Cindy Crawford Reveals EXACTLY How Oprah Ties To Epstein..

Oprah's like stand up and show me your body like show us why you're worthy of being here I was like the chatt or a child like be seen and not heard Opera Winfrey Michael Jackson Donald Trump and Steven Hawking what's common between these public figures well these are some of the names that have been linked to pedophile Island owner and celebrity financer Jeffrey epate Jeffrey Epstein gave out services to all his big ticket clients what if of Hollywood's most powerful women is hiding dark secrets that are just now coming to light Cindy Crawford an iconic supermodel recently exposed how Oprah Winfrey treated her like chattel during a 1986 interview did she always have this body stand up just a moment now this is what I call a b but this disturbing Revelation could be just the beginning what if Oprah's need for control extends far beyond interviews into much darker Realms ever since Oprah opened up this South African School for Girls in 2007 all type of crazy spooky creepy nasty stuff has been happening Oprah's connection to Jeffrey Epstein is Raising eyebrows could her ties to one of the most notorious figures in recent history be deeper than anyone ever imagined what does it mean that Oprah's name appears on Epstein's flight logs is there more to her relationship with him than meets the eye prepare yourself for a deep dive into a world where nothing is as it seems let's start with what Crawford herself has revealed Cindy Crawford recently opened up about her first encounter with Oprah expressing her dissatisfaction you always have this body stand up just your moment now this is what I call a body I was like the chatt or a child like be seen and not heard when you look at it through today's eyes when Oprah's like stand up and show me your body like show us why you're worthy of being here in the moment I didn't recognize it only when I looked back at it and I was oh my gosh that was so not okay really especially from Oprah Cindy Crawford now a legendary figure in the Fashion World recently shared her discomfort with her first encounter with Oprah during a pilot episode of the super models reflecting on her 1986 appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show Cindy revealed that she felt objectified and judged solely on her physical appearance rather than being seen as a person with her own voice and opinions even Oprah's close friend Gail King commented on the situation King expressed surprise and slight disappointment noting that Crawford had always had Pleasant experiences on Oprah's show I want to see it but I'm surprised and a little disappointed because I know Cindy's been on her show many many many times and it has always been a pleasant experience I I would hate to think that something that happened years ago and number one I don't know quite what it is I have to see it but basically she was with John Casablancas in the interview in 1986 and at one point O tells her to you know get up did she always have this body stand up just a moment now this is what I call aod Shir would be hey you look so great I I I can't imagine Oprah would want anybody Cindy or anybody to say here stand up let us take a look at you it's not Oprah's thing to humiliate or make anybody feel badly but as far as I know everything is good between Oprah and sndy and Oprah hasn't brought it up to you not that way no you see Cindy was only 20 years old at the time and she remembers feeling like a piece of property it was a moment that still haunts her to this day but what if this incident is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Oprah's problematic Behavior the way she treated Cindy Crawford is not just an isolated incident it's part of a larger pattern of behavior where Oprah uses her influence to control and manipulate those around her Elsewhere on the super models Crawford reveals that she would routinely faint during her early career photo shoots in Chicago with the fashion photographer ER Victor scrb neski I passed out there more than once especially right before lunch if you were hungry you would faint then they would prop you back up and you do it all over again Crawford shares it wasn't about oh wow you're so pretty we're going to take pictures of you she says of the attitudes toward models at that point in her career it was like your job is you're helping me sell this jacket we're all here to sell this jacket but what does Crawford's comments have to do with Jeffrey Epstein well one person commented on this connection saying the public didn't realize how disgusting Oprah Winfrey was in 1986 when she was interviewing supermodel Cindy Crawford Oprah was probably thinking about Cindy being a great sacrifice to Oprah's best friend Harvey Weinstein stand up and let everyone see this body Oprah lustfully said to Cindy Crawford now although this person doesn't mention Epstein we all know that Oprah was friends with both Weinstein and Epstein meanwhile some speculate that Oprah's need for control and her close ties to powerful individuals might explain her connections to EP it's no secret that the Rich and Famous often move in the same circles but when those circles include convicted tickers it raises serious questions now let's talk about Oprah's connections to Jeffrey Epstein for years Epstein operated under the radar running a TF ficking ring that ins snared countless young girls his client list included some of the most influential people in the world and after his arrest those connections began to unravel Oprah's name showing up on Epstein's flight logs is more than just a coincidence flight logs are critical pieces of evidence in the Epstein case as they detail who was traveling to his private island little St James a place notorious for the hanous crimes that took place there but Oprah's involvement doesn't end with a few flights there are deeper Ties That suggest a more intimate connection between her and Epstein's Network moreover Oprah's ties to other convicted TF fickers and suspected A-list TF fickers further implicate her in a web of criminal activity for context Oprah was once close with Harvey and she even showed him sympathy even though he is a disgusting man and he deserves to rot in jail but it's hard to understand why Oprah wanted to be best friends with someone like Harvey Weinstein they had a very warm friendship and the photo show some people actually believe that Oprah convinced some actresses to hook up with Harvey Weinstein the question that needs to be asked is why was someone as influential and resourceful as Oprah Winfrey involved with people like Jeffrey Epstein what did she stand to gain and at what cost in 2013 Oprah Winfrey was awarded the presidential medal of freedom by then President Barack [Applause] Obama this honor is the highest civilian award in the United States recognizing individuals who have made significant contributions to the nation's security culture or other national interests but what if this prestigious award is now tainted by Oprah's connections to Jeffrey Epstein it's important to consider the timing and context of this award by 20 13 Epstein's activities were already under scrutiny and his connections to high-profile Figures were becoming more apparent the question that arises is whether Oprah's receipt of the medal of freedom was influenced by her ties to Epstein or if it was part of a larger strategy to protect certain individuals from public scrutiny this connection also raises questions about the Integrity of the institutions that Grant such honors if someone like Oprah with potential ties to a convicted tfer can receive the nation's highest civilian award what does that say about the vetting process and more importantly what does it say about the power dynamics at play behind the scenes anyway Michael Jackson's name has been conspicuously absent from the Epstein Scandal despite the media's Relentless efforts to paint him as a p dator this absence is curious especially when considering the extensive media coverage of Jackson's legal battles and the accusations against him could it be that Jackson was used as a scapegoat a distraction to keep the Public's attention away from the real pator the theory goes that by focusing The public's attention on Michael Jackson the media and those in power could divert attention from the likes of Jeffrey Epstein and those connected to him including Oprah Winfrey Jackson who was often portrayed as the embodiment of Hollywood's Dark Side might have been a convenient Target one that kept the public occupied while the real criminals operated in the shadows this Theory gains more weight when considering Oprah's role in the media as one of the most influential figures in the entertainment industry Oprah had the power to shape public opinion Oprah decided to hold a special show after the Airing of leaving Neverland this decision raised questions about her motivations and the selectivity of her actions she invited some of Michael Jackson's alleged victims to share their stories on her show but noticeably omitted any plans to invite her then friend Harvey Weinstein's victims to discuss their experiences this discrepancy raised eyebrows and invited speculation about Oprah's seemingly protective stance towards her friend while choosing to shine a spotlight on figures like Michael Jackson what added an additional layer of intrigue to this situation was the fact that Harvey Weinstein was a convicted criminal his guilt well established and publicized the evidence against him was overwhelming leaving no room for doubt about his actions so why did Oprah seemingly avoid holding him accountable on her platform the absence of any efforts to shed light on his story or provide a platform for his victims was perplexing and open the door to accusations of selective Justice one couldn't help but feel a sour taste in their mouth when considering the time and circumstances of Oprah's focus on Michael Jackson it was worth noting that Jackson had passed away over a decade ago rendering him unable to defend himself against the allegations brought forward on Oprah's show meanwhile Harvey Weinstein remained alive and kicking with numerous victims who had bravely come forward to share their harrowing experiences so why did Weinstein's story not receive the same attention and scrutiny it raised legitimate concerns about Oprah's motives and whether she was attempting to justify or protect individuals with a history of bad behavior the stark contrast between the treatment of Michael Jackson and Harvey Weinstein cast a Shadow of Doubt over Oprah's intentions it raised questions about her commitment to Justice and her willingness to hold powerful figures accountable with Weinstein's extensive list of victims and his criminal conviction one would have expected him to be at the Forefront of discussions surrounding a bandn misconduct yet Oprah's apparent silence on this matter left room for speculation and invited skepticism about her true intentions according to the news it was Michael Jackson's own family that said they were disappointed that the television Mogul had been pushing certain narratives about the icon in what they called the ultimate betrayal she was basically guiding them down a path you know when when they would miss say something she would correct them in a way to make it sound like oh that's part of why you're a victim in an interview with the Tom Joiner Morning Show Taj and Brandy Jackson Michael's nephew and niece maintain their uncle is innocent of essay claims raised during HBO's leaving land documentary which they tagged a one-sided propaganda Brandy Jackson also said Oprah's interview after the 4-Hour documentary was a real disappointing situation as far as journalism is concerned she really let us down with that Taj added for me I've seen it happen before I was there when she was requesting an interview with my grandma and Michael's kids talking about Michael was misunderstood after Michael's death she does what she needs to do to get ratings to me it's an ultimate betrayal she's done that to our family many times and so we have a different view of Oprah than everyone else does in that sense because you know we've been hurt by her many times in the past the accusers Wade Robson and James safechuck said Jackson had been inhumane to them for years while they were children and frequent guests at the pop stars Neverland Ranch Brandy also revealed that she dated Robson for 7even years which included the period when he alleged the King of Pop was being inappropriate with him she questioned the time frame of claims and said she knew Robson very well and could tell he was lying he is always been a bit of an opportunist she says before alleging that Robson went public with the essay claims to benefit financially he knows how to position himself into different situations that will financially benefit him Tod Jackson said he actually got Robson and his entire family into his uncle's memorial service after they requested to be there it makes me more Angry than anything because these guys are pulling one on the public and they're getting over Tod Jackson said he added that the motivation is strictly money they have an appeal right now for hundreds of Millions of dollars they sued the estate Tod Jackson said in the interview with Tom Joiner they were denied and denied and now they have an appeal coming up they have all the interest in the world to get the public behind them to make their case for appeal stronger he added Taj also added that he's working with other people on a documentary to refute the claims against his uncle in any case it is an Open Secret that Oprah likes to tarnish the images of other celebrities one other person who has experienced this firsthand is Tony Braxton you see at the time Tony Brax and experienced a dramatic downturn in her career suddenly she encountered a series of devastating setbacks including financial hardship and a severe illness there have been speculations suggesting a possible connection between her downfall and Oprah Winfrey however people have questions in their minds about how they both are connected I I was in shocked do you take responsibility for the situation that you're in right now 100% 100% 100% Tony Braxton burst onto the music scene in the late 80s captivating fans with her extraordinary vocal Talent and Timeless songs added to her enduring success in the music industry Tony has also become known for her involvement in Braxton Family Values a popular reality TV show on WV alongside her sisters and mother but while she has rightfully earned the title of a Grammy award-winning R&B legend Tony has also faced her fair share of challenges during her career with one of the most trying moments being her bankruptcy filing she says to me I hear you have Gucci flat wear I'm open winry and I don't have Gucci flat wear in a revealing interview on VH1's Behind the Music Tony candidly discussed the bankruptcy situation and how it was received by the public and fellow celebrities during the same period when she was grappling with financial difficulties Tony appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show as his customary for guests on Oprah's show she anticipated questions about her then current situation however Tony was taken aback by Oprah's unexpectedly tough line of questioning leaving her in a state of disbelief I read that you were upset about stories that you're over spending during this interview viewers perceived Oprah's questions as indirect criticism of Tony's spending habits with the implication that Tony's extravagant expenditures were a significant factor in her bankruptcy in response to Oprah's perceived rudeness Tony replied she was so freaking mean to me I was in shock Tony openly acknowledged her deep respect and affection for Oprah before the interview took place expressing that she had never anticipated Oprah would be as critical as she turned out to be during their conversation she said I couldn't believe it cuz I loved her so much I admired her and looked up to her and she pretty much reprimanded me according to Braxton's recollection Oprah's disapproval didn't stop there Tony remembered Oprah saying something along the lines of I've heard you have Gucci flatwares feeling significantly diminished you got Gucci flatware cuz you didn't want to buy it it's not cuz you couldn't afford it what do you mean and immediately she made me feel this big in addition to all this Oprah Winfrey is widely celebrated for her philanthropic efforts particularly her work in Africa where she has established schools and orphanages however these Ventures have not been without controversy there have been reports of children going missing from Oprah's institutions leading to speculation that these schools and orphanages might be fronts for more nefarious activities more specifically we have the controversial Oprah School in South Africa in 2007 Oprah opened the Leadership Academy for Girls inspired by Nelson Mandela and her promise to him little did anyone know that this Venture would become a hotb of controversy stirring up Whispers And skepticism from day one as soon as news broke about Oprah's ambitious project the South African government wasted no time in expressing their disdain they criticized the exorbitant cost of the school and questioned its relevance in a country plagued by poverty but did Oprah let that deter her not a chance with an air of grandiosity and a touch of arrogance she forged ahead creating a glitzy institution that boasted luxurious salons and extravagant gyms and that's when the conspiracy theories began to take flight Whispers spread like wildfire with many suggesting that the lavish School served as a front for something much darker illegal human trade the opulence and extravagance raised eyebrows and fueled suspicions that innocent young girls were being groomed for a life of exploitation while no concrete evidence ever surfaced to support these scandalous claims it's impossible to deny that The Whispers added a layer of intrigue and suspicion to the already controversial Academy but it didn't stop there scandals and controversies soon plagued the institution exposing a dark and seedy underbelly that Oprah had fought so hard to keep hidden one shocking incident involved an employee named Virginia whose role involved overseeing the dormitories it was discovered that she had engaged in highly inappropriate conduct with not one but multiple students between the ages of 13 and 15 can you imagine the shock and horror that swept through the nation when this scandalous Revelation came to light these vulnerable young girls handpicked by Oprah herself fell victim to the very person entrusted with their care it was a stain on Oprah's reputation and a disturbing reflection of the Academy's inner workings desperate to salvage Her Image and protect the brand she had built Oprah swooped in with a team of investigators to uncover the truth six Brave Girls came forward forward mustering the courage to share their traumatic experiences yet to the dismay of many Virginia was shockingly cleared of all charges leaving the public questioning the fairness and efficacy of the justice system the Scandal reached New Heights casting doubt not only on The credibility of Oprah's Venture but also on the Integrity of the entire South African education system but the darkness didn't dissipate with Virginia's Scandal further controversies followed including reports of children going missing from Oprah's institutions leading to speculation that these schools and orphanages might be fronts for more nefarious activities in areas where birth registration and official documentation are lacking The Disappearance of children can go unnoticed this lack of accountability raises serious concerns about the true nature of Oprah's philanthropic work is it possible that these Ventures are connected to the T fcking networks that Epstein was a part of all in all there are still many unanswered questions why was Oprah's name on Epstein's flight logs what was she doing on his private jet and why have so many children gone missing from the institutions she supports in Africa these are questions that demand answers yet the mainstream media has largely remained silent on these issues the influence and power of figures like Oprah make it difficult for the truth to come to light but it is essential that we continue to ask these questions and demand accountability Oprah Winfrey has built a legacy as one of the most powerful women in the world but as more information comes to light that Legacy is increasingly under scrutiny the ties to Jeffrey EP the questionable philanthropic efforts and the potential involvement in Epstein's networks all suggest that there is much more to Oprah story than the public has been led to believe at the same time Cindy Crawford's recent Revelations about her experience with Oprah Winfrey have opened the door to a much larger discussion about Oprah's true nature and her connections to some of the darkest corners of society from the 1986 interview that left Crawford feeling dehumanized to the evidence linking Oprah to Jeffrey Epstein it is clear that there is more to this story than meets the eye as we continue to uncover the truth it is essential that we hold powerful figures accountable for their actions Oprah Winfrey may have built an Empire on the ideals of empowerment and philanthropy but the evidence suggests that her Legacy is far more complicated anyway that's it for this video folks bye

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