Tyrese Gibson Talks 1992, New Music and Life

I'm Reggie Ponder the real critic I'm here with Tyrese Gibson for his movie 1992 now I know you want me to get a piece of his clothing or something like that no you got to go to one of his concerts to get that that's how you got to do it but anyway Tyrese what an inro they they they want me to take a hat they want me to get something they want me to get pa pa look that a man can't be taking no items from another man okay so don't even make that request oh oh I ain't I ain't trying to do that I ain't trying to do I was just make it make it Mak it a little little funny um was making you I met your joke with my joke T Tes uh what what um felt what I felt about this film was of the black male relationship a lot of times when we when we talk about black men we're either absent from our families or when other people talk about us they want to show us absent that we don't care about our kids and that type of thing but this piece really made me um I I felt it in in that way because it was uh specific to that black male relationship can you speak to that a little bit um yeah I think uh I don't know man I feel a way about dead beat dads I was raised by one um but now now that I know what I know let me hold that now that I know what I know to be honest with you um you had to get older to really understand this but there's a lot of dead be mamas out here too um are there more single mothers out here raising kids on their own multiple kids on their own yes doing what they got to do to survive and stay afloat and protect protect theirs yes that's why Mother's Day will always be a much bigger holiday than Father's Day I don't care how much we want that that day to matter you know we got restaurants sold out six months in advance leading up to Mother's Day and Father's Day have us sitting there playing dominoes at HomeTown Buffet um but at the end of the day there is no such thing as creating a child without a mother and a father getting together and making a decision rather the relationship or marriage or situation work out or not and I think um the other thing that I'm proud of is that the the the the concept of Daddy's little girl did not come from a little boy daddy's little girl is a concept that came from all of the girls who love love love their fathers they don't call it uh uh Mommy's little girl daddy's little girl oh my God I love my daddy I was daddy's little girl I mean my dad had me wrapped around his little F and vice versa that concept is such a beautiful beautiful concept and it almost doesn't make sense that daddy's little girl is still in the same breath as dead be dad uh but it is and so um I know I got two daughters and I know how much they love me and I know in my house as much as I travel as much as I'm gone as much as I'm on tours and movie sets I have never you know if if somebody were to ask me of all the things that you've achieved what is your most successful achievement I'm going to tell you mine personally um whatever's in my bank account don't matter square footage in my house don't matter how many cars what kind of cars don't matter it may matter to you because most of y'all you dream and you say man I would be successful if I had a road rollsroyce well I've had a few rolls-royces and I always say I hope that you love the person in the rollsroyce not because I'm in the Rolls-Royce uh totally different perspective respect the man in the car don't respect me because I drive the car uh because that means you have no respect for me at all and so in my house my 5-year-old daughter and my 17-year-old daughter they have never called me tyr they don't even refer to me as Tyrese when they're talking to their friends they say my dad or my father Dad yeah no that was my father my father my my father just called me I need to call my dad back when a Miss call come in I'm dad and I'm their father irregardless of how they Mas feel about me I'm their father father that is one of my biggest achievement ever in life why because I don't call my father father I don't call my dad dad I call him Tyrone I call him pops everything else but Dad because Dad is not seman dad is presence and having a presence in your child or children's lives and I'm about 15 million into having a presence into my kids lives because the Family Law Court system and these lawyers they don't [ __ ] around they coming to get that and I'm in court just doing whatever it takes to make sure that I still have a chance at being something in my daughter's lives that my father never was in mine otherwise accuse me of something else that I didn't do and let me just throw this whole [ __ ] away and just be done you know what keep the kids go ahead go on over there you want to keep accusing me of [ __ ] messing up my reputation thinking I'mma Be able to keep booking movies and doing concerts and doing shows and surviving all I want is to continue having a presence in my kids lives and you just keep coming at me about something so you know what go on keep them damn kids that's what I should have done by now but I can't do it I love my babies so that's why 1992 means as much as it does to me because although I don't have a son everything about that son component in this movie really really speaks to where I am as a father and just wanting to insert my presence my Alpha my energy my protective instincts in and around my son in this movie and and to see that dynamic in the film and also to see the same Dynamic with Scott Eastwood you know and Ray Leota and and the presence that they had um you know so it it was beautiful man it's it's a it's a as much as you think this movie is about Riot and looting and people out here stealing some free [ __ ] uh because of what happened with the verdict with Rodney King you know that is the back back back story this is a heist they breaking into a warehouse getting $50 million worth of platinum bars this thing is a crime Thriller you going to be on the edge of your seat this [ __ ] is actually I watched it the other day in the theater in New York and man I was up in the move I was up in the theater scared like oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] I yeah I've seen this before but I forgot about that part you know cuz it's very different to watch it at home versus in a theater full of people you know well talking about respect because you mentioned the word respect and it's it's interesting the relationship between you and your son in this in this movie because he's like not really all that respectful it's like who's this dude and then you like well wait a minute you need to respect me so it's really interesting how that respect builds throughout this film right well the thing is he had no reason to respect me right I wasn't in his life I was in and out of jail was in the streets cripping selling dope doing all the all the [ __ ] that real hood [ __ ] do you know what I'm saying like I was more focused on street credibility and survival and getting money smashing every groupy and every chick and every hood rat I'm just out there living my best life man that's who that guy was and then all of a sudden there was a tragedy that happened to his mother and his grandmother which you'll see in the film and then uh all of a sudden uh I got full custody of my son and at his age you know what could I possibly tell him or teach him you know it's hard for it's hard for teenagers to listen to us now and we live under the same roof let alone when you get in a relationship with a woman who's got a teenage they come in the house like [ __ ] you ain't my daddy it's just like the movie Baby Boy like Jodie my Jodie up in here fighting me on everything I ask him to do because he don't want me to be in a relationship with this man but I've been in this house alone I'm lonely I love that I got my kids but I need some you know I need me some attention and some some in in this house too but a lot of times these single women will start dating a man and they'll give that man all the power to run the whole house and you just be sitting up in there like what the [ __ ] am I Cho liver I mattered before this man got here and that's what that's what baby boy you know that's why you [ __ ] end up in the choke hold [ __ ] I'm sorry man I I I'm too real for TV man go ahead you you you get me so so didn't see that one no I didn't see that one coming so Tyrese I I went back and looked at your as as many of the song titles that I could to ask you this question and I don't want you to look at my uh on my cheat sheet so if you looked at your your song titles and um were to put them to this particular movie the title not not what the words are which titles would you think would work for this film uh [ __ ] just a baby boy [ __ ] be honest with you um I I'll even throw this one in there not even a song title I throw this one in there a movie title Transformer oh okay yeah yeah his my son's life was transformed in this movie after we linked up everything about protecting him from his and the presence of God was all over this it was it was about as aggressive as it can get all Anchored In God doing I I was transformed in this movie like what I was doing with my life every single day the choices that I could have made because I had already been making them got to understand I got bodies in this movie like I'm I'm I'm I'm like known in the hood as like a killer of all killers and I just got out of jail and I did not get out of jail from the amount of people that I actually touched in the hood and everybody knows it you know when you in the hood man you know who's out there really out there doing some damage and in this movie I was one of those guys so my life got transformed when I met my son and his life got transformed when he met me and we gave God all the glory so I had at the top of my list uh just a baby boy but I also had um the best man I can be because I felt that you were trying to do that yeah no I I I could uh I could relate to that um yeah I mean best man I could be is is a little more wholesome yeah I know uh yeah yeah it's it's a little more it's a little more you know be the best man at I'm here to be your father and to be the best man that I can be as an example for you that wasn't quite what that was but but the I saw it wait wait hold on hold on let me finish let me finish my answer if you don't mind I I don't mind all right the reason that I say that is because my Approach was you not listening to me is not an option I will [ __ ] you up I will [ __ ] you up if you think and believe that I'm going to be okay with you becoming me see that's that see the reason why I find myself now I'm 45 some people be so ashamed to tell they hey I'm 45 years old my voice is deep I got a 17y old and 5-year-old and I'm raising John Singleton's son named s John Singleton I'm a grown ass man dog the reason why all these young [ __ ] in the hood is out here learning how to load guns cripping blood and gang bang fast and they n and they takeaways algebra and how to finish a sentence is because of you OG's who ain't giving them the other how many more Crips y'all signing up for how many more Bloods how many more Southside East Side West Side are we signing up for how many more y'all see the OG still locked up they ain't never going to let him out y'all know what I'm talking about y'all see what happens will rot and wither away nobody's putting money on his books nobody's going to visit him he's up in there and if he were to get out he would be our Malcolm X of Chicago and turn all this [ __ ] around and he's in jail every single day and I'm sure most of his frustration from the interviews that I've seen is that he started something and there's bodies and bodies and more bodies connected to a movement that he started maybe there was positive intentions maybe there wasn't but the OG's the tuy Williams who founded co-founded the Crips they they can't be proud of what has happened at this point the founder of the Bloods can't be proud or maybe they are we killing our own I'm not giving no speech this is reality it's [ __ ] up out here how many more funerals how many more are you proud of course you want to retaliate because somebody got shot and killed in your family one of your homies one of your friends the shit's got to stop and it ain't G to stop because you don't want to retaliate of course you want to retaliate it is what a cycle of death and these white people laughing at us we ain't got to get rid of them no more they getting rid of their s just leave them alone put some more guns send you know go ahead we ain't got to do nothing on man President Obama from here from Hawaii but Senator here here represented shy Town Minister Lewis farakhan Nation of Islam the fruits of Islam all the ogs that's in the hood right now banging slanging dope Killers we got it you guys have done a great job of showing us that you are not to be [ __ ] with how many more so what I represent in this movie I represent represent I represent this ain't no glossy positive [ __ ] just understand what I represent in this film is I'm witnessing my son about to make the same choices that I made and I know what the outcome of my choices are see Ray leoda rest in peace in the movie with Scott Eastwood he ain't trying to stop his kids from breaking in another warehouse and doing another Heist they they all one big happy family about that life I'm looking at my son like there is no [ __ ] way you're about to do what I've been doing my whole life so rather I've been in your life or not this this [ __ ] stops here the ogs and Chicago are very capable very capable hear me y'all are very capable of locking this [ __ ] down all these young [ __ ] all the [ __ ] they doing they doing all this [ __ ] to impress the big homies they don't know what they don't know everybody hurt I'm from Watts I know what it is to live one block from the Crips and one block from the Bloods and one block from the Mexican ESS gangs and one block from the police and being getting [ __ ] up and killed and shot and stabbed and [ __ ] over every single day I know what that cycle is I lived it I know it I'm blessed to be out of it but the big homies I blame them I don't want no problems for nobody in Chicago I don't got no problems on any level with nobody in no streets I'm I'm putting I'm I'm I'm I'm saying to all of the big homies and I'm not a [ __ ] I'm not a blood I ain't never been a gangster in my life I got a lot of big homies that's why I'm safe everywhere I go and everything I do and I praise God for them I call them my angels my guardian angels there's conversation hey man let's go let's go Tyre no the [ __ ] you not they that's like trying to rob Denzel you a g to rob me I Ain G to do nothing to me cuz I don't bother nobody but I do want to use my voice my stage and my platform and say gang intervention is not a concept the big homies calling an emergency meeting and having everybody to show up because the big homie say show up when we going to have a meeting fellas I'm supposed to be promoting a movie I don't give a [ __ ] about promoting no movie what I did in this movie is to be an example of what happens when you step in for your son for [ __ ] in the hood and you telling them to make another choice there's a scene in the movie that you remember [ __ ] walked up to me with a gun he was like hey bro why don't you come and be with us [ __ ] we got you I said I ain't [ __ ] with you if you want to help me the only thing you could do is help me to find my son did I not say that you did say that the gun was right there first of all [ __ ] was corny cuz he giving me a gun like I ain't got one [ __ ] you mean he trying to give me a gun as if I don't have access to every arsenal of gun [ __ ] you trying to you trying to reactivate the OG when you wouldn't even be in my hood and on my block if it wasn't for me hey man why don't you come be with us be with who [ __ ] I started this [ __ ] I'm the OG in this equation in this movie how you trying to offer me a life that I started [ __ ] you mean get your goofy ass out my face trying to offer me a gun to be a part of something that I started that's what the takeaway is that's why 1992 is going to be the biggest movie of Labor Day weekend the whole Chicago go on and be stupid and try and get your movie tickets at the last minute be sitting on the front row with your old ass looking up at the screen like this go ahead 1992 baby it's happening oh yeah let me go on and pivot because I got to get out of here speaking of Music this ain't for the youngsters how old are you sir 62 man 62 you look like Frankie mly Frankie mly and Ma all right y'all wouldn't know nothing about that you young [ __ ] don't know nothing about no Frankie Beverly and Ma you what I'm talking about OG whoa you make me yeah that's when your mom and your daddy two stepping in the backyard take your little ass to bed eat your little watermelon get in the pool go to [ __ ] to sleep get your homework done and play fortnite listen to me I just I'm about to release an album on the same day that I released 1992 now I'm not talking to the kids see here's here's the problem you ready for I'm 45 I'm jealous of your 62 you look great by the way for 62 man you look great you know man keep it swag on that [ __ ] ass you better not have no 17 year old at home either do not [ __ ] you you married yes I am how long you been married 32 years wow okay so I'm talking to grown grown man give me some love that's right I love that so I want to tell you what's your first lady name Donna Donna last name Ponder Donna Ponder oh this oh thank you Jesus thank you Jesus Donna Ponder I'm about to release an album called Beautiful Pain it's 20 songs total produced by the legend David Foster I'm talking to Donna right now the 16 year olds you're probably going to do this right now because you got short attention span right if we're not talking about little Tay Tay little Ray Ray little JJ l mayay and a little Tik Tock dance paint your fingernails black and going turquoise with your hair and you going to go to sleep so please turn the interview off this ain't for you and if I ever see one of you little young [ __ ] in my audience I'mma get you removed because you supposed to be sleep it's night night we are out here drinking in the audience it's 21 and over take your ass to bed okay now let's talk back to Donna okay sorry Donna for the profanity okay I apologize but we're adults Beautiful Pain is live Lenny kravit said that beautiful pain has the sentiments of songs in the key of Life Stevie Wonder and Marvin Gay divorce album entitled Here My Dear it's live it's vulnerable it's honest I want to dedicate my Beautiful Pain album to you and your husband sitting right here to my left celebrating 32 years of marriage kids grandkids two kids Carrie and Bobby two kids I'm going to dedicate this Beautiful Pain album to you guys because although my marriage did not survive 32 years I still believe in love and I still believe in all of the possibilities of love and I did not do this album for anybody to break up I did not do this album to contribute to divorce rate I told all my friends that all these teenagers like seven 8 10 13 years old they going to be mad as hell because their mama's about to be pregnant Beautiful Pain is about to create a post pandemic B bab boom it's about to get real now let me give y'all an example keep rolling okay this is what happens when you take your little young ass asleep all right let me tell you what happens now we standing next to the poster now okay look at you see that you see me okay this is what happens when you're grown now see you youngsters y'all doing this let G this is what your mama doing when you're grown they slow dancing I've been really trying baby when you take your young ass asleep this is what they doing in the living room been feeling so long hey and if you feel hey and then they go to the room they not Ling they not doing all that nasty [ __ ] y'all do on only fans they go in the room and make love that's how they've been married for 32 years this Beautiful Pain album got Kenny G on it Lenny Kravitz produced by David Foster my brother bam Hodge Brandon the whole album is live leandrea Johnson Kim barell Tamar Braxton I got a song on there this is about my divorce so I got a song on there asking my ex-wife a question that I still don't have the answer to which is when was it over for you cuz it's never over when they filed for divorce something was said and done that made the light switch and the marriage go off these are topics this is a concept album you have never heard anything like it now in closing I want to tell the youngsters cuz I don't want y'all to think I'm attacking you even though I am I want to just tell tell y'all that the live instruments are coming out that dusty ass Fender Rose keyboard that has been covered up in the garage that's probably worth about $30,000 and your daddy keep talking to you about it yeah you over here with this [ __ ] with the little video game but that Fender rose right there that's about if I sold that thing tomorrow that's about $50,000 that Fender Rose is coming out baby the good T that your daddy got hanging up on that wall is coming out the strings the horns they coming out all of the live instrumentation is coming out of retirement because of Beautiful Pain we coming home with 11 Grammys we're coming home with Oscars everything about music is about to change and I know that sounds crazy to you insecure fragile people but I just so happen to know what the [ __ ] I'm talking about and I'm standing firm on what I feel and all you got to do is press play l kravis also said that this is the only album that belongs on vinyl it's a double vinyl and you order this on Tyrese dotv and you gonna get in your living room and you gonna put your pink hat on like this brother right here and he G to start slow dances so I'mma give y'all what's happening on Friday August 30th you get to go see 1992 The Heist movie the father Sun dynamic between Rayo to rest in peace and me and my son in the movie you get to be on the edge of your seat because it's a thriller and it's crazy and then you go to Tyrese dotv and if you pissed your mom off because you stayed up all night playing the video game where she told you to take your ass to sleep she told you to go to sleep and you ain't listen she told you to finish your homework and you didn't listen you told her you was going to school and you skipped out on school and was hanging out with your girlfriend in the picnic area giving her a piece of your goddamn uh uh uh what you call it little crumb [Music] cake that's my favorite [ __ ] when I was at school to crumb cake with that goddamn milk in the morning what so listen to me if you have pissed your momma off let me get a little closer so y'all can see me if you have pissed your mama off and your daddy off as of lately and you want things to be better your report card wasn't good you acted your ass off summertime you probably went to jail or ended up in detention during summer school you didn't did something really really stupid you want to make things better with your mom and your daddy order beautiful paint just order it they don't even know how to work Shopify they old they never even heard a shopper or fire you ain't streaming it you can't stream it your mom and your daddy's old they want a vinyl you go to tyres dotv and I promise you they gonna look at you and go how did you know the order this I I don't know Mom I seen online U there was Tyrese on there with some man wearing pink he look like um some man named Frankie Beverly order Beautiful Pain for your mama and your daddy and help them to stay married for another 32 years that is the greatest Mama's Day gift Father's Day gift and it's coming out on Friday August 30th so I'm giving y'all a movie and I'm giving y'all a double album I got a song on there called Runaway eler barge matter of fact because I'm crazy hold on where my damn phone at watch this now if y'all are young if you were young you're about to go to sleep okay but I'm doing this for Donna this is for Donna come on in here man you got to be a part of this man don't run from with you man man man listen man she happy with you that's 32 years right praise God you know what you're doing [ __ ] I need to take some lessons from you my marriage and survived three years I'm [ __ ] up somewhere so this is what what I want you to hear this is what happens when you're a grown ass man cuz Kenny G will never be in the same sentence as little Tay Tay oops did I say that [Applause] listen go to sleep kids [Music] did you do your [Music] [Applause] homework where does the sky what makes wind blow when did time begin we may never know much like the day rains but the sun still shine it's aery to me I call you I I'm not the easiest to deal with I'm not the easiest to deal though nobody's perfect you make me feel like I'm worth [Music] it that's why you love for me it's so hard to understand yeah unbelievable slow dance hey hey go to sleep boys take your hands and [Music] S the ever everyone would know you're unbelievable Tyrese dotv pre-order beautiful right now it's going to be at your door Labor Day weekend go see 1992 I will not be I will not be successful Labor Day weekend without your love and support I do not take your love for for for granted you could be supporting anybody's album music movies but you decided to support mine so I want to thank you in advance for being number one got the song Wildflower dedicated to my mother produced by David fost and Brandon bamh it's a remakes it's all it's available on all streaming platform Beautiful Pain it's going to be at your door Labor Day weekend order it now on tyres and go see 1992 we will be number one Labor Day weekend I'm gonna drop the mic so I'm Reggie Pond the real critic and I was here with Tyrese he's out

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