49ers' mega-update: Trey Sermon cut; practice squad coups with Kemoko Turay, Malik Turner, Jason Poe

we are back for more never really ended and the 49ers practice squad is under construction whereas tuesday was all about the initial cut down the 53 men wednesday has been about the construction of the practice squad and adding some finishing touches to the 53-man roster the biggest of which has been cutting trey sermon matt barrows over at athletic that's where i worked too he wrote about it 49ers cut running back trey sermon to make room for a new offensive lineman so the 49ers started today by scouring the waiver wire and we can take a look at the 70 man roster that's what it's going to be now after the practice squad is finished and stretch this out across the screen this is how the 49ers began the day they were looking at guys the other teams waved and they decided to pick up blake hans who i talked about a little bit earlier today hans offensive lineman from the browns played tackle last year played a really good game at guard back in 2020 in the playoffs when everybody was on the covid list that was his best pass protecting game in his nfl career so hans is a versatile offensive lineman fortiners obviously need help along the offensive line when they claimed him off waivers because the browns cut him yesterday the 49ers needed to kick somebody off the 53 to make room they kicked trey sermon off of the 53 to make room which is obviously significant news in the larger picture of things just given for honors roster construction given shanahan's history with running backs and especially given the fact that trey sermon was a third round pick just last season so in the past we had seen kyle shanahan with highly picked running backs well i wouldn't even say fourth round for joe williams was all that high but he picked joe williams fourth round 2017. shanahan held on to joe williams for a while he stashed him on on injured reserve there williams never played a regular season game for the 49ers but he got really two seasons worth the chances right for the for the football team so uh the criticism of kyle shanahan had been that he'd been ultra stubborn with running backs that he had used draft picks on and the case with trey sermon here was fascinating because the 49ers had so many capable running backs on cut down day and on cut down day the 49ers decided to carry trace sermon in an unprecedented move they had five running backs make the initial 53-man roster well about 12 hours later maybe a little bit more than that maybe not close to closer to 24 hours later not much longer after that though the 49ers decided to wave trey's sermon they had to do it because they needed to make room for the new guy the new lineman blake kant so we can deduce from this that trey sermon was one of the last players to make the 49ers 53-man roster if not the last player to make the 53-man roster they obviously kept sermon over jordan mason which answered a question that we discussed a lot on the show over the course of the past couple weeks where on the pecking order is jordan mason versus trey sermon it's always hard to tell during preseason right because they're running against different defenses behind different fronts but for sure i mean you could even see this and some of my work from this year i was you know i pondered this in my writing sermon averaged only 1.9 yards after contact per rush compared to 4.9 for jamichael hayes who by the way didn't make the team is now a member of the jacksonville jaguars they picked them up on waivers today 4.1 for jordan mason and 3.2 yards after contact per rush for ty davis price i wrote this several days ago sermon sermon was not as impressive during the preseason games as those guys by a long shot but the 49ers continually maintained this is up until the preseason game that closed the schedule against the texans on thursday john lynch and the pre-game show of that and kyle shanahan later they maintained that sermon though he didn't look good in the games had really impressed them throughout the course of the off season and i think as we piece some stuff together it is possible that the 49ers were trying to trade trey sermon that you know as a third round pick they thought that he might still have some value if they talked them up and if they said hey you know he's looked really good at practice maybe they might be able to get some biters for for trey sermon right they might be able to get some bites on that trade market obviously that didn't end up happening and they ended up waving him the day after the initial 53-man roster cut down now you can't say that they completely had lost faith in him because otherwise he doesn't even make the first 53-man roster list unless it was some kind of crazy trade bait machination but i don't i don't think that was the case so yeah i think that trey sermon barely made it but then as soon as the 49ers got into a position where they needed a roster spot that's when they cut bait right that's when it was like okay we're not gonna we're not gonna sit here any longer and hurt our football team because we need to strengthen the offensive line uh over everything else and trey sermon was the player who got the ax so sermon's gone and you know those people who criticize kyle shanahan for being stubborn sticking with running backs too long i think that at this point he uh didn't stick with trey's sermon for too long he made sure that a journeyman offensive lineman got his roster spot instead on this day so that's the trace sermon used the 49ers now if you go back to this 70 man roster which is currently about a 65-man roster because it's not finished yet counting the practice squad you could see the running back room now is much more normal sized elijah mitchell jeff wilson ty davis price and jordan mason four backs one full back and kyle use checks that's five under anthony lynn four tight ends debo samuel obviously lines up in the backfield he's technically a wide receiver and trey lance has got some legs too so uh despite the fact they no longer have trace sermon who was their worst performing running back of the preseason the 49ers still are going to hold run the football a whole heck of a lot all right let's move on to some other news by the way check out matt barrow's article on the athletic he came out with this sucker today that was matt's mine is right here this one just came out inside jimmy garoppolo's complex incentives and the 49ers salary cap situation this right here i did a lot of work on with some charts and breakdowns so i'm going to put this one into the chat section you can go ahead and check it out i have an answer now a firm answer on how much salary cap space the 49ers actually have at 6.5 million dollars but the pathway to it i think is the more important part of this story how the 49ers managed to get themselves into a financially sustainable place even with jimmy garoppolo on the roster entering this 2022 season now as you check out this article in the link in that chat section um keep in mind that the initial reporting a lot of people you know i don't think i i here this is i write these pieces because i think that the salary cap is very misunderstood there's a lot of stuff that people don't dedicate time to because you have to get into the nitty-gritty but it's actually really important right because it's going to dictate how executives on football teams a huge reason why jimmy garoppolo's in the position that he is in right now is because the 49ers looking at their long-term plan determined they needed to have a smaller cap hit at the quarterback position so they do have that smaller cap hit but within the context of a backup quarterback and within the context of what people expected just a couple you know a couple days ago after jimmy garoppolo did resign with the 49ers it is a significantly larger cap hit than initial presumptions people thought 8.9 or 9 million because they thought all the incentives in garoppolo's contract would be not likely to be earned it's not the case this is a very unusual case in fact of incentives being majority likely to be earned because jimmy garoppolo earned a lot of the incentives last year so the way that incentives are determined as far as the nfl salary cap goes is simple if the player achieved the incentives in his contract last season they're likely to be earned they count on this year's cap if he didn't they're not likely to be earned they don't count on this year's cap the nfl redoes its accounting every offseason so if a player earns not likely to be under incentives the team is charged the next year if a player doesn't earn likely to be earned incentives the team receives a refund in the next season but it's important for the 49ers sake to know what the cap hit this year is going to be for jimmy garoppolo because they're operating with rather limited space here in 2022 right so when the presumption from a lot of people was oh it's going to be 8.9 or 9 million uh hit then everybody was like oh the 49ers have 20 million dollars in cap space this is awesome uh that's not the case it's a 14 million dollar cap hit for jimmy garoppolo this season because the incentives are based on play time and he saw a lot of it last year started 15 out of the 49ers 17 games they you know there's a 500 000 based on playoff play time that he achieved last year there's 500 000 based on nfc championship gameplay time that he achieved last year now he didn't achieve the nfc championship win and the super bowl appearance obviously so that's not likely to be earned but there are a lot of incentives on this contract for jimmy garoppolo that actually count against the cap this season which make the hit 14 million and eat a little bit more into the 49ers cap space than i think was initially assumed now i'm not saying that the 49ers are in a bad position financially again i ran the numbers we've shifted from the top 51 rule to the 53-man roster rule so they had to construct the roster around how much it cost they have to pay guys for the practice squad i'm going to be talking about that here in a little bit because the 49ers landed a couple of absolute coups with the practice squad but they're operating with middle of the pack cap space and not top of the line cap space 6.5 million once you pay everybody right and they have paid everybody i'm including all those estimates in the 6.5 million that all means that the 49ers will enter this season financially armed to make prudent moves but they're not going to be able to just spend willy-nilly at the trade deadline nor have they ever planned to do that right kyle shanahan and john lynch always look for strategically cohesive editions they're not going to just pick up you know random names over the course of the season and try to fit a square peg into the round into a round hole they're going to be smart with their trade deadline acquisitions in the past we've seen charles and menehu joined the team jordan willis joined the team both worthwhile trades before the deadline both guys that the 49ers integrated got into the room with chris casaric and both guys that are now contributors on their 53-man roster so those kind of trades don't cost you all that much money but you still do need some in-season money for for the spending for the spending to happen because uh otherwise it's really hard to kind of be fungible with the cap during the course of the season you could do restructures and stuff in the off season it becomes a lot harder when you're acquiring contracts in the middle of the season so this garoppolo re-sign did uh help the 49ers as far as opening up some cap space david yang asked a good question the 49ers get the 2 million back from nate sudfeld because he signed with the lines they're going to get about a million back probably i don't know what exactly the contract size with the lions was for nate sudfeld but there is offset language so i will go back and update that cheat i actually have a salary cap sheet that everybody can check out i mean this is the 53-man roster sheet but if you want to check out the salary cap sheet for 49ers 53-man salary cap kind of breakdown it's right here and i go through a lot of the stuff in the article i'll probably make a separate video on the cap situation because i think i uncovered a lot of new stuff so if you want to see the salary cap sheet go ahead and check out the link which i just put in the comments section is free for you guys to peruse but anyway uh i'll put this garoppolo article back on the screen and we will talk about the rest of the 49ers news today welcome everybody sub to the athletic obviously sub to the channel do all that good stuff there's still a lot to go through so i'm happy we kind of warmed up the show let a lot of you file in because uh we have we have quite the developments to talk the 49ers currently have 12 of 16 practice squat practice squad spots filled so they still have four more we're not done yet as far as covering all this i mean this is ongoing construction i i'm in my apartment here in san francisco and i hear you know hammers and and buzz saws and everything and because there's construction just down the street i imagine that's what it sounds like at the 49ers facility right now they are building the roster it is a process it won't be done tonight it won't be done the next day it won't be done until the end of the season right then they're going to start all over for the next season because you're constantly tinkering and fixing stuff it's like the sagrada familia the the cathedral over in barcelona it's a cathedral that's just been under construction for hundreds of years they're never going to finish it they're just going to keep on building that's what football rosters are like you're always building you're always tearing down nothing is permanent nfl stands for not for long well that applies to the rosters in the league but as we speak right now the 49ers have 12 of 16 practice squad spots filled with this being the major news we talked about the cuts yesterday right komoko toure and malik turner two veterans who we expected to make the 53-man roster and the 49ers couldn't fit them on there because of other issues they had to squeeze some other guys onto that 53 man well both toure and malik turner have signed with the 49ers practice squad and these are two absolute coups i don't think you could overstate how big of you know two pieces of news uh that these two stories are i mean this is this is huge for the 49ers first of all komoko turret five and a half sacks for the indianapolis colts last year these kind of guys don't just grow on trees komoko toure was a tough cut for the 49ers i mean just look at this in almost any other nfl scenario if you had a guy who had five and a half sacks last year and then followed it up with a very productive preseason the next year which is exactly what kimoko turia has done a team wouldn't cut it but the 49ers have an exceptionally deep defensive line so they did cut him because they have an exceptionally deep roster and they had to make that tough decision and they could only hope that turret would be willing to come back to their practice squad now if you look at my 53-man salary cap page you can see what a practice squad salary typically is i haven't filled out the practice squad here yet but the practice squad minimum is 207 000 per year you might be able to pay guys a little bit more than that i don't know what the exact rules are but the main thing is that let's just talk about this in general practice squad guys aren't going to make that much more than that 200 000 per year it's slotted by the cba pretty tightly i'm going to read a little bit more of that to be able to give you a little bit more information about those those practice squad salaries but the league minimum is over a million dollars for uh guys that are just on the 53-man roster now komoko toure had a million guaranteed from the 49ers so that's going to be coming regardless and his practice squad salary will offset some of that so maybe the gesture the goodwill gesture from the 49ers of that million guaranteed when he signed with them this offseason convinced komoko toure to say hey yeah i'll be on their practice squad but um he could have gone elsewhere and he could have tried you know i think a guy with five and a half sacks who put together last season who put together good preseason tape this year i think he could have signed for more than the minimum somewhere else i think he could have pushed for more money and he ultimately didn't he ultimately decided to instead sign with the 49ers practice squad why is this well i think it's a testament to chris casarick the 49ers defensive line coach they made this guy resurrects careers this guy gets other players paid arden key showed up last year spit arden key out and he gets paid by the jacksonville jaguars you look at carrie hyder jr a couple years ago he shows up gets paid by the seattle seahawks and the seahawks caught him a year later he rejoins chris casara coming they've got a factory going on in this defensive line room with the 49ers they have an absolute factory you know the gary hall jr he was a american sprinter in swimming you guys know that i swim so i'm just talking about this i think he was in the 96 olympics the 2000 olympics and he'd always have these obnoxious quotes uh like one of them was my body's a muscle factory and it's currently going through the industrial revolution well the 49ers are defensive line factory and with chris casaric at the helm they're currently going through the industrial revolution they're just churning these guys out getting them paid that's the goal so they could support their families uh that's the chris casaric has said that before i mean it is his mission to just be that influence in these guys lives as football players to to make them dominant defensive lineman so you give chris casarick some talent to work with and he's going to give you results out on the other end and with that track record i think that's why komoko turay was cool coming back on the practice squad with the 49ers now the practice squad i think they just got to do away with this at some point and just expand these rosters to 70 men because uh they're becoming more and more taxi squad like right and i talk about the 49ers having 12 of 16 practice squad spots filled well some of those spots are filled by younger developmental players some rookies but some of them are filled by veterans like malik turner kimoko turay i mean these guys are they're essentially using it as a taxi squad like a little bit of a minor league system to be able to call up players onto the active roster and i'm confident that komoko turret is going to see some time on the 49ers active roster this year i'm very confident that malik turner it's not a turner jersey behind me by the way it is the number 17 jersey but i i think it's fitting but uh it's not actually him i promise that you guys would see the back of it if the 49ers won the super bowl this year but anyway with uh malik turner uh he's gonna see some time for the 49ers in game situations and both of these players will have a legitimate chance and a more legitimate chance now than if they weren't on the practice squad of being permanently promoted to the 49ers 53-man roster where they would be able to get that pay bump from the 200-something thousand to the million plus as vested veterans minimum contract in the national football league for the case of turner you know i talk about casaric being the appeal potentially for kamoko toure well think about the coaching connections that malik turner has with the 49ers brian schneider their new special teams coordinator was his special teams coordinator back in seattle and they had really good units in seattle and turner's a special team's ace right so i i'm sure that brian schneider has been pounding the table from malik turner shanahan's talked very very highly of malik turner and how he does everything right they just couldn't fit him on that 53 but they're able to fit him on the practice squad and this folks is the power of having a respected coaching staff and respected assistants who connect with players because these veterans would rather be with the 49ers practice squad making less than elsewhere making more on a 53-man roster they want to be part of this building they like the locker room they like the culture that shanahan and lynch have built but they also like working with tried and true proven assistant coaches and chriska sarick for camoco toure and uh brian schneider for malik turner and you probably tossed leonard hankerson the wide receiver's coach into the mix because turner's technically a receiver you know i'm speaking special teams first because he's an ace in that phase of the game but both of these guys are now back with the 49ers and i think that was huge news today yes jason poe did make it big news for the 49ers and i know they're fans i know that you guys all love jason pose so why don't we take a look at the entirety of this roster right now i'm going to pop this back open up onto the screen make it wider for you so you can look this it's not as busy as i thought it'd be right now there's 10 people looking at it there were times yesterday where we had hundreds of people looking at this spreadsheet just to see what the 49ers were doing i'm keeping it updated live you know one thing that really stands out to me all the blue those are rookies right and i guess i should highlight the rookies on the practice squad side as well so we'll do that together right now but all on the left side here the 53 man roster the blue highlights are rookies the 49ers have eight rookies on the 53-man roster which shows that at least early indication this was an extremely productive draft they they got some players who they believe are good enough to contribute immediately in this draft seven of the 49ers nine 2022 draftees made the initial 53-man roster number eight is clea davis who is still recovering from his acl tear and the ninth tariq castro fields well they liked how he was playing during training camp and toward the end of the preseason as well but they didn't fit him and they had a wave castro fields and he got picked up by washington today so uh just remarkable that eight of the 49ers nine draftees are still around after cut down day and then they have eight making the 53 uh eight rookies making the 53-man roster with undrafted free agent jordan mason being one of them but speaking of undrafted free agents people were worried when the 49ers waved jason poe but the move ended up paying off because he wasn't claimed and the 49ers can now continue that development process with poe on the practice squad so we have to find the right color here yep there we go i found the right color highlight jason poe he's a rookie we're going to highlight tay martin he's also a rookie receiver who made the 49ers practice squad did i get it right again yep i did good it's always tough picking out of that color palette go down the list marcelino mccrary ball he is also a rookie so we can give marcelo mccrary ball some love two of these guys right here quantrez knight and taylor hawkins both rookies so as we go through the list we see that the 49ers now on this side have eight rookies on the 53-man roster and on the practice squad so far they have five rookies that's 13 rookies plus khalia davis 14 14 rookies in the building which is very very significant because now the 49ers have had a chance to vet these players and they're really happy with them over the course of training camp in the preseason happy enough to keep them in the building either on the 53 or on the practice squad but why don't we go through some of these players and you know just note the mix of players that the 49ers have on that practice squad tay martin is a rookie receiver but then you have two veterans malik turner and willie snead the fourth the 49ers thought they're gonna have a terrible team they wouldn't uh carry willy sneed and malik turner on the practice squad they wouldn't bother with it they'd put young guys there instead but again they're using the practice squad for both developmental purposes and also for taxi squad purposes so that it's an augment to this 53-man roster look at the offensive line keaton sutherland's not a rookie keaton sutherland yeah not a great football player but they need center depth and they need somebody to you know kind of be manning the scout team doing all that kind of good stuff so keaton sutherland's a valuable member for a contending football team whereas jason poe is obviously a more developmental weapon now in the case of poe they could flex him up for specific game plans and i mean he's an absolute bowling ball we've talked about this jason poe is a guy who i think the 49ers can use in specialty packages if they're running you know even triple option if they're running some crazy stuff in this outside zone i know shanahan requires a lot of athleticism from his offensive lineman to really be able to stretch the formation get to certain spots in the field poke can be an excellent specialty weapon for the 49ers because he runs a 4940. he's faster than almost every single offensive lineman in nfl he's got a lower center of gravity just roll that bowling ball out there roll the bowling ball out there and specialty packages h back roll full back roll i don't care roll it out there and see what jason poe can do moving forward speaking of fullbacks uh no word yet on josh hokett i don't think he's gotten the call from the 49ers yet at this point uh it could be that jason poe is somebody who they view as an in-game emergency replacement for kyle youscheck at the fullback position but i think if you check does go down at any point which if you're the 49ers you knock on wood you hope that doesn't happen if use check does go down then i think they give josh okay a call for sure because he's got the body type that matches that full back roll but paul's got the speed and the quickness to do some crazy stuff for the 49ers blocking wise and that's why they resigned them back to the practice squad where they'll have some adaptability all right i will stretch this out again you guys can check it out komoko turay akeem spence and alex barrett are three defensive linemen do they brought into the practice squad all of these guys are veterans so they're just trying to keep the d-line room as deep and stacked as possible as you can see they have 10 of them on the 53 three of them here so that's 13 defensive linemen for the 49ers 14 if you include khalia davis the rookie still on the nfi non-football injury list after he tours acl playing for central florida last season marcelina mccrary ball developmental linebacker they like him he has made the team not the 53 but he's made the team they still have four spots left remember this 12 of 16 practice squad spots filled so you know we'll see if they bring in segundo lube we will see if they do bring in somebody like josh hockett we'll see how that maneuvering works here over the course of the next week and a half and really over the course of the entire season because this is always going to be fluid and that's why i have this sheet to help you all keep track of everything finally defensive backfield i know everybody on twitter was really excited about quantrez knight i mean he did a good job for the 49ers this offseason because as a rookie it's tough to come in and play one position quantress showed up and played two positions he played safety and he played nickelback and who knows maybe he could even play some outside cornerback in a pinch for the 49ers but he's just a football player and he was the heart and soul of ucla's defense last year and anytime somebody's the heart and soul of a college defense at that d1 level major conference level uh he's got some moxie to him and cuantrez got that moxie to him congratulations to him for making the 49ers practice squad fellow socal college product guy taylor hawkins out of san diego state safety had that interception against kellen maughan late in week two against the vikings of uh the preseason he's also on the practice squad speaking of taxi squad additions as you can see here to sean gibson who the 49ers brought in about a week ago then they cut well gibson is back veteran they're going to try to bridge the gap while jimmy ward is out ward officially on ir now i think they might try to bridge it by activating to sean gibson off of the practice squad everybody's going to be asking about jakwaski tart and here's the deal with jakowski tart let me explain this this is something that you should keep in mind with all veterans right now that the 49ers might potentially sign week one of the season is a big inflection point for veterans who have vested contracts or contractual rights in the nfl if you are on the roster week one and you continue with the team past week one your contract your your salary for the entire 2022 season as a vested veteran is fully guaranteed that was the issue with jimmy garoppolo right september 10th would have fully guaranteed the old 24.2 million dollar base salary that the 49ers weren't willing to pay this year so that's why we talked about september 10 before uh he did end up resigning for less money and now it's fully guaranteed anyway so the 49ers have no choice but they're obviously planning to keep jimmy garoppolo right now but uh back to uh the whole situation with vested veterans not named jimmy garoppolo at that september 10th inflection point is a big deal so the 49ers bring in tarte right now and he's on that roster on september 10th which i think he would be because there's no game in between now and september 10th well then his entire salary would be fully guaranteed if the 49ers aren't yet committed to bringing in an entirely new body to survive the season of the safety room i don't know if they want to do that with with jacquas i don't know if they want to do that with jakowski tart they can do this with deshawn gibson because he's on the practice squad right now they could simply elevate him from the practice squad for the game against the bears without having him on the active roster and that would mean that deshaun gibson wouldn't get that fully guaranteed 53-man type of deal even though he's a vested veteran so you have more flexibility with gibson than you would have with somebody like tart adding him to the 53-man roster because adding tart would also entail that you cut somebody else so i think the fortiner's gonna be careful with this and if after week one they determined that oh we actually will need safety help or hey even maybe before week one they'll determine this they'll say hey we actually do need tarts help it's worth us guaranteeing a salary then they'll do that but it's more likely they that they wait until after week one and yes it's true tart might sign elsewhere but the 49ers don't feel that the cost benefit analysis justifies signing tart yet at least that's what it seems like to me now they're thinking long and hard about all this stuff it's all developing in real time so maybe within a day or two the 49ers thought process changes because tarte did get 500 000 guaranteed from philadelphia and that will offset in his next deal so maybe he would be willing to take a pretty good deal with the 49ers but just do remember that guarantee that's just the league rule that guarantee for vested veterans will happen on september 10th again speaking of all this money in salary cap space the 49ers have 6.5 million at this point that's uh what i wrote today let me put this one up on the screen for you here's jimmy garoppolo and that whole contractual situation i'm going to put this into the chat section oops i didn't mean to do that we just lost everything there you go i'm gonna put this into the chat section for you check it out subscribe to the athletic through this and obviously hit the sub button on this video as well we are 63 away from 19 000 so why don't you hit that sub button have poor hasty taken by the jacksonville jaguars although we'll see what the regime there does in the post urban meyer era uh just going through some of the stuff i talked about earlier the 49ers cut trace sermon to make room for blake hans that's the new offensive lineman matt barrows wrote this up on the athletic you go subscribe to him check out this stuff as well sermon had made the initial 53. did not make the second iteration of the 53 the second day version of it the 49ers picked up alignment off waivers that offensive line needs help i mean we've been talking about that for years now right so i mean we could take a look at where hans might fit in but this 49ers offensive line saw a player that they liked in a system that wasn't all too different than kyle shanahan's kevin stefanski's with the browns and they hopped on a chance to get a versatile offensive lineman there's hands i mean remember the 49ers picked up laken tomlinson in a rather unheralded move in 2017 right before the season started maybe blake hanse becomes a guy that is productive for them as well now tomlinson was a former first round draft pick but he hadn't really lived up to the promise in detroit 49ers made it work for him though over the course of his time there so you see hans sermon's no longer on the 49ers roster hands i have slotted behind spencer burford right now we'll see how they line up the practice tomorrow that's going to be exciting by the way tomorrow at practice let me put this up on the screen adam peters will speak to a larger crowd of media for the first time in his five plus years with the 49ers and that is this is cool news i'm just doing this on the fly that is the assistant gm adam peters put this up on the screen why don't we talk about it assistant gm adam peters he is the right-hand man for john lynch he came over from the denver broncos in 2017 after lynch had sat in with john elway former stanford friend on on broncos uh meetings but i think it was might even have been bronco's pre-draft meetings and john wasn't so impressed by adam peters that he offered him the director player personal job with the 49ers in 2017 and then adam was promoted to assistant gm and now adam who i've done a one-on-one interview with i've written an article about him he grew up a 49ers fan think about that i know a lot of 49ers fans watching i'm sure a lot of you also grew up in the bay area adam peters is a youngster shared an elevator with joe montana at candlestick and now he's making major 49ers personnel decisions or helping kyle shanahan and john lynch make them as assistant gm well tomorrow at the press conference in the john mcveigh draft room adam peters is uh going to be answering questions as well it's going to be his first time in an organized media setting along with john lynch so congratulations adam peters moving up in the world um this is definitely i think symbolic i think it's an advancement we talked about john lynch how long is he going to be around with the 49ers well as long as those competitive juices are not quenched right he turned down a lot of money from amazon reportedly worth up to 15 million dollars he's probably making around 5 million right now based on reports that's a 3x pay raise that's 10 million left on the table lynch is so competitive i think he wants to win a super bowl and he's still with the 49ers but he's he's grooming his right-hand man right now right this is the gm in waiting i would say for the 49ers is adam peters and i think we shouldn't lose sight of the symbolic importance of peter's speaking tomorrow all right back to the practice squad 12 of 16 practice squad spots filled for the 49ers another look at everything right here tay martin malik turner willie snead the fourth poe sutherland turret akeem spence alex barrett mccrary ball pontrez knight taylor hawkins desean gibson senior if trey sermon makes it through waivers i think the 49ers would like to add them to the practice squad again i don't think that they completely hate trey sermon i think there's a reason why he made the initial 53-man roster but they obviously aren't in love with trey sermon since they cut him here on the second day after that or the first day after that roster cut down so i do think that he's a candidate for the practice squad because i do think the 49ers won as many bodies as possible in that running back position to avoid the running back apocalypse of last season you go through the other position groups well malik turner has bolstered the receiver room malik turner is right here he's going to be effectively as wide receiver number six for the 49ers right now and jason poe is going to be working on his development in the back it's not going to be behind the curtains it's going to be very much in front of everybody at practice but from the depths of the practice squad he's not going to be paid as much but jason poe is still going to be receiving that coaching and that development that the 49ers want him to receive and then of course komoko turret defensive line room wants as many bodies as possible and keeping kamoko turay around on the practice squad absolute coup for the 49ers along with malik turner all right i might wade here into the comment section answer a couple of questions why don't we take a look at what's going on 60 away from 19 sub mike mike is uh helping us out so is eric eric gomes cool guy eric gomez always uh always there supporting the channel the 49ers have promoted peters somebody is saying that the 49ers haven't don't seem interested in protecting by peters by promoting him they promoted him from director player personnel to assistant gm the next logical promotion would be from g from assistant gm to actual gm if you made lynch uh the president or ceo right i think jed york is currently the ceo so i don't know if you'd be able to call lynch that and that could be coming uh but so far adam peters has stayed with the 49ers so i mean results talk right i mean either he's stayed or he hasn't so far he's there i know he hasn't landed those jobs that he's interviewed with but the 49ers are very very content to allow him to continue climbing the ladder with them and this is going to be a big symbolic moment for him in that press conference tomorrow thursday morning and then we're gonna get to see jimmy garoppolo and trey lance back together again on the practice field a lot of good videos coming so speaking of that make sure you're subbed to the channel sub to the athletic because tomorrow's gonna be a big day at the facility we're gonna talk to peters and john lynch before practice in the draft room then we're going to go out to practice and then we're going to talk to some players after that so it's going to be some fascinating stuff tomorrow definitely at the 49ers facility any more questions i'm sure there's a ton of them why cut sermon today well i i think that hey the reason why they cut sermon today over hasty they might have preferred trey sermon over jamaica hasty i will get the exact answers or maybe they thought that he had trade value you know maybe they were working on something and it didn't work out this is all speculation i'm gonna couch it with that uh but you cut him today because blake hands the offensive lineman showed up on the waiver wire and you're able to pick him up so they needed a spot every day you adapt to the circumstances of that day you don't you know you can't look back at everything with 20 20 vision right hindsight's always 20 20. but the 49ers yesterday had enough room for trey sermon for whatever reason and today they didn't and the reason there was they picked up a new offensive lineman in blake hands mr corey has a question about the offensive land about the offensive line is this a line going to shock the world he asks or is the bill going to come due for spending one first one second and zero third round picks in the whole line in six years i guess that's the question that's going to determine a lot of whether or not the 49ers are successful in 2022 right we'll see a lot hinges on aaron banks especially they need some good play from him that left guard position but they didn't pick up another guy who could play guard today in blake hands starting safety is week one well that's going to be interesting definitely tallano funga they put tarvarius more in there or does george odom get the spot i think it's more versus odom to start in week one and then you might flex to sean gibson up from the practice squad to make sure that you have some depth there still waiting on dante johnson he hasn't signed his 15th contract i'm not kidding 15 and his next contract that he signs with the 49ers if it does happen will be his 15th with the 49ers docusign commercial right there since 2014 so still waiting to see what they do with him but he's also a possibility for that all right guys i have to get going this has been another long show over 40 minutes so be sure to check out the piece i'm gonna be talking about this jimmy garoppolo piece uh a little bit later i could pop it back open on the screen though for us right here inside jimmy garoppolo's complex incentives and the 49ers salary cap situation there you go chat section has the link once again this is important stuff because the 49ers are now financially armed heading into the 2022 season all right guys thanks again for everything talk to you soon be sure to sub to the athletic and continue following along as this development of the roster continues i i i can't sleep because and i'm not sleeping because i'm tracking all this so go ahead and sub follow along for the ride and let's enjoy the ride as we enter labor day weekend here in just a couple days a lot of footage coming from practice tomorrow too all right everybody have a good dinner take care

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