Category: Education
Nvidia stock investors would probably argue that nvidia is the most important company in the world but what if i told you that in a recent conference nvidia ceo pretty much confirmed these claims more specifically he mentioned how the demand for his chips are creating very emotional customers what's... Read more
Category: Education
Aap stock tomorrow easy to buy let's see where is it going in the next upcoming days weeks and months looking at apple incorporated we're sitting at 29 bucks i'm actually just very very um very biased towards the builder side but like not not in a way that i'm going to just start buying and just doing... Read more
Category: Education
Aapl stock thursday is it a buy or not watch this one minute video till the end find out with the apple incorporat we're sitting at $122 188 uh this is overall a pretty pretty good market for me honestly like i'm very open to the bullish idea but i would not necessarily like randomly start buying that's... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Well it's an idea straight out of a sci-fi movie but archer aviation is working to make air taxis a reality our market be analyst jayu joins us to break down what's happening in this stock right now jay i think everyone can get behind the idea of shortening your commute with an air taxi but just... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
नमस्कार दोस्तों स्टॉक मार्केट अपडेट्स में आप सभी का स्वागत है इस वीडियो में हम बात करने जा रहे हैं इस वीक के जो सबसे बेस्ट स्टॉक होने जा रहे हैं इस वीडियो का नाम ही है बेस्ट स्टॉक टू बाय टुमारो जिस स्टॉक के बारे में हम चर्चा करने जा रहे हैं वो स्टॉक हमको बहुत रीजनेबल प्राइस पर अवेलेबल है वीडियो में आगे बढ़ने से पहले प्लीज इस वीडियो को लाइक करें सब्सक्राइब करें और अपने फ्रेंड सर्कल में इसको सर्कुलेट करें सबसे पहले हम चर्चा करेंगे कनोक्स लैब साइंस कनोक्स लैब साइंस... Read more
Category: Education
Mu stock analysis next week eas it to buy or not watch this one minut the video till the end find out as i'm looking at micron technology we're sitting at $918 4.6% off for the day this is a pretty interesting place i mean as i'm looking at mu or micron technology i wanted to see a double break in order... Read more
Category: Education
Adobe stock is down big today the nasdaq's up but it's currently down 8.75% pre-market it was down over 10% now guys why is that now it's pretty interesting adobe announced eps in revenue that both beat market expectations both of them beat might wondering well then why the hell is the stock down well... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Trump uh is part of donald trump media so that's part of his tru social it's basically a big bet on that this one man is going to be reelected because if he doesn't he's really the only person that posts there of relevance um so the stock has been on a wild ride it's down 177% his stock is hitting a... Read more
Category: Education
Aapl stock is this the right time to buy i'm going to answer everything around that in the short one minute video so watch till the end looking at apple incorporated we're sitting at $220 83 point 0.04% kind of down like it's kind of flat today so it's not really that much movement but looking at it... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I think what happened in august is really important because that was kind of your warning shot and i think a lot of people have just sort of think oh that was unfortunate you know a couple of weeks and and the reality is we have not made a higher high yet we're making lower highs we're sort of trending... Read more
Category: Education
Djt stock next week monday is it a buy or a sell let's see where is it going in the next upcoming days weeks and months trump media stock or trump media technology group stock interesting week's performance i mean i'm going to give you that it was overall down but even if i look at it from a broader... Read more
Category: Education
Oh boy it's happening again today people it's 9:32 neil this is what's happening when you are a trader you wait for these kind of days and you take full advantage we have tqq we have tesla we have affirm and by the way who put this guy up on board there it's bulls ripping to the north side radi here... Read more