The federal warning day from 22.12.08 | siren drill E57 | small report about the warning day

Published: Dec 17, 2022 Duration: 00:18:46 Category: Science & Technology

Trending searches: bundeswarntag
Start On December 8, 2022, after a two-year break, the nationwide warning day took place again in Germany. Many different systems were tested at the same time to check their functionality and to draw the public's attention to the issue of civil protection. Intro Hello dear technology and siren friends. My name is Rene and I wish you a warm welcome to the siren workshop. In this video you can see the siren drill recorded on the warning day and then I will give you my own report. My Report: Warning apps Let's first come to the warning apps Nina, Katwarn, Hessenwarn and others. On the last warning day on September 10, 2020, there were major problems, which meant that warnings were not sent out at all or only with a long delay. The reason for this was a lack of agreement between the civil protection organization of the federal governments of the federal states and the individual districts, so that the warning message for the test warning did not only come from the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance in Bonn, as originally intended, but was sent from many places at the same time. Most of the servers and control center computers were overloaded, causing some of them to fail. This time, however, the warning apps worked much better. According to feedback, not everything worked 100%, but the error rate is significantly lower than two years ago. Nevertheless, there is a need to catch up here, but this has been recognized and will hopefully be resolved in the future. Personally, I recommend the warning apps because you can get more detailed information about the current warning situation and detailed recommendations for actions in this specific warning case. It should also be said that in the event of a warning or danger, the emergency numbers 110 and 112 must be kept free for emergency calls only, under ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. These are NOT phone numbers where you can call and get information. The radio is intended for this, the media are intended for this or the warning apps. So PLEASE PLEASE don't call the emergency numbers 110 or 112 to find out what's going on. This can make the difference between life and death because you block real emergencies that could then die. So please don't. By the way, you can find a link to the official websites of the warning apps Nina and Katwarn below in the video description. My Report: Cell Broadcast The cell broadcast is a new system in germany that did not exist on the last warning day in 2020. The decision to introduce cell broadcast and use it for public warning was made due to the events of the July 2021 flood disaster. At that time, people were surprised by the flood and there was no reliable way to warn people of danger in time anyway. This is exactly where the cell broadcast comes in, because it also warns people who do not use warning apps or are currently using radio or television. As soon as a mobile phone is registered in a network cell and also has service, he will receive a warning message via the cell broadcast system in the event of a warning. There are also different levels of warnings, but if you get a warning from the highest warning category, you get a loud warning message, even if the device is muted. Only if the mobile phone has no network reception, is in flight mode or is switched off, no warning messages can be received here either. Unfortunately, this system did not work 100% either. I've read feedback after many users just didn't get this cell broadcast message. This is not necessarily due to the network operators, although I heard that the "Deutsche Telekom" network in particular was disrupted. Devices ready to receive have not received any cell broadcast messages in the "Deutsche Telekom" network. The biggest point here is that there are still smartphone models that do not yet support cell broadcast. You also need the latest system updates and depending on the situation, it actually has to be activated in the settings. I'll include a list of smartphones that are currently supported or not supported in the video description below. However, you should also be careful with this list because it is not complete, but I am sure that it will be resolved in the future. So as you can see, there is still a lot of catching up to do here too, but I'm sure that the cell broadcast will improve a lot. My Report: Sirens The third and last topic is a special one for me: the sirens, who would have thought? On the penultimate warning day in 2020, there were also major deficits in terms of sirens, because after the end of the Cold War, the sirens were dismantled in many places or the controls for the sirens were simply not modernized or disconnected. In order for the siren to be able to reproduce the necessary signals "Warning of the population" and "All clear" in the first place, the control requires extended reception technology. In addition, the transmitting station must also be available and equipped accordingly. That means sirens were simply missing or just couldn't be activated, leaving it silent in many places. That is also the reason why the people in the Ahr Valley could not have been warned by sirens. The sirens that were present could only emit the "fire alarm" signal, which is important for the fire brigade. A fatal mistake, as it turned out in the night from July 14 to 15, 2021. 😔 Since the last warning day in 2020, however, many sirens have been installed or modernized. As a result, more sirens could be tested on the previous warning day. However, there is also a very big grain of salt here, because it is up to each city or municipality whether or not to use sirens to warn the population. In the same way, each city can decide for itself whether or not to take part in the warning day. That's why it stayed silent at times. There are still city councilors and mayors who claim that loudspeaker trucks are perfectly adequate to warn the population. Unfortunately, those responsible often forget that a loudspeaker van needs significantly more time to reach everyone in a city. The siren, on the other hand, is available 24/7 on the roof and can alert everyone in the vicinity within a few seconds. In addition, even the best loudspeaker truck has problems with two meters of water flooding in the streets. For those who still hold on to loudspeaker trucks when it comes to such aspects , I recommend buying storm- and dive-proof tanks. But all joking aside. All systems that were tested on the last warning day are useful and make sense. However, you can't reach nearly 100% of all people with it. Many have switched off their mobile phones at night or are on flight mode, so there is no warning from cell broadcast, Warning app, or radio. Sirens, on the other hand, are always ready on the roofs and usually only require a few clicks on a computer in the control center to warn an entire city of danger. I also hear the siren at night even if I turn off all receiving devices. It's the only warning device with a wake-up effect. And if towns and communities are still reluctant to set up sirens or take part in the warning day, then the issue of civil protection should again be managed by a central nationwide body, as was the case in the past. Many people would not have died in the floods of July 2021 if they could have been warned in time. It's the same with chemical accidents, tornadoes, smoke development from major fires, release of pollutants and toxins or radiation, name your own examples. There are enough examples that can happen to us. We all live in a world where everything is possible and nothing is 100% certain. That's why we have to protect ourselves from dangers and warn as best we can. As far as the Federal Warning Day of December 8, 2022 is concerned, I think it is a success because even if not everything worked, everything was tested and errors were identified. In addition, the topic of civil protection has reached the general public again, where it belongs. It hasn't happened like this for over 30 years and in my opinion it's a step in exactly the right direction. Because the issue of civil protection concerns us all and it belongs in the mind of each and every one of us. Now we come to the end of the video. If you liked this video please let me know and give it a thumbs up. If not, feel free to give it a thumbs down. What do you think about the warning day and civil warning? How did the warning day end up for you? Let's discuss this in the comments below, but please keep it nice and friendly. For those who are interested, I'll post further links below in the video description. On the subject of siren technology, there are also very good and informative videos by siren colleague MardekSirenen, which, as always, I will post below in the video description. Unfortunately, I can't say when my next video will come, but it will definitely continue on this channel, and there will also be more videos, also more with me, you will see me more often now and I can't reveal what exactly is coming, but I can tell you it's definitely worth subscribing. Last but not least, big regards go out to all my siren colleagues, to friends and acquaintances, have a nice time, have a nice Christmas and a happy new year. That's it from me, bye until the next video from the sirenenwerkstatt ciao

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