Published: Aug 30, 2024
Duration: 00:06:32
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: florida vs miami prediction
hello everyone and welcome to Sammy Sports my name is Sammy and I love sports I'm here at the University of Florida campus and this right here is the Sentry Tower and I'm going to be right here giving you my pregame um takes and predictions for this Florida Miami game SEC nation is right now playing is it this is awesome so Florida and Miami this has been a high anticipated game like I have never seen in a home opener for Florida Miami playing on campus for the first time since ' 08 and we're both of us are in a lot of pressure um you have Miami they have high expectations a lot of them are picking for them to win the ACC make it to the playoffs and Mario Chris Chris Ball being and the guy and Florida not where they want to be um we are following uh three losing seasons in a row Billy nap er um had uh starting off with two in his tenure here it this is not the standard where we want to be but this is the reality and we are starting and we are going over the hardest schedule probably ever in college football it is really absurd and to start it off with this game is awesome like I can't I I'm speechless I can't tell you what it's like to see Florida Miami play it is a rivalry like no like nothing else because they don't play often they really like the last time we played was 2019 and a neutral sign in Orlando before that was at Miami in 2013 and before that like I said was here in ' 08 it's a rivalry that is has a special taste than like Florida and FSU or uh Florida Georgia or Florida uh Tennessee and it's like this is going to mean a lot this game is the loser of this is going to receive a lot of toxic reaction regard whether you agree to this or not the fans are going to call for the coach to be fired that's that's just reality and I know you're thinking Miami have high expectations why losing to Florida um uh in one game and they want to be fired because they're Miami they're they're dramatic Sons of Guns and it's Mario cristall he has made some quite a number of of questionable coaching decisions and with these high expectations they're going to expect more I'm been going over this game in detail I've had to like think really hard about this I'm going to be honest I really think Florida is going to win this game and the reason why I think Florida's going to win this game is for a couple reasons one I'm not a believer in Miami I don't know why everyone especially these analysts are making the dumb decision to think that Miami Miami is finally here and they're now going to reach the standard that they are supposed to be we I've seen this movie way too many times they're going to have another what is it they're going to have another 8 and four 9 and3 season which is decent I know it's not the standard that they want but that's what they're going to get and Florida it's going to be very tricky it's um there's going to be a there A lot's going to be say about this misconception that Florida is not a very talented football team now I won't say we have all the talents that we want to have to be back at the standard that we want but I but I'm not going to stick here and say we don't have any Talent we have a lot we have a ton of good players and if we lose a lot of games I really do I really think it's going to be because of the scheduling more than we're just a terrible football team I don't think that's the case grah Merz is very efficient we got a lot of fast rde receivers uh montro Johnson is back apparently TR trayan web looks to be a promising backup our defense we've added a few more pieces and DJ lagway is going to be a very formidable backup and expected to see some playing time that's going to be very exciting and I think this is going to be a very hardfought battle uh competitive throughout um it's going to be a more of a defensive battle especially in the first half that's my that's my expectations um Miami is going to struggle to deal with the S deal with the atmosphere at first and maybe like a 10 to 10 halftime score and then the second half they're going to like start off flashing and scoring some touchdowns and then Florida will respond um back and well I'm going to say a 2724 win you know I don't know if Florida's going to win with a game-winning field goal or if or Miami loses on the last second field goal but I'm expecting something around 27 to 24 which means I'm going to Bent the bet the under for the game not going to actually bet so um for those who are going to watch just let you know but if you were to bet take my takes by the grain of salt cuz I'm just a fan talking Sports I don't have any credibility yet so that's my take I think this is going to be a fantastic season a very uh very challenging season a lot of fun very great game and let's hope the Gators win so go Gators