Lisa Salters still loves Baltimore | The Adam Jones Podcast

Published: May 15, 2024 Duration: 01:03:51 Category: Entertainment

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hello again welcome inside another Edition it is the Adam Jones podcast presented by the Baltimore Banner I'm Jerry Coleman he's the five-time former MLB allstar now just a podcaster and doing stuff for MLB and other people he is Adam Jones today it is episode number 71 AJ we'll be joined by ESPN Lisa Salters who certainly has ties to Baltimore and our for the birds portion that's coming up after Lisa Adam and I will'll catch up with the banners John mioli and talk about them o from the minors to the majors in addition we go beyond Baltimore and discuss how much athletes keep an eye on their dollars these days in light of the Otani situation and as always a chance to win a $50 gift card from Leo Pizza in our socially speaking segment but let's begin with our featured guest she is sponsored by Jimmy's Famous Seafood she is ESPN's Lisa Salters Lisa appreciate you taking the time during the NBA season to join us here on the podcast thanks for having me guys or should I refer to you as Miss Lisa which is Infamous around here with Lamar Jackson and the way that he refers to you I see it brings a smile to your face it brings a smile to our face it brings a smile to his face how did that all begin and is Lamar the only one that refers to you as Miss Lisa uh not anymore um ever since he started calling me Miss Lisa like everyone calls me that uh now a lot of people at work even now call call me that but uh it started just kind of like with our very first postgame interview um that's just how how he signed off he was like thank you Miss Lisa and he walked away and I was like oh gosh you made me feel so old and then I saw how everyone commented about it and um so then the next time I asked him I was like why do you call me Miss Lisa it just makes me feel really old and he said I'm just showing you my respect um and and I thought okay I like that so yeah now it's just kind of a everyone's like wait for it wait for it and then we says thanks Miss Lisa they're like there it is um but yeah like I would say most of the athletes now across Sports basketball football call me Miss Lisa now because of Lamar I mean Miss Lisa you've earned that moner so it's it's well earned it's well earned I mean by the trophy case behind you it is well earned and but it say with that BEC called Miss Lisa how has that been though this 20 plus years in sports seeing these young men come in as you know immature young men now le the sport is is uh some broken but a lot of them is good young is good men uh at leaving the game yeah I mean you're absolutely right I am like their mom's age for for most of these these athletes uh I was telling Kyrie Irving just the other day uh we were talking about just how happy he is right now now and what a good place he's in and he talked about you know how he had contributed to some of the negativity that was surrounding him just a few years ago and I gave him a hug and I was like I feel like you're one of my own kids I'm so happy for you right now that you are in this place I feel like you're you're my child um and he just kind of laughed and and it's it's true for a lot of these guys I I see them I've seen them since they were you know 1920 21 years old and now um you know some of them in their 30s um and older uh and so it really is like watching you know not like watching your kids grow up but like watching your neighbor kids grow up and and seeing um just how they mature um how they you know take their lumps how they grow how they evolve into into men and women is there a craft Lisa ins sideline reporting these days and knowing the personalities you're dealing with the game interviews as opposed to a pregame or postgame interview and also realizing the situation if the game is in progress and trying to handle it delicately um sure I mean it's a I'd like to think that there's an art to it um you know some people have said the sideline reporter is useless uh we don't need them um and you know I I respect that opinion I just um you know respectfully disagree I think that there is an art uh to doing it the right way like there is for any um any of the jobs uh in the profession or probably in any profession um so I take what I do very seriously I you know I try to I try to gauge the time the place um you know the wording um that you just some things are delicate uh you don't want to trigger anyone into it you know I don't want to say to a person like you know you played like crap you know I want to say when they obviously did so usually I'll ask them how do you think you play and they'll say I was awful but if I say like yeah you really were were garbage um you know what happened that's it's not very delicate right so um I think there is an an art to it were you I say who was somebody that was no matter what very difficult and the opposite side no matter what very easy good or bad game they're sitting at their locker ready to talk a good or bad game they don't want to talk to you they just do not want to be bothered with media um um I would say I I was going to say uh you know Phil Jackson when you think you know whether the game is going well or not going well Phil Jackson was always goingon to be a problem uh in game um that's just the way just the way he was um Greg papovich just it doesn't matter if the game's going good or not waiting for that name but but for pop in Pop's defense like he had a point he was trying to make a point to the league that they shouldn't have to do these in-game interviews but the point I tried to make to pop was you're making your point at my expense like this is my job that I take just as seriously as your job and so for the limited touches that I get in the game for you to do what you do isn't cool so we came to a meeting you know a you know a middle ground and he was like okay I'll promise to do better um and uh but let's see a player who's always I'd say most of them again it's it's how you approach them you if you know that you know it's like your kid like you know or your your spouse or your best friend whoever if you know that they just played awful they just lost there's a way to talk to them about what just happened um and um so I just I think it's all in in the in the manner of how how you go about it but I can't really think of anyone who was really just kind of like oh stay away from that person after a loss um because for me I feel like it's my job to not to stay away if there's a question that needs to be asked I can't just you know the person could say and Adam you know this like you could say like I'm not talking today or or James Harden a couple weeks ago just left the locker room said not talking to reporters fine you can do that but I feel like it's my job to ask and if you say no you say no um but it's that's what they pay me to do is to ask not to say oh I don't want to I don't want to ruffle any Fe feathers like that that's kind of that's not doing my job anyone blatantly blew you off yeah uh uh not anymore I mean I like I I'm been doing it the guys are so respectful um that no like I even remember a time back you know probably if I started doing sports in 2000 maybe 2001 2002 Kobe Bryant was headed out of the lob like he had a he didn't want to talk and he had a half a foot out out the door and I was like Kobe Kobe you have a second and he turned and he saw it was me and he's like and he came back and I thought he came back because he was raised right you know like he came back because he saw like I can't blow this woman off that's like if it' have been a dude he may probably would have done it um but for a lot of these guys you know they were raised right uh and I'm I deal with primarily men men's sports um so I think that that's to my advantage that there it's it's it's a it's a rare breed of a guy that's going to disrespect a woman like that so you know that's an advantage for me I'll take it well I'm going to take a shot at Adams profession you're lucky you don't have to cover baseball because these guys are so difficult the NBA and NFL that's just my opinion uh you are in the midst of the NBA postseason and the NBA is so unique because the proximity they have between the players and the fans I mean sometimes you'll see cutaway shots of literally fans sitting right next to a player at the end of the bench there's no other sport that has that type of setup what's your perspective of it all hearing the fans hearing the feedback from the players and has it gotten a little edgier over the years from your experience well I think that we're definitely in an age of just people feel entitled to say whatever they want to say to the players and the coaches and I just think that that's wrong um I don't know where that came from um that we just feel now that we can say anything that we want uh and things that we would not say if Adam came and stood in front of them you know just stepped out of the batter's box and went in front of them and said what was that they would never say it again so like why do we why do they feel that they can say the things that they say now just because they're removed by being in the stands and we see a lot of fans are are removed uh for saying things that they shouldn't be saying um but you know I was just listening the other day um I was standing behind the uh the Nicks bench and I was listening to these like kids they were probably teenagers and the things that they were saying to Tom tiido I was like first of all who are your parents where are your parents and do you realize that this is an adult that you are talking to um making fun of his hair his weight whatever and I thought like there there's a there's a line like you can say your team sucks okay I don't love that either I always like just stick to your own team and pumping up your own team you don't have to I tell my son all the time like you don't have to make yourself feel better by making somebody else feel bad like I I just don't like that um so and I know that's a big part of competition uh these days and I guess that's a good thing about baseball there's not a whole lot of trash talking in baseball because you're not like you know mono mono um but you know like I said to my son the other day like you don't need to say you don't need to tell somebody else that they're garbage to make yourself feel better um and so you know uh the fans are great but ever you know I I feel like they do go they do cross the line a lot now more than they did before and maybe that's because I I don't know maybe that's just because I'm old but I think back to college I think back to college too when I was playing uh in college and the fans at West Virginia oh my gosh like some of the things that they would say to our team and our coach the names that they would call of the women um so I guess it's nothing new but it's it's just disappointing sometimes to hear uh how entitled people feel that they are to just say whatever they want to uh at game I mean Adam did you feel did you feel that way or do guys just not hear it at all well I had a famous Infamous incident where I was called the nword in Boston um and a bag of and a back of peanuts thrown at me so uh I've uh dibbled and dabbled into the fandom a little bit but you know my thing is like but that person would have never said that to you to your face oh no no one would and no one will say it to these guys and you see again we no one wants to have the mail them in the palace and stuff like that because the thing is the fans don't realize that these guys are very big and athletes are some of the angriest people on the face of this Earth I get that the normal person in society are angry and all that kind of stuff athletes are a different anger and people don't understand that it's a different strength it's a different everything and athletes will literally not stop until you're like eliminated that's kind of like a weird code but I was like have you ever had to police a situation like you ever look back at somebody and give that mom stare and somebody was like all right I got you uh I will turn and look but they you know you know people don't care but like if I hear something really you know I'll turn and to look to see who said that like what but you know I I I just try to stay out how do they think of that stuff what do they think like you paid all this ticket you paid $1,500 for this ticket right and the thing that what that you decided to say and I always say people get 15 seconds with their athletes and their favorite friends and this is what you decided to say in your 15 seconds around jool and be you tried to say you big sorry son of a that's what youed to say yeah yeah and you know these fans the other day they were Pacers fans sitting behind the Knicks bench so I get it but I there I just would never I would never talk to anyone the way that the fans talk to feel that they can talk to players and coaches and officials oh my gosh even worse um so it's just it's just it's just sad to see it's disappointing yeah and there may be some liquid courage involved in all of let's not discount that the pat Beverly incident a few weeks ago that we saw where he threw the ball not once but twice into the stands that for me was the most bizarre thing I think I have seen it in an NBA game since the malice at the palace uh what's the most bizarre thing you've seen uh well I think um Jamal Murray throwing the heating pad last week out into the court was yeah was bizarre um uh Joe moula coming out into the court and blocking a guy shot just because he didn't want it want him to see it go in in the basket um that was bizarre wasn't at that game but these are things that I've seen uh watching games um trying to think the most bizarre thing I've seen just being there oh these these what what is the best or the most or what those questions always throw me because it's like been 24 years of you know I feel like every game you see something um not always good um it's hard to say it's hard to say that Beverly incident I just thought that was bizarre in the fact that they threw the ball back and he threw it again back into the stands but I would say the the most the most you know bizarre and awful thing that I've ever been a witnessed to was what happened to Dear Hamlin that I've never been a part of anything like that before and it was uh shocking um just it was terrifying is what it was um because uh you know while it was going down um I knew I'm watching a human being potentially die during a morning event and so it's hard to like it's like okay you have to do your job but yet it's like if you're walking the grocery store and you saw somebody you know have a heart attack in the in the aisle and someone said okay well like don't like you know you don't have time to really try to help or do anything nothing that you can do but I want you to work and tell us and report to the world about what's happening in the moment um so that was it was not only shocking I would say it was just more terrifying than anything else because you were just so um so worried for him so scared for him more with ESPN's Lisa Salters after this word from our sponsors the Adam Jones podcast is brought to you by our friends at the Wineman company everyone knows Green Mount station in Hamstead but did you know that at Green Mount station you can bet 7 days a week just like you're at the track with in-person teller windows and state-of-the-art touchscreen kiosks and and with Green Mount station's brand new BET Park sports book you can bet on all other sports as well wherever you are in Maryland spreads money lines live bets props parlays and teasers the bed Parks Maryland mobile app is now live for Apple and Android devices so you'll never miss your next big score just search for bet Parks MD in the Apple App Store or on Google Play and for a limited time 21 and over Adam Jones podcast listeners can get a $75 gift card to Green Mount station simply 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absolutely I mean that would that took me back to you know my days at ABC News where it was it was all about get the facts make sure it's right um tell people what you see don't make don't make stuff up just tell us what you see what is going on um yeah it it took me all the way back to the beginning and you say that with facts and journalism and news you know we were in this last wave of you know false fake news and you know people reporting fake things and that how does that you know by you reporting the facts maintain that your integrity in this industry because again if you just want to be first then Z said everybody just wants to be first not be factual you want to be factual yeah I I'm I'm shocked now that that what's able to be you know I it used to be when you saw something in print that it was true and so you know I'll click on something and I'll read it and like wow that's crazy and then I'll hit up whoever it was who if the story was about with PR person like that totally didn't happen what what do you mean it didn't happen I just read it online you're like you can't believe what you read online and so oftentimes I'll say to a player you know if I'm interviewing him like in a production meeting like Adam I know not to believe everything I read but I I read that you said this like can you expand upon that for me and you know just to make sure because I I don't know all the time if what I read in that article is true or not um and that just goes against everything that uh I was always taught about journalism um but it is it is what it is not everybody who gets their opinion out there is a journalist not everything that we see online um is done by a journalist and I think that's where the slippery slope has come in is because it used to be that you had to be a journalist to be able to you know put something in a newspaper or magazine or say something on the radio or not anymore nope no podcast they call it podcast that's what we do uh well said now covering the NBA and NFL which are your Specialties it seems like there's quietly we Adam and I were talking about this before you came on like a cold war going on between the NFL and NBA and that the NFL has moved in on Christmas Day and taken that away from the association and then had the Austin Rivers comments the other day and he's going back and forth with football guys and it seems like these two leagues are meeting at ahead yeah um the I I I'm scratching my head about that one um you know obviously football is king um they do what they can do whatever they want um a Wednesday Wednesday games uh though that that seems I don't know how how the schedulers are going to work that out but you know for so long like we we football doesn't start until after Labor Day because they want college to have its day for Labor Day weekend that's the big kickoff for college right um so you're you're used to that that they you know the NFL season could start Labor Day weekend as well but they don't so the fact that now they're saying ah but you know Money Talks so they've seen how much money or how big how big um Christmas day is as a revenue producer and they're like I want part of that so I get I Get That Money Talks right so I I suppose the thinking is that like there's enough to go around um and I guess I don't know if there games if there's an NBA game and a football game on at the same time uh that's not going to be great for the NBA that's not going to be great for the NBA go back to Thanksgiving and have you that I want to have my turkey and dressing with uh the NFL basketball is Christmas day but again like you said cash is king and the NFL is King yeah and they are doing what they feel like they want to do now what the NBA can say is that the NBA games on Christmas day they're always Marquee matchups the NFL we happen to have a great game this year um I don't know if it was Christmas Day the day after Christmas but uh we happen to have a great day a great game uh this year I don't know if they're always going to be great games or just one of six one of 17 um so you know the NBA they're always phenomenal matchups the the the matchups you know that you waited from last season oh this is the first time these two teams are seeing each other since since last season um so I don't know if the NFL can do that want to ask ask you a little bit about your time from Baltimore and uh how many connections you still have here in the Charm City you worked here obviously in the late 80s into the early 90s really you left here right as the Ravens were arriving in town what are some of your fond memories and again how many people do you keep in touch from your days at WBAL well I just moved from Baltimore two years ago oh so yeah I lived uh after I went to the West Coast and was out there for 15 years uh I knew I wanted to adopt a child and I didn't want to be in Philadelphia that close to home but I wanted to be relatively close so I was like I'm going to go back to Baltimore where I know where I have lots of friends still so I moved back to Baltimore in 2012 uh and just moved um two years ago so um yeah I lived down there in Fels point on South register Street still all my neighbors in fact some of my neighbors came this weekend uh and hung out my son got to see some of his boys from uh you know from Baltimore um um like we still consider Baltimore home um you know we'll go during the summer sometime hang out the Ravens game this year the playoff game it was fantastic because I brought my son with me um and uh he got to go and it snowed so it was off day for school I took him out of school it was an off day of school for the kids in Baltimore so he got to see all of his buddies um at Patterson Park at the Pagoda goes goes sledding um so uh whenever we get to go to Baltimore it's always a great time crabs you know got to have some crabs I want to ask take it back to ask about my guy Stuart Scott um one of the best I mean from what from my point of view one of the best uh broadcasters I don't even know Sports casters what do you call it ESPN analyst what you call call him ever uh the charismatic his attitude the positiveness um can you explain to him how he was to us how he was uh in the in the you know the private setting St was just my guy like he he was everything that you saw um just full of energy um just great at what he did like he started the you know the Sports Anchor as being uh the cool guy um you know he started what everyone tries to emulate now he was the that guy who made it you know made it his own thing he went outside the mold of a news anchor or a Sports Anchor and you know became this iconic personality um you know he just and you know you could call him at any time and I I always remember that uh he I knew that he was good friends with Scott B Pelton I didn't know Scott and when they were kind of anchoring together and I would always ask him like is is Gott really funny like he seems kind of dorky he's like you love him like he's like you will love the guy when you meet him and it's true like once I got to meet and no Scott like you know I love him now um but it's you know when you think about St like yes I have great memories of Stew but it's still still so sad um I remember getting the news after a playoff game in Charlotte um and we all kind of got in the car and we had a great game the night before and we all get in the car and we're being driven to the airport and Susie cber gets a text it's like 6:00 in the morning gets a text and she sees the number and she said oh no and everybody in the car knew what that meant um yeah just like you knew it was coming and yet it was still just awful and you know when you think of Stu now uh it just it just stinks that he's not here because he would get like just the athletes today the games like he would just have such great things to say about all of it and he would just be such a part of all of it um you he's such a graceful human being as well uh love him to death he is sorely missed uh I wanted to ask you about the transition you made coming out of Baltimore where you never at least as far as I can recall did anything sports-wise and now you're all into sports where did the transition come yeah well I've always been a sports person like I played it State um um just born and raised around Sports loving Sports and you know to me I just didn't think that Sports was something that you did when you as a journalist that you did as a as a job so you know in school when you're in school and taking your journalism classes today there are sports um disciplines but not really when I was when I was in school it was about you know trying to become a network correspondent by the time you're 30 and so you know I worked in Baltimore um as a a general assignment reporter um covering crime covering politics covering you know the normal things that you cover as a Nightside reporter um and then I got hired by ABC News to cover the OJ trial um so um they need they wanted somebody to be exclusively on the OJ trial because there was so much interest in it and they wanted to devote a body just to that so they hired someone they interviewed and hired you know I guess a lot of people and they hired me uh to do OJ one and two for two years so that took two years of my life based me in Los Angeles um and so once the OJ trials were over then I am just a general assignment Network news person so I cover the Oklahoma City bombing um tww flight 800 Matthew Shepard murder a lot of heavy stuff and so you know got to be a point like you know the goal is to make it to the network by the time you're 30 I was 28 when I started at the network um so by the time I was like 32 33 I was like this is really heavy like this stuff is really heavy and I had a I had a boss at ABC who um whose father was one of the bosses at ESPN and his father kept saying like askur she'll come do Sports and we looked our down our nose at sports like I'm a network News correspondent like why would I ever do that that would be you know all my friends were like that's career suicide and it was at the time but it got to a point that I was like you know what I really don't like this so I'm going to try Sports and if I don't like it then I'll go back to ABC because ABC and ESPN are both owned by Disney so it was kind of a lateral move within the company and I figured like oh if I don't like it I'll just come back and and do news uh and I wish for two years I kept putting them off and I just wished I hadn't wasted those two years that I had done it sooner um because uh not only am I happier but I feel like I've been able to make a name for myself doing doing sports absolutely you've been in sports I mean my my professional career what's been your just most memorable event you know you got to do the Winter Olympics you got to do uh the World Cup you get to do the finals these are like bucket lists for 99% of populations this is your job but do you still have that like this is this is still pretty cool I got my lanyard I got a whole thing full of lanyards up there I feel real proud when I get to wear M but do you still have that that love and passion for every day that you get to do this yeah I mean just you know being at the game the other day the Pacers game and it's the playoffs now so you you feel that juice a little bit more probably you feel the same way when the playoffs come around um you know one out of how many 162 is it they playing baseball that's a lot so it's hard to kind of be hyped for all of those but once it gets to the playoffs um you're kind of like this is pretty cool and the place is going crazy and you're listening to Mike Breen uh you know on the call and you know I I just feel like so like I was telling someone just the other day I still feel so blessed to be able to do it like I I get to to be on a broadcast with a Hall of Fame broadcaster like Mike Breen and then you know Joe Buck another Hall of Fame broadcaster and Troy I mean these are guys that everyone's like what what are they like what's Joe like what's Troy like and I'm they're I'm like they're my guys you know like I they're just great and it's and to be a part of it um to be on their team um it's you know there there's nothing like it I it does not go unnoticed by me how fortunate I am to to do what I do not just for the NBA um but for the NFL as well like I'm on the two biggest properties that ESPN has um and it's um you know it's just it's fun it's fun to go to work well Lisa it's been our honor to have you on the Adam Jones podcast continued success throughout the NBA postseason look forward to seeing you in Baltimore for an NFL game or two ahead go Lisa Salters was great we continue here on the Adam Jones podcast it's our for the birds portion of the podcast sponsored by our friends at the Maryland Lottery when you play the Maryland Lottery set limits never play when you're stressed and know your odds of winning to learn more visit playay responsibly must be 18 years or older to play our guest you can see him if you're watching on YouTube and we encourage you to do that he is the Baltimore banners John mioli who joined us for one of our live shows last summer back on the podcast again and John the banner and you have uh put together this new newsletter called Inside The Dugout let's begin with that and tell everyone what that's all about yeah you know I guess going back to my newsletter Roots after I left the Baltimore Sun a few years ago I started a newsletter that kind of wasn't a newsletter I just delivered it that way um but but you know the banner is really trying to up their offerings to people who subscribed there are so many great subscribers out there um and you know it's all about adding value and that's kind of what we're trying to do here so once a week it's going to be Tuesday Tuesday starting next week we're going to deliver um some unique content some cool features in it there's going to be a little mailbag section some some ballpark Buzz that I'm hearing that you might not be able to write um as a fully developed thing but you can kind of address it all those little things that happen um when you have you know myself when I'm out there and a whole staff of baseball reporters who are with this team constantly um there's just a lot of great things happening with this team and there's going to be a subscriber only newsletter where you can kind of enhance your experience with the banner so super fired up to start that um you know the response from what I understand has already been great and I can't I'm I'm really excited to start being able to deliver that and and kind of add to that experience for anyone that does subscribe to the banner everyone talks about the Orioles and their obviously their offensive uh players and the pro the prospects but not many people mention the pitchers and the young guys that are coming through the organization you wrote about Jackson ball meister and I got to see him and Kate Povich throw down in spring training they both to me had fantastic Springs obviously a little too Young on the experienc side I think to get strong strong looks for the major league team at that time but uh they're making ways right now can you explain uh go into depths about both of them yeah absolutely so Kade Povich is probably if if the Orioles you know if if some we're talking about a major league team that has a ton of starting pitching depth you know they've lost Tyler Wells and Grayson Rodriguez injuries just this year and and you're able to bring back Kyle bradish who got S S Young votes last year John means who's an All-Star and and you know they haven't missed a beat but if the Oriol needed to dip into their farm system for a starting pitcher right now I think Kade Povich one of the four pitchers they acquired in the Jorge Lopez trade two summers ago would probably be that guy um we we we've learned over the last few years that the Orioles have been building up their pitching program what they like what they don't like they love guys um with with pitch mixes that allow them to have weapons to get both left-handed right-handed hitters out so Lefty like Kate Povich um he fills up the strike zone he has a hoppy fast ball which is now the trend all over the game but it's pretty much a requirement when pitch for the orol in their organization um he he has a you know five pitch mix and he when he is effective in the strike zone he is really hard to square up same thing goes with Chase mcder down there and then those are the guys those are the guys who are kind of in the high miners but last year was the first year in the draft for the Orioles I think partially realizing that you know they can't really draft a ton of ton more hitters there's not really anywhere for these guys to play anymore um they started to focus a lot of their resources and the board lined up where they ended up taking lot of pitchers Jackson baser was the highest drafted pitcher they've taken and signed he was a draft eligible sophomore out of Florida State and I was really interested to go to aine and talk talk to him see him pitch in April because Aberdine has been a place historically in the last couple years where the Orioles pitching prospects have learned new pitches they've enhanced their pitch mixes tremendously you know the guy that gets drafted out of college the guy who shows up in Aberdine that next year to start full season ball is not the guy that leaves there in July August um they do a tremendous job of teaching pitches improving pitches um and transforming these guys so I was really fascinated to see somebody who was as advertised you know he has a great fast ball he's a really good curveball um when he locates it and he is trying to work in those other pitches um Adam it kind of reminds me of Dylan Bundy back when he was kind of starting up I'm sure you're hearing all about it you know it's a great fast ball it's a great curveball and he would if he was required to throw three change UPS in a minor league outing he would throw them the last batter he faced because he didn't want to be throwing like 90 M hour change up to hitters that couldn't catch up to 98 um there wasn't the necessary stubbornness with Jackson Baler here it was a little more game oriented he didn't want to throw you know pitches you didn't have conviction but it was really fascinating to learn how you know how that process goes and I think he's going to be indicative of what's happening in the next wave of this organization's trajectory you know there are a ton of hitters they're going to continue to be a ton of hitters but for them to be able to develop pitchers in the mold that they are so attracted to these guys with these big hoppy fast balls and ways to get hitters out from both sides it's going to take you know development and and and a real plan and they have that in place and I think that this is going to be the year especially with the Kade Povich types um where you're really GNA think you're going to start to see that on the outside in a way that people who haven't been going to buo or Aberdine would have seen in the past years wanted to ask you about a mix between the majors and the minors since you cover both we just had C we just had hon kirad I should say say on the podcast last week we were wondering how much of an opportunity he would get we discover not much I'm wondering what he did to get demoted I mean I understand Kyle Stowers has major league experience is it just boiled down to the fact that he wasn't getting enough ABS up here that's absolutely what it sounds like um it's a long time to go I you know he was up for 17 days and I think he had 17 plate appearances which is not you know whether you're whether you've been in the big leagues for 10 years or or or 10 days that's not probably not a good feeling um you know Kyle Stow even mentioned it when he came up on Monday that that was kind of his role in in the past especially the beginning of 2023 and the difference now is that he understands I think hon kirad got a good taste of what that might be like um he's going to go to northwalk and he's GNA play every day and he's going to get a ton of at bats and he's also going to be able to tailor his routine to okay if I don't play this day this is what I'm going to do I feel like the first time I came on was you know this time last year when Kyle Stowers was sent down and you kind of you know he was struggling pretty badly that point he got an opportunity and and for whatever reason he wasn't performing in the Major League level they they moved on but this is kind of where you know you're at you can be a Colton cower and you can be in that limited role like he was the first week plus of the season and you can take off and make it so that you cannot be taken out of the lineup or you can kind of end up on the bench while players who whether deserve or or simply are playing better and playing more get those lineup spots and it's challenging but this is the reality I was talking to somebody on the on the team who has kind of survived the rebuild when Jackson holiday got sent down and he said if this was me I would have gotten like 300 plate appearances to to figure this out because we weren't doing anything nobody like nobody was there was no pressure there were no expectations and and for somebody like hon kirad to be in the position he's in Jackson holiday probably Kyle Stowers now for being honest it's challenging but that's the reality of the team that they play for now it wasn't the case a few years ago but it certainly is now well do you think just because based on that situation having young guys platoon young guys not get a lot of that bats I've seen a lot of guys do that I've been sent down because I was up in ' 06 with the maners same as Kad not getting that bats they said go down for two weeks get your La bats but with that do you think that maybe the O's could use a veteran bat someone who has experienced things like this experienced not playing experienced uh scarce head bats just for i' say for a stretch or especially if they're in it to win it this year sometimes you got to do what you got to do and call all hands to deck yeah I I think that I think that's a useful option you know I think that I think that having someone last year like Aaron Hicks who had been through a lot of different roles and was able to play in different scenarios is is helpful Aaron Hicks was also a pretty unique case because somebody with that experience level doesn't doesn't come around for the league minimum very often um you know they they made that move and they had a great opportunity to offer him I wonder if anybody that we're talking about who even has that experience would look at the Orioles right now yeah you want to be part of a winning team you want to be part of this culture but do you want to sign up for four five plate appearances a week I'm not really sure um I think there's a I think there's a case to be made that it might not be the best for these prospects and these young players development to not be around very often and not be in in the lineup but these are the players the Orioles have and if they have to choose between using them in this way or not using them at all and having you know the triaa All-Star team basically suiting up for Norfolk every night you you're gonna want to help the major league team however you can all right I'm gonna end this by asking you this question if you were afforded to ask David Rubenstein the new owner of the Orioles one question and he's been very limited with his media availability thus far I snuck in a question I don't know how but what would you ask him I would ask him how he planned [Music] to I guess support this baseball operations Department in the way that somebody who runs a baseball team on a much higher budget than than has been in the past would um I think the benefit you know there there were a lot of pluses and minuses of of how things were here before and I think one of the benefits was that Mike goas and sigma and that whole team had the leeway to do what they saw fit and ensure whatever they believed was going to make this team as good as possible in the long run happened um it is very different to have expectations first and foremost and that's not just from ownership this is from you know people who turn on the Orioles every night and want them to win and are seeing a team that's on Pace for 100 wins yet again and want them to win a playoff game this year win multiple playoff games win multi playoff series expectations are hard as it is but what do those expectations look like when you are a billionaire owner who is promising a World Series and believes that um this he purchased a team that is primed to do that um if this year goes sideways is does the fact that this team might have money to spend take it too far off the course that you want it to be on I don't think you need to run this team as if you know as if they are on a very small budget anymore not the though but it's not the well exactly I I think that you know and I don't think also you're seeing a ton of pullback you know these teams that are spending a ton of money whether it's you know Boston did it for a long time and then then they wanted to be run like the Ray and it didn't exactly work out you know now the Mets are in some kind of pullback phase and I don't know if the Mets are going to start being run like the Brewers but I think there's a balance that needs to be struck and I'm very interested to see whether he is going to let the people who have got the Orioles to this point figure out what that balance is I think that if you gave Michael licensing mel100 million on their budget they would probably find a really good way to use it um I don't know if that kind of money on a free agent budget or a baseball operations budget comes with strings I would love to be a part of a business where that came with no strings attached but I think there's going to be strings and I'm really interested to know um what what kind of strings caveats are are are going to be attached to that because that's going to really kind of Define what direction this goes in he is John mioli check out the new newsletter inside the Dugout from the Baltimore Banner John appreciate the time we'll see at a live show this summer let's do it I'll be ready all right Adam Let's Travel Baltimore and beyond our national and sometimes International perspective all brought to you by our good friends over at relief medical marijuana dispensary where they go above and beyond for the patient to help you out Adam your trip to Italy we got into it a little bit last week you're back home now but besides looking for Truffles and drinking wine what else did you get into over there in Italy oh well I mean it was a great time just me and my wife got to spend some quality time with each other obviously we travel a lot with our kids but this was just our time it was Mother's Day weekend in between the Spanish Mother's Day on May 5th and the American one on May 12th so we just fitted in between and it was just a great time got to play golf so very happy I brought my own clubs that made me very happy but just the quality time I got to spend with my wife just away from the kids and uh driving through Tuscany um it was PL a drive it I mean I'm talking about like three or four hours of it and uh but it was special something I um I cherish and glad we're able to do it hopefully quick how many different holidays are there that are separate dates between Europe and America because you know I know there's not a Thanksgiving over there and stuff of that nature what coincides that you can you know off the tip of your head well we have St we have Valentine's Day they have St Jordy similar things um but they I think they what they the women buy them a book buy the man a book in a rose it's so it's something you give to the man which America we just have Father's Day where the man still does things um so not much change I mean Mother's Day is a week off I know I know they had their own different Independence Day and um but they just for some reason they have a lot of in holidays random ass holidays here and the kids have off on like a Wednesday their labor day was on a Wednesday why not do like we do it I me obviously don't do like we do do like you've been doing it but uh obviously accustomed to having that long weekend opposed to two days day off two days some parents don't know what to do in those situations but figure it out yep all right let's move on to the meat of this segment and that is athletes watching their dollars all in light of what has happened to show Otani that situation with his translator epe who's accused of stealing more than $16 million from the Superstar now from your experience Adam how much do most athletes pay attention or do they typically rely on someone else to handle their money and how did you go about it I think it's both um because you know obviously you're gonna have you're going to have your own interest hopefully you have your own vested interest in your own finances also you know you should have somebody that you trust in your corner somebody that knows you knows your family that knows your situation obviously those are vital into knowing all these things and obviously having a partner who is understanding of the situation also and the finances I can't speak for everybody because my situation is different you know what I mean as you see every other week else everyone's is different for sure um but I think my my direction of it is I was fortunate enough to make a lot fortunate enough to save a lot during this stretch of my life I want to see as much as I can and we want to see as much as we can so we're spending because we want to see the world and it's okay you know what I mean it's like I'm not tapping into what is going to be danger zone I'm just spending what I feel is like hey we can enjoy this and uh some people want to save save save and you can do all that that's you Jerry you want to save get everything cheap and free and that's I keep hearing I keep hearing they you can't take it with you Coleman you can't take take it with you 100% and again you don't have kids so that's why I tell you and encourage you to like hey spend you have nieces and nephews you know hopefully you give your a good Uncle Jerry but at the same time like with my situation it's like there's different scenarios to where you know to pension and different things so it's like you know what we're young let's live our lives there's always a point where we have to focus for our kids for I know a seven eight years stretch then it comes College where you know they're in one place and you know the real number is the real thing is is dwindling down and seeing when uh the kids out the house and me and mama can get back to being just like it was in 2013 before the kids came so uh that's the real number that's that date we're really getting to so we're saying what date and how much money can we have on this day your college is done everybody's at the house leave us alone but that's the actual uh date of financial fiscal that we're really paying attention to yeah that's decades away though we're we're concentrating on the present right now and like when you played did you look at your bank account every week I know if I did I would maybe every day well well it's hard to do that well actually it's not hard to do that you can do it you had there's accounts and now with apps and stuff like that you can see the movements and you know you can have more involvement I think you know say 15 years ago it was tougher to see it because things weren't as uh as accessible you had to go on the computer and different things and different like that and then try and go back 15 20 30 years ago and see that kind of things that's why you see and hear the horror stories of a lot of guys guys so I think now with the access of apps and you can see the movement and things like that and the government has gotten a lot more uh involved with what's going on so um it's it's become harder I think to steal in a way but at the same time people are still doing it so you just have to pay attention to what's going on to you to your own finances and sometimes my wife says this she's like you know what it's just sitting in the bank I want to f it and sometimes that's what you got to do Jerry you like it sitting in the bank my wife's my wife likes to feel it I like her idea let's go sometimes you gotta feel it show me all my money no don't go into the bank and show me my money I want to feel it I want to be on a yacht somewhere and like that means kind of feel they if they allowed you on the boat that mean it cleared so there's like a feeling like I got it you know what I mean so I I I do understand both sides of it but I do like looking at my bank account and be like all right okay and then sometimes seeing where we're at somewhere and be like damn I know this is messing up my bank account but at the same time I'm understanding it that it's an awesome time so I'm I'm I'm both I'm both but you got to pay attention to it and you know what it it's you make a you make you can really never make this amount of money in this amount of time so it's you got to do your due diligence and just watch out what's going on with yourself good stuff all right let's get to socially speaking this is where we answer a post on X or anywhere on social media and you you earn a chance in qualifying for a Leo Pizza $50 gift card Leo Pete's a proud partner of the Baltimore Orioles we appreciate their support we're at Adam jonesp on all of our social media we've taken down our email address because too many people just asked too many dumb silly questions or didn't really know the address so again at Adam Jones poot on social media so we put a question on our Instagram account this week where you can ask Adam just about anything mostly about baseball and we got this from and that's his handle Hispanic Manore a J he responded to your question sticker Adam with would you play again if given the chance to be on the 23 24 Orioles and to me that seems like a noer only way I'd come back and play if I was Stan Ross in Mr 3000 that's that's the only that's the only way I'd play if there was like if they gave me a chance to reach a goal or Accolade and something like that and they like really gave me a chance obviously right now with how good the team is you know just just getting my doors blown but uh if there was a chance to do something like that who couldn't entertain that who wouldn't entertain that obviously uh but it's a very smidget to negative chance of me uh playing but as we have discussed you're getting yourself somewhat in back into baseball or softball or whatever shape because you you do have games coming up uh if you want to call it that uh you're exactly I'm in that particular mode right now and it's I'm G stay in it and I like that it's very comforting what do you think your average would be if you had to go through 162 o if I had to go to 162 again today's day um I mean I I I probably say check the back of the card maybe I'm hitting 250 to 280 you know maybe at this stage in my career I be you know if I'm still getting a good enough my bats maybe it's like 220 with more Homer just all slug you know what I mean maybe it's to turned into that strict DH all slug no average anymore maybe maybe one of those guys but hey those guys now getting paid five six seven million so I mean I I left the us at the at the wrong time at the wrong time but at the same time it was the perfect time and no regrets no regrets not one now you got your own podcast 100% we ask everyone to go out and thank our sponsors we do that we ask you to support the following the Adam Jones podcast is brought to you by our friends at the Wineman company everyone knows Green Mount station in Hamstead but did you know that at Green Mount station you can bet 7 days a week just like you're at the track with inperson teller windows and state-of-the-art touchscreen kiosks and with Green Mount station's brand new BET Park sports book you can bet on all other sports as well wherever you are in Maryland spreads money lines live bets props parlays and teasers the BET Parks Maryland mobile app is now live for Apple and Android devices so you'll never miss your next big score just search for for bet Parks MD in the Apple App Store or on Google Play and for a limited time 21 and over Adam Jones podcast listeners can get a $75 gift card to Green Mount station simply for opening a new account with promo code GMS and a minimum $50 initial deposit $75 gift card for new users in Maryland only 21 and over only please play responsibly for help call 1800 Gambler the Adam Jones podcast is brought to you by Jimmy's Famous Seafood charm City's favorite crab cake destination local Sports Fan Experience the ultimate pregame party at the tailgate cheer on the Ravens with iconic live performances an open bar and mouthwatering eats can't make it no worries bring the same food that caught the attention of the Food Network right to your doorstep shipping East Coast recipes Nationwide Jimmy's Famous Seafood is the official sponsor of the guests appearing on the Adam Jones [Music] podcast get your play the Maryland Lottery get fun because fun looks good on you right now play our exciting new multiplier scratch offs for a chance to win up to $2 [Music] million if you received ERC funds listen closely the IRS has 10 years to audit your claim but you only have until March 22nd to get taxpayer relief and the clock is ticking if you're losing sleep over a possible audit we'll review your CLA claim if you made a filing error we'll set things right if you're being 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