Published: Aug 24, 2024
Duration: 00:07:31
Category: Gaming
Trending searches: star wars outlaws metacritic
what up guys Kevin here and time to play my favorite game your favorite game Mr Bean's favorite game the Metacritic score game this is a game where a game comes out People review it they give it a score Metacritic takes those scores smooshes him up into one ball throws it against uh the garage a few times and catch it and then uh their friend their buddy uh drop it so they have to get up put their bend over put their hands on the garage and Metacritic takes that ball and just pegs them in the really hard and we're going to find out what that score is what the hell what the hell is wrong with me I just ate pizza so I got pizza brain right now but today we're doing uh Star Wars Outlaws that's it that's the title right Star Wars Outlaws from Ubisoft is it Ubi or Ubie who cares I buy their games I can call them whatever the I want um but yeah uh I knew this game's coming out this month this month's about to end so I think it's coming out this week are the reviews out am I doing this with the reviews out already well it doesn't matter I don't know what the reviews are if it is out um but uh I don't know if this is going to review well but I got to say I don't know if I'm in a Sci-Fi mood I just read project tal Mary excellent book just did a review go check that out um and I started playing I jump back into Star Wars Jedi Survivor they really fixed that game it really did the cut scenes are still a little buggy but gameplay-wise I was like Wow Wow and I'm like now I got an inch to play Star Wars games I do I like Star Wars and I can't forgive what Disney has done with Star Wars but when I when you take a step back it's just they given us so much Star Wars I feel like they're trying to make up for us like man like yeah under George Lucas we G you guys just were starving you guys were just starving go years decades without any Star Wars um movie Whatever going on and Disney steps in and it's like every other day there's something new Star Wars so it's just like who cares who it doesn't feel special anymore but they're still doing good stuff like the Mandalorian Andor uh is that about it I think that might be about it I don't know is aoka good I didn't see aoka that's aoka is when I went like okay like we get it you're just throwing crap at the wall and I would just we just pretend the acolyte doesn't exist to be fair I never seen it just seen the memes I'm like holy crap that looks awful um but we did get what did we get under Disney yeah we got Andor solo did we get solo was that Disney did Disney do solo I love solo and that's what this game reminds me of guys go see solo if you haven't it's great it's a it's like a heist movie this is a heist game so I'm hoping that this game people are like that don't look good I don't look that's not my Han Solo that's not my whatever this girl is um and then people play I go no this is actually a good game so I did watch a preview of Luke Stevens and I'm like okay it does look like it has potential we just hope that they don't Ubisoft it up which is kind of weird to say that's a bad thing these days when this is still new like this whole like oh my God the Ubisoft ification of video games just big open worlds with a bunch of junk boring quest to do and activities that no one cares about like that didn't really start until Valla and um insert some other big open world game that they did um that people went okay okay Ubisoft we're we're kind of tired here we're kind of bored of this big open worldness that you're jamming down our throats like Far Cry 6 even though I play Far Cry 6 it's a perfectly fine game Far Cry 6 would be probably the best Far Cry game if it was Far Cry 3 you know um I mean you can really just play any of those games and you're going to get a great experience it's just when you play those games over and over and over again it's like all right can give us something give us Splinter Cell we want Splinter Cell can we all agree we want Splinter Cell all right um back to the game but no I I watched the preview I'm like it looks all right it looks fine um the character the main character I I don't know what it is about her face I think maybe it is her jawline but I think just her jawline with the way her hair is shaped and her eyes are very dark like big pupils at least in certain scenes and she kind of looks kind of bug eyy alien eyed a little bit um and I can't this is going to be sexist but just seeing just 90 lb woman I don't know how much this woman weighs but she's a girl and she's just stealthing around and just bonking people on the helmet and they're passing out I'm like come on I could suspend this belief but that's just a little too far it's not even a sexist thing you if I do it it look stupid um but yeah so score-wise I got to guess a score huh huh H [Music] H oo I don't no the thing is I feel like Jedi Survivor would kind of would have a say in this but Jedi Survivor you remember it came out it did score well but that game had so many issues so I even think if this game is just running fine that that might give it a little bit of a bump up and I think it will I think it will I think this game is probably like a 75 76 but I'm just going to give it a nice little bump of hey this game is actually a bit all right and maybe that's a little bit of hopium because I do want to play it I do want to buy and play this game U I'm just in the mood so I'm going to bump it up to an 80 80 for Star Wars Outlaws coming out is it August 30th I don't know what a great end of the month they got visions of Mana which I'm not interested in but then vampire survivors comes to PlayStation vampire survivors is a great game um if you're not going to buy this game go buy vampire survivors on Playstation it's probably going to be like what five bucks um but yeah I'm going to guess 80 for Star Wars Outlaws let me know in the comment section what you think um and I don't know let me know what your favorite Star Wars movie is I think mine is I really liked Rogue one Rogue one was awesome I that really just man I love that ending but anyways I got to go thank you guys so much for watching I'll talk to you later later better