#199 | 2024 Election Results in Delaware County in Question | The Political Spotlight

[Music] ah I don't have to tell you things are bad everybody knows things are bad [Music] everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job the dollar buys a nickels word banks are going bus shopkeepers keep a gun under the cter punks are running wild in the street and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do and there's no end to [Music] it the air is unfit to breathe and our food is UN fit to eat we sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had 15 homicides and 63 violent crimes as if that's the way it's supposed to be we know things are bad worse than bad it's like everything everywhere is going crazy so we don't go out [Music] anymore we sit in the house and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller and all we say is please at least leave us alone in our living rooms let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel belted radials and I won't say anything just leave us alone well I'm not going to leave you alone I want you to get mad I don't want you to protest I don't want you to ride I don't want you to write to your Congressman because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street all I know is that first you've got to get mad you've got to say I'm a human being God damn it my life has value so I want you to get up now I want all of you to get up out of your chairs I want you to get up right now and go to the window open it and stick your head out and yell I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore T hello there ladies and gentlemen I hope you're all doing well welcome this is the political Spotlight the 199th episode I didn't know I was going to do a show until literally 10 minutes ago I was uh on the phone with my grandparents and they were like hey what what's the number of the show you're doing tonight and I had almost I was like in the middle of having a note typed up to Kate to say hey no show she had already asked me she' already asked me about uh what show we were going to do and I was almost said D no show tonight it's been a long day for the last three days so we'll just uh come back fresh tomorrow but then in talking to my grandparents and realizing man Nothing Stops just because yesterday was a long day I was like to hell with it let's do a show I need to do episode 199 because I have some things to say we've got some things that we need to do looking ahead and uh nobody cares that the election happened yesterday nobody cares that people won nobody cares that people lost uh life just goes on so here we are ladies and gentlemen welcome I am course am your host Christopher H bilbury Kate is doing what she does making things sure things run smoothly we want to thank you for tuning in and talking to us we very much appreciate that please if you can hit the like button if you're so inclined hit the like button let us know you were here that kind of pushes us forward in the algorithms also if you are not subscribed please do so it doesn't cost you anything it helps us out if you subscribe you can click the Bell that way you get notified when we go live like yesterday a bunch of people didn't know and that's one of the things that we're going to be talking about is what happened yesterday at 721 something happened at 7:21 p.m. here where a bunch of you were watching that didn't happen any place else so it's important if you're not subscribed to get subscribed and hit the bell and if you know people that aren't watching this program you need to share the program with them and we're going to talk about that it's very important if you're here live please comment comment over there if you're watching on repeat comment down below uh whatever you feel like doing if not that's fine watching the show sharing the show that's what matters and we want to thank you for anything that you do okay folks so we've got a couple of things that I want to talk talk about a couple of things that you need to know about yeah I see someone ask about my thoughts on Julie Maguire I'm going to tell you about those thoughts on Julie Maguire if a couple of you may not know who Julie Maguire is we're going to talk about that uh you might want to find out who she is so we're going to talk a little bit about that we're going to talk about a couple different things we're going to talk about what goes on tomorrow in the uh Delaware County Redevelopment commission meeting we have a lot to talk talk about as far as that but before we get there I am going to spend just a little bit of time and people might be like hey wait a minute you know what uh why are you spending time doing this nobody cares about this this is important I'm going to spend a little bit of time uh patting uh ourselves ourselves on the back uh y yes uh if you were here yesterday if you watched if you were a part of last night's live results show then ladies and gentlemen as far as Delaware County goes and I'm working on every place else Madison County was a a a pretty quick um turnaround as well but definitely Delaware County if you started watching and at one point at about 7:25 there were uh up to 90 of you that were watching live and if you were in fact one of those people here watching the program you were made aware of the Delaware County election results or the results as it stood with 26 out of 78 precincts in ahead of anybody else before literally anybody else and then when Rick brought the last election results around to me at like 758 and we read off those results from Delaware County if you were here and you were watching it you were the first people to hear that and you know people might be like well wait a minute why you know why why does that matter what what what does that uh you know what's that got to do with anything and and in the long run maybe it doesn't maybe maybe it doesn't matter maybe it doesn't care you don't care if uh if you find out what's going on until the next day some people don't care some you know to some people don't matter I just want to say I mean really listen to this folks this is very important it is to me I'm gonna say this again some of you are probably sick of hearing it but I feel like it's important I'm gonna say this again the political Spotlight we hear our political commentary we are not journalists we do not claim to be journalists we do not pretend to be journalist we do not try to be journalist I personally speaking for myself I'm an opinion guy I'm a political junkie I Kate is into research likes doing those things Kate cares about what's going on Kate follows what's going on in in her home Community she follows obviously what goes on in Muny I mean she know knows more about what's going on in Muny probably than any other person maybe than Alva maybe Alva knows more than her um but uh you know I i' put her up there next to Jackie fiser and Jackie fiser is a citizen here you know Kate but but Kate also knows what's going on in Madison County and Henry County and Indianapolis and a lot of other stuff Kate follows what goes on Brandon follows Brandon's a big research guy and uh we are all even though we are all different people and do things differently and say things differently uh and are interested in different things we are all political junkies the three of us we all have different aspects of things that we like and parts of parts of the political debate and the Pol political spectrum and although we are very similar in our beliefs and are all basically on the same side of things we all vary we we're not identical in our political beliefs we don't just stack right on top of each other where we swing you know more left or right than one of each other or whatever uh but we all care about it we all care about political going on and the governmental goings on from local aspect of things to the state aspect of things and national uh it's all important and we all follow various aspects of all of it but the political Spotlight here here the YouTube page the YouTube channel uh youtube.com at SL symbol at the the political Spotlight we we are a platform that gives political commentary and it's a lot of political commentary we do five nights of shows a week sometimes six sometimes seven and uh you know that's that's big and we we cover it from our perspective we will listen to your perspective we can agree we can disagree but it doesn't matter if you hate us or if you uh agree with us haters view our our supporters view I mean look Mike Jones hates me more than anybody else I I'm probably one of his top hated people even that dumbass Tunes in and watches enough to comment enough to know what goes on I love it I love it when people that hate us watch but I think it is really really big that we cover the things that we cover because it's not getting covered in the Star Press it's not getting covered on wlbc it's not getting covered on WM n it's it's not getting covered on wi IBC the biggest conservative talk station in Indiana in the times when things in Muny and Randolph County and Henry County and Madison County are getting covered by Tony cats or kindall and Casey or or most of them it's because I'm on the program doing it I'm sitting in studio in Indianapolis telling what's going on here I am happy and I am proud to say that the political Spotlight was the first platform we were the First Source the first entity the First Media organization I don't call ourselves journalists some people still do I I will never use that term I will say that we might fall under the bigger umbrella of media of press in a way but I don't look at ourselves as journalists I don't even say investigative journalist but some people might and that's I won't begrudge that I just I I disagree but we were the first entity okay that were able to bring in real time the results of last night's Delaware County election I'm sure that there were other places uh in mad County that might have published the results before we we did but we broadcast those results to a large platform of people quicker than a lot of other places did um Henry County it took forever for their results to come in and I know that the Courier Times had their topics th uh their topics on the election they had them ready to go and they had the pictures as soon as they came out they published probably about 10 minutes before we did but how many people were clicking on The Courier Times website I would say if you look we announced to a larger audience than they did at that time and I'm happy and I'm proud I'm proud of that yeah stupid podcaster stupid bilbury POS Caster love it all the names dumbass wrong uh Kiss of Death T her dude I I I love every bit of that I am I if if we are defined by our haters I that makes me proud I love it I think it's fantastic if I agree with everything said here I've disengaged my brain I tune in for info yeah I appreciate that Charles good info happens here I appreciate that stupid podcast yeah I agree I agree with all of that um I think that's all fantastic and and look I it's a pat on the back to us but it's it's a pat on the back to you guys I appreciate it it's because you guys watch it's because there's those of you that spread the word and pass the information out and that you guys engage and so I appreciate that when Delaware County government's own website was down listen listen to what I'm telling you Delaware County's own website was down that's really really crazy they were getting the information out by text and and back and forth we had the we had the papers in hand that were printed off by the clerk's office and we had that information and we were able to broadcast that Delaware County's own website was down when that happens it leaves the city's uh channel 60 down when when the when the channel 60 runs off of the Delaware County website for election results when that happens Delaware County's down means the city of Muny channel 60 is down but guess what it also leaves the Star Press online edition out of luck it also leaves wlbc out of luck the only other organization that was there getting real time results with with me was I believe the Daily Mail the daily new the daily uh news The Daily Mail that's a London broad bro uh P publication I don't think the Daily Mail was there let me uh rephrase that the Daily News that's the Ball State newspaper I believe that was who was there and and it was funny because she was the the chick next to me that kept asking for help she's a real journalist hell I'm not the journalist so I'm proud of that I'm proud of Kate I'm proud of us I I'm proud of of Brandon I'm proud of you guys and I'm thankful for you guys so I just wanted to say that and that's that is the main reason I was like yeah hell I'm going to go on there just just long enough to praise ourselves to Pat ourselves on the back go team we kick ass um it is very peculiar that um it is uh it is very interesting very peculiar that they had so much trouble last night Delaware County it seems like it only happens in the county ran elections they didn't have problems like that last year in the city election they came out easy but they had problems last night they had problems two years ago very interesting very very very interesting um Brandon is doing good down there uh yeah listen hello Brenda our great election cycle only turned out one good candidate for a win in the primary while putting in Democrat po Democrats posing as Republicans it's a total disgrace yeah listen and and I'm going there's going to be time I'm still in the midst uh today I just took some time off this morning there's going to be time where I'm going to really break down what happened and go over all of that um you know last night's um election was um personal wins for people I mean listen I mean I'm I'm just going to be really honest I think last night's uh a really big win obviously for for uh Stephen brand but we all knew that going into it we knew I knew he was going to win on January 15 I knew he was going to win and February I knew he was going to win in March let me tell you what last night's Big Win was last night's Big Win was David Williams coming up ahead of Ed Carroll David Williams is obviously on here uh he's watching he he ran for County Council and I I've heard I've heard tell that uh Mr uh Williams was very excited last night when he won that there were people there that would have thought that he had just won the mayor's race it's very big what he what he won and some people will be like well that's not a big that's not a big uh position but but it is it is a now David will have a voice in caucusing in folks he will have a voice in uh voting for the party chair there's things that David needs to know and David needs to learn he is learning I I applaud him for getting involved there are things that he has said or or done that I would say I didn't necessarily agree with or or that he would probably say he disagree with things that I say that happens he's learning and I love it that's where we need we need people getting involved and and learning do I think he would have been the best selection for County Council I don't know um I I I don't I don't know uh I think that he's a excellent selection for a Precinct committee person I think putting your name out there I I honor Anyone who puts their name on the ballot and runs and you know anybody anybody can learn anybody can win and learn and go through the process so he is uh just like any body else he has the same right and same ability to do it and uh I really take my hat off to him and and uh give him a shout out for for what he managed to pull off and uh I hope he sticks with it and continues right along I love it I love it I love it I love it I think it's uh I think it's fantastic um uh I think I mean you know we need more people like this we need people like Frank we need people like David we need people we need people like normal human beings to get involved and be a part of things uh on both sides listen I absolutely absolutely think and uh uh agree that with a statement that was made last night that the Democrats need to get some things together and they need to start putting candidates on the ballot we need to start having a good selection of Republicans and a good selection of Democrats so that both sides can be proud to come out and vote and get involved and run down and pick for the people they want to run the only way that this works is if we all have a choice we need a freaking Choice yeah I know who Lisa is um Russ Willis just put someone on the ballot and the person did not even realize what Russ had done that's that does not surprise me one bit that is insane Russ is insane another interesting little tidbit I don't know if you caught this Russ Willis lost his delegate race he okay so Russ lost the delegate race did Russ win or lose the PC race I think he lost it too did he really I think so let me look on the on the step children took 54% of the PC seats in Madison County that is big that is really really really big yeah see that's what needs to happen in Delaware County to me that is the next big thing that happens here we need to get uh PCS normal human beings in the PC chairs uh Jan Janette Jan I I don't know how to say is it Janet or Janet Janet Grand she watch on here quite a bit she won last night um we need we need to get those people to win uh the seats but we need to do a big push where we get a lot of those you know I think this the stepchildren is a good title for anybody running out we need to get those people out running against uh them I think that would be really really big um let me look here did you you sent it to me last night didn't you Madison County thing oh it's right here let me pull this up here and look so we're saying that let me see I hope I think they put that on this too they should have I think they did I'll let you look okay yeah thank you Kate okay so we'll be able to tell it right here yeah okay uh yes so here we're in the Republican side Republican okay we're down for surveyor at large okay here we go we're in the commitmen okay okay let's see all right so I so while Devin Devin noric lost his commissioner race he beat Devon noric beat Evan McMullen uh for Precinct committee person that's big uh Dave Sergeant won his wow Dave Sergeant won that's Big Dave Sergeant won his yeah that's crazy Dave yeah I just saw 81 to 24 that's crazy I love it lapel won two out of the three with stepchildren in the seats wow that's that's big and the one that lost lost by seven votes oh man that that's SU sucks yeah that sucks but two out of three you know two out of three ain't bad that's a majority that's yeah hell yeah absolutely that's that is amazing all right I'm not seeing him yet um did he run for PC I would think that he would I don't see him I just see him in the uh the delegates and he lost where did he run which which delegate seat did he run for State convention delegates for district one I don't see him I don't see him in that run go to the next page he's the last one on the list Russell Willis yeah okay Russell Willis yeah I don't see him guess he didn't run for Russell Willis must not have ran for uh Precinct committee person see I think that's a bunch of crap I don't think that you should be able to be chair unless you're a Precinct committee person I don't think that you should be able to be chair Katherine did he run for PC though he ran for PC we're talking about we're talking about Russell will which didn't he run for PC hi do you know which district I'm not seeing I'm not seeing him on here do you know which district Katherine did he win his PC if he ran too yeah yeah which yeah which district or Precinct sorry okay for State Delegate he ran in District One yes we know that we we've seen that did he run for for Precinct okay for Precinct he's in Union Township all right let me go to that did he win Anderson Anderson Jackson Lafayette Monroe pipe pipe Richland Stony Creek Union I don't see him on here I see Jerry Bilu and Sam Hannah oh no I see Scott green and Engles Scott green and William uh yeah Billy Eng Les Billy Eng Les I know see him on there yeah and he's he did not run for he didn't run for Precinct committee person oh now wouldn't that be nice if that worked if you beat the county chairman in the PC race you win the chair I think that the chair needs to be um anyone but Ed uh no t no no uh no because there's plenty of [ __ ] uh Tony um Skinner I think Skinner needs to be the party chairman I don't think he would do it until he's done being Sheriff but that's in two years and I think that he would I think that he would be that explains why he's not on the list why he's not on the ballot yeah un opposed I mean in the results if you know it's Union One Union three Union five okay two and four weren't listed because they were un opposed okay okay all right well then that's that's shitty because he was UN opposed so okay whatever all right that that makes sense well and we're gonna I'm going to try to schedule a time with uh with Katherine to get her on to just go over uh all of the precinct people and win all that stuff um before before we move on to what's going on tomorrow in the uh in the Delaware County uh Redevelopment thing I want to read something to you all this is this is very interesting this goes to one of the first questions we were asked tonight this is uh written by a man called Don Bates and some of you may know Don some of you might not know Don he's a financial advisor he lives in the Richmond Wayne um Wayne County area uh don Bates was a republican candidate for Indiana State treasure in 2014 um he uh ran uh as a for us house in 2012 uh he's ran for the sixth congressional district uh and uh he's he's ran he's ran and been involved in a lot of political uh aspects uh at the state level and National level for for years uh he uh is um is very well known at the state level and U he is a financial advisor in in Richmond um he uh wrote a really interesting um piece about 10 hours ago and published it on uh Facebook at about 10 o'clock this morning and I'm just going to read it as he as he has it he says wow what do you say about election day I'm not sure I can clearly articulate everything I want to share but I'm going to try number one and this is what he says and I disagree with some of what he says and I agree with other aspects he says I am proud of the two candidates I endorsed this is Don bate speaking Suzanne Crouch worked very hard I'm not a fan of Suzanne Crouch myself so she could have been dead last I would have been fine but he supported her I very proud of Susanne Crouch she got outspent not outworked I don't know how hard she worked because I would never have went anywhere she was at I will tell you she got outspent Mike Braun should not be our governor uh nom nominee I just absolutely hate that uh Mike Mike Brawn is is absolutely horrible uh it's it speaks badly for rainwater going in into the into November because Braun is just goingon to throw money at this and uh it's it's well of course Bates talks about this later on um so reading on uh her strong second place finish is a testimony to who she is she deserves our admiration know I'm proud of Mike Speedy he goes on to say in the past two weeks Jefferson shrie spent $1.1 million in negative ads it's tough to overcome having that much money spent against you it's unfortunate that Mike's team felt the need to attack Jameson but I'm sure they were doing what they felt was best to win unfortunately I think it backfired in the rule six district Mike Speedy is an honorable man and I am sorry for what he experienced personally I know how it feels frankly this is point number two frankly I'm discouraged by what our politics have become and I'm telling you if there is anybody sitting in Indiana that does not agree with Don's statement there you're obviously not involved in politics uh if if you're sitting if you're uh sitting there if you're a chairman of a party and you think that yesterday was good if you're supporting um Sher rigan if you're supporting Brad Bookout if you were against um uh if if you're supporting brand and you're happy with where we are in the state of Indiana in the political sphere something's wrong with you because Don's sentence is right and we all need to be there frankly I am discouraged with what our politics have become plain and simple and then he goes on to talk about Jefferson shrieve and while I feel the same way about Jefferson shrie you could plug a lot of other people into this plain and simple Jefferson shrie bought the nomination there are a lot of people that did that yesterday by his own admission as an indie mayoral candidate he shares none of our values and doesn't support our Presidential nominee I could care less about that he clearly has work to to do to prove he will represent more than Perry Township I am beginning to worry that our elections mirror the cast system in India that is a statement that I take out of this that I think is very interesting I am beginning to worry that our elections mirror the cast system in India the ruling class being able to buy elections does not bode well for us as a nation it does not it it absolutely does not having said that uh had the field been narrowed as strongly as I urge it to be Jefferson would never have won period okay then he goes on point three the tea party needs to take a good strong look at their influence or lack thereof this morning a former Attorney General who was the choice of many of them came in dead last that's Curtis Hill Curtis Hill used to be the absolute Bell of the ball he used to be the the person that everybody loved well then it came out that he was a a touchy touch and he was kind of a weirdo and that turns a lot of people off and uh so you know they got to look into that okay but the Tea Party wanted him and they pushed hard for him and look where that got him it got him dead last maybe their involvement got him dead last maybe the fact that he can't keep his hands to himself got him dead last I you know it's probably a mixture of both Don goes on to say I'm clearly old enough to remember when the tea party was so strong in influence that they cleared the field for one candidate to unseat a 36-year incumbent and uh yeah that's true the Tea Party at one time was very uh influential it came in after uh all of uh everything that was experienced through uh 911 and everything and that's back when there was a lot of um in a lot of people that were coming together Kumbaya you know America is great we're not in the same place today that we were then fored or Worse um I tend to think for worse but the tea party does not hold the influence that it once did and I I I I'm not saying that I'm not happy about that I'm not sad about that it just is what it is the whole idea of party is trash in my opinion that's me speaking not Don going on Don says the real winners yesterday were consultants and that's true yesterday's Republican primary was without question the most expensive in Hooser history I'm reading this entire thing for that line right there the real winners yesterday were Consultants yesterday's Republican primary was without question the most expensive in whoer history I begged candidates to spend their money wisely and not to allow themselves to be suckered into the you can win this thing sales pitch this morning most of those Consultants have sent their thank you notes to their clients and are now looking at the next races in two years from now it is certainly not a good feeling to be on the losing end of that relationship there are many lessons to be learned about about the way forward hopefully after after the emotions of disappointment dissipate we can have a good discussion about what went wrong last night I hope I can be part of that conversation candidates please know the sun will shine again I promise love you all uh don Bates Jr okay and that's a that's a a pretty interesting um uh post uh and then a local uh Politico uh someone that's been around in the circles around here for long time uh Dan McDonald Had commented in his comment and said you're are correct how many low information voters do we have a woman who passed away won the Indiana 7th congressional district Republican primary all right think about that in your head okay let's not say it nice a dead woman won yesterday's seventh congressional district primary now I don't care who you are it could have been 15 dead people with 30 living people they will not beat Carson Andre Carson who is the uh is the Democrat incumbent in that seat uh and it's because it's so gerrymandered it has been gerrymandered in such a way that no one is going to beat him that's just the way that it is it will not there's there's no other way that there's no other way it's just that's just the way that it is no one will beat him and that is a hor deal he is not a I I am not a fan of him um I I am not a big fan of Andre Carson uh and I we will be better off as a state when he is not in office but the fact that the Republicans let me tell you who the republ an had they had a couple several candidates they had a candidate who has falsely accused people of wild wild made wild accusations tied up the court system uh his name is Gabe Whitley Whitley gab Whitley whatever he is from Evansville and he is running in a congressional race in Indianapolis if that's not at first a problem if you don't think that that's a problem okay uh it is it absolutely is um but it's a problem everywhere you should just like anything else you should not be able to live in Muny and run for a congressional race in the region up by Valpo you should not be able to live in Evansville and run for a congressional race in Indianapolis that's just insane just absolutely insane um and yes uh chares you're right the Jerry mandering that we are currently dealing with now listen both parties do it but the current Jerry mandering that is a problem has been done by the the super duper duper majority in Indiana which is the Republican party and they knew I mean unless they really just went crazy there was no way to get out of out of that so I think what they just ended up doing was they just basically said okay Indi Indianapolis will be just the congressional district boom and that's just the Indiana's seventh congressional district I don't know if if all of you know what that what what it looks like let me pull it up on a map here let me show you what what it looks like on a map it's it's really quite ridiculous um I've got it I've got it here I'm just trying to share it okay here we go uh so you know it's it's going to be what it's going to be uh just just because of of what it is it's not even all of Indianapolis that's the thing uh six goes into the bottom half uh which is it's it's comical look here this is uh see if I can get it bigger okay yeah right there so that shows you uh just the basically the top the top three uh the top twoth thirds of Indianapolis of Maran county is uh is essentially the Seventh District and it's a lot of um Urban uh City it's a lot of uh close uh it's it's City Life it's City it's the houses right on top of each other and and uh whatnot so it's just it's very you know City inner city uh cities large cities are um that's the reason that they are drawn up like that if you look everywhere else they're gerrymandered in a way the Democrats when they're in control they gerrymander them that way to make sure that they're in control of those and the Republicans do what they do you know it is they they know what they're doing when they do it it's ridiculous it's it's absolute crap and let me tell you it's going to be this way for 10 years it's 10 Years it'll be another 10 years before these are looked at and drawn uh differently and so there's there's a lot to deal with this that is a problem but it is what it is uh but on the Republican side of things a dead woman won yesterday's Republican primary just absolutely nuts absolutely crazy so um you know there's a lot of things that are wrong with what goes on um what were the turn oh yes uh yesterday for the state ah for the state I don't know but I do know we didn't um Alva's actually the winner I have to say well there might be people that are that are more close than Alva uh I don't I don't have the numbers for the state I haven't looked at those anywhere yet but I do know I have that somewhere I know I do just one second because I know that I wrote this down oh yeah right here it is so the night before the primary we talked about Delaware County's voter turnout and we predicted this I predicted 22.5 Audie Barber predicted a low 8.7% um Ryan web predicted 35% Troy Ingram predict predicted 12.8% GW you guys know who the GW is um predicted 8% um Paula PL Paula predicted um 9% uh Jackie fiser predicted 15% stumblefoot predicted 12.5% and Alva Alva predicted 19% under what he said was under 19% so what I took Alva being for was was meaning like near 19 but low low under it so if you don't use prices rights rules Alva wins if you do use prices rights rules Jackie fiser wins Jackie fiser wins if we use Price's rights rules the closest without going over would be Jackie fiser uh at 15% because as charlissa said Delaware County was 18% uh that was the the turnout uh Statewide Statewide turnout uh let me look here primary Indiana's Statewide voter turnout for the 2024 primary is was [Music] well damn it secretary of state election division all right let's see what the secretary of state says here yesterday's election results ah Kate can you find them I'm having a hard time locating them you keep talking I'll keep looking okay yeah fine see what you can find um so anyways uh she's going to try to pull that up there I'm I'm screwing around on that I'm just going down a rabbit hole so she's gon to look on that but uh basically um the let me Max that off everywhere had like wildly low turnout uh any action taken with the laws rules on void they know doing wrong add themselves to all void I'm not really sure what you're talking about there um I don't really know explain to me what you're saying there Karen I'll try to answer how many illegal immigrants do you think voted um that'll be interesting yeah um the Star Press uh wrote a couple interesting articles um I I guess I don't mean interesting specifically but they wrote some articles we're going to look at uh before we move into tomorrow my thought on while Kate's looking for that before we move into my thoughts on tomorrow's Redevelopment commission meeting I do want to talk about the fact that Republican Governor nominee Mike brawn has named his uh hopeful running mate uh as being Julie Maguire now that's really really interesting because um Julie Maguire she is the uh Republican favorite uh who two years ago beat uh John Jacob uh for his seat in the US or the excuse me the Indiana state house she represents District 93 and she is the one ladies and gentlemen who if you recall when Brandon came on and we were talking about um the Indiana Republican house caucus uh political action committee that was funding money uh to the candidates and had the uh the apparent deal with the um company that did the mailers Julie Maguire is the one [Music] Challenger who was given that uh perk as well and so what was interesting is the candidate that we were talking about that was told no we won't help you because you're running against JD Prescott she was a challenger and she was told no but Julie Maguire was allowed to have that perk because the Indiana Republican party did not like John Jacob and so they were actively working to get him out and they threw untold amounts of money at this woman I mean they were spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for this woman to win one primary so when we talk about the folks coming out and saying the Republican party shouldn't get involved and shouldn't pick favorites in the primary and it's those same people that welcome crap like that it's like you know who are you kidding here they do this all the time this is this is what they do it's it's just sickening um yeah I guess we don't we don't have an actual voter turnout yet I have not put them all together I have not put it all together I mean we could go down all 92 counties and figure it out but I I have not done that I not done that myself it's almost $700,000 that was spent to get her her seat that she's 700,000 $700,000 650 let's say 650 they spent $650,000 it's 12.5 trust me they spent 1,200 7 $650,000 $700,000 to get her her seat so whoever whoever she is whoever she's connected to whoever she's wanting to win she's pretty special and important to someone because Mike Brawn who should not have won yesterday by the way Indiana's Republican Governor nominee Mike Brawn that just makes me sick to say that he makes his lieutenant governor endorsement now because keep in mind they don't just outright pick it's not like it's not like go it's not like president vice president because it's the Indiana State delegates who will actually pick the nominee okay uh um Mike Brawn doesn't get to say I want Julie Maguire and Julie Maguire is the nominee that doesn't work like that they will go to the State Convention and they will give their speeches and everyone that is listed to be considered as uh lieutenant governor candidate will get to speak and then the delegates will vote and so they will essentially the delegates in the state of Indiana will pick between uh Micah Beckwith and Julie Maguire those are the two uh people who are now being considered so that's what's going on there um so uh that's what that's who the choice will be for on the Republican side um and and it's it's really interesting the uh the Star Press ran an article from the Indianapolis Star that says US senator Mike Brawn who on Tuesday became Indiana's Republican nominee for governor revealed his endorsement for lieutenant governor on Wednesday in an interview with the Indiana or the IND the indie star should Republican delegates vote bronze way at the Indiana GOP convention this summer one term just one term State Rep uh representative Julie Maguire will be Braun's running mate in the fall I'm excited about him being the governor Maguire told Andy star Wednesday well of course I'm excited about him not being afraid to be bold and that's what we need we need the courage to and to do the right thing for Indiana yeah that would be nice and I'm excited and humbled to be part of it Braun won the Primary Handley on Tuesday earning 40% of the vote in a six-way race that included sitting lieutenant governor Suzanne Crouch former Commerce Secretary Brad Chambers Fort Wayne entrepreneur Eric doden former Attorney General Curtis Hill and Indianapolis mother Jamie righten hour righten hour not the same thing as Ren hour two different spellings two different names Maguire by comparison is a newcomer to elected office following a 2-year St as a legislative policy analyst for the Indiana State Republicans Senate Republicans she waged her first campaign against incumbent for State House seat which represents the Southeastern portion of Maran County in 2022 with the backing of the house Republican leadership no [ __ ] she unseed Republican John Jacob who routinely budded heads with the house leadership over his no compromise anti-abortion stance Indiana um Braun's Choice had prime primarily to do with his policy objectives he said his top priority is addressing health care and Maguire has in his eyes proven herself as a policy wonk in that topic her bill last session her bill last session introducing changes to state employee health plans that would have saved the state 84 million a year made it to the house floor there were a lot of people that might have had political interest Braun said of potential running mates I was looking for somebody that had the legislative chops to come in and do that because I intend to be active in that Arena any other political calculations like her connections to Central Indiana balancing out bronze rule roots are merely a bonus he said Maguire ran unopposed in Tuesday's Republican primary for reelection to her State House uh per Indian aw Maguire would not be allowed to be a state representative if she becomes lieutenant governor well no [ __ ] so my question is he didn't just pick this yesterday so she literally just won this is the [ __ ] this is why it's ridiculous in how this stuff goes down okay whatever I'm not even going to get into that but the two have an unusual challenge to face in the Republican convention Micah Beckwith a conservative Pastor from Noblesville announced his own campaign for lieutenant governor last summer which was really strange and he's been courting delegates ever since Beck said he wanted to give delegates an actual choice at the convention typically the party's gubernatorial nominee endorses a person as their running mate and the delegates just ceremoniously vote that person through Braun will still have his say in recommending Maguire but now the question of how much sway has he he has is left to the delegates he's not too worried about it he said he's been building relationships with delegates in all 92 counties over the last six years of his State Senate term right but the delegates just got voted yesterday dubie all right uh you'll find that we'll know how to run campaigns obviously he said which means they know how to write checks and pay money and buy elections that's basically what he means one of the campaigns is going one of the campaigns is going to H get delegates on board and I think we'll do it I don't mind the competition at all whomever the delegates choose in June will join Brawn on the November ballot where he'll face Democrat Jennifer McCormack and libertarian Donald rainwater as a freshman representative this past legislative session Maguire was most known for her bill that sought to undo the special taxing district in downtown Indianapolis that lawmakers slipped through the state budget the prior year by sessions in the general assembly worked out a compromise allowing Indianapolis to have the the tax District but with certain groups Exempted and only after the City goes through the ordinance process again Maguire was removed as a bill author by that time and voted against the final bill saying she doesn't support adding property taxes for businesses she successfully passed a different Bill last session adding new guidelines for when the Department of Child Services can terminate parental rights for the sake of a child's Safety House enrolled act 1369 got unanimous support Maguire is also the secretary of the party Perry Township op club and Al and is on the board of directors for the Ron Kali High School a Catholic School in Indianapolis she's a mother of four who was born and raised in Indianapolis running for lieutenant governor hadn't been on her radar at all she said when she got a phone call from the uh Braun campaign she assumed at first it was to take on a policy role I'm so I'm so beyond honored and humbled that there are people that put my name out there she said it's quite an honor I think what she means is she's connected to people that are willing to write checks and pay money because that's what all of this is now like Kate has said here I'm happy there's a choice all right I'm happy that there's a choice as so many other political issues in political elections the choice is between you know two strange cats so I don't know what kind of choice that is um between Micah Beckwith and Julie Maguire I mean my my choices would has to be with Micah I am not for Julie at all uh I not for that at all uh so my my my slant would be for Micah uh but obviously my pick is Donald rainwater now it worries me because I'm still hearing people say things like I I just got into a little bit of a spat with someone earlier in the week that they couldn't believe that I would be supporting rainwater because rainwater just doesn't have what it takes to pull people away from the Republican party this person said and I'm like it's because of that type of thinking it's it's because of that kind of thinking I just don't understand people elections go like this it's real easy you as a person go in and you vote and you press the keys and the buttons and you lock in who you want to win and if you go in and you vote for person a and a bunch of other people do then person a can win and if a bunch of people want person B to win but we get a more people to go in and push person a person a will win I don't know Gayla says I just secured my third term as a delegate I've never heard a peep out of Brawn every delegate I know is committed to Beckwith yeah right now I H I know a lot of the delegates from up here in Delaware County uh and I I will talk I will talk to the folks I know there there were a couple people that uh just got elected uh as delegate uh yesterday that that I'm going to talk with and and they were going um I know none of those people had considered uh I I know that uh I know that they had no um knowledge of Julie now Brawn has been to Delaware County uh on a couple of occasions and met secretly with people and so I don't know I don't know where uh I don't know what of course has happened there behind behind closed doors you know uh I would like to know how I would like to know how long this Brawn and Maguire um relationship has been but I'd like to know how long this has been a thought it's very very strange uh okay so Ryan web has just posted the election isn't over yet Precinct 90 has not counted any of the election day Walkin votes they only show a handful of absentee ballots when in 2020 there were 75% more absentee ballots I'll mark that down David Williams I will Mark that down I and I will be there because people have been talking uh about putting Beck with and I in the same room but I just haven't it has not happened yet um now wait a minute no you must mean wait a minute wait a minute you must mean 60 then 60 not 90 Hamilton Township fire station is where I vote and that's Precinct 60 standby let me pull this up and look that better not be that better not be why I mean why in the hell would that be no no okay so wait a minute Ryan what in the actual hell it's not it's not my precinct I wish it was because I would throw a I would throw a it's not Hamilton Township it's it's Precinct 90 it's not Hamilton Township my precinct is is uh 60 and that's Hamilton Township so let me show you guys what he's talking about so look at this Precinct Precinct 90 it has absentees 14 Walkin absentees 19 zero Election Day election absentee Walkin so why are there zero election day so let me see what Precinct 90 is Precinct e Precinct 90 is Eden Church it's 1120 it's 11205 North State Road 3 oh wow so it's it's Precinct 90 on on Eden okay hold on a second yeah yeah that's a that's a I mean well let me tell you let's just let's just be honest here and let's look at this okay so up on the screen right now this is a pretty big screw up like so look there there's aund and uh okay so let's let's take a look at what happened four years ago all right so I didn't know you would be on here I want to ask you a question if you're still here were were did you did you go to the Delaware count did you go out to the the Justice Center or was it at the Justice Center or at the uh at the Delaware County uh building did you go to the Justice Center or the county building today Ryan did you go to one of those places because I heard something crazy and I want to ask I want to find out if it's true or not so I don't know where it was but a bird told me a little birdie told me that you were in either the Justice Center or the the county building I would think it would be the county building because that's where voter registration is but uh not the Justice Center but a b which is where the clerk's office is a little birdie told me that you were up at in one of these buildings I'll say it was County building and that you were talking to Rick and that Rick yelled at you someone said that you were up questioning about how um you were talking about the process of doing a recall which in all fairness you mentioned last night that you were going to do that so he should have known about it so you were at the county building and I heard that Rick was just yelling and screaming at you and that he slammed the door and slammed you out of out of the whatever office it was so you're saying the county building so did that happen was can you confirm or deny that because I don't know why he would be doing that your candidate it's it's commonly happens I mean you know I my grandmother my grandmother ran in a race and she did a recount matter of fact they ended up doing a recount like three they did three different recounts in her in her race um and that was when um are you on screen to see comments yeah he said he went to both I went to both it'll be interesting see I don't I mean I I I had heard about this uh yelling match well not y it wasn't yelling I'd heard that it was one-sided I I want to know if that happened because if that happened that's completely out of line uh if as a candidate you went up to ask the chief of Elections a question and he yelled yes there was a massive blow up where he cussed me up and down and slammed the door in my face why what what for what what did you ask him I mean were you calling him names like did you what were you what did you ask him that is uncalled for why is this so look while Ryan is writing there we're gonna we're going to do this we're going to look at the primary election of 2020 we're going to go down to Precinct 90 and we're going to look at what happened at precinct 90 okay well I'm I'm telling you I know the area well this is this is one this is B basically one Precinct north of me I'm at precinct 60 I'm in Precinct 60 at Hamilton County uh Hamilton Township Fire Department which is at three and royerton and the nor Eden Church is up on three just a hair north of Gardens of memory it's it's like half a mile north of 3 and 28 uh it said in 2020 which was Co year that 143 people were walking in let's see what it was four years before that okay so um 202 it's 2024 3 2 1 20 4 3 2 1 20 198 18 17 16 let's see what it was in 16 I about had to take my shoes off of that folks okay in in 19 uh in [Music] uh in 2016 oh wow all right see this is a little bit different look at this Ryan and everybody else that's looking so in a normal non-id year there were 401 Walkins 401 Walkins in a normal non-co year okay now let's go back and look at how many there were in 2020 right 2020 there were 143 and let's go look at how many there were this year zero so while this is not going to CH oh sorry I didn't I didn't get you over there sorry zero so while this will not change even if there are 401 or if there are 143 this will not change King and brand and nor will it change anyone else this absolutely could change fourth to third place for Delaware County council at large this is a big deal now also let's get back Ryan says I simply went and informed him of my intent to seek a recount which is every candidate's right you Ryan web literally said last night I I got so pissed off because I heard people saying wait till we hear about voter fraud Ryan didn't say voter fraud Ryan didn't get on and say voter fraud we're not going to watch all of this because you can go to his channel and you can watch it and I posted this on my wall but I do just want you guys to hear that not what Ryan did last night Ryan got on last night and Ryan congratulated the winners Ryan had kind words to say about James King uh who lost Ryan had uh good things to say about everyone who ran against him about Bookout and all of those people Ryan had good things to say about Ryan had good things to say about the uh the the Democrats that came out and voted against him and was very clear Ryan was not negative he he gave them their due you guys but I have got some burnt today look at my face I had no idea that um I was getting burnt this bad and I really didn't feel it until I got home today we come up a little bit short and uh it was a good run it was a good race and I'm proud of the way we ran the race I like to think that normally I take a lot of pride in saying I'm the hardest working candidate um running for office but hell even this year step brand man I cannot keep up with that guy that guy did a great job Stephen W and I was proud of him man I mean he he upset a commissioner who served three terms as commissioner and a term as County Council you know James King is no slouch and he's done a lot in Delaware County and for um Stephen bran to come here as a first-time candidate and uh unseed him and and really beat him pretty pretty handedly uh that's that's uh that's quite the accomplishment and something something to be proud of so I'm proud of Mr brand for that and you know he's going to serve Delaware County really really well and uh moving forward I hope all of you guys support him uh for as for my own race you know there was about 13,600 uh votes so out of 13,600 votes it looks like we come up just a little bit short as of now the the the um the vote count has me losing by 67 votes so super close right we almost did it but hey Almost Doesn't get you there right you got to win and um there's no there's no trophies for fourth place and and we don't want no fourth fourth place trophies so we'll take that and uh you know congratulations to the winners Brad Bookout won uh Jessica Piper won and Eugene whad won I'm really impressed with Eugene I'll be honest um I knew it was going to be a tough fight I thought I'd still beat Eugene so he's never won any election he's been and he was caucused in so kudos to him man he surprised me he really did well and uh and and he's a good councilman so no hard feelings for for Eugene I mean um I think he'll do a really well a really good job but I'm gonna going I guess I'm getting a report as you know I've exposed and I've pointed out there's a lot of corruption in Delaware County there's there's a lot of people what I call soft corruption who do things who are not on the up and up and I'm not making any accusations I'm not saying there's any um corruption at all but for the sake of transparency uh I think the voters uh and the citizens of the community would feel better um knowing that the election was solid and you know there's no there's no doubts no questions usually a recount only moves the needle I don't know maybe five 10 votes and we lost by 67 votes so I don't expect it to do anything as far as changing the outcome of the election for the sake of transparency uh I think it's um something that the voters um are deserve and and are owed uh the only real thing that you can even have wrong in an election like this where there could be a a difference a discrepancy I guess if you would would be the absentee ballots and what that is is if you vote on the machine the machine locks your vote and that's it so there's only a small opportunity for someone if they wanted to do something that maybe wasn't quite on the up and up and an absentee ballots they have poll workers there and they can throw a vote out if they don't think the signature matches up so if you want to go listen to more of that you can find that on Ryan's page you can find that on my social media page the point here there folks uh Jackie I'll be going through and uh looking uh from all every one of those I I have not looked at that yet but you better bet your ass that 43 votes can affect a 67 Point loss no questions no questions and that's going to be in a I'm just gonna tell you how it is that area is a very and this is kind of goofy saying this because it's the Republican primary so everyone that voted was Republican but those are it's a very Republican conservative area and in saying that I mean number one I feel like there were a lot of Ryan signs in that area and I feel like there's a lot of support for web in that area my question to the clerk's office is what the hell man where the hell are these votes why why would that say why would that say that that blows me away there's like literally no reason why why that should say that that's insane so real quick here I I guess uh let's just I don't know if I I don't know if this will work like this let's see if it does I don't know if it works like this or not here's Precinct uh Precinct one election day 139 let's see if if it does this did that kick over to are are we on Precinct two now the vote number changed so did it okay so it changed to 192 yep okay 450 all right did it CH does it say three down here okay 139 there we go 87 629 10434 14 9431 12 136 6 22 128 10 15 55 0 and six all right let me find out where this is Precinct 10 me see where Precinct 10 is I think think I think resync 10 is uh oak wood building and I find it odd that there would be I find it odd there would be zero uh paper ballots there but okay Precinct 11 all right so Precinct one is Friends of Memorial Church Precinct two is Lutheran Church of the Cross Wheeling a three is Westminster Presbyterian Church four is the Haven on marleon drive six is the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church seven is uh Delaware County Fairgrounds eight is the Oakwood building nine is Southside Middle School uh 10 is the Oakwood building again uh 11 here we are 11 is River viiew Church of the Nazarene 111 and 23 Precinct 12 is royy buy Recreation Center 794 and 25 and I'll be honest it seems interesting that there would only be four absentee ballots at at uh the Buie Center that's really shocking honestly 13 is Maring Hunt Library 95 12 and 12 Precinct 14 is Ross Community Center 1488 and 11 man that's a really low number of absentee Walkins that's or absentee uh and walk in absentee definitely all right 15 is raw Center again all right there we've got 12 uh 11 17 12 and 10 Precinct 18 let's see here Precinct uh 18 is the crossing that's 423 and 15 Precinct 19 is the Boys and Girls Club 690 and 13 man SI see just seeing this is funky to me maybe that's the case but I can't believe there's not one person there that didn't do a mail-in ballot Precinct 20 is uh the Muny Housing Authority price Hall 6112 and 18 Precinct 22 is Southside Middle School 1258 and 10 Precinct 23 is Ross Community Center 10414 and 10 Precinct 25 is the First Presbyterian Church on Riverside that's in BSU area that's 663 and 13 26 is again the same area that's 75 0 and 24 Precinct 27 is Delaware County Fairgrounds it's 553 and six and election day is the election day obviously paper absentee is mailin and Walkin absentee is early voting by Machine 28 is Riverview Church of the nazarine on East Willard 1484 and 23 PR 29 is Mansfield Park 173 19 and 24 Precinct uh 33 is uh 277 uh 21 and 33 33 uh 34 is Westminster Presbyterian Church on Riverside 2178 and 26 Precinct uh 35 is the guarden at g geeman on McGalliard Road 123 28 18 Precinct 36 is 1806 and 30 1806 and 30 that's Precinct 36 that is Northside Church of God on tillon Precinct 38 is Westview Elementary School 1928 and 34 Precinct 39 is Union Chapel Ministries and that is um what are we done here 39 let's go back and see what's going on there okay that didn't look right 39 is 70 6 and 23 that was uh Union Chapel Precinct 40 is the garden again 176 14 and 48 Precinct 41 is Mansfield Park 934 and 424 Precinct 42 is the Haven 23 Z and one uh man that's just funky uh 43 is a Union Chapel again that's 141 and four Precinct 44 is Southside Church of the Nazarene on fuson road 764 and 16 Precinct 45 is the remedy City Church on Oakwood 45 is 204 and [Music] 27 Precinct 46 is TRC Head Start 1696 and 18 Precinct 47 is uh the remedy City Church again 124 5 and 28 Precinct 48 is Union Chapel that's my grandmother's old Precinct 20 uh 72 six and 12 Precinct 49 2627 49 is at Lutheran Church of the Cross North Wheeling 50 is 202 1433 uh Precinct 50 is at Northside Church of God 51 is in Daleville uh Daleville Town Hall 51 121 12 and 32 52 it's 156 18 and 12 52 is Daleville Town Hall 53 is Yorktown Middle School 111 15 26 uh 54 is also Yorktown Middle School 189 2248 Precinct 55 is Yorktown High School 251 3 and 43 uh 56 is Westminster Village 204 29 and 20 uh [Music] Precinct 57 is Gaston United Methodist Church 29719 and 14 Precinct 58 is University Christian Church on Nebo 58 uh 58 Z 0 and 25 Precinct 59 2654 and 30 uh 59 is Liberty Baptist Church on Kalen Road Precinct 60 is mine Hamilton Township volunteer fire department 1826 and 20 see Ryan web came out top there see and okay so this is Walkin mailin 64 86 all right so so look here oh no he's in okay so this puts him in fourth place in royon all right 61 61 is eatting community building and Eaton 993 and [Music] three Precinct 62 is Harris chapel and Selma uh 247 11 and 37 Precinct 63 is 925 and 11 uh Precinct 63 is Delaware County Highway garage [Music] four uh uh 64 [Music] is Delaware County Highway garage uh 208 23 and 33 65 is doto United Methodist Church uh 3159 and 32 56 uh 66 is albony fire station 196 and 11 190 6 and 11 uh 67 is also the fire station in Albany 150 wait a minute so 67 had 150 6 and 14 and 68 okay no no no 66 is the Aly fire station they had 196 and 11 okay 67 was 150 six and 14 68 is Aly fire station and they had 492 and three 69 is Hamilton Township uh Fire Company on State Road 3 it's 160 928 Precinct 70 is 270 13 and 54 and that is people of Praise on more Road desica Piper had 105 hookout had 107 and Webb had one80 or had 80 so he was in third place there okay 71 Jtown High School 266 1854 73 is Liberty Baptist Church 3333 26 45 74 is University Christian Church on Neo 2211 19 and 42 75 is Delaware County Highway garage 186 133 and 40 77 is Eaton Community Building 172 10 and 22 Precinct 78 is Westell High School 233 12 and 51 Precinct 81 is Muny Alliance Church 32 and two Precinct 87 is New Life Presbyterian Church in Yorktown and this is where they turned away about 35 voters early in the morning and they uh had 50 256 Walkin 11 paper and 33 uh early now let's take a look at what the votes how the votes fell here 123 for Piper 115 for Bookout and 75 for Ryan so he's in third place there and they turned away 35 voters early in the morning uh around there here's 8388 which is Yorktown Middle School uh 242 10 and 54 uh okay and then that brings us to Precinct 90 which has zero Walkin votes okay then Precinct and that's at Eden um Church on North three uh Precinct 91 is also Eden Church okay now look at this I mean I need to see I need to see what give me a second here I need to look at the precinct here I need to see what what the deal is because that's not making sense to me GIS maps give me one second I'm pulling up the map close voting precincts what I want all right 90 so 90 90 is all right there is no way there is no there is no way there's no way there is absolutely no way that there's zero people that voted that day inside this Precinct area because it it includes a big a big chunk of area where what was the other place I was on which which Precinct was this 91 okay 91 91 could have nine people in it 91 that would make sense that would make sense that nine that that that would make sense I would be I would have no problem with that I would have no problem buying that uh nine people are there uh as far as Precinct 90 Precinct 90 is a big ass Precinct okay so n Precinct 92 Mo moving on Precinct 92 says four Z and one Precinct 92 is made up of uh St Andrew's Presbyterian Church 92 seems like they might need to let's see what we're 92 is at okay all right 92 92 it would make sense that there would be that few of people that that makes sense all right 93 is uh St Andrew's Presbyterian Church as well and it has 198 7 and 31 94 is Daleville Town Hall 2379 and 13 a Precinct 95 is uh New Life Presbyterian Church 1076 and 16 that's a again where they turn people away at that place Precinct 98 is uh Muny Alliance Church and it's 1281 and 23 and that's the end of the line so folks okay and we see what Ryan's saying here he received okay in 22 in in 19 or in 2020 he received 65 votes in Precinct 90 wow I don't know man this is uh this is really crazy I don't know we're gonna have to see what goes on here um ah we're just G have to find out what goes on here I I say the biggest issue is what I heard I wasn't even going to talk about that cuz I wanted to talk to Ryan I hadn't had a talk chance to talk to Ryan today and I wanted to talk to him and find out if what happened between him and Rick was true I would say single-handedly just the fact that Rick acted the way that he did this morning is reason enough for recount uh Rick has I I don't I mean he was mildly nice last night but because of the way that he's treated me in the past piss on him uh I don't know if he's got a brain to or what I mean I look I guess I'm glad Ryan web's an elected official and he feels he can yell at him this what would there be video of this that we could I'm trying to I'm trying to think um because it's in the in the if it was in the Justice Center yes uh at the county building no I don't think so because they have the county building is was built before that and they never to my knowledge they never had video the whole time I worked there they didn't have video and I don't I don't think there is I honestly don't think there is I think that there is camera that the security has put up in a couple places but it's just so they can it's like it's not a recording camera it's so they can see during the day like what's happening on the third floor I don't think it records anything but I will check I will check and I find I mean I just they need to get him in control cuz if he's yelling at people like that that's definitely ridiculous so yeah Ryan I mean I'm glad that you brought this here to the political Spotlight uh uh you definitely need to contact the newspaper um and I I will start doing some digging and looking find out what the deal is here look at the end of the day like him you don't like him whatever the deal is but God honest truth be you want the election to be right you know you don't want something to be off because if the the thing is you got to tell yourselves if they if they can cheat to kick somebody off that you don't like one of these days they will cheat to kick somebody off that you do like so you gotta that's why that's why I'm not okay with that I would never want someone to cheat in my favor because the minute they do that then I know they could cheat against me it was just outside the door of the voter registration office that's absolutely gross that he would do that um and to hell with him for that so all right folks we're gonna get off here man I thought we were going to be on here for like 30 minutes how goes that that's always how it goes um that's potential 400 votes not counted going off 2016 yeah because look 2020 was a freaking weird deal you to me to me you can't really judge 2020 because 2020 was Co you had a lot it was a month later than normal it was it was June instead of May and just all kinds of [ __ ] was wrong so uh this is potentially big now I'll tell you in June of 2020 they were still running daily numbers on any news channel you opened up how many people were sick how many people were dead terrified yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there's like I I'm not going to go vote I could die I'm not gonna go vote for Ryan web I could die voting for Ryan Webb is like death all right folks uh thank you all for being here we will be back tomorrow tomorrow is Thursday we will do a show tomorrow uh and unless something crazy happens I am going to do my level best to not be here Friday or Saturday so that'll be fantastic but we will be here for one more night that's tomorrow you guys take care Rick is out uh after this next go he's he's done he's tered out so he will no longer be in the clerk's office after his term is up here thank the Lord that is fantastic to hear uh I want him to leave politics he does not need stick around he's absolutely horrible so I didn't take any Jabs thank God all right you guys take care have a great evening be safe have a wonderful Thursday and uh tune in tomorrow we'll have some very interesting [ __ ] for you I promise take care good night goodbye goodbye wait pause this just one second I didn't even talk about what was going on with the Redevelopment commission meeting tomorrow listen if you're still here just briefly I'm not even gonna say it there was this information that got put out this was on Election Day the banner down oh you're fine that's all right this was put this was put there too it's basically instead of being 12,000 it was 18,000 I'm going to go to this tomorrow and uh it's not going to be live but I'm going to record it we'll talk about it tomorrow this is a big deal all right good night we'll we'll do it that way you guys take care good night goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music]

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We now return to our regularly scheduled programming which was apparently russian propaganda or maybe still is russian propaganda i don't really know does it only count if i post it over there or does it still count if i post it over here too considering i've been saying mostly the exact same thing... Read more

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Trump Ignores German Chancellor #humor #trump #win #respect #alpha #election2024

Category: Comedy

The art of the no deal when diplomacy meets awkward silence in the oval office thank okay thank you [music] [applause] fellas fell over here i'm sorry thank you Read more

The Beat With Ari Melber 8/28/2024 | MSNBC BREAKING NEWS Today 28 August 2024 thumbnail
The Beat With Ari Melber 8/28/2024 | MSNBC BREAKING NEWS Today 28 August 2024

Category: News & Politics

The increased prison population in this country we have to have a drug policy that says that we have got to treat that issue as a substance abuse issue as a public health issue as much as anything that's how she broke it down and again it's interesting to see it then some of those positions have gotten... Read more

2010 Primary Election Results, Will Christine O'Donnell Save Democrats? thumbnail
2010 Primary Election Results, Will Christine O'Donnell Save Democrats?

Category: News & Politics

Week day one of the the politics of their second showing our new studio and the biggest difference for video audience louis today will be that there's actually lights on in the studio i was the last week both that it was completely dark in here and they looked like a ghost i still look like a ghost... Read more

The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell 8/28/2024 | MSNBC BREAKING NEWS Today 28 August 2024 thumbnail
The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell 8/28/2024 | MSNBC BREAKING NEWS Today 28 August 2024

Category: News & Politics

Aal law and human rights and and looking out for even what american policy preferences stated are is to pull that military funding or to threaten it in a meaningful way just one one thing i want to say uh real quick is that if american politicians saw daily video briefings of the suffering of the people... Read more

Still FIBBING about FRACKING 😬🇺🇸 #shorts #politics #presidentialdebate2024 thumbnail
Still FIBBING about FRACKING 😬🇺🇸 #shorts #politics #presidentialdebate2024

Category: People & Blogs

Vice president harris in your last run for president you said you wanted to ban fracking now you don't i know you say that your values have not changed so then why have so many of your policy positions changed so my values have not changed and i'm going to discuss every one of the at least every point... Read more

Sean Hannity 08/28/24 Full Show Today | Fox Breaking News 28 August 2024 thumbnail
Sean Hannity 08/28/24 Full Show Today | Fox Breaking News 28 August 2024

Category: News & Politics

Bition now for decades kamla has done and said pretty much anything to advance her political career now that includes patting her uh stats as a prosecutor uh she sought you know she sought these cheap convictions didn't seem to care about guilt or innocent so the law rapper jamal true love member wrongfully... Read more

#TechTips🌐 Who's Winning In The Polls?? Trump vs Harris | Impact of RFK Jr dropping out #tiktok thumbnail
#TechTips🌐 Who's Winning In The Polls?? Trump vs Harris | Impact of RFK Jr dropping out #tiktok

Category: News & Politics

Let's break down who's winning in the polls nationally and in every battleground state it's been a weird week because the expectation was the dnc would happen and harris's lead would get extended but at the end of the week donald trump got endorsed by rfk jr who dropped out of the race so people expected... Read more

Now Illegal Alien Venezuelan Gangs Taking Over Chicago Apartments thumbnail
Now Illegal Alien Venezuelan Gangs Taking Over Chicago Apartments

Category: Entertainment

It is wrong to somehow suggest that an undocumented immigrant is a criminal i personally prosecuted everything from lowlevel offenses to homicides i know what a crime looks like an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal 12 seconds later all right 104 there's another available un d 310 we had multiple... Read more