing when we came back was it Naples or was it um Sicily where they actually checked all our stuff cuz usually they would just check it on the Disney cruise but remember we were in that we had to go through the um through the metal detect yeah Customs before we even got near the cruise line I think it was Naples yeah I think you're right so a little miscommunication on that kind of stuff yeah yeah just a little bit I guess it wouldn't have been bad if you just always had the actual passport right you wouldn't it's not like they'd reject the real passport if you only correct right but I mean you don't really want to be car get pickpocketed I understand that yeah that's true that's true too anything else you want to say about these last two days no that's that's about it by the way this is going to be the last week that we are on the wdw beyond the gates podcast feed so if you want to listen to episode 4 Trip review four it's only going to be on our new RSS feed additive DVC you can find us where you enjoy your podcast yeah so go over subscribe over there follow us over Wrap-Up there it helps we appreciate it I should do that huh well you're not going to listen so I mean it would help with download to download Parts download to down I agree I agree yeah I mean it's sad that you're friends who I barely know like listen to the show and like message you I don't think that's that I think it's nice I think it's great but I'm just you know we we get no support from the family our family do we I'm here aren't I that's a good point grudgingly Mary listen she said she likes the intro and outro yeah she text me last week and said the same thing anyways that's about it you can find us on Instagram Facebook and Twitter and YouTube our new YouTube channel at DVC addicts email the show info addicted to dvc.com and join our Facebook group DVC addicts for my cousin Gary up in Rhode Island I'm Mike in Sunny Sarasota Florida joined by Susie in Sunny Sarasota Florida thanks for listening we'll talk to you again next week thank you for listening to the addicted to DVC podcast with Mike and Gary we want to hear from you email us at info@ addicted tovc and follow us on all socials at DVC addicts we appreciate you being a part of our DVC community and we'll see you again on our next episode thanks again for listening and welcome home

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