[Aplausos] [Música] dira [Aplausos] for the las palabras de nuestra finalista this Amazing week um and towards Us as well we got to continue um and Thank you to my Team Uh It's Great week for Us um Thank you to the tournament directors supervisors all the sponsors [Música] um B Kids judges Empires um and Thank you to you [Música] Gracias y te amo [Aplausos] Monterrey un aplauso para nuestra finalista de la noche honor invitar a la campeona de la modalidad de singles del abierto GNP seguros 2024 linda [Aplausos] [Aplausos] 2 in the I Uh I don't really know what to say I was coming To This tournament with Uh we not not the best mood but so definitely especially before Grand Slim but Uh It was such a great tournament for me and the circumstances and Uh you guys and sponsors and the Uh opportunities that I've Had here is just incredible for me in my career so I'm just really glad I went here And I hope that Maybe I'll Come Back next [Aplausos] tole but Yes I want to than all sponsors All the B Kids Empires and Uh tournament director Uh for making this tour such a such an organized ev and such a beautiful Uh week for Us so It was really enjoyable here so thank you lot but Uh also I want to Thank you guys It was just incredible to play front of you for [Aplausos] enek yeah I I want to my coach he has he has helped me a lot so so yeah here my whole Team we and [Aplausos] [Música] fones y finalmente queremos agradecer a todas las personas que nos acompañaron a lo largo del torneo y esperamos verlos nuevamente el próximo año buenas noches [Aplausos] [Música] [Aplausos] se en estos momentos seev campe finalista con esos hermosos trofeos y con esta gr gente de1 and con all Thef as well to the Players Of course skills and many have already departed on to flings at the Us Open for The Final slam of the year That's What This is all about us CR

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