Gopher Round Table: Aireontae Ersery and Anthony Smith

Published: May 06, 2024 Duration: 00:25:25 Category: Sports

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Intro what's up gopher fans welcome to episode 8 of gopher Roundtable presented by Affinity Plus our new podcast Series where student athletes host other goer student athletes you can find every episode on the goer Sports YouTube page and on Spotify my name is D kich also known as the Serbian Hammer I'm the kicker here for the Minnesota Golden golfers and I'm excited to be hosting my second episode uh we actually did previously record this episode but there was an error with the technology but we're back yes so it's an honor to be back uh Spring Ball joining me today are two of my teammates arante ursery and Anthony Smith uh thank you guys for for filming this again how you guys doing pleasure pleasure to meet you man pleasure to meet me yeah for sure so uh yeah uh for those of you who may not know we just wrapped up Spring ball uh it was it was a grinder was that five weeks of straight grind um kind of a kind of a question for both of you uh what are some things you learned about this team during spring um I learned that mean on the defensive side and we're just like super connected everybody like we can all teach each other like everything and like we take the coaching like we're not like just saying like oh like I got you like it's all love like we all see it that like oh you're trying to make me better so I'm going lock in and do that actually so like that's the one thing I found out about the defense this year that I haven't seen like I haven't seen that like in any of the other years I've been here so like that was really cool that's big time what about on the offensive side uh kind of just that what he kind of said was just that being connected and being uh playing as a whole you know me playing offensive line us playing as one heartbeat you know all moving as one and uh having that one and0 mentality every play and trying to attack that mentality every day bro yeah not trying but doing you feel me not trying you're right also the young guys the young guys definitely like there's definitely been like a lot more young guys like speaking up like I really see that it's good you need that yeah big time um so a little side tangent but EA Sports 25 is coming out the new uh NCA football game MH uh did you guys say you want to be in the game are you guys in the game yeah I opted in bro you opted in it took me a little minute but yeah you got that I was kind of hesitant about being in the game but I was like ah I saw that uh cuz I know my boy is going to buy it back at home so yeah I saw you got that uh you posted it that said uh I am in the game yeah texted you about it and I was like I didn't get that you got to check your uh what is it open door I think you're just special bro I think like each team has like no bro I'm not even lying I think it's like each team has it's a couple people on the team that have it they just haven't checked their uh oh well I didn't get it their inbox [ __ ] I get that yeah yeah that's unfortunate whatever who cares as long as you got it what uh what uh what do you guys think your overall should be um look he want to go goad bro you gotta R yourself High bro I'm saying 81 81 for sure that's a very valid answer I thought you're going to say like 97 or something if he said 81 yeah I gotta go like 93 94 okay I ain't asking for No 9 99 overall no gold shoes yeah with the chain and nah I'm not asking for that just a little feel me I'll say yeah anything I mean honestly I'm yeah any rating smooth for me but whatever resume so like yeah I see okay so there's a difference between what you think your overall should be and what it will be so you say you should be a 93 what do you think it'll actually be but you brought up a good point I don't know how the ratings work yeah I don't know like in NFL is different you know everything is under a microscope so I don't know if they're going to be a little bit more lening in college or what yeah but hey I don't know bro I mean yeah I guess well when does it come out it comes out in July right July something so guess July I guess we'll figure out ju yeah oh that's close yeah I thought it came out like May June three more month I thought yeah I thought it came out next year no it's July wow that's crazy we're not in college next year to the game but the games do say 25 though it's 24 yeah but that it's bro it says it all the time like Madden 24 came out in 202 on that sir what like NBA 2K like NBA 2K 25 is coming out this year FIFA 25 is coming out this year it's always a year in advance okay you play Madden all the time you should know um all right this question next question is asked the skill guys a lot D Linemen but as an O linan as a d lineman who are some people that like you look up to that you can I I idiz is that is that a word yeah IDE I don't know maybe I don't know idolize idolize yeah that's it good stuff idolize or like just like watch film on them to improve your game um players I try to watch is like people who kind of match my playing style uh I ain't G to really list out too many players but who's like the one guy who's one guy over here one guy that kind of uh he played Taco last year but he moved a guard they I think is like Ty Tyre Smith something like that wait for thebo yeah I like his game I like his motor physical he can move you know what I'm saying tough smart and he playing next to some vets so that can help boost you your uh playing skills and stuff like that but for sure yeah and what about you time out that's a nice necklace thank you you know I rock the pr beach boy yeah all right what you saying but um I would say De Forest Buckner he's uh I feel like that's like my like type and like that's my B like buildy buildy yeah my that's my body like type so like and he play kind of plays like everything on the D line and that's like that's like my expectation like that I want to do like when I go into the NFL like just play everything on the D line and be like the Swiss army knife and that's what he does for sure you guys uh I mean I'd say I model my game after Mason Crosby uh Green Bay Packer Legend um but I only say that cuz I watched you Chiefs uh kicker Harrison bucker he yes him too cuz he's got he's a six he kicks he kicks off in he do go he's a yeah he's a 6'4 he's a lanky dude yeah lanky dude yeah he's uh he knows how to kick a football I got his number bro let me know right a good word wish um you uh both of you are crazy athletes right I'd say uh I'd say I'm a little bit more of an athlete but uh if you guys uh yeah I did hurdle in a game 99 hurdle yep thank you very much uh if you if you guys couldn't play football what's another sport you guys would play man I feel like it ain't no sport I can't play bro like I was just B nah I've never seen a golf actually I have when we went to uh right Whatchamacallit U what's that place Top Golf and it was bad what do you mean don't ever say it was bad Say Never Say Never Justin Bieber thought that was going to get last all right uh yeah but n there's definitely a sport where you're bad at swimming I no okay swimming why you say swimming just look very buyant I was the first thing he said yeah cuz I don't know 330 lbs doesn't look like I was saying that means I'm going be able to float cuz I'm a big body I'm no it means you're going to sink cuz you're 3 and 30 lbs yeah you're right I yeah n but and I think we all know your answer yeah probably basketball yeah yeah or discus yeah you were a wrestler huh yeah I did wrestle tell them what happened when you and I wrestled he ended up under the refrigerator bro no no they had to call the that's not what happened arante claims arante claims that he slipped on water but I did end up pinning him all right listen thank you very much man I'm not even going to put that out there bro n you good okay so I'll take the pictory in that one no yep okay uh a so as you just stated basketball you were a Hooper in high school you know yes offers to play basketball um what made you continue with football and not go the basketball route uh I once I got pretty heavy like once I realized that like okay like I gotta like I keep on gaining weight so like I can't like do this in like college like I couldn't be like three I me kill be like 300 lb 280 like playing basketball all dayam time and like running all the time and also like once I saw like me getting more football offers and then like and everybody was like in my corner like hey you're like really good at football like you're really good at football I mean you're good at basketball but like then like they saw that I really exceled in football so like they like go play football I like that that's awesome what was your uh biggest offer in basketball um probably UMass like as like a full ride but like I had to walk on the Villanova which was DN yeah wow you would have been a n no you wouldn't have been when did they win The Natty 2017 or something yeah I was a year that was a year after I got the wait no that was off I don't remember when they won it it was when they hit the buzzer beater against North Carolina right then they went recently 2018 no they got kicked out they got kicked out I stopped watching college basketball when Zion and all them and a what's his name BJ Barr RJ Barr RJ Barrett oh my gosh yeah they that was a crazy Squad high school that dude was crazy native feeling native yeah boo I stopped watching after that yeah 77 yeah so Tay you actually picked up football late yeah right so uh crazy Growing Up yeah I know which is wild when did you start playing junior year yeah 10th grade that yeah so what like allowed you to pick up football so fast and then end up at a division one program all big 10 starting left tackle 93 overall well like you know F basketball was my first love don't get me wrong like hey you basketball yeah but like my grandma used to watch you know the Chiefs game uh she was a big Golden Warrior fan too okay and Lakers when LeBron had left yeah um he was on the Cleveland Cavaliers or whatever but that's besides the point anyway used to grow up watching the Kansas City Chiefs game I never went to one in person okay you know times is a little rough back then so you couldn't pay to go watch the games in person but watching them on TV was crazy when they had Alex Smith and stuff like that yeah and then my uncle he was the one that really you know made me uh gravitate towards football because he's like a person that's super um he's got that personality like to once he's stuck to something he's just addicted to it cor yeah addictive personality yeah he got that addictive personality so um he used to try to come get me to the field and IED be like no bro no no no no no cuz I used to see when they was out there thumping I'm like oh no like I got to get bigger I got to get stronger I'm probably like 59 at this time probably just you know what I'm saying I ain't even hit my yeah my uh gr per my gr per well actually I did yeah I'm thinking way too far back but like freshman year I was probably like 61 okay yeah dang and now what are you 68 67 man I ain't no 68 I wish I was 67 n actually I think I'm perfect height bro I think 66 is like 66 the perfect height bro I don't want to be any bigger I don't want to be any taller than me are you taller than me yeah I thought you were like 6 I'm 66 I'm a I'm a I'm a flat 66 I'm a flat like 65 I'm a a little tiny bit over 66 okay fair it's like a curved 66 yeah basically but uh yeah it was mainly my uncle shout out bill that's my uncle no free shout outs oops sorry n just a little bit no it ain't that deep but yeah did I answer your question yeah that answer the question okay uh so as I mentioned before dline o line if you guys flipped positions who wins in a one-on-one me every time because it's hard to play all line bro oo clap back let's hear go ahead it's an unnatural position you know what I'm saying like you literally going backwards and you have to stop force and it's like a like a unique thing that you know that you got to be able to develop and get used to what's defense all you gotta do is run straightforward full speed 100% yeah what get paid millions of dollars to do that oh my God I brought it yard Sprint every time like what I want to hear I want to hear this response I just don't think that's true I think D Line's one of the hardest position God you're doing everything on the field you even got to run sideways you're run sideways you have to be smart to play like dine bro you don't you could you can literally bro be Reckless and still make the play can you not you got be violent you got to be violent you got to know what you're doing like so you're saying you can throw said that you could throw a freshman you could throw a true freshman in like just from high school at a big 10 game yeah at D end and say he's going to go get a sa you got one right oh don't n i I came unblocked I was it was unblocked like I'm saying like a full game like a full game yes you we'll let we'll let the go fans decide on this one cuz we know we know going to say he's going to win know going to say he's going to win yeah so we'll have to go for fans side that so drop it in the comments who you think is going to win it'd be a tough match up but this season you know pretty dope schedule with like the new Big 10 teams coming in and stuff like that and uh we got two California teams on the on the roster we got uh UCLA and USC yes sir what do you guys think about getting to play those West Coast teams especially going out to UCLA and playing where the Rose Bowls held I feel like that's going to be real inspirational yeah being able to see that feel that be out there and just and also be with the team too bro and then going against a uh West Coast Team bro getting added to the schedule I'm excited bro yeah I mean you know being like in the Big 10 you always like dream about going to the Rose bow yeah so actually getting to go out there and then playing them there and then God willing we make the Rose Bowl we go play there again so yeah exactly for real how do you feel about that yeah well you say it's kind of just inspirational like doing that whole thing with the whole team team like then like them coming here like see how they can do it in the cold like yeah exactly cuz it's our North so like yeah and it's like you think about like the yeah I had to laugh you think about like North you think about the uh like the Blue Bloods and basketball like Kentucky Duke like that and then like you think of Blue Bloods and football and USC is one of them and having them come to our house I think it's mid-season we play them that'll be I forgot when but I think that'll be a a uh a fun matchup we'll go back to uh bring it back to basketball you know how you said hooping was your first love you were a Hooper we're going to have a little draft okay play Rock Paper to see who gets the first pick rock paper shoot oh and gets Draft the first pick okay here's what we're going to do we're going to have a 5v5 draft of the basketball or of the football team and we're going you're going to make your team of five you're going to make your team of five and then we're going to let the go for fans aside which team wins so Anthony Smith with the first overall pick in the 2024 Minnesota football basketball draft who are you taking Christian Hoskins Christian Hoskins okay good option okay but you also got to tell me what position he's playing Fun guard we can't s what are you playing you only you only get one no you're playing the five I'm playing the five and Christian Hoskin is playing the one okay Tay what position are you playing me yeah man there's no position I can't play okay but that's not the question are you what in this team of five which one are you playing I can play point guard you're running the point Christian huskins versus Aron who are you going to put see bro just cuz he he little don't mean nothing bro wait on I can cover a lot of why wouldn't you go against an at the five Mis match oh okay since he okay he's the five all right I'm at the five okay you're at the five okay so who's your first overall okay um who did I choose last time I don't remember this is it was a terrible draft so hopefully you change it up a little bit oh no you picked me first oh yeah I'm Pi I'm picking J let's go we got chemistry already we do have chemistry what uh him and I used to run two ball okay on concrete bro homework on concrete and double double banked rib or what are those called double double uh double Rim Yeah Double Double R what position am I playing I'mma put you at the uh shooting guard okay is that that's a two right two okay I'll take the two I'll take the two all right Kendrick ler oh Kendrick okay that's I thought that's what he were going to pick but what position he playing he's playing the three oh Kenrick at the three so we got Christian Hoskins Kenrick and Anthony Smith now we got me and you who who else you Jerome Williams Oh my God yeah no you haven't seen Jerome I'm guessing at the four I'm guessing at the four yes okay Jerome Williams at the four yes Evan reing at the two Evan reading at the two that's he getting all small guys we going win who gonna get the boards you I I'll clean up n you a clean up I'm sorry me draging wrong we all over 6 I'll clean up it's okay it's over with that's automatic four all right who's who's your third Pio fourth pick me you haven't seen T shoot I'm I'm just going to say that um I don't think I got to but so you got the see I know who you picked last time I'm gonna go with Lucas oh he steals them well Lucas going at the three I'm guessing right yeah okay so right now you got you still got a point guard you need a point guard so we got me fin dog w Jerome you and we got over here Christian Evan Evan Kenrick you got the four and you got yourself yeah so who you going with that four I know you want to that's going to be a physical game they ain't ready for no they're not that's I need a big oh now you need a big I think clean up I think it clean up I need another big okay let's see who you going with um okay I ain't helping you out you might steal my P I can't help you there's no way he steals your pick you need a point guard he needs a big man true unless we going big you know another guy this CU crafty on the boards Nate beckard oh okay that's the worst pick ever that is terrible Nate Becker Nate Becker okay I'm trusting you he going to go crazy on the boards we got you going have time to go get rebound Christi hin Christian Hoskins EV reading Kendrick laner Nate Becker Anon Smith need somebody that can handle the ball and then who who do we got at point guard over here let me think of a small gu I have I have somebody in my head how you think I know he's going to say I'm not going to help you but I'll tell you after like it's it's hard like what do that last I feel like it's a pretty easy pick for a point guard he already picked yeah that's not who I'm talking about but think think that position group ready no I knew I knew he was going to he already picked it with r yeah who you talking about bro just say it I think about that position group bro receivers correct think about that position group he's in our grade he came in school with us oh DJ yeah that DJ don't a hoop bro what you never seen yes you never seen DJ hoop oh remember going DJ that's my what DJ sorry DJ yeah yeah tag djck in this make sure he knows that yeah bro I didn't know you know the hoop bro okay so Aron's team we got djck Dragon kesich I should I should specify Daniel Jackson Dragon kesich Lucas fennessy no no no yeah okay who's the four oh Jerome Williams and arante urer and then you got chrisan Hoskins Evan reading Kendrick laner Nate Becker Becker and Anthony Smith oh my God yeah I think I I I'm not being biased because I'm on the team but I think it's a I don't even think it's close that game going to be physical bro yeah it's going to be a physical game but I think it's like a they a gonna get no boards you guys GNA get tired yeah let the other man get tired we're good over here but go for fans we're going to let you decide on this one because obviously there's some buys here guys like 250 yeah I don't think so what do you guys or what are you guys most looking forward to this next football season it's approaching quick you it's it's like what six month n five months away U what you guys looking forward to most goer fans showing out like they do every year u mean yeah like just like playing football I mean we're doing all like Spring ball and then you go in the fall camp summer workouts we our workouts like we're all like together all the time and then like Spring ball like we're all playing against each other so like playing against somebody else and like showing like how much work we put in the offseason like and put that to the field like again like what you said we a ducking no smoke I thought we were just saying like the fans and stuff like that no like what you're at like I think just playing playing is what I'm looking forward to like for me yeah for you oh yeah like come on bro uh not do what I did last year but do like do it better though yeah you know what I'm saying yeah that's how think we all have like individual aspirations and goals but yeah I think as a team we're just really excited to get on the field and like you said like go from competing with each other to going against act team competing against somebody else and just showing ourselves how good we are yeah so I think that's what we're really looking forward to and I think it's GNA be a fun season it's going to be it's going to be a fun season be fun schedule so I mean it's our last one so might as well end it with a bang right yeah um before we close out uh we're closing out already yeah I mean sheesh not yet we still got a little bit more but I'm just saying before we close out okay yeah we got uh like it's a reoccurring segment where uh we talk about the slept on shout out so we talk about guys who don't really get like the media attention or things like that so if you could pick anybody like that you saw in Spring ball who balled out but doesn't really get the you know the media attention who would you who would you pick you can take a little bit time to think I think I got to think about this one me like two people yeah you can get two okay I'm going say nuke yeah that's a good that's a good option nuke for sure and then uh Philip Phil Daniel I feel like he took a big uh jump like mentally and physically yeah I think from CU this is the second year right yeah especially for a young guy like you don't really see that yeah he's got way stronger way bigger way faster in the year he going to keep getting stronger he going to keep getting smarter he'll keep getting it down so excited for him yeah and arante is helping him through that process so shout out AR no free shout outs for sure um on the D line I would say Nate Becker me that guy's been making plays all Spring ball and um yeah he's making good plays and like just doing everything right and like he's being a leader on the team and like love to see that like he's just grown so much especially like from last year this year yeah and then my second pick will probably be e- red Evan reading yeah big red big redig yeah I think those are two um solid options I think uh one I would go with is fan favorite but like I don't think a lot gets said about him which he doesn't want things get said about him is drik a captain yeah yeah yeah sure he's a guy who works behind closed doors yeah and like doesn't shout out D team like so serious back you know saying big brother but he uh yeah he doesn't like all that media attention stuff but we're going to give it to him right now because he deserves it so shout out d uh well now that is the end wow yeah that was that was fun thank you guys for uh coming on the uh the Pod record it and yeah and having a good time uh M check yeah go for fans uh that's it for episode 8 of goer Round Table presented by infinity plus a reminder that you can catch all of these episodes on goer Sports YouTube page goer and Spotify uh any last words for the goer fans brother B SK Go Gophers yeah thank you goer fans love you brother B my go goers

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