Man Strangles Fiancé to Death, Then Fakes 911 Call as an Accident

[Music] on November the 21st of 2021 Jonesboro Police responded to a call regarding an unresponsive person at a residence on Clover Drive now where's your emergency hey yes I need uh a medic over here now 2214 Clover right now 2214 Clover yes right now all right what's it for what's it for oh my lady we was drinking and she fell out I need now now all right we're getting him over there now sir I'm getting him over there if you don't get over here no I got to hang up to call we'll get him there and right away thank you 911 where's your emergency where are they at sir we have people in route okay no where the they at sir we have people in route we have Fire EMS and an officer there on their way did you tell them where I at 224 Clover 2424 Clover yes sir we have it yes okay they're in they're in route yes sir is she is she breathing is she breathing sir is she breathing what are you are you having trouble breathing too no I'm my okay well is she breathing we have people on R okay [ __ ] they where they sir I need you to lower your voice with me they are on their way no I ain't going my voice they are on their way sir well God them if they a here some L okay they will be there in just a second [Music] okay 911 where is your emergency where the the ambulance should be pulling up in the next few moments the fire [ __ ] pull up I'm [Music] sorry sir sir [ __ ] pull up yeah they are what tell me what's going on with her is she breathing do thing excuse me drinking she fell out is she but is she breathing now is she conscious now I get C I'm sorry I I can't understand you when Hello what are you saying slow down what are you asking me where the I just told you the ambulance is about to pull up we also have the fire department in arounde cuz they're medically trained and there's also can you hear the [Music] sirens 2214 Clover what you told me that's where I sent them I I can't I can't understand what he's saying upon arriving to the scene officers then find 30-year-old Sabrina Benson lying unconscious in the hallway of her home she was immediately transported to a local hospital where she was tragically pronounced dead show you on Che she I'm not trying to be aggressive with 134 he still breathing right check for mebody check for [Music] me need [Music] Che what's her name sa sa sa can you hear me she been on any kind of no drugs taking a night or anything right no no we just drinking just making sure I don't need to Naran or like that we're going to pull her down here okay we're hurry up all the way to the living [Music] room we got a light man there we go [Music] ready remove clothes from patient test [Music] ad pad pad exactly as Sean tell we green secondly as yeah just started stay clear of patient analyzing heart no shot advis be sure Emergency Medical Services have been called it is safe to touch the patient if needed CPR hey man can you step out here real quick talk to me press the flashing Blue Button hey you're good you're [Music] good 1 minute 45 5 seconds until analysis will resume I know everything went I've been drinking for over we it isfe to touch the patient if needed to it's rolling [Music] it our truck we don't have [Music] I it up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I just it up aut all the good 177 to [Music] 33 you able to take a phone call [Music] hey uh I've got a probably a 107 over here on my call I'm on 2214 Clover over here off of Fair View they're uh it's a guy and his girlfriend were drinking they've been drinking um all a said she just passed out camera responsive they've been doing compressions on her for a few minutes and got her hooked up uh Pro probably about to transport but I'm going to say she's probably 107 she's got she hadn't been able to breathe for a few minutes and she got stuff all in her mouth okay you're about to transport you want to just keep keep uh keep the boyfriend here and talk to him okay he okay all [Music] right c i l r e s I [Music] guess I wouldn't touch anything help I'm coming I got this i got this handle watch your head watch your hand [Applause] I'm going to go go you're good I got y yep yep list down there damn it she's good we got her head got it got it fall that side that y's tilted tilted okay okay okay we're good we're good going up yeah all right all right 15 seconds until analysis will resume man look this is man look don't talk to me please me about us I'm you think about I am don't touch me authorities initially spoke to Benson's fiance Shadrach wart who had claimed that he and Benson had been drinking with friends earlier in the day according to Ward the friends had left and at some point he heard Benson calling his name when he went to check Conor he reportedly found her unconscious on the floor come on weep we can I talk to you for a second talk to me what um what what what what happened like you just kind of walk M we drinking that was it okay did she stay here hell yeah she live my fiance okay it's your fiance yeah okay and then um man get the [ __ ] man what you want what you want to know list I just want to know like do you care we look around the house just make sure it wasn't any godam come on no no you need chill out I ain't no looking around the house and all that dumb [ __ ] bro you need to chill the [ __ ] out I'm worri about her you need to C down bro man they like godamn I I did something my way we don't we don't know we're just trying to rule that out make sure because somebody's going to come back later and say well don't come at me like that I'm just I'm coming at you like calm down like anybody else man all right I'm not trying to insinuate that you've done anything wrong okay that [ __ ] but what I'm saying is if you don't mind would you care if we looked around real quick just to make sure like there's nothing no signs or whatever is right okay well then the other option is we're going to get a search war and we'll have I don't give a calm down bro chill out that's fun I'm just trying to rule it out man but it since cuz most people don't just out so just [Music] D that first thing y want to get search well because we don't know what happened okay and so I mean if if it were me I would say yeah look around make sure I tell you what if I on I sh what do I don't know last time you tried your gun malfunction okay yo chill the [ __ ] out bro chill out man come on go ahead I didn't know what the [ __ ] happened to her bro she holl my name goam I ran to her stepped out [ __ ] what you you worri about that [ __ ] yeah yeah that [ __ ] St really calm down sh you go with her and make sure she's okay right that's we're not trying to what you do [ __ ] you know don't come to me with no [ __ ] [ __ ] like this come to me straight damn dude shut the [ __ ] up chill the [ __ ] out I ain't [ __ ] about that [ __ ] you going to take me to jail take to jail for whatever you going take to jail for to go jail so chill I'm wor about my [ __ ] old lady she out she H my name I thought she just [ __ ] don't come to me with that [ __ ] don't worri about her you anything you come leave later what hospital are y'all taking her to he said NE so that's they let's go to ne how about that yeah put him in the car he can't go cannot cannot Benson's body was sent to the State Crime Lab for an autopsy and the results would reveal a chilling Discovery she had died from strangulation when investigators confronted Ward with the new information he admitted to engaging in a verbal altercation with Benson and during the argument Ward allegedly grabbed her by the neck and strangled her until she lost Consciousness ultimately resulting in her [Music] death all I here's a waiver I have read a statement of my rights and I understand what my rights are I am willing to make a statement and answer questions I do not want a lawyer at this time I understand and know what I'm doing no promises or threats have been made to me no pressure persion of any kind has been used against me you want to talk to me today yes sir I sure appreciate that you'll sign right there [Music] I'm want to sign down here as a witness again I'm Tak a Bill Brown and today is going to be February 21st I'll tell you what the year is flying by 10 15 hours seems like the older I get the quicker everything goes older my kids and grandkids get all right so what what people call you uh Shad shadra you mind if I call you shadra today yeah all right all right shadra tell a little bit back well I just I just have home from prison came home March March 5th last year uh 2020 2020 started working start working at Rand and okay getting life back together yeah trying to get back adapt to society what else I had a I had met a nice little lady when I came home and oh really who that uh Sabrina Sabrina Benson okay and you know one of the best things I had in my life and we started off and you know start taking things slowly and you know just focus doing things right yeah focus on working and you know just trying to like I said trying to do what I got to do and stay out of trouble and not go back to prison and spend time with my kids working on getting things trying to see my kids and how many kids you got I have four four how old are they 18 17 14 and 13 18 17 13 14 boys girls um three boys and a girl three boys and a girl which one's a girl uh Katie how old is she uh 14 14 so that's that that's the age Daddy needs to really talk to her yeah yeah okay so you started seeing your kids more yeah I was seeing my kids more cuz you know like I said I wasn't who I was when I first left and being in a lot of trouble and all that you know we all make mistakes we all yeah yeah that wasn't life that I want to live anymore you know I just wanted to get out and get a job take care of be able to support my kids be a part of my kids life and give them something that I didn't had over right set the example for them yeah I definitely know that because I know back in my younger days I used to like to drink a little bit and when my older son he's about four years old he came brought daddy a beer after work I was working Factory and I'd always drink a beer after work and he'd come to me and he dumped that top and I said mm it's not how I want to bring my kids up to stop right there no more alcohol for me cuz if I'm doing it it's okay for them to do it in their eyes so I had had to do like you I had to man up set the example yeah you know just cutting grass I started cutting grass something I always want to do start my online service and cut grass good flow bed and you know just something it was like a little trade I had and I was doing that when I got off work and wanted to buy a house and the lady off with you know what I mean you know we always talked about you know getting us a house buy us a house together you know getting married all that you know you know then I just I had a so we all engaged yes yeah and you know like you know I say everything was good with us and then I had some other family issues and kind of slacked up a little bit well kind of set me back I backtracked a little bit how' you backtrack uh something had happened with uh my brother and I I just I just lost focus on a lot of stuff but the whole time though you know like I said one I was with you know she she stood by me she right there with you yeah stood by me the whole time I was ready to give up give up everything what happened to your brother passway yep no I lost mine last year you know it was it was tough on me yeah I know how that how that it feels y m was my older brother my love was my love has been good at all goodness had it had it right yeah I hate to CU let's see a lot of people we we all make mistakes and it's just what we what we do after our mistakes show us what kind of person we are it's just kind like you told about said an example for your kids kind like what I was talking about earlier changing what I do so my kids will have the example of what kind of man they need to be and it don't matter what kind of mistakes you make the man that you turn yourself into your kids see that and it's like hey my daddy he did this but my daddy did this this and this look at him now that's that's who I want to be so what were we in prison for the first time Aron possession of far possession of far how long you say there I did like seven I went seven years seven years all together where at uh Calico rville P couple different I know P down there's rough system in there it's all about what you make really yeah I was none of the ri r i was focus on getting home do right getting to my kids so you get out get your job at ring made a made a nice young lady you said her name was Spina yeah [Music] okay got her there for support do she have any kind of kind of History like what kind of like any kind of trouble like you man man she was she was a good she was a good one she's kind of kind of one we need now she was definitely what I needed you know what I mean like with all my stuff going on and you know just like I say y I just I know my love is just so bad you know de with my brother she was right there beside you my auntie and then she ended up she ended up passing away and what happened on bra yeah I know we uh I know we us to we had nice sight we drink and you know we hang out and like I said that night I know we was cross town drinking then we decided to go well she she preferred me she like for me be at home and drink right you know yeah we drink you know we have she's she's a responsible she know it yeah and she just you know she made sure like I said she like she like when I'm at home yeah so I was across town and we drinking and actually she called and she came over there while I was there and she was like hey let's go back home and drink cuz I had a friend so she was a so driver yeah yeah yeah yeah I think I don't know if she had had yeah she did she had had like a wine cool or something nothing nothing outrageous where she could still drive and all that yeah she was she was she was good you know she was one taken care of yeah yeah I mean us as men we we tend to do stupid things yeah we got to have a good woman to take care of so she throw you back home yeah and as we was leaving well I had a friend you know him and his lady friend wanted to come over and hang out and drink and who's that um a friend of mine Tim fiz Tim F yeah what's this lady friend's name I can't remember last but I know she go by Mia Mia yeah so did SAA drive them over too no no they met us there they met y'all at your house yeah so what happened when you got to your house well we we started she we started drinking she had worn up some Rotel like she had f mixed earlier cheese diing right there yeah yeah and so we was drinking we waiting on them waiting on them and uh I had put some wine and stuff in the freezer or just something like we always do what were you drinking that night oh I think I had some some vco some Rocka and some kind of R I think iing around goodness well I going to say like I was mixing it but it was some of my friend here I tried a couple tried a couple shots of that he had and like I said we just that's what this is about about sraer yeah yeah okay well that's I've been dealing with this too I know I I know it's it's been up in that head and it's hurting yeah especially you what you told me earlier I'm very sorry about that about her she's being good person and you know a lot of times it's the Persona of somebody who gets out of jail that they're automatically a bad person they don't understand that people make mistakes like I tell my officers when I'm training them I said it could be very well you in the back seat of my car right now I said it's one mistake that they made and and people just put that label on you but then you got somebody like a bring of that yeah you've been to prison but I'm give you this chance to turn your life around so T you talking about it like I said was was drinking yeah I was I was feeling pretty good from drinking the vodka and drank the cou of shs of the of the room and we were sitting there drinking and her meal they drinking they drinking wine and stuff and you know just um just you know just having a good time just R this and talking about old days and just just fting Ward would be arrested and taken into custody at the Craig Head County Detention Center where he was charged with murder and held on a $5 million cash shity Bond

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