Shannon Sharpe & Chad Johnson react to Tyreek Hill being detained by Miami Police pregame | Nightcap

Published: Sep 08, 2024 Duration: 00:18:02 Category: Sports

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[Music] Oho the Dolphins beat the Jags but the big news actually happened before the game yes sir and this is what happened Tyreek Hill was detained by police Sunday a block away from Hard Rock stadium for a driving violation he was reportedly stopped for speeding and then got into a verbal Al altercation with the police and was subsequently placed in handcuffs dolphin teammate K Campbell jnu Smith stopped to offer support for he leading Campbell detainment for disobeying a direct order Miami day Police Department released a statement requested an immediate review of the incident one of the officers involved in the heill entainment was placed on administrative duties during the investigation note not administrative lead administrative uh uh Duty which means he's going to be at the desk he's not going to be in the field let's take a listen to what Javon Holland and Tyreek had to say after the game about the incident then I seen the the cop like kicked him or something like that that was crazy so that's got to get handled um you know what I'm saying ex excessive force on a black man that's not uncommon it's a very common thing in America so I think that needs to be addressed uh at a a Countrywide level um so yeah I don't think that is cool at all but uh you know it's not it's not unnatural or not uncommon for cops to do that type of especially the black men so that that that needs to be addressed for sure I've been trying to figure that out too I've been trying to figure that out too man right now I'm still trying to um put it all together um so so I'm not going to give you um a version that I still don't know what happened you know what I'm saying but I do want to say I do want to be able to use this platform to say like what if I wasn't Tyreek hill bro so I got a lot of respect for cops man but um obviously you know everybody has bad apples in every situation you know so um I I want to be able to you know use this platform you know to figure out to figure out a way to like flip this and you know make it a positive both ends on my end and then also Miami Dave you know so that way we can team together and you know do something positive for the community oo what was what would we're gonna we're gonna discuss the game yeah so but oo this situation you I driven the home games I did it for 14 years you did it for 11 12 years so you know it's like lay out give a give the fans an idea you go into the stadium you got to be at the stadium I mean normally they ask you to be at the stadium two hours before the game right so okay now oo you leave the hotel night before the game I don't know if you stay there the full time or you go back home and change but you're on your way to the stadium take the fans through probably what transpired with Tyreek I mean well obviously he was headed to the stadium I mean right the the rest if I'm looking at the background that's that's right outside the stadium outside of Miami Gardens because you know you can see the stadium you know in in the background obviously obviously he was right there I'm not sure what what a what actually happened I'm not sure what time it was I'm not sure if it was running late so obviously if you're stopping for a driving violation the only type of driving violation you could have two hours before a game would have to be speeding of some sort maybe that using your signal um I'm I'm assuming something minor well speeding is not minor obviously so I'm he I'm assuming he was pulled over because all all all I have to go off of is based on what we all saw I mean that that's it um I I I think I think it's unfortunate I I think it's an easy fix I think it was a very easy fix to where it even have it didn't even have to get to this point to to where it got to today uh I'm not I'm not sure if cooler heads had prevailed in that in that time or in that manner or uh him being detained wouldn't happened in that in that situation I think you and I have talked about it before when you're stopped by the police and doing all you can to be able to to to resolve the issue without it going any further you know um I'm not sure if Tyreek said anything maybe the officer was was having a bad day was having a bad day but there has to be some level of respect on both ends where this where this doesn't happen the fact that I don't have the evidence on what really happened and what transpired for it to get to that point it's hard for me to dig deeper and say some of the things I want to say outside of the fact it shouldn't get to that point though there should be a level of respect on both ends obviously especially Miami Miami Police Department Department if you work in a game if you work in a game you on detail at the game and you know it's a player obviously maybe extending him a little Grace if he is running late letting him know hey reek if anything just slow down a little bit baby because you got people you got foot traffic obviously there's a game going on people trying to get to the game slow down a little bit if you're gonna be late if anything just take the fine or whatnot whatever whatever it might have been I don't know what it was but again I mean as officers knowing that there's a game getting ready to be played and knowing that it's it's a player not saying he should be getting getting Grace obviously rules and laws that you have to abide by but it just it just there's a certain level of respect that officers normally have for a player or in a situation and understanding what's going on but in in in this case you know it it it wasn't it wasn't yeah I think the thing is uh ladies and gentlemen like when we go to the game um we were had to be we were required to be to the game at least two hours before the game yeah so our game will start at 2 o'cl because we in mountain time so we start had to be there at least by 12 I normally got to the I normally got to the stadium about four and a half hours before the game so I normally got to the game uh uh the stadium about four and a half hours before the game so the traffic wasn't as heavy but a lot of times they block it off because they don't want traffic they want to be able to control the traffic coming in one way they don't want the normal flow of traffic being able to come in all directions right so they a lot of times they'll have it blocked off um I was always conscious of that and so you know anytime I pulled up to an area and I saw police officer I would I would like roll my win down to let them know this is Shannon because my wi always had you know I always had T but I wanted them to know that hey I'm Shannon you know hey I'm going to the stadium and a lot of them most of them recognize who I was hey hey Mr Sharp how you doing have a great game so forth and so on now obviously the later the later you get to that that cut off time that teams have established the more foot traffic is going to be coming right and so obviously you they don't want you reading through their 50 you know not even 35 miles hour they probably want you around 5 to 10 miles an hour because there's some traffic like I said I haven't been to in Miami Stadium oo in since 98 so I couldn't no actually we played them in divisional round but that's been so long that's been so long ago oo that's been over 22 decades so I really couldn't tell you and you know normally when we come in on the bus we got police escort so it's a lot different when you got police escort as opposed to being you know you driving yourself and so you're absolutely right um I I think the thing is for that minor of a traffic for okay he's speeding and you got to lay him face down yeah hold on hold on write him a ticket write write him a ticket there's no reason to detain him there's no reason for him to be faced down what you do have to think of if it if it if it sort to that if they resulted to to the point of having to have him face down like that I think there might have been some exchange back and forth well yeah might been some exchange back and forth that's the only time it gets to that point when a individual is being somewhat volatile towards the law then they take things in their own hands because as you get a little loud what's the first thing they do they try they try to detain you they try to deescalate sitation oo o in that situation he's God he got all the power yeah he got a gun yeah he got a taser yes sir he got a baton yes sir he got a bulletproof vets on he's in that situation he's God my thing anytime the police officer comes to my car I get pulled over my job is to get him to the car back to his car me on my way he on his way with his little conversation is possible possible yes sir okay you pull me over Mr Sharp you know how fast you were going uh I really don't but you I I welcome you telling me well you was traveling such and such in this my I say I'm sorry officer I didn't know I was traveling that fast but I'm gonna take your word for it because I'm trying to get him Oho I'm trying to get him to my car back to his car MH as quick as possible yeah the longer he stays at my car the greater the chance that there's something that we can it can escalate now a lot of times they're supposed to be in a situation where they deescalate the situation yeah but that's not always how and plus oh you think because you this you that you driving this car oh you think you could no I don't think that so that was that's my whole thought process how soon can I get him to my car back to his car or on his motorcycle and get get him on his way right in a situation like that oo for the for Tyreek to be laid down and it looked like I saw a video it looked like the guy need him in his back I thought that was unne yeah yeah yeah did all that he kicking but I thought he need I thought he needed I could be wrong and maybe the video maybe somebody the video that I saw maybe that wasn't how it happened but it it looked apparently to me that the guy did me a little excessive and now I'm not saying that he dropped the Ric Flair KN on or something like that you know in WWE but um but it looked like it was unnecessary it seemed to me that it was unnecessary that you lay a man down in the street for a traffic violation I can see it the guy he was traffic violation and he was warning for some hanus crime but I don't think that was the case um but I think what's going to happen because this was so public and it is the Miami Dolphins and Steven Ross and the NFL now everybody's getting involved oh you're going to come to a quick resolution oh yeah I can assure you that probably won't happen again I'm not going to say for categorically for certain but there's a great chance that this won't happen again um that guy might have been a little overzealous uh I'm not saying that Tyreek wasn't speeding but I'm just saying I I don't know if speeding warrants that laying a man down face down in the pavement you put your knee in his back you're handcuffing I mean if you gonna do if you g if you going to do all that you bu we're going and take him down yeah yeah yeah most definitely I mean and then that that would make it that would make it even worse yes that would make it even worse and obviously I wish I wish the situation could have been rectified right away there's a certain level of respect that obviously me being from Miami had hadn't got that not not not even close not even close not two not two hours before a game when the officers understand that okay whatever the driving violation may have been listen quick little talk listen you got to slow down but you know what okay if you are speeding a little reck listen I know you got a game baby be driving that fast through here I got to give you a ticket I got to give you a ticket man I got I got to do right by the law but I'mma let you let you go about your way that's it simple it's over driver uh driver's license registration I got to write this ticket just slow down for me next time we got seven more home games here next time you come through here just be driving the right way hopefully we got more than that huh hopefully we got more yeah yeah yeah yeah most definitely most most defitely listen I think it's aain though it's aain on the Miami on the Miami Miami Police Department everywhere it's definitely not a good look it's definitely not a good look coo over abusing your power just a little bit just a little bit Yeah understanding the situation understanding the circumstances you know that Tyreek is no threat in in this situation he's not going to do you any bodily harm I mean you you know that so I think it I think obviously was very excessive and and unnecessary so yeah um like like but like you know I think the thing is I mean like Tyreek said what if he wasn't who he was uh and the thing is now I think you know the cameras and a lot of times and people like well body cameras on you know he he they're wearing body cams and people like well Shannon you talking about you don't get on the elevator with women do you understand it was cameras do you know how many times we've seen stuff on cameras and mo folks walk up out the courtroom Scott ass yeah and you want me to change that just my luck guess what the camera ain't working that day how many times there a situation oh the offic forgot to turn his body cam on oo thinking they s the Cam ain't supposed to come offed always the the moment you pull somebody out you supposed to hit that button yeah but that's neither here nor there tyreeks okay um probably a little a lot embarrassed not a little a lot embarrassed yeah because this played out in front of national in front of you know you play in front of millions but I I don't expect to be handcuffed face down yeah with a knee in my back oh not not in my own City not in the city I play for come on now no and then Tyreek he did what Tyreek he does uh he catches a 80 yard to the house seven catches for a buck 30 one touchdown to 80 yard uh and then he did hey by 10:00 a.m. that had his hand behind his back and at 3: a.m. he had a celebration going with his hand behind his back he and jayen W accounted for 20 11 of the Miami Dolphins 400 total yards in offense uh two are through for 338 one touchdowns um Jacksonville was the ninth best defense against the run last season and they showed it um Miami only had 25 carries for 81 yards uh but a chain had 75 rushing Wadd had five for 109 Tyreek had seven for a buck 30 um but this game seemed to be oo this game was about to be put away but the the Jags Jag at the and dude comes and peanut punches punches they get the ball and two plays later Tyreek so what was about to be a 247 ball game o now all of a sudden you get the ball at the 20 and two plays later Tyreek is in the endzone yeah and so now what was supposed to be 24 uh 24 seven is 174 yeah now now you get now the crowd's back in the game now the starting to feel good about themselves um but give Miami credit uh Jacksonville had an opportunity to really put some put some distance between them they were unable to do it and it just go it just in the blink of an eye the momentum flip just like that oo a 14-point swing that's why you know that's why it's four quarters because quarter one quarter two was all Jacksonville especially def that defense well them boys were playing some goddamn ball on defense man them boys was playing some ball on defense and I told I told everybody especially in the chat I told y'all about Brian Thomas Jr I told you young boy is nice I know Malik neighbors gets all the hype obviously because he's he's in New York Brian Thomas Jr Real Deal the Jag GNA be okay though the Jag the Jag gonna be all right though they gonna be all right me I like I like what I saw from the Jags uh you just got when you get a team in that situation on your you got to put them away you got to put them away you got to create some type of distance yes you got to create type of distance especially when they have those type of players that at any point no matter where you are on the field when it comes to w a chain and that goddamn cheater that hit the head off the gold post from anywhere when you get an opportunity to separate yourself and that's the difference between the type of quarterbacks that are considered tier one that have those type of weapons yeah they put you away they don't even give you no chance because you know at any given time they can strike from anywhere they're only one they're they're one play away a lot of teams don't have that kind of potential they have three guys no they got four guys they got cheetah they got W they got a got Mo yeah I'm tripping they got a guy they got four guys that on any On Any Given play and you could then you strike the band up now you got to smell the deodorant referee raising his arms you know I'm say so they got four guys there are very few teams that have that kind of big play potential right and I always and Chad you've heard me say this when you have the momentum how much separation can you put between you and the team that doesn't have the momentum because eventually they're gonna get it and if you not H if you haven't put enough separation between you guess what they're gonna track you down we saw that with San Francisco we saw that with we saw that with San Francisco in the Super Bowl we saw that with the Eagles in subo the previous year when you have the momentum you better get you a lot of Separation because when they get it where you might have had maybe where you scored two touchdowns and kick the field goal they might go three touchdowns and all of a sudden boom ball game so the Dolphins win but that really wasn't the story The Tyreek Hill being detained briefly face down handcuff for what they said was a a a speeding violation or moving violation driving I'm I'm sure speed they said they they listed it as speeding oo yeah simple ticket simple ticket rectify the situation driver's license insurance boom write the ticket you go and buy your business there's no problem n

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