List of the World's Largest Deadly Tsunamis part 2 (subt indo) #shorts #tsunami
Published: Dec 05, 2023
Duration: 00:01:00
Category: People & Blogs
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list of the world's largest deadly tsunamis part two three Lisbon Portugal the tsunami in Lisbon Portugal on November 1st 1755 was started by an earthquake measuring 8.5 on the SR this earthquake continued with the appearance of three large waves up to 30 m High along the western coast of Portugal four kakoa Indonesia another major tsunami event in Indonesia was related to the eruption of Mount kakoa on August 27th 1883 which shocked the world this volcanic eruption gave rise to double waves as high as 37 M this earthquake tsunami reportedly killed up to 40,000 people the impact even reached Sri Lanka India and various countries five Nido Japan Japan is a country that often experiences earthquakes and tsunamis another event in Japan was on October 28th 1707 it began with an earthquake measuring 8.4 Sr followed by sea waves as high as 25 M this wave hit the Pacific coast of kushu shikoku and honin including Osaka which was also damaged it was reported that 30,000 people were killed and nearly 30,000 buildings were damaged