Breaking News: Wendy Williams' Court Statement Reveals Explosive Details About Diddy

uh there was a radio personality Once Upon a Time her name was Wendy Williams and uh she was practically burned at the Stak for um talking about such and now it's all come full circle there were many situations none of which to talk about but there were many situations um back in the day in in my career and um It's All Coming full circle now so she said that she had plans to play the Tupac interview on the radio right High 97 but she said that c he was of the people that try to stop her from playing it because she wanted to put up a picture of him getting his pants pulled down you understand what I'm saying Martinez she wrote a book some years ago right and she revealed that after she came back from LA from doing an interview with Tupac she said that she had plans to play the Tupac interview on the radio right High 97 but she said that puffy he was one of the people that tried to stop her from playing it what you think about her saying that bro you started the conversation earlier about what did I mean about the power puff had with the radio stations in New York [ __ ] didn't Breathe hard if puff didn't want him to if if Tupac had anything salacious to say about puff in that interview and Angie Martinez told puff or let puff her it and he told them you can't play it they wasn't going to play it puff got one of the hottest DJs off of Hot 97 because she wanted to put up a picture of him getting his pants pulled [Music] down you understand what I'm saying puff had power speaking of that right I'm happy you brought that up Kirk burs I did an interview with him some months ago and he told a story about Wendy Williams she got fire from high 97 because she had a picture of puffy and she was saying on air that she was going to reveal the picture if you don't mind because he told me the story but he didn't go into detail he never told me about what was in the picture so if you don't mind give me the story from your point of view and what was in the picture because for some reason he never wanted to detail about that we were in Cancun and we were on our way to the island of women you know what I'm say and this all it was bro for whatever reason dude was playing with puff he went behind him and grabbed his trunks and pulled them down when he grabbed his trunk to pull him down some girls was taking pictures they took the that picture and emailed it back to Wendy Wills Wendy Wills said she had him in a compromising position and like it was gay porn or something like that and she was going to put it out so they stopped her from putting it out and they got her fired from high 97 because of though well I think that we were in California at the time and puff was shooting a layoff of either Rolling Stones or what's the other magazine uh Rolling Stones it begins with a B uh billboard right he he was shooting a layoff either Rolling Stone or billboard when he had the white suit on I was the one who put him in the damn pool what happened was is that Wendy had somehow shown people that email you hear me she's showing people that email puff told Hot 97 if they didn't get rid of her you understand before he got back in New York that they was not going to get any music from any of his friends any of the record labels executive that was cool with him everybody was going to Bo boycott their station we was out in La for about 3 days before we landed back in New York Wendy Williams was in the ready station in Philly it was over for [Music] her she was fired was I was it's exciting right great show great show a lot of energy very impressive yeah thank you yeah it's incredible to really see you kind of elevate from you know what I mean from Radio to this having show multiple networks and everything it's really impressive um so your book yeah uh I just got it I read through it uhhuh um so your book you're talking about when you were younger you didn't have very good gayar right I get and and you you dated a lot of guys who ended up being gay yeah yes um how do you feel about celebs that are coming out of the closet these days like Jason Willams you know who came out the closet and his girlfriend of seven years said that he she had no idea well you know I feel sorry for her but she's not going through anything that many women haven't gone through and um there are you know millions of women who dated gay men before there millions more who still have no gayar don't realize that they've been there and that they're still dating gay men and I think that the more people like Jason that come out of the closet out of being Fearless you know it's unfortunate that he was trapped in the closet for eight years of this young woman's life because she will never get those years back and sorry for talking so passionately but if there's one thing that irks the hell out of me is a deceptive closeted closeted man if if you are being kept in the closet because of clothes minded family and stupid people in society um then that's a horrible thing but don't drag one of us into it I might say one of us a woman who wants kids and a husband and a family one day like like don't make us a part of your mess we don't want to be your beard we just want to be your friend we'll keep your secret but yeah so I feel like you know I haven't heard anything about Jason writing a book but that's not the book that I would want to read because now that he's out of the closet he's free thank God for him thank God I don't need to read when was his first lover how he discovered he was gay for me personally that's not important the important thing is is that he's free the book I want to read is the book from her because um she says she didn't know I maybe she didn't want to know I don't know you know I I want to read that and that's the book that I think that is a must read for all women I heard that she's freezing her eggs right now because she she said that she lost like 8 years of her life she's worried about being able to have children now I mean as she older yeah well she's uh what 33 years old okay well she's probably shell shocked that she might get involved with another closeted man and so therefore and and that's a real concern because after we realized we were with a closeted man I'll be damn we get with another closeted man um but I mean I don't blame her she's nervous so it's going to take a long time and a lot of trust before she takes off a condom and decides to get impregnated or move in with or or even introduced to her friend perhaps the new guy in her life I mean as someone who who's married and is around a man all the time I mean do you think that it's really possible for a woman not to know after 8 years yes I do think it's impossible for her not to know so so you think that she was just in denial the whole time I you know what it's hard to say in denial but what I will say is is that um when she got with him she was about 25 years old that was about the time that you know I had you know you know a number of dates with men who I look back now and I'm like oh my God Wendy the signs were all there he was so gay and I run into a couple here and there Wendy I was so gay and I'm like well I you know I see that now um but I think that young women particularly um are still into stereotyping what gay is so they're looking for a man who switches his hips or arched eyebrows or maybe he uses light man Foundation or rims his eyes with eyeliner you can't stereotype what is coming at you in terms of gay anybody gay girl or gay boy um but I do think that in 8 years there were some signs that she might have been out of town skiing and she wasn't there to see them or or something cuz if they're not signs with a guy there's usually signs with his little friends Wendy Williams just dropped a bombshell in court and it's got everyone talking she finally made her official statement and guess who she's exposing yep didy you know Wendy's never been one to hold back and now she's coming for did in a way that's about to shake things up you know in the black community you see you know a lot of men who come out of prison you know who have the homo Thug uh kind of mentality and do you really as you really have a lot of you know gay people who work for you and a lot of gay people in your audience do you think that men can be bisexual or do you think they're just gay and may like women every so often my verdict is out on bisexuality recording guarding men only because it's so painful and invasive you know what I mean no no jokes intended um I wouldn't want to be involved with a bisexual man you know I I've got a tough enough time um dealing with uh your issues as a man particularly the issues that Society puts on black men you know um and I will ride with you but I if you told me you were bisexual I respectfully decline because I don't know that I believe bisexuality for a man isn't it weird but for a woman because oh it's soft and beautiful and you know there there's nothing there's there there no moving Parts you know what I mean uh crazy but you asked so I got you um in your book uh you mentioned that Kevin cheated on yeah uh while you were pregnant mhm um can you talk about how you found out the effect uh a late night telephone call and some clandestine Whispering you see I already had the baby so when you deliver a baby the mother doesn't get much sleep anyway you know little C might have been you know one month old like fresh from the hospital um and so and I I wasn't back to work yet so I was just mom only mom waking up all night and you know I overheard some some greasy talk from the Next Room who was he talking to so you know I tipped and I crapped and and I heard what I heard and I was like wow okay so this is how it's going down um and uh we have that was uh well little C's 12 so that was 12 years ago um it has made our marriage and I know this is cliche but it's true it's made our marriage stronger um and no I don't I'm not back to the girl that I was before him because when you get stung like that you never go back to who you were only a fool does um but I love him and he loves me and we addressed it headon and it was a mutual decision to reveal this in my um 2001 autobiography Wendy's got the heat and uh if you told me when I was 25 years old or 30 years old that um that I would stay around for a cheater I would have been like use a lie you know you are lying I've got way too much to offer a man to stick around for him cheating on me you know at that particular time I had my career in radio I was making a great salary I had a vacation property you know of my very own and I the world was my oyster you know so I definitely thought I wasn't staying around for some cheating um but I did and I don't regret it and I do think it's a double standard with cheating I think that you men are are just sometimes so Neanderthal that you could never put up with your woman cheating a man putting paws on your meat you know but women have got to deal with that fact many of us at some point in our lives uh think of the book you had mentioned that I guess your parents were home were at your house yes my parents were were at our house uh at the time that that happened so needless to say the they were they were home at the house they were visiting from Florida helping me learn how to be a mother and little Kev was like a month old so they were planning on staying for 3 months until I went back to work um yeah so they were right at the house in the middle of all that and I think one of the smartest things that I could have done was only involve them in terms of whatever they might have overheard I never went to my mother and talked to my mother about it I never talked to my father about it I'm sure my father wanted to punch Kevin out for you know the old man that he is but you know this is what dads want to do this is what brothers and siblings want to do but this is a problem that was between me and Kevin and it just so happens everybody was in the house because they were visiting us from out of town but I did not bring it to them they minded their own business and we've all healed it's not just me who's healed my mom and dad um played their position in other words stay out of it um and love him like like their very own son today just love him respect our Union understand how hard we go for our love I mean Diddy had New York in his hands some say his power is so up he could literally choose the next Mayors and when they hear passionate talk at our house they know to mind their own business which I love and and it does get passionate at our house # scream a lot of a lot of uh celebrity couples and and Wealthy couples you know explore the whole relationship thing that's you guys ever considered or talked about no no I would never have an open relationship I think that's a recipe for disaster and it's more than just celebrities I know four couples in my own personal life uh of regular normal people uh two black one white and one mixed where she's black and he's white and these are all people with Advanced degrees I'm talking they got their four-year college but now they're on to doctorates and Masters and law degrees and things like that they have open relationships uh for the life of me um I would never do that but you know what I've noticed open relationships seemed cute and worked for these couples and you know I kind of enjoy being friends with them none of them know each other but I kind of enjoyed it just to you know like a like just an observation but guess what's happened as the women have gotten older cuz now we're all around 50 they've slowed down on this notion and the husbands still want it so now it's created a little dissension you know in other words it was cute and funky and fly when everybody's 35 years old but now damn near 50 and kids some of the women don't want an open relationship anymore but you know the hes left to stable how are you going to dial back I don't know that's not something I would consider about in the in the man drama ch after your book uh when it comes to cheating you said deny to take it to your grave damn right um so has Kevin ever accused you a cheat no no I'm I'm always available and just because you're available doesn't mean you cheat you don't cheat but you know what it raises suspicions when you make furtive movements you know when you're when you're always going out with your girls at night as opposed to sometimes at night but mostly during the day honestly I find the best time to get together with friends is during the day you can drink the same amount of wine you have the same meal in the same dark restaurant and the same girl talk and it's fabulous and your home before it gets dark uh you can also cheat during the day so you know a person is foolish to think that cheating only happens at night um I I mean you know what we we do what we can in in terms of um in terms of human nature to try to alleviate suspicion of anything like that and I think one of the things um that works for us yeah we work together but we also have you know lives outside of work and my life goes over here and his life goes over here and that's the only way we can make it where we don't crack each other's skulls but when my cell phone rings I pick it up now if I don't pick it up after three times then that could be that I'm in an interview I'll call you you know when I get out of the interview uh no he's never accused me of cheating and that's not my style you know I'm a relationship person but for people who do cheat unless you are busted cold busted take it to your grave so don't get get all Mother Teresa on me and start confessing you know treching them on um KN You by Nature said at the best do your dirt all by your lonely don't tell your friends what you're up to if you know you need some strange then and I'm not condoning it but all I'm saying is what is the purpose of telling because all you're doing is hurting feelings nobody's giving you an award for admitting that you cheated so so basically what you're saying is if Kevin cheated again you just don't want to know about it just keep it no that's not what I'm saying I'm saying if I cheated on Kevin I would not tell him if he cheated if you cheat on your wife don't tell her if you are busted then confess okay I got you yeah um you talk about money in your M and you're saying that you're you're one of the few people that actually talks about money open you'll actually walk up to a woman and say oh I like a back how much it cost yeah um what are some of the most important things you know I mean when it comes to money especially if you don't grow up with it it's hard to deal with when you first came right what was some of the most important things you've learned about having Moody and keep you m well I learned from my mom to always have my own um there's nothing wrong with you know not disclosing Wendy talked about how Diddy's been controlling narratives for years paying people off using his power to silence anyone who tries to step out of line and get this Wendy hinted that she was even a victim of Diddy's tactics herself back when she was starting out in the industry that's right the queen of daytime TV is saying Diddy tried the strong armor too he also uh you know a woman's got to know how to make her way you've got to know how to get a mortgage you've got to know you know what the light bill is even if you're married because you never know when a marriage could go left that's the first thing I've also learned that it is a fool who co-signs on loans for people that they aren't married to I don't care if you are my boyfriend and we've lived together for 15 years Vlad I am not co-signing on the loan for you to get your new Toyota unless unless I've got a dope career with dope do money and in the back of my mind I know oh by the way if I cosign on the loan then it's my car you're just driving it I'm going to be on the title and everything and I know that if you want I break up I keep the car and you go your own separate way and those little car notes are nothing you know that's for the woman you know with a large um a large bank account um I've also learned about money that all money is not good money um I like to think that um Kevin and I operate our business off of Integrity um we've been turning down deals and schs since the Radio Days lots of them if if it's not if it's not fitting into our moral wheelhouse or the convenience now that you know we're parents of of being able to look out for our son and each other then we're not doing it um we might have to wait a little bit longer for our ship to come in but our quality of life is great and that to me is what marks success quality of life and the reason that I get cheesy and I ask you oh my gosh I love your bag how much did it cost is because I feel like if you've never had money and I me grow up with money I mean I grew up solid middle class but in the scheme of like what I'm doing right now you know this is a whole new life for me um I ask how much things are and people find it distasteful oh well because I want to know whether this is something that I would consider in the future you know uh you know my neighbors built a pool I was uh yeah nickel and Diving okay so how much is it when you get the diving board now I don't I don't want to but I just want to know you know what I'm saying I'm not responsible enough for a pool fishing out the raccoons and stuff I mean the pool boy might not be a bad option but you know anyway um you know I I like to know okay so you got your Phantom all right uh how much is it per month to have this detailed how much are the how much were the wheels how much is the insurance how much you want to know because I think that that um the notion of money and what to do with it is a lot of smoke and mirrors and Bs and if people would be more revealing about what costs what and how to attain what then I think it would give the rest of us on the climb to the top of the money Trail and idea of what to do with it as we're going up and once we get there what do you think is the worst decision you've ever made regarding whether it was a bad purchase just you know something impulsive I mean we've come through it but we've had just about every exotic car you can possibly name I mean for the last 15 years of my life I mean we went from the 600 or 800 bz whatever the highest one is with the Lorenzo kit the 22in rims I'd be scared to drive it I mean and you know my husband handles cars you know um I handle house I mean we make a decision on house together but I handle exactly what you know what goes on inside and around the house uh and I like my husband to be on car duty I feel like that's what a man should do and you know I'm not going to lie you know you do like to roll by until it's your turn to drive [Music] it I've messed up some rims they're just not practical right thank God we've never had to lose the farm over cars but we've had everything I mean Austin Martin we've had Ferraris Lamborghinis we still have you know exotic cars we've had Bentley we had the Phantom with the suicide doors which I used to how am I driving that to the shop right like I'm inan embarrassed like I I would be I was so embarrassed when we had it that except for when it's dark out I'd be down in the seat like this my husband will tell you you know I'm I'm a flashy chick now we all know Wendy's had her run-ins with a lot of celebs but this right here this is different She's Not Just gossiping on her show she's testifying in court under oath laying out the shap stuff didd he's allegedly been doing behind the scenes but not in that kind of way okay you know but yeah I would say car he would disagree with me but I would say the last 15 years of cars have been # stupid like the Bugatti is like the the car of choice The Hip Hop 1.5 no he wants to get one of those no he's not talking about that but one thing I have to admit that I would like to get I I need uh one of those Bentley trucks as soon as it rolls off Thea oh yeah they look nice they do look you could drive back to the shop right as long as it's in black with no Chrome anywhere and chrome is corny now so that's good you know what I mean um Kanye and Rocky recently uh wor SCS and dresses M you both yeah um what do you think of this really remember I am hip-hop yeah exactly it's funny how when men get older in hip-hop they're still you know well respected well versed Co herk you know what I'm saying and um and red alert and you know the Legends krs1 you know you put me in and all of a sudden it's like oh no Wendy's a talk show lady no I listen to Big L on the way to work this morning I'm familiar with I am familiar with uh Kanye and ASAP and the Kilts right well Kanye had the Kilt and then ASAP had the long dress yeah you see the ASAP picture yeah I'm not I'm not down with any of that I mean would be my man no no um you know L we brought Lord Jamal from uh fromand new he he had made some comments about that what did he say well he talked about the whole federalization of hip-hop culture from the'80s I think he's I think he's taken the words out of my mouth yeah he talked about how you know when you know when we were younger you know were hearing your left ear that was straight you your right here that' be gay at one point people start wearing both theories you know what I mean and then they started wearing girl pants and then they're wearing jeggings and then yes it's very feminized but be very clear there were lots of homosexuals in hip-hop back in the 80s too um and uh you know that was that was um you know what's worse you know hip-hop wearing skirts or hip-hop being closeted and having a plethora of kids to prove manhood that you know and and denial of something that shouldn't you shouldn't have to deny which is your sexuality so I hear what Jamar is saying but uh we come from a very homosexual era of hip-hop as well uh there was a radio personality Once Upon a Time her name was Wendy Williams and uh she was practically burned at the Stak for um talking about such and now it's all come full circle the the Dy situation there were many situations none of which to talk about but there were many situations um back in the day in in my career and um It's All Coming full circle now so do you think do you think that with people like Frank Ocean coming out of the closet you though he's not exactly a rapper but he definitely overlaps into the RAP Community m um do you think that it's it's we're going to have a a time where it's cool to be a gay rapper um I don't know because I I still see uh Frank Ocean as being one amongst many but one and that's good but you know and then there was uh the notion of this radio DJ in New York um who is in denial so that just goes to show you how far the homosexual movement within hip hop and sports still needs to go it is politically correct to be accepted but behind closed doors people are still hating and Jason the basketball player is one but it will be a long time I think before another uh actively playing in the locker room ball player comes out and it's unfortunate but that's that's where I am you know on it you know Frank Ocean good for him and Jason good for him got you my last question um this is something that you cover all the time on your show the aware your stands um what's your take on on Chris Brown and Mi you know stretching from you the original relationship to the violence to them getting back together to where they currently are which is sort of taking shot you know on Twitter and Instagram from manipulating media to squashing anyone who threatened his Empire Wendy is painting a picture of a man who's willing to go to any lengths to stay on top and Wendy she's got the receipts well I think that they're reflective of today's society where young girls and guys are getting caught up in physically you know as well as emotionally but we're going to stick to physically since that apparently was their thing uh their girls right now in high school getting pushed around by their boyfriends and it's unfortunate and they girls in college right now getting pushed around by their boyfriends and Chris Brown and Rihanna aren't an isolated incidents and I and I feel that abuse like that uh whether it starts early or starts late is reflective of what's going on within the household you know both of them have sketchy household backgrounds Chris saw a lot with his mother and his father and Rihanna saw a lot with her mother and her father and um I just I think it's very very sad I I feel as though you know these kids them and also the kids in high school and college are putting up with stuff in relationships that they should not be dealing with at all at this age I mean use is wrong even when you're 40 years old with three kids and married but at least there's a reason for a pinch of counseling and maybe rehabing for the animal that's beat you because you've got three kids and you've been married for 10 years and stuff right now these stupid kids they're putting up with stuff in relationships that kids should not have to put up with you know when you're young like that relationships are supposed to be fairly easy breezy you have a you know an argument a fight and like this and like that but it at 23 years old as soon as he cheats you you need to break up don't put up with old people's problems as soon as he beats break up and there is no going back and there is no counseling you talking 23-year-old we're going to go to counseling really you mean like grown folks [Music] how did you feel when they got back together after first B this I looked at them like nuts but also part of it part of that's also publicity stun you know it's it's funny and one of the times they got back when they both had um what the birthday kick song coming out or whatever look I've lost I've lost track of their entire situation I'm just hoping that the breakup now is the breakup for good and if they ever do get back together please let it be when they're 35 you know 40 years old and they di you know what you really wear the love of my life and I've settled down and I've done the work in the counseling and I'm a better person but um the back and forth and I feel as though it's also encouraged by both of their sides which makes the parents and the adults in their lives crazier than the kids could ever love I mean you're a fairly tall yourself have you ever been in a physical relationship I mean physically abusive relationship yourself I've never been in a fight my life not some stupid hating girl on the playground and not in in uh in real life no I don't I don't put up with physically abusive relationships and and um even though I do believe in counseling and things like that um for because I've got uh you know a reasonable career that gives me um a situation where I can just pack up and go to a hotel and deal with the rest through divorce court um I would divorce you know there there's no coming back from that hey guys anything else you want to add yes how you doing oh you know what um yes the Wendy bck is in bookstores Now everywhere it's called ask Wendy um and it's broken down into great chapters chapter like like Between the Sheets drama uh the kids drama baby mama drama style drama online drama you know and I did the best that I could with the advice that I gave you know um I shoot straight from the hip little Curson in the in the book I mean you're getting the real role Wendy it's available in bookstores everywhere and and Barnes & and it was a [Music] really fun book to [Music] write yeah it was comprised of letters from Wendy Watchers all around the country which I appreciated them burying their souls and it was nice how you actually put in your own personal drama when answering people's questions well you have to put in your personal drama otherwise I sound like a b a big no- at all and I'm not that person you know I you know I a work in progress every single day but you know fortunately with having a talk show and having a a great uh radio career to some people I've become a trusted you know voice in their heads and in their household and I honor that I I honor that and I there wasn't a letter in the book that made me laugh at you because you asked me something that a younger Wendy would have said what are you stupid and laugh at you but an older more mature Wendy understands that for every one person that's asking advice for something there's somebody else you know like in the Between the Sheets drama you know how's a woman going to write me and tell me that she's been married for 5 years and they have children but all of a sudden her husband is just not doing it for her that he's too small that she finds herself masturbating to get off more than not you know you know with with a case like that I just get so upset because if you knew he was too small the first time you slept with him why would you go back for a second time you've got to get as close to the bullseye as you Bullseye as you possibly can when you're out here dating in these streets unless you're only dating for a driveby and you know as a woman when you're in driveby mode and when you're in relationship mode there have been times in my life where I don't want a boyfriend all I want is some dinner and you know you know somebody to to make me feel pretty and good so I'm with you for that particular purpose I don't need you to be smart I don't need you to be tall I don't need you to be anything I just need you to be because I am kicking you out afterwards then you know as a smart person when you're in marriage-minded mode or or keeper mode you know you're on the hunt flag be your baby's mother and a potential wife and you know don't date hood rats with gigantic asses that's what you like but that's not necessarily what you want to marry don't date a girl with gigantic breast or or whatever you you know so it it does it certainly there are many questions in the book that had me Lex but none that made me um laugh or not sympathize with the writer you know and in your first marriage lasted five months it lasted for five months so you you made those same mistakes yourselves well I made the mistakes I don't believe in relationships romantic relationships at work you know other than a quickie you know a little driveby something where only you know and he knows nobody else knows about it you know and you might you know do something one time just get that itch out and then leave it alone um it takes and there are exceptions every rule but it takes an extremely mature person to deal with a relationship a loving relationship um in the workplace and and mind got stinky and ugly the marriage uh was disgusting it only lasted for a moment of time but you know i' I've learned my lesson for me you know if Wendy's involved the drama is only going to get bigger from here so if you want to stay in the loop and catch every twist and turn in this Diddy Wendy Saga you already know what to do hit that like button subscribe and keep it locked Wendy's not done talking and trust me this is just the start of the Firestorm she's about to kick up Diddy's days of hiding in the shadows might be over and Wendy's about to make sure everyone knows what's really been going on

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David Montgomery Shines in Overtime Victory | Lions vs Rams Highlights

Category: Sports

Welcome to lions nation sunday's overtime thriller was a game to remember and two key players stood out david montgomery and alex analon let's dive in first up david montgomery described as a battering ram by quarterback jared goff montgomery was crucial in the lions overtime victory with 91 yards on... Read more

Kourtney Kardashian’s Explosive Outburst After Travis Barker Slaps Her thumbnail
Kourtney Kardashian’s Explosive Outburst After Travis Barker Slaps Her

Category: Education

I'm not just sitting around i'm living my life and you're working on you and like you've never been better but you're so inconsistent that i need to see if like you can be their whirlwind romance to their glamorous wedding and the joy of welcoming their baby boy courtney kardashian and travis barker... Read more

Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez Are They Really Done thumbnail
Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez Are They Really Done

Category: People & Blogs

Rumors recently circulated that he and selena gomez have broken up once again after rekindling their relationship for just a short amount of time though many sources have contradicted those claims saying that things aren't over for good they were having a lot of little disagreements recently and one... Read more

Jason Sudeikis and Angel Reese  'I know it's fake love!' thumbnail
Jason Sudeikis and Angel Reese 'I know it's fake love!'

Category: Entertainment

At a recent lsu game actor jason sudakis pulled off a hilarious you can't see me gesture making everyone laugh but the real drama unfolded after the game as the lsu team celebrated their victory sudakis was seen cheering them on trying to show his support angel reese however wasn't buying it she shot... Read more

John Gotti III vs. Floyd (KISSY FACE) Mayweather: The 💋  You Can't Miss! ❤️‍🔥💋😂🥊 #facts #viralvideos thumbnail
John Gotti III vs. Floyd (KISSY FACE) Mayweather: The 💋 You Can't Miss! ❤️‍🔥💋😂🥊 #facts #viralvideos

Category: People & Blogs

Here's the juice on floyd kissy face mayweather saturday night the legendary floyd mayweather stepped back into the ring for an exhibition match against john gotti theii the grandson of the infamous crime boss at the arena cdmx in mexico city the fight was packed with action but the highlight of the... Read more

IDF Spokesperson Hagari Details Successful Hostage Rescue Of Qaid Farhan Alkadi thumbnail
IDF Spokesperson Hagari Details Successful Hostage Rescue Of Qaid Farhan Alkadi

Category: News & Politics

Today israeli special forces successfully rescued one of our hostages from kamas captivity in gaza during a complex rescue mission kid farhan eladi from the bedan community of rat who was kidnapped from israel by kamas terrorists during their massacre on october 7th has been rescued he is alive he is... Read more