Sheryl Swoops HATES Caitlin Clark & Sue Bird Didn't Hold Back About Caitlin Clark!

did you see what Cheryl swoops just did she  didn't just ignore Caitlyn Clark's impact   on the Indiana Fever she flat out erased her  from the conversation but here's where it gets   interesting Sue bird stepped in with a reality  check that's got the whole WNBA talking let's   break down this Clash of Legends and see what it  means for the future of the league I never thought   Caitlyn wasn't strong that was actually something  I noticed in college like she had a strength about   her now that's Sue bird acknowledging Caitlyn  but when swoops recently talked about the fever's   performance she praised everyone but Clark can you  believe it the rookie who's leading the league and   assists and turning the fever season around didn't  even get a mention it's like swoops was watching a   different team even Stephen A Smith wasn't happy  about it do you realize that chyles swoops you're   insane to do that let me tell you why you're  insane to do that now you might be thinking how   could anyone Miss Clark's impact that's exactly  what makes this so wild the fever is on fire and   Clark's at the center of it all but swoops acted  like she didn't even exist you know basketball you   know basketball better than me you know basketball  in any of the pundits you know basketball better   than most of the men that play basketball there  is no way in hell you could tell he wasn't really   happy about that you just accidentally left  Caitlyn Clark's name out of that Soliloquy   that you dropped about the Indiana Fever stop it  but here's where it gets really interesting Sue   Bird's got something to say about this and trust  me you won't want to miss it she's about to drop   some truth bombs that'll shake up the whole WNBA  when Sue bird speaks the WNBA listens but this   time her words are doing more than Turning Heads  they're flipping the script on swoops is silence   what did bird say about Clark that's got everyone  talking and why is it causing such a stir in the   league here's what she had to say about Caitlyn  and Angel Reese um I think basketball in in in   the women's game we've had rivalries for forever  you know we've had competiveness we've had trash   talk you name it it just wasn't getting the looks  it wasn't getting you know people weren't covering   it yes because CCE was not in the WNBA yet so  the fact that these two they literally stole   the college stage both with their play and their  trash talk and then they're taking it into the   WNBA see that's a great mindset to have not like  that jealous swoops you might be thinking it's   just another player's opinion right wrong this is  Sue bird we're talking about one of the greatest   to ever step on a WNBA Court when she drops truth  bombs they land with the force of a championship   winning buzzer beater and what I see in Caitlyn  what I see in Kelsey Mitchell they're just like   ramming it down people's throats and it's really  hard it's it can it can have your head spinning   so what exactly did bird say she didn't just  acknowledge Clark's impact she straight up called   out how the rookie has transformed the Indiana  Fever bird said the fever has become a team nobody   wants to face in the playoffs let that sink in  for for a second a team that was struggling last   season is now striking fear into the hearts of  their opponents and Bird's pointing the finger   directly at Clark as the reason why also look here  at how she acknowledges her strength does will she   get stronger and will that help her yeah I think  it was more just getting used to the Hits and The   physicality and like what refs are going to call  what they're not going to call and you've seen   her adjust in that way too like she's literally  saying she's becoming Elliot but wait she also   mentions she does not want to see her because she  knows she is trouble take a look she's definitely   getting used to it which is you know trouble for  everybody else I'm telling you Clark is scaring   Legends now you might be wondering why does  Bird's opinion matter so much well it's not   just an opinion it's a reality check from a legend  who's seen it all Bird's words carry the weight of   four WNBA championships and 13 All-Star selections  when she speaks it's like the entire league leans   in to listen Indiana seems to have used their  their break really well yeah got a little rest   they seem to be playing well together um you had  it somewhere but playing so fast or something but   yeah they just they seem to just be hitting the  ground running if you will the Indiana Fever is   out of control all thanks to Caitlyn and her team  but here's where it gets really juicy Bird's take   isn't just praising Clark it's also shining a  spotlight on swoops is glaring a mission without   even mentioning swoops by name Bird's statement  is like a perfectly timed assist that sets up   the question we're all thinking how could swoops  Miss what's right in front of her think about it   we've got two WNBA icons with completely  different takes on the same player on one   side swoops acts like Clark doesn't even exist on  the other Bird's basically saying open your eyes   this rookie is changing the game it's not just a  difference of opinion it's like they're watching   two different leagues here's what swoop said I  I think the Olympic break really helped Indiana   absolutely like they look like like they've spent  time whether they took time off or not but they   they worked on stuff this Indiana team I'm gonna  say shout out to Lexi Hull I'm a Big Lexi Hull   fan watch her in AU Lexi Hull shot the leather  off the ball in their game against Seattle and   just couldn't miss Kelsey Mitchell is just broken  she is just shooting the basketball aiyah Boston   almost a triple now don't get me wrong these are  amazing players but how do you not mention Clark I   know we're talking about teams where they can move  and things changing but if if Indiana continues   to play the way they're playing like this they  too are going to move up in the standings right   they look like a different team yes they do  because of Caitlyn Clark is swoops ignoring   her like that because of her skin color comment  your thoughts below and let me know but let's be   real this isn't n just about Clark this clash  between bird and swoops is opening up a whole   can of worms about how the Old Guard views the  new wave of talent are some veterans threatened   by these rookies shaking up the status quo or  is there something else going on here listen to   swoops disregarding Caitlyn Clark's record cuz  I say this yes records are made and set to be   broken but if you're going to break a record  this isn't just for Caitlyn but you asked me   about Caitlyn if you're going to break a record to  me just so you know this is 100 % about Caitlyn if   it's legitimate you have to break that record in  the same amount of time that that player said it   okay right so if if Kelsey Plum set that record  in four years MH well Caitlyn should have broke   that record in four years but because there's a CO  year and then there's another year you know what I   mean so she's already had an extra year what the  hell are you talking about that's stupid so is it   truly a broken record I don't know you think  you think exactly how I I don't think so but   yeah that'll go in the record books as Caitlyn  Clark is the alltime whatever it is I don't even   know what the number is but that's the way it'll  be because that's the way it should be but Bird's   comments aren't just Making Waves they're causing  a tsunami in the WNBA Community fans players and   analysts are all chiming in picking sides in this  Clash of Titans it's Bird versus swoops Legend   versus Legend in a battle over the future face of  the league if you see the upcoming clip you will   notice how subbert agrees with Jimmy Fallon on  Caitlyn Clark's greatness uh I I I got to say it's   been so uh exciting watching uh women's sports  recently uh Caitlyn Clark have you been watching   I mean that is obviously imagine he says that  to swoop she'd be like hell no it must be is it   must be cool to watch someone like her just start  just dominating you're like oh yeah cuz everyone   watched I think last was it last week that she  broke the record and it was like 4 million people   watched that it's just exciting I see no jealousy  from her whatsoever she understands that Clark is   bringing more viewers to the WNBA and it's good  for everyone she's obviously doing amazing her   game speaks for itself I think my favorite part is  just um women's basketball women's sports really   but women's basketball has been on the rise and  it's kind of like imagine he says that to swoop   she'd be like hell no what magic and Bird was  to Men's Basketball like this moment we we kind   of needed something I'm telling you Clark is  scaring Legends this is that moment yeah and   Caitlyn's that moment EX exactly bird didn't stop  at just praising Clark's impact on the fever she   went a step further basically saying that Clark's  presence has turned the fever into a playoff Dark   Horse remember this is a team that finished near  the bottom of the standings last year now thanks   to Clark they're a team that could potentially  upset some of the League's powerhouses and I   think a lot of it has to do with her logo 3es  a lot a lot of I mean speaking of John 529 from   Twitter yeah like oh women don't dunk yeah that's  what he sounds like exactly of course women don't   dunk that's why I don't watch not going to lie I  used to be that guy but after Caitlyn Clark came   in with those logo 3s it was game over for me but  you can't really talk trash on a logo 3 so a logo   3 is that's deep you've got to wonder what's going  through swoops his mind right now is she going to   respond to Bird's comments or will she double  down on her Silence about Clark either way this   debate is far from over and it's shaping up to be  one of the most intriguing storylines of the WNBA   season speaking of intriguing story lines have you  seen Clark's latest stats they're so good you'd   think someone was making them up but here's the  kicker these numbers are real and they're forcing   everyone to take notice well almost everyone  now and that's Caitlyn Clark herself of the   WNBA let's get to the WNBA and this Sensational  rookie from the Indiana Fever who continues to be   box office Clark and the FIFA currently lead the  WNBA in average game attendance and per game TV   viewership let's talk about what Clark's doing  on the court she's not just playing well for a   rookie she's dominating the entire league in a key  stat can you guess which one that's right assists   Clark's leading the WNBA in dimes showing she's  not just a scorer but a true floor General now   you might be thinking okay but it's just one stat  right wrong Clark's impact goes Way Beyond assists   I mean look at the viewer stats so the fever and  their game against the Minnesota links was 1.29 Million on Ion on ION follow game didn't even get half the RAC I  mean she's putting up numbers that are turning   heads across the league we're talking about a  rookie who's not just contributing but leading   her team in multiple categories but here's where  it gets really interesting Clark's not just   putting up empty stats on a bad team the Indiana  Fever once the League's punching bag is now in   playoff contention you heard that right a team  that was struggling last season is now fighting   for a postseason spot and Clark's a big reason why  now let's talk about the Rookie of the Year race   you've probably heard about angel Reese right she  was supposed to be Clark's biggest competition but   while Clark's fever are surging Reese's Chicago  sky are struggling in the WNBA team success   matters for individual Awards and right now  Clark's got a clear Edge Let's Hear Dan Patrick   take on that and look Angel ree there there's  nothing that she does where you go did you see   her other than she plays really really hard and  I liken her game to Moses Malone C Clark's impact   isn't just about numbers on a stat sheet she's  changing the game off the court too you know   how some players just have that it Factor Clark's  got it in Spades she's selling out Arenas boosting   TV ratings and bringing new fans to the WNBA it's  like she's got a magic touch that turns everything   she's involved in into must CTV they also put her  on the worst team at the time but she made that   team the best in the league and Dan Patrick called  this out this is happening exactly how I scripted   it I told you this is going they they loaded up  the schedule front end front loaded Caitlyn Clark   on a bad team you know the worst team because  they drafted her number one they were going to   load up against better competition and she played  an entire college basketball season and she didn't   play well and I said at the time she didn't  deserve to be on the uh Olympic team and at the   time I felt that but she got rest the schedule not  as demanding and now you're seeing Caitlyn Clark   check it out now I don't agree with him on her  not being on the Olympic team because she would   have definitely done better than Diana terasi and  if they had her in the Olympics the views would   have been outstanding take a look at Steven's take  on this nevertheless for a team USA's game r with   stars expected to blow out their competition they  drew the worst crowd well guess what ladies and   gentlemen that's why you should had Caitlyn Clark  and Angel Reese because they are a draw can't   disagree with that think about it when was the  last time you saw a rookie come into the league   and immediately become must-watch basketball  Clark's not just playing well she's redefining   what it means to be a rookie in the WNBA she's not  waiting her turn or slowly adjusting to the Pro   game she's taking the league by storm from day one  by the way speaking of basketball Caitlyn Clark uh   now has the rookie record the history of the WNBA  as uh she's now going to try to set the alltime   record but 12 games to go and it's not just fans  who are noticing remember what sub bird said about   the fever being a team nobody wants to face in  the playoffs that's the Clark effect in action   she's making her teammates better elevating  the entire fever organization and putting   fear into the hearts of opponents so here's the  million-dollar question how could anyone let   alone a legend like Sheryl swoops miss all of this  it's like trying to ignore a firework show in your   backyard she was too focused on Angel Rees being  the best when she wasn't Clark's not just making   noise she's lighting up the sky with her play  Caitlyn Clark is a phenomenal and if I said to   any of these people who think Caitlyn Clark is not  the Rookie of the Year I'd say who would you want   to start your franchise with now I'm not going to  put Asia Wilson in there I'm just saying between   these two Angel ree is a wonderful player but she  does not compare to what and who Caitlyn Clark is   when she's on the basketball Flor you might think  this drama is just about a rookie and some salty   vets but what if it's actually the first Tremor  of a seismic shift in women's sports Caitlyn   Clark isn't just shaking up the Indiana Fever  she's sending shock waves through the entire   WNBA and it's not just about her stats or her  team's turnaround we're talking about a player   who's reshaping the entire landscape of women's  basketball take a look at these stats not only   did this year's WNBA All-Star Game set a record  with 3.4 million viewers an increase of over 300%   from the 2023 game but the top 12 WNBA broadcast  this season have all been fever games top 12 on   top of that the FIFA lead the WNBA in attendance  at over 16,000 fans per game that's just crazy   think about it when was the last time you saw a  rookie come into the league and immediately become   must-watch basketball Clark's not just playing  well she's redefining what it means to be a star   in the WNBA she's selling out Arenas boosting TV  ratings and bringing new fans to the game it's   like she's got a magic touch that turns everything  she touches into basketball gold and this is not   her fullest potential yet but here's where it gets  really interesting Clark's impact isn't just about   what's happening on the court right now she's  inspiring a whole new generation of players young   girls watching Clark dominate are seeing what's  possible in women's basketball they're dreaming   bigger working harder and pushing themselves  to new limits Clark's not just a player she's a   role model a Trailblazer and a glimpse into the  future of the sport two times again everybody   ready Jason isacon coaches some of the youngest  female ballers with the Iowa impact basketball   club they're all in and he's seen how quickly the  support for women's basketball is growing what   obviously Ken Clark has done has been phenomenal  now you might be wondering why this matters so   much well it's because the WNBA is at a crucial  juncture the decisions made now about marketing   player support and League growth will shape the  future of women's basketball for years to come and   Clark she's right at the center of it all forcing  everyone to rethink what's possible but it's not   all smooth sailing remember Cheryl swoops is  silence about Clark that's not just one player   being salty it's a sign of the tension between the  Old Guard and the new wave of talent you've got   Legends like swoops who built the league from the  ground up and now they're watching rookies like   Clark come in and change the game overnight it's  a clash of generations of playing Styles and of   Visions for the future of the WNBA look at Steven  A Smith's final words to swoops Cheryl swoops take   notes you ain't playing no more you're a Hall  of Famer and a champion and a basketball Savant   you know good and damn well you had no business  talk about the Indiana Fever without mentioning   Caitlyn Clark come on Cheryl swoops come on  you are so much better than that come on ouch   that's got to hurt this tension isn't just drama  it's a crucial Dynamic that the WNBA will need   to navigate carefully how do you honor the legacy  of the Pioneers while embracing the future how do   you balance the contribution of veteran players  with the excitement around new stars these are   the questions that are keeping WNBA Executives  up at night and it's not just about the players   the league itself is facing some big decisions  how do they Market these new stars how do they   capitalize on the buzz without burning out their  young Talent how do they use this momentum to   grow the league increase pay for all players and  secure the wnba's place in the sports landscape   Clark's rookie season isn't just impressive  it's potentially histo we could be watching   the birth of a new era in women's basketball an  era where the WNBA isn't just a niche league but   a major player in the sports world where Women's  Basketball stars are household names commanding   the same respect and attention as their male  counterparts but here's the million-dollar   question is the WNBA ready for this change are  they prepared to embrace this new generation of   talent and use it to catapult the league to new  heights or will they play it safe sticking to the   old ways and potentially missing out on a golden  opportunity all right let's wrap this up swoops   ignored Clark bird called her out and Clark tore  up the league so what's the deal is swoops just   being stubborn or does she have a point here's  the thing Clark's not just playing well she's   changing the game she's leading in assists turning  the fever into contenders and bringing new fans   to the WNBA that's huge for women's basketball  but maybe swoops sees something we don't maybe   she thinks all this hype is too much too soon or  maybe she's just not ready for The Changing of   the Guard what do you think should we be going  crazy for rookies like Clark or should we pump   the brakes the future of the WNBA might depend on  how we answer that question so let's keep talking   about it and show everyone Why women's basketball  is the most exciting thing in sports right now

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