"Unforgiveness, I Have To Let You Go!" (Father's Day Edition) Fearless Friday your fav CEO D.Capler

Published: Jun 16, 2023 Duration: 00:25:24 Category: People & Blogs

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Friday. I'm sorry you all have technical difficulties. Happy Fearless Friday. I pray that all is well with you. Listen, this is your favorite CEO, De Capler and listen. Today, I'm coming by to encourage you and this encouragement is special because it's Father's Day this weekend. And so I want to come by and encourage you and to let you know that unforgive is has to go. Amen. Unforgiveness has to go. It has to go in Jesus mighty name. Repeat after me. Unforgiveness I have to let you go now. It will not grip my life. In Jesus mighty name. Listen, we decree that and we declare that it is so today. So listen, like I said, it's Father's Day weekend. Happy Father's Day to all of the father out there. Um praise God for you. We appreciate you. We love you. Thank you so much for all that you do. Life wouldn't be life without you. The true fathers, we appreciate you. But listen, this encouragement is special. Um like I said, because you know, Father's Day could be tricky. Father's Day could be very tricky for some. I know it used to be tricky for me. Father's Day is not. I never I didn't used to look forward to Father's Day. Um growing up my father wasn't in my life. Um so I didn't it was it was really tricky for me. But now praise God. I'm okay. The Lord has healed my emotions. And I pray that he heals yours even on today. And so listen. We're going to dive into this. I have a lot of notes. But we're going to see what the Holy Spirit takes us. So listen we have to forgive That's my message. We have to forgive our fathers. We have to truly in our hearts. Forgive. Not just saying it. We have to truly forgive our fathers. It's important that we forgive everyone. But since it's Father's Day, the Holy Spirit prompted me that we have to forgive our fathers whether that's an our natural father, our spiritual father, those father figures, those grandfathers that have been in our wives, our uncles that have each and every male figure that has hurt you, you have to forgive them. Amen? We have to forgive. That's god's commandment. We have to forgive. So, listen, forgiveness is not for them. It's for you. Forgiveness is for you. So that you can be free. So, I know a lot of you have unforgiveness in your heart right now towards your Father and those father figures of different male figures that have been in your life. But honestly you're holding yourself hostage. You're not holding them hostage. You know people go on with their lives. But listen. What's in your heart? What is in your heart? And that root. Let the Lord heal your heart from that unforgiveness. Those words that were said and unsaid. You know the whether they were there, even some of you have parents that were in your household. You had parents that were in your household. But they were present but they really wasn't present. You know you have to forgive them. Listen I want to read you the definition of unforgiveness. And what unforgiveness is? It's a state of emotional and mental distress. That results from a delayed response. If If forgiving a person So, the characteristics of unforgiveness is bitterness and a demand for punishment or restitution. Unforgiveness leads to emotional pain of anger, rage, hatred, and like I said, resentment, bitterness, and offense. So, I know that you may have said, you know, I've forgiven my dad. I've forgiven, you know, these men that are in my life. I know that you have said that but do you really mean it? Have you really forgiven him when you see them, when you think of them? Do you get upset? Do you get angry? I know I've been there. I think of, I used to think about certain figures that were in my life and if they had hurt me or something, if somebody brings up their nap, be like, no. No, ma'am. No sir. I don't I don't want to hear that. I don't want to hear nothing about them. So, if those triggers are there, then, that is a sign you still have unforgiveness in your heart. It's powerful. Unforgiveness cause sicknesses, cancer. It causes all kinds of things. And that's not what we want. We want to forgive everyone. But since it's Father's Day, we're talking about fathers. We want to forgive those father figures. Those spiritual fathers. You know, I know, you know, and seeing, you know, a lot of people run from their spiritual fathers, run from problems. Today, the buck stops here. The buck stops here. Stop running. Run to Jesus. Run to Jesus. Run to Jesus. Let him heal your heart from that bitterness and that pain. Because all it's going to do is stopping you. It's not stopping anyone else. It's stopping you from going forward in the things of God. So listen, I want to read you this powerful scripture in Matthew eighteen twenty-one through 2two. Yeah, Matthew 1821 through 22 through 2-two. and it says, at that point, Peter got up, got the nerve and asked, master, how many times do I forgive a brother or sister who's hurt me? He said, 7 And Jesus replied, 7, no. Try 70 times 7. Listen, that's a lot of time. Listen, I could I it used to be hard for me. This this subject it used to really be hard for me. And I be like okay you hurt me. Alright. We not going to do this again. I'm we're not doing this again. All I have to do is cut you off. And not forgive. But that's wrong. We have to forgive. God has forgiven us so graciously. I know for me he has forgiven me so graciously. So if he could do for me. I could do that for others. I could show grace to others like he showed grace to me. Amen? Alright. So, listen. It's a powerful insert from a Christian artist. She wrote this book called The Prison of Unforgiveness and it's by Amanda Rowitt. And listen, I want to read this to you because it's very powerful. She said, Unforgiveness creates an emotional storm of distress. In which feeling of anxiety, depression, insecurity, fear. Unforgiveness also creates a hardened heart. Listen, I know a lot of you don't want to admit that you have a hardened heart but you do. You do. You do. I had a hard at heart. It's not fun having a cold heart. Treating people mean, having attitudes. Listen, run to Jesus. Let him that hardened heart. Let him soften you up. Listen, Imma tell you, the more that you run to Jesus and give him all your problems, the more you do that, the more your heart will become open to him. How can we have a relationship with Christ and our heart is hardened. It doesn't go that way. Our relationship has to be on point with the father. And unforgiveness can definitely create and cause that relationship with the Father to be shaky and we don't want that. We don't want that as Christian believers, as brave believers, as kingdom citizens of god, we have to have forgiveness in our heart. It doesn't matter how much that they've hurt you. I know it hurts. I know it hurts. I know it hurts. I know it hurts. The pain in your heart, you have to let it go. The anger, the result. Listen, I'm getting teary because I used to be so angry and upset. I used to be so angry, upset. And I used to actually run away from God. It actually was supposed to run to God. But I ran away from him. For so I ran away from him. But it's when I ran towards him and gave him my problems and laid my problems at his feet. See God is concerned about you. Every part of you. God is concerned about you. Your mind, your will, emotions, your intellect, what you're feeling. He cares about you. And he wants you to run to him. I know I keep saying that. But that's in my spirit. You have to run to the father. Not not alcohol, not sex. You don't need nothing else to feel your voice but king Jesus here's the way here's the truth, and he is the life. And so I pray that God restores life and happiness, and forgiveness in your heart today. It's needed. You need to be free. If you want to be free, Jesus has your freedom. Run to him. God see sees past all of the Instagram posts. He see he sees past all of the the smiles and the luxury cars and you know the houses, the the men, for the ladies, the men, the women, for the guys, you know, he sees past all of that. He sees your heart that it needs to be healed but your wounded so much that you keep running away from him and he's calling you. He's trying to get your attention today. God wants you back. God wants your heart. He wants you back today. Amen. God wants your heart today. He's the only one. He is. Trust me. I've tried. I've tried to run away from him. But listen, one thing about it when you are chosen my god, you are marked for greatness. He's still calling you. You're out there doing everything, trying to feel voids and heal the hurt yourself. God is the only one that can do that. You cannot do that on your own. Amen? Amen. God is the way. God is the one that can do that. Who can heal your heart? So, forgive your fathers on today. Forgive your fathers on today. I don't know who you are. But you need to forgive your father on today. Forgive him. Forgive him. Remember, forgiveness is for you. Not for them. That could be going on about their life and enjoying their life and you still have that that hatred, that anger And like they say, hurt people, hurt people. So if you've been hurt All your other relationships are affected. Excuse me. And that's not that's not how it's supposed to be. God wants your heart healed and whole. Amen? He does. And so listen, Imma give you these prompts and warnings from the Lord that he gave me to to share with you all. And listen, he said, if you don't allow the Lord to properly come in and your heart and your mind Your will, emotions, and intellect from forgiveness. You'll be going in cycles, in circles forever of unforgiveness. I know that you don't want that. So give your heart today to the Lord. Give your heart to him. I know you don't want to go keep going around and around and around in circles. Give your heart to the Lord. The other thing he says, if you don't forgive your father, he will not forgive you. He won't forgive you. If you don't forgive others. Listen, that's his commandment. He wants us to forgive. So, you have to forgive others. That's what he said. That's what he said. You have to forgive others. So listen, I love you. I thank god for you. I pray that that blessed you. God wants to heal you. He wants to set you free. He wants to deliver you. He wants to take all of that that hurt in your heart. He wants to take it away. But you have to let him in. He's he's welcoming you with open arms. He's welcoming you right now with open arms. He wants to heal your heart. Let him hear heal your heart today. Listen, I want to read you before I close. I promise, I won't be before you too much longer. Listen, it's this book called Imitate God and Get Results by Pastor Bill Winston. My pastor Pastor B Winston. It's a powerful, powerful book. And listen, I want to read you a insert real quick. Something that he said that was powerful. He said one thing that can stop you from fulfilling god's plan for your life is unforgiveness. Wow. Unforgiveness is a powerful stronghold that needs to be broken. All for your life so you can fulfill the plan of god for your life. Amen? You need to fulfill god's plan. If you don't, you'll always be unhappy. You won't be happy until you fulfill god's plan and purpose and destiny for your life. I promise you, you won't be be what? How do I know that? Because I've tried to run. I tried to run from God so many times. I'm telling you I got stories for days. I got stories for days. But praise God. We are here today. Amen. God is still working on me. And I pray that you will let God work on you. He also said overcoming unforgiveness includes forgiving people of what they said and done. He said, didn't the Bible say that if you're in the kingdom, you have to love your neighbor. You have to love your your neighbor and that includes your fathers. That includes your fathers. He said, Jesus said, that was the second great commandment of the New Covenant right after loving god. Wow. So, that's all the commandments. There are for us. So, we We better keep them. So we have to do this. We have no choice but to forgive. We have no choice but to forgive. Amen? So listen, god sees past. Like I said, the money, the luxury cars, pass the jokes, the the comedy, the the dancing, the singing, he sees past all of that. He wants to get to the root of the Unforgiveness in your heart. He wants to get to the root of it. So, listen, god hears you. He hears your cries. He hears your prayers. He hears and knows what you are in need of. The healing that you need to take play needs to take place in order for you to live the life that god has for you and genuinely be happy. Not this fake happiness that you are trying to portray. We see we see right through that. You need to get healed. Can't nobody feel your voice like god can. Can't nobody heal you like god can. Run. To the father. Amen. So that is my encouragement for you today. I had a bunch of notes here. But listen, that is my encouragement for you today. I pray that you are blessed by that today. And so, if that's you, you need to and you say, you know what, Dee? I really, this really blessed me. I need to do a heart check. I want to give my my life to Christ. Again, If you need to give your life to Christ again, I'm going to walk you through the prayer of salvation. If this is your first time, listen, heaven is rejoicing because you made this decision to give your life to Christ and two, to forgive your father and not even just your father but people in your life who have hurt you Amen. So, listen, I'm going to pray the prayer of salvation right now. So, if you can bow your head. Just take a deep breath. Close your eyes. And say this prayer with me. Father in Jesus mighty name. I'm calling on you right now. I believe he died on the cross for my sins. That he has raised. He was raised from the dead. On the third day. And Father I thank you that he's alive right now. Lord Jesus. I'm asking you now. Come into my heart Live your life in me and through me. I repent for my sins and surrender myself totally and completely to you. Hallelujah. Heavenly Father, by faith, I now confess that Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. From this day forward, I dedicate and surrender my life to you. In Jesus mighty name. Amen. Listen. Heaven is rejoicing because you made that powerful decision and I promise your life will never ever ever be the same. In Jesus mighty name. And so Father I thank you. I praise you for each and every person that's tuned in to this live. And who will tune in to this live and watch the replay. Father I thank you that you open up their hearts. You open up their minds God. Heal their mind emotions in Jesus mighty name. Father, we bind the hands of the enemy right now that will try to grip their lives with unforgiveness, that will try to grip their lives with strongholds in Jesus mighty name. Father, I decree right now that your people are made whole and complete in you and that unforgiveness will never come back around in their lives In Jesus mighty name. Thank you, Father. Thank you for their lives. Thank you for their families. Touch them right now. In Jesus mighty name. Father you're you're the one that can heal. You're the you're the one that can save and touch them. Their lives like never before. And so Father I thank you for the healing power of God. Even as they sleep God. Heal them God. Let them know that you love them so very much. Father, I thank you that no weapon that is formed against them shall prosper and every lying tongue that rises against them in judgement shall be condemned in Jesus mighty name. Listen, before I go, the Holy Spirit is prompted me to tell you all, watch your surroundings. A lot of people, a lot of you want to forgive wholeheartedly but it's the people around you that's in your ears. Telling you to do otherwise So, be careful of your surroundings. Be careful what you put in your ear gates, who's talking to you, what you're listening to. Listen, god is ready. He's ready to heal you. He's ready. But you have to let him. You have to run towards God. Not away from God. Remember I told you. I ran away from him for so long. But I had to run to him. I had to make up in my mind. That I was going to run with Jesus all the way and it's the best decision that I ever made. And so that's all that I wanted to share with you. I pray that that was helpful to you. I pray that you know you'll take the steps to forgive your fathers. Um one thing that I've done for forgiveness for my father. To my father. Um was pray him. Pray for your fathers. Pray for your parents. Pray for your parents. It's powerful. God hears you. Pray for your parents. Intercede for them. Love them anyhow. Even if they don't love you back. Love them anyhow. The agape love of Christ. Alright. Have the agape love of Christ. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the heart of him. The heart of Christ. So can love the unlovable, not just with your fathers, maybe your mother or family members, different friends Listen, this unforgiveness is is a powerful stronghold that needs to be broken off your life and only he can do it. Alright? Amen. So, listen. That's all I have for you today. Listen, we don't forget to shop with One Culture Customs. It's Father's Day weekend. Um we have some awesome apparel and novelties over there. Um you all can shop. Um the website is WWW. One Culture Customs. com. This is Brave Cultures. This is our Christian Apparel and Novelties company. So, we are so excited. Um for you all to shop with us. Thank you all. The ones who have and supported and shared the post. We appreciate it and so until next time, I want you to know god loves you and so do I. Enjoy your weekend and take the time out to heal from unforgiveness. I love you so very much. Enjoy your day.

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