Chicago Triathlon | Pre Race Tips | Final T2 Good Luck & Tips!

Published: Aug 23, 2024 Duration: 00:03:33 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: chicago triathlon 2024
so it's coach Joy here from Tri 312 and t2a team nads here at Ohio Street beach live I have with me Freddy the machete crit and Coach Chris hey guys so want to thank wish good luck to all of our T2 athletes one tip I'm going to tell you smile cuz if you smile Everything feels better yeah if you're nervous um everyone is nervous right the Chicago try most of the race is first timers right it's a over a third of the race are true first timers about half of the race are first time doing Chicago try so everyone is a little bit nervous on race day everyone did not do every single workout in their training plan it's okay um we're all in it together it's just one giant spandex party so like Joy said Just remember to smile high five some people around you thank the volunteers as you go by and just have a good day cuz if you're smiling it reduces your anxiety it lets you have a much more fun experience from start to finish um especially at that swim start but all the way through the Finish Line as well I don't know Fred do you have any any other thing that you want to tell our our T2 athletes you know they've done all the training the train they they've had you out there on race day providing support you know we've been watching them do the work you know and it's all about it's all about what you've been doing all season season you know and and go ahead and be nervous because that means you really care and uh if you're not nervous have another cup of coffee but uh you know crazy things happen on race day especially when you're uh so so nervous and running around and and not really thinking about what you're doing crazy things happen like people break their bikes people break their bikes oh my goodness we need to bring the come on in here you can you can do an interview come on over here so hi guys this is we knew you going to be this is one of our our old Tri monster athletes Emily from California out here with tribe multi sport we're we're recording we're not live on video but we're going to be posting this yeah have the mic one thing that the Chicago Triathlon was my very first triathlon ever and the only reason I crossed the Finish Line was because of Chris naen Joy miles and Fred crit no joke and what is it 12 years later I brought my Chicago my California Triathlon team to Chicago to all compete as a team that's pretty awesome both Circle this is not planned at all we would have just saw her and like wow so this is the beauty of the Chicago try it brings people together from all over the country literally um people we haven't seen in you know sometimes a decade or more um so it is literally a giant triathon party um we're all wearing Spandex we're all smiling um I'm wearing a tutu except yep and uh and we manag the beer T T2 do at the Finish Fest as well so it's a big party after the race as well so hopefully we'll see everybody there at the start at the Finish smiling high-fiving giving out a lot of positive energy it's going to be a hot day so hydrate early hydrate often hang around at the pro race as well and rehydrate there as well and uh yeah we'll see you guys all on H race day woo Cameo so

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