for whatever reason my videos get like a whole lot of views at like 10:00 a.m. on weekdays I'm like who the hell is watching these at 10 a.m. on weekdays but I appreciate you nonetheless I just I love it you know um you guys are up early I wake up at noon most times um I'm recording this the day before these are up early doing draft stuff we're getting Michael we're getting Michael Wy done before lunch today a right Michael Wy uh running back Arizona this video is from under the radar prospects uh he's no longer under the radar he's officially on the king cold Sports radar as of now really wish I was doing this way after Jaylen Wright and Isaac gendo because my bearings are all messed up they're all messed up right now um First gamees Northern Arizona Sniper got Michael Wy at the 32 here 36 whatever it was 32 not sure what that was hting the stanky leg out of nowhere um smaller frame I guess I said the same thing about gendo he turned out to be massive so I don't know what that's about uh it's pretty Shifty hopefully we get some non- Northern Arizona highlights here there we go Michael wey versus the SEC keep them legs turning get up field see I don't know if he's waiting for number two to set his block he just he just doesn't have that pickup watch some of the other guys in this class and it's it's like they're like full balls to the wall in like two three yards uh this guy's a bit more physical in some of these other guys I've been watching you can see them not there but so far he's been running through some tackles more so he's he is small smaller back I think in the open field he's pretty Shifty I like his change of direction as of this moment you know he's pretty decisive he just doesn't have that that burst which this isn't a guy that they're talking about all that early anyway see it look pretty fast there though was a DOT from the receiver see I don't get what it is because sometimes he must the the one where I said he looked pretty slow on he must have been waiting for something to set because he kind of got out here I don't know what his 40 time is I'm I'm willing to to wager it's it's pretty high though based on the couple situations we've seen him run like 20 30 yards down the field I'm going back and forth on this guy right now God I love that play call right there you line up you shift the quarterback and receiver over and then you run speed option to the quarterback and he fakes the pitch and he's in got to write that one down yeah so open field he looks pretty good um he's not as as Shifty as I thought he does got that burst though and like I said I haven't seen him run downfield I bet you the the 40 's pretty good also see right there obviously he was that time was obvious he was letting letting the Block Set just a little bit just a little bit I like the vision stuff y he's not big but he runs pretty pretty tenaciously uh you remember Bucky Irving this year you watch him he's small but he runs with a Mean Streak to him he's not that Michael wy's not Bucky Irvin but uh yeah now taking a look at some of his his draft comparisons um middle of pack height weight like I said didn't have a big frame uh arm length not too concerned up as a running back good hand size whatever ever real middle of the pack stats vertical and Broad bit lower shuttle time just flat out wasn't good 40 time was pretty good you know about I thought he was a bit faster than that I'm surprised the 451 is only 56% to be honest but at any rate is a combination uh comparison was Damon Pierce obviously he's kind of felling off a little bit in the NFL um other other middle of the Pack names you know he's a real middle of the pack Prospect I think nothing really put him anywhere else uh pretty good name there worked out for him again all these guys are are middle round picks I don't think any of these guys were first rounders at any rate uh moving on to this one frame real middle real middle nothing nothing to write home about uh thought his vision actually looked all right uh burst was solid long speed I can't really give anything besides a four change of Direction looked all right kind of physical so he's he's gring out about what I saw on tape uh had some upside yeah I changed my mind about the burst after watching a couple more more than one play kind of that that got me going the other way um on him but in terms of how he grades out with these other guys where is where is he like I'm trying to think uh I might I might have to re reshuffle these names up I think I like L better now how do I like them compared to these guys I'm gonna put them behind Sher in front of ese for now and then I'll sleep on and see how I feel about it uh yeah let me know what you guys think um you know we're starting easy today uh not nothing too crazy uh work work our way get a couple more guys in before the day is over let me know what you guys think um you know why I'm wrong about him why I'm right about him thank you