Published: Aug 27, 2024
Duration: 00:22:37
Category: Education
Trending searches: 911 outage
guys what's going on my name is Louis and God bless every single one of you today is August 27 2024 and welcome to the real GS News Channel all right guys so we have some urgent information coming out if you can please share this video and we have a big breaking news it says here report of Nationwide 911 outage link to AT&T so multiple states are reporting 911 outages with AT&T technical issues cited as the cause it's strange cuz I just post this video not too long ago Elon Musk uh put out an information saying starlink will offer free emergency access for mobile phones all right so we're going to see what's going on here guys I guess with all the outages I guess it's uh important to have a backup uh link uh emergency uh free emergency access so uh we're going to see what's going on here guys this video though is going to be the link will be in the comments box we already talked about this and um yeah we're just going to focus on this one here all right guys before I start give this video a big thumbs up share this video with your friends families and loved ones I appreciate the love and support and for those of you that want to contribute to the channel once again the PayPal link and the patreon link is in the description box also guys $1 a month patreon we get you access to our live stream every Sunday we talk about things that we cannot talk about in the platform also I posted videos today those link will be in the comments box and for those of you that want to send us letters of prayer requests you can send it to me Louis Santiago at 3432 US Highway 19 number two Holiday Florida 34691 all right let's see what's going on here guys so multiple states are reporting 911 outages with AT&T technical issues citing as the cause possibly another cyber so you have look at this the State of Florida man Tampa Bay hold on let me check my iPhone let me check my iPhone I live in Florida all right so so let me check my iPhone so Tampa Bay Area you have uh police have advised using alternative emergency numbers all right so the State of Florida is impacted then you have Alabama uh AT&T network service outage impacted Wireless 911 cars Tuesday uh evening with a full extent still unknown then you have um this incident uh this incident follows AT&T 950,000 fine for a similar outage in August 2023 affecting four states and resulting over 400 failed 911 calls all right give me a second here we have the full information here please share the video thank you so much for your love and support all right so I live in the state of Florida not too far from Tampa Bay area right now my service is good everything looks good yeah my service is good um so it says here oh give me a second so it seems like iPhone is being impacted iPhone and I do have an iPhone so iPhone stuck in Oso mode it's not just you AT&T outage effects cell network we get a lot of uh SOS around here guys we do get a a lot of it um here in Florida so that's uh what people should be seeing right now SOS I'm not seeing that my phone though so everything's good if your iPhone is showing an SOS message where your signal should be showing Don't Panic you're not alone report from outage trackers and social media indicate that carryer AT&T is currently experiencing social media indicate that carrier AT&T is currently experiencing network issues causing iPhones to enter a no service state SOS on iPhone is a common issue reported when there is interference or disruption to your devic's cellular signal if you're using an iPhone 13 or earlier you may simply get a message in indicating no service which is uh far less daunting to say the least um all right so give me a second here I do have a iPhone I have the old one I think it's iPhone 11 or something like that um so everything is good my iPhone is good there's nothing going on with my iPhone but uh I want to take you straight to down detector. comom down detector. comom see what's going on here all right give me a second let me just bring this up really quick here in the last 24 hours 8 TNT outages we part in the in the last 24 hours you see this mobile uh mobile phone is 61% most reported problems is mobile phone and then 29% no signal it seems like the internet is not being impacted it's just the phone okay let's go back with this news here so once again let me just bring this up really quick this was updated five minutes ago okay so all right let's go back to this news here SOS on iPhone is common and it's true because again I mentioned at the very beginning we get SOS a lot here so it says SOS is common and issue reported when there is a interference or disruption to your device's cellular signal if you're using an iPhone 13 or earlier you may simply get a message indicating no service Which is far less daunting to say the least though equally frustrating now it is frustrating I have to turn off my phone and just leave it off for like 5 minutes and then turn it back on it's just it's just I guess depending with you know what area you're at and I live out in the Boondocks with basically farmlands and stuff so user reports of service disruption within the AT&T network have spiked within the last hour 600 p.m. eastern time indicating that the network is potentially undergoing some form of outage or temporary loss of service most recently more recently reports of service outages have dropped indicating that the service outage is in the process of being resolved all right so once again these are all AT&T stuff here now I want to see about the 911 give me a second so you have uh Fox 5 DC said in a statement sent to Fox an AT&T spokesman said we are working to address a software issue that may affect the ability of a limited [Music] number um I'm sorry guys I don't know what happened here there we go uh limited number of our customer to connect to our wireless network keeping our customer connected is our highest priority all right so we once again they are still fixing this issue that was posted today right now it's 10:02 p.m. eastern time this information came out 9:51 p.m. like 10 minutes ago all right so here's some more updates sros on iPhone AT&T addressed the ongoing outage all right so AT&T has reportedly acknowledged the alers publicly in a statement to Northern California wow California all right so we are working to address a software issue that may affect the ability of a limited number of our customer to connect to our wireless network keeping our customer connected is our highest priority so we appreciate their patient as we work to resolve this issue and this is the one I just showed you that's the one I just showed you so there some good news it seems like it's kind of coming back now but um let me just scroll down really quick here jeez Los Angeles is like the big one um then you have Atlanta Houston Dallas Chicago New York those regions are getting hit most most of it is Los Angeles and Texas now what's that 911 outage give me a second here guys so we already know this give me a second here guys I'm just skipping a lot of stuff here um judging by the heat map of location from User submitted reports the following states or territory appear to be making the most reports of server disruption Texas DC Washington and Kansas okay so give me a second here let's go back uh that's at& there guys we have breaking news breaking breaking breaking just coming out now okay um hold on can this be related to the story so Los Angeles is getting hit really hard and it seems like there's something going on there is something going on look at this you have a dude up there and a what what in the world hold on give me a second here give hold on give me a second emergency crews are pleading with the man to safely come down the telephone pole can this be is is this the one causing the problem I doubt it but uh currently multiple emergency crews are on the scene in Los Angeles California where they are pleading with a man to safely come down from a power pole the man who remains on the pole has drawn the attention of authorities and onlookers alike official have not yet disclosed what prompted him to climb the pole but they worked to resolve it without incident the area around the power pole has been condoned off this is sitation is still developing uh I'm I'm going share this one in my Twitter page I'm G share that on my Twitter page but it seems like it's not related to this issue going on here we go okay so this is here we go we got something here hold on guys um Nason y 911 outage reported all right so according to down detector we're going to see what's going on this in this story here right not going to have to zoom in just a little bit give me a second here so a Nationwide Nationwide Nationwide basically all uh us 911 outage has been reported with a significant spike in outage alerts around 5:18 p.m. Pacific time the cause of the outage is currently unknown and it's unclear how widespread the issue is it remains unclear if customer of other networks providers are impacted by the outage a n a nationwide 911 outage has been reported according to down detector which uh noted a sharp increase in outage uh report around 518 p.m. Pacific time the cause of the outage remains unknown at this time and the extent of the issue is still unclear Emergency Services across the country may be impacted so 911 Nationwide and then you have SOS going on AT&T so something is really really taking place right now and I just post a video about Elon Musk uh announcing the emergency acces uh for all mobile cell phone when did the when did that 911 outage occur so according to down detector a significant spike in reports of this outage occur around 5:18 p.m. Pacific time this surge indicates a potential widespread issue affecting emergency call services across the US that uh the exact cause of the outage is still under investigation and there has been no official statement from emergency service providers at this time the news station reached out to AT&T after seeing reports of network outages on the platform AT&T in response AT&T stated we are working to address a software issue that may affect the ability of limited number of our customer to connect to our wireless network keeping our customer connected is our highest priority so we appreciate their patience as we work to resolve this issue the company also confirmed that the first net customer are not impacted what should you do if you need an emergency assistance that's when Elon Musk steps in starlink so in the event of a 911 outage it is crucial to have alternative methods of contacting Emergency Services If you experience an emergency and cannot reach the 911 consider using direct numbers to local police fire departments or medical services additionally texting 911 or using social media to alert authorities may be possible depending on your location stay tuned for further updates from local authorities blah blah blah blah all right this story is ongoing okay so this is all the information this is all the information coming out let me go back on Twitter really quick um I'm not seeing any more information here guys yeah it seems like this is all the information here and like I say guys I'm going to keep it updated with this breaking news but uh yeah this is all the hold on wait a minute here we go again all a warmup for the November event I told you guys as we get closer and closer to November there going to be some strange stuff to come 69 days to go and Counting 69 days to go and Counting boom ooh ooh oh my goodness man wow oh man um multiple States so reporting 911 system outages citing problems with AT&T stay most effective so far are California Texas Alabama Kentucky Ohio California and Georgia others are beginning to go offline as well why does this keep happening I I agree I'm just uh triple checking here guys at the same time you have this breaking news coming out whoops unconfirmed a satellite disintegration seen in French Sky unconfirmed report suggests many in France observe a satellite on this integrating Tuesday night with sightings from this region so this a video I can't show the video due to copyright guys I can't you know I'm getting hit too many times already I'm going share it on my Twitter page all right so it seems like this is all the information yeah this is all the information coming out all right so I'm going keep it updated again uh please share this video and once again thank you so much for your love and support either through patreon or PayPal thank you so much your support to helps out once again I will keep it updated on that patreon and um we're going to see if we could get it fixed but again they uh again something wrong with patreon I don't know what's wrong with this uh patreon but I I will call them tomorrow guys anyway thank you so much for watching once again for those of you that want to give a like to Christ you can email me my email is in the description box me and my wife are here to help many and to lead many to the right's path and that's the path of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for those of you that want to send us letters to prayer requests you send it to me Louis Santiago or my wife Jessica Santiago at 3432 US Highway 19 number two Holiday Florida 34691 once again guys $1 a month patreon we get to access to our live stream every Sunday we talk about things that we cannot talk about in the platform also I posted videos today those link will be in the comments box thank you so much for watching God bless you all faith and trust in Jesus Christ Christ for he's the only way the truth and the life no one gets to the father but through Jesus thank you so much for watching till next time later peace