Published: Aug 27, 2024
Duration: 00:12:45
Category: Gaming
Trending searches: hostage rescue
what is up guys we're back again with another mission on tactic VR this time I'm joined with my brother and my cousin and we do this Mission so clean until the end things go south we may have lost the comrade and we may have left the man behind but stay tuned this mission was nice also guys don't forget to leave a like please subscribe to the channel and let's get into the video see you all right let's move tactical assault VR I'll move right I look like an enemy that little [ __ ] head I clear contacts I'm down contact contact [Music] Alleyway there's one right here on my laser down one down all right you good Kevin yeah I'm going to move around I'm going to meet you guys right there another one down pushing up hey is that the bomb where my lasers at in this window all right this room's clear where is it at what's your location what's your location I'm I'm all all the way up ahead you can see my laser going CRA oh yeah yeah I see it where were we pointing at that top window where my lasers at not sure I think that's only three story I don't know if you could go go to the fourth one I'll go ahead I I I'll try to clear that room right now yeah there's only a TW story all right I'm right behind you okay hold on this building hold on hold tight hold tight hold tight let all regroup I can hit it with all right yeah let's do that I have one too oh I have a I have a [ __ ] Sledgehammer Right Moving in oh [ __ ] Kevin you have a are I got him no I don't have one on me I got him I don't have one in the heck yeah you kind of just to bring some breach that door no no warning yeah all right right let's move we go clear one down you guys see my you guys see my flashlight yeah I'm holding this Hall open that door that this Hall clear open this door right here yeah I'm in this Hall straight across from you just open it I can't hold on I got you get out the way yep oh I was about a sledgehammer this [ __ ] open all right let's clear out these rooms one at a time go ahead Kevin which one that one down okay okay down okay reloading all right line up Kevin I got you [Music] ready uh these these lead outside right that one leads to that room with the this yeah I was already in that room all all right upstairs guys got to go upstairs now all right we got three rooms all right if you want this game is so clean I'm a n Banger this if you want to um um go ahead um Ram it up and then I'll go ahead [Music] push mooving just making sure careful with that door [ __ ] be faking it sometimes here I got St the hinges are are on the opposite side you might have to pull that one careful careful oh ready clear all right all right we'll get this room of anything this one this one right here let me know when you guys ready okay ready how's it on the right side right side clear I I can't see nothing there's another doorway though [ __ ] okay I'm going run all right I'll push you left Kevin you push that door straight ahead on you 1 2 3 go not the best way to go almost died maybe a FL better did you get did you get hit yeah but I'm good I got I think I recovered okay okay next one you guys ready 3 2 1 all right we got we got find a chapel I'm at the hostages we found the chapel go there let's stack up on me I'll lead hey it's a jumo bro we found them we got to find uh the hard drive all right you ready there it goes ah F got down you got a syringe Kevin all right I'm down damn I can't see [ __ ] all all right we got the the the hard drive now we just got to extract the hostage regroup on me on me follow me regroup on me you got tell them to regroup on you up your right joystick up go there is he coming where's the where's the hostage regroup on me all right let's move guys not following is he following me I don't know let's move stack up oh what the [ __ ] what the there's two of them bre okay breaking chap out bro there you go damn let's go all right all good watching our six know they're foll you Kevin one down go go go right behind you guys watching our six go ahead contact Kinder someone got down oh he's dead I'm hit pretty hard too you have another partner