Ride around Heaton Park, Manchester. UK. August 2024.

Published: Aug 18, 2024 Duration: 00:10:38 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: heaton park manchester
excuse me okay turn right and go to the house got a steady mountain chest there keep you found out to the house and that's the view I one person owning all this oh one some I'm catching you get in there oh I'm coming anytime you need me Services thank not sure what this is but something that's there kids having fun good life should be full fun I think once you get a job and start working and getting money it goes down there I'm not sure what this is but behind the trees there is a massive big Reservoir I'm not sure what this is far so I did have a photograph on me on this DP hanging and the branch is pretty well high now but it was easy to reach when it was was about 20 and I lost it so this is the big house and right in front is where these poly horses stables and that's now a cafe don't know how much it cost but something we got that's one in it now running through kicking balls like it's all meshed in nice g z sit in and watch the world go by the one that KCK this is that play area I think back of the play area so they got some out here look like they've stopped using them cuz they're all clapped looks like and it look like they built the boundary fence there [Music] now look like it came out here and over there see the picture of the camera they can see that yeah and then it's was going out all the way over there but it's all collapsed and rotted see where this goes to right don't get it thank you I got two chers but they won't Chase anything a bit like to hi part is now the layout of that one is it's easy to cover a lot of ground when you're on your bik though so you get to see more oh a squiddle best one I've seen there you go Mr [Music] squirrle don't can see me under me S them out [Music] since 201 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause]

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