West Virginia Dynasty Season 1/PT 1 Vs Penn St! College Football 25!

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:27:30 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] yo welcome back to the YouTube Chan in today's video we have another series as we got a dynasty and we got to select our team that we're going be representing in you already know WV we'll be a head coach so we can run offense and defense and we're going be a recruiter cuz we're be trying to get a lot of five stars to West Virginia and yall aren't here to see what coach I customize y'all are here to see some gameplay so we'll just skip over this I mean who really cares about the head coach it's not that big of a deal congratulations it's time okay theyve West Virginia has been I mean back in the table on Austin days and stuff like that Pat Wyatt they were amazing they had a good season last year but we got to make them a national championships whatever Bond bound and okay so this dynasty is only going to be Four Seasons long no shorter no longer Four Seasons and Four Seasons means we need to recruit some dogs to play for us around maybe the whole time I mean they could get drafted before but let's go find some people so okay we do get some four and five stars which is nice let's just go down this line and pick everybody it's okay these guys are we got to offer everybody scholarships first and that might be everything we can do maybe we can send the house for some of them I don't know if we can do that yet yeah it's got to go down four star four star Tracy James mcroy Right End another Right End another right wa yo yo yo okay middle linebacker right oh my God we're going have so many right ends on our team left tackle Right End yo yo oh my God that's like 10 right in let's go back down to prospects and we'll go to Five Stars okay let's pick these people we got a couple more hopefully not right ends D tackle halfback and a right tackle okay so is that all we can do right now or should we go find some more people let's I guess we'll Sim week one we got Pinn State yeah seventh seed seventh ranked pin state so our first game should be a pretty oh wait we had a okay now we're week zero okay so that was let's see how all these people want it okay some of them were not even in there that's not good can we offer the we can send the house you know let's do that for everybody we should have maybe one or two we'll miss out on but that's fine we got five five four and five star right ends is that even the position where am I just stupid right end right re is Right End yeah got it middle linebacker Right End five star we're going to have to recruit some three stars and two stars and stuff like that in the future but I just wanted to get a head start on these the this will not be the only recruiting we do I'll probably do some more in like week four five but for weeks one two and maybe three this is how this is our Prospect list our recruiting board it's going to look like so hopefully we can get some commits before we send those three and two stars offers okay week one yeah let's see okay we got a so we got two people that are not going to commit 100% let's just go take them off the recruiting Bo board hopefully it's a Right End please please be a Right End okay where are they a right in that's one of them and a left tackle bro okay so oh two for that the halfback that's huge okay we cannot send a visit yet okay let's get into the let's get into Penn State we got here we are baby we got to beat Penn State bro I hate P State bro we got to take this W though we need Garrett Green in his the last season hopefully we can get the a championship now that would be amazing going four for four on championship I mean we're in the Big 12 so we can afford three losses but it cannot be in week one we got to get this W uh I'm we are doing five minute quarters I don't know if that's going to be two long I wish she had her shirt off too joking but but if that is too long in the future we will make it go to four so let's see yeah of course they going to KN it bro pin State Oh I thought that was the quarterback I was like I thought it was Drew all but nope it's the tight end okay bro we got to be pin State this is going to be such a hype game in real life I'm so happy he not at pen State cuz I don't know if my Mountaineers can deal with that first play of the game they got a fake Jet Sweep good tackle let's go baby I'll take that all day two yards Nicholas single ter or Singleton a great title P up two yard on that last they need on I don't know who we get next week oh my God hey oh my God who are you drew Aller get out of here bro first throw of the year's a pick and we are on a All American is that a the difficulty right before yeah look at that SP spells okay we are on the difficulty right above or Heisman so I'll probably play on this for a couple weeks if we get the dubs if we do I'll go on Heisman by week three if we are two and0 and we got a dude wide opened hold the block hudon Clement oh my God bro this isn't oh wa yeah it was this is not looking good for pen State already a 70 lead but like playing pin St on Heisman would be pretty brutal passing but dude that wasted 30 seconds see this video is going to take forever I could say a 30 or 40 minute video who knows but it's also the part one so like usually every part one's a little bit longer than the other ones in the future oh he runs that guy over yo what is going on okay gets the first down that's fine can that again or at least for this drive get oh what am I doing no bro he has room okay we we do bring him down oh they're going in hurry up mode too already we got to stop the run game another hand off let's go I I'll take that two yards second and eight coming up 50 rushing yards already is kind of crazy I wish beanie Bishop was still here and Carl Joseph come on get a hit yo come on bro that's just like make a tackle bro yo I did not mean to do that come on Stadium pulse kick in oh hit him let's go back three yards second and 13 got 325 left in the first bro we got a third and inches we got to get a stop if we can get a stop that'll be giant normous bro expecting a run oh they're passing we get two him oh my God that's huge they're going for it thoughe get up we got to play up oh we stop him baby what a God what a goal line stop now we's got to go down back down the field and get another touchdown CJ a I just break off for one tackle and that's a first bro did that D do the two small thing 13 okay bro we're gonna be look we're gonna be watching out for you Garrett green the scrambler easy first sliding in sliding in safe but bro having Garr green is such a w cuz I love scrambling oh God yo we're RB that's a top bro what that was an amazing play Gary green is him seventh bro if we can beat seventh I don't know if we'll be ranked from yo get off me bro God dang that guy got [ __ ] but like maybe a week two win will give us a ranked spot just we he faked that and oh crap okay yeah I pressure to hit why there or my halfback but whatever thir got a third and eight big play right here looking CJ really bro there's three people there we're not getting one of those blocks down okay we're going for it for sure cuz we're already I mean a turnover wouldn't be that bad cuz they're at the 50 actually yeah it kind of would be I don't know why I'm doing this actually no bro oh my God turnover I mean at least I didn't score last Drive which I honestly should [Applause] have see got 144 bro the running back is a problem 79 rushing yards we got to stop Singleton like if we want to win this game we got to stop the run [Applause] game Stadium P all the way up yo it's just the same Gap every time got some he's got first down like I don't know bro I don't know what to [Applause] do okay y'all can y'all start like passing holy crap it's like four in a row first wasting time and you're not even you don't even have points on the board Penn State again oh my God are we going to do it again third and eight knows can we get please get a stop we got a humble pin [Applause] State they don't got anywhere to go down goes dler let's go oh they prob be [ __ ] and punt it out of bounds let's see if they do yeah they do like bro I don't understand the point of this like that just that should be a flag I don't know okay what let just go down the field and score make this a two possession game oh we got y uhoh we might have to sim a little bit cuz this game it's we're still in the first freaking quarter bro CJ Dons get us a couple yards set us up for a third and five and we will be doing a Madden 25 franchise not with the Cowboys I'm still trying to decide know what team but that'll be coming out probably around when NFL starts and I know this is Sim right now honestly because this is fourth down I have a lot of series out right now so I need to try and like uh what do you call it get some of them over but I mean I love making content for y'all so just posting new stuff like I've kind of ran out of ideas I just need to focus on like listen if I didn't have series I don't know what I would post and that dude is not Michel Parson take off his number cuz cards like I don't have a job okay okay this is the thing if I did have a job which I kind of got one today so I need to start training then I'm going to be posting a lot of bangers now that because I can pay for stuff you know so yeah so a lot of good content bro coming out so I have a million ideas now to post not including these series videos hurdle holy bro got hurdled okay we're in the third quarter now we got a 14 to three game with five minutes basically left CJ go don't be holding bro damn bro holding offense okay got first and 13 yard to cover Line Get Set first yeah we're going to make this for sure four minutes maybe next video what a dot let's go yo their quarterback is ass two for 10 or is our defense just that good we got more room get oh my God he gets down to avoid taking lining up from the first down 30 bags that's a curry bag in a couple days y'll be sliding home and you know she's safe and go down for 10 we had a second and 20 bro a score again in this game could possibly be over CJ go damn one yard halfback split screen works most of the time that's uh do we have room oh we're quicker yo gar green for Heisman bro this is his last chance to get it but we need to heavily recruit a Scrambler cuz I love scrambling yo that was a terrible read what am I doing damn bro we could have maybe even won the game just with another touchdown but now they got a chance to get back in the game okay they don't have single that's holding please there we go holding offense they you call holding first in N damn first and 19 oh yeah cuz it's 10 yards go down bro y'all can't run anymore the running [ __ ] is over second and 20 come on bro it's like okay it's going to be a big play got a third 22 let's just get another stop please and thank you please okay where are they going to go Yo Yo review that bro that's a catch damn that actually sucks bro I think on that play you saw why this guy such a big weapon they got a third and 22 whatever the lead okay second and eight I don't know why they're in a hurry up it's not even like that critical moment of the game yet get to him another one like DJ KH another one another one another one like it's is too easy bro be G easy man this [ __ ] too easy now it's time for gar green the ball yo get off me God dang bro second and 17 going to need a decent play here hopefully X can get open in the middle of the screen oh okay that was not a good pass at all them out ofy this is a third and long who do we got oh do we get a come back oh my God who is that uh who what did that guy's name say I need to learn the wide receivers names I know Hudson [Applause] Clement where's jir White J White what am I talking about Jim White good catch here we go got a third one it's going to be time for CJ DS to get this first or J White oh my god let's go bro first down who do we get uh we're going should we take off we got B all right good catch we got a second and six got a minute and 20 seconds left in the third quarter coming down to the wire B give me let's go easy first down bro gar green for Heisman wait do we play Colorado this [Applause] year and I might try to relocate West Virginia to like the ACC cuz that's kind of realistic of a spot to go to but who knows I don't know yet Gary green this is why he's Heisman bro gar Green's crazy he's actually one of the most fun quarterbacks of used in this game cuz he's like like a good thrower or whatever you like being good as a quarterback but the Running part is crazy except for when he gets hit he will fumble no 44 seconds left we got a 21 to3 lead oh wait we play an FCS school next week I'm pretty sure or we play pit I don't know you have to stay tuned for that okay yo he breaks off of that that was actually a crazy break off like bro who even is that dude they got to hurry up because they are down by three possessions now okay bro I'm kind of getting scared now I know we have a it's a 21 to3 lead but I mean who knows bro Anything Can Happen okay I don't know yo okay is the third rest of the third quarter going to run out two one okay only five more minutes of ball game and we could be one and0 or 0 and one it be pretty nice if we can hold them here got a second and one expecting a handoff and it is a handoff stop him we just need him to waste time here like we can get down to like four minutes or like three I mean three would be insane let's keep on running the ball a second and nine yeah we if this drive lasts until like 4 minutes I think we get the W wide J sweep another fake one bro they got to stop doing why are they handing the ball off they don't have time to be doing that third and three thir okay here we go with the pass they'll try get it through the oh wide open bro Marvin did I say Marvin Wallace the third okay it's a ball game now only 11 a two possession game like I can just throw a pick or something and who knows how that game can finish we got to try and waste clock though main priority is wasting clock this drive we'll get some passes off we're not handed off we oh oh what a oh my God what a play holy [ __ ] now we got the four minute Mark hand off to CJ not much there it'll be second and n okay CJ we gota I think we might start Jim White CU CJ Dons was not having a great game uhoh [Applause] yo no no no no no we got to stop him bro what just happened throw it un and he's wide opened regroup dude this game just changed four plays the last four plays bro got 330 left D our crowd needs to get into the game no bro yo get yeah get your ass smacked [Music] buddy [ __ ] you think you are Bud first and goal to the air it's for the score hit him bro dude lay that kid out like I would if I was in the field he would be he would be in the hospital they're going for two to make this a field goal Game Dude our defense is falling apart Penn State y' know bodies y'all ain't got no bodies we got to just do something there we go got three minutes left exactly on the clock we just got to run the ball or do something make pin State waste their time outs okay CJ we got to do something here hold that block spin move great play are they going to waste of time out no they're probably wait till the two-minute warning so we's got to really get first downs B Don let's go got 237 bro is that this actually a great game oh my God wide open huson CL get the first we got to keep on doing this dude mean if we get a touchdown this game is over for sure TJ oh my God there's room oh my god let's go CJ first second and two we got 11 10 or 2 minutes and 10 seconds left spin move [Applause] yo was like a trampoline park out there bro two-minute warning okay so this is we had to get two first downs I don't know just make them waste their timeouts go CJ that three yards was that y one yard okay never mind myel that was a stutter we need get a first down yo it's a third and 10 third and eight we got a yard at least we got a yard this is a ginormous play Gary green Gary green oh my God hit that Heisman pose bro deserves we Q KN this and this game's over we are going to beat seventh seed pin State oh my God seventh R was no match bro that was actually a crazy game though that is going to end this video please like subscribe comment down below what other video ideas you want to see that are not including Dynasty or any other series I have out go check out all the my other series by the way cuz y'll probably find one that y'all really enjoy I love y'all and I'll see y'all next week when I'm pretty sure we got an FCS school so should be an easy W but yeah stay tuned I love yall and I'll see y'all next time peace my SP got I want to

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