Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, House of Lords | Innovation Zero 2024

Published: May 27, 2024 Duration: 00:01:51 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] I work a lot in accessible public transport and it was really important to be at Innovation zero to be able to just talk to a different audience who are doing this day in day out just to say to them please think about disabled people they care about the environment and they don't want to be left behind [Applause] the response has been really positive at the exhibition uh I'm meeting different people uh and when I was sitting on the panel it was just fascinating to see people's eyes open when I talked about my own experience of even trying to get here today as a a wheelchair user and you know there's there's policy decisions that need to change there's different levels of influence but every single person who's come here today can think differently uh about accessibility and it's not just for wheelchair users it actually just makes traveling by transport better for [Music] everyone so I I work in Parliament uh I work on a lot of legislation it's hard to get things to change but actually I fundamentally believe we need to educate people more to get them to understand why the change is necessary and the public uh and and businesses have to push back on the government like we can't keep kicking the can down the road on this you know we we just can't so you know whenever the election is going to be you know new maybe government um you know it it's got to be a really high priority because actually it's our children's and and grandchildren's future that we're thinking about [Music]

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