Category: Film & Animation
Felt what i felt about this film was uh the black male relationship a lot of times when we when we talk about black men we're either absent from our families well when other people talk about us they want to show us absent that we don't care about our kids and that type of thing but this piece really... Read more
Category: Entertainment
It's a time capsule a snapshot of a nation grappling with social and political unrest the trailers offer glimpses of a world on the brink of change and we can't help but wonder how this historical backdrop will shape the narrative one thing is for sure the film promises to be a character-driven drama... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Get a pack of philes you speak english [ __ ] watch your mouth the [ __ ] you say how the [ __ ] that feel familiar this is my home the street might get a little crazy out there today media outlets from around the world awa a verdict of r maybe can bring the sun back up here all right run it for me... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Welcome back film fanatics today we're diving head first into the world of 1992 no not the year the movie that's right folks we're talking about the highly anticipated crime thriller set to hit theaters on august 9th starring the legendary rota in one of his final performances before we dive into the... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Can you walk us through a filmmaker's mindset when one of your stars in this case of course ray leota unfortunately passes away prior to an audience seeing his performance it's it's almost like you know you you have two two two sides of the emotions be without it because in one hand you feel that he... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Well i'll be down hey there's no reason for anybody to get hurt you just do what we say we all go home you fellas picked the wrong place to rob why don't you try to liquor store up the street we're exactly where we're supposed to be you my friend you're at the wrong place at the wrong time Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] now you said the word number uhhuh i have a number for you yes 1992 my god where do we start yeah i was going to ask for a little singing and you did it without me even asking okay i watched i couldn't believe me it took me places you were so good back to the drama roots i was there i was there... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[musique] vous êtes serge oui donc toi c'est stéph comment estce que tu as fait pour me retrouver ser vous avz dit qu'il avait une autre fille vous lu ressemblez pas beaucoup serge a toujours beaucoup de succès auprès des femmes il y en avait forcément de moins joli que d'autres j'imagine que pour vous... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[musique] assister à son propre enterrement c'est un pe comme l'ultime défilé non qui r l' obsc se demande ser surtout demand qui tient à moi vc victor c'est avant maison famili maison est aussi fragile et précieuse que la dentelle qu'il fabrique elle ne tient qu'à un fil et comment votre oncle en privé... Read more
Category: Howto & Style
Bonjour chers auditeurs et chers auditrices de notre vib radio r212 aujourd'hui mamouna sharky en sa qualité de chroniqueur de lodge partage avec vous son analyse dans un article intitulé inondation dans le sud-est du maroc une tragédie qui met à nul et défaillances infrastructurelles voici cet article... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
So i just watched this brand new movie on netflix called incoming this is the brand new comedy movie starring mason themes the same kid from the black phone and this is a super badass comedy movie that is nowhere near as good as super bad but definitely tries to capture that energy of being kind of... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Nos últimos 20 e poucos anos eu saí da favela mas a favela não saiu de mim calma gente calma calmaa avisa pr geral que o grande buscapé tá de volta hein já te falei temp na buscapé wilson ah não mete essa busc buc e de lá para cá o bicho pegou no rio de [aplausos] janeiro como é que você me solta aí... Read more