Nights With Ping - Ryan Akagbusi Amber Alert, A Town Shutdown Over EEE?

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 01:56:47 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: ryan akagbusi
[Music] [Music] yo how are you all good to see you back on my channel nights with ping good to see you all Saturday night it's been a really busy Saturday there's been a lot of different things going on some interesting news out of Sumpter County we'll talk about that in a minute uh there is a missing child autistic child nonverbal is the word they used and K hou 11 has been following it all day I know Mr everywhere Mr jlr has been out there too covering it I could have sworn I said that if I could wake up in time I would be here at 10: I didn't I didn't say I that was a finality I just meant if I could get here I would but uh we ended up staying up way too late last night I was trying to cook some food actually and it's a long story but I was trying out a new thing with a different set of uh ingredients and it didn't work so I spent like 4 hours cooking this thing and it it didn't work out it sucks um Melody says brokenhearted for Sebastian I I mean I'll show you something here every every week or every couple of times a week just cuz I I I go here and I still see and I've said it before I still see Sebastian's name I still see Elijah's name I I really thought we were much closer on Elijah Vu because they found some uh something that belonged to Elijah and I was like ah they're going to be really close uh he's around the corner they still haven't located him either I I just have a funny feeling they either won't Loc ha him until either one of them Jesse or you know the mom gives him up and then Sebastian you know uh let's let's start with what's going on with that let's start with what everyone wants to talk about in the last few hours but we're going to have to use we're going to have to use some code all right because I don't want people coming for me I don't I don't want the Army coming for me um a person that often has a thing that makes their voice louder was arrested earlier today in relation to the Sebastian Rogers uh case from what I understand I don't I don't follow it that much some I don't follow his drama crap but someone in that does contacted me saying that particular person was at a charity event and they did a random warrant check on her and now she is currently awaiting extradition to supta County no no don't be naming no one in the chat I don't know who you're talking about I just said I I don't know I've never heard of this word before Gambler I've never heard of this word I don't know what this is never um but that's the latest I've heard I you guys may know more but the information that they told me in SMS was uh that the cop showed up to a charity a charity event or a charity ride to do a warrant check on her uh I don't know what happened after that but apparently she's being confirmed arrested uh sometime like 5:00 in the evening or something and uh she's currently awaiting awaiting extradition to sua so oh you're just guessing oh I don't I don't I've got no idea I've never heard of that name before BHB BHP you know the oil company so there you go and from what I understand a lot of this uh circulates around the proudfoot family or what whatever they're called they took out some protective orders against her for harassment and stuff they were they were issued I think uh for a year they got a one-year protective order I think she's got four of them or something like that so so you can take it however you want all I'm going to say is this there's been a lot of this in in in true crime in YouTube for many years now where people just take it too far they just take it too far they insert themselves into real life um investigations and stuff like that and for me I just think that's way too way too close I mean there's one thing like you're helping or the family ask you to help or something like that and you think you're doing a good job like you go and help with a search effort or something like that that's great news I like that I like that I think that's great you're part of the community you want to help but then when you cross a line and you insert yourself and cross boundaries you're not being edgy you're not being cool you're not being like Oh I'm the per the you know private eye and all this stuff you're actually messing with a freaking active investigation so that's my opinion I don't know what anyone else's opinion is but that's my opinion uh Hey STL [Music] cards we're talking we're going to talk about the child then we already mentioned it at the open the show I like I like your criticism though keep that energy keep that energy uh no we're going to talk about that child it's okay uh that is we have it all set up right here I just wanted to talk about this first because everyone's going mental in the chat about it so I wanted to deal with that so we can get across to our true crime news but that is the latest that I've heard uh we don't deal in that kind of crap on this channel but everyone wanted to talk about it so all right fine you guys want to talk about what's going on in Texas let's talk about that so the child's name is Ryan and I hope I get this right akabusi and he's been missing I I heard heard from his mom this morning and she was describing how she woke up couldn't find him she checked the camera or someone's camera and she saw him running down the road with shoes I don't know she's really hard to understand in the in the video I think she's just very worried and at some point he dropped some shoes and she found them but then they F saw him continue running with no shoes so he's out there somewhere bare for they don't know where but they've issued this amber alert for him here I'll open it up for you guys here's a little photo this is a terrible photo there's a better one I'll get you so he's age date he's male he's a you know his race is black he's got hair color black his eyes are brown he's 4 foot uh he's 65 last thing wearing a purple t-shirt hold on that's not the t-shirt that's a different one hold on I have that t-shirt for you it's on like a missing poster that they had and I'm sure a lot of you have already seen this before so I'm catching everyone up very quickly for people who have already been covering this all day this been going on since this morning so here's the here's the T-shirt there's that purple t-shirt that's what they're referring to he was last seen wearing a lilac shirt and maybe Barefoot I think they've confirmed that he did drop those shoes or at least his mother said he did in an interview she did with kou and um have fun with that Marilyn it's really serious they're at a lake the last uh live from a registered news agency that I was able to view was they were all hanging out near this Waterway and they one of the reporters said they are investigating something but they wouldn't tell us what it is I don't know what that means but they that's what they were telling the media they're like we're here investigating something but we won't we we can't specify so I don't know I don't know what the hell that means I don't know if that means they got a report of something that is there someone saw something and that's why they there I don't know but far out if this turns into another child that is you know on the Spectrum has some sort of um I don't know the correct word but he's nonverbal you know that he has his challenges in life I don't know what I'd do we've had so many of these in the last like six weeks we've had heaps of them there's been three four I know eight nine nine in a month there's been a lot I'm guessing it's cuz it's summer it's hot people are getting Outdoors a lot more uh especially around waterways and maybe in Winter people tend to stay inside a lot more uh let's let's look for the video for his mom let's go to K1 and I want to want to do that one where it has his mom talking I want to hear from his mom right that's better than listening to me now an active local amber alert for a missing Richmond boy 8-year-old Ryan akaki who has autism hasn't been seen since around 5 this morning A search is happening right now around Kendall Lake Drive in the Lakemont subdivision our Troy class joins us live from the community center where many volunteers have gathered tonight [Applause] Troy yeah good evening Marcelino well you could see that there's been some crime scene tape that has been set up towards the start of this Lake here again this is in the Lakemont neighborhood now about 2 hours ago we saw more First Responders arriving on the scene including a dive team from the fortb County fire rescue Department as well as one of their boats have gone into the water as well meanwhile people have been waiting here for answers again almost 17 hours after Ryan went missing so again what we know right now is again this started around 500 a.m. when the mother reported Ryan missing now again he is 4 fo8 wearing weighing 65 lbs and was last seeing wearing a purple shirt and again this is been just some of the scen that we've seen out here family says that Ryan can run very fast and is an independent kid but they say that he usually does not go for walks in this neighborhood although Ryan is nonverbal he will respond if his first name is called now the mom says he she believed that her son was in his room sleeping but when she check went to check on him he was gone now she says that cameras picked him up leaving the home and was last seen on a camera in the neighborhood not wearing shoes and I check the camera he was walking out of his room without his Sho with his shoes at 4:56 5:37 a camera no when I set this morning I saw his shoes on the road I picked up his shoes and the camera sighted him just after the place I picked up his shoes running now the forben county sheriff's office told us they were checking on something but did not provide further details they say they do have plans in place the event that this search does continue tomorrow and again back out here live many of the residents in the neighborhood and many close uh family and friends of Ryan's mother here waiting for answers tonight and once we get the latest information about the status of the search we'll make sure to share that with you reporting live in Richmond Troy CL kou 11 news so many people hoping Ryan is found safe Troy thanks so much for that live so from one understand Troy's been there for like most of the evening and I've been following him on Twitter just to see if he would post anything else his last video was just before he filmed that live uh edit he put out a video it's not very long and I'll show it to you hopefully he's showing you like the First Responders showing up to that Lake that's the same one in the video but you can see there's a lot of activity there was people in the water [Music] um yeah there was there was people literally waiting through the water step by step trying to see if there was anything in the water I saw footage of it and um now they got a boat out there having a look too so that's the last video he posted he also did say if the search has to stretch into day two they do have a plan for tomorrow so if no news breaks overnight they do have a plan for continuing searching tomorrow which is not ideal I think we'd all like that there was a better news by then but oh these poor kids man I don't know what we could do you know you know how different towns and different states have these type of um Innovation type um competitions where they ask high schoolers or the public to come up with like an invention or an idea that can solve a problem sometimes it can be something like oh the town is going through drought we need to water saving so can can any high schoolers or university Engineers come up with a solution that is feasible and cost effective to help you know save water or something like that maybe they maybe we could get a national competition underway for someone to develop some system or idea that could help um these type of children who tend to get out of their homes sometimes and get to water and I I wonder if that would get any great ideas from really smart people that would be nice it's a real shame I contacted um five different universities in Australia not one replied to me not one even gave me the courtesy of a reply to come on here and talk about it and this is literally like their job like they they do research into um living with autism or living with uh you know developmental delays and stuff like that not one of them got back to me with even a reply and I thought that was extremely not professional and they could have at least said hey we're not interested or something like that to not get a reply at all is pretty uh pretty crap you know all I'm trying to do is spread awareness about it and maybe come up with like how we can um I don't know get get more help something like that Ron Melman I'd rather have who is that [Music] first um I from Scottsdale Arizona I can give it a go I mean I can try maybe an American maybe an American will help me maybe an American will come on because when I when I cont I contacted five different universities University of Sydney University of Melbourne monach a few others and I contacted the uh lead researchers directly and I said it doesn't have to be you I said even if you have an undergrad who would like to do the interview I said it can be pre-recorded it can be live it's during the austral the reason I contacted an Australian was because we we go during the daytime in Australia and I thought hey they're probably going to be at University at the time and yeah they just weren't into it they were just like nah we're not going to help this guy I'll give it a go Danny I'll give it a go I'm happy to reach out to anyone who will come and talk to us about the subject thy says I'm very interested in helping with this because my sister is on the Spectrum if any of you know a a researcher on the uh autism who does like living with autism or challenges faced by kids mostly I want to do mostly children or to adolescent if you know anyone personally that you think might be able to come on and talk to us about this subject I really would like to do that because I think there's a lot of questions here that I can't fully explain properly myself and I feel kind of bad talking about it and i' I'd rather have someone who knows what they're talking about um answer your questions about it so I'll keep searching if you have any ideas contact me on this email and uh get get in touch with me because I I will set up an interview as fast as I can can like I said I always offer everyone the same conditions it can be pre-recorded or live it can happen whenever you want it to happen I can wake up at 3:00 a.m. in the morning if I have to and yeah okay you know the only thing you can't have is you have I always tell people that I don't give anyone any um creative control you you have no right to an edit and I I I do that on purpose so people can't backtrack um yeah so we don't edit stuff out unless it's like you know a privacy thing or something like that I'm happy to edit out privacy stuff stuff but we don't give people um creative control of any live streams uh Angela says I know that people that work for the NHS and Scotland University so will ask him he's an ex- nurse but works for the University now I would appreciate it I would appreciate it yeah I don't think I think that's something we know about but I want to talk about more like the challenges of living with it like if you like what it's like to be them so we can um give people a view of the challenges that these kids go through what it might be to look like to this kid who got out of his home this morning something like that so I I will contact him Danny I have his information right here I have his information on another panel that you can't see but I have him right here like I said I was able to tell you where he's from Scottdale Arizona I will contact him when we get out of here I'll see if he'll come on and I'm going to say Danny sent me I'm going to say I'm G to say Danny Danny sent me your sister can tell me um I it's only if you I don't want to pull anyone's family up here like for privacy reasons but if she wants to tell me in private I'm happy to do that South African oh they're our brothers man you know often people will confuse Australians for South Africans so we we're we're good friends we know each other through the rugby through the through the uh through the Rugby Union that's how we know each other okay let's talk more about this kid I don't want we're blabbing so lakem subdivision in Richmond 5:00 a.m. in the morning what time is it then now um so it's 11:00 p.m. at night 10:20 if you're in El Paso so he's been missing already for like I don't know like n 19 hours or something like that that's a long period of time for for a kid to be out there on his own uh let me look up the subdivision I want to have a look at the area where he went missing I don't have an address for his mom unfortunately aha aha okay now that makes a well that makes a lot more sense holy crap I'm going to show you guys something hold on there is a ton of like little waterways and stuff around here like there's that this is I don't know if this is the one we saw on the video but it is a big one uh there's others more water over here it's Texas and there's probably water everywhere but um most of it's residential like packed together like town row houses uh what would you call it like a Development Area yeah most of it looks like new yeah here you go there's more being done here Creekside Park probably turning into more homes wow your developments in America are so big like in Australia just this one bit would be like a massive deal it'd be like a I don't know $50 million development or something like that not this where it's like an entire suburb this is huge um is that water to looks like it there's quite a lot of waterways throughout here so I hope they're checking all of them someone in a comment section suggested let me grab that what that person said come on Lynx what are you doing uh where's my buddy where's my buddy Troy all right here someone in the comment section called Mike hey Mike uh not he doesn't know me but hey good to see you uh he says tell them to check the concrete plant and retention Pond behind Lakemont and Grand Mission Grand Mission can we find that on here or are we Lakemont and well there's Lakemont band Grand Mission I don't know the area guys so I'm Flying Blind but if there is a concrete plant out here hold on I'll just search it [Music] I got no idea I when I search it it doesn't show up so I don't know where he's talking about but he seems to have a pretty good idea of the area not sure what that that looks like a hotel or something shopping center I don't know that looks like just businesses or something like that I'm not sure where he's referring to that's an elementary school I'm not 100% sure where he's referring to that there could be a concrete plant another high school or something it's got a football field but if there is a retention Pond we've uh seen that children have been found in them a billion times so but you can see there's waterways all dotted throughout the uh development so I wouldn't be surprised I mean equa search is are they down there I mean it is their local area um eisch should have dogs right they have horses and um other search you know capabilities so probably thanks DJ our local source for Texas stuff Mr Mr DJ but there is a there is a lot of water out there I mean I I found it interesting in that video though they said they they got they got called to something what does that mean even they didn't know they're like I don't know what that means but the fact that they've zeroed in on this particular Waterway and putting a lot of assets into that particular you know lake or water feature or whatever it is I don't know if that's where they got a tip or something I hope not Denny says I have a sinking feeling I hope not let's find the kid hey we saw that video like two weeks ago of that kid that ran away from his home and he ended out like like 50 ft into the water and he was hanging on to like a log or something and the cops heard him like crying and they were able to swim out to him I mean good results sometimes happen right we can get these children home I I I I want to I want to keep Faith until the last possible moment cuz you know that that story was so eye openening that what what was the time frame do you guys remember that it was something like it was really quick like 45 minutes or something that kid got out of his home and they found him in the middle of the freaking giant I don't know what it was Pond Lake submerged tree area but they found him and he was so far out the cops were like waiting out and the dude was up to his chest and they they grabbed the kid off whatever the the thing he was hanging off 45 minutes that's it and this kid has been missing for over over 12 hours like you know 17 hours 18 hours it's a long long time it makes me worry all right let me see if I can find anything else about yeah so it says here search parties including Tex uh teex Texas equa search are looking for Ryan thank God those those people the people behind Texas equa search are like what more can you say about them everyone said all the Nic the niceties right they're just good people good people that just want to help according to the Fort Ben County Sheriff's Office Ryan is wearing that lilac shirt maybe Barefoot maybe I don't know his mom seemed to think he was and that she found his shoes so I don't know she's she's a little she's a little distraught you can see that on the camera you know rightfully so but she's not quite making sense in the video you could hear it she's like I saw him on the camera he had some shoes was he wearing shoes I don't know maybe he was maybe he wasn't and then he's like then she he ran out there and at 4:00 a.m. I saw him here and he was holding shoes and then he ran away and and then at 530 something he didn't have shoes she's just a little um like scattered she's a little you know cuz her child's missing so I get it uh says here my family my friends and family are here the whole neighborhood police are here she said we've had canine helicopter and drones good work hopefully they get a flear drone out there um we've gone door to door everyone is here the whole Lakemont area is here oh they're on Kendall okay Kendall Drive where is that oh that's way further up than what we were oh that's way way way way way further up okay they're on Kendall all right Kendall Lake Drive yeah that's I think it's all the way up here right Kendall Leake drive I'll just search it that's way further up I think from where we were looking before ah bloody Maps they don't like it cuz I'm mean austr they're like hey do you want Lakemont in Victoria no that's not where I want I want the one in Texas all right aha so not the lake that we not the water feature that we were looking at a completely different one that looks very similar actually all right here we go so not too far away but a little far away it's lake lake Danish that must be the one that they're looking at right now but there there's a Kendall Lake Drive right there goes all the way through it's oh it goes around in like a like a a square where could he get to ah ah this is the concrete plant hey there's the retention pond that's that's the retention Pond for the concrete plant okay now I know what he's talking about you really think he could be here I mean I Hope they've already checked it that Pond does not look good it's bright green I don't know if that's from chemicals chemicals from the concrete or um algae algae from all the plants and trees that have fallen into it like you can see here there's a lot of uh wood and stuff that's fallen into it but yeah you might be you might be right there's another Pond here another retention Pond and another one here is that a pond or dis grass I would say that might be water but I can't tell but there's definitely a bunch of water behind the concrete plant too so they got a few areas to check irrigation canal or flood flood uh area that's sort of what that looks like like for for rainwater or like heavy thunderstorm it's got high Bank sides on it uh there we go so lots of places to check apparently that's green algae it looks like it it looks like probably from the tree life that's falling into it and not being air rated no sunlight 4:30 in the morning it's so early my friend isn't it buddy 19 19900 I'm not going to look up her house I'm not going to do that to her I don't want her house being all over YouTube she's she deserves some privacy but we we showed you the street um all right let's get out of here let me see if I have any other like updates in the last 10 minutes or so I don't see anyone that's put out a uh like something urgent in the last you know 10 minutes or so yeah that definitely looks like flood control on the back side where where we looked before I don't think it's got any water in it right now uh Troy class said they uh that was a couple hours ago but he said still no updates in the 8-year-old um Ryan akabusi for Ben County sheriff's deputies are out here along with teas equ search many people including Ryan's family are waiting at the lakeem Community Center hoping for good news I hope they get it please don't be another freaking dis like tragedy yeah okay so he was last seen at 456 from cameras inside the home but he was seen by a neighbor at 537 on their camera what was he doing for like 40 minutes just wandering around that's that's interesting it'd be nice to know how far away that neighbor is cuz that's quite a long period of time even for a little kid yeah it's about 40 minutes almost uh exactly that's a long period of time I did I did yeah I got a whole bunch of emails overnight I haven't had a chance to reply to anyone yet I'm sorry about that I will uh all right we're going to leave this for now cuz I don't have much more information um but if we do if he's found if there is an update I will come back like if we end up finishing the show and there's a mad update at like 9:00 a.m. in the morning or something I'll make a new live stream and I'll come back at midnight my time but let's move on to the other subject I got a weird alert on my phone and I was like wait what is going on someone told me that a town in Massachusetts is preparing for a voluntary lockdown over a deadly mosquito born illness called ee which is Eastern equine uh entis which causes like it's it's really bad apparently it causes really nasty like side effects and it'll basically kill you it is not a good thing to have and it is uh quite lethal in a lot of there are I think there are some treatments but a lot of people do unfortunately succumb to it but it is quite rare but I can't believe they're actually going to do a voluntary lockdown of this particular town I'm going to bring you a uh update story give me a second and I'll grab it h i sound like Trish [Music] now ah our our streamyard is working so slow come on guys look I'm going to use a source that I don't really want to use but I'm going to okay oh thank you uh thank you um Gambler I I didn't go to click to Houston which is their brand name but I'll have a look buddy hold on before we go we'll look at this one and then I'll grab the other one for the ECC cuz I I want to show this one if it's good one hour ago break news coming from the Richmond area where Crews have been searching all day long for an 8-year-old little boy who has autism and is non-verbal Ryan akabusi seen here disappeared around 5 this morning from his home in the Lakemont neighborhood kprc2 investigator Mario Diaz has been with search teams all evening he joins us now live with the very latest Mario and Bill the last time you was seen was on a surveillance camera from a neighbor's Residence at about 5:37 this morning all he had on was a pair of shoes as well as a lilac shirt but now they are now still continuing to work into the night searching for this little boy and let me show you what the elements are like right now here where I stand in Richmond in the Lakemont area imagine this situation right now you have no lights on whatsoever as you search for this young boy this is what it's like right now working with spotlights and flashlights that's it and they've been working this retention Pond behind me we have video of it from earlier this evening where you actually were able to see the amount of work that was going on right around Sunset much more activity uh than what we had seen earlier in the day um at this retention Pond that was about a quarter of a mile away from this little boy's home and you had uh investigators from fortman County as well as Echo search that was searching trying to pick up any kind of detection they could of course you have a huge family that's wanting this little boy to come home I spoke with his mother earlier today here's what she had to say to me about the situation that she finds herself in it was raring a lilac [ __ ] this this is him yeah have this shirt on if someone were to see him yes and he's nonverbal they can call his name call Ryan and what's interesting obviously here tonight is that we know that investigators plan on looking behind me throughout the course of the evening they're saying the W the water is warm the weather is nice they can work throughout the course of the evening this is one area that has really intensified with the focus in fact they actually put up this Sheriff line behind me here in the last 45 minutes as they have the boats looking in and out of this little Cove here behind me uh for any kind of sonar image they had one earlier according to Tim Miller and they wanted to really focus in on that image but there were it's it's challenging to find it again he says because it is just such shallow water and the radar doesn't really pick up again that easily to create that image again uh Fort Ben County Sheriff's Office tell me they're going to be out here tomorrow if there is no findings tonight they plan a I'll leave it there that's really concerning that they're saying that cuz the uh the lake is so shallow the radar beam is bouncing probably bouncing off the bottom and it's not giving them a clear um signal so when they pass pass over it um they're not getting the same image as they did when they passed around the first time limitations of the technology I'm guessing uh it's probably meant for like deeper water where I can get a a stronger view of the water column as where when you're in this type of scenario it's it's so shallow um it doesn't have anywhere to go so it's probably either bouncing off or you know going in different directions or something uh rting but it's very interesting that they put up the the tape now they don't want people getting too close I hope he's not in there please don't be in there little kid I don't want to see another another another mom have to go through that that's pretty crap let's see if there's anything we can scrub through here hold on did they give us a view of the lake at all by the way I that's Tim Miller right what a what a legend at a moment's notice Tim will come like he'll come and help and bring all his gear and or if he can't come he'll send one of his other guys out or women and they just do everything they can you know if there's anyone anyone I don't tell anyone to give donations to any organization or anything but if it's not aam or whatever it's it's it's them if they ever ask for more money or help or supplies or whatever and you live in the area give it to give it to Tim Miller look at the good work they do they just help I think they've even flown to other um driven to other states before I know that one time they went really far away cuz a family needed help and they just drove like for two days and got out there and started helping they just do whatever they can great people uh I don't think we can scrub through this and get any think good it's way dark and they're using a camera light behind him I mean in front of him I don't think we're going to be able to get anything useful yeah it's way too dark but interesting they said the weather's good they can search all night that's good CU in Winter they have to call off the search and then come back at First Light which means if there was a chance of surviv it just plummets when the search suspends for the night so it's really good that really good that they are can continue throughout the night very happy with that thanks for sending that in gamble I hav seen that one but the the new stations in Houston I tend to use are click to Houston which is kprc2 or um K hou they're the two I mostly use CU they're the ones who cover a lot of True Crime more um breaking news and children and things like that Midwest Equis search too I don't know that one I know I know Tim Miller everyone knows Tim Richmond Texas yep all right I want to show you a little bit more about the E the Eastern ewine thing because I find this really interesting espe because they're considering volun I don't think they're mandatory I think it's voluntary lockdowns which means it's not a lockdown what is it a voluntary curfew a curfew they don't want you out late at night when the mosquitoes come out and it's really for your own protection now there's a lot of people who are conspir conspir conspiracy theory minded who think my God this is definitely it's 100% I can tell you on this channel it's breaking news it's Bill Gates everyone it's shocking I know just hold on I will explain it all Bill Gates wants to immunize you through mosquitoes he wants to give you all the drugs all the 5G he wants to give it to you through mosquitoes be very careful I'm just kidding um but there are people that that are saying that I think it's more likely that they there's a video going around of U mosquitoes dropping out of a helicopter in the area I know that in other areas where they have high mosquito population during you know the wet months or whatever they use these genetically modified mosquitoes that can't they either can't mate or they do something where even if they try to reproduce they can't because the ones they release are nonfertile or something and it kind of helps reduce the population but dudy Ron is on the board of Equis search he's a good guy um Kathy L says we've not had a problem with mosquitoes this summer well I'm going to play you the video and then you tell me what you think if I can find the video which sometimes is a challenge on this on this software where are where is my links tonight Everything's Going Bonkers tonight with streamyard streamyard is not being our friend here we go Massachusetts and three neighboring towns have a reason for concern as mosquitoes carrying a potentially deadly virus called Eastern equin and sephtis or Triple E infected a resident who is now fighting for his life we want to see another human case of Triple E this year the rare but dangerous disease can cause swelling in the brain there's no treatment and anyone can get infected the death rate is as high as 30% even if you do survive um usually there are long-term significant Health impacts neurological impacts Oxford has been declared a critical risk for Triple E prompting Health Department officials to recommend a 6 p.m curfew for outdoor activities including club sports these are recommendations they're not hard and stop requirements we are definitely nervous about it sarap fornier is also worried her children's Sports Seasons football and cheer could be jeopardized but they're taking precautions by wearing mosquito repellent and long sleeve tops We Can't Stop like they need to get out there they need to play this is their time to be social with their friends and and be a part of a team now Triple E Triple E symptoms usually begin between four to 10 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito according to the CDC now some of those symptoms can include fever headache and seizures Nora this is such an interesting story Tiffany Chan thank you so much for bringing it to us what do you think I I want to know what your opinion is I want to know what your opinion is on that on that lady saying like we have to continue life and we can't just stop what we're doing for the risk of getting e Triple E Triple E Triple E um I would say I partially agree with her that maybe there's ways to minimize the risk their children can still have their sporting events or whatever maybe like indoor practice with a lot of like mosquito repellent or you know bug spray being automatically sprayed at the doors or something like that but having to be like oh we just give them a long sleeve shirt and we just Chuck them out there on a field near where all the mosquitoes are I'm a little concerned cuz I think she would be very upset if her child got e e or whatever it is right I think she would be very um you know she'd be very worried about her kids right if they got brain swelling which kills most of its people or whatever and there's no treatment I think she'd be very uh she'd have a different opinion I think any any precautions they can take would be great any treatments like can they spray the area like I know in uh Florida you guys have you seen that in Florida they have the planes that fly around and they're called um mosquito control and they fly around and like dump stuff in the water and they spray homes and stuff I maybe I can find a video of it they like they like fly around and stuff and use different aircraft to do it yeah I can show you here one person stabbed in domestic dispute I don't I don't think that's got anything to do with the mosquito but hey we're true crime channel so let's have a look going back and forth over people's homes it was enough to worry a lot of people on the ground this weekend wondering what in the world was going on Wink News quickly learned these planes were with mosquito control today some people are wondering why they didn't hear about the flights in advance WINK news reporter Asha Patel joins us Asha is mosquito control letting people know about the flights they are Amanda they're actually doing that by posting it on their Facebook page and their website posting exact locations of when those planes will be flying right over your home but they're also going to give you guys direct answers right at your fingertips and you can do that by adding your phone number to their call list and you'll get a text message or a phone call when those planes are flying right over your roof you may have seen some low flying planes in your neighborhood recently we do have a problem right now and that's to be expected with all the rain we got this is not a surprise to us the problem she's talking about about our mosquitoes when you hear those planes coming really low it's scary so basically that's where we have to treat to be able to kill those mosquitoes to knock them down is we have to fly at a certain height so don't worry that's the reason why you are seeing these planes flying so low there are six planes that go across Lee County When the Sun Goes Down spraying areas where biologists during the day have analyzed to have the most mosquitoes Jennifer McBride with the Lee County Mosquito Control District took us on a tour what areas of the county is you know species like different areas she showed us how many trucks and planes are getting ready for the next flight to tackle the ongoing mosquito problem according to flight tracker 24 this is the path they want on this weekend the mission for this week coming Inland that would be Lehigh the Fort Myers area Sumer coral and that's ground and also Aerials now if you live in those cities and see low flying planes that's the reason why they're making sure they control the ongoing mosquito problem and just a reminder yeah so I've actually seen that in Florida I've seen the flight paths because I I I often follow the different aanes and stuff in different places I've seen that them doing the loops and if you check the aircraft it says it's from you know I don't know whatever County Mosquito Control or whatever so I hope they can do that in um massach and try bring the risk down and you hopefully they they can maybe borrow some trucks from Florida if they don't have any and uh they even have ones you saw it in the video they have these trucks with a tank on the back and they sort of go around and they just spray and they just hope that like you know they're getting any of the ones flying around and covering any Lawns where they might be like standing water and stuff so but pretty scary if you live in that area I I mean sure it only affected one dude so far but he's fighting for his life in hospital he may not make it right I think did did I read it killed him I know they said here he's fighting for his life but did I read that he actually passed away oh okay no just just that they have a case of it sorry sorry for misinformation um yeah so they're going to enact 6 p.m. curfew on outdoor activities until at least October and then they're going to try some other measures to help bring it down I guess four towns in Massachusetts are going into a voluntary lockdown the the towns are Oxford Webster Dudley and S and Sutton and people will have to uh stay indoors from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in October that will roll back to 5:00 p.m. let me know what you think in the comments the chat I'd like to uh hear your thoughts on it all right you want to go do you want to do you want to know what's happening in Australia today I'm going to show you something another thing another alarm went off and I'm going to show you [Music] um apparently there was a mass stabbing in Sydney and a cop got knifed in ingine and I'm going to show you here there was a a police uh thing here from channel line a what's happened this morning um this morning at 850 a.m a vle traveling south on the princess Highway at inine um that vehicle has collided with another vehicle um and as as a result of that a number of uh members of the community stopped to assist both occupants from both those vehicles um as the um community members were resisting one of the females out of one vehicle the male got out of that vehicle was with a what we believe to be a box cutter um and the female had obviously sustained a number of injuries from an alocation inside that vehicle uh Emergency Services arrived very quickly afterwards um that M was engaged by the police a short foot purso occurred a taser deployment was initiated and uh that person was taken into custody as a result of that one of our officers received a slight sorry a large laceration to his wrist area and he's currently at St George Hospital the M also imped a number of injuries to himself prior to police arrival um and he currently at this is the worst press conference audio wise that I think I've ever listened to Bro speak into the microphones not 50 ft above them I I mean I know he's tall they might have to extend them you see the uh the microphone stands they' got here they're adjustable you can make them go higher they're at the lowest level you can see the the gold colored pole is not is only like out about that much it can go much higher right they make it go to the dude where he's speaking he's obviously a very tall gentleman people want to be able to hear what he has to say not like you know we had a a stabbing and the guy came it was in a car you know not like that like we want to be able to hear it oh okay I'll I'll I'll tell you about it fine I'll tell you says here police officer is among four people who been injured following an alleged dabbing in Sydney South Emergency Services rushed to Old Bush Road that's not a that's not a inuendo near the princess Highway at ingine around 9:15 a.m. on Sunday following reports of a multi vehicle crash several passengers inside the vehicles had alleged had allegedly suffered stab wounds and a police officer was also injured one person suffered a cardiac arrest a 40-year-old woman is among several passengers who have been rushed to St George's Hospital another patient suffered a stab wound to their abdomen and while a third suffered a broken arm now in that press conference I was able to hear the he said he's like one of our police officers he definitely uh suffered a small cut hold on sorry I don't mean small a large laceration and I was like that's a bit of a difference between the two so the police officer suffered a serious laceration to his left wrist and is believed to have been occurred during the arrest of the suspect who had a box cutter he had a box cutter sort of razor blade a fourth person has been found injured it's unclear at this time what this person's involvement was in the incident and you can see here paramedics treating people at the scene and here's a view of the just Mayhem just random cars and bits of crashed vehicle and who knows how this all occurred here you go an overview shot so police came here They Came Upon a scene with a bunch of people with stab wounds and a guy with a knife two vehicles crashed together and then a cop got St stabbed they said there was blood everywhere at the scene including a person then suffered Cardiac Arrest another suffered a broken arm and then a cop was stabbed and then a person was stabbed in the uh abdomen what a what a hyper oh my God yeah you can see here there's a uh some medical waste over here in the uh right part of the screen jeez that per that person looks like they're oh there's a lot of blood in that uh ventilator look at that a lot of blood he must be aspirating cuz there shouldn't be blood in that part of the uh the ventilator but yeah so this is what everyone woke up to on a Sunday morning in Australia some absolute random bizarre multi-vehicle crash and a bunch of people that had been stabbed for what reason I don't think anyone knows and why it happened I don't think anyone has a clear idea all we know is that the guy was taken into custody they said the fourth person who was injured has been taken to a Liverpool Hospital police said multiple tri0 calls which is 911 were made following the crash a witness told Daily Mail Australia he initially believed the stabbing and car crash were two different incidents because they happened at two different locations about 200 M apart I'm just trying to catch here so apparently here it to me it looked like they were already following him because the coppers were close by I thought they must have had a warrant for his arrest he was in a white shirt then moments later it was all red Witnesses said they saw a man being taser after he allegedly ran away from police a helicopter was circling ahead and Witnesses said there was quite a bloody scene uh yeah so I don't know what happened and I don't know what the reason for all of this is but a man is in custody apparently over it see the alleged knifeman is a 58-year old man he's treat he was treated by paramedics at the scene he has since been taken into custody but there was like a 40-year-old woman who was rushed to hospital there was a bunch of other people who were stabbed um I think the guy who was arrested suffered a broken arm another person suffered a Cardiac Arrest A a very chaotic scene for a Sunday morning hey candy for you how are you it's good to see you I hope you're doing well it sounds like he might have been in the in one of the vehicles not on the road very strange very strange zby says I'm flying to San Diego Wednesday and hopefully can avoid the seword I fully vaccinated but I wish you luck my friend I wish you luck I I don't know there is no update on what the circumstances Beyond what I read to you that they just came across this particular uh scene and yeah yeah I'll pause it I'll talk over it there you go you can see them trying to treat someone look at that a lot of medical waste on the ground and a billion people hanging out watching all these looky L having a good having a good look oh did you see someone got stabbed oh yeah I saw the knife someone was having a good old chin wag at the side there um all right let's keep going there's that there's that out of Sydney Australia a very weird day for them let me uh by the way I do not have any any further updates for uh M I don't think I don't yeah I think most of it I think most of what I've got you you already know I'm just double cheing that any of my notes if there's anything interesting I can tell you yeah I think everything I have I've already told you about oh actually this is interesting okay I do have a little bit of uh added detail for you just let me grab [Music] it all right hopefully this one's got the details that I want for you there's the uh there's a good a good uh scanning of of the document that's the best one I've seen so far all right all right during a search of the Home Police said they found pools of blood in the master bedroom that led into the master bathroom and around the bathtub but no DNA testing has been done so far the defense told the judge that NES doesn't have a history of violence and that there isn't enough evidence nor a confession to prove his guilt sure buddy not right now but you wait uh this is actually not what I [Music] wanted no I'll just read it to you it's fine um here investigators say but made a number of inconsistent statements about his wife's whereabouts including saying she was in I think Texas and New York with family but she doesn't have any family in the USA after completing their search warrant investigators found what appeared to be blood po pulling and blood splatter in the in the home's main bedroom the bed the the marital bed appeared to have been moved blocking a closet blocking a closet what could have been in the closet and light pink stains were found on the bedroom carpeting after the bed was removed additional pools of blood were found in the bathroom as if something was dragged across the floor along with blood pooling on the shower floor W that came from WJLA and that was from the arraignment when investigators removed the bathtub they saw what they believed to be blood in the cking of the bathtub I did report that the other day a number of cleaning supplies that he purchased were also found in the home which appeared to be in disarray according to law enforcement um apparently according to the law enforcement he sold his Tesla on August 19th the house appeared to be disheveled with suitcases packed items missing from hangers so he was in the process of running he was going to run any day now he was going to go all right there you go there's your little update for her yes definitely busted um I can't believe he left so much blood evidence in the home yet he had people in the home after she disappeared there is video footage of him answering the door and when the baby cries he turns around and there's a friend back there there's a friend in the home so did they see any of this Blood evidence up in the bedroom and the bathroom or did he keep people away from that area I'm very concerned about that Rachel says I'm sure they'll have DNA proof very shortly if he gets bonded it needs to be so high that he could never raise it I think that's probably that's the two scenarios that'll happen they'll either give him a million doll Bond where he won't be able to raise the money or he's not getting bonded at all because the prosecution will be able to they will be able to demonstrate that he was about to flee meaning he's a Flight Risk and that'll be too big of a too big of a mountain for his defense team to overcome in a bail hearing or a bond hearing yeah 100% a Flight Risk I mean they found passports and suitcases clothes missing from hangers all says to you he was also sold his vehicle all says to you that he was about to run hey candy it's really good to see you my friend I'm sorry to hear that about your friend thy oh it's your husband sorry I'm sorry to hear about your friend husband no your [Music] husband a I'm sorry about that so he has long long uh long covid symptoms now that's very awful I'm sorry to hear that um I had it when I when I when I caught um Co I had um like symptoms for like it was like a long period of time can't remember how long it is I'm better now but for about 5 months after it it wasn't like I was sick it was just like I had no energy like every day I'd wake up and within an hour of waking up I was extremely deadly tired I was just like I just want to go back to sleep and it wasn't like you know you're normally sleepy in the morning I was like I couldn't even walk and I'd have to like really push myself to like be like no no no we're going to stay up we're going to we're going to do things today we got a live stream to do it was really brutal at the time so I I hope he's going to be okay H he has a neuropathy in his feet that's awful it's so painful legal hunting became a member thank you so much actually we just have a little break for a second give me a time to just chill out I've read a million things already I want to thank some of these people who have um become members recently I feel like I haven't done it um you know that often and I feel like that's a bit rude of me I'd like to thank um legal hunting Gambler Ken Canada Jen me me I hope I'm saying your name right is it mes or mes tell me how how to pronounce it Jen I'll just call you Jen cuz you know I know you um n JM edit and a few other people I I really appreciate it you guys are amazing hey uh STL cards also became a member I had no idea maybe did you get gifted one or did you buy one either way happy to have you here I like your criticism STL STL cards keeps me honest tell us about the missing children they they say uh all right and there's a lot of people so many great people on here oh can we give any away hold on do you want to see if I can give some away do we have people in the chat uh we probably don't have enough people that don't have a membership uh maybe another night I know that uh when the month changes we should be able to give away 10 more memberships for free each month I'm sorry to hear that thy I know I know it can be quite painful too all right should we do another story what time is it well we've been on for about an hour okay thanks candy I appreciate it hey I you know a lot of people ask how they can help this channel while my regulars do do nice things like super chats and donations and co-5 things and stuff like that if you're new to the channel one of the best ways you can try and help me is uh get the channel out there if you have people that are interested in True Crime but don't know about this place it it would really help um the idea is that we keep growing and hopefully find more people that are are our people that like these type of stories and like it presented in this type of way so if uh if you know of anyone you think they would like it here I would very much appreciate it I think we gained 37 subscribers this month that's my uh subscri um panel tells me which is pretty good pretty good not bad I think we're at like 1052 now something like that I checked uh Yesterday by the way if you guys want a little bit of a weird Channel update I got in trouble from YouTube they sent me a uh a notice in my panel and they're like your ratings for your uh because when you put a video up you have to rate it and say like this is appropriate for advertisers and I say yeah sure advertisers would love my content of course I want all advertisers to come onto my channel and put you know get like 50 cents per video or whatever um I got a message from YouTube and they're like you have lied on some of your videos your videos are not appropriate advertisers so I actually appealed it and I won most of them most of them I've won uh the couple I didn't they said that some of the content went a little too far into the wording and stuff like that but most of them I've won most of them but yeah it was pretty funny now it wasn't like a bad thing they didn't it doesn't take anything away from you it just means that they don't trust your ratings of your videos so they have to double check every time you ask for monetization of it like putting ads on the video they won't trust your ratings until you get more confident with it so yeah they'll like you lied about some of your about some of your ratings recently we've noticed that your ratings don't match ours but they always it doesn't matter what I do they yellow they yellow dollar sign it which means you don't get anything um but when I've appealed it because I've read through all the uh categories and all that I meet every requirement now it has something in there about violent events or whatever but it says as long as you're adding context and you're explaining it like the way I do we talk about it and we say hey this could be the scenario X Y and Z as long as you're not just like hey look at all these people that died look how Bloody it is as long as you're not doing that it should meet the requirements for the YouTube you know policy and we do every night we talk about a story and we break it down we try and find more details we add context to it so it should be should be fine uh Kathy Lyn says how is Trisha I haven't heard anything I've not heard anything in about 24 hours as last I heard she was okay just you know just not feeling great she was feeling a bit trash she got the Pax viid I don't know what oh she got the tablet yeah cuz it worked for her friend her friend had it um I don't want to say her name it's private but um her friend had it and um she was really ill she got she had the tablet 24 hours later she was feeling much better so that's good news but I haven't heard anything recently I know I I know who you are k candy I remember you I remember everyone who's subscribed to my channel everyone if you if you've been to my Channel Once and been in the chat or something or you you've commented once I remember every name everyone I I know everyone who's been here I know people I and I recognize all the new names too U but I will check on her I don't think she's going to be back for a while last thing I heard is that um I don't know how much I can tell you but she's got some issues that she has to sort out and I don't know how that's going to affect her doing any videos so she might be gone for till Monday Tuesday something like that she'll come back when she's feeling better let let her rest let her rest she's got a lot of a lot of stuff on all right you know they still haven't arrested anyone for those body parts found in in Yonkers as at least as far as I [Music] know yeah lutalo Henderson was the victim but I don't think I have any nah there's no update there's no update on who the victim might be but there is a little bit here woman believes she caught dead man's haunting last moments looking outside her apartment just hours before his body washed up in the Bronx River now that's a different story this is interesting what where's this from August 20 okay haunting ring camera footage has emerged which may have captured a man's Final hours alive before he was found washed up in a river in the Bronx the unidentified man was caught on camera at 4:30 p.m. on February 29th 2024 trying to get into a locked apartment building just 18 hours later about 11: a.m. on March 1st the man's body was pulled from the nearby Bronx River near Starlight Park wearing what appeared to be the same distinct clothes as seen in the footage a white Paramount t-shirt and red Nike jacket while the man's body was discovered 5 months ago a New York City woman has only come forward this week with video po posting the clip on social media she was previously unaware that an investigation was ongoing and was compelled to speak out after coming across the unidentified person's case hoping that in doing so a grieving family can receive closure wow that's that's nice of her so she caught him on his ring doorbell and they found him in the river the next day but she only realized recently that she had this uh video so they don't know who he is they they don't no no identity and he was wearing a Paramount Paramount that's interesting a [Music] Paramount why would he be wearing this shirt it doesn't look like a um it doesn't look like a promotional shirt like you know how you get like a promotional shirt for like go see Twister and get a twister shirt or something like that it doesn't look like that it almost looks like like a promo item if you worked for Paramount or had friends and family that worked for Paramount something like that like you know something they gave employees or something like that and there's that rednike jacket they found on him size medium identity identical to the jacket the man is wearing in the ring camera footage it is it is the same jacket that's the jacket they found on the man in the river and there's the man in the video clip wow I I that was a really random that's a really random story to come across let's see if we can play the video yo I'm freaking out right now because never did they just find this boy's body in by Bronx River in Starlight Park and he was literally in my building a couple of months ago wearing the same exact clothes bro nah nah nah nah let me show yall bro bro this is him and he had the same exact clothes on I know I'm not bugging none of that bro like look that's him oh my God bro yo and he was that trying to break into my door like and I was freaking out because I was just setting up my couch bro like I can't believe they nah bro nah no funny [ __ ] so a couple of months ago if you follow me on Tik Tok a couple of months ago you would see that I was setting up my couch in my living room right and I minding my good old business but my camera kept going off my ringal kept going off and I'm wondering why I kept going off and I'm like yo like what who is that so this dude kept stepping in front of my camera and I'm like yo who is this why like what's going on I'm thinking that he's just a addict or something like that because in my area we have a lot of drug addicts and lot of fiends and a lot of fiends be coming and just lay in the hallway and like the like the old man that lay on my floor don't he don't cause no problem so long story short I told him I was like yo bro get the [ __ ] out of my hallway like what are you doing over here and the only thing that he was saying was is they sent me they sent you where because I was really confused I was like who the [ __ ] sent you to my crib like who who got you nah so he looked tyght fly I was like n he got a Nik tack on he got some fly sneakers on like there's no way that he could be homeless maybe somebody lay Sam God forbid so I'm over there yelling and screaming at him like yo get out of my hallway like you're whing like he came back to my door four times bro literally from 3:00 till 4:30 until I had to go get my kids he came to my door and I had to God bless this boy bro because when I saw him that's like in March and he had the same clothes on bro yo from her description of what she said sounds like someone suffering with a psychotic break or some sort of uh mental lapse because the whole they sent me that is something that people who are suffering from either schizophrenia or you know some sort of mental condition they often say because they get these paranoid delusions that um control their thoughts and they end up at weird places like this lady's door the fact he ended up in a in a river I wonder if he messed with the wrong people in the wrong house or the wrong apartment or something and they they might have hurt him cuz it's odd how how did he end up in the river let's see if we can find the original article of how he ended up in the river all right let's see if I can find the original thing of him ending up in the river what did they say it was March 1st right March 1st March 1 4 ah they've identified him that that person has been identified his name was Alberto Luna he's identified as a black/ Hispanic male was found with a red sweatshirt black pants with white stripes black and red shoes yeah so he was found in the Bronx he' been missing for several months was found in the Bronx River near Starlight Park on March 1st 2024 um he tragically drowned okay so I wonder if um if her video did help I wonder if her video did help help identify him maybe they maybe because they had a better photo of him looks like they've started to go fundme for him cuz his family oh here's a nice photo of him I like this photo better than the video there's a photo of him at a at a different time in his life when he was a you know bit more he had his haircut and maybe a bit younger oh honey honey huno is the organizer she's the lady from Tik Tok she's the lady in the video you watched so she's trying to raise money to give to his family in February of 2024 homberto Luna showed up to a residence door and was seen on the ring camera footage you mean your door right isn't that her footage hold on got a SW yeah it is it's her yeah a Tik Tok user who goes by the handle honey huncho played a crucial role in identifying Luna in a video that has since gone viral the user shared that Luna had appeared at her apartment complex so not not just a person's residence door your door it says here his death was Unknown by his family and labeled as a John Doe for the last 6 months the Creator made it her mission to find his name and his family she in fact did with the help of her fans and supporters from Tik Tok they're now asking for people to help with the burial any fees for the family um his mom his mom is called Miss Rosado that that must be his mom his mother oh how very sad I wonder if he was suffering from you know some issues at the time oh they held a visual for how I didn't even know about this yeah there's a little video here we can watch about him has more information connected to a John Doe found near Starlight Park back in March are speaking out in his honor tonight news TOS Natalie Hernandez spoke with them at a vigil in Pugsley Park about how they want that team to be remembered if you saw homberto you saw dearle and you saw Jeremiah Humberto Luna's friends say they never expected the worst when they hadn't heard from the team because he was known to keep to himself sometimes you'll go months probably even weeks without speaking to nobody so we just thought that this was one of the cases so when they saw a now viral video of their friend that could have possibly connected him to a body that was found in Starlight Park I don't know how I think it's God's work it all started popping up on or up page they knew they had to take action they took all of the photos and evidence they had of the Teen to the police in hopes of helping their investigation we just now hearing about it it's sad cuz I'm I'm wondering like you know what led to it what happened with him how you felt felt like what was he going through Humberto's friends tell us that they want him to be remembered for his sense of humor and deep voice they say they'll never forget their friend we called him possible because of his deep voice HTO should be remembered as like a nice quiet kid he kept himself himself and his friends police tell us that the investigation is still ongoing reporting from class in point Natalie Hernandez news12 the Bronx Natalie thank you for that um all I can say is it's an extremely sad case the fact that his body lay in a morg for you know five six months but I'm I'm happy that somehow through the through the algorithm it made it to his friends and they were able to identify him that is you know that's the last Brave act his friends could have done for him which was go to the police and help get his body back to his family and I and give him his name back too great work by that Creator too the fact she didn't know about the video for so long and had no idea it was connected to a missing person she must have been freaked out when she realized for real um yeah all right we're going to do one more then we're going to get out of here okay it's very late and I think people probably want to go to sleep for Sunday so all right let's see if we can get a better story actually I'm going to do Cathy's one because we need a good story and then we'll talk a little bit about the Texas uh triple triple uh fire thing from last week all right hold on let me see if they have the video of this oh wow tonight life-saving technology helps search Crews locate a missing 93y old woman taking a look at video here from that rescue Cru found her nearly two hours after after she went missing in the middle of an overgrown field pushing her walker news 2's Kendall Ashman talked to the Emergency Management director and has a look at the technology that made this rescue possible it's in this video sent to us from SAR County Emergency Management agency where you see a 93-year-old woman pushing her walker through an overgrown field according to the Emergency Management director Ken Winer her family says she is Alzheimer's and went missing about an hour and a half before they called for help she was out for about two hours but he says once EMA put up this drone they were able to locate her within minutes and reunite her with her family oh my gosh yeah they were they were um they were exuberant they they were so happy and and and when we got back around you know they were hugging her and and uh you they were they were happy that she was okay Winer says this is just one example of the life-saving tool that has helped in several cases so that's actually our 12th recovery or or find either um missing persons um suicidal persons he says on top of that they also use a drone to help law enforcement F fugitives we run with the SWAT team and the er um on search warrants or on barricaded suspects or anything like that we've got a solid team and good equipment and and you know our our goal is to find everybody we go to look for in suar County Kendall Ashman news2 sorry guys having a moment for something that's really weird H you know sometimes when I'm uh on the live stream and I try and check on like the Kofi thing or something I get like mad Security checks and stuff like that it's very odd and then when I'm not on the live stream I get none it's really strange it's like it maybe it can pick up the streaming software or something or the camera and it thinks oh this person is trying to hack someone it's really strange I guess it's good that you get the security um Andel says a portal got ping no I didn't I was just in the middle of checking something by the way I want to thank my friend Kim for the uh for the Kofi I really do appreciate it uh you know what's really strange as well Kofi has stopped sending emails when I get a Kofi they used to send one like every time same with Twitter like if I got a DM from someone it would send like a message don't get it anymore I check my SPAM and my junk mail and there's nothing there it's very strange why a lot of companies have stopped sending automatic emails for things maybe to avoid spam laws or something like that um hey glitter good to see you I hope you're feeling better today are you feeling better today let us know um that is a great story the fact that you could see her just like trudging along into that grass there you go and you can see her she's like oh this is a very this this is a very weedy path I'm going to get back home eventually that poor lady if they didn't find that drone she probably would have succumbed to the elements there she probably would have just unfortunately passed away right there and they probably would never have found her body until I don't know they did remedial work there and took down all the the big you know the big weeds or whatever and they that's they probably wouldn't have found her for like 25 years or something like that she was trying she was definitely she definitely a strong lady she was like a these weeds will never keep me down I know she was just like these weeds won't won't get me 93 years old 93 years old but that that area like you see she had miles to go look I don't I don't think she would have got through it all look see you can you can kind of see that's the furthest one they show you but she had this is how fast she got in an ER and a half she had like you know 12 hours or something like I I don't think she would have made it out I mean she's very strong to even get that far but I just I have a bad feeling she wouldn't have got all the way um that that it seems to get worse as it goes along but uh glad they found her drones are such a great techn techology for finding people which uh makes me which is why I'm so so um you know like you know Sebastian Rogers that's why I'm very like because because no one's seen that kid no one's seen that kid on the outside no one has a sighting of him anywhere outside of that freaking house someone would have seen that that guy guarantee it someone would have seen him walking down the road someone would have seen him like hanging out at the front of a shop or something and the fact that no drone no people no sighting no camera sighting no no dash cam no no nothing just no doesn't pass the sniff test smells a bit stinky smells a bit fut all right I think that's about it we're going to you know last week there was that one in Texas the three people found in the house that was set a light and they believed that they were killed [Music] beforehand but so far there's been like no update that's they call it the Cypress house fire but so far like they're just like sure dead people cool uh there's there's no update at all very very quiet which doesn't make any sense because they said they had video of someone who who is that person and why haven't they given it out to the public do they know who that person is and they're trying to track him down with like Marshals and things like that are they trying to bring them into into custody before the media gets a hold of it are they worried that for some reason they won't be able to find them it's all a little odd you would think a triple homicide would be like Daily News especially of three white people you would think there would be the biggest Story coming out of Texas for the last week but there has been like no know anything on it since it happened they Ed drones yes they Ed Dr drones helicopters freaking think of any object or vehicle anything that can fly think of they used horses motorbikes planes helicopters drones any name anything that a that a police station might have or a search Foundation might have they used everything they even showed you the paths they took they they did they showed you the map the map of their search locations and the different like methods of the search so those places got checked over like five times in a row if he was out there they would have found him I'm not joking they would have found him they put so much into that search yeah they even had a Fleer drone yep I know that oh they had Fleer on Horseback yeah I didn't know that but I know they had I know they had the Drone with Fleer on it so something hinky with that particular one I don't want to get into it I I don't want to become one of those channels but I will say I don't think we know the full story about Sebastian Rogers yet I think we will yeah sharks with lasers glitter sharks with Flur that's exactly what you were trying to tell me wasn't it they had sharks with lasers no okay I get it they had drones with Fleer and even cops on Horseback there you go um yeah I don't know what the f is going on in the in the Cyprus one but this was it if you missed it last week they there was a fire that sparked up around 7 uh 700 a.m. in the 14600 block of plain River Drive when they put the fire out they found three people inside it's a mother her son and his girlfriend and they said this is definitely a homicide it's not accidental due to Fire and smoke inhalation they're saying they didn't die via that that they that the bodies had visible trauma even after being in the fire so make of that what you will but there's been like so little information since then hold on did house F let me see see if I can find anything else kho was the only one that didn't an update a few days ago to follow breaking news this morning and just into our Newsroom Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez says they've identified the three people who died in a house fire in Cyprus we first brought to you this story as breaking news on Sunday he says two women and a man were identified they do not know if anyone else was staying at the home it was determined the fire was started after the victims had died officials are still actively investigating their asking anyone with information to please contact Crimestoppers 713 222 tips all right the time is the Cypress Mills neighbor loved ones are on edge knowing a killer is still on the loose in Cyprus Sunday three people were found murdered inside of a burning home in the Cypress Mills neighborhood kprc2 reporter corle Peele joining us now from the home on plains River Drive with what family and friends of the victims are saying about the horrific murders this has been surreal for loved ones of the three people who were killed I spoke with a close friend of Cameron Richard she says that she was living here at the home with her boyfriend she just spoke with Cameron on Saturday they talked about some of their favorite TV shows and normal things that they typically chat about she says she never imagined something so violent could happen to her McKenzie Abbott shows us the three butterfly tattoos on her arms for me it was me and my two best friends and it was going to stay on my body as long as we were friends one of them represents her best friend 21-year-old Cameron Richard Cameron loved butterflies she was just so free and so I don't know girly it just definitely makes sense Abbott just returned to college in Virginia when she learned her best friend since middle school was murdered Sunday morning I wouldn't wish this on anyone but she definitely did not deserve this at all firefighters found the bodies of Richard her boyfriend Colin Foster and his mother Kelly mascarelli inside the home investigators believe they were killed before the home was intentionally set on fire the Killer is unknown but detectives beli the murders were not random Abbott says Richard had been living with Foster at the home for a while and things were going well you never thought that she was in any type of danger not at all like I'm still debating like if I think this is real I I'm just waiting for like a text back to say it was a gross joke but it's just becoming more obvious that it's not she says Richard had dreams of becoming a professional hair stylist she was small in stature but her heart was big little body big heart I've always heard that somewhere but that was her for sure she was just a goofball to be honest she kind of made light in any situation she was just the most forgiving person I've ever met like anything she was going through she was ready to forgive them right after so she was a good person and that person is still out there what would you say to them if they saw this they saw this I'd say nothing is worth to doing that much nothing at all you you have robbed them from a lifetime of experience she says her butterfly tattoo will now for ever be a symbol for Cameron Richard at this time detectives have not named any suspects but if you have any information about this triple murder you are urged to contact the Harris County Sheriff's Office in Cypress corly Peele KPRC to the fact is so quiet a week later no updates no Person of Interest no CCTV released to the public no anything like the only thing we've had is the names of the three victims which was um you know the mother the son and that the girlfriend which is that that uh young lady's friend I'm just trying to get you the uh other details here's a photo of the three victims so there's the mom her name's Kelly that's the girlfriend there Cameron and that's her son there I think his name's Colin right uh Kelly why are they giving weird yeah Colin his name's Colin Colin uh Cameron and Kelly and your guess is as good as mine as to what happened to them like don't know um there's just no updates I don't even know I've never seen a triple homicide like this just oh yeah it happened cool um we might do something about it at some point point you know we might arrest someone when when we can other than that like even if I search 24 hours no update in the last 24 the last update I can find was Fox 26 or kou they both put out a video on on the same day we're learning more about the deaths of three people whose bodies were found after a house fire on plains River Drive in Cypress Sunday morning now the Harris County Sheriff's Office say that this fire was actually deliberately set Fox 26 reporter Leslie delor is live there Leslie at this point what can you tell us I can tell you that the Harris County Sheriff's Office says that a mother her son and his girlfriend were killed in this home that you see behind me Kelly melli in her 50s her son Colin Foster and his girlfriend Cameron Richard both in their 20s were found dead inside this home while fire Crews were working to put out the Flames the bodies had signs of Foul Play and also had trauma the Harris County Sheriff's Office says the three did not die from smoke inhalation but they were dead before the fire started an arson investigators confirm an accelerant was used as sheriff's deputies continue to work leads they say a red cord Ved was parked here in the front of the home but it was towed away Sunday and is being processed as part of the investigation something neighbors who did not wish to be identified say was strange and are having a hard time rapping their head around saying this family was a nice one to live by I kept looking out the door at the window to see the neighbors like see where they were in the culde saac and um wasn't wasn't seeing them and starting to get a little worried about what was going on and then of course as the day went on we found out what happened now I want you to take a look at the front door as you can see I'm going to step out so you can see as you can see there is a tarp on that front door and when before that tarp was place there was a big hole in the front door giving easy access into the home a friend of Kelly's who came by earlier to look at the scene confirmed off camera that the folks we saw putting it up were indeed family members of the deceased other than that I don't uh I don't have anything else for you I hope we do get a I hope we get a better update maybe Monday that that's a week just after a week they have said in a previous press uh press conference that they do have CCTV of something what it is I don't know but they said they have something on CCTV which is a lead so whatever that lead is and something to do with that red Corvette they reckon it may have been moved some point uh during the night yeah there there's a town on lot that has a voluntary curfew up in Massachusetts Jud to e and they're saying it comes through the mosquitoes and it can cause brain swelling and a few other complications and it has a 30% mortality rate so they don't want there's been one case of someone who contracted it through mosquito in the area and they don't want more people getting it so I hope that helps you but you can uh rewind the video and have a look if you want we did go through it Kathy says Red Corvette my husband's dream car the kid's like 20 something and he's got one so he's doing all right or he was doing all right yeah very interesting I don't I don't know what to tell you other than here investigators believe the suspect fled through the back door they also believe they may have gone over a fence and into a play area the play area is called like pirate ship play area or playground and there was a there's a playground on the back of the property and they were seen putting evidence markers on the back end of that too so something they have something in that area as well we had a look at that last week but other than that it's been a little quiet a little too quiet let me see I'm just trying to see so last update about Ryan akaboozi or akabusi they're saying here Fort Bend County Sheriff's off says they brought out a boat and dive team after finding something unusual in the water and want to investigate it further they're still appealing for anyone who has seen Ryan to call the police so that that is um the last update as of half an hour ago for the Amber Alert subject Ryan akabusi they're still saying that they are searching that that Lake H I hope they find him I hope they do I hope he's alive although we're we're moving up onto 24 hours missing very shortly in a in about 4 hours and that's not a good sign you know we've all watched the first 24 right it's not a good thing when kids are missing um but that that was the last update as of 25 minutes ago I think we're going to well I think they I think they kicked the front door down to get to the fire so I think it was um you know think the fire brigade um like hacked it down like broke it in to get to the fire so the family had to come and put up uh tarps on the on the property to secure it or just keep it keep it U closed I guess very sad very sad I heard hope um I hope we get some better answers for the te Cypress uh house fire very soon um I think we're going to we're going to wind down for the night I want to thank legal hunting for becoming a member and and if I can type correctly don't do [Music] that [Music] what a sorry I'm just logging into something I want to check it before we go I want to thank um sha and Kim for their donations in the last 24 hours and Laura for the one from yesterday I really appreciate it helps keep this channel going yeah Kim that just emailed me we spoke about it at the start of the show yeah we we did hear about it thank you though but yes we we definitely heard about it um so yeah we heard about someone in the YouTube landscape being arrested this evening so yeah we did we spoke about it very quickly at the start of the show so if you want to go back and have a look at it um I'm sure there's other drama crime K channels that will be doing extensive investigations into a lady with a loud speaker voice in hcer that was arrested this evening I'm sure they'll be doing more on it unfortunately we just don't really do that type of thing but it is interesting in relation to Sebastian Rogers um yeah but thank you for sending it to me I do appreciate it hey I'm going to keep working on getting a autism special uh specialist to come on out on the show and talk to you all and you guys can send in questions and things like that uh I'm going to reach out to a few of the suggestions remember if you have someone a doctor or a research scientist that would like to or or has the time uh tell them to email me at Sunday withp and uh we'll do an interview with them and I I I will like prefer to do it live so people can ask questions but can be pre-recorded um on their time time frame or time scale that they have to do but I would like to get someone out here so we can have a talk about it and talk about the science behind it and the sort of like the conditions and livability of these people that um have these challenges in their life through you know no fault of their own they're born like that and what we could do to make their lives easier and stop stop them uh getting to these waterways and ending up in water which is horrible so I will see you later if there is more updates on Ryan I will come back if they suddenly pull a press conference and they want to you know at 7:00 a.m. in the morning or something I will be back I will look for a live stream I will come back we'll do the the update for Ryan so just come back then okay hey Lisa good to see you and I will uh I will see you then I'll see you then good night everyone thanks everyone for a great show peace out if you're not subscribed to this channel think about subscribing 58% of people who watch this channel are not subscribed um the other day we had over 1,500 views on our um M Bart video so be nice to convert some of those people to subscribers it would help out good night everyone see you later

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