AEW All In Preview Show 2024 - Dynamite Download

[Music] [Music] it's show time [Music] all in baby is finally here what is up everybody it is your guys Dynamite download mind Runner and S PD on Saturday night it is fight right for fighting and man I'm pumped up because tomorrow is finally here all in and this is it man this is the Super Bowl of aw man we sorry for the little bit of delay but thank you for joining us here on Saturday night post collision had to kind of let that settle for a little bit and then boom we are we are locked and loaded I think unless we got any swerves per se I think that card is locked and loaded for Allin we did I did send you that picture because because as I was watching Collision noticed that other zero hour match getting added that 10man tag match uh so we'll add that to our Bingo cards we'll post it on our social media you'll send us the picks before that zero hours that are finalized tonight we're going to be talking all things all in all things aw making some hot takes we're going to welcome some of our our favorite buddies from the dynamite Club gold and coming in here we're gonna have some special guests and we're gonna have some fun and this is it I mean leading up to all in this is like man I'm pumped man as I said on Dynamite download you know on uh Thursday I was like this card is just stacked to the brim it is like I'm pouring in the cup and it's overflowing of excitement for on a one to 10 how excited are you for this card right now I'm turning it up to 11 at this point I'm call me Mr Mark I think Cardiff show it's okay to be a Mark I I'm all call me Marky markinson I'm Mark with the Funky Bunch the Cardiff show the crowds at the Cardiff show uh shows because it was all Cardiff but was unbelievable I'm still geeking out over big Bill big Beal large Williams pop so over and I think part of is they were trying to react to him telling him to shut up and they just were L and uh I I if you told me again even a ye like two years ago or even a year ago that I would be cheering for Jeff Jarrett and that an En entire Stadium would be a I I would have called you crazy I would have called you a liar that was fantastic to see I was so happy and it was and he you could tell he was eating it up you know he was just basking in the whole thing and Jeff Jarrett was just was loving it yep and His glory and of course the but the best pop on collision tonight your bastard my bastard he's a bastard yes he is's a bastard bastard he's a bastard he's a bastard yes he is that pop for pack was just incredible I'm so happy I mean this may not be the wimbley moment per se that he's looking for um but you know he's going to get that love from the crowd he's going to get that love from uh uh us aw strong and it's interesting because that pairing while we all know who we would want to see him partnered up with um it's just interesting the the pairing of that because of the feud that they had together in uh claudo and pack uh so recently um so you know enemy and my enemy is my friend or whatever it may be leading up to this I I think that you know the Collision match I'm happy he's getting this moment I think that team is just kind of you know thrown together for what it may be just to be on the card sadly but I think it'll be is still an awesome uh fun match to to have them added to that four-way Ladder Match Ladder Match yes and it and there was a hint well I I want to talk about that in a second but before my only disappointment is pack is not in the gauntlet and I was thinking that's where I wanted him so that he I I think putting uh putting pack into the um into the whole thing would have been would have been tremendous but he still gets to get his match he gets to get his um wimbley moment if you will um a thought occurred to me tonight and um of course this is mind Runners over booking real UDA should get injured you know injured and now they have to get a replacement to join their team and then all of a sudden Wild Thing plays wow interesting well you know they could have H that that if they were going to go that route which I do think that's a very clever route to to think that do that I did not actually think about that at all they should have played into that tonight I think that would have been the best thing because then it leaves that door open and like who's going to be their partner like could it be any you know could be anybody and so I think that would have been a really cool cool way to to swing that even though wheeler just came back from some injuries um but we still could get that Wild Thing moment in The Gauntlet but you never you never know man you never know with that um that being said man let let's talk Allin let's welcome in one of oh what do we want to do we gotta we gotta take a look at going into Allin all right as of tonight as of collision we'll bring him in though we bring him in for copyright reasons I can't play his song I Gotta come up with a new entrance but um modern day Mark he's today's Tom Sawyer he's going to be uh super he's the Thunder Army General tonight what's up Brent what's up guys I see that I see that drum Phil how you doing he's a regular Neil per this one that's me what's up guys you see me representing tonight I'm representing the uh the mission pro wrestling cup right here I'm representing the uh Hilton Hotel that I'm in right now the Hilton hey you gotta represent you you gotta give what is this what is these flowers on the I literally just like got into my room pulled out the computer got the stream going with Riley roll I don't even I didn't even unpack or anything so I want to hear brinch um scale one to 10 how you feeling about all in dude oh dude 10 man I I think what what did you think what did you think of the Cardiff crowd oh my gosh nuts right like you were talking about I like like I was like are they booing hook like you like I'm like what's going on they were rabid for um for Bill they were rabid for uh for big large willon there it was insane there it was that was honestly I have not seen something like that in such a long time and I loved it man bring it a pay-per-view to Cardiff because they were hot for 4 hours of wrestling I mean four straight hours this this overseas crowd I mean us here on the mainland we need to uh step up our game some of these crowds because they yep they even made but honestly those International crowds take it to another level I know they're not getting spoiled of getting the the live shows every single week you know it's once or twice or three times a year so they're really you know saving their vocals per se but man I think like for them hijack that match the way they did and especially with that crowd being so pumped for big Bill and he he literally was telling them to f off and the middle finger and you know giving him whatever he could and they're just feeding into it more and more and more so great it was so great and to me it just like diminished any momentum hook has it diminished any hook did not hook compared to Big Bill looked like a jobber physically just looking looking at him it's just I think it was a bad bad booking unfortunately because I mean I get trying to like slay the giant per se mentality of hook but I think you almost have to it's hard to Pivot because you're leading up to pay-per-view but that would have been a key moment to have a pivot there because man even Dax tweeted out how saying big bills a star other support out there and like uh it was really cool to see really cool Brent I'm curious of of the dynamite and collision Rampage what was your number one what's your number one moment out of all of that oh man gez um um I mean it it might have been that moment right there you and you know what else was weird like not weird but Jeff Jarrett got huge pop yes like crazy I thought that was pretty cool for him um I would say I you know what I really liked about Collision tonight and I could go with dynamite um the same way they really did a good job like telling us the stories beforeand you know what I mean I think they're really learning on how to not just throw matches in there but like to build up and like especially this week beforehand you like we really got a feel of like the excitement of how big these matches are going to be and then you know with the promos with the story packages you know I think they let a lot of things breathe um so I think I think aew like really hit it home this whole week I agree it felt like to me these last two weeks were like two weeks of a go home show you know we had a little bit of a go we had part one in the states part two here um we're gonna we're definitely going to dive into it but you know it's like I just feel comfortable that you know the three of us I think the three of us can really offer our insights we don't need anybody else joining us we certainly don't need [Music] anybody that would be pretty sweet it's the queen what's Up's s we swerve we swerve when we drive we swerve when we D I gotta I gota in fact I got thanks for joining us Dynamite Club gold uh I gotta work on their Dynamite Club gold theme song that that doesn't get hit for copyright so we'll work on that Courtney how you doing I'm doing good how y'all doing freaking awesome question we asked Brent uh scale one to 10 how you feeling man I'm feeling like a 20bd do you have a suggestion for our for our theme theme song Oh yes I love that team and it was awesome tonight's show was on fire like it was really enjoyable of course for the first half I was watching The Race c y'all know I love my RAC but that's all right all right then I then I saw two matches that were amazing I got to see the latter half of the show and it was fire and great and it I was texting my Runner and I said when did so and so get back oh Le Leo Rush yeah yeah I was like when did Leo come back because last time I saw he was fire but welcome back Leo Rush we're excited to have you back and seeing the greatest Boston in the world the bastard is back I'm ex he's a Bard he is a bastard yes he is I mean after listening to this card of crowd I think uh wimbley and London have really high bar set for crowd reactions and I'm really excited because I correct me if I'm wrong I feel like the local talent is very well represented this year compared to years last year and so I mean imagine as you mentioned on Dynamite download mind Runner if Osprey kicks off the show just the way that people are going to crap their pants and literally blow their lid and then you have pack later on you got Mari May and then a possibility of um the women's match and then you have a possibility of hater returning too and it's like wow I mean and then of course everybody loves Danielson yes FTD everyone loves Daniels everyone loves Danielson so it' be a happy everybody loves Danielson that's right exactly are you sure I don't think I think there's somebody in this it doesn't but but anyways I mean this is this is like man I'm so pumped so um I got like a sevenish hour drive I'm GNA get my butt up Ear crack a dawn so I can get to where I need to go to to be live on on the stream to watch this live because I I want to be glued to that uh once we go live for probably what's going to be what do you think a five hour show yeah I think at least a five hour show depending matches on the main card isn't too bad all things considered and you know you're going to let some cook for sure um but overall we have this is this is the card I mean it's not updated with the uh other trios that won down there but you're looking at this card and I mean top to bottom especially after what we saw with this this hook match on collision and big bill this kind of got me like second guessing a couple things and I'm really interested on this I feel like so we have four five six seven eight every match is a title match I just realized that and or a title match guarantee so that's pretty cool I don't remember a pay-per-view where every single match had gold on the line uh very impressive how many so that being said eight eight titles whether they be officially recognized or not on the line um Brent what do you think out of eight how many are going to change hands without giving us your picks um I I actually only uh I'm gonna say three okay that's exactly what I was thinking too I'm gonna say what about you oh go ahead courney I'm gonna say four wo Four Horsemen yes I'm going five I think there's gonna be five I think there's um let's throw up one of the uh you want to talk about the rankings before we dive in and talk about what where this kind of lays out we talking three titles three titles four and five so that's you know a quite diverse card picks right there we're talking about another title too is who's going to be le champion of our draft you're right um bam look as of tonight these are the rankings we have of course King Brian himself the king of Miss Pro my gosh 56 points he had an incredible Rampage and collision um in fact it was between him and Bobby I think that that were just sweeping last the last couple um things you know course orange Cassidy is helping him but he had orange Cassidy Willow shabata hook claudo rodri strong on rampage gotta win but you got to look at Bobby Bobby with a significant jump 41 he is now just behind Full Tilt Deb Full Tilt Deb of course 48 in great position I mean I think I hate to say but if there's anybody can really snipe Brian would say just Full Tilt de but anything can happen and Bobby could be the one also SPD and I are tied at 36 I thought I had 36 last time I totally forg I forgot what I had I'll have to double check yeah well we'll we'll we'll see we'll I'll I'll double check him not it's I dude I think we are Way Out Of Reach but yeah you know it's the battle of the ogs right there you and me mind Runner I got that and then and then Courtney 32 is still in it as well anything can happen and Brent is For the Love of the Game he's got this overtaker this year left overtaker but you know what you're good sport and any Anything could happen so we we still have all out it's gonna be crazy looking at that all right let's start in so um with our guests okay Courtney how about we start with you what match an Allin you want to discuss first and make some predictions well we'll go with you Brent after that that what I saw at the end of collision okay let's start off with some fire ladder match Trio okay the ladder the London Ladder Match yes so well kick is like what do you feel how what is your going to be your prediction on this one a nice edit there mine yeah to Total professional Photoshop by the way asteris not official aew graphic you know what I gotta hang on I gotta take this I gotta take this off um I we need to do share screen so that I can move the um move the things but go ahead wait while we're while I'm loading this up who's your pick and tell us why all right well obviously I went with The House Always Wins because they really need a win it would mean so much to the house of black even though I know some members have just gotten off a entry list I'm going with House of black interesting going with the house of black so that's Courtney for House of black yep here we go all right about you man I'm going with uh the patriarchy I think they're GNA I think they're going to retain yeah think you think the patriarchy is Gonna Keep it huh yeah okay so this is interesting one because this is one that I might have to make my final decision tomorrow as I sleep on it um I really think that I'm with you on that Brent like I feel like there's so much more meat on the bones with Christian Cage being the subn ous Champion when he's holding all the belts however I'm also with you Courtney I feel like House of black is at this stage where like chapter two of their trios run is would would and it would be so much more exciting than a patriarchy in my opinion because they would be like true fighting Champions and there's no one like them in aw there's no one like them that trios in wrestling like at right now and it makes them so much more uh compelling to watch uh for that so as of today though uh I'm gonna I'm GNA go with Brent and do the patriarchy this is one I might be flip-flopping but sadly I just don't see the bullet Club gold getting their gold back at the moment um so as of now my pick is the patriarchy all right now I also have a a special message from Brian from Mission Pro the former left overtaker and His official claim in this match is he's going with the be uh the Blackpool combat club and pack okay very interesting that's that was his choice um Full Tilt Deb is go going with Full Tilt Deb trios ladder you said Bang Bang Gang no House of black she's going with Courtney on House of black and I got I gotta go with Courtney as well I think it's time The House Always Wins I think it's time for the house of black to start their second their second run and of course we've got Bobby in the chat Bobby he's going patriarchy too patriarchy so quite a battle nobody going Bang Bang Gang that's that's it's unfortunate it's just like I love them I do I mean we all love them guns up all the way and I think it would be fun for them to be in the chase again because it seems like they're transitioning back to a more true Babyface type of Team even though they work so good heel uh so yeah this this is this one's all over the map right here and it's interesting okay I'm curious to see how we're going next uh Brent what what match you want to talk about next uh let's talk about the uh the Mercedes Monae DMD match all right what are your thoughts on this match and that you know your favorite wrestler Dr Britt Baker you know I know you're such a big fan of hers kunder what are you thinking Brent um you know I think I'm gonna go with Mercedes uh she can't lose uh the belt yet uh so you know it's probably going to be a really good match and you know a lot of people I think are thinking maybe you know Jamie hater is going to come down and uh help the DMD but I don't know I heard there's some like uh Rift between them two so I don't know I think she's I think hater's gonna show up but she might not show up here what if hater we talked about this I think last night what if hater join hot take Mercedes and Camille and and and turns on Brit that would be in that would be amazing I mean I I always wanted to see that match up between I mean I thought that what they were gunning for back you know with uh I thought they were going to break up hater and DMD and you know face each other and that might have been the plans before she got hurt so who knows that's I still stand by with my choice as well you know I'm going with with the CEO at this point I think the time will come where the DMD dethrones the CEO but right now is not the time um but I do hope and as as we know you can never always believe everything you see but I do hope that we do get a DMD hater reunion for now and then go from there and see what happen how that plans out Bobby in the chat says Mercedes Monae retains so we'll go ahead and put Bobby over here as well y Coury what are you thinking let's see ah my money's on money all right look at this money all right and Brian has officially said Mercedes as well oh I'm shocked he didn't say DMD no yeah you're really shocked aren't you hey he's got her on his team yeah I was gonna say that he does have her that makes it a win-win if if Brit wins then he gets a point but if Brit loses he gets you know he he's closer to locking his bingo card Vol til Dev Mercedes or Brit all right Mercedes and are we gonna is this a unanimous this one unfortunately I feel like not I mean they've built this really really good in my opinion but it's it's hard to see a title change right now uh if this was let's say at re ution um after some meat on it and a little bit length of Mercedes title run then I think we would be more split but right now I feel like this is one of the more locks of the night well may maybe just for tonight I might change it but maybe I'll go with Brit yeah but I'll just I'll just kind of I'll go with I'll go with Brit how about that just for tonight all right you you do only for the no only for the sake of uh covering up now in all in all it I'm my my official thing is I'm I'm Mercedes as well I think it's I think we're all on the same page here Monae mon Monae yes absolutely um so let's talk about I'm looking for mine you pick a match then I got one all right let's go ahead and go with the coffin drop let's go with the coffin match here between Darby and and the scapegoat and I out the gate here I I don't think um I think this is actually designed to continue to build up Jack Perry for this badass that he's become they've successfully made him a great like legit heel threat I think that this is going to be actually in for Jack Perry to defeat Derby in a Darby Style Match I think Kudos is for him I think it's going to be Jack Perry I do think there's a possibility though that when Jack Perry goes to open the coffin there might be a stinger inside waiting for him but um that remains to be seen because rumors are uh sting is in London so be be on the lookout for that but I'm going with the scape goat this would be I mean having sting a peer from the coffin would be absolutely incredible I think that would be such a huge all-in moment uh for him after we haven't seen him for how many months uh out of wrestling however I 100% agree with you mind I think if if you're going to continue to develop a star and a a character shift with Perry you have to book him with the w here and beating him at as you mentioned at the Darby special match uh where he's been undefeated in so it's one of those things it's like I'm looking big picture like if Darby wins the TNT title here and goes on I mean he has a championship match in less than a month at uh Grand uh whatever it's called Grand old Opry yeah yeah Grand old Opry he's got one there in September in New York so he's got the Grand Slam title match so for him to have the TNT title match and have a title World title match which is fine um I feel like there this would be this would be so much more for Perry to win than for Darby to win right now even though Darby to me is one of the best TNT Champions uh and when he's had the belt been that such a fighting champ so um my my pick is Perry and it's it's it's a tough one but it's because there's that St that coffin match stipulation by the way Stephen cry as a river real glass all right that's a good question I bet there will be some real glass probably will it's Darby Courtney what about you where you going well I think we're all on the same page again which is shocking yes I'm here to shock the world um here show I'm going with oh jungle boyj Perry the [Music] man I'm actually surprised that we haven't started doing those those chants to aggravate him you know to start doing the whoa you the hand well that's the thing it's like he because he's developed his character so well the fans are not they don't want that like they're happy with the transition think about if you watch WWE when Bray Wyatt debuted there was Husky Harris chance they were confused there was not there they weren't necessarily ready for that and so look what he did with Bray Wyatt one of the most incredible characters ever in all of wrestling just incredible incredible incredible and so when Jack Perry came back um as this heel I I feel like fans were all in with it no pun intended and excited about it and so uh it's I'm glad they weren't because it's it's almost like uh they're not buying it but it's he's been doing great as you mentioned on our last episode two nights ago just how how the dinosaur Fuel and all that the fossil fuel the fossil fuel [Music] Brent what about you brother that's uh that's a good call with the Stinger in the casket there mind Runner um uh which is funny I've seen pictures of uh Sting's son he's in London yes I saw that too yeah so that kind of makes some sense but um which would be awesome pop but um I still kind of agree with all you guys um you know with Jack Perry making that belt like they're not going to have him lose it right away too that's a siick belt too isn't it yeah it's really cool so I yeah I think they need to have him run with that belt for a while um I think he's doing a great job and Derby can take the the loss like you said SPD he's got that title match coming up which I don't know I hear he might be uh the next champ interest that would be interesting that would be interest I would welcome it if you ask that six eight months ago I would be like no but now I've as I mentioned last episode too like I'm I'm definitely on the Darby train um and I think he would carry carry himself and the title really well and it'd be fun to have this Underdog every match as as we saw a little taste when he had that TNT title run defending it every single week so I'm I'm ready for it are you muted oh FTW actually I should FTW FTR FTR loves I was just I was shouting I guess I I'll just keep it unmuted when I shout to the other okay I got until Deb is agreeing with all of us she said jungle boy is gonna win it which of course Jack bra but I can't believe it we're not unanimous what I don't again I don't think this guy is abusing any of his um any of his in inside information but he seems to be thinking Darby is going to walk away with the TNT title here's the thing like a hot take for this like what if the the coffin opens up and it's like jungle boy's gear like jungle boy is officially dead that would be you know or it's Griff it's Griff grierson dressed as jungle boy it doesn't have to be J it doesn't have to be like a jungle boy dummy but it has what if it was like it's like tassel stuff and all that and whatever it was where no y'all are missing it I'm I'm the over Booker here there's only one choice to show up in the coffin Marco freaking stun my gosh you are so obsessed with Marco St is awesome marco stunt Marco stunt is the best yes um Stephen agree mini dinosaur Marco stunt yes absolutely take I in a th% agreement that is the that is the that is the way to go I'm totally booking that ABS let's do Tony Khan mini dinosaur Marco stunt a th% love it all right next match aay aay ah do I need to more where'd he go as much as I've enjoyed this uh Captain America aspect of mjf and I would welcome a longer run of it I still have not flip-flopped from my stance of my hot takes uh the way this this could pan over out over the next few weeks or months um but you you have to this would be one of the more Marquee moments of the night to have Osprey win and so I feel like it does so much better for thinking as a fan and as a you know Pro to promote the product like you have to have Osprey win this match I think it just would make so much more sense um yes it would get mjf lethal heal in Lethal heat however at what is it worth it though like would you rather have the fans have this memory forever like you can you can have these memories these core memories I think they talked about their promo their promo about memories and and feelings and feelings and facts and so you would have these fans leave with that feeling of oser winning that title back and uh from mjf Public Enemy Number One and so of course I mean a he's on team SPD too so it's a it's a double two for one on that interesting and then Bobby in the chat is saying will Osprey as well going Osprey okay and full til Deb is saying Osprey Osprey interesting take in the chat though I gotta put the yeah Stephen Chambers got a feeling leer and Callas screws over Osprey MGF fors now that's interesting because although I think I if my over booking sens is like my Spidey Sense is I think you're half right I think Callas is going to get involved but I think it's he's going to force Fletcher to try to do something if Fletcher's gonna say no do we see Mark Davis show up and now um Aussie open reunites and do we see a returning Powerhouse to come out and do some things there's so many different options that you're speaking of and as the one we discussed on our show of the the Daniel Garcia preventing mjf from using the dynamite download ring so you have so many things like I would love a clean match I mean that 60-minute match was a perfect great clean match minus the ending with the ring but no interference or you know no major stuff like that when you start to get all that kind of Mumble jumbled throughout it it it can kind of take away from the the shine of the match at times but if it's done right it can do so much like something subtle as Garcia coming in to prevent mjf's taking the ring off his finger and then you know as we discussed on our show but if you if you bring out Callas and Fletcher and others and all that like yeah it can get a little bit muddy uh per se but yes I would love to have the the momentum is definitely High Fletcher right now so I can't see him staying to the dark side after what we've been seeing him go through um so if Powerhouse is ready to return teer is back to ready to return AW Television and roou you have that that Trio with Don Callas boom that that's great stuff and I and I agree and I also think the story is that Osprey is going to use the tiger driver 91 and that's how he's going to win I think that's how we do it that's how we do it uh Brent what do you think let's make London great again yes sir that's uh pretty much an agreement with all you guys what you said there yeah definitely tiger driver I mean like Brian Danielson gave him the okay to use it so do it yeah that blessing he gave him on H Dynamite pretty much is just like it's like a the seal of approval is so great I think that was such a great idea that they had to do that backstage yeah it was really cool it was like the emperor do it Skywalker do it do it now do it now Court what about you uh as much as I love our [Music] scumbag I'm going on the BR train the victory BR train is this going to be another clean weep well again we do have Mr inside information and he seems to think that we are all correct he's going Osprey as well all right all right that is two clean sweeps that means uh one title change here this is our first agreement on a complete title change on that so back around the horn Courtney what is a match you want to talk about well since we have time Tony Mariah May let's talk about the women's wrestling shall we absolutely hatch on the card by the way and I would like to see this a co- main aventor if it's not that's a Miss opportunity um as much as I love Miss Timeless it's time for a change Timeless Mar is winning interesting interesting take do you think there's a there's still meat on the bone for this Feud it's a little meat but I want to say a returning hater comes in this match because you couldn't hate her because we miss her I see what you did there Qui it's funny you said that because you know mind as we were talking on uh Dynamite download how I was like Brit should have thrown some you know little hints and so she should have said something like the DMD hits harder because she always hater hits harder like that little slogan would have been like a little C and I think it would have popped the crowd a lot I I think you're right if hater's gonna show up for Brit but like like mentioned earlier you guys were talking about how there may be some hater it may be a rift between hater and and DMD maybe she's I haven't heard any of that so what enlighten me well Brent Bren and I were seeing this that Brent you were you were seeing some of the buzz on the under on in the backstage that uh mjf is not the latest person to have some beef that maybe uh Jamie haer might also not be getting along with Brit is that what you're thinking Brent yeah I read that you know and it could be just a rumor you know but I've heard it a couple times from a couple really good sources that there's some kind of like Rift between the two so uh you know who knows if it's true or not you know yep well go ahead Courtney go ahead I heard the same thing um I know the situation with thunder and um then supposedly what I heard was that DMD went and said not some nice things the haters so that had caused a rift between the two I can see that happening too Brent are you with Courtney on this uh yes I am yeah I think uh but uh H what was I going to say that uh Courtney had mentioned oh did I can't remember for sure but didn't did Tony storm beat hater for the belt is that who hater lost the belt too yeah believe so um or yeah it was that really quick match uh because she was wrestling injured yeah so maybe she comes back for Revenge you know that's the only I could think of if that's if she's going to show up maybe and cost her the match but I think there's going to I think the story is not going to end I think they're gonna have something else crazy go on with this you know I don't think this is the I think they'll probably wrestle again yeah I don't think we've seen the last maybe maybe you know I'm building off of what Bobby just said I have a my over booking senses say Mariah May wins Mina shirakawa joins Mariah May and who comes out to take Tony's side Jamie hater that sounds good and that builds up a tag match for all out that's my overbooking but then at that tag match Jamie hater then turned turns on Tony or not turns but then turns to Tony says I will be your partner if you guarantee me a title shot when you win it back or something I don't know who something like that uh Stephens says course Luther yeah we forgot about Luther Luther is The X Factor how about you SBD so I the uh my pig is May uh but you know so much has been invested in this build so much has invested in her with all with this turn and the Pack video packages and all that and it's very um fitting and you know storm has had one heck of a title run one of the best women's title runs in aw I was looking at her match card right here so she beat Jamie hater May 28th 2023 uh a double or nothing she had defense tons of defenses uh she lost it to sheeta for a while and then and serea won it and then she won it back uh let's see in November so she's been the champ since November and so this has been quite the Run she's had some awesome uh you know backstage promos she's really went up and down through the roster I mean you name a women's wrestler and she's beaten them with her title run so Now's the Time to refresh that and revamp it and that I mean that's you revamped the top TI women's title and then you revamped the top men's title too after all in I mean it just it just it's fitting in my opinion Changing of the Guard more titles Changing Hands than uh Battle of the belts of course and may add congratulations to mina she won the British Global Women's Championship this yes that was awesome me the world wants Mina we want Mina we want Mina we hey till 10 Tony storm or Mariah May Mariah may all right Mariah may very good are we going to have another unanimous well guess what folks probably not we're not wow surprisingly Mr inside info is going Tony storm interesting on this one that Tony storm retains and you know I don't know if that's um if that's some inside information if he's thinking like a Booker that chat is definitely wants Mina so I think we're going to see Mina shirika in some form uh at all out I think that's definitely going to happen right absolutely but there we go BR the denter and he went from the left overtaker to the denter Mr inside info denter here with the Tony storm very very interesting all right Brent what match you talk about next both women's are taken on the main card Let's uh let's talk about the Hulk Jericho match hi guys hey it's the Leaning Tree the Leaning Tree the Leaning Tree it's the redwood tree man that again I'm still geeking out about the how over big bill was during that that was insane that was the loud incredible absolutely incredible loved loved it it's really cool to see that I what is your pick man BR you're where you going with this one yeah uh you know what I think Hook's gonna take the belt back and maybe hopefully they get rid of it I was hoping they do that when Jericho won it but Jericho made it really hilarious yeah yeah though it would be cool if the if like J I'm thinking you think Jericho is going to get cheered like big Bill did I mean fzy is performing with his entrance does that mean we're getting Judas back or what so I don't know oh if he came out to Judas instead of The Learning Tree sorry hook right all right Stephen says Jericho retains with a lot of interference okay I do think mind how do you think sc's going to pan out well I think we're going to see Bad Apple and I think we're going to see big the big Redwood and I think you're right I think Jericho a lot of stuff is going to come out but I think ultimately Hook is going to be the is going to Prevail and I think it's going to be and I think yeah I think this is one of those things where it is it is time to maybe put the FTW belt to rest or just let it be the accessory but not necessarily a belt that's defended but I do think that hook is going to win they're going to finish this story but we may find a new member of The Learning Tree show up or we may some something's gonna happen I just was I was I would have loved to see Jericho change the front of the FTW title and put his face on it like his smiling little face on there but um I don't know it's weird because you know do you think uh do you think that Tony might pivot based on the reaction that The Learning Tree has been getting and and Cardiff I don't know see this is like this this is like a between a rock and a hard place like what benefit does this have for hook to win none in my opin I I feel like hook winning the belt again for the third time is absolutely nothing I feel like this is just depreciating hook completely um I'm going with The Learning Tree uh because I I don't want to bet against my guy Jericho and I feel like he can run with this belt and actually make it more interesting having hook with this belt makes me have zero interest in this FTW belt uh so there there's a couple things like because of the FTW rules yes you got The Learning Tree you can also have a returning Samoa Joe you can have Taz interfere you have all these like crazy things happen but to me like the story to have Jericho continue with this belt at the moment makes so much more sense like hook can pivot to whatever else and it just I feel like especially after what happened on collision uh you there's no like there's no benefit to me at this this match sadly it's it's one of those like I think my opinion best case scenarios Jericho wins and it finally you know washes the hands with the hook Jericho Feud interesting interesting taking you know you said something earlier I liked where you know Jericho makes the belt mean something more he did the same when he was the Ring of Honor champion and he did that whole thing about how I'm going to defeat all the pass Ring of Honor Champions we got to see Dalton castle and they start bringing out a lot of those guys I do think that that that is true um I'm keeping my pick for now but you make a very convincing argument I I'm not going to go against it um real quick full T de Jericho or hook she says hook all righty there we go it's hard to bet against hook because he's a TK favorite but self like my personal booking I I just want I want Jericho to win because uh because I it's just it's funny to me I I do like that all right Courtney you you're shaking your head cuz I want this man off my TV and retire for God's sake no of The Learning Tree leing tree dude Jericho's got a six-pack he's doing line lion salts and everything bro Courtney you could do a lot to learn from The Learning Tree perhaps you should be under branches my pick is obviously my boy hook there will be Shenanigans I'm calling it right now but remember we could have Taz interfere could have Joe interfere or we could have a ro guy interf who knows there's a lot of ways that that could go interesting so we are a bit divided here Bobby and SPD going Jericho could this the uh the Difference Maker on the bingo card perhaps perhaps man this it's tough one it's tough one all right M we got uh three matches to go we got the tag match the gauntlet match and the main event I I did also include the two zero hour matches we can if we have time at the end for those ones um let's go Gauntlet though and this is what the way I did The Gauntlet is it's I like it yep it's our right in for the gauntlet match winner so here's here's what I I gotta mention that um as I was scrolling through the old Twitter the only confirmed uh people in the match are orange Cassidy hangman Brisco O'Reilly and rodrik strong okay and correct me if wrong if you've seen anyone else for that but also what I did say uh also see is that Tony Shani said the winner of the gaunlet match can cash in it at any time oh so uh people are throwing out the this you know rumors and all this stuff of you know let's say hangman wins and cashes it in or whatever it may be one of those Seth Rollins moments at WrestleMania if you watched that when he cashed it in and won that same night and all that so like uh it's interesting so I don't have a pick yet so if someone wants to go well I wanted to I want to preface that as we're you know it could add to people's decision on that thinking too because hangman could then show up before the match is over and it become a three-way for between Danielson uh Hangar and swerve I don't there's there's a lot that can go um I'll go ahead and go f first though because the yes I too have been going through the old Tweety Bird X whatever we're calling it now but I also noticed a certain uh Sean Ross sap no crap just sap you know even though you know he's he's got he's got a Sparky personality uh he and uh and also the uh pro wrestling Illustrated folks have confirmed oh and I like Stephen Chambers he's saying it's thinking Adam Cole but I don't think gets Adam Cole baby I am going with King Rico himself okay Ricochet makes his debut at Allin in The Gauntlet match and wins it and we're gonna get to see I don't think we ever had Daniel Bryan versus Ricochet in the in the Fed so I think that might be an interesting way for Ricochet to get a match with Brian Daniel before he retires so I think King Ricochet King Rico is going to show up uh Bobby though you this is my other pick is Bobby saying it's gonna be Hangar so we got that it's like how do you are you gonna over over book it overthink it it's so I'm I'm overthinking this a lot because like hangman okay yes he had an amazing match with Danielson yes he's got this crazy Feud with swerve and Vendetta he's on with swerve and I feel like that's the direction he is ready to go and he could Bank this title match after he's done with swerve per se um or he can try to cash it in early on uh whatever it may be if he is the winner so I'm I'm still torn I'm thinking about it like the way it could go because it it's a craft shoot because we only have so many people announced and as we've seen this gem match and they said a lot of the stars are going to come uh out for this match and it could end at any time it's not a Royal Rumble where everyone gets out and then everyone has to be entered you know this could end with the first two people that's why that golden spot that our orange Cassidy won so he's spot number one which could be a blessing and a curse uh with that so me my heart's saying hangman just because I think he's a a top guy and would would deliver that but like I'm also thinking whoever wins this match is not necessarily going to win the title so I feel like who's going to be able to win this match and take a loss and still look good you know if you have Adam Cole that's interesting because his return his long awaited return then he gets fed a loss by someone whatever it may be uh Ricochet could definitely afford a loss being so fresh and in that title scene proving he's a top guy delivering an excellent match I like that so um someone else can pick but I'm still I'm still thinking that's interesting stepen uh leaning a little Ricky Starks too because he's still Tony made it Tony Khan made it very clear that Ricky still currently signed aw and thinks highly of him so wouldn't that be I would love if Lance Archer came in and won this match too I would love it um but I guarantee when it's y'all in in Texas next year we're gonna get some murder haw action um let's go Brent where are you where are you feeling what's your thoughts man I've been thinking about this all day um because you know I think I think that realistically Brian danielson's gonna win the title but I I was kept thinking that Hangman's gonna win this and then I'm thinking well if hangman wins this swerve is gonna win the title because we're going to get that match again but like I like what you said about hangman cash again but like May because I didn't know that stipulation so I'm thinking hangman wins this Brian Danielson beats swerve hangman comes out and beats Danielson and we we leave you know with hangman as champ wow wow I think and then we're gonna maybe we'll get you know I don't I mean it's so hard there's so many different a crazy ending because I don't think I yeah I I don't know it's so rough uh because I'm gonna go hang like we we watched at Mission Pro the fire and fury won the cup and then cashed it in before the match was over for the tag titles and they won and made they made it a three-way right at the end so yeah that could happen but I you know going into all out you want hangman to be the do you do you think hangman should be the champ defending it against somebody I mean now here's the thing though the way you just said it Brian Danielson wins doesn't retire but then loses the title same night I would hate that go on his temporary Hiatus oh that's grent that's that's I don't like I don't like it but I'm just trying to think no I I think it's it would be crazy booking I don't like it for danielson's purposes because of the way his he's at you know contract wise and career-wise like if this was like him in his prime I think it would be really cool way to book that man it's hard not to go hangman just because of the the push per se he's been on and the anger he's been on but honestly like my choice is hangman because I think it's just a safe bet at the moment um because it's hard not to it's hard to pick someone who's not even involved in this match um you know it's fun to fantasy book that but also someone like Ro would be fun to win this match like it's been often where you there's there's these stipulation matches and not necessarily a top guy has won the match so someone like Roo would be really cool to win where it's like okay he's seen as the top guy but he's not gonna win beat Danielson so I would love to see like a heel like roou go against Daniel yeah or te exactly or teesa you know or a hobs or whatever it may be like I would love someone like that to win um but given who's been announced I I'm going to say hangman as a safe guest given those circumstances um but I would honestly personally prefer someone like that from the Don KS family win all right so you're but you're going with hangman yeah okay that's my little sidebar fantasy booking well before we go with Courtney real quick full til dead C Casino mat Gauntlet match hangman yeah John Mo okay John [Laughter] Moxley kega right Kenny Omega box isn't a bad choice though too like you said Courtney what about you well see this this is so hard because we just got this news this week so it's hard for me to choose but I'm g go with my mind booking and the obious choice is the dark course hangman page oh wow a lot of hangman page yes all right so I'm on Ricochet make me proud and of course Brian went with big bill again Mr inside information the denter there there Mr Mission Pro himself Mr Mission Pro tag team match a triple threat tag team match uh three of the top teams in aw right now as we discussed on our show two nights ago just the rise of the acclaimed and kind of shaking away a lot of their goofiness per se that we've loved you know this the scissor mes and all that it's still there oh this was interesting right here you see this one right there um the little goofiness of the tag titles are they're gimmick but still it's there but not all the way gone but the seriousness and the in Max caster and Bowen just delivering some fire promos the FTR being the workhorses week in and week out Young Bucks being the part-time EVPs that they are this this really man it it could go I could see this going so many different ways this this one I feel like we can be all over the map but if they're going to continue to do what I want them to do and continue to be just this over-the-top Ridiculousness and using powers I think the EVP has got to retain at this point and I I potentially think they could drop it at all out but at all in I think like they need to get they need their win at wimbley because last year they did not get their win at wmy let's go to Courtney you're officially doing the EVPs right SBD EVPs yes y all right Courtney your thoughts my thoughts is my RS are better than match Caster so here we go although I like them s me Daddy although the old butts are in the ring I don't see them retaining I'm going with the top guys FTR FTR there you go all right um Bobby says the Bucks the uh EVPs I must have paid Bobby off for this one there you go um full til dead yeah bucks FTR or claimed um bucks all right she's going bucks also paid off apparently we don't want to get fined here yeah we don't want to get fined we don't wna get no f um before I make my pick I want to hear from Brent I'm going with the Bucks wow look at this all you marks PVP marks I swear um I'm going with Courtney um I think the top guys are GNA walk out Champions on this one okay and of course Brian the denter is going with the acclaimed I'm noticing a pattern here Brian The Insider info Guy Mr inside info he's really making it interesting for us The Insider we'll see what happens here um do we want to do do we have time to do the uh the real quick just do a speed round for the uh the zero hour matches sure um real hey did we go did we go with the main event not we haven't done the main event yet we were just gonna knock these out real quick and then talk the event to close if that's cool so speed round just tell us what I'll say your name I'll say I'll call you and you just tell me where you're going all right for the uh this this match the five on five Brent where you going I'm going with the roads crew all right Courtney uh I'mma go with the uh War dolls crew oh no that's Brian Cage I'll go with that group I wish group okay yeah to Leona SBD the roads all right full til dad the roads in the and the shabata people or Brian Cage the gates of the kingdom of Agony United all right um Bobby in the chat where you going Dustin's Team all all right he's going with Dustin's team Brian had not given me an answer so I'm just going to I'm going to put him over here because he's being the denter and I'm going to go with this team as well uh real quickly let's go to Willow to to herish E versus statlander I think snack Lander is gonna win this one how about you Courtney the winner of this gets to pick the stipulation for all out too so FYI on that SN snat Lander please all right Brent give me some snacks give you some snacks very good SBD uh I'm going Willow okay okay very cool very cool and uh looks like the denter is going Willow as well uh Bobby in the chat Bobby says Willow as well wow we're gonna and uh Full Tilt Deb Willow and isi or snack Lander and stokeley Willow Willow and Tommy there we go boom all right so now takes it l to freaking stokeley I mean that's just a no I think statlander uh pins [Music] Willow what was the final countown the final he is finally leaning into the YES Movement Full Throttle Danielson versus swerve who's house versus the YES Movement this is going to be one Epic main event and I cannot wait the crowd is going to be so so fired up and might I add the tiebreaker per usual is the length of this Main Event so as we're looking at the card as I'm writing things down there are a lot of um a lot of us are on the same page there's a couple matches that are the key deciding factors such as that Willow statlander one uh the tag match was kind of a little diverse one the hook Jericho W um other than that and the trios so there's like four about four or five matches overall that are going to be the real true deciding factor but uh if there is a tiebreaker we do have the ma the time limit on this but swerve versus Danielson I mean I'll happily kick things off with my guy Brian Danielson will not bet against him his career is no no no not over it is just yes yes yes all the way I it pains me because you know if there's any question if there's any question how I feel about swerve this is the answer I know we exactly and I listened to the aw preview Show podcast um and it's it's one of those like you're as I mentioned earlier between a rock and a hard place like swerves Reign has been fantastic he's went through quite the gauntlet of CH uh competitors and there's there's so much more that can be done and but this is the right move for Danielson to win you I you know Brent you really threw me with that that theory that if hangman wins and Cashes in afterwards that's a great way to keep Brian Danielson from losing to Swerve but like from retiring but also then not having the belt going after after tomorrow night but I do think I think Brian's going to beat swerve and then we're going to see what happens but it's this isn't the this isn't over for swerve at all I think this might build to a swerve versus Hangar match at all out but yeah I got it pains me to do it but I'm going Brian Danielson um Full Tilt Deb Danielson or swerve come on give it to me she said Danielson [Laughter] Dam ah she's a fan after all fan after all she SPD says you're a fan after all she she cursed all right so he's gonna be doing the YES Movement tomorrow night for the main event yeah with her middle finger oh ouch yeah Deb and Nigel are I think very similarly about Danielson so we'll just leave it at that um let's see did we get Bobby's Bob need Court Brent and Brian all right so we want Courtney and then Brent to finish it off all right well as much as I love to Swerve when I drive but it yeah yeah yeah but loses at all out I'm calling it right now wow H oh but but but Brian loses it all out yes I think I think he'll have a nice two two couple week uh rain and then he'll lose it and then he'll go behind the curtain unfortunately the best wrestler in the world is gonna lose the world title in two weeks come on ah it's my wild brain over here booking my wild all right Brent Brent countdown Brian Danielson is uh on my top three favorite wrestlers of all time I'm with you brother Rushmore I'm with you so I'm definitely gonna go with if it wasn't a career ending match I don't know if you know I think that kind of gives it away um I don't think he's going to be completely done yet so so yeah I love Brian Danielson so he's winning so is this the is this the only one we all there's only this and so so the championship matches we all or we no we don't three matches that we've agreed on yeah the Osprey mjf and the Mercedes and yep so three unanimous two title changes and one retain three unanimous ones wow those are three of the biggest matches on the card too that is yeah that's some good stuff really all right all in tomorrow I hopefully we all can tune in live and we're gonna have an awesome time watching this show uh the card is absolutely stacked as I mentioned here I mean this is just a little little taste of the card here we got those other two those other two buying matches we got update that but I'll officially post the dynamite download bingo card where you can give us your time for the main event uh on our Twitter and then we will uh be rocking and rolling so what match all of you as we sign off for the the uh end of the show what match are you most looking forward to of all of them Courtney obviously there's two batches that stick out in my M obviously this word Daniel branon Brian Danielson whatever he likes to call himself greedy husband the goat he likes to call himself the greatest of all time the Yes man I'm gonna call him the Yes Man and uh obviously the trios match is very all right I like it what about you Brent yeah I'm goingon to go the Brian Danielson swerve I think you can't go wrong with that um I'm pretty it's going to be I mean they're both great wrestlers it's going to be insane it's it's I'm pretty pumped for it to me this is like which is the best tasting Skittle I mean it's like they're all they're all delicious which one is I love tasting the rainbow however I I I think we're gonna get you know I I'm excited for the Derby uh Jack Perry I'm excited for swerve I'm excited for uh just to see will Osprey in action but I I think that the Trio's quadruple chaos it you know they they teased Ladders and Chairs tonight you know they they brought it because if you saw Christian BR had was holding a chair the bang bang game pulled out tables and wh were the house of black they're on a ladder I think we're going to get Shades at TLC and I and I think we all may have may know this or may admit this that I think it's I think the original the original thought was that it was going to be P it was G to be death triangle instead of uh BCC with um with the with pack but I think this is going to be like a Table Ladders and Chairs from the old WWE days and it's just going to be oh insane spots everywhere um my only my my over booking would be that wheeler UDA gets injured on the way to the arena and they have to bring in Moxley but other than that yeah that's I think the trios match is what I'm most looking forward to all right yeah I mean I'm I'm excited to see Osprey win just because of the crowd and what's in store for them uh and the that's sure it's it's man this is this card is epic I'm pumped swerve when we drive we swerve when we drive well you guys great preview show love talking to you all it's been fun we'll get those bingo cards it's going to be it makes me even more dialed into the show knowing like oh I'm one for one one for two whatever it may be got that three plus three bonus points in store for us so we're ready for it thank you Corney and Brett for joining us on our all preview show and everyone in the chat it was a lot of fun uh and buckle up folks for a great pay-per-view tomorrow for all in and we'll see you on Thursday for Dynamite download uh for our next episode we're going to talk some Allin as well as a lot at stake we'll probably get start to getting the road to all out and a lot more so have a great night everyone and we'll see you soon peace out

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