Category: Gaming
Hell tout le monde nous sommes ravis de vous retrouver à londres dans le [applaudissements] myque contem rééationist voici la compo de départ pour l'angleterre dans le but jordanf john stones avec en défense centrc sur les et [applaudissements] harensive qui peer quelque choseé finlandais voil le 11... Read more
Category: Gaming
Salut à toutes et à tous quel privilège de vous retrouver ici depuis les tribunes du stadoi benjamin da silva donc et omar da fonsseeka dans la cabine de commentateur pour vous faire vivre ce match on retrouve tout de suite notre cher championnat de france avec cet intéressant duel en ligue 1 lille... Read more
Category: Gaming
[musique] [applaudissements] bons les condition clim son rendezvous pour ce matchisis [applaudissements] [rires] [applaudissements] [applaudissements] et voici un œil là sur la composition de l'irlande le 5 32 le 3 5 2 c'est toute la question que vont faire les pistons sur les côtés ce qui compte ce... Read more
Category: Gaming
Foot fc pro Read more
Category: Gaming
Our cameras on one man on the back of a hatrick will he continue to excel come on come on got [music] [applause] [music] this there's only one place to savor the excitement and hello wherever you happen to be this is the scene here at the dawn arena in donet i'm derek ray ready here on the commentary... Read more
Category: Gaming
Now it's for real the tactics and squad strengths have all been analyzed by committed fans and neutral observers a confrontation that all football lovers will revel in knowing that we might be about to witness a simply unmissable occasion all the drama and all the action coming up next on ea options... Read more
Category: Gaming
Our cameras on one man on the back of a hatrick will he continue to excel come on come on got [music] [applause] [music] this there's only one place to savor the excitement and hello wherever you happen to be this is the scene here at the dawn arena in donet i'm derek ray ready here on the commentary... Read more
Category: Gaming
A fitting back drop for a match of massive significance the stage is set a packed house at the ready awaiting two teams who like nothing better than to test themselves on a stage like this the tricky part is trying to decide which side will out fox the other all the action coming up next don't go anywhere... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] this is when it really hits home kickoff time is almost upon us a colossal game featuring two teams that truly deserve to be on the big stage we know they can deliver but will they do it with the pressure on and when it matters most find out how it unfolds right here on eatv hello from the south... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] [music] when your heart is broken you simply cannot trust what your mind is telling you [music] [music] [music] a [music] [music] [music] [music] this is what makes heartbreak so difficult to heal addicts know they're addicted they know when they're shooting up but heartbroken people do not... Read more
Category: Gaming
Intro the stage is set and the glittering prize awaits one of these two teams but which one in the 2022 fifa world cup final stay with us we'll have it all for you coming up next on eatv hello and welcome to a contest of start colossal meaning we find us eles here just to the north of the doha city... Read more
Category: Gaming
A game of colossal importance and a stadium packed to the rs we can't ask for any more how could it be otherwise when two high level sides go head tohe head and toe to toe this is football out of the very top draw here's liverpool are ling up don't go anywhere all the action [applause] next6 war welcome... Read more