The KnightShift Podcast LIVE From The Bounce House : UCF Dominates Sam Houston

and welcome one and all to an EP to a new episode of Night Shift live where we are coming to you live from FBC Mortgage Stadium after UCF dismantled Sam Houston State 45 to4 I am Bryson Turner currently in one of the uh the booths in Roth Tower and Kyle Nash is joining us from The Concourse level at the bottom there Kyle just what are your thoughts after the night tonight's game hey well listen we all know that the main question was going to be KJ Jefferson I think we answered that question pretty nicely at the end of the day right listen I I know that people may be like but he didn't throw for 200 yards actually he did but more than one questionable call on the night one of them certainly affected uh KJ's pass total um you know but listen aside from a fating what Eric Lopez would probably call a preseason game listen KJ Jefferson's confidence and his form and delivery came in a way that was way different from week one certainly I don't think anybody's going to be befuddled believing that it was exactly what people were hoping to find here in the Bounce House hosting Sam Houston which basically oh and it looks like Kyle might have exp oh here we go it looks like Kyle experienced a little bit of technical issues here we go got your back kle oh okay so but yeah still thoroughly dominant in its own way and Bryson listen I think the other thing too that's worth mentioning I Know You're Gonna Want to stat up talking about RJ Harvey in the big night he had we'll get to that a little later but I think hyping up special teams a little bit this could be the most confident uh uh people have been coaches players otherwise that they've been in UCF special teams for some sometimes save your tals and return the ball like the Beast Colton Boomer hitting a 50 yard yarder uh Mitch McCarthy doing his job punting and how about Evan Mars booting a ball out of the back of the end zone practically Into The Concourse uh they late in the game certainly special teams have showed up in a way that they hadn't much uh during the year last year and you got to enjoy them oh absolutely I I can I still remember the comments in the post game where I believe it was gusa mentioned how Evan Morris is the biggest kicker in college football after after that I'm sure you could appreciate appreciate that Kyle Kyle a person with beef that can also kick Oh Hey listen we that won't be the last versatility in beef we talk about for the night I mean I did mention KJ Jefferson is a bit of a teaser on that but hey wait Evan Moore is coming in for Michigan State a transfer uh from that particular um School obviously he he was in there as a kicker ended up changing to be tight end for while now here at UCF meeting the biggest kicker Ro as Gus put it and Hey listen I think I think the biggest thing for me going back to KJ here real quick the offense came out a little slow had backto back penalties on the offensive line you're never really hoping to see that but then Here Comes KJ Jefferson facing a third and nine completing the pass and really you asked him in postgame Bryson Turner what the difference between KJ Jefferson week one and week two were and he said he let the game come to him we kind of explored that on the black and gold podcast last week there on night shift where we talked about how when KJ was uh feeling confident hit the big ball last week to Kobe Hudson he was talking about the play call rather than about how he felt and I was more of the same when I asked about his approach to third down and how important his role is in completing third thirds and long like that he said listen third down is an important down in college football really pretty much arguably any football let's be real but in college football oh and it looks like Kyle Kyle had a little bit of T you again here he is he's back all right Kyle we lost typically have experienced passers this case uh UCF doesn't appear to have that problem at least tonight all right well well that is certainly always great to hear I I do agree as well KJ looked like a I would say a much improved over his performance over last time but look let's go ahead and I know you talked about wanting to me wanting to S it up so let's go ahead and St it up shall we so KJ Jefferson ended up completing 12 of his 15 passes on the night it would have been 14 for 17 had there not been a couple of penalties for for 169 yards including a beauty of a pass to Kobe Hudson that went for 53 yards it helped him get over the hump for 100 he would have been closer to 150 if it wasn't for that Phantom face mask called I still don't understand that I didn't see a close-up view for it from it in the Press Box I don't know whole good or bad or call it was but it was certainly odd I think what I think even coach called it bizarre after the game oh absolutely I think absolutely I mean there was a couple of call of calls in this one where you were where you were just absolutely befuddled at their exer the word dumbfound it but we'll go with befuddled sure so I but that being said despite the improved passing game the the the big story is once again the rushing attack where it was once again a touchdown party in that group with RJ Harvey turning in the seventh ever four rushing touchdown performance in program hit history alongside 126 yards I mean this he we are two games into this season already Kyle Nash and he has six touchdowns he had 16 touchdowns all of last season so already this is turning into turning into a major start to this season for a running back that is really looking to establish himself in ucf's Legacy where he's now to TI with Alex Haynes for the fifth most rushing touchdowns in program history Yeah you mentioned the tide with Alex Haynes and you and I were talking about it in the booth about where he could end up in history I'll tell you this Greg McCrae is already in trouble for dropping by be dropping a spot he holds the next spot above him with only two touchdowns away at 29 I think it's only a matter of time heck he may even pass it himself next week against TCU will'll be there of course to tell you about it after that game uh here on the night ship live but Bryson I have to tell you you know miles Montgomery was fun to watch we got a little bit of Penny Boon later in the game again another listen Oprah couldn't give away this many touchdowns during her show man there was touchdowns to be had everywhere and you know I who who who couldn't like that anymore than the UCF fan base uh for all the questions they had and granted listen I would have liked to see KJ throw for a touchdown and listen Kobe was almost staying standing on that 53 y that you talk about maybe if he had like one more pinky to put on the ground to keep himself up um that would have been a huge ball for Kobe Hudson to take to the house and a big catch uh that would give proba I mean certainly the longest touchdown of the year to KJ Jefferson um over the 60 I think it was 62 yarder that RJ had last week right oh AB not actually that may not even been a touchdown that long run now when I'm thinking about it but anyway yeah well don't forget on the rushing attack side by the way let's not forget Xavier Townsen as well who ended up who ended up rushing four times for 51 yards and also caught three passes for 17 17 yards you and I were talking about this in the booth in the booth and I thought I might have heard someone in the Press comparison but it it gave me Otis Anderson Vibes in the sense that he's a Swiss army knife type of player and he once again really showed that again tonight I think the difference is between Xavier and Otis is that Otis is a running back with wide receiving qualities while Xavier Townson is a wide receiver with running back qualities I mean yeah listen the late Otis Anderson did have plenty of receiving Talent just like Xavier has plenty of running talent but Xavier's obviously a taller Target I think he has that working for him uh in the wide receiver space and and like you said this is a trickeration guy but we talk about trickeration Bryson Turner there was one particular reverse where another player showed it show the mass multifaceted approach to the game that's when KJ Jefferson delivering a hell of a blow for a block to get to get a further run down the field there too I think it was on a play that Xavier ran um but yeah just what what Gus Malon did some Gus Malon things and had some creative play calls for sure that we've come to know in love or in the case of some fans ask why depending on the situation but listen I I I I watching what we saw tonight Bryson listen I I I'd hate to ring my own Bell but um in this particular instance I think we've seen exactly what was prescribed from night Shi uh the night Shi podcast on Monday is that it was just a matter of him not straight straight arming of football and you know you asked him about it letting the game come to him and that was clearly what he did this evening oh absolutely in fact we actually have a couple of have an apology KJ through in the comments Matt J saying I apologize to KJ do can indeed hit the side of side of the a barn what what did we say after the LA last night week's live Kyle BEC that the sky is not falling after the P KJ just had one like just little bit rough start and then all of a sudden everyone's like oh no what did we spend our nil money on well this this right here is the type of thing that you spend your nil money on for a guy that like KJ Jefferson like you said he ran he ran nine times for 50 for 50 yards and then of course much improved in the passing game he would have had much more had there not been penalties I this is the type of game that we honestly should it kind of expect from a guy like KJ Jefferson that was coming in that would come in and do um let's also not forget Jeff Sharon commenting that o line was folding people in that first F first half you're the o line expert Kyle RJ credited the o line as well for the H for him having the performance that he did break down that o line for us tonight yeah I mean there were a few mental errors I think there was something about which I mean me personally listen I always loved when the defense came out in the three-man front that meant an easy run blocking day for me and I had a running back about as good as RJ Harvey in the days when I was playing semipro Ball but the whole thing with some of the looks that they threw with that thre man front there were clearly some places where the old linan did get confused and had what I would call imperfect moments we mentioned the opening drive with back-to-back o line penalties and they had no more for the evening you don't want them at all but to overcome it the way that they did throughout the rest of the game was obviously fantastic and listen I know that what what's the platitude to drive a truck through holes listen you could have done that certainly tonight um I might go get my uh my uh SUV and fitt it through some of those things listen absolutely that there was online prowess but hey let me give credit to my defensive Brethren big presence in the game holding uh holding again another uh school to a pedestrian run attack to be honest it was uh mostly Gadget stuff and and big swings that even got them on the board you know but honestly it's good for UCF defense to see trickeration now so that DBS know to be more disciplined and it could come at any time I mean for my money the it was the uh kind of the uh play action double pass thing where you expect it kind of reverse and then he flings it instead the corner or the DB whoever was responsible for that receiver should have seen him blazing down the field and known what was happening instead he kept his eyes on what appeared to be the runner and then the game was over but it's funny you know there's there's some alleged piece out there that the coach of Sam Houston State referred to Gus as a gadget guy and yet the way they scored was with themselves using gadgets you know so we'll leave it at that you got any other comments there after Jeff Bryson or we need to do more analysis here what are we doing so we I do want to actually bring up the tricker the trickeration really quickly because I feel like if you do if we do want to make some because I think any type of criticism we would give with this game is mostly nitpicks I would say right like because I would argue that this is probably as good of a game that you could probably ask for for this team with an opponent like this if so if there was any one nitpick it is on the that trickeration play where the defense was clearly exposed and they paid for it with that one with Sam Houston getting at their first touchdown of the E of the evening so I I think you bet you see hit the nail on the head I think if anything it's really good that this program was faced with this type of play now so that way they're not caught off with that and be more prepared in a more High Leverage situation down the road for that type of thing the other aspect is that second touchdown that Sam Houston was able to get as well where they were able get that 22 yard pass late in the game it may be a garbage time touchdown but I think it's one of those types of things where you want to make sure you have your play your players on top of things late in the game to avoid something like that going forward so I think this is going to be a very good learning experience for for the entire defensive back room but at the same time they also came away with two ceptions which is the next thing I I think we definitely should talk about because Jeff Sharon talked about it on the night sh podast the importance asse that's why he's watching the night shift live here he wants us to talk about turnovers yeah absolutely listen MC McDonald with his first turnover as a KN getting the interception and and then Sheldon with the second one uh on the evening you know again transfers making the difference on the defense you know we we hype that up but really are we surprised with the way that Malon revamped this defense the way that he did the way you could argue he attempted to last year except this group's making plays and then the main stains of of the line there uh in the middle I know allegedly that Ricky Barber and um Lee Hunter were supposed to just evaporate into thin air with Johnny Walker being injured clearly not the case by the way Matt Alexander doing some of his own work handling business to keep the rotation alive and keep things moving so the big guys don't get tired tired clearly a dominant performance uh overall um I I don't know what production work Bryson is doing but I'm not sure I'm supposed to see that and with all that in mind listen the only way the only limitation the only what's his word I don't even call it criticism the only way you can bring down defense in this game is the caliber of the opponent right we you know surely if Eric Lopez were here he'd be pounding the table but it's practically an FCS school yeah great but again in a world where we're dealing with you know having upwards of 40 transfers on a squad and guys are getting used to things you got a transfer quarterback who's in a new scheme who now Gus under you all understand what Gus meant when they said it's his first rodeo they didn't mean throwing the ball they meant in this scheme not to throw any shade in anybody in particular certainly not trying to keep anybody from being under the sun and talk about that no get it right um but yeah you could clearly see the difference as everybody seem to be getting used to things here in this scheme and the first road game is really the only part that we don't know the answer to I know there's a lot of bad juju associated with Gus and road games but also I think this could be the first time in a while his uh starting quarterback is well let's call it fully healthy though he did have some ice on his hand after the game that was on his non-throwing hand I think the big guy will be fine and it could be the healthiest the starter has been in sometime in a big 12 game on the road for you so yeah inde Mt you know Mt MC Williams talked about this defense as being a kind of feisty type of type of defense and getting those turn being corns Jeff sh GNA give me some apples and do so we can make some turnovers right there we we'll talk some Jeff no longer allowed to criticize my dad humor well we get ready for some more humor Kyle because you talked about FCS while Matt Jay is T tisking at you because they apparently Sam Houston drop state from their name when they transition to FBS which I said what I said Matt J that's the joke well join perz is defending you a little bit saying ti ti Sam Houston their own official website is confused so join I think Jordan Perez is defending you on this well hey that's that's that's fair too but again me purely doing comedy uh and Eric Lopez style of questioning and and acknowledging that this is not a power conference Cham Matt Jay responding L dudes I'm trying to sure the funds are limited that's great um one other comment from Matt Jay that I didn't get a chance to get to yet that I do think we need to talk about when we Xavier towns in she he Matt J said Xavier is such a so we so happy we got him just hope he doesn't get overly exposed doing returns receiver number two needs to say healthy we haven't really talked about Xavier doing returns tonight and I think the reason why we didn't is because I think he basically did pretty much the same thing he did last time where I think he was very impressive in the return game but Matt J does Pro provide a valid point you know with receiver number two putting himself In Harm's Way on in the return game as much as he had as he is it's a bit of a one a thing to wonder you know is there somebody else that might be able to kind of help him and take the load off of his shoulders kind of like how Evan Morris is taking some load off of Colton Boomer as as far as kicking goes yeah no I think listen we talked about that mon Monday on the night Shi podcast Bing and and listen Matt's Matt's good to be concerned I can remember back to 2017 2018 similar concerns made of uh of the late Otis Anderson uh at the time and listen frankly this is what happens when you have a Swiss army knife they get exposed in many ways but I think um X is kind of a a situational player in the way uh um Gus is running it he doesn't have him out there necessarily every down though it does kind of shape up that it looks like he's going to be you know the number two receiver so far we haven't seen Trent Whitmore for example in a bit although I would also give credit to Randy Pitman and his presence is a tight end certainly big shoes to fill uh behind Alec holler from you know uh his his time here of course but he's coming into his own as a freshman he's doing that whole thing and or he's not a freshman anymore I should say he's not a first year player anymore and it's starting to show a lot of quality blocks I know he doesn't have receiving numbers off the charts uh but you know in this offense I think getting KJ out of oh and it looks like we might have lost C for a second there here we go all right K we have you back that's really the key do his role is to kind of help KJ get out of trouble yeah absolutely and great of you to mention Randy Pitman on that one getting two catches for thir for 32 yards I think because of how the passing attack has kind of been not in the spotlight that much over these these first two games it's rainy Pitman I feel like might actually go into conference play a little bit underestimated potentially but from what we've seen in these two games he has really showcased the type of rece receiving threat that he can be because I would argue that after Kobe Kobe Hudson and he's right with Xavier Townsen as kind of the number maybe the number two receiving option for KJ Jefferson Jefferson at least from that's what it's looked like to me yeah no it KJS acknowledg as much um he certainly did after the game tonight talking about uh you know in passing ry's role in the offense and that's what we saw so and let's and now let's also bring up here you know funny thing I remember in the press conference because I want to make sure that that the the viewing public gets a chance to treat to hear this as well because it was a joy to hear this and we were in the press conference so KJ was asked about the inh helment Communications and how that's been going on in the next now in this first two games and he apparently told us that Gus can actually get pretty loud when he's when he when he's in his in his mic there yeah know KJ was asked what the adjustment was like with the ingame communication between game one and 10 game two and he said there wasn't a whole lot of difference but coach needs to get the mic further from his mouth he get pretty loud pretty excited on some place certainly one of the more funny moments and hey further proof that um KJ had more confidence uh about him going into this game he had mentioned he had even taken a little dig about Kobe maybe having more yards if he didn't get that face mask and passing and you know he mentioned part of his journey in having what coach said was his best week of practice yet as a night he had mentioned during the week that the key was finding his focus and and getting his confidence back letting the game come to him he even mentioned you know he had talked to us about it in the offseason uh in an interview I had with him that you could find on the black and gold Panner at YouTube channel Bing um mentioned how big his mom is in in in in his life and how much they communicate and throughout this week his mother had actually he had mentioned some undisclosed gifts that his mother had sent him to help him raise his confidence and you know help KJ remind KJ of the player he could be oh yeah KJ this is probably the most relaxed KJ I've ever seen him be I I I think the difference between I think even our RJ mentioned it is that KJ was a lot more of a confident guy this time around this time around and it really translated in into into his play for any anybody that had I know we kind of mentioned it earlier with the comment but anyone that was having doubts about KJ after last week's game needs to apologize to him in writing right right now like this college football fans look I'm it's not College fans are notoriously F this much we know but I mean this was one that was one game and so now to have that this game that K that KJ's had just now I think really proves to everybody like you know don't like nothing to see here don't worry everything's fine and and I think that this is the type of game you really want to have as you go into now a road matchup into to open conference play against TCU and th this is where Now you kind of start to think about like okay this is where maybe the possibility of losing could come into come into play because of course UCF had some issues on the road last year but there's a lot of transfers this year there's a lot a lot of new voices a lot of new maybe road trip routines that potentially this team could learn from could could learn from we talked about it with the play with the players in the press conference KJ talked about it as well what was the biggest thing that the biggest thing that stuck out to you Kyle when everyone was kind of talking about you know going on the road for the first time yeah no I I mean listen we we kind of uh talked in regard to uh going on the road and and dealing with that I I I suppose listen first of all let's get the obvious out of the way coach said it you know going into last week any team is vulnerable I'd be crazy to not bring up some of the stuff that happened throughout college football that could have been large emergencies you know everywhere uh um you know I I'll put it this way I don't want to get in any fights from anybody who's Irish here but that was obviously a surprise result on the day and you know that sort of thing was certainly avoided here emphatically but listen we're talking about testing now and we've seen KJ come out right which granted I don't think we see a world where we would want KJ Jefferson to throw the ball that much because that means they're stopping the run and the offense is already one-dimensional I doubt we would want to see that anyway we would want we wouldn't want to see that from any Gus M on off offense even if there's a quarterback like alleged Heisman candidate Dylan Gabriel right but what I think now is where I'm going to start looking for improvement is with some of the mental stuff with the offensive line right there's two weeks of film where you could see instances where old lineen were confused and either um jumped off sides we had a delay of game somewhere in there and of course then a hold on the center just means he got beat in the middle that's something you you would imagine that kitler is going to get uh challenged early by a big 12 front you know I granted I haven't done my scouting yet on TCU I don't know what they have at the defensive tackle spot but oh and I do believe we lost Kyle there for a sec a second technical difficulties being what they were I went ahead and brought up the um the penalties that Kyle was kind of talking about there to kind of show you guys what we kind of were seeing and most of these were in the early game by the way they had that hold and most of these were on that first drive you had that holding Kyle talks about the false start delay of game we have Kyle back now Kyle I went ahead and brought up the list of penalties for you so you can kind of explain to the people what you were talking about there um I yeah it's it's just a matter of trying to make sure the offensive line reduces mental errors it comes out stronger frankly obviously setting the tone in a football game early you have a better chance to compete obvious you know duh you know coming out and having early mental errors obviously KJ had it in week one the o line did it this time of week two with a back-to- pack penalty situation and and Kyle and diffic they were here we gole back there you go Kyle officials at time will will you know certainly make up Phantom calls welcome to college football you got to be able to play through that you can't more by shooting yourself in the foot with mental errors oh yes absolutely and credit to UCF most of these penalties came on that very first drive they seem to have they seem to kind of buckle down on that and fix that issue mid game that being said you obviously want to make sure that doesn't happen at all going forward or at least minimize it enough minimize it enough but credit to KJ Jefferson for getting them out of that situation and I mean it was considering they were like first in 20 something at that point so the fact that KJ was still able to lead them to that to the promised land with RJ Harvey carrying it into the The End Zone I think I would actually argue that might have been like the best the biggest Drive of the Season up to this point as young as it is I think that I think because obviously it's gonna it obviously one could surpass it later but I think from two games I think that first Drive might actually have been the biggest Drive of the season because this team was faced with some for a form of adversity of its own making because of the penalties and KJ was able to confidently get the ball forward and get them to and and manage to get them out of that situation and manag to get points out of it yeah I mean at the very least um the the ability for KJ to land the plane on the third and nine obviously you know some of the Yards were gotten back by other plays um but the stops were made still facing a third and long KJ delivering and that that was everything and I could I could see the argument where the defense was forced on its heels that created the opportunity for RJ Harvey to do RJ Harvey things in cap the drive I love that we're now using RJ Harvey doing RJ Harvey things now I mean I mean how do you not at this point though Bryson like at this point he's he's a senior he's he's on his way to Breaking history has broken history already in the form of tying the a Alex with the and is there Kyle and he pop back up again there you go oh no and here we are again uh we have Jeff Sharon chiming in UCF had 105 yards of offense on on that first drive there there we go we back yeah adding that with with all the the loss yardage and getting all that back their status Jeff in the building again yes AB absolutely so yeah RJ be RJ really showcased what he he's capable of and honestly and you talked about we talked about this and I think you're going to talk about this in your night class that's going to come out about this game which you can find the black and gold banner I say you can't ask for a bing before dropping the website links are a didn't happen Bryson come on very true very true but we were talking about this in the booth and now that RJ is already at six touchdowns on the season going into two games he was already in the top 10 in program his in program history coming into this one and so now we're looking into a situation of hey where could he eventually get to and if he ends up matching his season total from last year which is 16 he's going to be up in the neighborhood with the likes of Willie English and latavius Murray in the top three in program history in in rushing touchdowns with a majority of them coming in in first two seasons so considering what we've seen out of RJ RJ Harvey now at this point like how like I I think someone was talking about like Heisman but like you said he it would be good that he got votes yeah listen this Heisman RJ for Heisman thing's adorable it really is but they don't give them to people who aren't quarterbacks this isn't the episode for me to bring up and Domin Su being the biggest rip for Heisman in my entire life with punch LS this Bryon Turner I think the element of the starting quarterback staying healthier will get RJ Harvey more touchdowns what do I mean I mean if you can't stuff the Box because you're worried about Kobe beating you over the top suddenly a an unold box is gonna have a better chance to stop RJ Harvey me thinks not so with KJ Jefferson in there being more sturdy and even able to throw blocks on his own as we saw tonight I I I mean this is an opportunity for a truly balanced offense to keep RJ Harvey the touchdown the machine that he's become again not here to say he's going to beat Kevin Smith he can't there's always been a committee system there's been too many Mals to feed um in here you know sharing the ball with the likes of Isaiah Bowser uh from the past and um Johnny Richardson and of course this year miles Montgomery Penny Boone there's no way he's going to get enough touchdowns to be first but he's going to make a heck of a campaign for possibly second and I'll talk more about that in the night class on Black and Gold Les we forget that Willie English share who second place in berham history shared a backfield for the first half of his career with Mark gone who is also up in the top 10 in rushing touchdowns in Pro in program history kind of give you an idea of what we're looking at here Matt Jay timing in TCU Colorado UF all looking very beatable feeling better after this weekend Kyle you talked about the balance offense like this I I I don't know if maybe we should be getting two ahead of ourselves right now but what what what are you thinking now as we kind of go go for it now into Big 12 play I mean how can I disagree with him I thought all three of those teams looked beatable going into the season and actually keeping mik calm as somebody who's not a fanatic just an analyst why would I be surprised by this take we we appreciate your Republic apology Matt Jay and uh I agree with you man listen I know that Eric Lopez has gone on record on this show last week saying he expected this to be an eight- win team I will talk more about that on Monday on the night shift podcast well when we record Monday it'll probably drop Tuesday obviously no yes absolutely of course so of course so I think H honestly it's kind of funny because we were thinking about things to talk about but I think looking at this I mean if anything I feel like this game was almost like if a therapy session was a football game I feel like this would be it from a fan stand because we because we were coming out of that new hampster game just all in all in knots in our heads about oh no what happened to the offense even though literally everything else was going completely okay it's like this it's like UCF was triggered into having an anxiety attack when in the was everywhere Bryson no matter where you looked people are try you're nitpicking coach melon's comments talking about first rodeo people are going around everywhere and panicking on this and other show out there yes I'm firing shots at Eric Lopez but that's okay I love him you know it just it was so nutty no I I made jokes but to Eric's credit he also acknowledged that the opportunity to improve was there and we did see that obviously when I say balanced offense I don't mean in 70 snaps it's 35 and 35 I mean KJ hitting that big home run ball every now and again like he did twice again not accounting for the Phantom face mask that was bizarre according to experts smarter than me namely coach Malon right uh I I think there's enough there to let people think about it and who knows listen I think the the part that we need to bo be most worry of wary of might be for example in Colorado looking a couple games uh ahead to the 28th the next UCF home game we'll be doing the night ship live podcast from the bounce house don't worry we'll have something next week before you after TC you don't get it twisted but it would be interesting to see coach PR come out with Travis Hunter battling with Kobe Hudson all game and then letting somebody else shine like Xavier towns in or Randy Pitman to make a difference there and truly show what a balanced offense could look like Bryson Turner absolutely Jordan perz says I thought the face mask penalty looked legitimate on TV did I imagine that maybe you did I I like I said earlier I I didn't have the best angle in the Press Box but again it was certainly a bizarre occurrence to have receiver called for a face mask it's just such an odd thing that's more what I comment on rather than the lack of prowess and the official though trying to convince me that KJ's arm wasn't moving forward on that alleged fumble would be a harder pill yeah the the referee was really was actually quite interesting today that's was quite funny we literally heard the false start everyone but the Snapper twice which not officiating that's mistakes well yes well yes but I'm saying that you know the referee still has the penalty Kyle and so and as far as the face mask goes for my view I was sitting right next to you I honestly thought that Kobe Hudson was going to get called for a pass interference and not a face mask and so that's kind of where the question marks kind of were coming out of my head for there was that there was there was the DPI that was called on the defense right before the um the Sheldon interception where the Sam Houston receiver had both his hands buried in the defender's chest and UCF got called for the y i again didn't see all that granted the advantage that some of you out there might have on TV is you might get some better angles that I don't from the pest box so if I am if I am mistaken feel free to point it out in the comments I am but a mere student of the game oh absolutely absolutely and so I think this is a great way because I know we talk about Kyle in postgame how you know we kind of provide a therapy session for UCF fans in these post game kind of live streams but I almost kind of feel like UCF did that but the UCF football team almost did it for us tonight with their with their performance on the field well that's why you hear elements of management expectation sprinkled into into my reaction here Bryon Turner right the whole hey a balanced offense means this you know listen KJ Jefferson may not make 10,000 for his career yes I get it that there was 8,000 before but I hope that UCF isn't behind in games constantly like Arkansas was to where they have to throw it that desperately to where he breaks 10,000 yards here as a night an a perfect world I would love to see RJ Harvey get enough touchdowns to pass wiie English let's say before the space game battling Arizona that soon and you know put up a situation where KJ Jefferson didn't have to throw the ball a lot I I don't think that's gonna happen but you know that's the wish of thinking we're looking for here Bryon turner oh absolutely I think it's like it's it's it's interesting how we kind of match things up with expectations but then we kind of realize you kind of flip them on its head it's not it's it's more like we brought KJ in because he can do this but it doesn't mean he has to do it right well yeah he's not gonna be asked to do it is the point right no yeah absolutely Matt Jay also saying that was talking about there that was clearly supposed this is about the forward the backwards pass called a fumble that was clearly supposed to be a forward pass his arm was moving forward and it got deflected when his arm got hit maybe some We Rule I'm not aware of that made that a lateral I thought that it was maybe this is the NFL I'm thinking about here but like when I saw his arm moving forward and so I thought when that happens what he's describing in the play is what happened but he's not acknowledging for the forward movement of the arm for it to actually be a pass now again maybe there was a better angle that showed a lack of forward movement from what I saw in the booth that's what I saw yeah it was yeah exactly it was a very weird a very weird day from an official standpoint but I would say other than that other other than that you know this UCF team was able to in particular KJ Jefferson was able to answer or at least address fan doubts as UNC as that may have been uh after the New Hampshire game and has now I think shown itself a team that is capable of w of winning the potentially beatable games that they are going to have in their upcoming slate as they go up against TCU on the on the road for the first road match and that's going to be their next task that they're going to have to do on the road with coming to town which make no mistake you look at them and they're losing to Nebraska sure but don't underestimate people a team that has an athlete like Travis hunter or shadur Sanders on the on on their team and then but Bryson Turner I'm going to underestimate them because they play right into UCF strength playing hardnose football when those guys are on the field they can't they they can hurt you when they're not on the field they can't and this UCF Run game will certainly keep you to ERS off the field and keep trais Hunter only on defense exactly and oh no we're getting the expectations again undefeated no just kidding lonely Bumble we going national champs M yeah no like let's not let's not swing the pendulum the other way again where we're going the sky is falling and then win champion champion not like that's what college football fans do all the time anyway so yeah so yeah we're we've gone on for about 40 minutes Kyle what anything that we haven't mentioned yet that you want to address or what's your bottom line that you get from tonight's game I talked about how UCF football kind of gave us the fans a therapy session whether they needed it or not howy what were your obviously needed it Bry and Turner fans media and everybody alike that wasn't the calm and cool and collected response that you got from certain students of the game said he so very modestly no uh listen obviously uh the Outlook you were hoping for from KJ Jefferson uh maybe you weren't necessarily happy with the performance of the team as a whole coming out flat but certainly in even a rainy game seeing the ball delivered on time and on target minimal drops overall by the receivers uh you got to like all of that the ball not left on the ground by any running backs you certainly have to love that and list let's call All the Above what it is this was what you hope to see in what is essentially a college pre-season game and the real test comes on the road next week and you'll read about all of that in night class on Black Gold which will be up very shortly here as I as I finish it shortly after this but uh looking forward to all of it and to give it to you uh next week uh on the night shift live so the knights will be back in Action next week on the road for the first time 7:30 pm. Eastern on Saturday on Fox so we're going to be on national TV for this Kyle yeah that's what I'm seeing on that's what I'm seeing on the UCF on the UCF schedule at the moment 7:30 pm on Fox against TCU on the road for the first time this season so here we go the preparations for the preseason leads you to this moment right here and and it feels weird to start conference play this ear this early in the season I don't I feel like UCF hasn't had their their their their third game of the season be a conference game in a little bit at least as far as I as I remember well obviously they they didn't last year but Hey listen this is they're doing this here they got a second by week later in the year I think there's plenty of value in that a little bit better to play the conference early if you can get a second bye out of it in my opinion certainly with some of the injury history that coach maon had to deal with oh yes a oh yes Absolut absolutely well we'll give them the time to prepare for that and give you UCF fans of course time to prepare for that as they address concerns from the post preseason and now they are ready to go on the road to TCU but tonight they take care of Sam Houston 45 to 14 Kyle thank you so much for like dealing with the technical issues being down down down there tonight where could where can the people find you on social media of course you could find me on Instagram threads and Twitter at theg find me on Facebook as the student of the game check out my writings with the black and gold and also hey tomorrow I'll be riding some Jaguars Gabe Davis making his Duvall debut and I don't think John rice plumbley suited up yet but that should be interesting if he comes to return kicks down the road for uh the Duvall devout that should be fun too but check out that work I do on the Duvall live live for the instant reaction after that game and also for fans for Sports Network and uh Bryson Turner an honor joy and privilege to you out there the UC F the night nation and honor joy and privilege until next time everyone class dismissed man yeah I mean JRP you know coming out there and if he was out here in the field but yeah you can find me at it's Bryon Turner on X thank you so much to Jeff you can find him on threads Eric Lopez at Eric Lopez ELO and also thank you to Brena Johnson for giv for giving us some amazing photos from this game tonight thank you all so much for joining me and Kyle tonight from FBC Mortgage Stadium I am Bryson Turner thank you so much for joining us have a good night get and let's get ready we start Big 12 play next next week 4514 UCF beat Sam Houston State good night and charge on

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