Kinds of Kindness review #movie #emmastone #Jesseplemons #kindsofkindness #yorgoslanthimos hongchau
Published: Sep 02, 2024
Duration: 00:01:00
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: emma stone
here's my review of kinds of kindness unfortunately I wasn't the biggest fan of this film which was surprising because I L your ghost the most poor things from last year and I think that all the performances were fantastic but one of the problems with this movie is that this is three different stories that are not connected at all all in the same movie and I couldn't just help but think why not just make it this a limited series are excellent for everyone from Emma Stone marget quy is a standout as well as well as Hong Chow is great as well in like in all the stories that he's in of these three stories but like I said they're not connected and the stories themselves can be they're not super compelling in my opinion of course em stone is going to be fantastic CU she's a fantastic actress but it's just the story itself just wasn't as compelling and like I said this movie is like 2 hours and 45 minutes but it's just like just make it a limited series none of these stories connect and it's just weird personally I was just disappointed which is unfortunate but like I said the performances were fantastic okay