LIVE: Tim Walz Criticizes Trump’s Debate For Saying ‘A Lot of Weird Stuff’ | Kamala Harris | N18G

does know what bacon cost a pound he doesn't know what milk costs cuz it doesn't matter so let's be clear this guy wants the tax cuts for himself to underfund government and then those incredible public servants and I want to say this to the mayor to the County Commissioners to the folks who are here thank you for the work you do every day to the press to our city workers our state workers our federal workers our police our teachers our firefighters and our military those are professionals they're paid for with tax dollars and you know what they are loyal to they are loyal to the Constitution and the rule of law Donald Trump's plan is to remove those people and install his political lackeys that's what project 2025 is going to do so in so in a health emergency like in Minnesota instead of being able to depend on the CDC and people from the Mayo Clinic we can listen to Donald Trump about drinking bleach and trying to find a way to stick Au UV light in ourselves we're in the middle of a pandemic with our neighbors dying and this guy is undermining the responses take that across all of government that's project 2025 so look again wouldn't answer the question on Banning abortion he will ban abortion across this country whether Congress is there or not be absolutely clear about it and when asked who do you admire who respects you because to be very clear the vice president was right I traveled to our friends and our Allied countries whether it's Australia whether it's Great Britain whether it's France whether it's Canada whether it's Mexico They're laughing at this guy they don't trust him he's weak he's weak and can't follow through but you know when he was asked who looks up to him Victor Orban Vladimir Putin Kim Jong-un this this stuff would be unbelievable to have as a political attack ad if it hadn't come out of his mouth on a debate stage and he was proud of it he was proud of it KLA Harris was able to within a matter of a few seconds use this guy's inflated ego and narcissism to bait him into melting down on a national stage in front of 60 million you you don't think Vladimir Putin could do that you don't think XI junping could do that you don't think that folks who are looking looking to flatter this guy as he shakes down our allies like it's some type of Racket operation rather than standing with our allies I had the opportunity in June to be at the 80th commemoration of D-Day and driving down those small French roads to the Normandy beaches were French Flags American flags British flags Canadian flags free people standing together in the defense of democ Ry Donald Trump knows nothing about it it's why he would turn his back and tell Vladimir Putin do whatever the hell you want in Ukraine you think they're stopping in Ukraine you think he's stopping in Ukraine you think China's not watching when they watch this of course they are that's why we need the strong leadership that was displayed by kamla Harris to make sure that we put dictators in their place and this country stays firm look our allies are worried but they're also hopeful just like you they've seen the leader stride onto that stage so they would maybe say I don't know whether to laugh or cry but just like you're doing it we're channeling it into joy and action we're making sure that we have that rare chance in this election to turn the page on this guy to end it once and for all so look we can choose a new generation of leadership a positive joyful all-encompassing future that this great nation has been founded on we can do that and what is what is so beautiful about that and about kamla Harris we were on the bus touring some of these states and we were getting off at a rally where there was supporters there like this and they were holding up signs on the other side of the street they were not supporters they make it easy cuz they all wear the same hat do you know what it is said said it was a a group of independent thinkers standing there ready to yell at us so no but that's me KLA Harris's first instinct was and this is the first time we're on the bus together my wife Gwen vice president and Doug were there who Doug and gwy I want to give them a big round of applause too they're out working at well look we're we're walking off that bus and that's the scene in front of us and she turns to me and she said uh Tim don't ever forget we work just as hard in the policies we put in place to benefit their those people their families as well as those people and their families this is a policy for everyone can you imagine can you imagine Donald Trump saying we're going to look out for those folks that don't vote for me because this started and I love this story as a young prosecutor Comm Harris talks about going in that courtroom for the first time Comm Harris for the people she's had one client that's the people of this country that's the people she's worked for and she talks about this when she helped those folks when she was in that classroom are in that courtroom same way with the classroom I would say for all of us cuz this is true too man the Symmetry is just too beautiful on that one she didn't do it and I didn't do it I didn't ask if someone was a Republican or a Democrat they're an American and they came in that class that courtroom they came in that classroom they're to be treated that way that's what she's done every single day but the question she asked him is are you okay what do you need that's what leadership looks like so look on Tuesday and again I'll say this no surprise but I do think we should probably lift it up one more time kamla Harris did her job on Tuesday now Michigan and Grand Rapids we need to do ours we need to do our job look the way our country is I'll go to my grave maybe not understanding it but you know what there'll be a time to think about that later this is going to be a razor thin election we're still the underdogs in this thing but here's the beautiful thing we get the opportunity to affect that outcome we get the opportunity to decide in 54 days what type of country we want so for each and every one of us this is the time to put it all out there you he me say this all gas no breaks we're going to sleep when we're dead that's what that means is you've seen it and look I'm not I'm I'm I'm here and don't ever close that yearbook I was looking when I came here the first thing I do is read the local p and catch up on things and uh I saw this uh this Hudsonville game because I'm a defensive guy wins 1412 Last Week Big Game here and then I look up because this is you know gives me an opportunity to say it as being part of a state championship team Forest Hill Central is playing in one or look I got to tell you the uh the people who kind of dismiss us whatever look life isn't about hoping you win life isn't about I wish this would happen it's great to have aspirations you have to but how you get things done is you have a plan and you executed the plan to win this thing is is we've got the best candidate that we could ever have in KLA Harris we've got energy amongst the American people we've got that desire to win but I said this as football team there's not a football team in the state that doesn't want to win the state championship and every year they start out thinking that the difference is who gets it done and it takes a lot of things to get it done it takes a team to get it done we need to lift up for her right now and get this thing done so look I know I know my God you came on a Thursday to listen to a guy from Minnesota while you stood under a whale way in the back of the room again because you love the country because you know you're part of this it's not hyperbole the presidency of the United States and the future of our democracy could very well go right through this room in Grand Rapids that's how important Michigan is so look around let's commit to get this thing done let's bring one more person in let's do one more volunteership let's make one more phone call people are picking up the phone now I'm going into these offices they want to talk about it because once again our politics is fun and hopeful and gives us something to work for so for each of us don't buy it that she won because she won the debate Mike if these elections were about having the best ideas and the best candidates we'd Win Every Damn Race we always have better ideas and better candidates but that's not what wins races what wins races is people who care enough to get on the ground and get the work done and take that debate performance take those resources that have been out there take that energy and funnel it down into voter contact get out the vote efforts and ballots and balance so I'll tell you what last time I was in Michigan we were in Detroit and there was a massive crowd in the hangar and Donald Trump said oh no it's just AI I'm sure you'll say the same about this AI whale okay I'm obsessed with the whale I love it so but look what I say is let him say it let him try and tell that we've got 32 field officers over here and tens of thousands of volunteers out working we're doing the work and in 54 days what won't be AI is the ballots cast for kamla Harris the next president of the United States so Grand Rapids let's work together let's chart that new way forward let's do it because we believe in the promise of America and as you know the vice president tells us it and it is so true when we fight we win when we fight when we fight we win thank you Grand Rapids thank you hello Michigan it is good to be here and uh can we all agree our future is pretty bright with people like Mariah holy SM backstage I was just uh getting introduced to Mariah and uh she said uh KLA Harris is going to change the world and um that inspiration in our young people who we know our future it was something else so Mariah thank you for all you're doing and beautiful lakes blue whales all the things in michig again you it's not as if you don't have at all and then you have Gretchen Whitmer on top of it so she she is such a dear friend but I'll tell you she is so good at what she does she has convinced my son he's a Michigan State fan now so it's it's terrible politics for me but uh he is true blue over or he's True Green over there on it so uh you did it so uh look you got an incredible delegation and we know some of these races are going to be close but uh we have got to keep the majority in the house make sure you send Hillary Scolton back to the house make sure you and you got it you you've always had incredible senators and you got Gary Peters very difficult to replace Debbie stab now but you're going to do it with Alys scin make sure you get it done make sure you get it done to each and every one of you thank you a lot of plac you can be on a late summer day um get busy you're after work kids are from coming home from school uh you chose to be here uh on behalf of the vice president myself but on behalf of this country thank you for caring and loving your country enough to show up thank you one final thank you thank you to my fellow cat owner Taylor Swift look she she's not here but let me just say uh vice president I know you're all waiting oh what a bait and switch this guy left on us look vice president uh Harris and I couldn't be more excited to have her support really grateful so um and look look it it's not as if I didn't warn these guys a few months ago you mess with with cap people and you will find out you will find out so uh they did so uh beautiful strategy there picking on the cap people so um look all of you are here but H how can we not start with the debate how can we not start with the debate um look what was so clear about it was and and again not surprising but there was one person on that stage who should be the next president of the United States one person she commanded the room and I know all of us are incredibly proud of Vice President Harris but let's be very clear none of us were surprised of what happened there none of us were surprised no one has come with more experience to this job than she has and no one has done more damage than Donald Trump has so we knew what was coming and no pun intended from the get-go she had the upper hand walking in giving the handshake look it says something about character we talk about this often shake hands and when you lose which he did last time and which he will again you shake hands and walk away so I got asked right after the debate you know do you think we should do another one and I said hell every day we should do another one of course well it's not going to happen cuz Donald Trump confirmed today he's not doing another one so um give him give him a little break that one left a mark that one left a mark so he's with it so look who he was was on full display the other night his true colors were out there not just his makeup not just his makeup so if I heard somebody say if you want to know in a debate who's winning or whatever turn the sound down and you would have sworn that was a nearly 80-year-old man shaking his fist at Clouds that's what it looked like so look this guy has spent his entire life focused on himself obsessed with the past and the thing that is unforgivable rooting against America and America's people which he's done consistently he said a lot of weird stuff too so I'm just going to say that and and that was and and the you tell me you had this on your bingo card and they're eating cats and they're eating cats oh Michigan we love you look and it would be it it would be funnier too if it wasn't so dangerous but I want to be clear about this guy last week he did one of these these fake Town Halls where he gets one of the Fox News people to ask him questions that he knows and then he then he answers on this but what was so fascinating about that was in that amount of time that he was there and you should go see this it's really something to see in that little interview he did 11 times he reassured the people there that he was not weird now yes some of you picked up on this if you need to remind people people 11 times you're not weird you might be weird there you go so look but it's what he didn't say that was probably the most disturbing of the night Trump refused to say that he wants the brave fighters in Ukraine to win the war in protection of democracy it's a pretty low bar that's a pretty low bar when he got asked that question the other thing he refused to say was he refused ref to say if he would veto a National Abortion ban well you know why he refused to say because you know exactly what he would do look they don't trust women and women don't trust them that is that simple that is that simple but for all of us that that old uh that old saying of the frog in the boiling water whatever don't allow ourselves to get this way the most damaging thing that he wouldn't say is he he refused to acknowledge he lost the last election he refused to condemn the January 6 criminals who attacked the US Capitals in our democracy but in the anger that he got into as the Poise and dignity and the sharp uh retorts from vice president Harris he lost some of that composure in there and when he was referring to those riers and you go back and make sure you'll see this again I'm sure he said we did nothing wrong he didn't say they he said we and then at the end and then at the end of this thing you watched 90 minutes you watch beat him at The Ballot Box beat him at The Ballot Box we have got the opportunity people what he didn't say and this is the difference and look there's a lot of reasons my God too many to list time we're here a lot of reasons this guy shouldn't get anywhere near the White House again but we have a responsibility and can to tell people what the alternative is because what he did not do he did not say one thing what he would do to make life better for the American people not once remember after he came down his golden escalator he said this would be easy this would be easy I would have a health care plan on day one that was 9 years ago but look it's progress apparently he has the concepts of a plan I taught high school for 20 years every one of my kids everyone everyone every one of my kidss had a better excuse for not doing their work than that they never told me they had a concept of the plan so look on every single issue vice president Harris is standing on those issues with you and your family it is clear Donald Trump has no plan for you his agenda his agenda is about him and the thing is I will say this while he didn't articulate it the other night they've made it easy for us to know what they're going to do because they wrote it in a 900 page document called project 2025 I keep asking this who is asking for that agenda who is asking for that agenda who is asking except folks that want to take control over your lives that's the only people asking for it no one sitting around asking to give billionaires tax cuts nobody sitting around asking said let's make insulin more expensive and they keep telling us and convinced of this nobody's sitting around the bars in Grand Rapid say you know the first thing we need to do is we need to ban George Orwell's books that no one's saying that no one's saying that they find a lot of time to talk about banning books but they can't find one damn day to get weapons of war out of our schools and get those out not one but look what I was most proud of in this why Donald Trump spent the entire time whining about himself talking about his problems KLA haris spent her time talking about you and the way forward talking about the future this guy is stuck in the past she's focused on the future of this country the bright future that each and every one of us get to partake in so look she took him to task and I we can't say this enough she prosecuted the case against him but what I'm what I am so proud to be part of this ticket I'm so proud to be in a room like this under a whale by the way which is quite awesome um on a Thursday night thinking about the direction of our country what I am most proud of is because of all the things Donald Trump has stolen and all the things he did what is unforgivable is him stealing our joy so here's the thing KLA Harris is bringing not only solutions that focus on you she's doing it with a smile and Joy on her face this guy this guy on purpose and make no mistake it's on purpose he broke our political system he tried to break our faith in one another he tried to bake the thing that makes mid westner stick together we're positive people for God's sakes we walk on water half the year we have to be it's cold as hell half the year we don't care we dig our neighbors out this guy is trying to tell you your neighbor's the enemy this guy is trying to tell you that he knows best about what folks in Grand Rapids need well trust me nothing could be further from the truth so here's the deal we're nice folks we'll dig you out after a snowstorm we'll say hi to you at the store some of us might even let you merge on the highway not all of us we have a saying for that it's Minnesota nice is what we call it I'm sure you have it too but the the one thing I'll tell you about midwesterners that stretches across that beautiful blue wall of Northern America here the one thing about us is don't ever mistake our kindness for weakness ever so for all of you and your teachers it made me an eternal optimist but it also made me understand I supervised the lunchroom for most of those years I taught too and we can have joy and we can do things and we can be nice but I'll tell you the one thing we're not going to do we are not going to tolerate a bully in that lunchroom or in our politics and again I'm going to go back to this kamla Harris has a lot of practice on putting bullies in their place and the one thing I want to be clear about is coming back to no one should have been surprised by how she performed on that debate stage from her time as a prosecutor to her time as a county attorney to her time as the Attorney General of the largest state in the nation to her time as a United States Senator to her time as our vice president every day every single day putting the American people first she took on the Predators she took on the frauders she took down career criminals empower ful corporate interest which by the way was on the stage the other night all those things so so this time just to be clear that criminal being on the stage got put in his place all those things were wrapped up into one guy and I think many of you recognized she used a wonderful line he's not dealing with that very well he's not dealing with that very well but here's what she did simultaneously and this is what TR leaderships looks like and she says this time and time again and I love it a mark of true leadership is not who beats people down it's who lifts people up who lifts them up so so when it's a bully and there's a time she proved she can beat some people down if they need it which he needed it but for the American people she laid out a plan for an opportunity economy a place that's not just a concept go go to kah and you can see what's laid out there read it tell your friends send it to your relative that you're dreading seeing get it out to them because you know what they watched that the other day and I don't hear them out there much I don't see them out there much they're a little bit because they're good people they're our neighbors they're like H that didn't look very presidential screaming about eating cats is not a solution it's not a solution but what KL Harris was talking about is is things that you actually care about they might not be sitting down at the bar talking about banning books but they might down there be talking about how can I afford a house I'm working hard I'm working hard I want to have a house and because that house becomes a home to some of these folks you're a Real Estate Mogul venture capitalist whatever that's just an asset to be traded and sold to whoever you want for us it's a place we gather around the kitchen table to talk to our kids about what happened at school that's what KLA Harris wants for you that's what she wants from you she knows that folks are being squeezed on grocery prices but let's all be very clear here folks you know this in Michigan I'm a Minnesota guy those of us who've been on farms farmers are getting 3.90 for a bushel of corn and barely 10 bucks for soybeans they're not getting rich somebody in The Middle's taking a cut for not growing the corn not processing the corn not doing anything she's talking about price gouging that's illegal in 37 States and should be illegal across the country to G PR and in this country the richest country on Earth it's a absolute disgrace that folks have to ration their drugs because they can't afford them because trust me big farm is doing just fine we need to make sure that folks get their insulin at a price of $35 each get the drugs that they need and you know what's really interesting because gret and Whitmer proved it you can see this we did it in Minnesota KLA Harris wants it for the country you take care of workers you make sure folks can unionize you make sure folks have money you know what happens when you do that the economy grows and businesses sore she wants to make it easier for any one of you if you want to start a small business cut the red tape give you a tax cut and let you start that dream that you want to get going and I'm going to go back to this you did it in Michigan we did it in Minnesota she has talked about it on the first day she's in office and that bill comes over from Congress she'll sign the proa making it easier to organize now ability to collect you know we did something in Minnesota that I'm like maybe we ought to do everywhere is we also made it against the law in Minnesota to have employers put you in a room and give you anti-union propaganda if you're a factory worker kamla Harris is going to keep creating tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs right here in Michigan and by the way well the Trump Administration even if you don't count the jobs lost under Co kamla Harris and Joe Biden created six times more manufacturing jobs than Donald Trump ever did and for Governors we got to get things done your Governor here made it clear because of what kamla Harris was able to do you're able to have your Governor show the rest of the country how to fix the dam roads and that's something that happened historic Investments historic bipartisan investments in infrastructure and no matter who you are and this is fundamental KLA Harris is out there fighting to make sure you have the freedom to make the choices about your life and your family not government some of you are old enough to remember when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it not these guys this means the government should be free invade your doctor's office invade your school library even invade your bedroom let me say this too it is weird as hell to think about other people's bedrooms it is weird as hell so look we in Minnesota and Michigan across this country we respect our neighbors for their personal choices we might not make them we might not make the same choice but we respect them that's for you to make for me to make in Minnesota I've talked about this and I'm going to I think this is a national Golden Rule because I've talked about it you know Society works best is when you mind your own damn business things work better things work better so we'll continue to talk about Freedom that people make their healthc care decisions not politicians we mean freedom is to get a good education for a better job and a better future not crippling student loan debt for the rest of your damn life and they don't want to talk about it they want to avoid it Freedom means our kids being able to go to school without being shot dead in the Halls you know it here Oxford High School Michigan State we saw it in Georgia last week look I'm a teacher I'm a parent this the best time of year leaves are changing Friday night football's back our kids have a new start and they're going in it's a time of excitement and hope everything we want that's what we want for our kids but too many of our kids these first days of school are a time of sheer Terror a time that is going to stick with them forever so let's be clear I know guns you know guns I'm a veteran I'm a Hunter I'm a Hunter KLA Harris is a gun owner by the way which you found out so look I'm not going to take any crap about them about the Second Amendment we support the Second Amendment but our first responsibility is keeping our children safe and you can have watch how quickly they move on and they don't remember names oh they remember names in certain incidents what they want to try and politicize things but they don't remember the names of the Innocents who die and Donald Trump actually said when he got asked about this he got irritated he said look people just need to get over it and his running mate Senator Vance last week said look just fact of life think about that now family's forever broken too many of has been there my own son was in a location where someone was shot in the head too many of us have this this this H you see it these guys say it's a fact of life and get over it move on do the next thing work on the next tax cut for billionaires or whatever important stuff is um how morally broken do you have to be to not be able to spend any time internalizing children children and teachers being gunned down in the first weeks of school in their cafeterias in their Labs texting their parents goodbye as they're standing there hiding under desk running for their lives and to say well you know what happens for all of us that crap does not happen in other places in the world we are better than that I believe in the American people we can hold two thoughts at the same time and make sure that we say what vice president Harris said last week it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way look Michigan you know it I know it we cannot have four more years of that nearly 80-year-old man yelling at people to get off his yard screaming about cats and looking out for himself he cannot go back because when he goes back this time the one thing I do believe I do believe that he said this time it will be much much worse that that they want to act like oh I don't know I don't know project 2025 I don't know anything about this or whatever here's what I know enough about is as a longtime football coach you take the time to draw up a Playbook you plan on running it you plan on running it and he's going to use it he's going to use it they are telling us exactly what they're going to do and this one this is I don't believe much of what he says and he usually doesn't follow through but he did do this he was with a bunch of his rich friends down in Mar logo and he said look you're rich as hell and I'm going to give you a tax cut he did that he did that and he ballooned the national debt and the middle class is stuck with the bill all those things making groceries and the things that we know we need as Joe Biden and KLA Harris fought to bring down inflation to put our country on a path to recovery this guy wants to add a national sales tax to all of us you know what I figure he look who can blame him he's looking out for himself and he says this he tells you oh you know price of bacon at the grocery stores you and I both know that guy has never been in the grocery store and he's never bought bacon ever so he doesn't give a damn if the taxes on that because he doesn't know what bacon cost a pound he doesn't know what milk costs cuz it Doesn't matter so let's be clear this guy wants the tax cuts for himself to underfund government and then those incredible public servants and I want to say this to the mayor to the County Commissioners to the folks who are here thank you for the work you do every day to the pressure to our city workers our state workers our federal workers our police our teachers our firefighters and our military those are professionals they're paid for with tax dollars and you know what they are loyal to they are loyal to the Constitution and the rule of law Donald Trump's plan is to remove those people and install his political lackies that's what project 2025 is going to do so so in a health emergency like in Minnesota instead of being able to depend on the CDC and people from the Mayo Clinic we can listen to Donald Trump about drinking bleach and trying to find a way to stick Au UV light in ourselves we're in the middle of a pandemic with our neighbors dying and this guy is undermining the responses take that across all of government that's project 2025 so look again wouldn't answer the question on Banning abortion he will ban abortion across this country whether Congress is there or not be absolutely clear about it and when asked who do you admire who respects you because to be very clear the vice president was right I traveled to our friends and our Allied countries whether it's Australia whether it's Great Britain whether it's France whether it's Canada whether it's Mexico They're laughing at this guy they don't trust him he's weak he's weak and can't follow through but you know when he was asked who looks up to him Victor orbon Vladimir Putin Kim Jong-un this this stuff would be unbelievable to have as a political attack ad if it hadn't come out of his mouth on a debate stage and he was proud of it he was proud of it kamla Harris was able to within a matter of a few seconds use the this guy's inflated ego and narcissism to bait him into melting down on a national stage in front of 60 million you you don't think Vladimir Putin could do that you don't think XI junping could do that you don't think that folks who are looking to flatter this guy as he shakes down our allies like it's some type of ret operation rather than standing with our allies I had the opportunity in June to be at the 80th commemoration of D-Day and driving down those small French roads to the Normandy beaches were French Flags American flags British flags Canadian flags free people standing together in the defense of democracy Donald Trump knows nothing about it it's why he would turn his back and tell Vladimir Putin do whatever the hell you want in Ukraine you think they're stopping in Ukraine you think he's stopping in Ukraine you think China's not watching when they watch this of course they are that's why we need the strong leadership that was displayed by kamla Harris to make sure that we put dictators in their place and this country stays firm look our allies are worried but they're also hopeful just like you they've seen the leader stride onto that stage so they would maybe say I don't know whether to laugh or cry but just like you're doing it we're channeling it into joy and action we're making sure that we have that rare chance in this election to turn the page on this guy to end it once and for all so look we can choose a new generation of leadership a positive joyful all-encompassing future that this great nation has been founded on we can do that I'll and what is what is so beautiful about that and about KLA Harris we were on the bus touring some of these states and we were getting off at a rally where there was supporters there like this and they were holding up signs on the other side of the street there were not supporters they make it easy cuz they all wear the same hat do you know what it is said said it was a a group of independent thinkers standing there ready to yell at us so no but that's me KLA Harris's first instinct was and this is the first time we're on the bus together my wife Gwen vice president and Doug were there who Doug and gwy I want to give them a big round of applause too they're out working it but look we're we're walking off that bus and that's the scene in front of us and she turns to me and she said uh Tim don't ever forget we work just as hard in the policies we put in place to benefit their those people their families as well as those people and their families this is a policy for everyone can you imagine can you imagine Donald Trump saying we're going to look out for those folks that don't vote for me because this started and I love this story as a young prosecutor K Harris talked about going in that courtroom for the first time KLA Harris for the people she's had one client that's the people of this country that's the people she's worked with and she talks about this when she helped those folks when she was in that classroom or in that courtroom same way with the classroom I would say for all of us cuz this is true too man the Symmetry is just too beautiful on that one she didn't do it and I didn't do it I didn't ask if someone was a Republican or a Democrat they're an American and they came in that class that courtroom they came in that classroom they're to be treated that way that's what she's done every single day but the question she asked him is are you okay what do you need that's what leadership looks like so look on Tuesday and again I'll say this no surprise but I do think we should probably lift it up one more time kamla Harris did her job on Tuesday now Michigan and Grand Rapids we need to do ours we need to do our job look the way our country is I'll go to my grave maybe not understanding it but you know what there'll be a time to think about that later this is going to be a razor thin election we're still the underdogs in this thing but here's the beautiful thing we get the opport to affect that outcome we get the opportunity to decide in 54 days what type of country we want so for each and every one of us this is the time to put it all out there you heard me say this all gas no breaks we're going to sleep when we're dead that's what that means is you've seen it and look I'm not I'm I'm I'm here and don't ever close that yearbook I was looking when I came here the first thing I do is read the local paper and catch up on things and uh I saw this uh this Hudsonville game because I'm a defensive guy wins 1412 Last Week Big Game here and then I look up because this is you know gives me an opportunity to say it as being part of a state championship team Forest Hill Central is playing in one so look I got to tell you the uh the people who kind of dismiss us whatever look life isn't about hoping you win life isn't about I wish this would happen it's great to have aspirations you have to but how you get things done is you have a plan and you execute it the plan to win this thing is is we've got the best candidate that we could ever have in KLA Harris we've got energy amongst the American people we've got that desire to win but I said this as football team there's not a football team in the state that doesn't want to win the state championship and every year they start out thinking that the difference is who gets it done and it takes a lot of things to get it done it takes a team to get it done we need to lift up for her right now and get this thing done so look I know I know my God you came on a Thursday to listen to a guy from Minnesota while you stood under a whale way in the back of the room again because you love the country because you know you're part of this it's not hyperbole the presidency of the United States and the future of our democracy could very well go right through this room in Grand Rapids that's how important Michigan is so look around let's commit to get this thing done let's bring one more person in let's do one more volunteership let's make one more phone call people are picking up the phone now going into these offices they want to talk about it because once again our politics is fun and hopeful and gives us something to work for so for each of us don't buy it that she won because she won the debate mik if these elections were about having the best ideas and the best candidates we'd Win Every Damn Race we always have better ideas and better candidates but that's not what wins races what wins races is people who care enough to get on the ground and get the work done and take that debate performance take those resources that have been out there take that energy and funnel it down into voter contact get out the vote efforts and ballots and ballots so I'll tell you what last time I was in Michigan we were in Detroit and there was a massive crowd in the hanger and and Donald Trump said oh no it's just AI I'm sure he'll say the same about this AI whale okay I'm obsessed with the whale I love it so but look what I say is let him say it let him try and tell that we've got 32 field officers over here and tens of thousands of volunteers out working we're doing the work and in 54 days what won't be AI is the ballots cast for KLA Harris the next president of the United States so Grand Rapids let's work together let's chart that new way forward let's do it because we believe in the promise of America and as you know the vice president tells us it and it is so true when we fight we win when we fight we when we fight thank you Grand Rapids thank you hello Michigan it is good to be here and uh can we all agree our future is pretty bright with people like Mariah holy smart backstage I was just uh getting introduced to Mariah and uh she said uh kamla Harris is going to change the world and um that inspiration in our young people who we know our future was something else so Mariah thank you for all you're doing and beautiful lakes blue whales all the things in Michigan you it's not as if you don't have it all and then you have Gretchen Whitmer on top of it so she she is such a dear friend but I'll tell you she is so good at what she does she has convinced my son he's a Michigan State fan now so it's it's terrible politics for me but uh he is true blue over or he's True Green over there on it so uh you get it so uh look you got an incredible delegation and we know some of these races are going to be close but uh we have got to keep the majority in the house make sure you send Hillary scullton back to the house make sure you remember and you got it you you've always had incredible senators and you got Gary Peters very difficult to replace Debbie stab now but you're going to do it with alysin make sure you get it done make sure you get it done to each and every one of you thank you a lot of places you can be on a late summer day um get busy you're after work kids are from coming home from school uh you chose to be here uh on behalf of the vice president myself but on behalf of this country thank you for caring and loving your country enough to show up thank you one one final thank you thank you to my fellow cat owner Taylor Swift look she she's not here but let me just say uh vice president I know you're all waiting oh what a bait and switch this guy left on us look vice president uh Harrison I couldn't be more excited to have her support really grateful so um and look look it it's not as if I didn't warn these guys a few months ago you mess with C people and you will find out you will find out so uh they did so uh beautiful strategy there picking on the cap people so um look all of you are here but H how can we not start with the debate how can we not start with the debate um look what was so clear about it was and and again not surprising but there was one person on that stage who should be the next president of the United States one person she commanded the room and I know all of us are incredibly proud of Vice President Harris but let's be very clear none of us were surprised of what happened there none of us were surprised no one has come with more experience to this job than she has and no one has done more damage than Donald Trump has so we knew what was coming and no pun intended from the get-go she had the upper hand walking in giving the handshake look it says something about character we talk about this often shake hands and when you lose which he did last time and which he will again you shake hands and walk away so I got asked right after the debate you know do you think we should do another one and I said hell every day we should do another one of course well it's not going to happen cuz Donald Trump confirmed today he's not doing another one so um give him give him a little break that one left a mark that one left a mark so he's with it so look who he was was on full display the other night his true colors were out there not just his makeup not just his makeup so if I heard somebody say if you want to know in a debate who's winning or whatever turn the sound down and you would have sworn that was a nearly 80-year-old man shaking his fist at Clouds that's what it looked like so look this guy has spent his entire life focused on himself obsessed with the past and the thing that is unforgivable rooting against America and America's people which he's done consistently he said a lot of weird stuff too so I'm just going to say that and and that was and and the you tell me you had this on your bingo card and they're eating cats and they're eating cats oh Michigan we love you look and it would be it it would be funnier too if it wasn't so dangerous but I want to be clear about this guy last week he did one of these these fake Town Halls where he gets one of the Fox News people to ask him questions that he knows and then he then he answers on this but what was so fascinating about that was in that amount of time that he was there and you should go see this it's really something to see in that little interview he did 11 times he reassured the people there that he was not weird now yes some of you picked up on this if you need to remind people 11 times you're not weird you might be weird there you go so look but it's what he didn't say that was probably the most disturbing of the night Trump refused to say that he wants the brave fighters in Ukraine to win the war in protection of democracy it's a pretty low bar that's a pretty low bar when he got asked that question the other thing he refused to say was he refused to say if he would veto a National Abortion ban well you know why he refused to say because you know exactly what he would do look they don't trust women and women don't trust them that is that simple that is that simple but for all of us that that old uh that old saying of the frog and the boiling water whatever don't allow ourselves to get this way the most damaging thing that he wouldn't say is he refused to acknowledge he lost the last election he refused to condemn the January 6 criminals who attacked the US Capitals in our democracy but in the anger that he got into as the Poise and dignity and the sharp uh retorts from vice president Harris he lost some of that composure in there and when he was referring to those riers and you go back and make sure you'll see this again I'm sure he said we did nothing wrong he didn't say they he said we and then at the end and then at the end of this thing you watched 90 minutes you watch beat him at The Ballot Box beat him at The Ballot Box we have got the opportunity people what he didn't say and this is the difference and look there's a lot of reasons my God too many to list the time we're here a lot of reasons this guy shouldn't get anywhere near the White House again but we have a responsibility and can to tell people what the alternative is because what he did not do he did not say one thing what he would do to make life better for the American people not once remember after he came down his golden escalator he said this would be easy this would be easy I would have a health care plan on day one that was 9 years ago but look it's progress apparently he has the concepts of a plan I taught high school for 20 years every one of my kids everyone everyone every one of my kids had a better excuse for not doing their work than that they never told me they had a concept of the plan so look on every single issue vice president Harris is standing on those issues with you and your family it is clear Donald Trump has no plan for you his agenda his agenda is about him and the thing is I will say this while he didn't articulate it the other night they've made it easy for us to know what they're going to do because they wrote it in a 900 page document called project 2025 I keep asking this who is asking for that agenda who is asking for that agenda who is asking except folks that want to take control over your lives that's the only people asking for it no one sitting around asking to give billionaires tax cuts nobody sitting around asking said let's make insulin more expensive and they keep telling us and convinced of this nobody's sitting around the bars in Grand Rapid say you know the first thing we need to do is we need to ban George Orwell's books that no one's saying that no one's saying that they find a lot of time to talk about banning books but they can't find one damn day to get weapons of war out of our schools and get those out not one but look what I was most proud of in this why Donald Trump spent the entire time whining about himself talking about his problems KLA Harris spent her time talking about you and the way forward talking about the future this guy is stuck in the past she's focused on the future of this country the bright future that each and every one of us get to partake in so look she took him to task and I we can't say this enough she prosecuted the case against him but what I'm what I am so proud to be part of this ticket I'm so proud to be in a room like this under a whale by the way which is quite awesome um on a Thursday night thinking about the direction of our country what I am most proud of is because of all the things Donald Trump has stolen and all the things he did what is unforgivable is him stealing our joy so here's the thing kamla Harris is bringing not only solutions that focus on you she's doing it with a smile and Joy on her face this guy this guy on purpose and make no mistake it's on purpose he broke broke our political system he tried to break our faith in one another he tried to bake the thing that makes mid westner stick together we're positive people for God's sakes we walk on water half the year we have to be it's cold as hell half the year we don't care we dig our neighbors out this guy is trying to tell you your neighbor's the enemy this guy is trying to tell you that he knows best about what folks in Grand Rapids need well Trust nothing could be further from the truth so here's the deal we're nice folks we'll dig you out after a snowstorm we'll say hiid to at the store some of us might even let you merge on the highway not all of us we have a saying for that it's Minnesota nice is what we call it I'm sure you have it too but the one thing I'll tell you about midwesterners that stretches across that beautiful blue wall of Northern America here the one thing about us is don't ever mistake our kindness for weakness so for all of you and your teachers it made me an eternal optimist but it also made me understand I supervis the lunchroom for most of those years I taught to and we can have joy and we can do things and we can be nice but I'll tell you the one thing we're not going to do we are not going to tolerate a bully in that lunchroom or in our politics and again I'm going to go back to this Kam Harris has a lot of practice on putting bullies in their place and the one thing I want to be clear about is coming back to no one should have been surprised by how she performed on that debate stage from her time as a prosecutor to her time as a County the attorney to her time as the Attorney General of the largest state in the nation to her time as a United States Senator to her time as our vice president every day every single day putting the American people first she took on the Predators she took on the frauders she took down career criminals and Powerful corporate interests which by the way was on the stage the other night all those things so so this time just to be clear that criminal being on the stage got put in his place all those things were wrapped up into one guy and I think many of you recognized she used a wonderful line he's not dealing with that very well he's not dealing with that very well but here's what she did simultaneously and this is what true leaderships looks like and she says this time and time again and I love it a mark of true leadership is not who beats people down it's who lifts people up who lifts them up so so when it's a bully and there's a time she proved she can beat some people down if they need it which he needed but for the American people she laid out a plan for an opportunity economy a place that's not just a concept go to kah and you can see what's laid out there read it tell your friends send it to your relative that you're dreading seeing get it out to them because you know what they watched that the other day and I don't hear them out there much I don't see them out there much they're a little bit because they're good people they're are neighbors they're like H that didn't look very presidential screaming about eating cats is not a solution it's not a solution but what KL Harris was talking about is things that you actually care about they might not be sitting down at the bar talking about banning books but they might down there be talking about how can I afford a house I'm working hard I'm working hard I want to have a house and because that house becomes a home to some of these folks you're a Real Estate Mogul venture capitalist whatever that's just an asset to be traded and sold to whoever you want for us it's a place we gather around the kitchen table to talk to our kids about what happened at school that's what kamla Harris wants for you that's what she wants for you she knows that folks are being squeezed on grocery prices but let's all be very clear here folks you know this in Michigan I'm a Minnesota guy those of us who've been on farms farmers are getting 390 for a bushel of corn and barely 10 bucks for soybeans they're not getting rich somebody in The Middle's taking a cut for not growing the corn not processing the corn not doing anything she's talking about price gouging that's illegal in 37 States already and should be illegal across the country to G price and in this country the richest country on Earth it's a absolute disgrace that folks have to ration their drugs because they can't afford them because trust me big farmers doing just fine we need to make sure that folks get their insulin at a price of $35 each get the drugs that they need and you know what's really interesting because Gretchen Whitmer proved it you can see this we did it in Minnesota KLA Harris wants it for the country you take care of workers you make sure folks can unionize you make sure folks have money you know what happens when you do that the economy grows and businesses soore she wants to make it easier for any one of you if you want to start a small business cut the red tape give you a tax cut and let you start that dream that you want to get going and I'm going to go back to this you did it in Michigan we did it in Minnesota she has talked about it on the first day she's in office and that bill comes over from Congress she'll sign the proa making it easier to organize that ability to collect your bur you know we did something in Minnesota that I'm like maybe we ought to do everywhere is we also made it against the law in Minnesota to have employers put you in a room and give you anti-union propaganda if you're a factory worker comma Harris is going to keep creating tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs right here in Michigan and by the way well the Trump Administration even if you don't count the jobs lost under Co KLA Harris and Joe Biden created six times more manufacturing jobs than Donald Trump ever did and for Governors we got to get things done your Governor here made it clear because of what kamla Harris was able to do you're able to have your Governor show the rest of the country how to fix the damn roads and that's something that happened historic Investments historic bipartisan investments in infrastructure and no matter who you are and this is fundamental KLA Harris is out there fighting to make sure you have the freedom to make the choices about your life and your family not government some of you old enough to remember when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it not these guys this means the government should be free invade your doctor's office invade your school library even invade your bedroom let me say this too it is weird as hell to think about other people's bedrooms it is weird as hell so look we in Minnesota and Michigan across this country we respect our neighbors for their personal choices we might not make them we might not make the same choice but we respect them that's for you to make for me to make in Minnesota I've talked about this and I'm going to I think this is a national Golden Rule I've talked about it you know how Society works best is when you mind your own damn business things work better things work better so we'll continue to talk about Freedom that people make their health care decisions not politicians we mean freedom is to get a good education for a better job and a better future not crippling student loan debt for the for the rest of your damn life and they don't want to talk about it they want to avoid it Freedom means our kids being able to go to school without being shot dead in the Halls you know it here Oxford High School Michigan State we saw it in Georgia last week look I'm a teacher I'm a parent this the best time year leaves are changing Friday night football's back our kids have a new start and they're going in it's a time of excitement and hope everything we want that's what we want for our kids but too many of our kids these first days of school are a time of sheer Terror a time that is going to stick with them forever so let's be clear I know guns you know guns I'm a veteran I'm a Hunter I'm a Hunter KLA Harris is a gun owner by the way which you found out so look I'm not going to take any crap about them about the Second Amendment we support the Second Amendment but our first responsibility is keeping our children safe and you can have both watch how quickly they move on and they don't remember names oh they remember names in certain incidents what they want to try and politicize things but they don't remember the names of the Innocents who die and Donald Trump actually said when he got asked about this he got irritated he said look people just need to get over it and his running mate Senator Vance last week said look just fact Al life think about that now family's forever broken too many of his been there my own son was in a location where someone was shot in the head too many of us have this this this H you see it these guys say it's a fact of life and get over it move on do the next thing work on the next tax cut for billionaires or whatever important stuff is um how morally broken do you have to be to not be able to spend any time internalizing children and teachers being gunned down in the first weeks of school in their cafeterias in their Labs texting their parents goodbye as they're standing there hiding under desks running for their lives and to say well you know what happens for all of us that crap does not happen in other places in the world we are better than that I believe in the American people we can hold two thoughts at the same time and make sure that we say what vice president Harris said last week it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way look Michigan you know it I know it we cannot have four more years of that nearly 80-year-old man yelling at people to get off his yard screaming about cats and looking out for himself he cannot go back because when he goes back this time the one thing I do believe I do believe that he said this time it will be much much worse that that they want to act like oh I don't know I don't know project 2025 I don't know anything about this or whatever here's what I know enough about is as a longtime football coach you take the time to draw up a Playbook you plan on running it you plan on running it and he's going to use it he's going to use it they are telling us exactly what they're going to do and this one this is I don't believe much of what he says and he usually doesn't follow through but he did do this he was with a bunch of his rich friends down in Mar logo and he said look you're rich as hell and I'm going to give you a tax cut he did that he did that and he ballooned the national debt and the middle class is stuck with the bill all those things making groceries and the things that we know we need as Joe Biden and KLA Harris fought to bring down inflation to put our country on a path to recovery this guy wants to add a national sales tax to all of us you know what I figure he look who can blame him he's looking out for himself and he says this he tells you oh you know price of bacon at the grocery stores you and I both know that guy has never been in the grocery store and he's never bought bacon ever so he doesn't give a damn if the tax is on that because he doesn't know what bacon cost a pound he doesn't know what milk costs CU it doesn't matter so let's be clear this guy wants the tax cuts for himself to underfund government and then those incredible public servants and I want to say this to the mayor to the County Commissioners to the folks who are here thank you for the work you do every day to the pressure to our city workers our state workers our federal workers our police our teachers our firefighters and our military those are professionals they're paid for with tax dollars and you know what they are loyal to they are loyal to the Constitution and the rule of law Donald Trump's plan is to remove those people and install his political lackies that's what project 2025 is going to do so in so in a health emergency like in Minnesota instead of being being able to depend on the CDC and people from the Mayo Clinic we can listen to Donald Trump about drinking bleach and trying to find a way to stick a UV light in ourselves we're in the middle of a pandemic with our neighbors dying and this guy is undermining the responses take that across all of government that's project 2025 so look again wouldn't answer the question on Banning abortion he will ban abortion across his country whether Congress is there or not be absolutely clear about it and when asked who do you admire who respects you because to be very clear the vice president was right I traveled to our friends and our Allied countries whether it's Australia whether it's Great Britain whether it's France whether it's Canada whether it's Mexico They're laughing at this guy they don't trust him he's weak he's weak and can't follow through but you know when he was asked who looks up to him Victor Orban Vladimir Putin Kim Jong-un this this stuff would be unbelievable to have as a political attack ad if it hadn't come out of his mouth on a debate stage and he was proud of it he was proud of it kamla Harris was able to within a matter of a few seconds use this guy's inflated ego and narcissism to bait him into melting down on a national stage in front of 60 million you you don't think Vladimir Putin could do that you don't think XI Jun ping could do that you don't think that folks who are looking to flatter this guy as he shakes down our allies like it's some type of Racket operation rather than standing with our allies I had the opportunity in June to be at the 80th commemoration of the D-Day and driving down those small French roads to the Normandy beaches were French Flags American flags British flags Canadian flags free people standing together in the defense of democracy Donald Trump knows nothing about it it's why he would turn his back and tell Vladimir Putin do whatever the hell you want in Ukraine you think they're stopping in Ukraine you think he's stopping in Ukraine you think China's not watching when they watch this of course they are that's why we need the strong leadership that was displayed by kamla Harris to make sure that we put dictators in their place and this country stays firm look our allies are worried but they're also hopeful just like you they've seen the leader stride onto that St stage so they would maybe say I don't know whether to laugh or cry but just like you're doing it we're channeling it into joy and action we're making sure that we have that rare chance in this election to turn the page on this guy to end it once and for all so look we can choose a new generation of leadership a positive joyful all-encompassing future that this great nation has been founded on we can do that I'll and what is what is so beautiful about that and about KLA Harris we were on the bus touring some of these states and we were getting off at a rally where there was supporters there like this and they were holding up signs on the other side of the street there were not supporters they make it easy cuz they all wear the same hat do you know what it is said said it was a a group of independent thinkers standing there ready to yell at us so no but that's me KLA Harris's first instinct was and this is the first time we're on the bus together my wife Gwen vice president and Doug were there who Doug and gwy I want to give them a big round of applause too they're out working it well look we're we're walking off that bus and that's the scene in front of us and she turns to me and she said uh Tim don't never forget we work just as hard in the policies we put in place to benefit their those people their families as well as those people and their families this is a policy for everyone can you imagine can you imagine Donald Trump saying we're going to look out for those folks that don't vote for me because this started and I love this story as a young prosecutor KLA Harris talks about going in that courtroom for the first time KLA Harris for the people she's had one client that's the people of this country that's the people she's worked for and she talks about this when she helped those folks when she was in that classroom or in that courtroom same way with the classroom I would say for all of us cuz this is true too man the cemetry is just too beautiful on that one she didn't do it and I didn't do it I didn't ask if someone was a Republican or a Democrat they're an American and they came in that class that courtroom they came in that classroom they're to be treated that way that's what she's done every single day but the question she asked him is are you okay what do you need that's what leadership looks like so look on Tuesday and again I'll say this no surprise but I do think we should probably lift it up one more time KLA Harris did her job on Tuesday now Michigan and Grand Rapids we need to do ours we need to do our job look the way our country is I'll go to my grave maybe not understanding it but you know what there'll be a time to think about that later this is going to be a razor thin election we're still the underdogs in this thing but here's the beautiful thing we get the opportunity to affect that outcome we get the opportunity to decide in 54 days what type of country we want so for each and every one of us this is the time to put it all out there you heard me say this all gas no breaks we're going to sleep when we're dead that's what that means is you've seen it and look I'm not I'm I'm I'm here and don't ever close that yearbook I was looking when I came here the first thing I do is read the local paper and catch up on things and uh I saw this uh this Hudsonville game because I'm a defensive guy wins 1412 Last Week Big Game here and then I look up because this is you know gives me an opportunity to say it as being part of a state championship team Forest Hill Central is playing in one so look I got to tell you the uh the people who kind of dismiss us whatever look life isn't about hoping you win life isn't about I wish this would happen it's great to have aspirations you have to but how you get things done is you have a plan and you execute it the plan to win this thing is is we've got the best candidate that we could ever have in KLA Harris we've got energy amongst the American people we've got that desire to win but I said this as football team there's not a football team in the state that doesn't want to win the state championship and every year they start out thinking that the difference is who gets it done and it takes a lot of things to get it done it takes a team to get it done we need to lift up for her right now and get this thing done so look I know I know my God you came on a Thursday to listen to a guy from Minnesota while you stood under a whale way in the back of the room again because you love the country because you know your part of this it's not hyperbole the presidency of the United States and the future of our democracy could very well go right through this room in Grand Rapids that's how important Michigan is so look around let's commit to get this thing done let's bring one more person in let's do one more volunteership let's make one more phone call people are picking up the phone now I'm going into these offices they want to talk about it because once again our po politics is fun and hopeful and gives us something to work for so for each of us don't buy it that she won because she won the debate Mike if these elections were about having the best ideas and the best candidates we'd Win Every Damn Race we always have better ideas and better candidates but that's not what wins races what wins races is people who care enough to get on the ground and get the work done and take that debate performance take those resources that have been out there take that energy and funnel it down into voter contact get out the vote efforts and ballots and ballots so I'll tell you what last time I was in Michigan we were in Detroit and there was a massive crowd in the hanger and Donald Trump said oh no it's just AI I'm sure you'll say this same about this AI whale okay I'm obsessed with the whale I love it so but look what I say is let him say it let him try and tell that we've got 32 field officers over here and tens of thousands of volunteers out working we're doing the work and in 54 days what won't be AI is the ballots cast for KLA Harris the next president of the United United States so Grand Rapids let's work together let's chart that new way forward let's do it because we believe in the promise of America and as you know the vice president tells us it and it is so true when we fight we win when we fight when we fight we thank you Grand Rapids thank you hello Michigan it is good to be here and uh can we all agree our future is pretty bright with people like Mariah holy SM backstage I was just uh getting introduced to Mariah and uh she said uh KLA Harris is going to change the world and um that inspiration and our young people who we know our future was something else so Mariah thank you for all you're doing and beautiful lakes blue whales all the things in Michigan you it's not as if you don't have it all and then you have Gretchen Whitmer on top of it so she she is such a dear friend but I'll tell you she is so good at what she does she has convinced my son he's a Michigan State fan now so it's it's terrible politics for me but uh he is true blue over or he is True Green over there on it so uh you get it so uh look you got an incredible delegation and we know some of these races are going to be close but uh we have got to keep the majority in the house make sure you send Hillary SC back to the house make sure you and you got it you you've always had incredible senators and you got Gary Peters very difficult to replace Debbie stab now but you're going to do it with aist SC and make sure you get it done make sure you get it done each and every one of you thank you a lot of places you can be on a late summer day um get busy you're after work kids are pro come home from school uh you chose to be here uh on behalf of the vice president myself but on behalf of this country thank you for caring and loving your country enough to show up thank you one final thank you thank you to my fellow cat owner Taylor Swift look she she's not here but let me just say uh vice president I know you're all waiting oh what a bait and switch this guy left on us look vice president uh Harris and I couldn't be more excited to have her support really grateful so um and look look it it's not as if I didn't warn these guys a few months ago you mess with C people and you will find out you will find out so uh they did so uh beautiful strategy there picking on the cat people so um look all of you are here but H how can we not start with the debate how can we not start with the debate um look what was so clear about it was and and again not surprising but there was one person on that stage who should be the next president of the United States one person she commanded the room and I know all of us are incredibly proud of Vice President har but let's be very clear none of us were surprised of what happened there none of us were surprised no one has come with more experience to this job than she has and no one has done more damage than Donald Trump has so we knew what was coming and no pun intended from the get-go she had the upper hand walking in giving the handshake look it says something about character we talk about this often shake hands and when you lose which he did last time and which he will again you shake hands and walk away so I got asked right after the debate you know do you think we should do another one and I said hell every day we should do another one of course well it's not going to happen cuz Donald Trump confirmed today he's not doing another one so um give him give him a little break that one left a mark that one left a mark so he's with it so look who he was was on full display the other night his true colors were out there not just his makeup not just his makeup so if I heard somebody say if you want to know in a debate who's winning or whatever turn the sound down and you would have sworn that was a nearly 80-year-old man shaking his fist at Clouds that's what it looked like so look this guy has spent his entire life focused on himself obsessed with the past and the thing that is unforgivable rooting against America America's people which he's done consistently he said a lot of weird stuff too so I'm just going to say that and and that was and and the you tell me you had this on your bingo card and they're eating cats and they're eating cats oh Michigan we love you look and it would be it it would be funnier too if it wasn't so dangerous but I want to be clear about this guy last week he did one of these these fake Town Halls where he gets one of the Fox News people to ask him questions that he knows and then he then he answers on this but what was so fascinating about that was in that amount of time that he was there and you should go see this it's really something to see in that little interview he did 11 times he reassured the people there that he was not weird now yes some of you picked up on this if you need to remind people 11 times you're not weird you might be weird there you go so look but it's what he didn't say that was probably the most disturbing of the night Trump refused to say that he wants the brave fighters in Ukraine to win the war in protection of democracy it's a pretty low bar that's a pretty low bar when he got asked that question the other thing he refused to say was he refused to say if he would veto a National Abortion ban well you know why he refused to say because you know exactly what he would do look they don't trust women and women don't trust them that is that simple that is that simple but for all of us that that old uh that old saying of the frog and the boiling water whatever don't allow ourselves to get this way the most damaging thing that he wouldn't say is he refused to acknowledge he lost the last election he refused to condemn the January 6 criminals who attacked the US capitals our democracy but in the anger that he got into as the Poise and dignity and the sharp uh retorts from vice president Harris he lost some of that composure in there and when he was referring to those riers and you go back and make sure you'll see this again I'm sure he said we did nothing wrong he didn't say they he said we and then at the end and then at the end of this thing you watched 90 minutes you watched beat him at The Ballot Box beat him at The Ballot Box we have got the opportunity people what he didn't say and this is the difference and look there's a lot of reasons my God too many to list the time we're here a lot of reasons this guy shouldn't get anywhere near the White House again but we have a responsibility and can to tell people what the alternative is because what he did not do he did not say one thing what he would do to make life better for the American people not once remember after he came down his golden escalator he said this would be easy this would be easy I would have a health care plan on day one that was 9 years ago but look it's progress apparently he has the concepts of a plan I taught high school for 20 years every one of my kids everyone everyone every one of my kids had a better excuse for not doing their work than that they never told me they had a concept of the plan so look on every single issue vice president Harris is standing on those issues with you and your family it is clear Donald Trump has no plan for you his agenda his agenda is about him and the thing is I will say this while he didn't articulate it the other night they've made it easy for us to know what they're going to do because they wrote it in a 900 page document called project 2025 I keep asking this who is asking for that agenda who is asking for that agenda who is asking except folks that want to take control over your lives that's the only people asking for it no one's sitting around asking to give billionaires tax cuts nobody sitting around asking said let's make insulin more expensive and they keep telling us and convinced of this nobody's sitting around the bars in Grand Rapid say you know the first first thing we need to do is we need to ban George Orwell's books that no one's saying that no one's saying that they find a lot of time to talk about banning books but they can't find one damn day to get weapons of war out of our schools and get those out not one but look what I was most proud of in this why Donald Trump spent the entire time whining about himself talking about his problems KLA haris spent her time talking about you and the way forward talking about the future this guy is stuck in the past she's focused on the future of this country the bright future that each and every one of us get to partake in so look she took him to task and I we can't say this enough she prosecuted the case again against him but what I'm what I am so proud to be part of this ticket I'm so proud to be in a room like this under a whale by the way which is quite awesome um on a Thursday night thinking about the direction of our country what I am most proud of is because of all the things Donald Trump has stolen and all the things he did what is unforgivable is is him stealing our joy so here's the thing KLA Harris is bringing not only solutions that focus on you she's doing it with a smile and Joy on her face this guy this guy on purpose and make no mistake it's on purpose he broke our political system he tried to break our faith in one another he tried to bake the thing that makes midwesterners stick together we're positive people for God's sakes we walk on water half the year we have to be it's cold as hell half the year we don't care we dig our neighbors out this guy is trying to tell you your neighbor's the enemy this guy's trying to tell you that he knows best about what folks in Grand Rapids need well trust me nothing could be further from the truth so here's the deal we're nice folks we'll dig you out after a snowstorm we'll say hi to you at the store some of us might even let you merge on the highway not all of us we have a saying for that it's Minnesota nice is what we call it I'm sure you have it too but the one thing I'll tell you about midwesterners that stretches across that beautiful blue wall of Northern America here the one thing about us is don't ever mistake our kindness for weakness ever so for all of you and your teachers it made me an eternal optimist but it also made me understand I supervised the lunchroom for most of those years I taught too and we can have joy and we can do things and we can be nice but I'll tell you the one thing we're not going to do we are not going to tolerate a bully in that lunchroom are in our politics and again I'm going to go back to this kamla Harris has a lot of practice on putting bullies in their place and the one thing I want to be clear about is coming back to no one should have been surprised by how she performed on that debate stage from her time as a prosecutor to her time as a county attorney to her time as the Attorney General of the largest state in the nation to her her time as a United States Senator to her time as our vice president every day every single day putting the American people first she took on the Predators she took on the fraudsters she took down career criminals and Powerful corporate interests which by the way was on the stage the other night all those things so so this time just to be clear that criminal being on the stage got put in his place all those things were wrapped up into one guy and I think many of you recognized she used a wonderful line he's not dealing with that very well he's not dealing with that very well but here's what she did simultaneously and this is what true leaderships looks like and she says this time and time again and I love it a mark of true leadership is not who beats people down it's who lifts people up who lifts them up so so when it's a bully and there's a time she proved she can beat some people down if they need it which he needed it but for the American people she laid out a plan for an opportunity economy a place that's not just a concept go to kamah and you can see what's laid out there read it tell your friends send it to your relative that you're dreading seeing get it out to them because you know what they watched that the other day and I don't hear them out there much I don't see them out there much they're a little bit because they're good people they're are neighbors they're like H that didn't look very presidential screaming about eating cats is not a solution it's not a solution but what KL Harris was talking about is things that you actually care about they might not be sitting down at the bar talking about banning books but they might down there be talking about how can I afford a house I'm working hard I'm working hard I want to have a house and because that house becomes a home to some of these folks you're a Real Estate Mogul venture capitalist whatever that's just an asset to be traded and sold to whoever you want for us it's a place we gather around the kitchen table to talk to our kids about what happened at school that's what KLA Harris wants for you that's what she wants for you she knows that folks are being squeezed on grocery prices but let's all be very clear here folks you know this in Michigan I'm a Minnesota guy those of us who've been on farms farmers are getting 390 for a bushel of corn and barely 10 bucks for soybeans they're not getting rich somebody in The Middle's taking a cut for not growing the corn not processing the corn not doing anything she's talking about price gouging that's illegal in 37 States already and should be illegal across the country to gouge price and in this country the richest country on Earth it's a absolute disgrace that folks have to ration their drugs because they can't afford them because trust me big farm is doing just fine we need to make sure that folks get their insulin at a price of $35 each get the drugs that they need and you know what's really interesting because Gretchen Whitmer proved it you can see this we did it in Minnesota KLA Harris wants it for the country you take care of workers you make sure folks can unionize you make sure folks have money you know what happens when you do that the economy grows and business is sore she wants to make it easier for any one of you if you want to start a small business cut the red tape give you a tax cut and let you start that dream that you want to get going and I'm going to go back to this you did it in Michigan we did it in Minnesota she has talked about it on the first day she's in office and that bill comes over from Congress she'll sign the proa making it easier to organize that ability to collect you know we did something in Minnesota that I'm like maybe we ought to do everywhere is we also made it against the law in Minnesota to have employers put you in a room and give you anti-union propaganda if you're a factory worker KLA Harris is going to keep creating tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs right here in Michigan and by the way well the Trump Administration even if you don't count the jobs lost under Co KLA Harris and Joe Biden created six times more manufacturing jobs than Donald Trump ever did and for Governors we got to get things done your Governor here made it clear because of what kamla Harris was able to do you're able to have your Governor show the rest of the country how to fix the damn roads and that's something that happened historic Investments historic bipartisan investments in infrastructure and no matter who you are and this is fundamental commer Harris is out there fighting to make sure you have the freedom to make the choices about your life and your family not government some of you old enough to remember when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it not these guys this means the government should be free invade your doctor's office invade your school library even invade your bedroom let me say this too it is weird as hell to think about other people's bedrooms it is weird as hell so look we in Minnesota and Michigan across this country we respect our neighbors for their personal choices we might not make them we might not make the same choice but we respect them that's for you to make for me to make in Minnesota I've talked about this and I'm going to I think this is a national Golden Rule cuz I've talked about it you know how Society works best is when you mind your own damn business things work things work better so we'll continue to talk about Freedom that people make their healthc care decisions not politicians we mean freedom is to get a good education for a better job and a better future not crippling student loan debt for the rest of your damn life and they don't want to talk about it they want to avoid it Freedom means our kids being able to go to school without being shot dead in the Halls you know it here Oxford High School Michigan State we saw it in Georgia last week look I'm a teacher I'm a parent this the best time of year leaves are changing Friday night football's back our kids have a new start and they're going in it's a time of excitement and hope everything we want that's what we want for our kids but too many of our kids these first days of school are a time of sheer Terror a time that is going to stick with them forever so let's be clear I know guns you know guns I'm a veteran I'm a Hunter I'm a Hunter KLA Harris is a gun owner by the way which you found out so look I'm not going to take any crap about them about the Second Amendment we support the Second Amendment but our first responsibility is keeping our children safe and you can have both watch how quickly they move on and they don't remember names oh they remember names in certain incidents what they want to try and politicize things but they don't remember the names of the Innocents who die and Donald Trump actually said when he got asked about this he got irritated he said look people just need to get over it and his running mate Senator Vance last week said look just fact alive think about that now families forever broken too many of has been there my own son was in a location where someone was shot in the head too many of us have this this this H you see it these guys say it's a fact of life and get over it move on do the next thing work on the next tax cut for billionaires or whatever important stuff is um how morally broken do you have to be to not be able to spend any time internalizing children and teachers being gunned down in the first weeks of school in their cafeterias in their Labs texting their parents goodbye as they're standing there hiding under desks running for their lives and to say well you know what happens for all of us that crap does not happen in other places in the world we are better than that I believe in the American people we can hold two thoughts at the same time and make sure that we say what vice president Harris said last week it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way look Michigan you know it I know it we cannot have four more years of that nearly 80-year-old man yelling at people to get off his yard screaming about cats and looking out for himself he cannot go back because when he goes back this time the one thing I do believe I do believe that he said this time it will be much much worse that that they want to act like oh I don't know I don't know project 2025 I don't know anything about this or whatever here's what I know enough about is as a longtime football coach you take the time to draw up a Playbook you plan on running it you plan on running it and he's going to use it he's going to use it they are telling us exactly what they're going to do and this one this is I don't believe much of what he says and he usually doesn't follow through but he did do this he was with a bunch of rich friends down in Mar logo and he said look you're rich as hell and I'm going to give you a tax cut he did that he did that and he ballooned the national debt and the middle class is stuck with the bill all those things making groceries and the things that we know we need as Joe Biden and kamla Harris fought to bring down inflation to put our country on a path to recovery this guy wants to add a national sales tax to all of us you know what I figure he look who can blame him he's looking out for himself and he says this he tells you oh you know price of bacon at the grocery stores you and I both know that guy has never been in the grocery store and he's never bought bacon ever so he doesn't give a damn if the tax is on that because he doesn't know what bacon cost a pound he doesn't know what milk costs cuz it doesn't matter so let's be clear this guy wants the tax cuts for himself to underfund government and then those Inc incredible public servants and I want to say this to the mayor to the County Commissioners to the folks who are here thank you for the work you do every day to the pressure to our city workers our state workers our federal workers our police our teachers our firefighters and our military those are professionals they're paid for with tax and you know what they are loyal to they are loyal to the Constitution and the rule of law Donald Trump's plan is to remove those people and install his political lackies that's what project 2025 is going to do so in so in a health emergency like in Minnesota instead of being able to depend on the CDC and people from the Mayo Clinic we can listen to Donald Trump about drinking bleach and trying to find a way to stick Au UV light in ourselves we're in the middle of a pandemic with our neighbors dying and this guy is undermining the responses take that across all of government that's project 2025 so look again wouldn't answer the question on Banning abortion he will ban abortion across this country whether Congress is there or not be absolutely clear about it and when asked who do you admire who respects you because to be very clear the vice president was right I traveled to our friends and our Allied countries whether it's Australia whether it's Great Britain whether it's France whether it's Canada whether it's Mexico They're laughing at this guy they don't trust him he's weak he's weak and can't follow through but you know when he was asked who looks up to him Victor orbon Vladimir Putin Kim Jong-un this this stuff would be unbelievable to have as a political attack ad if it hadn't come out of his mouth on a debate stage and he was proud of it he was proud of it kamla Harris was able to within a matter of a few seconds use this guy's inflated ego and narcissism to bait him into melting down on a national stage in front of 60 million you you don't think Vladimir Putin could do that you don't think XI junping could do that you don't think that folks who are looking to flatter this guy as he shakes down our allies like it's some type of Racket operation rather than standing with our allies I had the opportunity in June to be at the 80th commemoration of the D-Day and driving down those small French roads to the Normandy beaches were French Flags American flags British flags Canadian flags free people standing together in the defense of democracy Donald Trump knows nothing about it it's why he would turn his back and tell Vladimir Putin do whatever the hell you want in Ukraine you think they're stopping in Ukraine you think he's stopping in Ukraine you think China's not watching when they watch this of course they are that's why we need the strong leadership that was displayed by comma Harris to make sure that we put dictators in their place and this country stays firm look our allies are worried but they're also hopeful just like you they've seen the leader stride onto that stage so they would maybe say I don't know whether to laugh or cry but just like you're doing it we're channeling it into joy and action we're making sure that we have that rare chance in this election to turn the page on this guy to end it once and for all so look we can choose a new generation of leadership a positive joyful all encompassing future that this great nation has been founded on we can do that and what is what is so beautiful about that and about KLA Harris we were on the bus touring some of these states and we were getting off at a rally where there was supporters there like this and they were holding up signs on the other side of the street there were not supporters they make it easy cuz they all wear the same hat you know what it is said said it was a a group of independent thinkers standing there ready to yell at us so no but that's me KLA Harris's first instinct was and this is the first time we're on the bus together my wife Gwen vice president and Doug were there who Doug and Gwen I want to give them a big round of applause too they're out working it well look we're we're walking off that bus and that's the scene in front of us and she turns to me and she said uh Tim don't ever forget we work just as hard in the policies we put in place to benefit their those people their families as well as those people and their families this is a policy for everyone can you imagine can you imagine Donald Trump saying we're going to look out for those folks that don't vote for me because this started and I love this story as a young prosecutor Comm Harris talks about going in that courtroom for the first time KLA Harris for the people she's had one client that's the people of this country that's the people she's worked for and she talks about this when she helped those folks when she was in that classroom are in that courtroom same way with the classroom I would say for all of us cuz this is true too man the cemetery is just too beautiful on that one she didn't do it and I didn't do it I didn't ask if someone was a Republican or a Democrat they're an American and they came in that class that courtroom they came in that classroom they're to be treated that way that's what she's done every single day but the question she asked him is are you okay what do you need that's what leadership looks like so look on Tuesday and again I'll say this no surprise but I do think we should probably lift it up one more time kamla Harris did her job on Tuesday now Michigan and Grand Rapids we need to do ours we need to do our job look the way our country is I'll go to my grave maybe not understanding it but you know what there'll be a time to think about that later this is going to be a razor thin election we're still the underdogs in this thing but here's the beautiful thing we get the opportunity to affect that outcome we get the opportunity to decide in 54 days what type of country we want so for each and every one of us this is the time to put it all out there you heard me say this all gas no breaks we're going to sleep when we're dead that's what that means is you've seen it and look I'm not I'm I'm I'm here and don't ever close that yearbook I was looking when I came here the first thing I do is read the local paper and catch up on things and uh I saw this uh this Hudsonville game because I'm a defensive guy wins 1412 Last Week Big Game here and then I look up because this is you know gives me an opportunity to say it as being part of a state ch championship team Forest Hill Central is playing in one so look I got to tell you the uh the people who kind of dismiss us whatever look life isn't about hoping you win life isn't about I wish this would happen it's great to have aspirations you have to but how you get things done is you have a plan and you execute it the plan to win this thing is is we've got the best candidate that we could ever have have in KLA Harris we've got energy amongst the American people we've got that desire to win but I said this as football team there's not a football team in the state that doesn't want to win the state championship and every year they start out thinking that the difference is who gets it done and it takes a lot of things to get it done it takes a team to get it done we need to lift up for her right now and get this thing done so look I know I know my God you came on a Thursday to listen to a guy from Minnesota while you stood under a whale way in the back of the room again because you love the country because you know you're part of this it's not hyperbole the presidency of the United States and the future of our democracy could very well go right through this room in Grand Rapids that's how important Michigan is so look around let's commit to get this thing done let's bring one more person in let's do one more volunteership let's make one more phone call people are picking up the phone now I'm going into these offices they want to talk about it because once again our politics is fun and hopeful and gives us something to work for so for for each of us don't buy it that she won because she won the debate mik if these elections were about having the best ideas and the best candidates we'd Win Every Damn Race we always have better ideas and better candidates but that's not what wins races what wins races is people who care enough to get on the ground and get the work done and take that debate performance take those resources that have been out there take that energy and funnel it down into voter contact get out the vote efforts and ballots and ballots so I'll tell you what last time I was in Michigan we were in Detroit and there was a massive crowd in the hanger and Donald Trump said oh no it's just AI I'm sure you'll say the same about this AI whale okay I'm mess with the whale I love it so but look what I say is let him say it let him try and tell that we've got 32 field officers over here and tens of thousands of volunteers out working we're doing the work and in 54 days what won't be AI is the ballots cast for KLA Harris the next president of the United States so Grand Rapids let's work together let's chart that new way forward let's do it because we believe in the promise of America and as you know the vice president tells us it and it is so true when we fight we win when we fight we win when we fight we win thank you Grand Rapids thank you hello Michigan it is good to be here and uh can we all agree our future is pretty bright with people like Mariah holy smart backstage I was just uh getting introduced to Mariah and uh she said uh KLA Harris is going to change the world and and um that inspiration in our young people who we know our future was something else so Mariah thank you for all you're doing and beautiful lakes blue whales all the things in Michigan you it's not as if you don't have it all and then you have Gretchen Whitmer on top of it so she she is such a dear friend but I'll tell you she is so good at what she does she has convinced my son he's a Michigan State fan now so it's it's terrible politics for me but uh he is true blue over or he is True Green over there on it so uh you get it so uh look you got an incredible delegation and we know some of these rates are going to be close but uh we have got to keep the majority in the house make sure you send Hillary scullton back to the house make sure you remember and you got it you you've always had incredible senators and you got Gary Peters very difficult to replace Debby stab now but you're going to do it with Alys stockin make sure you get it done make sure you get it done to each and every one of you thank you a lot of places you can be on a late summer day um get busy you're after work kids are from coming home from school uh you chose to be here uh on behalf of the vice president myself but on behalf of this country thank you for caring and loving your country enough to show up thank you one one final thank you thank you to my fellow cat owner Taylor Swift look she she's not here but let me just say uh vice president I know you're all waiting oh what a bait and switch this guy left on us look vice president uh Harris and I couldn't be more excited to have her support really grateful so um and look look it it's not as if I didn't warn these guys a few months ago you mess with cap people and you will find out you will find out so uh they did so uh beautiful strategy there picking on the C people so um look all of you are here but how how can we not start with the debate debate how can we not start with the debate um look what was so clear about it was and and again not surprising but there was one person on that stage who should be the next president of the United States one person she commanded the room and I know all of us are incredibly proud of Vice President Harris but let's be very clear none of us were surprised of what happened there none of us surprised no one has come with more experience to this job than she has and no one has done more damage than Donald Trump has so we knew what was coming and no pun intended from the get-go she had the upper hand walking in giving the handshake look it says something about character we talk about this often shake hands and when you lose which he did last time and which he will again you shake hands and walk away so I got asked right after the debate you know do you think we should do another one and I said hell every day we should do another one of course well it's not going to happen cuz Donald Trump confirmed today he's not doing another one so um give him give him a little break that one left a mark that one left a mark so he's with it so look who he was was on on full display the other night his true colors were out there not just his makeup not just his makeup so if I heard somebody say if you want to know in a debate who's winning or whatever turn the sound down and you would have sworn that was a nearly 80-year-old man shaking his fist at Clouds that's what it looked like so look this guy has spent his entire life focused on himself obsessed with the past and the thing that is unforgivable rooting against America and America's people which he's done consistently he said a lot of weird stuff too so I'm just going to say that and and that was and and the you tell me you had this on your bingo card and they're eating cats and they're eating cats oh Michigan we love you look and it would be it would be funnier too if it wasn't so dangerous but I want to be clear about this guy last week he did one of these these fake Town Halls where he gets one of the Fox News people to ask him questions that he knows and then he then he answers on this but what was so fascinating about that was in that amount of time that he was there and you should go see this it's really something to see in that little interview he did 11 times he reassured the people there that he was not weird now yes some of you picked up on this if you need to remind people 11 times you're not weird you might be weird there you go so look but it's what he didn't say that was probably the most disturbing of the night Trump refused to say that he wants the brave fighters in Ukraine to win the war in protection of democracy it's a pretty low bar that's a pretty low bar when he got asked that question the other thing he refused to say was he refused to say if he would veto a National Abortion ban well you know why he refused to say because you know exactly what he would do look they don't trust women and women don't trust them that is that simple that is that s but for all of us that that old uh that old saying of the frog and the boiling water whatever don't allow ourselves to get this way the most damaging thing that he wouldn't say is he refused to acknowledge he lost the last election he refused to condemn the January 6 criminals who attacked the US Capitals in our democracy but in the anger that he got into as the Poise and dignity and the sharp uh retorts from vice president Harris he lost some of that composure in there and when he was referring to those riers and you go back and make sure you'll see this again I'm sure he said we did nothing wrong he didn't say they he said we and then at the end and then at the end of this thing you watch 90 minutes you watch that beat him at The Ballot Box beat him at The Ballot Box we have got the opportunity people what he didn't say and this is the difference and look there's a lot of reasons my God too many to list time we're here a lot of reasons this guy shouldn't get anywhere near the White House again but we have responsibility and can to tell people what the alternative is because what he did not do he did not say one thing what he would do to make life better for the American people not once remember after he came down his golden escalator he said this would be easy this would be easy I would have a health care plan on day one that was 9 years ago but look it's progress apparently he has the concept cepts of a plan I taught high school for 20 years every one of my kids everyone everyone every one of my kids had a better excuse for not doing their work than that they never told me they had a concept of the plan so look on every single issue vice president president Harris is standing on those issues with you and your family it is clear Donald Trump has no plan for you his agenda his agenda is about him and the thing is I will say this while he didn't articulate it the other night they've made it easy for us to know what they're going to do because they wrote it in a 900 page document called project 2025 I keep asking this who is asking asking for that agenda who is asking for that agenda who is asking except folks that want to take control over your lives that's the only people asking for it no one's sitting around asking to give billionaires tax cuts nobody sitting around asking said let's make insulin more expensive and they keep telling us and convinced of this nobody's sitting around the bars in Grand Rapid say you know the first thing we need to do is we need to ban George Orwell's books that no one's saying that no one's saying that they find a lot of time to talk about banning books but they can't find one damn day to get weapons of war out of our schools and get those out not one but look what I was most proud of in this why Donald Trump spent the entire time whining about himself talking about his problems KLA haris spent her time talking about you and the way forward talking about the future this guy is stuck in the past she's focused on the future of this country the bright future that each and every one of us get to partake in so look she took him to task and I we can't say this enough she prosecuted the case against him but what I'm what I am so proud to be part of this ticket I'm so proud to be in a room like this under a whale by the way which is quite awesome um on a Thursday night thinking about the direction of our country what I am most proud of is because of all the things Donald Trump has stolen and all the things he did what is unforgivable is him stealing our joy so here's the thing kamla Harris is bringing not only solutions that focus on you she's doing it with a smile and Joy on her face this guy this guy on purpose and make no mistake it's on purpose he broke our political system he tried to break our faith in one another he tried to bake the thing that makes mid westner stick together we're positive people for God's sakes we walk on water half the year we have to be it's cold as hell half the year we don't care we dig our neighbors out this guy is trying to tell you your neighbor's the enemy this guy is trying to tell you that he knows best about what folks in Grand Rapids need well trust me nothing could be further from the truth so here's the deal we're nice folks we'll dig you out after a snowstorm we'll say hi to you at the some of us might even let you merge on the highway not all of us we have a saying for that it's Minnesota nice is what we call it I'm sure you have it too but the one thing I'll tell you about midwesterners that stretches across that beautiful blue wall of Northern America here the one thing about us is don't ever mistake our kindness for weakness ever so for all of you and your teachers it made me an eternal optimist but it also made me understand I supervise the lunchroom for most of those years I taught too and we can have joy and we can do things and we can be nice but I'll tell you the one thing we're not going to do we are not going to tolerate a bully in that lunchroom or in our politics and again I'm going to go back to this KLA Harris has a lot of practice on putting bullies in their place and the one thing I want to be clear about is coming back to no one should have been surprised by how she performed on that debate stage from her time as a prosecutor to her time as a county attorney to her time as the Attorney General of the largest state in the nation to her time as a United States Senator to her time as our vice president every day every single day putting the American people first she took on the Predators she took on the fraudsters she took down career criminals and Powerful corporate interest which by the way was on the stage the other night all those things so so this time just to be clear that criminal being on the stage got put in his place all those things were wrapped up into one guy and I think many of you recognized she used a wonderful line he's not dealing with that very well he's not dealing with that very well but here's what she did simultaneously and this is what true leaderships looks like and she says this time and time again and I love it a mark of true leadership is not who beats people down it's who lifts people up who lifts them up so so when it a bully and there's a time she proved she can beat some people down if they need it which he needed it but for the American people she laid out a plan for an opportunity economy a place that's not just a concept go to kah and you can see what's laid out there read it tell your friends send it to your relative that you're dreading seeing get it out to them because you know what they watched that the other day and I don't hear them out there much I don't see them out there much they're a little bit because they're good people they're our neighbors they're like H that didn't look very presidential screaming about eating cats is not a solution it's not a solution but what KL Harris was talking about is things that you actually care about they might not be sitting down at the bar talking about banning books but they might down there be talking about how can I afford a house I'm working hard I'm working hard I want to have a house and because that house because becomes a home to some of these folks you're a Real Estate Mogul venture capitalist whatever that's just an asset to be traded and sold to whoever you want for us it's a place we gather around the kitchen table to talk to our kids about what happened at school that's what KLA Harris wants for you that's what she wants to she knows that folks are being squeezed on grocery prices but let's all be very clear here folks you know this in Michigan I'm a Minnesota guy those of us been on farms farmers are getting 390 for a bushel of corn and barely 10 bucks for soybeans they're not getting rich somebody in The Middle's taking a cut for not growing the corn not processing the corn not doing anything she's talking about price gouging that's illegal in 37 States already and should be illegal across the country to G PR and in this country the richest country on Earth it's a absolute disgrace that folks have to ration their drugs because they can't afford them because trust me big farm is doing just fine we need to make sure that folks get their insulin at a price of $35 each get the drugs that they need and you know what's really interesting because Gretchen Whitmer proved it you can see this we did it in Minnesota KLA Harris wants it for the country you take care of workers you make sure folks can unionize you make sure folks have money you know what happens when you do that the economy grows and businesses soore she wants to make it easier for any one of you if you want to start a small business cut the red tape give you a tax cut and let you start that dream that you want to get going and I'm going to go back to this you did it Michigan we did it in Minnesota she has talked about it on the first day she's in office and that bill comes over from Congress she'll sign the proa making it easier to organize that ability to collect the you know we did something in Minnesota that I'm like maybe we ought to do everywhere is we also made it against the law in Minnesota to have employers put you in a room and give you anti-union propaganda if you're a factory worker kamla Harris is going to keep creating tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs right here in Michigan and by the way well the Trump Administration even if you don't count the jobs lost under Co kamla Harris and Joe Biden created six times more manufacturing jobs than Donald Trump ever did and for Governors we got to get things done your Governor here made it clear because of what kamla Harris was able to do you're able to have your Governor show the rest of the country how to fix the damn roads and that's something that happened historic Investments historic bipartisan investments in infrastructure and no matter who you are and this is fundamental come Harris is out there fighting to make sure you have the freedom to make the choices about your life and your family not government some of you old enough to remember when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it not these guys this means the government should be free invade your doctor's office invade your school library even invade your bedroom let me say this too it is weird as hell to think about other people's bedrooms it as weird as hell so look we in Minnesota and Michigan across this country we respect our neighbors for their personal choices we might not make them we might not make the same choice but we respect them that's for you to make for me to make in Minnesota I've talked about this and I'm going to I think this is a national Golden Rule because I've talked about it you know Society works best is when you mind your own damn business things work better things work better so we'll continue to talk about Freedom that people make their health care decisions not politicians we mean freedom is to get a good education for a better job and a better future not crippling student loan debt for the rest of your damn life and they don't want to talk about it they want to avoid it Freedom means our kidss being able to go to school without being shot dead in the Halls you know it here Oxford High School Michigan State we saw it in Georgia last week look I'm a teacher I'm a parent it's the best time of year leaves are changing Friday night football's back our kids have a new start and they're going in it's a time of excitement and hope everything thing we want that's what we want for our kids but too many of our kids these first days of school are a time of sheer Terror a time that is going to stick with them forever so let's be clear I know guns you know guns I'm a veteran I'm a Hunter I'm a Hunter KLA Harris is a gun owner by the way which you found out so look I'm not going to take any crap about them about the Second Amendment we support the second Amendment but our first responsibility is keeping our children safe and you can have fa watch how quickly they move on and they don't remember names oh they remember names in certain incidents what they want to try and politicize things but they don't remember the names of the Innocents who die and Donald Trump actually said when he got asked about this he got irritated he said look look people just need to get over it and his running mate Senator Vance last week said look just fact of life think about that now family's forever broken too many of has been there my own son was in a location where someone was shot in the head too many of us have this this this H you see it these guys say back to life and get over it move on do the next thing work on the next tax cut for billionaires or whatever important stuff is um how morally broken do you have to be to not be able to spend any time internalizing children and teachers being gunned down in the first weeks of school in their cafeterias in their Labs texting their parents goodbye as they're standing there hiding under desks running for their lives no and to say well you know what happens for all of us that crap does not happen in other places in the world we are better than that I believe in the American people we can hold two thoughts at the same time and make sure that we say what vice president Harris said last week it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way look Michigan you know it I know it we cannot have four more years of that nearly 80-year-old man yelling at people to get off his yard screaming about cats and looking out for himself he cannot go back because when he goes back this time the one thing I do believe I do believe that he said this time it will be much much worse that that they want to act like oh I don't know I don't know project 2025 I don't know anything about this or whatever here's what I know enough about is as a longtime football coach you take the time to draw up a Playbook you plan on running it you plan on running it and he's going to use it he's going to use it they are telling us exactly what they're going to do and this one this is I don't believe much of what he says and he usually doesn't follow through but he did do this he was with a bunch of his rich friends down in Mar logo and he said look you're rich as hell and I'm going to give you a tax cut he did that he did that and he ballooned the national debt and the middle class is stuck with the bill all those things making groceries and the things that we know we need as Joe Biden and KLA Harris fought to bring down inflation to put our country on a path to recovery this guy wants to add a national sales tax to all of us you know what I figure he look who can blame him he's looking out for himself and he says this he tells you oh you know price of bacon at the grocery stores you and I both know that guy has never been in the grocery store and he's never bought bacon ever so he doesn't give a damn if the tax is on that because he doesn't know what bacon cost a pound he doesn't know what milk costs cuz it doesn't matter so let's be clear this guy wants the tax cuts for himself to underfund government and then those incredible public servants and I want to say this to the mayor to the County Commissioners to the folks who are here thank you for the work you do every day for the pleasure to our city workers our state workers our federal workers our police our teachers our firefighters and our military those are professionals they're paid for with tax dollars and you know what they are loyal to they are loyal to the constit Constitution and the rule of law Donald Trump's plan is to remove those people and install his political lackies that's what project 2025 is going to do so in so in a health emergency like in Minnesota instead of being able to depend on the CDC and people from the Mayo Clinic we can listen to Donald Trump about drinking bleach and trying to find a way to stick Au UV light in ourselves we're in the middle of a pandemic with our neighbors dying and this guy is undermining the responses take that across all of government that's project 2025 so look again wouldn't answer the question on Banning abortion he will ban abortion across this country whether Congress is there or not be absolutely clear about it and when asked who do you admire who respects you because to be very clear the vice president was right I traveled to our friends and our Allied countries whether it's Australia whether it's Great Britain whether it's France whether it's Canada whether it's Mexico They're laughing at this guy they don't trust him he's weak he's weak and can't follow through but you know when he was asked who looks up to him Victor orbon Vladimir Putin Kim Jong-un this this stuff would be unbelievable to have as a iCal attack ad if it hadn't come out of his mouth on a debate stage and he was proud of it he was proud of it kamla Harris was able to within a matter of a few seconds use this gu's inflated ego and narcissism to bait him into melting down on a national stage in front of 60 million you you don't think Vladimir Putin could do that you don't think XI junping could do that you don't think that folks who are looking to flatter this guy as he shakes down our allies like it's some type of Racket operation rather than standing with our allies I had the opportunity in June to be at the 80th commemoration of D-Day and driving down those small French roads to the Normandy beaches were French Flags American flags British flags Canadian flags free people standing together in the defense of democracy Donald Trump knows nothing about it it's why he would turn his back and tell Vladimir Putin do whatever the hell you want in Ukraine you think they're stopping in Ukraine you think he's stopping in Ukraine you think China's not watching when they watch this of course they are that's why we need the strong leadership that was displayed by KLA Harris to make sure that we put dictators in their place and this country stays far look our allies are worried but they're also hopeful just like you they've seen the leader stride onto that stage so they would maybe say I don't know whether to laugh or cry but just like you're doing it we're channeling it into joy and action we're making sure that we have that rare chance in this election to turn the page on this guy to end it once and for all so look we can choose a new generation of leadership a positive joyful all-encompassing future that this great nation has been founded on we can do that yes I'll say and what is what is so beautiful about that and about KLA Harris we were on the bus touring some of these states and we were getting off at a rally where there was supporters there like this and they were holding up signs on the other side of the street there were not supporters they make it easy cuz they all wear the same hat you know what it is said said it was a a group of independent thinkers standing there ready to yell at us so no but that's me KLA Harris's first instinct was and this is the first time we're on the bus together my wife Gwen vice president and Doug were there who Doug and Gwen I want to give them a big round of applause too so they're out working it well look we're we're walking off that bus and that's the scene in front of us and she turns to me and she said uh Tim don't ever forget we work just as hard in the policies we put in place to benefit their those people their families as well as those people and their families this is a policy for everyone can you imagine can you imagine Donald Trump saying we're going to look out for those folks that don't vote for me because this started and I love this story as a young prosecutor Comm Harris talks about going in that courtroom for the first time KLA Harris four of the people she's had one client that's the people of this country that's the people she's worked for and she talks about this when she helped those folks when she was in that classroom or in that courtroom same way with the classroom I would say for all of us cuz this is true too man the cemetery is just too beautiful on that one she didn't do it and I didn't do it I didn't ask if someone was a Republican or a Democrat they're an American and they came in that class that courtroom they came in that classroom they're to be treated that way that's what she's done every single day but the question she asked him is are you okay what do you need that's what leadership looks like so look on Tuesday and again I'll say this no surprise but I do think we should probably lift it up one more time KLA Harris did her job on Tuesday now Michigan and Grand Rapids we need to do ours we need to do our job look the way our country is I'll go to my grave maybe not understanding it but you know what there'll be a time to think about that later this is going to be a razor thin election we're still the underdogs in this thing but here's the beautiful thing we get the opportunity to affect that outcome we get the opportunity to decide in 54 days what type of country we want so for each and every one of us this is the time to put it all out there you hear me say this all gas no breaks we're going to sleep when we're dead that's what that means is you've seen it and look I'm not I'm I'm I'm here and don't ever close that yearbook I was looking when I came here the first thing I do is read the local paper and catch up on things and uh I saw this uh this Hudsonville game because I'm a defensive guy wins 1412 Last Week Big Game here and then I look up because this is you know gives me an opportunity to say it as being part of a state championship team Forest Hill Central is playing in one so look I got to tell you the uh the people who kind of dismiss us whatever look life isn't about hoping you win life isn't about I wish this would happen it's great to have aspirations you have to but how you get things done is you have a plan and you execute it the plan to win this thing is is we've got the best candidate that we could ever have in KLA Harris we've got energy amongst the American people we've got that desire to win but I said this as football team there's not a football team in the state that doesn't want to win the state championship and every year they start out thinking that the difference is who gets it done and it takes a lot of things to get it done it takes a team to get it done we need to lift up for her right now and get this thing done so look I know I know my God you came on a Thursday to listen to a guy from Minnesota while you stood under a whale way in the back of the room again because you love the country because you know you're part of this it's not hyperbole the presidency of the United States and the future of our democracy could very well go right through this room in Grand Rapids that's how important Michigan is so look around let's commit to get this thing done let's bring one more person in let's do one more volunteership let's make one more phone call people are picking up the phone now I'm going into these offices they want to talk about it because once again our politics is fun and hopeful and gives us something to work for so for each of us don't buy it that she won because she won the debate Mike if these elections were about having the best ideas and the best candidates we'd Win Every Damn Race we always have better ideas and better candidates but that's not what wins races what wins races is people who care enough to get on the ground and get the work done and take that debate performance take those resources that have been out there take that energy and F it down into voter contact get out the vote efforts and ballots and ballots so I'll tell you what last time I was in Michigan we were in Detroit and there was a massive crowd in the hanger and Donald Trump said oh no it's just AI I'm sure you'll say the same about this AI whale okay I'm obsessed with the whale I love it so but look what I say is let him say it let him try and tell that we've got 32 field officers over here and tens of thousands of volunteers out working we're doing the work and in 54 days what won't be AI is the ballots cast for kamla Harris the next president of the United States so Grand Rapids let's work together let's chart that new way forward let's do it because we believe in the promise of America and as you know the vice president tells us it and it is so true when we fight we win when we fight we win when we fight we win thank you Grand Rapids thank you hello Michigan it is good to be here and uh can we all agree our future is pretty bright with people like Mariah holy SM backstage I was just uh getting introduced to Mariah and uh she said uh KLA Harris is going to change the world and um that inspiration and our young people who we know our future it was something else so Mariah thank you for all you're doing and beautiful lakes blue whales all the things in Michigan you it's not as if you don't have it all and then you have Gretchen Whitmer on top of it so she she is such a dear friend but I'll tell you she is so good at what she does she has convinced my son he's a Michigan State fan now so it's it's terrible politics for me but uh he is true blue over he's True Green over there on it so uh you get it so uh look you got an incredible delegation and we know some of these races are going to be close but uh we have got to keep the majority in the house make sure you send Hillary Scolton back to the house make sure you remember and you got to you you've always had incredible senators and you got Gary Peters very difficult to replace Debbie stab now but you're going to do it with Alys scoten make sure you get it done make sure you get it each and every one of you thank you a lot of plac you can be on a late summer day um get busy you're after work kids are from coming home from school uh you chose to be here uh on behalf of the vice president myself but on behalf of this country thank you for caring and loving your country enough to show up thank you one one final thank you thank you to my fellow cat owner Taylor Swift look she she's not here but let me just say uh vice president I know you're all waiting oh what a bait and switch this guy left on us look vice president uh Harris and I couldn't be more excited to have her support really grateful so um and look look it it's not as if I didn't warn these guys a few months ago you mess with cap people and you will find out you will find out so uh they did so uh beautiful strategy there picking on the cap people so um look all of you are here but how how can we not start with the debate how can we not start with the debate um look what was so clear about it was and and again not surprising but there was one person on that stage who should be the next president of the United States one person she commanded the room and I know all of us are incredibly proud of Vice President Harris but let's be very clear none of us were surprised of what happened there none of us were surprised no one has come with more experience to this job than she has and no no one has done more damage than Donald Trump has so we knew what was coming and no pun intended from the get-go she had the upper hand walking in giving the handshake look it says something about character we talk about this often shake hands and when you lose which he did last time and which he will again you shake hands and walk away so I got asked right after the debate you know do you think we should do another one and I said hell every day we should do another one of course well it's not going to happen cuz Donald Trump confirmed today he's not doing another one so um give him give him a little break that one left a mark that one left a mark so he's with it so look who he was was on full display the other night his true colors were out there not just his makeup not just his makeup so if I heard somebody say if you want to know in a debate who's winning whatever turn the sound down and you would have sworn that was a nearly 80-year-old man shaking his fist at Clouds that's what it looked like so look this guy has spent his entire life focused on himself obsessed with the past and the thing that is unforgivable rooting against America and America's people which he's done consistent he said a lot of weird stuff too so I'm just going to say that and and that was and and the you tell me you had this on your bingo card and they're eating cats and they're eating cats oh Michigan we love you look and it would be it it would be funnier too if it wasn't so dangerous but I want to be clear about this guy last week he did one of these these fake Town Halls where he gets one of the Fox News people to ask him questions that he knows and then he then he answers on this but what was so fascinating about that was in that amount of time that he was there and you should go see this it's really something to see in that little interview he did 11 times he reassured the people there that he was not weird now yes some of you picked up on this if you need to remind people 11 times you're not weird you might be weird there you go so look but it's what he didn't say that was probably the most disturbing of the night Trump refused to say that he wants the brave fighters in Ukraine to win the war and protection of democracy it's a pretty low bar that's a pretty low bar when he got asked that question the other thing he refused to say was he refused to say if he would veto a National Abortion ban well you know why he refused to say because you know exactly what he would do look they don't trust women and women don't trust them that is that simple that is that simple but for all of us that that old uh that old saying of the frog and the boiling water whatever don't allow ourselves to get this way the most damaging thing that he wouldn't say is he refused to acknowledge he lost the last election he refused to condemn the January 6 criminals who attacked the US Capitals in our democracy but in the anger that he got into as the Poise and dignity and the sharp uh retorts from vice president Harris he lost some of that composure in there and when he was referring to those riers and you go back and make sure you'll see this again I'm sure he said we did nothing wrong he didn't say they he said we and then at the end and then at the end of this thing you you watched 90 minutes you watch beat him at The Ballot Box beat him at The Ballot Box we have got the opportunity people what he didn't say and this is the difference and look there's a lot of reasons my God too many to list the time we're here a lot of reasons this guy shouldn't get anywhere near the White House again but we have a responsibility and can to tell people what the alternative is because what he did not do he did not say one thing what he would do to make life better for the American people not once remember after he came down his golden escalator he said this would be easy this would be easy I would have a health care plan on day one that was 9 years ago but look it's progress apparently he has the concepts of a plan I taught high school for 20 years every one of my kids everyone everyone every one of my kids had a better excuse for not doing their work than that they never told me they had a concept of the plan so look on every single issue vice president Harris is standing on those issues with you and your family it is clear Donald Trump has no plan for you his agenda his agenda is about him and the thing is I will say this while he didn't articulate it the other night they've made it easy for us to know what they're going to do because they wrote it in a 900 page document called project 2025 I keep asking this who is asking for that agenda who is asking for that agenda who is asking except folks that want to take control over your lives that's the only people asking for it no one's sitting around asking to give billionaires tax cuts nobody sitting around asking said let's make insulin more expensive and they keep telling us and convinced of this nobody's sitting around the bars in Grand Rapid say you know the first thing we need to do is we need to ban George Orwell's books that no one's saying that no one's saying that they find a lot of time to talk about banning books but they can't find one damn day to get weapons of war out of our schools and get those out not one but look what I was most proud of in this why Donald Trump spent the entire time whining about himself talking about his problems KLA haris spent her time talking about you and the way forward talking about the future this guy is stuck in the past she's focused on the future of this country the bright future that each and every one of us get to partake in so look she took him to task and I we can't say this enough she prosecuted the case against him but what I'm what I am so proud to be part of this ticket I'm so proud to be in a room like this under a whale by the way which is quite awesome um on a Thursday night thinking about the direction of our country what I am most proud of is because of all the things Donald Trump has stolen and all the things he did what is unforgivable is him stealing our joy so here's the thing kamla Harris is bringing not only solutions that focus on you she's doing it with a smile and Joy on her face this guy this guy on purpose and make no mistake it's on purpose he broke our political system he tried to break our faith in one another he tried to bake the thing that makes mid westner stick together we're positive people for God's sakes we walk on water half the year we have to be it's cold as hell half the year we don't care we dig our neighbors out this guy is trying to tell you your neighbors the enemy this guy's trying to tell you that he knows best about what folks in Grand Rapids need well trust me nothing could be further from the truth so here's the deal we're nice folks we'll dig you out after a snowstorm we'll say hi to you at the store some of us might even let you merge on the highway not all of us we have a saying for that it's Minnesota nice is what we call it I'm sure you have it too but the one thing I'll tell you about midwesterners that stretches across that beautiful blue wall of Northern America here the one thing about us is don't ever mistake our kindness for weakness so for all of you and your teachers it made me an eternal optimist but it also made me understand I supervise the lunchroom for most of those years I taught too and we can have joy and we can do things and we can be nice but I'll tell you the one thing we're not going to do we are not going to tolerate a bully in that lunchroom or in our politics and again I'm going to go back to this yes KLA Harris has a lot of practice on putting bullies in their place and the one thing I want to be clear about is coming back to no one should have been surprised by how she performed on that debate stage from her time as a prosecutor to her time as a county attorney to her time as the Attorney General of the largest state in the nation to her time as a United States Senator to her time as our vice president every day every single day putting the American people first she took on the Predators she took on the frauders she took down career criminals and Powerful corporate interests which by the way was on the stage the other night all those things so so this time just to be clear that criminal being on the stage got put in his place all those things were wrapped up into one guy and I think many of you recognized she used a wonderful line he's not dealing with that very well he's not dealing with that very well but here's what she did simultaneously and this is what true leaderships looks like and she says this time and time again and I love it a mark of true leadership is not who beats people down it's who lifts people up who lifts them up so so when it's a bully and there's a time she proved she can beat some people down if they needed which he needed it but for the American people she laid out a plan for an opportunity economy a place that's not just a concept go to kamah and you can see what's laid out there read it tell your friends send it to your relative that you're dreading seeing get it out to them because you know what they watched that the other day and I don't hear them out there much I don't see them out there much they're a little bit because they're good people they're a neighbor they're like H that didn't look very presidential screaming about eating cats is not a solution it's not a solution but what KL Harris was talking about is things that you actually care about they might not be sitting down at the bar talking about banning books but they might down there be talking about how can I afford a house I'm working hard I'm working hard I want to have a house and because that house becomes a home to some of these folks you're a Real Estate Mogul capitalist whatever that's just an asset to be traded and sold to whoever you want for us it's a place we gather around the kitchen table to talk to our kids about what happened at school that's what KLA Harris wants for you that's what she wants for you she knows that folks are being squeezed on grocery prices but let's all be very clear here folks you know this in Michigan I'm a Minnesota guy those of us who've been on farms farmers are getting 390 for a bushel of corn and barely 10 bucks for so soybeans they're not getting rich somebody in The Middle's taking a cut for not growing the corn not processing the corn not doing anything she's talking about price gouging that's illegal in 37 States already and should be illegal across the country to gouge price and in this country the richest country on Earth it's a absolute disgrace that folks have to ration their drugs because they can't afford them trust me big farm is doing just fine we need to make sure that folks get their insulin at a price of $35 each get the drugs that they need and you know what's really interesting because Gretchen Whitmer proved it you can see this we did it in Minnesota KLA Harris wants it for the country you take care of workers you make sure folks can unionize you make sure folks have money you know what happens when you do that the economy grows and businesses sore she wants to make it easier for any one of you if you want to start a small business cut the red tape give you a tax cut and let you start that dream that you want to get going and I'm going to go back to this you did it in Michigan we did it in Minnesota she has talked about it on the first day she she's in office and that bill comes over from Congress she'll sign the proa making it easier to organize that ability to collect bur you know we did something in Minnesota that I'm like maybe we ought to do everywhere is we also made it against the law in Minnesota to have employers put you in a room and give you anti-union propaganda you're a factory worker KLA Harris is going to keep creating tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs right here in Michigan and by the way well the Trump Administration even if you don't count the jobs lost under Co KLA Harris and Joe Biden created six times more manufacturing jobs than Donald Trump ever did and for Governors we got to get things done your Governor here made it clear because of what kamla Harris was able to do you're able to have your Governor show the rest of the country how to fix the damn roads and that's something that happened historic Investments historic bipartisan investments in infrastructure and no matter who you are and this is fundamental commer Harris is out there fighting to make sure you have the freedom to make the choices about your life and your family not government some of you old enough to remember when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it not these guys this means the government should be free invade your doctor's office invade your school library even invade your bedroom let me say this too it is weird as hell to think about other people's bedrooms it is weird as hell so look we in Minnesota and Michigan across this country we respect our neighbors for their personal choices we might not make them we might not make the same choice but we respect them that's for you to make for me to make in Minnesota I've talked about this and I'm going to I think this is a national Golden Rule because I've talked about it you know Society works best is when you mind your own damn business things work better things work better so we'll continue to talk about Freedom that people make their healthare decisions not politicians we mean freedom is to get a good education for a better job and a better future not crippling student loan debt for the rest of your damn life and they don't want to talk about it they want to avoid it Freedom means our kids being able to go to school without being shot dead in the Halls you know it here Oxford High School Michigan State we saw it in Georgia last week look I'm a teacher I'm a parent this the best time of year leaves are changing Friday night football's back our kids have a new start and they're going in it's a time of excitement and hope everything we want that's what we want for our kids but too many of our kids these first days of school are a time of sheer Terror a time that is going to stick with them forever so let's be clear I know guns you know guns I'm a veteran I'm a Hunter I'm a Hunter KLA Harris is a gun owner by the way which you found out so look I'm not going to take any crap about them about the Second Amendment we support the Second Amendment but our first responsibility is keeping our children safe and you can have both watch how quickly they move on and they don't remember names oh they remember names in certain incidents what they want to try and politicize things but they don't remember the names of the Innocents who die and Donald Trump actually said when he got asked about this he got irritated he said look people just need to get over it and his running mate Senator Vance last week said look just fact of life think about that now family's forever broken too many of has been there my own son was in a location where someone was shot in the head too many of us have this this this H you see it these guys say it's a fact of life and get over it move on do the next thing work on the next tax cut for billionaires or whatever important stuff is um how morally broken do you have to be to not be able to spend any time internalizing children and teachers being gunned down in the first weeks of school in their cafeterias in their Labs texting their parents goodbye as they're standing there hiding under desks running for their lives and to say well you know what happens for all of us that crap does not happen in other places in the world we are better than that I believe in the American people we can hold two thoughts at the same time and make sure that we say what vice president Harris said last week it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way look Michigan you know it I know it we cannot have four more years of that nearly 80-year-old man yelling at people to get off his yard screaming about cats and looking out for himself he cannot go back because when he goes back this time the one thing I do believe I do believe that he said this time it will be much much worse that that they want to act like oh I don't know I don't know project 2025 I don't know anything about this or whatever here's what I know enough about is as a longtime football coach you take the time to draw up a Playbook you plan on running it you plan on running it and he's going to use it he's going to use it they are telling us exactly what they're going to do and this one this is I don't believe much of what he says and he usually doesn't follow through but he did do this he was with a bunch of his rich friends down in Mar logo and he said look you're rich as hell and I'm going to give you a tax cut he did that he did that and he ballooned the national debt and the middle class is stuck with the bill yeah all those things making groceries and the things that we know we need as Joe Biden and KLA Harris fought to bring down inflation to put our country on a path to recovery this guy wants to add a national sales tax to all of us you know what I figure he look who can blame him he's looking out for himself and he says this he tells you oh you know price of bacon at the grocery stores you and I both know that guy has never been in the grocery store and he's never bought bacon ever so he doesn't give a damn if the tax is on that because he doesn't know what bacon cost a pound he doesn't know what milk costs cuz it doesn't matter so let's be clear this guy wants the tax cuts for himself to underfund government and then those incredible public servants and I want to say this to the mayor to the County Commissioners to the folks who are here thank you for the work you do every day to the pressure to our city workers our state workers our federal workers our police our teachers our firefighters and our military those are professionals they're paid for with tax dollars and you know what they are loyal to they are loyal to the Constitution and the rule of law Donald Trump's plan is to remove those people and install his political lackies that's what project 2025 is going to do so in so in a health emergency like in Minnesota instead of being able to depend on the CDC and people from the Mayo Clinic we can listen to Donald Trump about drinking bleach and trying to find a way to stick Au UV light in ourselves we're in the middle of a pandemic with our neighbors dying and this this guy is undermining the responses take that across all of government that's project 2025 so look again wouldn't answer the question on Banning abortion he will ban abortion across his country whether Congress is there or not be absolutely clear about it and when asked who do you admire who respects you because to be very clear the vice president was right I traveled to our friends and our Allied countries whether it's Australia whether it's Great Britain whether it's France whether it's Canada whether it's Mexico They're laughing at this guy they don't trust him he's weak he's weak and can't follow through but you know when he was asked who looks up to him Victor orbon Vladimir Putin Kim Jong-un this this stuff would be unbelievable to have as a political attack ad if it hadn't come out of his mouth on a debate stage and he was proud of it he was proud of it KLA Harris was able to within a matter of a few seconds use this guy's inflated ego and narcissism to bait him into melting down on a national stage in front of 60 million you you don't think Vladimir Putin could do that you don't think XI junping could do that you don't think that folks who are looking to flatter this guy as he shakes down our allies like at some type of Racket operation rather than standing with our allies I had the opportunity in June to be at the 80th commemoration of the D-Day and driving down those small French roads to the Normandy beaches were French Flags American flags British flags Canadian flags free people standing together in the defense of democracy Donald Trump knows nothing about it it's why he would turn his back and tell Vladimir Putin do whatever the hell you want in Ukraine you think they're stopping in Ukraine you think he's stopping in Ukraine you think China's not watching when they watch this of course they are that's why we need the strong leadership that was displayed by KLA Harris to make sure that we put dictators in their place and this country stays firm look our allies are worried but they're also hopeful just like you they've seen the leader stride onto that stage so they would maybe say I don't know whether to laugh or cry but just like you're doing it we're channeling it into joy and action we're making sure that we have that rare chance in this election to turn the page on this guy to end it once and for all so look we can choose a new generation of leadership a positive joyful all-encompassing future for that this great nation has been founded on we can do that I'll say and what is what is so beautiful about that and about kamla Harris we were on the bus touring some of these stes and we were getting off at a rally where there was supporters there like this and they were holding up signs on the other side of the street there were not supporters they make it easy cuz they all wear the same hat do you know what it is said said it was a a group of independent thinkers standing there ready to yell at us so no but that's me Comm Harris's first instinct was and this is the first time we're on the bus together my wife Gwen vice president and Doug were there who Doug and gwy I want to give them a big round of applause too they're out working it but look we're we're walking off that bus and that's the scene in front of us and she turns to me and she said uh Tim don't ever forget we work just as hard in the policies we put in place to benefit their those people their families as well as those people and their families this is a policy for everyone can you imagine can you imagine Donald Trump saying we're going to look out for those folks that don't vote for me because this started and I love this story as a young prosecutor KLA Harris talks about going in that courtroom for the first time KLA Harris for the people she's had one client that's the people of this country that's the people she's worked for and she talks about this when she helped those folks when she was in that classroom or in that courtroom same way with the classroom I would say for all of us cuz this is true too man the cemetry is just too beautiful on that one she didn't do it and I didn't do it I didn't ask if someone was a Republican or a Democrat they're an American and they came in that class that courtroom they came in that classroom they're to be treated that way that's what she's done every single day but the question she asked is are you okay what do you need that's what leadership looks like so look on Tuesday and again I'll say this no surprise but I do think we should probably lift it up one more time kamla Harris did her job on Tuesday now Michigan and Grand Rapids we need to do ours we need to do our job look the way our country is I'll go to my grave maybe not not understanding it but you know what there'll be a time to think about that later this is going to be a razor thin election we're still the underdogs in this thing but here's the beautiful thing we get the opportunity to affect that outcome we get the opportunity to decide in 54 days what type of country we want so for each and every one of us this is the time to put it all out there you heard me say this all gas no breaks we're going to sleep when we're dead that's what that means is you've seen it and look I'm not I'm I'm I'm here and don't ever close that yearbook I was looking when I came here the first thing I do is read the local paper and catch up on things and uh I saw this uh this Hudsonville game because I'm a defensive guy wins 1412 Last Week Big Game here and then I look up because this is you know gives me an opportunity to say it as being part of a state championship team Forest Hill Central is playing in one so look I got to tell you the uh the people who kind of dismiss us whatever look life isn't about hoping you win life isn't about I wish this would happen it's great to have aspirations you have to but how you get things done is you have a plan and you execute it the plan to win this thing is is we've got the best candidate that we could ever have in KLA Harris we've got energy amongst the American people we've got that desire to win but I said this as football team there's not a football team in the state that doesn't want to win the state championship and every year they start out thinking that the difference is who gets it done and it takes a lot of things to get it done it takes a team to get it done we need to lift up for her right now and get this thing done so look I know I know my God you came on a Thursday to listen to a guy from Minnesota while you stood under a whale way in the back of the room again because you love the country because you know you're part of this it's not hyperbole the presidency of the United States and the future of our democracy could very well go right through this room in Grand Rapids that's how important Michigan is so look around let's commit to get this thing done let's bring one more person in let's do one more volunteership let's make one more phone call people are picking up the phone now I'm going into these offices they want to talk about it because once again our politics is fun and hopeful and gives us something to work for so for each of us don't buy it that she won because she won the debate Mike if these elections were about having the best ideas and the best candidates we'd Win Every Damn Race we always have better ideas and better candidates but that's not what wins races what wins races is people who care enough to get on the ground and get the work done and take that debate performance take those resources that have been out there take that energy and funnel it down into voter contact get out the vote efforts and ballots and ballot so I'll tell you what last time I was in Michigan we were in Detroit and there was a massive crowd in the hanger and Donald Trump said oh no it it's just AI I'm sure you'll say the same about this AI whale okay I'm obsessed with the whale I love it so but look what I say is let him say it let him try and tell that we've got 32 field officers over here here and tens of thousands of volunteers out working we're doing the work and in 54 days what won't be AI is the ballots cast for kamla Harris the next president of the United States so Grand Rapids let's work together let's chart that new way forward let's do it because we believe in the promise of America and as you know the vice president tells us it and it is so true when we fight we win when we fight we when we fight we thank you Grand Rapids thank you hello Michigan is good to be here and uh can we all agree our future is pretty bright with people like Mariah holy smart backstage I was just uh getting introduced to Mariah and uh she said uh KLA Harris is going to change the world and um that inspiration in our young people who we know our future was something else so Mariah thank you for all you're doing and beautiful lakes blue whales all the things in Michigan you it's not as if you don't have it all and then you have Gretchen Whitmer on top of it so she she is such a dear friend but I'll tell you she is so good at what she does she has convinced my son he's a Michigan State fan now so it's it's terrible politics for me but uh he is true blue over or he is True Green over there on it so uh you get it so uh look you got an incredible delegation and we know some of these races are going to be close but uh we have got to keep the majority in the house make sure you send Hillary scullton back to the house make sure you and you got it you you've always had incredible senators and you got Gary Peters very difficult to replace Debbie stab now but you're going to do it with Alys scin make sure you get it done make sure you get it done to each and every one of you thank you a lot of places you can be on a late summer day um get busy you're after work kids are from coming home from school uh you chose to be here uh on behalf of the vice president myself but on behalf of this country thank you for caring and loving your country enough to show thank you one final thank you thank you to my fellow cat owner Taylor Swift look she she's not here but let me just say uh vice president I know you're all waiting oh what a bait and switch this guy left on us look vice president uh Harrison I couldn't be more excited to have her support really grateful so um and look look it it's not as if I didn't warn these guys a few months ago you mess with C people and you will find out you will find out so uh they did so uh beautiful strategy there picking on the cap people so um look all of you are here but H how can we not start with the debate how can we not start with the debate um look what was so clear about it was and and again not surprising but there was one person on that stage who should be the next president of the United States one person she commanded the room and I know all of us are incredibly proud of Vice President Harris but let's be very clear none of us were surprised of what happened there none of us were surprised no one has come with more experience to this job than she has and no one has done more damage than Donald Trump has so we knew what was coming and no pun intended from the get-go she had the upper hand walking in given the handshake look it says something about character we talk about this often shake hands and when you lose which he did last time and which he will again you shake hands and walk away so I got asked right after the debate you know do you think we should do another one and I said hell every day we should do another one of course well it's not going to happen cuz Donald Trump confirmed today he's not doing another one so um give him give him a little break that one left a mark that one left a mark so he's with it so look who he was was on full display the other night his true colors were out there not just his makeup not just his makeup so if I heard somebody say if you want to know in a debate who's winning or whatever turn the sound down and you would have sworn that was a nearly 80-year-old man shaking his fist at Clouds that's what it looked like so look this guy has spent his entire life focused on himself obsessed with the past and the thing that is unforgivable rooting against America and America's people which he's done consistently he said a lot of weird stuff too so I'm just going to say that and and that was and and the you tell me you had this on your bingo card and they're eating cats and they're eating cats oh Michigan we love you look and it would be it it would be funnier too if it wasn't so dangerous but I want to be clear about this guy last week he did one of these these fake Town Halls where he gets one of the Fox News people to ask him questions that he knows and then he then he answers on this but what was so fascinating about that was in that amount of time that he was there and you should go see this it's really something to see in that little interview he did 11 times he reassured the people there that he was not weird now yes some of you picked up on this if you need to remind people 11 times you're not weird you might be weird there you go so look but it's what he didn't say that was probably the most disturbing of the night Trump refused to say that he wants the brave fighters in Ukraine to win the war in protection of democracy it's a pretty low bar that that's a pretty low bar when he got asked that question the other thing he refused to say was he refused to say if he would veto a National Abortion ban well you know why he refused to say because you know exactly what he would do look they don't trust women and women don't trust them that is that simple that is that simple but for all of us that that old uh that old saying of the frog and the boiling water whatever don't allow ourselves to get this way the most damaging thing that he wouldn't say is he refused to acknowledge he lost the last election he refused to condemn the January 6 criminals who attacked the US Capitals in our democracy but in the anger that he got into as the Poise and dignity and the sharp uh retorts from vice president har he lost some of that composure in there and when he was referring to those riers and you go back and make sure you'll see this again I'm sure he said we did nothing wrong he didn't say they he said we and then at the end and then at the end of this thing you watched 90 minutes you watched beat him at The Ballot Box beat him at The Ballot Box we have got the opportunity people what he didn't say and this is the difference and look there's a lot of reasons my God too many to list the time we're here a lot of reasons this guy shouldn't get anywhere near the White House again but we have a responsibility and can to tell people what the alternative is because what he did not do he did not say one thing what he would do to make life better for the American people not once remember after he came down his golden escalator he said this would be easy this would be easy I would have a healthc care plan on day one that was 9 years ago but look it's progress apparently he has the concepts of a plan I taught high school for 20 years every one of my kids everyone everyone everyone of my kids had a better excuse for not doing their work than that they never told me they had a concept of the plan so look on every single issue vice president Harris is standing on those issues with you and your family it is clear Donald Trump has no plan for you his agenda his agenda is about him and the thing is I will say this while he didn't articulate it the other night they've made it easy for us to know what they're going to do because they wrote it in a 900 page document called project 2025 I keep asking this who is asking for that agenda who is asking for that agenda who is asking except folks that want to take control over your lives that's the only people asking for it no one sitting around asking to give billionaires tax cuts nobody's sitting around asking said let's make insulin more expensive and they keep telling us and convinced of this nobody's sitting around the bars in Grand Rapid say you know the first thing we need to do is we need to ban George Orwell's books that no one's saying that no one's saying that they find a lot of time to talk about banning books but they can't find one damn day to get weapons of war on out of our schools and get those out not one but look what I was most proud of in this why Donald Trump spent the entire time whining about himself talking about his problems KLA Harris spent her time talking about you and the way forward talking about the future this guy is stuck in the past she's focused on the future of this country the bright future that each and every one of us get to partake in so look she took him to task and I we can't say this enough she prosecuted the case against him but what I'm what I am so proud to be part of this ticket I'm so proud to be in a room like this under a whale by the way which is quite awesome um on a Thursday night thinking about the direction of our country what I am most proud of is because of all the things Donald Trump has stolen and all the things he did what is unforgivable is him stealing our joy so here's the thing KLA Harris is bringing not only solutions that focus on you she's doing it with a smile and Joy on her face this guy this guy on purpose and make no mistake it's on purpose he broke our political system he tried to break our faith in one another he tried to bake the thing that makes midwesterners stick together we're positive people for God's sakes we walk on water half the year we have to be it's cold as hell half the year we don't care we dig our neighbors out this guy is trying to tell you your neighbor's the enemy this guy is's trying to tell you that he knows best about what folks in Grand Rapids need well trust me nothing could be further from the truth so here's the deal we're nice folks we'll dig you out after a snowstorm we'll say hiid to you at the store some of us might even let you merge on the highway not all of us we have a saying for that it's Minnesota nice is what we call it I'm sure you have it too but the one thing I'll tell you about midwesterners that stretches across that beautiful blue wall of Northern America here the one thing about us is don't ever mistake our kindness for weakness ever so for all of you and your teachers it made me an eternal optimist but it also made me understand I supervis the lunchroom for most of those years I taught too and we can have joy and we can do things and we can be nice but I'll tell you the one thing we're not going to do we are not going to tolerate a bully in that lunchroom are in our politics and again I'm going to go back to this KLA Harris has a lot of practice on putting bullies in their place and the one thing I want be clear about is coming back to no one should have been surprised by how she performed on that debate stage from her time as a prosecutor to her time as a county attorney to her time as the Attorney General of the largest state in the nation to her time as a United States Senator to her time as our vice president every day every single day putting the American people first she took took on the Predators she took on the frauders she took down career criminals and Powerful corporate interests which by the way was on the stage the other night all those things so so this time just to be clear that criminal being on the stage got put in his place all those things were wrapped up into one guy and I think many of you recognized she used a wonderful line he's not dealing with that very well he's not dealing with that very well but here's what she did simultaneously and this is what true leaderships looks like and she says this time and time again and I love it a mark of true leadership is not who beats people down it's who lifts people up who lifts them up so so when it's a bully and there's a time she proved she can beat some people down if they need it which he needed it but for the American people she laid out a plan for an opportunity economy a place that's not just a concept go to kamah and you can see what's laid out there read it tell your friends send it to your relative that you're dreading seeing get it out to them because you know what they watched that the other day and I don't hear them out there much I don't see them out there much they're a little bit because they're good people they are neighbors they're like H that didn't look very presidential screaming about eating cats is not a solution it's not a solution but what KL Harris was talking about is things that you actually care about they might not be sitting down at the bar talking about banning books but they might down there be talking about how can I afford a house I'm working hard I'm working hard I want to have a house and because that house becomes a home to some of these folks you're Real Estate Mogul venture capitalist whatever that's just an asset to be traded and sold to whoever you want for us it's a place we gather around the kitchen table to talk to our kids about what happened at school that's what kamla Harris wants for you that's what she wants for you she knows that folks are being squeezed on grocery prices but let's all be very clear here folks you know this in Michigan I'm a Minnesota guy those of us who've been on farms farmers are getting 390 for a bushel of corn and barely 10 bucks for soybeans they're not getting rich somebody in The Middle's taking a cut for not growing the corn not processing the corn not doing anything she's talking about price gouging that's illegal in 37 States already and should be illegal across the country to G and in this country the richest country on Earth it's a absolute disgrace that folks have to ration their drugs because they can't afford them because trust me big farm is doing just fine we need to make sure that that folks get their insulin at a price of $35 each get the drugs that they need and you know what's really interesting because Gretchen Whitmer proved it you can see this we did it in Minnesota KLA Harris wants it for the country you take care of workers you make sure folks can unionize you make sure folks have money you know what happens when you do that the economy grows and businesses sore she wants to make it easier for any one of you if you want to start a small business cut the red tape give you a tax cut and let you start that dream that you want to get going and I'm going to go back to this you did it in Michigan we did it in Minnesota she has talked about it on the first day she's in office and that bill comes over from Congress she'll sign the proa making it easier to organize that ability to collect the bur you know we did something in Minnesota that I'm like maybe we ought to do everywhere is we also made it against the law in Minnesota to have employers put you in a room and give you anti-union propaganda you're a factory worker comma Harris is going to keep creating tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs right here here in Michigan and by the way well the Trump Administration even if you don't count the jobs lost under Co KLA Harris and Joe Biden created six times more manufacturing jobs than Donald Trump ever did and for Governors we got to get things done your Governor here made it clear because of what kamla Harris was able to do you're able to have your Governor show the rest of the country how to fix the damn roads and that's something that happened historic Investments historic bipartisan investments in infrastructure and no matter who you are and this is fundamental KLA Harris is out there fighting to make sure you have the freedom to make the choices about your life and your family not government some of you are old enough to remember when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it not these guys this means the government should be free invade your doctor's office invade your school library even invade your bedroom let me say this too it is weird as hell to think about other people's bedrooms it is weird as hell so look we in Minnesota and Michigan across this country we respect our neighbors for their personal choices we might not make them we might not make the same choice but we respect them that's for you to make for me to make in Minnesota I've talked about this and I'm going to I think this is a national Golden Rule because I've talked about it you know how Society works best is when you mind your own damn business things work better things work better so we'll continue to talk about Freedom that people make their healthc care decisions not politicians we mean freedom is to get a good education for a better job and a better future not crippling student loan debt for the rest of your damn life and they don't want to talk about it they want to avoid it Freedom means our kids being able to go to school without being shot dead in the Halls you know it here Oxford High School Michigan State we saw it in Georgia last week look I'm a teacher I'm a parent it's the best time of year leaves are changing Friday night football's back our kids have a new start and they're going in it's a time of excitement and hope everything we want that's what we want for our kids but too many of our kids these first days of school are a time of sheer Terror a time that is going to stick with them forever so let's be clear I know guns you know guns I'm a veteran I'm a Hunter I'm a Hunter KLA Harris is a gun owner by the way which you found out so look I'm not going to take any crap about them about the Second Amendment we support the Second Amendment but our first responsibility is keeping our children safe and you can have both watch how quickly they move on and they don't remember names oh they remember names in certain incidents what they want to try and politicize things but they don't remember the names of the Innocents who die and Donald Trump actually said when he got asked about this he got irritated he said look people just need to get over it and his running mate Senator Vance last week said look just fact alive think about that now family's forever broken too many of has been there my own son was in a location where someone was shot in the head too many of us have this this this H you see it these guys say it's a fact of life and get over it move on do the next thing work on the next tax cut for billionaires or whatever important stuff is um how morally broken do you have to be to not be able to spend any time internalizing children and teachers being gunned down in the first weeks of school in their cafeterias in their Labs texting their parents goodbye as they're standing there hiding under desks running for their lives and to say well you know what happens for all of us that crap does not happen in other places in the world we are better than that I believe in the American people we can hold two thoughts at the same time and make sure that we say what vice president Harris said last week it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way look Michigan you know it I know it we cannot have four more years of that nearly 80-year-old man yelling at people to get off his yard screaming about cats and looking out for himself he cannot go back because when he goes back this time the one thing I do believe I do believe that he said this time it will be much much worse that that they want to act like oh I don't know I don't know project 2025 I don't know anything about this or whatever here's what I know enough about is as a long time time football coach you take the time to draw up a Playbook you plan on running it you plan on running it and he's going to use it he's going to use it they are telling us exactly what they're going to do and this one this is I don't believe much of what he says and he usually doesn't follow through but he did do this he was with a bunch of his rich friends down in Mar logo and he said look you're rich as hell and I'm going to give you a tax cut he did that he did that and he ballooned the national debt and the middle class is stuck with the bill all those things making groceries and things that we know we need as Joe Biden and KLA Harris fought to bring down inflation to put our country on a path to recovery this guy wants to add a national sales tax to all of us you know what I figure he look who can blame him he's looking out for himself and he says this he tells you oh you know price of bacon at the grocery stores you and I both know that guy has never been in the grocery store and he's never bought bacon ever so he doesn't give a damn if the taxes on that because he doesn't know what bacon cost a pound he doesn't know what milk costs cuz it doesn't matter so let's be clear this guy wants the tax cuts for himself to underfund government and then those incredible public servants and I want to say this to the mayor to the County Commissioners to the folks who are here thank you for the work you do every day for the pressure to our city workers our state workers workers our federal workers our police our teachers our firefighters and our military those are professionals they're paid for with tax dollars and you know what they are loyal to they are loyal to the Constitution and the rule of law Donald Trump's plan is to remove those people and install is political lackes that's what project 2025 is going to do so in so in a health emergency like in Minnesota instead of being able to depend on the CDC and people from the Mayo Clinic we can listen to Donald Trump about drinking bleach and trying to find a way to stick Au UV light in ourselves we're in the middle of a pandemic with our neighbors dying and this guy is undermining the responses take that across all of government that's project 2025 so look again wouldn't answer the question on Banning abortion he will ban abortion across this country whether Congress is there or not be absolutely clear about it and when asked who do you admire who respects you because to be very clear the vice president was right I traveled to our friends and our Allied countries whether it's Australia whether it's Great Britain whether it's France whether whether it's Canada whether it's Mexico they're laughing at this guy they don't trust him he's weak he's weak and can't follow through but you know when he was asked who looks up to him Victor Orban Vladimir Putin Kim Jong-un this this stuff would be unbelievable to have as a political attack ad if it hadn't come out of his mouth on a debate stage and he was proud of it he was proud of it KLA Harris was able to within a matter of a few seconds use this guy's inflated ego and narcissism to bait him into melting down on a national stage in front of 60 million you you don't think Vladimir Putin could do that you don't think XI junping could do that you don't think that folks who are looking to flatter this guy as he shakes down our allies like it's some type of Racket operation rather than standing with our allies I had the opportunity in June to be at the 80th commemoration of the D-Day and driving down those small French roads to the Normandy beaches were French Flags American flags British flags Canadian flags free people standing together in the defense of democracy Donald Trump knows nothing about it it's why he would turn his back and tell Vladimir Putin do whatever the hell you want in Ukraine you think they're stopping in Ukraine you think he's stopping in Ukraine you think China's not watching when they watch this of course they are that's why we need the strong leadership that was displayed by KLA haris to make sure that we put dictators in their place and this country stays firm look our allies are worried but they're also hopeful just like you they've seen the leader stride onto that stage so they would maybe say I don't know whether to laugh or cry but just like you're doing it we're channeling it into joy and action we're making sure that we have that rare chance in this election to turn the page on this guy to end it once and for all so look we can choose a new generation of leadership a positive joyful all-encompassing future that this great nation has been founded on we can do that and what is what is so beautiful about that and about KLA Harris we were on the bus touring some of these states and we were getting off at a rally where there was supporters there like this and they were holding up signs on the other side of the street there were not supporters they make it easy because they all wear the same hat do you know what it is said said it was a a group of independent thinkers standing there ready to yell at us so no but that's me KLA Harris's first instinct was and this is the first time we're on the bus together my wife Gwen vice president and Doug were there who Doug and gwy I want to give them a big round of applause too they're out working it well look we're we're walking off that bus and that's the scene in front of us and she turns to me and she said uh Tim don't ever forget we work just as hard in the policies we put in place to benefit their those people their families as well as those people and their families this is a policy for everyone can you imagine can you imagine Donald Trump saying we're going to look out for those folks that don't vote for me because this started and I love this story as a young prosecutor Comm Harris talks about going in that courtroom for the first time Comm Harris for the people she's had one client that's the people of this country that's the people she's worked for and she talks about this when she helped those folks when she was in that classroom or in that courtroom same way with the classroom I would say for all of us cuz this is true too man the cemetry is just too beautiful on that one she didn't do it and I didn't do it I didn't ask if someone was a Republican or a Democrat they're an American and they came in that class that courtroom they came in that classroom they're to be treated that way that's what she's done every single day but the question she asked him is are you okay what do you need that's what leadership looks like so look on Tuesday and again I'll say this no surprise but I do think we should probably lift it up one more time kamla Harris did her job on Tuesday now Michigan and Grand Rapids we need to do ours we need to do our job look the way our country is I'll go to my grave maybe not understanding it but you know what there'll be a time to think about that later this is going to be a razor an election we're still the underdogs in this thing but here's the beautiful thing we get the opportunity to affect that outcome we get the opportunity to decide in 54 days what type of country we want so for each and every one of us this is the time to put it all out there you he me say this all gas no breaks we're going to sleep when we're dead that's what that means is you've seen it and look I'm not I'm I'm I'm here and don't ever close that yearbook I was looking when I came here the first thing I do is read the local paper and catch up on things and uh I saw this uh this Hudsonville game because I'm a defensive guy wins 1412 Last Week Big Game here and then I look up because this is you know gives me an opportunity to say it as being part of a state championship team Forest Hill Central is playing in one so look I got to tell you the uh the people who kind of dismiss us whatever look like isn't about hoping you win life isn't about I wish this would happen it's great to have aspirations you have to but how you get things done is you have a plan and you execute it the plan to win this thing is is we've got the best candidate that we could ever have in kamla Harris we've got energy amongst the American people we've got that desire to win but I said this as football team there's not a football team in the state that doesn't want to win the state championship and every year they start out thinking that the difference is who gets it done and it takes a lot of things to get it done it takes a team to get it done we need to lift up for her right now and get this thing done so look I know I know my God you came on a Thursday to listen to a guy from Minnesota while you stood under a whale way in the back of the room again because you love the country because you know you're part of this it's not hyperbole the presidency of the United States and the future of our democracy could very well go right through this room in Grand Rapids that's how important Michigan is so look around let's commit to get this thing done let's bring one more person in let's do one more volunteership let's make one more phone call people are picking up the phone now I'm going into these offices they want to talk about it because once again our politics is fun and hopeful and gives us something to work for so for each of us don't buy it that she won because she won the debate Mike if these elections were about having the best ideas and the best camp candidates we'd Win Every Damn Race we always have better ideas and better candidates but that's not what wins races what wins races is people who care enough to get on the ground and get the work done and take that debate performance take those resources that have been out there take that energy and funnel it down into voter contact get out the vote efforts and ballots and ballots so I'll tell you what but last time I was in Michigan we were in Detroit and there was a massive crowd in the hangar and Donald Trump said oh no it's just AI I'm sure you'll say the same about this AI whale okay I'm obsessed with the whale I love it so but look what I say is let him say it let him try and tell that we've got 32 field officers over here and tens of thousands of volunteers out working we're doing the work and in 54 days what won't be AI is the ballots cast for kamla Harris the next president of the United States so Grand Rapids let's work together let's chart that new way forward let's do it because we believe in the promise of America and as you know the vice president tells us it and it is so true when we fight we win when we fight we when we fight we win thank you Grand Rapids thank you hello Michigan it is good to be here and uh can we all agree our future is pretty bright with people like Mariah holy SM backstage I was just uh getting introduced to Mariah and uh she said uh KLA Harris is going to change the world and um that inspiration in our young people who we know our future was something else so Mariah thank you for all you're doing and beautiful lakes blue W all the things in Michigan you it's not as if you don't have it all and then you have Gretchen Whitmer on top of it so she she is such a dear friend but I'll tell you she is so good at what she does she has convinced my son he's a Michigan State fan now so it's it's terrible politics for me but uh he is true blue over or he's True Green over there on it so uh you get it so uh look you got an incredible delegation and we know some of these races are going to be close but uh we have got to keep the majority in the house make sure you send Hillary scalton back to the house make sure you and you got it you you've always had incredible senators and you got Gary Peters very difficult to replace Debbie stab now but you're going to do it with Alys scoten make sure you get it done make sure you get it done each and every one of you thank you a lot of plac you can be on a late summer day um get busy you're after work kids are from coming home from school uh you chose to be here uh on behalf of the vice president myself but on behalf of this country thank you for caring and loving your country enough to show up thank you one final thank you thank you to my fellow cat owner Taylor Swift look she she's not here but let me just say uh vice president I know you're all waiting oh what a bait and switch this guy left on us look vice president uh Harris and I couldn't be more excited to have her support really grateful so um and look look it it's not as if I didn't warn these guys a few months ago you mess with C people and you will find out you will find out so uh they did so uh beautiful strategy there picking on the cap people so um look all of you are here but H how can we not start with the debate how can we not start with the debate um look what was so clear about it was and and again not surprising but there was one person on that stage who should be the next president of the United States one she commanded the room and I know all of us are incredibly proud of Vice President Harris but let's be very clear none of us were surprised of what happened there none of us were surprised no one has come with more experience to this job than she has and no one has done more damage than Donald Trump has so we knew what was coming and no pun intended from the get-go she had the upper hand walking in giving the handshake look it says something about character we talk about this often shake hands and when you lose which he did last time and which he will again you shake hands and walk away so I got asked right after the debate you know do you think we should do another one and I said hell every day we should do another one of course well it's not going to happen cuz Donald Trump confirmed today he's not doing another one so um give him give him a little break that one left a mark that one left a mark so he's with it so look who he was was on full display the other night his true colors were out there not just his makeup not just his makeup so if I heard somebody say if you want to know in a debate who's winning or whatever turn the sound down and you would have sworn that was a nearly 80-year-old man shaking his fist at Clouds that's what it looked like so look this guy has spent his entire life focused on himself obsessed with the past and the thing that is unforgivable rooting against America and America's people which he's done consistently he said a lot of weird stuff too so I'm just going to say that and and that was and and the you tell me you had this on your bingo card and they're eating cats and they're eating cat oh Michigan we love you look and it would be it it would be funnier too if it wasn't so dangerous but I want to be clear about this guy last week he did one of these these fake Town Halls where he gets one of the Fox News people to ask him questions that he knows and then he then he answers on this but what was so fascinating about that was in that amount of time that he was there and you should go see this it's really something to see in that little interview he did 11 times he reassured the people there that he was not weird now yes some of you picked up on this if you need to remind people 11 times you're not weird you might be weird there you go so look but it's what he didn't say that was probably the most disturbing of the night Trump refused to say that he wants the brave fighters in Ukraine to win the war in protection of democracy it's a pretty low bar that's a pretty low bar when he got asked that question the other thing he refused to say was he refused to say if he would veto a National Abortion ban well you know why he refused to say because you know exactly what he would do look they don't trust women and women don't trust them that is that simple that is that simp but for all of us that that old uh that old saying of the frog and the boiling water whatever don't allow ourselves to get this way the most damaging thing that he would say is he refused to acknowledge he lost the last election he refused to condemn the January 6 criminals who attacked the US Capitals in our democracy but in the anger that he got into as the Poise and dignity and the sharp uh retorts from vice president Harris he lost some of that composure in there and when he was referring to those riers and you go back and make sure you'll see this again I'm sure he said we did nothing wrong he didn't say they he said we and then at the end and then at the end of this thing you watched 90 minutes you watch that beat him at The Ballot Box beat him at The Ballot Box I we have about the opportunity people what he didn't say and this is the difference and look there's a lot of reasons my God too many to list the time we're here a lot of reasons this guy shouldn't get anywhere near the White House again but we have a responsibility and can to tell people what the alternative is because what he did not do he did not say one thing what he would do to make life better for the American people not once remember after he came down his golden escalator he said this would be easy this would be easy I would have a healthcare plan on day one that was 9 years ago but look it's progress apparently he has the concepts of a plan I taught high school for 20 years every one of my kids everyone everyone every one of my kids had a better excuse for not doing their work than that they never told me they had a concept of the plan so look on every single issue vice president Harris is standing on those issues with you and your family it is clear Donald Trump has no plan for you his agenda his agenda is about him and the thing is I will say this while he didn't articulate it the other night they've made it easy for us to know what they're going to do because they wrote it in a 900 page document called project 20125 I keep asking this who is asking for that agenda who is asking for that agenda who is asking except folks that want to take control over your lives that's the only people asking for it no one sitting around asking to give billionaires tax cuts nobody sitting around asking said let's make insulin more expensive and they keep telling us and convinced of this nobody's sitting around the bars in Grand Rapid say you know the first thing we need to do is we need to ban George Orwell's books that no one's saying that no one's saying that they find a lot of time to talk about banning books but they can't find one damn day to get weapons of war out of our schools and get those out not one but look what I was most proud of in this why Donald Trump spent the entire time whining about himself talking about his problems KLA Hara spent her time talking about you and the way forward talking about the future this guy is stuck in the past she's focused on the future of this country the bright future that each and every one of us get to partake in so look she took him to task and I we can't say this enough she prosecuted the case against him but what I'm what I am so proud to be part of this ticket I'm so proud to be in a room like this under a whale by the way which is quite awesome um on a Thursday night thinking about the direction of our country what I am most proud of is because of all the things Donald Trump has stolen and all the things he did what is unforgivable is him stealing our joy so here's the thing KLA Harris is bringing not only solutions that focus on you she's doing it with a smile and Joy on her face this guy this guy on purpose and make no mistake it's on purpose he broke our political system he tried to break our faith in one another he tried to bake the thing that makes midwesterners stick together we're positive people for God's sakes we walk on water half the year we have to be it's cold as hell half the year we don't care we dig our neighbors out this guy is trying to tell you your neighbor's the enemy this guy's trying to tell you that he knows best about what folks in Grand Rapids need well trust me nothing could be further from the TR so here's the deal we're nice folks we'll dig you out after a snowstorm we'll say hi to you at the store some of us might even let you merge on the highway not all of us we have a saying for that it's Minnesota nice is what we call it I'm sure you have it too but the one thing I'll tell you about midwesterners that stretches across that beautiful blue wall of Northern America here the one thing about us is don't ever mistake our kindness for weakness ever so for all of you and your teachers it made me an eternal optimist but it also made me understand I supervised the lunchroom for most of those years i t too and we can have joy and we can do things and we can be nice but I'll tell you the one thing we're not going to do we are not going to tolerate a bully in that lunchroom or in our politics and again I'm going to go back to this kamla Harris has a lot of practice on putting bullies in their place and the one thing I want to be clear about is coming back to no one should have been surprised by how she performed on that debate stage from her time as a prosecutor to her time as a county attorney to her time as the Attorney General of the largest state in the nation to her time as a United States Senator to her time as our vice president every day every single day putting the American people first she took on the Predators she took on the fraudsters she took down career criminals and Powerful corporate interests which by the way was on the stage the other night all those things so so this time just to be clear that criminal being on the stage got put in his place all those things were wrapped up into one guy and I think many of you recognized she used a wonderful line he's not dealing with that very well he's not dealing with that very well but here's what she did simultaneously and this is what true leaderships looks like and she says this time and time again and I love it a mark of true leadership is not who beats people down it's who lifts people up who lifts them up so so when it's a bully and there's a time she proved she can beat some people down if they need it which he needed it but for the American people she laid out a plan for an opportunity economy a place that's not just a concept go to kamah and you can see what's laid out there read it tell your friends send it to your relative that you're dreading seeing get it out to them because you know what they watched that the other day and I don't hear them out there much I don't see them out there much they're a little bit because they're good people they're our neighbors they're like H that didn't look very presidential screaming about eating cats is not a solution it's not a solution but what KL Harris was talking about is things that you actually care about they might not be sitting down at the bar talking about banning books but they might down there be talking about how can I afford a house I'm working hard I'm working hard I want to have a house and because that house becomes a home to some of these folks you're a Real Estate Mogul venture capitalist whatever that's just an asset to be traded and sold to whoever you want for us it's a place we gather around the kitchen table to talk to our kids about what happened at school that's what Comm Harris wants for you that's what she wants for you she knows that folks are being squeezed on grocery prices but let's all be very clear here folks you know this in Michigan I'm a Minnesota guy those of us who've been on farms farmers are getting 3.90 for a bushel of corn and barely 10 bucks for soybeans they're not getting rich somebody in The Middle's taking a cut for not growing the corn not processing the corn not doing anything she's talking about price gouging that's legal in 37 States already and should be illegal across the country to G and in this country the richest country on Earth it's a absolute disgrace that folks have to ration their drugs because they can't afford them because trust me big farm is doing just fine we need to make sure that folks get their insulin at a price of $35 each get the drugs that they need and you know what's really interesting because Gretchen Whitmer proved it you can see this we did it in Minnesota KLA Harris wants it for the country you take care of workers you make sure folks can unionize you make sure folks have money you know what happens when you do that the economy grows and businesses sore she wants to make it easier for any one of you if you want to start a small business cut the red tape give you a tax cut and let you start that dream that you want to get going and I'm going to go back to this you did it in Michigan we did it in Minnesota she has talked about it on the first day she's in office and that bill comes over from Congress she'll sign the proa making it easier to organize that ability to collect you know we did something in Minnesota that I'm like maybe we ought to do everywhere is we also made it against the law in Minnesota to have employers put you in a room and give you anti-union propaganda if you're a factory worker KLA Harris is going to keep creating tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs right here in Michigan and by the way well the Trump Administration even if you don't count the jobs lost under covid kamla Harris and Joe Biden created six times more manufacturing jobs than Donald Trump ever did and for Governors we got to get things done your Governor here made it clear because of what kamla Harris was able to do you're able to have your Governor show the rest of the country how to fix the damn roads and that's something that happened historic Investments historic bipartisan investments in infrastructure and no matter who you are and this is fundamental kamla haris is out there fighting to make sure you have the freedom to make the choices about your life and your family not government some of you old enough to remember when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it yes not these guys this means the government should be free invade your doctor's office invade your school library even invade your bedroom let me say this too it is weird as hell to think about other people's bedrooms it is weird as hell so look we in Minnesota and Michigan across this country we respect our neighbors for their personal choices we might not make them we might not make the same choice but we respect them that's for you to make for me to make in Minnesota I've talked about this and I'm going to I think this is a national Golden Rule because I've talked about it you know Society works best is when you mind your own damn business things work better things work better so we'll continue to talk about Freedom that people make their health care decisions not politicians we mean freedom is to get a good education for a better job and a better future not crippling student loan debt for the rest of your damn life and they don't want to talk about it they want to avoid it Freedom means our kids being able to go to school without being shot dead in the Halls you know it here Oxford High School Michigan State we saw it in Georgia last week look I'm a teacher I'm a parent this the best time of year leaves are changing Friday night football's back our kids have a new start and they're going in it's a time of excitement and hope everything we want that's what we want for our kids but too many of our kids these first days of school are a time of sheer Terror a time that is going to stick with them forever so let's be clear I know guns you know guns I'm a veteran I'm a Hunter I'm a Hunter KLA Harris is a gun owner by the way which you found out so look I'm not going to take any crap about them about the Second Amendment we support the Second Amendment but our first responsibility is keeping our children safe and you can have both watch how quickly they move on and they don't remember names oh they remember names in certain incidents what they want to try and politicize things but they don't remember the names of the Innocents who die and Donald Trump actually said when he got asked about this he got irritated he said look people just need to get over it and his running mate senat Vance last week said look just fact of life think about that now family's forever broken too many of has been there my own son was in a location where someone was shot in the head too many of us have this this this H you see it these guys say it's fact life and get over it move on do the next thing work on the next tax cut for billionaires or whatever important stuff is um how morally broken do you have to be to not be able to spend any time internal ing children and teachers being gunned down in the first weeks of school in their cafeterias in their Labs texting their parents goodbye as they're standing there hiding under desk running for their lives no and to say well you know what happens for all of us that crap does not happen in other places in the world we are better than that I believe in the American people we can hold two thoughts at the same time and make sure that we say what vice president Harris said last week it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way look Michigan you know it I know it we cannot have four more years of that nearly 80-year-old man yelling at people to get off his yard screaming about cats and looking out for himself he cannot go back because when he goes back this time the one thing I do believe I do believe that he said this time it will be much much worse that that they want to act like oh I don't know I don't know project 2025 I don't know anything about this or whatever here's what I know enough about is as a longtime football coach you take the time to draw up a Playbook you plan on running it you plan on running it and he's going to use it he's going to use it they are telling us exactly what they're going to do and this one this is I don't believe much of what he says and he usually doesn't follow through but he did do this he was with a bunch of his rich friends down in Mar logo and he said look you're rich as hell and I'm going to give you a tax cut he did that he did that and he ballooned the national debt and the middle class is stuck with the bill all those things making groceries and the things that we know we need as Joe Biden and KLA Harris fought to to bring down inflation to put our country on a path to recovery this guy wants to add a national sales tax to all of us you know what I figure he look who can blame him he's looking out for himself and he says this he tells you oh you know price of bacon at the grocery stores you and I both know that guy has never been in a grocery store and he's never bought bacon ever so he doesn't give a damn if the tax is on that because he doesn't know what bacon cost a pound he doesn't know what milk costs cuz it doesn't matter so let's be clear this guy wants the tax cuts for himself to underfund government and then those incredible public servants and I want to say this to the mayor to the County Commissioners to the folks who are here thank you for the work you do every day to the presure to our city workers our state workers our federal workers our police our teachers our firefighters and our military those are professionals they're paid for with tax dollars and you know what they are loyal to they are loyal to the Constitution and the rule of law Donald Trump's plan is to remove those people and install his political lackies that's what project 2025 is going to do so in so in a health emergency like in Minnesota instead of being able to depend on the CDC and people from the mayoo clinic we can listen to Donald Trump about drinking bleach and trying to find a way to stick Au UV light in ourselves we're in the middle of a pandemic with our neighbors dying and this guy is undermining the responses take that across all of government that's project 2025 so look again wouldn't answer the question on Banning abortion he will ban abortion across his country whether Congress is there or not be absolutely clear about it and when asked who do you admire who respects you because to be very clear the vice president was right I traveled to our friends and our Allied countries whether it's Australia whether it's Great Britain whether it's France whether it's Canada whether it's Mexico They're laughing at this guy they don't trust he's weak he's weak and can't follow through but you know when he was asked who looks up to him Victor orbon Vladimir Putin Kim Jong-un this this stuff would be unbelievable to have as a political attack ad if it hadn't come out of his mouth on a debate stage and he was proud of it he was proud of it KLA Harris was able to within a matter of a few seconds use this guy's inflated ego and narcissism to bait him into melting down on a national stage in front of 60 million you you don't think Vladimir Putin could do that you don't think XI junping could do that you don't think that folks who are looking to flatter this guy as he shakes down our allies like it's some type of Racket operation rather than standing with our allies I had the opportunity in June to be at the 80th commemoration of the D-Day and driving down those small French roads to the Normandy beaches were French Flags American flags British flags Canadian flags free people standing together in the defense of democracy Donald Trump knows nothing about it it's why he would turn his back and tell Vladimir Putin do whatever the hell you want in Ukraine you think they're stopping in Ukraine you think he's stopping in Ukraine you think China's not watching when they watch this of course they are that's why we need the strong leadership that was displayed by KLA Harris to make sure that we put dictators in their place and this country stays firm look our allies are worried but they're also hopeful just like you they've seen the leader stride onto that stage so they would maybe say I don't know whether to laugh or cry but just like you're doing it we're channeling it into joy and action we're making sure that we have that rare chance in this election to turn the page on this guy to end it once and for all so look we can choose a new generation of leadership a positive joyful all-encompassing future that this great nation has been founded on we can do that I'll say and what is what is so beautiful about that and about KLA Harris we were on the bus touring some of these states and we were getting off at a rally where there was supporters there like this and they were holding up signs on the other side of the street they were not supporters they make it easy cuz they all wear the same hat you know what it is said said it was a a group of independent thinker standing there ready to yell at us so no but that's me KLA Harris's first instinct was and this the first time we're on the bus together my wife gwy vice president and Doug were there who Doug and gwy I want to give them a b ground of Applause too they're out working it well look we're we're we're walking off that bus and that's the scene in front of us and she turns to me and she said uh Tim don't ever forget we work just as hard in the policies we put in place to benefit their those people their families as well as those people and their families this is a policy for everyone can you imagine can you imagine Donald Trump saying we're going to look out for those folks that don't vote for me because this started and I love this story as a young prosecutor KLA Harris talks about going in that courtroom for the first time KLA Harris for the people she's had one client that's the people of this country that's the people she's worked for and she talks about this when she helped those folks when she was in that classroom or in that courtroom same way with the class I would say for all of us cuz this is true too man the cemetry is just too beautiful on that one she didn't do it and I didn't do it I didn't ask if someone was a Republican or a Democrat they're an American and they came in that class that courtroom they came in that classroom they're to be treated that way that's what she's done every single day but the question she asked him is are you okay what do you need that's what leadership looks like so look on Tuesday and again I'll say this no surprise but I do think we should probably we lift it up one more time kamla Harris did her job on Tuesday now Michigan and Grand Rapids we need to do ours we need to do our job look the way our country is I'll go to my grave maybe not understanding it but you know what there'll be a time to think about that later this is going to be a razor thin election we're still the underdogs in this thing but here's the Beautiful thing we get the opportunity to affect that outcome we get the opportunity to decide in 54 days what type of country we want so for each and every one of us this is the time to put it all out there you heard me say this all gas no breaks we're going to sleep when we're dead that's what that means is you've seen it and look I'm not I'm I'm I'm here and don't ever close that yearbook I was looking when I came here the first thing I do is read the local paper and catch up on things and uh I saw that this uh this Hudsonville game because I'm a defensive guy wins 1412 Last Week Big Game here and then I look up because this is you know gives me an opportunity to say it as being part of a state championship team Forest Hill Central is playing in one look I got to tell you the uh the people who kind of dismiss us whatever look life isn't about hoping you win life isn't about I wish this would happen it's great to have aspirations you have to but how you get things done is you have a plan and you execute it the plan to win this thing is is we've got the best candidate that we could ever have in KLA Harris we've got energy amongst the American people we've got that desire to win but I said this as football team there's not a football team in the state that doesn't want to win the state championship and every year they start out thinking that the difference is who gets it done and it takes a lot of things to get it done it takes a team to get it done we need to lift up for her right now and get this thing done so look I know I know my God you came on a Thursday to listen to a guy from Minnesota while you stood under a whale way in the back of the room again because you love the country because you know you're part of this it's not hyperbole the presidency of the United States and the future of our democracy could very well go right through this room in Grand Rapids that's how important Michigan is so look around let's commit to get this thing done let's bring one more person in let's do one more volunteership let's make one more phone call people are picking up the phone now I'm going into these offices they want to talk about it because once again our politics is fun and hopeful and gives us something to work for so for each of us don't buy it that she won because she won the debate mik if these elections were about having the best ideas and the best candidates we'd Win Every Damn Race we always have better ideas and better candidates but that's not what wins races what wins races is people who care enough to get on the ground and get the work done and take that debate performance take those resources that have been out there take that energy and funnel it down into voter contact get out the vote efforts and ballots and ballots so I'll tell you what last time I was in Michigan we were in Detroit and there was a massive out in the hanger and Donald Trump said oh no it's just AI I'm sure he'll say the same about this AI whale okay I'm obsessed with the whale I love it so but look what I say is let him say it let him try and tell that we've got 32 field officers over here and tens of thousands of volunteers out working we're doing the work and in 54 days what won't be AI is the ballots cast for KLA Harris the next president of the United States so Grand Rapids let's work together let's chart that new way forward let's do it because we believe in the promise of America and as you know the vice president tells us it and it is so true when we fight we win when we fight we we fight we thank you Grand Rapids thank you hello Michigan it is good to be here and uh can we all agree our future is pretty bright with people like Mariah holy smart backstage I was just uh getting introduced to Mariah and uh she said uh kamla Harris is going to change the world and um that inspiration in our young people who we know our future it was something else so Mariah thank you for all you're doing and beautiful lakes blue whales all the things in Michigan you it's not as if you don't have it all and then you have Gretchen Whitmer on top of it so she she is such a dear friend but I'll tell you she is so good at what she does she has convinced my son he's a Michigan State fan now so it's it's terrible politics for me but uh he is true blue or he's True Green over there on it so uh you get it so uh look you got an incredible delegation and we know some of these rates are going to be close but uh we have got to keep the majority in the house make sure you send Hillary scullton back to the house make sure you and you got to you you've always had incredible senators and you got Gary Peters very difficult to replace Debbie stab now but you're going to do it with Alys scin make sure you get it done make sure you get it each and every one of you thank thank you a lot of places you can be on a late summer day um get busy you're after work kids are from coming home from school uh you chose to be here uh on behalf of the vice president myself but on behalf of this country thank you for caring and loving your country enough to show up thank you one one final thank you thank you to my fellow cat owner Taylor Swift look she she's not here but let me just say uh vice president I know you're all waiting oh what a bait and switch this guy left on us look vice president uh Harrison I couldn't be more excited to have her support really grateful so um and look look it it's not as if I didn't warn these guys a few months ago you mess with C people and you will find out you will find out so uh they did so uh beautiful strategy there picking on the cap people so um look all of you are here but H how can we not start with the debate how can we not start with the debate um look what was so clear about it was and and again not surprising but there was one person on that stage who should be the next president of the United States one person she commanded the room and I know all of us are incredibly proud of Vice President Harris but let's be very clear none of us were surprised at what happened there none of us were surprised no one has come with more experience to this job than she has and no one has done more damage than Donald Trump has so we knew what was coming and no pun intended from the get-go she had the upper hand walking in giving the hand handshake look it says something about character we talk about this often shake hands and when you lose which he did last time and which he will again you shake hands and walk away so I got asked right after the debate you know do you think we should do another one and I said hell every day we should do another one of course well it's not going to happen cuz Donald Trump confirmed today he's not doing another one so um give him give him a little break that one left a mark that one left a mark so he's with it so look who he was was on full display the other night his true colors were out there not just his makeup not just his makeup so if I heard somebody say if you want to know in a debate who's winning orever turn the sound down and you would have sworn that was a nearly 80-year-old man shaking his fist at clout that's what it looked like so look this guy has been his entire life focused on himself obsessed with the past and the thing that is unforgivable rooting against America and America's people which he's done consistent he said a lot of weird stuff too so I'm just going to say that and and that was and and the you tell me you had this on your bingo card and they're eating cats and they're eating cats oh Michigan we love you look and it would be it it would be funnier too if it wasn't so dangerous but I want to be clear about this guy last week he did one of these these fake Town Halls where he gets one of the Fox News people to ask him questions that he knows and then then he answers on this but what was so fascinating about that was in that amount of time that he was there and you should go see this it's really something to see in that little interview he did 11 times he reassured the people there that he was not weird now yes some of you picked up on this if you need to remind people 11 times you're not weird you might be we there you go so look but it's what he didn't say that was probably the most disturbing of the night Trump refused to say that he wants the brave fighters in Ukraine to win the war in protection of democracy it's a pretty low bar that's a pretty low bar when he got asked that question the other thing he refused to say was he refused to say if he would veto a National Abortion ban well you know why he refuseed to say because you know exactly what he would do look they don't trust women and women don't trust them that is that simple that is that simple but for all of us that that old uh that old saying of the frog and the boiling water whatever don't allow ourselves to get this way the most damaging thing that he wouldn't say is he refused to acknowledge he lost the last election he refused to condemn the January 6 criminals who attacked the US Capitals in our democracy but in the anger that he got into as the Poise and dignity and the sharp uh retorts from vice president Harris he lost some of that composure in there and when he was referring to those riers and you go back and make sure you'll see this again I'm sure he said we did nothing wrong he didn't say they he said we and then at the end and then at the end of this thing you watch 90 minutes you watch beat him at The Ballot Box beat him at The Ballot Box we have got the opportunity people what he didn't say and this is the difference and look there's a lot of reasons my God too many to list the time we're here a lot of reasons this guy shouldn't get anywhere near the White House again but we have a responsibility and can to tell people what the alternative is because what he did not do he did not say one thing what he would do to make life better for the American people not once remember after he came down his golden escalator he said this would be easy this would be easy I would have a healthc care plan on day one that was 9 years ago but look it's progress apparently he has the concepts of a plan I taught high school for 20 years every one of my kids everyone everyone every one of my kids had a better excuse for not doing their work than that they never told me they had a concept of the plan so look on every single issue vice president Harris is standing on those issues with you and your family it is clear Donald Trump has no plan for you his agenda his agenda is about him and the thing is I will say this while he didn't articulate it the other night they've made it easy for us to know what they're going to do because they wrote it in a 900 page document called project 2025 I keep asking this who is asking for that agenda who is asking for that agenda who is asking except folks that want to take control over your lives that's the only people asking for it no one's sitting around asking to give billionaires tax cuts nobody sitting around asking said let's make insulin more expensive and they keep telling us and convinced of this nobody's sitting around the bars in Grand Rapid say you know the first thing we need to do is we need to ban George Orwell's books that no one's saying that no one's saying that they find a lot of time to talk about banning books but they can't find one damn day to get weapons of war out of our schools and get those out not one but look what I was most proud of in this why Donald Trump spent the entire time whining about himself talking about his problems KLA Harris spent her time talking about you and the way forward talking about the future this guy is stuck in the past she's focused on the future of this country the bright future that each and every one of us get to partake in so look she took him to task and I we can't say this enough she prosecuted the case against him but what I'm what I am so proud to be part of this ticket I'm so proud to be in a room like this under a whale by the way which is quite awesome um on a Thursday night thinking about the direction of our country what I am most proud of is because of all the things Donal Trump has stolen and all the things he did what is unforgivable is him stealing our joy so here's the thing kamla Harris is bringing not only solutions that focus on you she's doing it with a smile and Joy on her face this guy this guy on purpose and make no mistake it's on purpose he broke our political system he tried to break our faith in one another he tried to bake the thing that makes midwesterners stick together we're positive people for God's sakes we walk on water half the year we have to be it's cold as hell half the year we don't care we dig our neighbors out this guy is trying to tell you your neighbors the enemy this guy's trying to tell you that he knows best about what folks in Grand Rapids need well trust me nothing could be further from the truth so here's the deal we're nice folks we'll dig out after a snowstorm we'll say hi to you at the store some of us might even let you merge on the highway not all of us we have a saying for that it's Minnesota nice is what we call it I'm sure you have it too but the one thing I'll tell you about midwesterners that stretches across that beautiful blue wall of Northern America here the one thing about us is don't ever mistake our kindness for weakness so for all of you and your teachers it made me an eternal optimist but it also made me understand I supervise the lunchroom for most of those years I taught too and we can have joy and we can do things and we can be nice but I'll tell you the one thing we're not going to do we are not going to tolerate a bully in that lunchroom or in our politics and again I'm going to go back to this kamla Harris has a lot of practice on putting bullies in their place and the one thing I want to be clear about is coming back to no one should have been surprised by how she performed on that debate stage from her time as a prosecutor to to her time as a county attorney to her time as the Attorney General of the largest state in the nation to her time as a United States Senator to her time as our vice president every day every single day putting the American people first she took on the Predators she took on the frauders she took down career criminals and Powerful corporate interests which by the way was on the stage the other night all those things so so this time just to be clear that criminal being on the stage got put in his place all those things were wrapped up into one guy and I think many of you recognized she used a wonderful line he's not dealing with that very well he's not dealing with that very well but here's what she did simultaneously and this is what true leaderships looks like and she says this time and time again and I love it a mark of true leadership is not who beats people down it's who lifts people up who lifts them up so so when it's a bully and there's a time she proved she can beat some people down if they need it which he needed it but for the American people she laid out a plan for an opportunity economy a place that's not just a concept go to kamah and you can see what's laid out there read it tell your friends send it to your relative that you're dreading seeing get it out to them because you know what they watch that the other day and I don't hear them out there much I don't see them out there much they're a little bit because they're good people they're our neighbors they're like H that didn't look very presidential screaming about eating cats is not a solution it's not a solution but what KL Harris was talking about is things that you actually care about they might not be sitting down at the bar talking about banning books but they might down there be talking about how can I afford a house I'm working hard I'm working hard I want to have a house and because that house becomes a home to some of these folks you're Real Estate Mogul Venture capis whatever that's just an asset to be traded and sold to whoever you want for us it's a place we gather around the kitchen table to talk to our kids about what happened at school that's what KLA Harris wants for you that's what she wants for you she knows that folks are being squeezed on grocery prices but let's all be very clear here folks you know this in Michigan I'm a Minnesota guy those of us who've been on farms farmers are getting 390 for a bushel of corn and barely 10 bucks for soybeans they're not getting rich somebody in The Middle's taking a cut for not growing the corn not processing the corn not doing anything she's talking about price gouging that's illegal in 37 States already and should be illegal across the country to gouge price and in this country the richest country on Earth it's a absolute disgrace that folks have to ration their drugs because they can't afford them because trust me big farm is doing just fine we need to make sure that folks get their insulin at a price of $35 each get the drugs if they need and you know what's really interesting because Gretchen Whitmer proved it you can see this we did it in Minnesota KLA Harris wants it for the country you take care of workers you make sure folks can unionize you make sure folks have money you know what happens when you do that the economy grows and businesses sore she wants to make it easier for any one of you if you want to start a small business cut the red tape give you a tax cut and let you start that dream that you want to get going and I'm going to go back to this you did it in Michigan we did it in Minnesota she has talked about it on the first day she's in office and that bill comes over from Congress she'll sign the proa making it easier to organize that ability to collect bur you know we did something in Minnesota that I'm like maybe we ought to do everywhere is we also made it against the law in Minnesota to have employers put you in a room and give you anti-union propaganda you're a factory worker KLA Harris is going to keep creating tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs right here in Michigan and by the way well the Trump Administration even if you don't count the jobs lost under Co KLA Harris and Joe Biden created six times more manufacturing jobs than Donald Trump ever did and for Governors we got to get things done your Governor here made it clear because of what kamla Harris was able to do you're able to have your Governor show the rest of the country how to fix the damn roads and that's something that happened historic Investments historic bipartisan investments in infrastructure and no matter who you are and this is fundamental KLA Harris is out there fighting to make sure you have the freedom to make the choices about your life and your family not government some of you old enough to remember when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it not these guys this means the government should be free invade your your doctor's office invade your school library even invade your bedroom let me say this too it is weird as hell to think about other people's bedrooms it is weird as hell so look we in Minnesota and Michigan across this country we respect our neighbors for their personal choices we might not make them we might not make the same choice but we respect them that's for you to make for me to make in Minnesota I've talked about this and I'm going to I think this is National Golden Rule cuz I've talked about it you know how Society works best is when you mind your own damn business things work better things work better so we'll continue to talk about Freedom that people make their healthare decisions not politicians we mean freedom is to get a good education for a better job and a better future not C Ling student loan debt for the rest of your damn life and they don't want to talk about it they want to avoid it Freedom means our kids being able to go to school without being shot dead in the Halls you know it here Oxford High School Michigan State we saw it in Georgia last week look I'm a teacher I'm a parent this the best time of year leaves are changing Friday night football's back our kids have a new start and they're going in it's a time of excitement and hope everything we want that's what we want for our kids but too many of our kids these first days of school are a time of sheer Terror a time that is going to stick with them forever so let's be clear I know guns you know guns I'm a veteran I'm a Hunter I'm a Hunter KLA Harris is a gun owner by the way which you found out so look I'm not going to take any crap about them about the Second Amendment we support the Second Amendment but our first responsibility is keeping our children safe and you can have both watch how quickly they move on and they don't remember names they remember names in certain incidents what they want to try and politicize things but they don't remember the names of the Innocents who die and Donald Trump actually said when he got asked about this he got irritated he said look people just need to get over it and his running mate Senator Vance last week said look just fact of life think about that now fames forever broken too many of has been there my own son was in a location where someone was shot in the head too many of us have this this this have you see it these guys say it's a fact of life and get over it move on do the next thing work on the next tax cut for billionaires or whatever important stuff is um how morally broken do you have to be to not be able to spend any time internalizing children and teachers being gunned down in the first weeks of school in their cafeterias in their Labs texting their parents goodbye as they're standing there hiding under deaths running for their lives and to say well you know what happens for all of us that crap does not happen in other places in the world we are better than that I believe in the American people we can hold two thoughts at the same time and make sure that we say what vice president Harris said last week it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way look Michigan you know it I know it we cannot have four more years of that nearly 80-year-old man yelling at people to get off his yard screaming about cats and looking out for himself he cannot go back because when he goes back this time the one thing I do believe I do believe that he said this time it will be much much worse that that they want to act like oh I don't know I don't know project 2025 I don't know anything about this or whatever here's what I know enough about is as a longtime football coach you take the time to draw up a Playbook you plan on running it you plan on running it and he's going to use it he's going to use it they are telling us exactly what they're going to do and this one this is I don't believe much of what he says and he usually doesn't follow through but he did do this he was with a bunch of his rich friends down in Maro and he said look you're rich as hell and I'm going to give you a tax cut he did that he did that and he ballooned the national debt and the middle class is stuck with the bill all those things making groceries and the things that we know we need as Joe Biden and KLA Harris fought to bring down inflation to put our country on a path to recovery this guy wants to add a national sales tax to all of us you know what I figure he look who can blame him he's looking out for himself and he says this he tells you oh you know price of bacon at the grocery stores you and I both know that guy has never been in the grocery store and he's never bought bacon ever so he doesn't give a damn if the tax is on that because he doesn't know what bacon cost a pound he doesn't know what milk costs cuz it doesn't matter so let's be clear this guy guy wants the tax cuts for himself to underfund government and then those incredible public servants and I want to say this to the mayor to the County Commissioners to the folks who are here thank you for the work you do every day to the pressure to our city workers our state workers our federal workers our police our teachers our firefighters and our military those are professionals they're paid for with tax dollars and you know what they are loyal to they are loyal to the Constitution and the rule of law Donald Trump's plan is to remove those people and install his political lackies that's what project 2025 is going to do so in so in a health emergency like in Minnesota instead of being able to depend on the CDC and people from the Mayo Clinic we can listen to Donald Trump about drinking bleach and trying to find a way to stick Au UV light in ourselves we're in the middle of a pandemic with our neighbors dying and this guy is undermining the responses take that across all of government that's project 2025 so look again wouldn't answer the question on Banning abortion he will ban abortion across this country whether Congress is there or not be absolutely clear about it and when asked who do you admire who respects you because to be very clear the vice president was right I traveled to our friends and our Alli countries whether it's Australia whether it's Great Britain whether it's France whether it's Canada whether it's Mexico They're laughing at this guy they don't trust him he's weak he's weak and can't follow through but you know when he was asked looks up to him Victor Orban Vladimir Putin Kim Jong-un this this stuff would be unbelievable to have as a political attack ad if it hadn't come out of his mouth on a debate stage and he was proud of it he was proud of it KLA Harris was able to within a matter of a few seconds use this guy's inflated ego and narcissism to bait him into melting down on a national stage in front of 60 million you you don't think Vladimir Putin could do that you don't think XI Jun ping could do that you don't think that folks who are looking to flatter this guy as he shakes down our allies like it's some type of Racket operation rather than standing with a our allies I had the opportunity in June to be at the 80th commemoration of D-Day and driving down those small French roads to the Normandy beaches were French Flags American flags British flags Canadian flags free people standing together in the defense of democracy Donald Trump knows nothing about it it's why he would turn his back and tell Vladimir Putin do whatever the hell you want in Ukraine you think they're stopping in Ukraine you think he's stopping in Ukraine you think China's not watching when they watch this of course they are that's why we need the strong leadership that was displayed by kamla Harris to make sure that we put dictators in their place and this country stays firm look our allies are worried but they're also hopeful just like you they've seen the leader stride onto that stage so they would maybe say I don't know whether to laugh or cry but just like you're doing it we're channeling it into joy and action we're making sure that we have that rare chance in this election to turn the page on this guy to end it once and for all so look we can choose a new generation of leadership a positive joyful all-encompassing future for that this great nation has been founded on we can do that I'll and what is what is so beautiful about that and about kamla Harris we were on the bus touring some of these states and we were getting off at a rally where there was supporters there like this and they were holding up signs on the other side of the street they were not supporters they make it easy cuz they all wear the same hat you know what it is said said it was a a group of independent thinkers standing there ready to yell at us so no but that's me KLA Harris's first instinct was and this is the first time we're on the bus together my wife Gwen vice president and Doug were there who Doug and gwy I want to give them a big round of applause too they're out working it well look we're we're walking off that bus and that's the scene in front of us and she turns to me and she's said uh Tim don't ever forget we work just as hard in the policies we put in place to benefit their those people their families as well as those people and their families this is a policy for everyone can you imagine can you imagine Donald Trump saying we're going to look out for those folks that don't vote for me because this started and I love this story as a young Pros KLA Harris talks about going in that courtroom for the first time KLA Harris for the people she's had one client that's the people of this country that's the people she's worked for and she talks about this when she helped those folks when she was in that classroom or in that courtroom same way with the classroom I would say for all of us cuz this is true too man the cemetery is just too beautiful on that one she didn't do it and I didn't do it I didn't ask if someone was a Republican or a Democrat they're an American and they came in that class that courtroom they came in that classroom they're to be treated that way that's what she's done every single day but the question she asked him is are you okay what do you need that's what leadership looks like so look on Tuesday and again I'll say this no surprise but I do think we should probably lift it up one more time kamla Harris did her job on Tuesday now Michigan and Grand Rapids we need to do ours we need to do our job look the way our country is I'll go to my grave maybe not understanding it but you know what there'll be a time to think about that later this is going to be a razor thin election we're still the underdogs in this thing but here's the beautiful thing we get the opportunity to affect that outcome we get the opportunity to decide in 54 days what type of country we want so for each and every one of us this is the time to put it all out there you he me say this all gas no breaks we're going to sleep when we're dead that's what that means is you've seen it and look I'm not I'm I'm I'm here and don't ever close that yearbook I was looking when I came here the first thing I do is read the local paper and catch up on things and uh I saw this uh this Hudsonville game because I'm a defensive guy wins 1412 Last Week Big game here and then I look up because this is you know gives me an opportunity to say it as being part of a state championship team Forest Hill Central is playing in one so look I got to tell you the uh the people who kind of dismiss this whatever look life isn't about hoping you win life isn't about I wish this would happen it's great to have aspirations you have to but how you get things done is you have a plan and you execute it the plan to win this thing is is we've got the best candidate that we could ever have in KLA Harris we've got energy amongst the American people we've got that desire to win but I said this as football team there's not a football team in the state that doesn't want to win the state championship and every year they start out thinking that the difference is who gets it done and it takes a lot of things to get it done it takes a team to get it done we need to lift up for her right now and get this thing done so look I know I know my God you came on a Thursday to listen to a guy from Minnesota while you stood under a whale way in the back of the room again because you love the country because you know you're part of this it's not hyperbole the presidency of the United States and the future of our democracy could very well go right through this room in Grand Rapids that's how important Michigan is so look around let's commit to get this thing done let's bring one more person in let's do one more volunteership let's make one more phone call people are picking up the phone now I'm going into these offices they want to talk about it because once again our politics is fun and hopeful and gives us something to work for so for each of us don't buy it that she won because she won the debate Mike if these elections were about having the best ideas and the best candidates we'd Win Every Damn Race we always have better ideas and better candidates but that's not what wins races what wins races is people who care enough to get on the ground and get the work done and take that debate performance take those resources that have been out there take that energy and funnel it down into voter contact get out the vote efforts and ballots and Ballance so I'll tell you what last time I was in Michigan we were in Detroit and there was a massive crowd in the hanger and Donald Trump said oh no it's just AI I'm sure you'll say the same about this AI whale okay I'm obsessed with the whale I love it so but look what I say is let him say it let him try and tell that we've got 32 field officers over here and tens of thousands of volunteers out working we're doing the work and in 54 days what won't be AI is the ballots cast for kamla Harris the next president of the United States so Grand Rapids let's work together let's chart that new way forward let's do it because we believe in the promise of America and as you know the vice president tells us it and it is so true when we fight we win when we fight we when we fight we win thank you Grand Rapids hello Michigan it is good to be here and uh can we all agree our future is pretty bright with people like Mariah holy smart backstage I was just uh getting introduced to Mariah and uh she said uh KLA Harris is going to change the world and um that inspiration in our young people who we know our future it was something else so Mariah thank you for all you're doing and beautiful lakes blue whales all the things in Michigan you it's not as if you don't have at all and then you have Gretchen Whitmer on top of it so she she is such a dear friend but I'll tell you she is so good at what she does she has convinced my son he's a Michigan State fan now so it's it's terrible politics for me but uh he is true blue over or he's True Green over there on it so uh you get it so uh look you got an incredible delegation and we know some of these races are going to be close but uh we have got to keep the majority in the house make make sure you send Hillary Scolton back to the house make sure you remember and you got it you you've always had incredible senators and you got Gary Peters very difficult to replace Debbie stab now but you're going to do it with Alys scin make sure you get it done make sure you get it done each and every one of you thank you a lot of places you can be on a late summer day um get busy you're after work kids are from coming home from school uh you chose to be here uh on behalf of the vice president myself but on behalf of this country thank you for caring and loving your country enough to show up thank you one final thank you thank you to my fellow cat owner Taylor Swift look she she's not here but let me just say uh vice president I know you're all waiting oh what a bait and switch this guy left on us look vice president uh Harris and I couldn't be more excited to have her support really grateful so um and look look it it's not as if I didn't warn these guys a few months ago you mess with C people and you will find out you will find out so uh they did so uh beautiful strategy there picking on the cap people so um look all of you are here but how how can we not start with the debate how can we not start with the debate um look what was so clear about it was and and again not surprising but there was one person on that stage who should be the next president of the United States one person she commanded the room and I know all of us are incredibly proud of Vice President Harris but let's be very clear none of us were surprised of what happened there none of us were surprised no one has come with more experience to this job than she has and no one has done more damage than Donald Trump has so we knew what was coming and no pun intended from the get-go she had the upper hand walking in given the handshake look it says something about character we talk about this often shake hands and when you lose which he did last time and which he will again you shake hands and walk away so I got asked right after the debate you know do you think we should do another one and I said hell every day we should do another one of course well it's not going to happen cuz Donald Trump confirmed today he's not doing another one so um give him give him a little break that one left a Mark that one left a mark so he's with it so look who he was was on full display the other night his true colors were out there not just his makeup not just his makeup so if I heard somebody say if you want to know in a debate who's winning or whatever turn the sound down and you would have sworn that was a nearly 80-year-old man shaking his fist at Clouds that's what it looked like so look this guy has spent his entire life focused on himself obsessed with the past and the thing that is unforgivable rooting against America and America's people which he's done consistently he said a lot of weird stuff too so I'm just going to say that and and that was and and the you tell me you had this on your bingo card and they're eating cats and they're eating cats oh Michigan we love you look and it would be it it would be funnier too if it wasn't so dangerous but I want to be clear about this guy last week he did one of these these fake Town Halls where he gets one of the Fox News people to ask him questions that he knows and then he then he answers on this but what was so fascinating about that was in that amount of time that he was there and you should go see this it's really something to see in that little interview he did 11 times he reassured the people there that he was not weird now yes some of you picked up on this if you need to remind people 11 times you're not weird you might be weird there you go so look but it's what he didn't say that was probably the most disturbing of the night Trump refused to say that he wants the brave fighters in Ukraine to win the war in protection of democracy it's a pretty low bar that's a pretty low bar when he got asked that question the other thing he refused to say was he refused to say if he would veto a National Abortion ban well you know why I refused to say because you know exactly what he would do look they don't trust women and women don't trust them that is that simple that is that simple but for all of us that that old uh that old saying of the frog and the boiling water whatever don't allow ourselves to get this way the most damaging thing that he wouldn't say is he refused to acknowledge he lost the last election he refused to condemn the January 6 criminals who attacked the US Capitals in our democracy but in the anger that he got into as the Poise and dignity and the sharp uh retorts from vice president Harris he lost some of that composure in there and when he was referring to those riers and you go back and make sure you'll see this again I'm sure he said we did nothing wrong he didn't say they he said we and then at the end and then at the end of this thing you watched 90 minutes you watch beat him at The Ballot Box beat him at The Ballot Box we have got the opportunity people what he didn't say and this is the difference and look there's a lot of reasons my God too many to list time here a lot of reasons this guy shouldn't get anywhere near the White House again but we have a responsibility and can to tell people what the alternative is because what he did not do he did not say one thing what he would do to make life better for the American people not once remember after he came down his golden escalator he said this would be easy this would be easy I would have a health care plan on day one that was 9 years ago but look it's progress apparently he has the concepts of a plan I taught high school for 20 years every one of my kids everyone everyone everyone of my kids had a better excuse for not doing their work than that they never told me they had a concept of the plan so look on every single issue vice president Harris is standing on those issues with you and your family it is clear Donald Trump has no plan for you his agenda his agenda is about him and the thing is I will say this while he didn't articulate it the other night they've made it easy for us to know what they're going to do because they wrote it in a 900 page document called project 2025 I keep asking this who is asking for that agenda who is asking for that agenda who is asking except folks that want to take control over your lives that's the only people asking for it no one's sitting around asking to give billionaires tax cuts nobody sitting around asking said let's make insulin more expensive and they keep telling us and convinced of this nobody's sitting around the bars and Grand Rapid say you know the first thing we need to do is we need to ban George Orwell's books that no one's saying that no one's saying that they find a lot of time to talk about banning books but they can't find one damn day to get weapons of war out of our schools and get those out not one but look what I was most proud of in this why Donald Trump spent the entire time Ling about himself talking about his problems KLA Hara spent her time talking about you and the way forward talking about the future this guy is stuck in the past she's focused on the future of this country the bright future that each and every one of us get to partake in so look she took him to task and I we can't say this enough she prosecuted the case against him but what I'm what I am so proud to be part of this ticket I'm so proud to be in a room like this under a whale by the way which is quite awesome um on a Thursday night thinking about the direction of our country what I am most proud of is because of all the things Donald Trump has stolen and all the things he did what is unfor forgivable is him stealing our joy so here's the thing comma Harris is bringing not only solutions that focus on you she's doing it with a smile and Joy on her face this guy this guy on purpose and make no mistake it's on purpose he broke our political system he tried to break our faith in one another he tried to bake the thing that makes midwesterners stick together we're positive people for God's sakes we walk on water half the year we have to be it's cold as hell half the year we don't care we dig our neighbors out this guy is trying to tell you your neighbor's the enemy this guy is trying to tell you that he knows best about what folks in Grand Rapids need well trust me nothing could be further from the truth so here's the deal we're nice folks we'll dig you out after a snowstorm we'll say hi to you at the store some of us might even let you merge on the highway not all of us we have a saying for that it's Minnesota nice is what we call it I'm sure you have it too but the one thing I'll tell you about midwesterners that stretches across that beautiful blue wall of Northern America here the one thing about us is don't ever mistake our kindness for weakness ever so for all of you and your teachers it made me an eternal optimist but it also made me understand I supervised the lunchroom for most of those years I taught too and we can have joy and we can do things and we can be nice but I'll tell you the one thing we're not going to do we are not going to tolerate a bully in that lunchroom or in our politics and again I'm going to go back to this kamla Harris has a lot of practice on putting bullies in their place and the one thing I want to be clear about is coming back to no one should have been surprised by how she performed on that debate stage from her time as a prosecutor to her time as a county attorney to her time as the Attorney General of the largest state in the nation to her time as a United States Senator to her time as our vice president every day every single day putting the American people first she took on the Predators she took on the frauders she took down career criminals and Powerful corporate interests which by the way was on the stage the other night all those things so so this time just to be clear that criminal being on the stage got put in his place all those things were wrapped up into one guy and I think many of you recognized she used a wonderful line he's not dealing with that very well he's not dealing with that very well but here's what she did simultaneously and this is what true leaderships looks like and she says this time and time again and I love it a mark of true leadership is not who beats people down it's who lifts people up who lifts them up so so when it's a bully and there's a time she proved she can beat some people down if they need it which he needed it but for the American people she laid out a plan for an opportunity economy a place that's not just a concept go to kamah and you can see what's laid out there read it tell your friends send it to your relative that you're dreading seeing get it out to them because you know what they watched that the other day and I don't hear them out there much I don't see them out there much they're a little bit because they're good people they're our neighbors they're like H that didn't look very presidential screaming about eating cats is not a solution it's not a solution but what KL Harris was talking about is things that you actually care about they might not be sitting down at the bar talking about banning books but they might down there be talking about how can I afford a house house I'm working hard I'm working hard I want to have a house and because that house becomes a home to some of these folks you're a Real Estate Mogul venture capitalist whatever that's just an asset to be traded and sold to whoever you want for us it's a place we gather around the kitchen table to talk to our kids about what happened at school that's what KLA Harris wants for you that's what she wants for you she knows that folks are being squeezed on grocery prices but let's all be very clear here folks you know this in Michigan I'm a Minnesota guy those of us who've been on farms farmers are getting 3.90 for a bushel of corn and barely 10 bucks for soybeans they're not getting rich somebody in The Middle's taking a cut for not growing the corn not processing the corn not doing anything she's talking about price gouging that's illegal in 37 States already and should be illegal across the country to gouge and in this country the richest country on Earth it's a absolute disgrace that folks have to ration their drugs because they can't afford them because trust me big farm is doing just fine we need to make sure that folks get their insulin at a price of $35 each get the drugs that they need and you know what's really interesting because gret and Whitmer proved it you can see this we did it in min inota KLA Harris wants it for the country you take care of workers you make sure folks can unionize you make sure folks have money you know what happens when you do that the economy grows and businesses sore she wants to make it easier for anyone of you if you want to start a small business cut the red tape give you a tax cut and let you start that dream that you want to get going and I'm going to go back to this you did it in Michigan we did it in Minnesota she has talked about it on the first day she's in office and that bill comes over from Congress she'll sign the proa making it easier to organize that ability to collect the you know we did something in Minnesota that I'm like maybe we ought to do everywhere is we also made it against the law in Minnesota to have employers put you in a room and give you anti-un propaganda if you're a factory worker kamla Harris is going to keep creating tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs right here in Michigan and by the way well the Trump Administration even if you don't count the jobs lost under Co kamla Harris and Joe Biden created six times more manufacturing jobs than Donald Trump ever did and for Governors we got to get things done your Governor here made it clear because of what kamla Harris was able to do you're able to have your Governor show the rest of the country how to fix the damn roads and that's something that happened historic Investments historic bipartisan investments in infrastructure and no matter who you are and this is fundamental KLA Harris is out there fighting to make sure you have the freedom to make the choices about your life and your family not government some of you are old enough to remember when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it not these guys this means the government should be free invade your doctor's office invade your school library even invade your bedroom let me say this too it is weird as hell to think about other people's bedrooms it is weird as hell so look we in Minnesota and Michigan across this country we respect our neighbors for their personal choices we might not make them we might not make the same choice but we respect them that's for you to make for me to make in Minnesota I've talked about this and I'm going to I think this is a national Golden Rule cuz I've talked about it you know Society works best is when you mind your own damn business things work better things work better so we'll continue to talk about Freedom that people make their Healthcare decisions not politicians we mean freedom is to get a good education for a better job and a better future not crippling student loan debt for the rest of your damn life and they don't want to talk about it they want to avoid it Freedom means our kids being able to go to school without being shot dead in the Halls you know it here Oxford High School Michigan State we saw it in Georgia last week look I'm a teacher I'm a parent this the best time of year leaves are changing Friday night football's back our kids have a new start and they're going in it's a time of excitement and hope everything we want that's what we want for our kids but too many of our kids these first days of school are a time of sheer Terror a time that is going to stick with them forever so let's be clear I know guns you know guns I'm a veteran I'm a Hunter I'm a Hunter KLA Harris is a gun owner by the way which you found out so look I'm not going to take any crap about them about the Second Amendment we support the Second Amendment but our first responsibility is keeping our children safe and you can have watch how quickly they move on and they don't remember names oh they remember names in certain incidents what they want to try and politicize things but they don't remember the names of the Innocents who die and Donald Trump actually said when he got asked about this he got irritated he said look people just need to get over it and his running mate Senator Vance last week said look just fact Al life think about that now family's forever broken too many of has been there my own son was in a location where someone was shot in the head too many of us have this this this H you see it these guys say it's a fact of life and get over it move on do the next thing work on the next tax cut for billionaires or whatever important stuff is um how morally broken do you have to be to not be able to spend any time internalizing children and teachers being gunned down in the first weeks of school in their cafeterias in their Labs texting their parents goodbye as they're standing there hiding under desks running for their lives and to say well you know what happens for all of us that crap does not happen in other places in the world we are better than that I believe in the American people we can hold two thoughts at the same time and make sure that we say what vice president Harris said last week it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way look Michigan you know it I know it we cannot have four more years of that nearly 80 year old man yelling at people to get off his yard screaming about cats and looking out for himself he cannot go back because when he goes back this time the one thing I do believe I do believe that he said this time it will be much much worse that that they want to act like oh I don't know I don't know project 2025 I don't know anything about this or whatever here's what I know enough about is as a longtime football coach you take the time to draw up a Playbook you plan on running it you plan on running it and he's going to use it he's going to use it they are telling us exactly what they're going to do and this one this is I don't believe much of what he says and he usually doesn't follow through but he did do this yes he was with a bunch of his rich friends down in Mar logo and he said look you're rich as hell and I'm going to give you a tax cut he did that he did that and he ballooned the national debt and the middle class is stuck with the bill all those things making groceries and the things that we know we need as Joe Biden and kamla Harris fought to bring down inflation to put our country on a path to recovery this guy wants to add a national sales tax to all of us you know what I figure he look who can blame him he's looking out for himself and he says this he tells you oh you know price of bacon at the grocery stores you and I both know that guy has never been in the grocery store and he's never bought bacon ever so he doesn't give a damn if the taxes on that because he doesn't know what bacon cost a pound he doesn't know what milk costs cuz it doesn't matter so let's be clear this guy wants the tax cuts for himself to underfund government and then those incredible public servants and I want to say this to the mayor to the County Commissioners to the folks who are here thank you for the work you do every day for the pleasure to our city workers our state workers our federal workers our police our teachers our firefighters and our military those are professionals they're paid for with tax dollars and you know what they are loyal to they are loyal to the Constitution and the rule of law Donald Trump's plan is to remove those people and install his political lackies that's what project 2025 is going to do so in so in a health emergency like in Minnesota instead of being able to depend on the CDC and people from the Mayo Clinic we can listen to Donald Trump about drinking bleach and trying to find a way to stick Au UV light in ourselves we're in the middle of a pandemic with our neighbors dying and this guy is undermining the responses take that across all of government that's project 2025 so look again wouldn't answer the question on Banning abortion he will ban abortion across this country whether Congress is there or not be absolutely clear about it and when asked who do you admire who respects you because to be very clear the vice president was right I traveled to our friends and our Allied countries whether it's Australia whether it's Great Britain whether it's France whether it's Canada whether it's Mexico They're laughing at this guy they don't trust him he's weak he's weak and can't follow through but you know when he was asked who looks up to him Victor orbon Vladimir Putin Kim Jong-un this this stuff would be unbelievable to have as a political attack ad if it hadn't come out of his mouth on a debate stage and he was proud of it he was proud of it kamla Harris was able to within a matter of a few seconds use this guy's inflated ego and narcissism to bait him into melting down on a national stage in front of 60 million you you don't think Vladimir Putin could do that you don't think XI junping could do that you don't think that folks who are looking to flatter this guy as he shakes down our allies like it's some type of Racket operation rather than standing with our allies I had the opportunity in June to be at the 80th commemoration of D-Day and driving down those small French roads to the Normandy beaches were French Flags American flags British flags Canadian flags free people standing together in the defense of democracy Donald Trump knows nothing about it it's why he would turn his back and tell Vladimir Putin do whatever the hell you want in Ukraine you think they're stopping in Ukraine you think he's stopping in Ukraine you think China's not watching when they watch this of course they are that's why we need the strong leadership that was displayed by kamla Harris to make sure that we put dictators in their place and this country stays firm look our allies are worried but they're also hopeful just like you they've seen the leader stride onto that stage so they would maybe say I don't know whether to laugh or cry but just like you're doing it we're channeling it into joy and action we're making sure that we have that rare chance in this election to turn the page on this guy to end it once and for all so look we can choose a new generation of leadership a positive joyful all-encompassing future that this great nation has been founded on we can do that I'll say and what is what is so beautiful about that and about KLA Harris we were on the bus touring some of these states and we were getting off at a rally where there was supporters there like this and they were holding up signs on the other side of the street there were not supporters they make it easy cuz they all wear the same hat you know what it is said said it was a a group of independent thinkers standing there ready to yell at us so no but that's me KLA Harris's first instinct was and this is the first time we're on the bus together my wife Gwen vice president and Doug were there who Doug and gwy I want to give them a big round of applause too so they're out working it but look we're we're walking off that bus and that's the scene in front of us and she turns to me and she said uh Tim don't ever forget we work just as hard in the policies we put in place to benefit their those people their families as well as those people and their families this is a policy for everyone can you imagine can you imagine Donald Trump saying we're going to look out for those folks that don't vote for me because this started and I love this story as a young prosecutor Comm Harris talks about going in that Court room for the first time KLA Harris for the people she's had one client that's the people of this country that's the people she's worked with and she talks about this when she helped those folks when she was in that classroom or in that courtroom same way with the classroom I would say for all of us cuz this is true too man the Symmetry is just too beautiful on that one she didn't do it and I didn't do it I didn't didn't ask if someone was a Republican or a Democrat they're an American and they came in that class that courtroom they came in that classroom they're to be treated that way that's what she's done every single day but the question she asked him is are you okay what do you need that's what leadership looks like so look on Tuesday and again I'll say this no surprise but I do think we should probably lift it up one more time kamla Harris did her job on Tuesday now Michigan and Grand Rapids we need to do ours we need to do our job look the way our country is I'll go to my grave maybe not understanding it but you know what there'll be a time to think about that later this is going to be a razor thin election we're still the underdogs in this thing but here's the beautiful thing we get the opportunity to affect that outcome we get the opportunity to decide in 54 days what type of country we want so for each and every one of us this is the time to put it all out there you heard me say this all gas no breaks we're going to sleep when we're dead that's what that means is you've seen it and look I'm not I'm I'm I'm here and don't ever close that yearbook I was looking when I came here the first thing I do is read the local paper and catch up on things and uh I saw this uh this Hudsonville game because I'm a defensive guy wins 1412 Last Week Big Game here and then I look up because this is you know gives me an opportunity to say it as being part of a state championship team Forest Hill Central is playing in one so look I got to tell you the uh the people who kind of dismiss us whatever look life isn't about hoping you win life isn't about I wish this would happen it's great to have aspirations you have to but how you get things done is you have a plan and you execute it the plan to win this thing is is we've got the best candidate that we could ever have in KLA Harris we've got energy amongst the American people we've got that desire to win but I said this as football team there's not a football team in the state that doesn't want to win the state championship and every year they start out thinking that the difference is who gets it done and it takes a lot of things to get it done it takes a team to get it done we need to lift up for her right now and get this thing done so look I know I know my God you came on a Thursday to listen to a guy from Minnesota while you stood under a whale way in the back of the room again because you love the country because you know you're part of this it's not hyperbole the presidency of the United unit States and the future of our democracy could very well go right through this room in Grand Rapids that's how important Michigan is so look around let's commit to get this thing done let's bring one more person in let's do one more volunteership let's make one more phone call people are picking up the phone now I'm going into these offices they want to talk about it because once again our politics is fun and hopeful and gives us something to work for so for each of us don't buy it that she won because she won the debate mik if these elections were about having the best ideas and the best candidates we'd Win Every Damn Race we always have better ideas and better candidates but that's not what wins races what wins races is people who care enough to get on the ground and get the work done and take that debate performance take those resources that have been out there take that energy and funnel it down into voter contact get out the vote efforts and ballots and ballots so I'll tell you what last time I was in Michigan we were in Detroit and there was a massive crowd in the hanger and Donald Trump said oh no it's just AI I'm sure you'll say the same about this AI whale okay I'm obsessed with the whale I love it so but look what I say is let him say it let him try and tell that we've got 32 field officers over here and tens of thousands of volunteers out working we're doing the work and in 54 days what won't be AI is the ballots cast for kamla Harris the next president of the United States so Grand Rapids let's work together let's chart that new way forward let's do it because we believe in the promise of America and as you know the vice president tells us it and it is so true when we fight we win when we fight we win when we fight we win thank you Grand Rapids thank you hello Michigan it is good to be here and uh can we all agree our future is pretty bright with people like Mariah holy smart backstage I was just uh getting introduced to Mariah and uh she said uh KLA Harris is is going to change the world and um that inspiration in our young people who we know our future was something else so Mariah thank you for all you're doing and beautiful lakes blue whales all the things in Michigan you it's not as if you don't have it all and then you have Gretchen Whitmer on top of it so she she is such a dear friend but I'll tell you she is so good at what she does she has convinced my son he's a Michigan State fan now so it's it's terrible politics for me but uh he is true blue over or he's True Green over there on it so uh you get it so uh look you got an incredible delegation and we know some of these races are going to be close but uh we have got to keep the majority in the house make sure you send Hillary scalton back to the house make sure you and you got it you you've always had incredible senators and you got Gary Peters very difficult to replace Debbie stab now but you're going to do it with alysin make sure you get it done make sure you get it done to each and every one of you thank you a lot of places you can be on a late summer day um get busy you're after work kids are from coming home from school uh you chose to be here uh on behalf of the vice president myself but on behalf of this country thank you for caring and loving your country enough to show up thank you one one final thank you thank you to my fellow cat owner Taylor Swift look she she's not here but let me just say uh vice president I I know you're all waiting oh what a bait and switch this guy left on us look vice president uh Harrison I couldn't be more excited to have her support really grateful so um and look look it it's not as if I didn't warn these guys a few months ago you mess with C people and you will find out you will find out so uh they did so uh beautiful strategy they're picking on the cap people so um look all of you are here but how how can we not start start with the debate how can we not start with the debate um look what was so clear about it was and and again not surprising but there was one person on that stage who should be the next president of the United States one person she commanded the room and I know all of us are incredibly proud of Vice President Harris but let's be very clear none of us were surprised of what happened happened there none of us were surprised no one has come with more experience to this job than she has and no one has done more damage than Donald Trump has so we knew what was coming and no pun intended from the GGO she had the upper hand walking in giving the handshake look it says something about character we talk about this often shake hands and when you lose which he did last time and which he will again you shake hands and walk away so I got asked right after the debate you know do you think we should do another one and I said hell every day we should do another one of course well it's not going to happen CU Donald Trump confirmed today he's not doing another one so um give him give him a little break that one left a mark that one left a mark so he's with it so look who he was was on full display the other night his true colors were out there not just his makeup not just his makeup so if I heard somebody say if you want to know in a debate who's winning or whatever turn the sound down and you would have sworn that was a nearly 80-year-old man shaking his fist at Clouds that's what it looked like so look this guy has spent his entire life focused on himself obsessed with the past and the thing that is unforgivable rooting against America and America's people which he's done consistently he said a lot of weird stuff too so I'm just going to say that and and that was and and the you tell me you had this on your bingo card and they're eating cats and they're eating cat oh Michigan we love you look and it would be it it would be funnier too if it wasn't so dangerous but I want to be clear about this guy last week he did one of these these fake Town Halls where he gets one of the Fox News people to ask him questions that he knows and then he then he answers on this but what was so fascinating about that was in that amount of time that he was there and you should go see this it's really something to see in that little interview he did 11 times he reassured the people there that he was not weird now yes some of you picked up on this if you need to remind people 11 times you're not weird you might be weird there you go so look but it's what he didn't say that was probably the most disturbing of the night Trump Trum refused to say that he wants the brave fighters in Ukraine to win the war in protection of democracy it's a pretty low bar that's a pretty low bar when he got asked that question the other thing he refused to say was he refused to say if he would veto a National Abortion ban well you know why he refused to say because you know exactly what he would do look they don't trust women and women don't trust trust them that is that simple that is that simple but for all of us that that old uh that old saying of the frog and the boiling water whatever don't allow ourselves to get this way the most damaging thing that he wouldn't say is he refused to acknowledge he lost the last election he refused to condemn the January 6 criminals who attacked the US Capitals in our democracy but in the anger that he got into as the Poise and dignity and the sharp uh retorts from vice president Harris he lost some of that composure in there and when he was referring to those riers and you go back and make sure you'll see this again I'm sure he said we did nothing wrong he didn't say they he said we and then at the end and then at the end of this thing you watched 90 minutes you watch beat him at The Ballot Box beat him at The Ballot Box we have got the opportunity people what he didn't say and this is the difference and look there's a lot of reasons my God too many to list the time we're here a lot of reasons this guy shouldn't get anywhere near the White House again but we have a responsibility and can to tell people what the alternative is because what he did not do he did not say one thing what he would do to make life better for the American people not once remember after he came down his golden escalator he said this would be easy this would be easy I would have a health care plan on day one that was 9 years ago but look it's progress apparently he has the concepts of a plan I taught high school for 20 years every one of my kids everyone everyone every one of my kids had a better excuse for not doing their work than that they never told me they had a concept of the plan so look on every single issue vice president Harris is standing on those issues with you and your family it is clear Donald Trump has no plan for you his agenda his agenda is about him and the thing is I will say this while he didn't articulate it the other night they've made it easy for us to know what they're going to do because they wrote it in a 900 page document called project 2025 I keep asking this who is asking for that agenda who is asking for that agenda who is asking except folks that want to take control over your lives that's the only people asking for it no one's sitting around asking to give billionaires tax cuts nobody sitting around asking said let's make insulin more expensive and they keep telling us and convinced of this nobody sitting around the bars in Grand Rapid say you know the first thing we need to do is we need to ban George Orwell's books that no one's saying that no one's saying that they find a lot of time to talk about banning books but they can't find one damn day to get weapons of war out of our schools and get those out not one but look what I was most proud of in this why Donald Trump spent the entire time whining about himself talking about his problems KLA Harris spent her time talking about you and the way forward talking about the future this guy is stuck in the past she's focused on the future of this country the bright future that each and every one of us get to partake in so look she took him to task and I we can't say this enough she prosecuted the case against him but what I'm what I am so proud to be part of this ticket I'm so proud to be in a room like this under a whale by the way which is quite awesome um on a Thursday night thinking about the direction of our country what I am most proud of is because of all the things Donald Trump has stolen and all the things he did what is unforgivable is him stealing our joy so here's the thing kamla Harris is bringing not only solutions that focus on you she's doing it with a smile and Joy on her face this guy this guy on purpose and make no mistake it's on purpose he broke our political system he tried to break our faith in one another he tried to bake the thing that makes Midwest stick together we're positive people for God's sakes we walk on water half the year we have to be it's cold as hell half the year we don't care we dig our neighbors out this guy is trying to tell you your neighbor's the enemy this guy is trying to tell you that he knows best about what folks in Grand Rapids need well trust me nothing could be further from the truth so here's the deal we're nice folks we'll dig you out after a snowstorm we'll say hiid to at the store some of us might even let you merge on the highway not all of us we have a saying for that it's Minnesota nice is what we call it I'm sure you have it too but the one thing I'll tell you about midwesterners that stretches across that beautiful blue wall of Northern America here the one thing about us is don't ever mistake our kindness for weakness so all of you and your teachers it made me an eternal optimist but it also made me understand I supervise the lunchroom for most of those years I taught too and we can have joy and we can do things and we can be nice but I'll tell you the one thing we're not going to do we are not going to tolerate a bully in that lunchroom or in our politics and again I'm going to go back to this KLA Harris has a lot of practice on putting bullies in their place and the one thing I want to be clear about is coming back to no one should have been surprised by how she performed on that debate stage from her time as a prosecutor to her time as a county attorney to her time as the Attorney General of the largest state in the nation to her time as a United States Senator to her time as our vice president every day every single day putting the American people first she took on the Predators she took on the frauders she took down career criminals and Powerful corporate interests which by the way was on the stage the other night all those things so so this time just to be clear that criminal being on the stage got put in his place all those things were wrapped up into one guy and I think many of you recognized she used a wonderful line he's not dealing with that very well he's not dealing with that very well but here's what she did simultaneously and this is what true leaderships looks like and she says this time and time again and I love it a mark of true leadership is not who beats people down it's who lifts people up who lifts them up so so when it's a bully and there's a time she proved she can beat some people down if they need it which he needed it but for the American people she laid out a plan for an opportunity economy a place that's not just a concept go to kamah and you can see what's laid out there read it tell your friends send it to your relative that you're dreading seeing get it out to them because you know what they watched that the other day and I don't hear them out there much I don't see them out there much they're a little bit because they're good people they're are neighbors they're like H that didn't look very presidential screaming about eating cats is not a solution it's not a solution but what Comm Harris was talking about is things that you actually care about they might not be sitting down at the bar talking about banning books but they might down there be talking about how can I afford a house I'm working hard I'm working hard I want to have a house and because that house becomes a home to some of these folks you're a Real Estate Mogul venture capitalist whatever that's just an asset to be traded and sold to whoever you want for us it's a place we gather around the kitchen table to talk to our kids about what happened at school that's what KLA Harris wants for you that's what she wants for you she knows that folks are being squeezed on grocery prices but let's all be very clear here folks you know this in Michigan I'm a Minnesota guy those of us who've been on farms farmers are getting 390 for a bushel of corn and barely 10 bucks for soybeans they're not getting rich somebody in The Middle's taking a cut for not growing the corn not processing the corn not doing anything she's talking about price gouging that's illegal in 37 States already and should be illegal across the country to G price and in this country the richest country on Earth it's a absolute disgrace that folks have to ration their drugs because they can't afford them because trust me big farmers doing just fine we need to make sure that folks get their insulin at a price of $35 each get the drugs that they need and you know what's really interesting because Gretchen Whitmer proved it you can see this we did it in Minnesota KLA Harris wants it for the country you take care of workers you make sure folks can unionize you make sure folks have money you know what happens when you do that the economy grows and businesses sore she wants to make it easier for any one of you if you want to start a small business cut the red tape give you a tax cut and let you start that dream that you want to get going and I'm going to go back back to this you did it in Michigan we did it in Minnesota she has talked about it on the first day she's in office and that bill comes over from Congress she'll sign the proa making it easier to organize that ability to collect bur you know we did something in Minnesota that I'm like maybe we ought to do everywhere is we also made it against the law in Minnesota to have employers put you in a room and give you anti-union propaganda if you're a factory worker commo Harris is going to keep creating tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs right here in Michigan and by the way well the Trump Administration even if you don't count the jobs lost under covid KLA Harris and Joe Biden created six times more manufacturing jobs than Donald Trump ever did and for Governors we got to get things done your Governor here made it clear because of what kamla Harris was able to do you're able to have your Governor show the rest of the country how to fix the damn roads and that's something that happened historic Investments historic bipartisan investments in infrastructure and no matter who you are and this is f fundamental KLA Harris is out there fighting to make sure you have the freedom to make the choices about your life and your family not government some of you old enough to remember when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it not these guys this means the government should be free invade your doctor's office invade your school library even invade your bedroom let me say this too it is weird as hell to think about other people's bedroom rooms it is weird as hell so look we in Minnesota and Michigan across this country we respect our neighbors for their personal choices we might not make them we might not make the same choice but we respect them that's for you to make for me to make in Minnesota I've talked about this and I'm going to I think this is a national Golden Rule because I've talked about it you know Society works best is when you mind your own damn business things work better things work better so we'll continue to talk about Freedom that people make their health care decisions not politicians we mean freedom is to get a good education for a better job and a better future not crippling student loan debt for the rest of your damn life and they don't want to talk about it they they want to avoid it Freedom means our kids being able to go to school without being shot dead in the Halls you know it here Oxford High School Michigan State we saw it in Georgia last week look I'm a teacher I'm a parent this the best time of year leaves are changing Friday night football's back our kids have a new start and they're going in it's a time of EXC excent and hope everything we want that's what we want for our kids but too many of our kids these first days of school are a time of sheer Terror a time that is going to stick with them forever so let's be clear I know guns you know guns I'm a veteran I'm a Hunter I'm a Hunter KLA Harris is a gun owner by the way which you found out so look I'm not going to take any crap about them about the Second Amendment we support the Second Amendment but our first responsibility is keeping our children safe and you can have both watch how quickly they move on and they don't remember names oh they remember names in certain incidents what they want to try and politicize things but they don't remember the names of the Innocents who die and Donald Trump actually said when he got asked about this he got irritated he said look people just need to get over it and his running mate Senator Vance last week said look just fact of life think about that now family's forever broken too many of has been there my own son was in a location where someone was shot in the head too many of us have this this this H you see it these guys say it's a fact of life and get over it move on do the next thing work on the next tax cut for billionaires or whatever important stuff is um how morally broken do you have to be to not be able to spend any time internalizing children and teachers being gunned down in the first weeks of school in their cafeterias in their Labs texting their parents goodbye as they're standing there hiding under desks running for their lives no and to say well you know what happens for all of us that crap does not happen in other places in the world we are better than that I believe in the American people we can hold two thoughts at the same time and make sure that we say what vice president Harris said last week it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way look Michigan you know it I know it we cannot have four more years of that nearly 80-year-old man yelling at people to get off his yard screaming about cats and looking out for himself he cannot go back because when he goes back this time the one thing I do believe I do believe that he said this time it will be much much worse that that they want to act like oh I don't know I don't know project 2025 I don't know anything about this or whatever here's what I know enough about is as a longtime football coach you take the time to draw up a Playbook you plan on running it you plan on running it and he's going to use it he's going to use it they are telling us exactly what they're going to do and this one this is I don't believe much of what he says and he usually doesn't follow through but he did do this he was with a bunch of his rich friends down in Mar logo and he said look you're rich as hell and I'm going to give you a tax he did that he did that and he ballooned the national debt and the middle class is stuck with the bill all those things making groceries and the things that we know we need as Joe Biden and KLA Harris fought to bring down inflation to put our country on a path to recovery this guy wants to add a national sales tax to all of us you know what I figure he look who can blame him he's looking out for himself and he says this he tells you oh you know price of bacon at the grocery stores you and I both know that guy has never been in the grocery store and he's never bought bacon ever so he doesn't give a damn if the tax is on that because he doesn't know what bacon cost a pound he doesn't know what milk costs cuz it doesn't matter so let's be clear this guy wants the tax cuts for himself to underfund government and then those incredible public servants and I want to say this to the mayor to the County Commissioners to the folks who are here thank you for the work you do every day to the pressure to our city workers our state workers our federal workers our police our teachers our firefighters and our military those are professionals they're paid for with tax dollars and you know what they are loyal to they are loyal to the Constitution and the rule of law Donald Trump's plan is to remove those people and install his political Lackey that's what project 2025 is going to do so in so in a health emergency like in Minnesota instead of being able to depend on the CDC and people from the Mayo Clinic we can listen to Donald Trump about drinking bleach and trying to find a way to stick a UV right in ourselves we're in the middle of a pandemic with our neighbors dying and this guy is undermining the responses take that across all of government that's project 2025 so look again wouldn't answer the question on Banning abortion he will ban abortion across his country whether Congress is there or not be absolutely clear about it and when asked who do you admire who respects you because to be very clear the vice president was right I traveled to our friends and our Allied countries whether it's Australia whether it's Great Britain whether it's France whether it's Canada whether it's Mexico They're laughing at this guy they don't trust him he's weak he's weak and can't follow through but you know when he was asked who looks up to him Victor orbon Vladimir Putin Kim Jong-un this this stuff would be unbelievable to have as a political attack ad if it hadn't come out of his mouth on a debate stage and he was proud of it he was proud of it KLA Harris was able to within a matter of a few seconds use this guy's inflated ego and narcissism to bait him into melting down on a national stage in front of 6 milon you you don't think Vladimir Putin could do that you don't think xijun ping could do that you don't think that folks who are looking to flatter this guy as he shakes down our allies like it's some type of Racket operation rather than standing with our allies I had the opportunity in June to be at the 80th commemoration of the D-Day and driving down those small French roads to the Normandy beaches were French Flags American flags British flags Canadian flags free people standing together in the defense of democracy Donald Trump knows nothing about it it's why he would turn his back and tell Vladimir Putin do whatever the hell you want in Ukraine you think they're stopping in Ukraine you think he's stopping in Ukraine you think China's not watching when they watch this of course they are that's why we need the strong leadership that was displayed by KLA Harris to make sure that we put dictators in their place and this country stays firm look our allies are worried but they're also hopeful just like you they've seen the leader stride onto that stage so they would maybe say I don't know whether to laugh or cry but just like you're doing it we're channeling it into joy and action we're making sure that we have that rare chance in this election to turn the page on this guy to end it once and for all so look we can choose a new generation of leadership a positive joyful all-encompassing future that this great nation has been founded on we can do that I'll say and what is what is so beautiful about that and about KLA Harris we were on the bus touring some of these states and we were getting off at a rally where there was supporters there like this and they were holding up signs on the other side of the street there were not supporters they make it easy cuz they all wear the same hat do you know what it is said said it was a a group of independent thinker standing there ready to yell at us so no but that's me come Harris's first instinct was and this is the first time we're on the bus together my wife Gwen vice president and Doug were there who Doug and gwy I want to give them a big round of applause too they're out working it well look we're we're walking off that bus and that's the scene in front of us and she turns to me and she said uh Tim don't ever forget we work just as hard in the policy as we put in place to benefit their those people their families as well as those people and their families this is a policy for everyone can you imagine can you imagine Donald Trump saying we're going to look out for those folks that don't vote for me because this started and I love this story as a young prosecutor Comm Harris talks about going in that courtroom for the first time KLA Harris for the people she's had one client that's the people of this country that's the people she's worked for and she talks about this when she helped those folks when she was in that classroom or in that courtroom same way with the classroom I would say for all of us cuz this is true too man the cemetry is just too beautiful on that one she didn't do it and I didn't do it I didn't ask if someone was a Republican or a Democrat they're an American and they came in that class that courtroom they came in that classroom they're to be treated that way that's what she's done every single day but the question she asked him is are you okay what do you need that's what leadership looks like so look on Tuesday and again I'll say this no surprise but I do think we should probably lift it up one more time kamla Harris did her job on Tuesday now Michigan and Grand Rapids we need to do ours ours we need to do our job look the way our country is I'll go to my grave maybe not understanding it but you know what there'll be a time to think about that later this is going to be a razor thin election we're still the underdogs in this thing but here's the beautiful thing we get the opportunity to affect that outcome we get the opportunity to decide in 54 days what type of country we want so for each and every one of us this is the time to put it all out there you heard me say this all gas no breaks we're going to sleep when we're dead that's what that means is you've seen it and look I'm not I'm I'm I'm here and don't ever close that yearbook I was looking when I came here the first thing I do is read the local paper and catch up on things and uh I saw this uh this Hudsonville game because I'm a defensive guy wins 1412 Last Week Big Game here and then I look up because this is you know gives me an opportunity to say it as being part of a state championship team Forest Hill Central is playing in your look I got to tell you the uh the people who kind of dismiss us whatever look life isn't about hoping you win life isn't about I wish this would happen it's great to have aspirations you have to but how you get things done is you have a plan and you execute it the plan to win this thing is is we've got the best candidate that we could ever have in KLA Harris we've got energy amongst the American people we've got that desire to win but I said this as football team there's not a football team in the state that doesn't want to win the state championship and every year they start out thinking that the difference is who gets it done and it takes a lot of things to get it done it takes a team to get it done we need to lift up for her right now and get this thing done so look I know I know my God you came on a Thursday to listen to a guy from Minnesota while you stood under a whale way in the back of the room again because you love the country because you know you're part of this it's not hyperbole the presidency of the United States and the future of our democracy could very well go right through this room in Grand Rapids that's how important Michigan is so look around let's commit to get this thing done let's bring one more person in let's do one more volunteership let's make one more phone call people are picking up the phone now I'm going into these offices they want to talk about it because once again our politics is fun and hopeful and gives us something to work for so for each of us don't buy it that she won because she won the debate Mike if these elections were about having the best ideas and the best candidates we'd Win Every Damn Race we always have better ideas and better candidates but that's not what wins races what wins races is people who care enough to get on the ground and get the work done and take that debate performance take those resources that have been out there take that energy and funnel it down into voter contact get out the vote efforts and ballots and ballots so I'll tell you what last time I was in Michigan we were in Detroit and there was a massive crowd in the hanger and Donald Trump said oh no it's just AI I'm sure he'll say the same about this AI whale okay I'm obsessed with the whale I love it so but look what I say is let him say it let him try and tell that we've got 32 field officers over here and tens of thousands of volunteers out working we're doing the work and in 54 days what won't be AI is the ballots cast for kamla Harris the next president of the United States so Grand Rapids let's work together together let's chart that new way forward let's do it because we believe in the promise of America and as you know the vice president tells us it and it is so true when we fight we win when we fight when we fight we thank you Grand Rapids thank you hello Michigan it is good to be here and uh can we all agree our future is pretty bright with people like Mariah holy SM backstage I was just uh getting introduced to Mariah and uh she said uh KLA Harris is going to change the world and um that inspiration in our young young people who we know our future with something else so Mariah thank you for all you're doing and beautiful lakes blue whales all the things in Michigan you it's not as if you don't have it all and then you have Gretchen Whitmer on top of it so she she is such a dear friend but I'll tell you she is so good at what she does she has convinced my son he's a Michigan State fan now so it's it's terrible politics for me but uh he is true blue over or he is True Green over there on it so uh you get it so uh look you got an incredible delegation and we know some of these races are going to be close but uh we have got to keep the majority in the house make sure you send Hillary scullton back to the house make sure you remember and you got to you you've always had incredible senators and you got Gary Peters very difficult to replace Debbie stab now but you're going to do it with Alys scin make sure you get it done make sure you get it done each and every one of you thank you a lot of places you can be on a late summer day um get busy you're after work kids are from coming home from school uh you chose to be here uh on behalf of the vice president myself but on behalf of this country thank you for caring and loving your country enough to show up thank you one one final thank you thank you to my fellow cat owner Taylor Swift look she she's not here but let me just say uh vice president I know you're all waiting oh what a bait and switch this guy left on us look vice president uh Harris and I couldn't be more excited to have her support really grateful so um and look look it it's not as if I didn't warn these guys a few months ago you mess with C people and you will find out you will find out so uh they did so uh beautiful strategy there picking on the C people so um look all of you are here but how how can we not start with the debate how can we not start with the debate um look what was so clear about it was and and again not surprising but there was one person on that stage who should be the next president of the United States one person she commanded the room and I know all of us are incredibly proud of Vice President Harris but let's be very clear none of us were surprised of what happened there none of us were surprised no one has come with more experience to this job than she has and no one has done more damage than Donald Trump has so we knew what was coming and no pun intended from the get-go she had the upper hand walking in giving the handshake look it says something about character we talk about this often shake hands and when you lose which he did last time in which he will again you shake hands and walk away so I got asked right after the debate you know do you think we should do another one and I said hell every day we should do another one of course well it's not going to happen cuz Donald Trump confirmed today he's not doing another one so um give him give him a little break that one left a mark that one left a mark so he's with it so look who he was was on full display the other night his true colors were out there not just his makeup not just his makeup so if I heard somebody say if you want to know in a debate who's winning or whatever turn the sound down and you would have sworn that was a nearly 80-year-old man shaking his fist at Clouds that's what it looked like so look this guy has spent his entire life focused on himself obsessed with the past and the thing that is unforgivable rooting against America and America people which he's done consistently he said a lot of weird stuff too so I'm just going to say that and and that was and and the you tell me you had this on your bingo card and they're eating cats and they're eating cats oh Michigan we love you look and it would be it it would be funnier too if it wasn't so dangerous but I want to be clear about this guy last week he did one of these these fake Town Halls where he gets one of the Fox News people to ask him questions that he knows and then he then he answers on this but what was so fascinating about that was in that amount of time that he was there and you should go see this it's really something to see in that little interview he did 11 times he reassured the people there that he was not weird now yes some of you picked up on this if you need to remind people 11 times you're not weird you might be weird there you go so look but it's what he didn't say that was probably the most disturbing of the night Trump refused to say that he wants the brave fighters in Ukraine to win the war in protection of democracy it's a pretty low bar that's a pretty low bar when he got asked that question the other thing he refused to say was he refused to say if he would veto a National Abortion ban well you know why he refused to say because you know exactly what he would do look they don't trust women and women don't trust them that is that simple that is that simple but for all of us that that old uh that old saying of the frog and the boiling water whatever don't allow ourselves to get this way the most damaging thing that he wouldn't say is he refused to acknowledge he lost the last election he refused to condemn the January 6 criminals who attacked the US Capitals in our democracy but in the anger that he got into as the Poise and dignity and the sharp uh retorts from vice president Harris he lost some of that composure in there and when he was referring to those riers and you go back and make sure you'll see this again I'm sure he said we did nothing wrong he didn't say they he said we and then at the end and then at the end of this thing you watched 90 minutes you watch beat him at The Ballot Box beat him at The Ballot Box we have got the opportunity people what he didn't say and this is the difference and look there's a lot of reasons my God too many to list the time we're here a lot of reasons this guy shouldn't get anywhere near the White House again but we have a responsibility and can to tell people what the AL alternative is because what he did not do he did not say one thing what he would do to make life better for the American people not once remember after he came down his golden escalator he said this would be easy this would be easy I would have a health care plan on day one that was 9 years ago but look it's progress apparently he has the concepts of a plan woo I taught high school for 20 years every one of my kids everyone everyone every one of my kids had a better excuse for not doing their work than that they never told me they had a concept of the plan so look on every single issue vice president Harris is standing on those issues with you and your family it is clear Donald Trump has no plan for you his agenda his agenda is about him and the thing is I will say this while he didn't articulate it the other night they've made it easy for us to know what they're going to do because they wrote it in a 900 page document called project 2025 I keep asking this who is asking for that agenda who is asking for that agenda who is asking except folks that want to take control over your lives that's the only people asking for it no one's sitting around asking to give billionaires tax cuts nobody sitting around asking said let's make insulin more expensive and they keep telling us and convinced of this nobody's sitting around the bars in Grand Rapid say you know the first thing we need to do is we need to ban George Orwell's books that no one's saying that no one's saying that they find a lot of time to talk about banning books but they can't find one damn day to get weapons of war out of our schools and get those out not one but look what I was most proud of in this why Donald Trump spent the entire time whining about himself talking about his problems KLA haris spent her time talking about you and the way forward talking about the future this guy is stuck in the past she's focused on the future of this country the bright future that each and every one of us get to partake in so look she took him to task and I we can't say this enough she prosecuted the case against him but what I'm what I am so proud to be part of this ticket I'm so proud to be in a room like this under a whale by the way which is quite awesome um on a Thursday night thinking about the direction of our country what I am most proud of is because of all the things Donald Trump has stolen and all the things he did what is unforgivable is him stealing our joy so here's the thing kamla Harris is bringing not solutions that focus on you she's doing it with a smile and Joy on her face this guy this guy on purpose and make no mistake it's on purpose he broke our political system he tried to break our faith in one another he tried to bake the thing that makes mid westers stick together we're positive people for God's sakes we walk on water half the year we have to be it's cold as hell half the year we don't care we dig our neighbors out this guy is trying to tell you your neighbor's the enemy this guy's trying to tell you that he knows best about what folks in Grand Rapids need well trust me nothing could be further from the truth so here's the deal we're nice folks we'll dig you out after a snowstorm we'll say hiid to you at the store some of us might even let you merge on the highway not all of us we have a saying for that it's Minnesota nice is what we call it I'm sure you have it too but the one thing I'll tell you about midwesterners that stretches across that beautiful blue wall of Northern America here the one thing about us is don't ever mistake our kindness for weakness so for all of you and your teachers it made me an eternal optimist but it also made me understand I supervised the lunchroom for most of those years I taught too and we can have joy and we can do things and we can be nice but I'll tell you the one thing we're not going to do we are not going to tolerate a bully in that lunchroom or in our politics and again I'm going to go back to this KLA Harris has a lot of practice on putting bullies in their place and the one thing I want to be clear about is coming back to no one should have been surprised by how she performed on that debate stage from her time as a prosecutor to her time as a county attorney to her time as the Attorney General of the largest state in the nation to her time as a United States Senator to her time as our vice president every day every single day putting the American people first she took on the Predators she took on the fraudsters she took down career criminals and Powerful corporate interests which by the way was on the stage the other night all those things so so this time just to be clear that criminal being on the stage got put in his place all those things were wrapped up into one guy and I think many of you recognized she used a wonderful line he's not dealing with that very well he's not dealing with that very well but here's what she did simultaneously and this is what true leaderships looks like and she says this time and time again and I love it a mark of true leadership is not who beats people down it's who lifts people up who lifts them up so so when it's a bully and there's a time she proved she can be beat some people down if they need it which he needed it but for the American people she laid out a plan for an opportunity economy a place that's not just a concept go to kamah and you can see what's laid out there read it tell your friends send it to your relative that you're dreading seeing get it out to them because you know what they watch that the other day and I don't hear them out there much I don't see them out there much they're a little bit because they're good people there are neighbors they're like H that didn't look very presidential screaming about eating cats is not a solution it's not a solution but what KL Harris was talking about is things that you actually care about they might not be sitting down at the bar talking about banning books but they might down there be talking about how can I afford a house I'm working hard I'm working hard I want to have a house and because that house becomes a home to some of these folks Real Estate Mogul venture capitalist whatever that's just an asset to be traded and sold to whoever you want for us it's a place we gather around the kitchen table to talk to our kids about what happened at school that's what KLA Harris wants for you that's what she wants for you she knows that folks are being squeezed on grocery prices but let's all be very clear here folks you know this in Michigan I'm a Minnesota guy those of us who've been on farms farmers are getting 390 for a bushel of corn and barely 10 bucks for soybeans they're not getting rich somebody in The Middle's taking a cut for not growing the corn not processing the corn not doing anything she's talking about price gouging that's illegal in 37 States already and should be illegal across the country to gouge price and in this country the richest country on Earth it's a absolute disgrace that folks have to ration their drugs because they can't afford them because trust me big farm is doing just fine we need to make sure that folks get their insulin at a price of $35 each get the drugs that they need and you know what really interesting because gret and Whitmer proved it you can see this we did it in Minnesota KLA Harris wants it for the country you take care of workers you make sure folks can unionize you make sure folks have money you know what happens when you do that the economy grows and businesses sore she wants to make it easier for any one of you if you want to start a small business cut the red tape give you a tax cut and let you start that dream that you want to get going and I'm going to go back to this you did it in Michigan we did it in Minnesota she has talked about it on the first day she's in office and that bill comes over from Congress she'll sign the proa making it easier to organize that ability to collect you know we did something in Minnesota that I'm like maybe we ought to do everywhere is we also made it against the law in Minnesota to have employers put you in a room and give you anti-union propaganda you're a factory worker KLA Harris is going to keep creating tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs right here in Michigan and by the way well the Trump Administration even if you don't count the jobs lost under Co KLA Harris and Joe Biden created six times more manufacturing jobs than Donald Trump ever did and for Governors we got to get things done your Governor here made it clear because of what kamla Harris was able to do you're able to have your Governor show the rest of the country how to fix the damn roads and that's something that happened historic Investments historic bipartisan investments in infrastructure and no matter who you are and this is fundamental commer Harris is out there fighting to make sure you have the freedom to make the choices of about your life and your family not government some of you old enough to remember when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it not these guys this means the government should be free invade your doctor's office invade your school library even invade your bedroom let me say this too it is weird as hell to think about other people's bedrooms it is weird as hell so look we in Minnesota and Michigan across this country we respect our neighbors for their personal choices we might not make them we might not make the same choice but we respect them that's for you to make for me to make in Minnesota I've talked about this and I'm going to I think this is a national Golden Rule because I've talked about it you know how Society works best is when you mind your own damn business things work better things work better so we'll continue to talk about freedom that people make their Healthcare decisions not politicians we mean freedom is to get a good education for a better job and a better future not crippling student loan debt for the rest of your damn life and they don't want to talk about it they want to avoid it Freedom means our kids being able to go to school without being shot dead in the hall you know it here Oxford High School Michigan State we saw it in Georgia last week look I'm a teacher I'm a parent it's the best time of year leaves are changing Friday night football's back our kids have a new start and they're going in it's a time of excitement and hope everything we want that's what we want for our kids but too many of our kids these first days of school are a time of sheer Terror a time that is going to stick with them forever so let's be clear I know guns you know guns I'm a veteran I'm a Hunter I'm a Hunter KLA Harris is a gun owner by the way which you found out so look I'm not going to take any crap about them about the Second Amendment we support the Second Amendment but our first responsibility is keeping our children safe and you can have F watch how quickly they move on and they don't remember names oh they remember names in certain incidents what they want to try and politicize things but they don't remember the names of the Innocents who die and Donald Trump actually said when he got asked about this he got irritated he said look people just need to get over it and his running mate Senator Vance last week said look just fact Al life think about that now families forever broken too many of has been there my own son was in a location where someone was shot in the head too many of us have this this this H you see it these guys say it's a fact of life and get over it move on do the next thing work on the next t ta cut for billionaires or whatever important stuff is um how morally broken do you have to be to not be able to spend any time internalizing children and teachers being gunned down in the first weeks of school in their cafeterias in their Labs texting their parents goodbye as they're standing there hiding under desk running for their lives and to say well you know what happens for all of us that crap does not happen in other places in the world we are better than that I believe in the American people we can hold two thoughts at the same time and make sure that we say what vice president Harris said last week it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way look Michigan you know it I know it we cannot have four more years of that nearly 80-year-old man yelling at people to get off his yard screaming about cats and looking out for himself he cannot go back because when he goes back this time the one thing I do believe I do believe that he said this time it will be much much worse that that they want to act like oh I don't know I I don't know project 2025 I don't know anything about this or whatever here's what I know enough about is as a longtime football coach you take the time to draw up a Playbook you plan on running it you plan on running it and he's going to use it he's going to use it they are telling us exactly what they're going to do and this one this is I don't believe much of what he says and he usually doesn't follow through but he did do this he was with a bunch of his rich friends down in Mar logo and he said look you're rich as hell and I'm going to give you a tax cut he did that he did that and he ballooned the national debt and the middle class is stuck with the bill all those things making groceries and the things that we know we need as Joe Biden and kamla Harris fought to bring down inflation to put our country on a path to recovery this guy wants to add a national sales tax to all of us you know what I figure he look who can blame him he's looking out for himself and he says this he tells you oh you know price of bacon at the grocery stores you and I both know that guy has has never been in the grocery store and he's never bought bacon ever so he doesn't give a damn if the tax is on that because he doesn't know what bacon cost a pound he doesn't know what milk costs cuz it doesn't matter so let's be clear this guy wants the tax cuts for himself to underfund government and then those incredible public servants and I want to say this to the mayor to the County Commissioners to the folks who are here thank you for the work you do every day to the pressure to our city workers our state workers our federal workers our police our teachers our firefighters and our military those are professionals they're paid for with tax dollars and you know what they are loyal to they are loyal to the Constitution and the rule of law Donald Trump's plan is to remove those people and install his political lackeys that's what project 2025 is going to do so in so in a health emergency like in Minnesota instead of being able to depend on the CDC and people from the Mayo Clinic we can listen to Donald Trump about drinking bleach and trying to find a way to stick a UV light in ourselves we're in the middle of a pandemic with our neighbors is dying and this guy is undermining the responses take that across all of government that's project 20125 so look again wouldn't answer the question on Banning abortion he will ban abortion across this country whether Congress is there or not be absolutely clear about it and when asked who do you admire who respects you because to be very clear the vice president was right I traveled to our friends and our Allied countries whether it's Australia whether it's Great Britain whether it's France whether it's Canada whether it's Mexico They're laughing at this guy they don't trust him he's weak he's weak and can't follow through but you know when he was asked who looks up to him Victor orbon Vladimir Putin Kim Jong-un this this stuff would be unbelievable to have as a political attack ad if it hadn't come out of his mouth on a debate stage and he was proud of it he was proud of it KLA Harris was able to within a matter of a few seconds use this guy's inflated ego and narcissism to bait him into melting down on a national stage in front of 60 million you you don't think Vladimir Putin could do that you don't think XI junping could do that you don't think that folks who are looking to flatter this guy as he shakes down our allies like it's some type of Racket operation rather than standing with our allies I had the opportunity in June to be at the 80th commemoration of the D-Day and driving down those small French roads to the Normandy beaches were French flags American flags British flags Canadian flags free people standing together in the defense of democracy Donald Trump knows nothing about it it's why he would turn his back and tell Vladimir Putin do whatever the hell you want in Ukraine you think they're stopping in Ukraine you think he's stopping in Ukraine you think China's not watching when they watch this of course they are that's why we need the strong leadership that was displayed by K Harris to make sure that we put dictators in their place and this country stays firm look our allies are worried but they're also hopeful just like you they've seen the leader stride onto that stage so they would maybe say I don't know whether to laugh or cry but just like you're doing it we're channeling it into joy and action we're making sure that we have that rare chance in this election to turn the page on this guy to end it once and for all so look we can choose a new generation of leadership a positive joyful all encompassing future that this great nation has been founded on we can do that I'll and what is what is so beautiful about that and about KLA Harris we were on the bus us touring some of these states and we were getting off at a rally where there was supporters there like this and they were holding up signs on the other side of the street there were not supporters they make it easy cuz they all wear the same hat you know what it is said said it was a a group of independent thinkers standing there ready to yell at us so no but that's me KLA Harris's first instinct was and this is the first time we're on the bus together my wife Gwen vice president and Doug were there who Doug and Gwen I want to give them a big round of applause too they're out working at well look we're we're walking off that bus and that's the scene in front of us and she turns to me and she said uh Tim don't ever forget we work just as hard in the policies we put in place to benefit their those people their families as well as those people and their families this is a policy for everyone can you imagine can you imagine Donald Trump saying we're going to look out for those folks that don't vote for me because this started and I love this story as a young prosecutor Comm Harris talks about going in that courtroom for the first time KLA Harris for the people she's had one client that's the people of this country that's the people she's worked with and she talks about this when she helped those folks when she was in that classroom are in that courtroom same way with the classroom I would say for all of us cuz this is true too man the cemetery is just too beautiful on that one she didn't do it and I didn't do it I didn't ask if someone was a Republican or a Democrat they're an American and they came in that class that courtroom they came in that classroom they're to be treated that way that's what she's done every single day but the question she asked him is are you okay what do you need that's what leadership looks like so look on Tuesday and again I'll say this no surprise but I do think we should probably lift it up one more time kamla Harris did her job on Tuesday now Michigan and Grand Rapids we need to do ours we need to do our job look the way our country is I'll go to my grave maybe not understanding it but you know what there'll be a time to think about that later this is going to be a razor thin election we're still the underdogs in this thing but here's the beautiful thing we get the opportunity to affect that outcome we get the opportunity to decide in 54 days what type of country we want so for each and every one of us this is the time to put it all out there you heard me say this all gas no breaks we're going to sleep when we're dead that's what what that means is you've seen it and look I'm not I'm I'm I'm here and don't ever close that yearbook I was looking when I came here the first thing I do is read the local paper and catch up on things and uh I saw this uh this Hudsonville game because I'm a defensive guy wins 1412 Last Week Big Game here and then I look up because this is you know gives me an opportunity to say it as being part of a state championship team Forest Hill Central is playing in one so so look I got to tell you the uh the people who kind of dismiss us whatever look life isn't about hoping you win life isn't about I wish this would happen it's great to have aspirations you have to but how you get things done is you have a plan and you execute it the plan to win this thing is is we've got the best candidate that we could ever have in KLA Harris we've got energy amongst the American people we've got that desire to win but I said this as football team there's not a football team in the state that doesn't want to win the state championship and every year they start out thinking that the difference is who gets it done and it takes a lot of things to get it done it takes a team to get it done we need to lift up for her right now and get this thing done so look I know I know my God you came on a Thursday to listen to a guy from Minnesota while you stood under a whale way in the back of the room again because you love the country because you know you're part of this it's not hyperbole the presidency of the United States and the future of our democracy could very well go right through this room in Grand Rapids that's how important Michigan is so look around let's commit to get this thing done let's bring one more person in let's do one more volunteership let's make one more phone call people are picking up the phone now I'm going into these offices they want to talk about it because once again our politics is fun and hopeful and gives us something to work for so for each of us don't buy it that she won because won the debate mik if these elections were about having the best ideas and the best candidates we'd Win Every Damn Race we always have better ideas and better candidates but that's not what wins races what wins races is people who care enough to get on the ground and get the work done and take that debate performance take those resources that have been out there take that energy and funnel it down into voter contact get out the vote efforts and ballots and ballots so I'll tell you what last time I was in Michigan we were in Detroit and there was a massive crowd in the hanger and Donald Trump said oh no it's just AI I'm sure you'll say the same about this AI whale okay I'm obsessed with the whale I love it so but look what I say is let him say it let him try and tell that we've got 32 field officers over here and tens of thousands of volunteers out working we're doing the work and in 54 days what won't be AI is the ballots cast for kamla Harris the next president of the United States so Grand Rapids let's work together let's chart that new way forward let's do it because we believe in the prom of America and as you know the vice president tells us it and it is so true when we fight we win when we fight we win when we fight we win thank you Grand Rapids thank you hello Michigan it is good to be here and uh can we all agree our future is pretty bright with people like Mariah holy SM backstage I was just uh getting introduced to Mariah and uh she said uh KLA Harris is going to change the world and um that inspiration in our young people who we know our future it was something else so Mariah thank you for all you're doing and beautiful lakes blue whales all the things in Michigan you it's not as if you don't have it all and then you have Gretchen Whitmer on top of it so she she is such a dear friend but I'll tell you she is so good at what she does she has convinced my son he's a Michigan State fan now so it's it's terrible politics for me but uh he is true blue over or he is True Green over there on it so uh you get it so uh look you got an incredible delegation and we know some of these races are going to be close but uh we have got to keep the majority in the house make sure you send Hillary scullton back to the house make sure you and you got it you you've always had incredible senators and you got Gary Peters very difficult to replace Debbie stab now but you're going to do it with Alys scin make sure you get it done make sure you get it done to each and every one of you thank you a lot of plac you can be on a late summer day um get busy you're after work kids are from coming home from school uh you chose to be here uh on behalf of the vice president myself but on behalf of this country thank you for caring and loving your country enough to show up thank you one final thank you thank you to my fellow cat owner Taylor schwift look she she's not here but let me just say uh vice president I know you're all waiting oh what a bait and switch this guy left on us look vice president uh Harris and I couldn't be more excited to have her support really grateful so um and look look it it's not as if I didn't warn these guys a few months ago you mess with C people and you will find out you will find out so uh they did so uh beautiful strategy there picking on the cap people so um look all of you are here but H how can we not start with the debate how can we not start with the debate um look what was so clear about it was and and again not surprising but there was one person on that stage who should be the next president of the United States one person she commanded the room and I know all of us are incredibly proud of Vice President Harris but let's be very clear none of us were surprised of what happened there none of us were surprised no one has come with more experience to this job than she has and no one has done more damage than Donald Trump has so we knew what was coming and no pun intended from the get-go she had the upper hand walking in giving the handshake look it says something about character we talk about this often shake hands and when you lose which he did last time and which he will again you shake hands and walk away so I got asked right after the debate you know do you think we should do another one and I said hell every day we should do another one of course well it's not going to happen cuz Donald Trump confirmed today he's not doing another one so um give him give him a little break that one left a mark that one left a mark so he's with it so look who he was was on full display the other night his true colors were out there not just his makeup not just his makeup so if I heard somebody say if you want to know in a debate who's winning or whatever turn the sound down and you would have sworn that was a nearly 80-year-old man shaking his fist at Clouds that's what it looked like so look this guy has spend his entire life focused on himself obsessed with the past and the thing that is unforgivable rooting against America and America's people which he's done consistently he said a lot of weird stuff too so I'm just going to say that and and that was and and that you tell me you had this on your bingo card and they're eating cats and they're eating cats oh Michigan we love you look and it would be it it would be funnier too if it wasn't so dangerous but I want to be clear about this guy last week he did one of these these fake Town Halls where he gets one of the Fox News people to ask him questions that he knows and then he then he answers on this but what was so fascinating about that was in that amount of time that he was there and you should go see this it's really something to see in that little interview he did 11 times he reassured the people there that he was not weird now yes some of you picked up on this if you need to remind people 11 times you're not weird you might be weird there you go so look but it's what he didn't say that was probably the most disturbing of the night Trump refused to say that he wants the brave fighters in Ukraine to win the war in protection of democracy a pretty low bar that's a pretty low bar when he got asked that question the other thing he refused to say was he refused to say if he would veto a National Abortion ban well you know why he refused to say because you know exactly what he would do look they don't trust women and women don't trust them that is that simple that is that simple but for all of us that that old that old saying of the frog and the boiling water whatever don't allow ourselves to get this way the most damaging thing that he wouldn't say is he refused to acknowledge he lost the last election he refused to condemn the January 6 criminals who attacked the US Capitals in our democracy but in the anger that he got into as the Poise and dignity and the sharp uh retorts from vice president Harris he lost some of that composure in there and when he was referring to those riers and you go back and make sure you'll see this again I'm sure he said we did nothing wrong he didn't say they he said we and then at the end and then at the end of this thing you watched 90 minutes you watch that beat him at The Ballot Box beat him at The Ballot Box we have got the opportunity people what he didn't say and this is the difference and look there's a lot of reasons my God too many to list the time we're here a lot of reasons this guy shouldn't get anywhere near the White House again but we have a responsibility and can to tell people what the alternative is because what he did not do he did not say one thing what he would do to make life better for the American people not once remember after he came down his golden escalator he said this would be easy this would be easy I would have a health care plan on day one that was 9 years ago but look it's progress apparently he has the concepts of a plan I taught high school for 20 years everyone of my kids everyone everyone every one of my kids had a better excuse for not doing their work than that they never told me they had a concept of the plan so look on every single issue vice president Harris is standing on those issues with you and your family it is clear Donald Trump has no plan for you his agenda his agenda is about him and the thing is I will say this while he didn't articulate it the other night they've made it easy for us to know what they're going to do because they wrote it in a 900 page document called project 2025 I keep asking this who is asking for that agenda who is asking for that agenda who is asking except folks that want to take control over lives that's the only people asking for it no one's sitting around asking to give billionaires tax cuts nobody sitting around asking said let's make insulin more expensive and they keep telling us and convinced of this nobody's sitting around the bars in Grand Rapid say you know the first thing we need to do is we need to ban George Orwell's books that no one's saying that no one's saying that they find a lot of time to talk about banning books but they can't find one damn day to get weapons of war out of our schools and get those out not one but look what I was most proud of in this why Donald Trump spent the entire time whining about himself talking about his problems KLA Harris spent her time talking about you and the way forward talking about the future this guy is stuck in the past she's focused on the future of this country the bright future that each and every one of us get to partake in so look she took him to task and I we can't say this enough she prosecuted the case against him but what I'm what I am so proud to be part of this ticket I'm so proud to be in a room like this under a whale by the way which is quite awesome um on a Thursday night thinking about the direction of our country what I am most proud of is because of all the things Donald Trump has stolen and all the things he did what is unforgivable is him stealing our joy so here's the thing KLA Harris is bringing not only solutions that focus on you she's doing it with a smile and Joy on on her face this guy this guy on purpose and make no mistake it's on purpose he broke our political system he tried to break our faith in one another he tried to bake the thing that makes mid westner stick together we're positive people for God's sakes we walk on water half the year we have to be it's cold as hell half the year we don't care we dig our neighbors out this guy is trying to tell you your neighbor's the enemy this guy is trying to tell you that he knows best about what folks in Grand Rapids need well trust me nothing could be further from the truth so here's the deal we're nice folks we'll dig you out after a snowstorm we'll say hi to you at the store some of us might even let you merge on the highway not all of us we have a saying for that it's Minnesota nice is what we call it I'm sure you have it too but the one thing I'll tell you about midwesterners that stretches across that beautiful blue wall of Northern America here the one thing about us is don't ever mistake our kindness for weakness ever so for all of you and your teachers it made me an eternal optimist but it also made me understand I supervise the lunchroom for most of those years I taught too and we can have joy and we can do things and we can be nice but I'll tell you the one thing we're not going to do we are not going to tolerate a bully in that lunchroom or in our politics and again I'm going to go back to this kamla Harris has a lot of practice on putting bullies in their place and the one thing I want to be clear about is coming back to no one should have been surprised by how she performed on that debate stage from her time as a prosecutor to her time as a county attorney to her time as the Attorney General of the largest state in the nation to her time as a United States Senator to her time as our vice president every day every single day putting the American people first she took on the Predators she took on the frauders she took down career criminals and Powerful corporate interest which by the way was on the stage the other night all those things so so this time just to be clear that criminal being on the stage got put in his place all those things were wrapped up into one guy and I think many of you recognized she used a wonderful line he's not not dealing with that very well he's not dealing with that very well but here's what she did simultaneously and this is what true leaderships looks like and she says this time and time again and I love it a mark of true leadership is not who beats people down it's who lifts people up who lifts them up so so when it's a bully and there's a time she proved she can beat some people down if they need it which he needed it but for the American people she laid out a plan for an opportunity economy a place that's not just a concept go to Comm and you can see what's laid out there read it tell your friends send it to your relative that you're dreading seeing get it out to them because you know what they watched that the other day and I don't hear them out there much I don't see them out there much they're a little bit because they're good people they're our neighbors they're like H that didn't look very presidential screaming about eating cats is not a solution it's not a solution but what KL Harris was talking about is things that you actually care about they might not be sitting down at the bar talking about banning books but they might down there be talking about how can I afford a house I'm working hard I'm working hard I want to have a house and because that house becomes a home to some of these folks you're a Real Estate Mogul venture capitalist whatever that's just an asset to be traded and sold to whoever ever you want for us it's a place we gather around the kitchen table to talk to our kids about what happened at school that's what KLA Harris wants for you that's what she wants to you she knows that folks are being squeezed on grocery prices but let's all be very clear here folks you know this in Michigan I'm a Minnesota guy those of us who've been on farms farmers are getting 390 for a bushel of corn and barely 10 bucks for soybeans they're not getting rich somebody in the middle taking a cut for not growing the corn not processing the corn not doing anything she's talking about price gouging that's illegal in 37 States already and should be illegal across the country to G and in this country the richest country on Earth it's a absolute disgrace that folks have to ration their drugs because they can't afford them because trust me big farmers doing just fine we need to make sure that folks get their insulin at a price of $35 each get the drugs that they need and you know what's really interesting because Gretchen Whitmer proved it you can see this we did it in Minnesota KLA Harris wants it for the country you take care of workers you make sure folks can unionize you make sure folks have money you know what happens when you do that the economy grows and businesses soore she wants to make it easier for any one of you if you want to start a small business cut the red tape give you a tax cut and let you start that dream that you want to get going and I'm going to go back to this you did it in Michigan we did it in Minnesota she has talked about it on the first day she's in office and that bill comes over from Congress she'll sign the proa making easier to organize that ability to collect your bur you know we did something in Minnesota that I'm like maybe we ought to do everywhere is we also made it against the law in Minnesota to have employers put you in a room and give you anti-union propaganda if you're a factory worker KLA Harris is going to keep creating tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs right here in Michigan and by the way well the Trump Administration even if you don't count the jobs lost under Co KLA Harris and Joe Biden created six times more manufacturing jobs than Donald Trump ever did and for Governors we got to get things done your Governor here made it clear because of what kamla Harris was able to do you're able to have your Governor show the rest of the country how to fix the damn roads and that's something that happened historic Investments historic bipartisan investments in infrastructure and no matter who you are and this is fundamental KLA Harris is out there fighting to make sure you have the freedom to make the choices about your life and your family not government some of you old enough to remember when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it not these guys this means the government should be free invade your doctor's office invade your school library even invade your bedroom let me say this too it is weird as hell to think about other people's bedrooms it is weird as hell so look we in Minnesota and Michigan across this country we respect our neighbors their personal choices we might not make them we might not make the same choice but we respect them that's for you to make for me to make and Minnesota I've talked about this and I'm going to I think this is a national Golden Rule because I've talked about it you know Society works best is when you mind your own damn business things work better things work better so we'll continue to talk about Freedom that people make their Healthcare decisions not politicians we mean freedom is to get a good education for a better job and a better future not crippling student loan debt for the rest of your damn life and they don't want to talk about it they want to avoid it Freedom means our kids being able to go to school without being shot dead in the Halls you know it here Oxford High School Michigan State we saw it in Georgia last week look I'm a teacher I'm a parent it's the best time of year leaves are changing Friday night football's back our kids have a new start and they're going in it's a time of excitement and hope everything we want that's what we want for our kids but too many of our kids these first days of school are a time of sheer Terror a time that is going to stick with them forever so let's be clear I know guns you know guns I'm a veteran I'm a Hunter I'm a Hunter KLA Harris is a gun owner by the way which you found out so look I'm not going to take any crap about them about the Second Amendment we support the Second Amendment but our first responsibility is keeping our children safe and you can have watch how quickly they move on and they don't remember names oh they remember names in certain incidents what they want to try and politicize things but they don't remember the names of the Innocents who die and Donald Trump actually said when he got asked about this he got irritated he said look people just need to get over it and his running mate Senator Vance last week said look just fact of life think about that now family's forever broken too many of has been there my own son was in a location where someone was shot in the head too many of us have this this this H you see it these guys say it's a fact of life and get over it move on do the next thing work on the next tax cut for billionaires or whatever important stuff is um how morly broken do you have to be to not be able to spend any time internalizing children and teachers being gunned down in the first weeks of school in their cafeterias in their Labs texting their parents goodbye as they're standing there hiding under desks running for their lives and to say well you know what happens for all of us that crap does not happen in other places in the world we are better than that I believe in the American people we can hold two thoughts at the same time and make sure that we say what vice president Harris said last week it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way look Michigan you know it I know it we cannot have for more years of that nearly 80-year-old man yelling at people to get off his yard screaming about cats and looking out for himself he cannot go back because when he goes back this time the one thing I do believe I do believe that he said this time it will be much much worse that that they want to act like oh I don't know I don't know project 2025 I don't know anything about this or whatever here's what I know enough about is as a longtime football coach you take the time to draw up a Playbook you plan on running it you plan on running it and he's going to use it he's going to use it they are telling us exactly what they're going to do and this one this is I don't believe much of what he says and he usually doesn't follow through but he did do this he was with a bunch of his rich friends down in Mar logo and he said look you're rich as hell and I'm going to give you a tax cut he did that he did that and he ballooned the national debt and the middle class is stuck with the bill all those things making groceries and the things that we know we need as Joe Biden and KLA Harris fought to bring down inflation to put our country on a path to recovery this guy wants to add a national sales tax to all of us you know what I figure he look who can blame him he's looking out for himself and he says this he tells you oh you know price of bacon at the grocery stores you and I both know that guy has never been in the grocery store and he's never bought bacon ever so he doesn't give a damn if the tax is on that because he doesn't know what bacon cost a pound he doesn't know what milk costs cuz it doesn't matter so let's be clear this guy wants the tax cuts for himself to underfund government and then those incredible public servants and I want to say this to the mayor to the County Commissioners to the folks who are here thank you for the work you do every day for pressure to our city workers our state workers our federal workers our police our teachers our firefighters and our military those are professionals they're paid for with tax dollars and you know what they are loyal to they are loyal to the Constitution and the rule of law Donald Trump's plan is to remove those people people and install his political lackies that's what project 2025 is going to do so in so in a health emergency like in Minnesota instead of being able to depend on the CDC and people from the Mayo Clinic we can listen to Donald Trump about drinking bleach and trying to find a way to stick Au UV light in ourselves we're in the middle of a pandemic with our neighbors dying and this guy is undermining the responses take that AC crossed all of government that's project 2025 so look again wouldn't answer the question on Banning abortion he will ban abortion across this country whether Congress is there or not be absolutely clear about it and when asked who do you admire who respects you because to be very clear the vice president was right I traveled to our friends and our Allied countries whether it's Australia whether it's great Brit whether it's France whether it's Canada whether it's Mexico they're laughing at this guy they don't trust him he's weak he's weak and can't follow through but you know when he was asked who looks up to him Victor Orban Vladimir Putin Kim Jong-un this this stuff would be unbelievable to have as a political attack ad if it hadn't come out of his mouth on a debate stage and he was proud of it he was proud of it KLA Harris was able to within a matter of a few seconds use this guy's inflated ego and narcissism to bait him into melting down on a national stage in front of 60 million you you don't think Vladimir Putin could do that you don't think XI junping could do that you don't think that folks who are looking to flatter this guy as he shakes down our allies like it's some type of Racket operation rather than standing with our allies I had the opportunity in June to be at the 80th commemoration of D-Day and driving down those small French roads to the Normandy beaches were French Flags American flags British flags Canadian flags free people standing together in the defense of democracy Donald Trump knows nothing about it it's why he would turn his back and tell Vladimir Putin do whatever the hell you want in Ukraine you think they're stopping in Ukraine you think he's stopping in Ukraine you think China's not watching when they watch this of course they are that's why we need the strong leadership that was displayed by KLA Harris to make sure that we put dictators in their place and this country stays for look our allies are worried but they're also hopeful just like you they've seen the leader stride onto that stage so they would maybe say I don't know whether to laugh or cry but just like you're doing it we're channeling it into joy and action we're making sure that we have that rare chance in this election to turn the page on this guy to end it once and for all so look we can choose a new generation of leadership a positive joyful all-encompassing future that this great nation has been founded on we can do that and what is what is so beautiful about that and about comma Harris we were on the bus touring some of these states and we were getting off at a rally where there was supporters there like this and they were holding up signs on the other side of the street there were not supporters they make it easy cuz they all wear the same hat do you know what it is said said it was a a group of independent thinkers standing there ready to yell at us so no but that's me KLA Harris's first instinct was and this is the first time we're on the bus together my wife Gwyn vice president and Doug were there who Doug and gwy I want to give them I'm a big round of applause too so they're out working it well look we're we're walking off that bus and that's the scene in front of us and she turns to me and she said uh Tim don't ever forget we work just as hard in the policies we put in place to benefit their those people their families as well as those people and their families this is a policy for everyone can you imagine can you imagine Donald Trump saying we're going to look out for those folks that don't vote for me because this started and I love this story as a young prosecutor Comm Harris talks about going in that courtroom for the first time KLA Harris for the people she's had one client that's the people of this country that's the people she's work for and she talks about this when she helped those folks when she was in that classroom or in that courtroom same way with the classroom I would say for all of us cuz this is true too man the Symmetry is just too beautiful on that one she didn't do it and I didn't do it I didn't ask if someone was a Republican or a Democrat they're an American and they came in that class that courtroom they came in that classroom they're to be treated that way that's what she's done every single day but the question she asked him is are you okay what do you need that's what leaders ship looks like so look on Tuesday and again I'll say this no surprise but I do think we should probably lift it up one more time comma Harris did her job on Tuesday now Michigan and Grand Rapids we need to do ours we need to do our job look the way our country is I'll go to my grave maybe not understanding it but you know what there'll be a time to think about that later this is going to be a razor thin election we're still the underdogs in this thing but here's the beautiful thing we get the opportunity to affect that outcome we get the opportunity to decide in 54 days what type of country we want so for each and every one of us this is the time to put it all out there you hear me say this all gas no breaks we're going to sleep when we're dead that's what that means is you've seen it and look I'm not I'm I'm I'm here and don't ever close that yearbook was looking when I came here the first thing I do is read the local paper and catch up on things and uh I saw this uh this Hudsonville game because I'm a defensive guy wins 1412 Last Week Big Game here and then I look up because this is you know gives me an opportunity to say it as being part of a state championship team Forest Hill Central is playing in one so look I got to tell you the uh the people who kind of dismiss us whatever look look life isn't about hoping you win life isn't about I wish this would happen it's great to have aspirations you have to but how you get things done is you have a plan and you execute it the plan to win this thing is is we've got the best candidate that we could ever have in KLA Harris we've got energy amongst the American people we've got that desire to win but I said this as football team there's not a football team in the state that doesn't want to win the state championship and every year they start out thinking that the difference is who gets it done and it takes a lot of things to get it done it takes a team to get it done we need to lift up for her right now and get this thing done so look I know I know my God you came on a Thursday to listen to a guy from Minnesota while you stood under a whale way in the back of the room again because you love the country because you know you're part of this it's not hyperbole the presidency of the United States and the future of our democracy could very well go right through this room in Grand Rapids that's how important Michigan is so look around let's commit to get this thing done let's bring one more person in let's do one more volunteership let's make one more phone call people are picking up the phone now I'm going into these offices they want to talk about it because once again our politics is fun and hopeful and gives us something to work for so for each of us don't buy it that she won because she won the debate Mike if these elections were about having the best ideas and the best candidates we'd Win Every Damn Race we always have better ideas and better candidates but that's not what wins races what wins races is people who care enough to get on the ground and get the work done and take that debate performance take those resources that have been out there take that energy and funnel it down into voter contact get out the vote efforts and ballots and ballots so I'll tell you what last time I was in Michigan we were in Detroit and there was a massive crowd in the hangar and Donald Trump said oh no it's just AI I'm sure you'll say the same about this AI whale okay I'm obsessed with the whale I love it so but look what I say is let him say it let him try and tell that we've got 32 field officers over here and tens of thousands of volunteers out working we're doing the work and in 54 days what won't be AI is the ballots cast for kamla Harris the next president of the United States so Grand Rapids let's work together let's chart that new way forward let's do it because we believe in the promise of America and as you know the vice president tells us it and it is so true when we fight we win when we fight we win when we fight we win thank you Grand Rapids thank you hello Michigan it is good to be here and uh can we all agree our future is pretty bright with people like Mariah holy SM backstage I was just uh getting introduced to Mariah and uh she said uh KLA Harris is going to change the world and um that inspiration and our young people who we know our future it was something else so Mariah thank you for all you're doing and beautiful Lake blue whales all the things in Michigan you it's not as if you don't have it all and then you have Gretchen Whitmer on top of it so she she is such a dear friend but I'll tell you she is so good at what she does she has convinced my son he's a Michigan State fan now so it's it's terrible politics for me but uh he is true blue over he's True Green over there on it so uh you get it so uh look you got an incredible delegation and we know some of these races are going to be close but uh we have got to keep the majority in the house make sure you send Hillary Scolton back to the house make sure you remember and you got it you you've always had incredible senators and you got Gary Peters very difficult to replace Debbie stab now but you're going to do it with Alys scoten make sure you get it done make sure each and every one of you thank you a lot of plac you can be on a late summer day um get busy you're after work kids are from coming home from school uh you chose to be here uh on behalf of the vice president myself but on behalf of this country thank you for caring and loving your country enough to show up thank you one one final thank you you thank you to my fellow cat owner Taylor Swift look she she's not here but let me just say uh vice president I know you're all waiting oh what a bait and switch this guy left on us look vice president uh Harrison I couldn't be more excited to have her support really grateful so um and look look it it's not as if I didn't warn these guys a few months ago you mess with C people and you will find out you will find out so uh they did so uh beautiful strategy there picking on the cap people so um look all of you are here but how how can we not start with the debate how can we not start with the debate um look what was so clear about it was and and again not surprising but there was one person on that stage who should be the next president of the United States one person she commanded the room and I know all of us are incredibly proud of Vice President Harris but let's be very clear none of us were surprised of what happened there none of us were surprised no one has come with more experience to this job than she has and no one has done more damage than Donald Trump has so we knew what was coming and no pun intended from the get-go she had the upper hand walking in giving the handshake look it says something about character we talk about this often shake hands and when you lose which he did last time and which he will again you shake hands and walk away so I got asked right after the debate you know do you think we should do another one and I said hell every day we should do another one of course well well it's not going to happen cuz Donald Trump confirmed today he's not doing another one so um give him give him a little break that one left a mark that one left a mark so he's with it so look who he was was on full display the other night his true colors were out there not just his makeup not just his makeup so if I heard somebody say if you want to know in a debate who's winning or ever turned the sound down and you would have sworn that was a nearly 80-year-old man shaking his fist at Clouds that's what it looked like so look this guy has spent his entire life focused on himself obsessed with the past and the thing that is unforgivable rooting against America and America's people which he's done consistently he said a lot of weird stuff too so I'm was going to say that and and that was and and the you tell me you had this on your bingo card and they're eating cats and they're eating cats oh Michigan we love you look and it would be it it would be funnier too if it wasn't so dangerous but I want to be clear about this guy last week he did one of these these fake Town Halls where he gets one of the Fox News people to ask him questions that he knows and then he then he answers on this but what was so fascinating about that was in that amount of time that he was there and you should go see this it's really something to see in that little interview he did 11 times he reassured the people there that he was not weird now yes some of you picked up on this if you need to remind people 11 times you're not weird you might be weird there you go so look but it's what he didn't say that was probably the most disturbing of the night Trump refused to say that he wants the brave fighters in Ukraine to win the war in protection of democracy it's a pretty low bar that's a pretty low bar when he got asked that question the the other thing he refused to say was he refused to say if he would veto a National Abortion ban well you know why he refused to say because you know exactly what he would do look they don't trust women and women don't trust them that is that simple that is that simple but for all of us that that old uh that old saying of the frog and the boiling water whatever don't allow ourselves to get this way the most damaging thing that he wouldn't say is he refused to acknowledge he lost the last election he refused to condemn the January 6 criminals who attacked the US Capitals in our democracy but in the anger that he got into as the Poise and dignity and the sharp uh retorts from vice president Harris he lost some of that composure in there and when he was referred ing to those riers and you go back and make sure you'll see this again I'm sure he said we did nothing wrong he didn't say they he said we and then at the end and then at the end of this thing you watched 90 minutes you watch that beat him at The Ballot Box beat him at The Ballot Box I we have got the opportunity people what he didn't say and this is the difference and look there's a lot of reasons my God too many to list the time we're here a lot of reasons this guy shouldn't get anywhere near the White House again but we have a responsibility and can to tell people what the alternative is because what he did not do he did not say one thing what he would do to make life better for the American people not one remember after he came down his golden escalator he said this would be easy this would be easy I would have a health care plan on day one that was 9 years ago but look it's progress apparently he has the concepts of a plan I taught high school for 20 years every one of my kids everyone everyone every one of my kids had a better excuse for not doing their work than that they never told me they had a concept of the plan so look on every single issue vice president Harris is standing on those issues with you and your family it is clear Donald Trump has no plan for you his agenda his agenda is about him and the thing is I will say this while he didn't articulate it the other night they've made it easy for us to know what they're going to do because they wrote it in a 900 page document called project 2025 I keep asking this who is asking for that agenda who is asking for that agenda who is asking except folks that want to take control over your lives that's the only people asking for it no one's sitting around asking to give billionaires tax cuts nobody sitting around asking said let's make insulin more expensive and they keep telling us and convinced of this nobody's sitting around the bars in Grand Rapid say you know the first thing we need to do is we need to ban George Orwell's books that no one's saying that no one's saying that they find a lot of time to talk about banning books but they can't find one damn day to get weapons of war out of our schools and get those out not one but look what I was most proud of in this why Donald Trump spent the entire time whining about himself talking about his problems Kara spent her time talking about you and the way forward talking about the future this guy is stuck in the past she's focused on the future of this country the bright future that each and every one of us get to partake in so look she took him to task and I we can't say this enough she prosecuted the case against him but what I'm what I am so proud to be part of this ticket I'm so proud to be in a room like this under a whale by the way which is quite awesome um on a Thursday night thinking about the direction of our country what I am most proud of is because of all the things Donald Trump has stolen and all the things he did what is unforgivable is him stealing our joy so here's the thing kamla Harris is bringing not only solutions that focus on you she's doing it with a smile and Joy on her face this guy this guy on purpose and make no mistake it's on purpose he broke our political system he tried to break our faith in one another he tried to bake the thing that makes mid westner stick together we're positive people for God's sakes we walk on water half the year we have to be it's cold as hell half the year we don't care we dig our neighbors out this guy is trying to tell you your neighbor neighbor the enemy this guy is trying to tell you that he knows best about what folks in Grand Rapids need well trust me nothing could be further from the truth so here's the deal we're nice folks we'll dig you out after a snowstorm we'll say Heidi at the store some of us might even let you merge on the highway not all of us we have a saying for that it's Minnesota nice is what we call it I'm sure you have it too but the one thing I'll tell you about midwesterners that stretches across that beautiful blue wall of Northern America here the one thing about us is don't ever mistake our kindness for weakness so all of you and your teachers it made me an eternal optimist but it also made me understand I supervise the lunchroom for most of those years I taught too and we can have joy and we can do things and we can be nice but I'll tell you the one thing we're not going to do we are not going to tolerate a bully in that lunchroom or in our politics and again I'm going to go back to this kamla Harris has a lot of practice on putting bullies in their place and the one thing I want to be clear about is coming back to no no one should have been surprised by how she performed on that debate stage from her time as a prosecutor to her time as a county attorney to her time as the Attorney General of the largest state in the nation to her time as a United States Senator to her time as our vice president every day every single day putting the American people first she took on the Predators she took on the frauders she took down career criminals and Powerful corporate interests which by the way was on the stage the other night all those things so so this time just to be clear that criminal being on the stage got put in his place all those things were wrapped up into one guy and I think many of you recognized she used a wonderful line he's not dealing with that very well he's not dealing with that very well but here's what did simultaneously and this is what true leaderships looks like and she says this time and time again and I love it a mark of true leadership is not who beats people down it's who lifts people up who lifts them up so so when it's a bully and there's a time she proved she can beat some people down if they need it which he needed it but for the American people she laid out a plan for an opportunity econom a place that's not just a concept go to kah and you can see what's laid out there read it tell your friends send it to your relative that you're dreading seeing get it out to them because you know what they watch that the other day and I don't hear them out there much I don't see them out there much they're a little bit because they're good people they're are neighbors they're like H that didn't look very presidential screaming about eating cats is not a solution it's not a solution but what KL Harris was talking about is things that you actually care about they might not be sitting down at the bar talking about banning books but they might down there be talking about how can I afford a house I'm working hard I'm working hard I want to have a house and because that house becomes a home to some of these folks you're a Real Estate Mogul venture capitalist whatever that's just an asset to be traded and sold to whoever you want for us it's a place we gather around the kitchen table to talk to our kids about what happened to school that's what KLA Harris wants for you that's what she wants for you she knows that folks are being squeezed on grocery prices but let's all be very clear here folks you know this in Michigan I'm a Minnesota guy those of us who've been on farms farmers are getting 3.90 for a bushel of corn and barely 10 bucks for soybeans they're not getting rich somebody in The Middle's taking a cut for not growing the corn not processing the corn not doing anything she talking about price gouging that's illegal in 37 States already and should be illegal across the country to gouge price and in this country the richest country on Earth it's a absolute disgrace that folks have to ration their drugs because they can't afford them because trust me big farmers doing just fine we need to make sure that folks get their insulin at a price of $35 each get the drugs that they need and you know what's really interesting because gretan Whitmer proved it you can see this we did it in Minnesota KLA Harris wants it for the country you take care of workers you make sure folks can unionize you make sure folks have money you know what happens when you do that the economy grows and businesses soar she wants to make it easier for any one of you if you want to start a small business cut the red tape give you a tax cut and let you start that dream that you want to get going and I'm going to go back to this you did it in Michigan we did it in Minnesota she has talked about it on the first day she's in office and that bill comes over from Congress she'll signed the proa making it easier to organize that ability to collect you know we did something in Minnesota that I'm like maybe we ought to do everywhere is we also made it against the law in Minnesota to have employers put you in a room and give you anti-union propaganda if you're a factory worker kamla Harris is going to keep creating tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs right here in Michigan and by the way well the Trump Administration even if you don't count the jobs lost under Co KLA Harris and Joe Biden created six times more manufacturing jobs than Donald Trump ever did and for Governors we got to get things done your Governor here made it clear because of what kamla Harris was able to do you're able to have your Governor show the rest of the country how to fix the damn roads and that's something that happened historic Investments historic bipartisan investments in infrastructure and no matter who you are and this is fundamental commer Harris is out there fighting to make sure you have the freedom to make the choices about your life and your family not government some of you old enough to remember when Republicans used to talk talk about Freedom they meant it not these guys this means the government should be free invade your doctor's office invade your school library even invade your bedroom let me say this too it is weird as hell to think about other people's bedrooms it is weird as hell so look we in Minnesota and Michigan across this country we respect our neighbors for their personal choices we might not make them we might not make the same choice but we respect them that's for you to make for me to make in Minnesota I've talked about this and I'm going to I think this is a national Golden Rule cuz I've talked about it you know Society works best is when you mind your own damn business things work better things work better so we'll continue to talk about Freedom that people make their health care decisions not politicians mean freedom is to get a good education for a better job and a better future not crippling student loan debt for the rest of your damn life and they don't want to talk about it they want to avoid it Freedom means our kids being able to go to school without being shot dead in the Halls you know it here Oxford High School Michigan State we saw it in Georgia last week look I'm a teacher I'm a parent this the best time of year leaves are changing Friday night football's back our kids have a new start and they're going in it's a time of excitement and hope everything we want that's what we want for our kids but too many of our kids these first days of school are a time of sheer Terror a time that is going to stick with them forever so let's be clear I know guns you know guns I'm a veteran I'm a Hunter I'm a Hunter KLA Harris is a gun owner by the way which you found out so look I'm not going to take any crap about them about the Second Amendment we support the Second Amendment but our first responsibility is keeping our children safe and you can have their watch how quickly they move on and they don't remember names oh they remember names in certain incidents what they want to try and politicize things but they don't remember the names of the Innocents who die and Donald Trump actually said when he got asked about this he got irritated he said look people just need to get over it and his running mate Senator Vance last week said look just fact of life think about that now family's forever broken too many of has been there my own son was in a location where someone was shot in the head too many of us have this this this H you see it these guys say it's a fact of life and get over it move on do the next thing work on the next tax cut for billionaires or whatever important stuff is um how morally broken do you have to be to not be able to spend any time time internalizing children and teachers being gunned down in the first weeks of school in their cafeterias in their Labs texting their parents goodbye as they're standing there hiding under desks running for their lives and to say well you know what happens for all of us that crap does not happen in other places in the world we are better than that I believe in the American people we can hold two thoughts at the same time and make sure that we say what vice president Harris said last week it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way look Michigan you know it I know it we cannot have four more years of that nearly 80-year-old man yelling at people to get off his yard screaming ing about cats and looking out for himself he cannot go back because when he goes back this time the one thing I do believe I do believe that he said this time it will be much much worse that that they want to act like oh I don't know I don't know project 2025 I don't know anything about this or whatever here's what I know enough about is as a longtime football coach you take the time to draw up a Playbook you plan on running it you plan on running it and he's going to use it he's going to use it they are telling us exactly what they're going to do and this one this is I don't believe much of what he says and he usually doesn't follow through but he did do this he was with a bunch of his rich friends down in Mar logo and he said look you're rich as hell and I'm going to give you a tax cut he did that he did that and he ballooned the national debt and the middle class is stuck with the bill all those things making groceries and the things that we know we need as Joe Biden and KLA harrris fought to bring down inflation to put our country on a path to recovery this guy wants to add a national sales tax to all of us you know what I figure he look who can blame him he's looking out for himself and he says this he tells you oh you know price of bacon at the grocery stores you and I both know that guy has never been in a grocery store and he's never bought bacon ever so he doesn't give a damn if the tax is on that because he doesn't know what bacon cost a pound he doesn't know what milk costs cuz it doesn't matter so let's be clear this guy wants the tax cuts for himself to underfund government and then those incredible public servants and I want to say this to the mayor to the County Commissioners to the folks who are here thank you for the work you do every day to the pleasure to our city workers our state workers our federal workers our police our teachers our firefighters and our military those are professionals they're paid for with tax dollars and you know what they are loyal to they are loyal to the Constitution and the rule of law Donald Trump's plan is to remove those people and install his political lackies that's what project 2025 is going to do so in so in a health emergency like in Minnesota instead of being able to depend on the CDC and people from the Mayo Clinic we can listen to Donald Trump about drinking bleach and trying to find a way to stick Au UV light in ourselves we're in the middle of a pandemic with our neighbors dying and this guy is undermining the responses take that across all of government that's project 2025 so look again wouldn't answer the question on Banning abortion he will ban abortion across his country whether Congress is there or not be absolutely clear about it and when asked who do you admire who respects you because to be very clear the vice president was right I traveled to our friends and our Allied countries whether it's Australia whether it's Great Britain whether it's France whether it's Canada whether it's Mexico They're laughing at this guy they don't trust him he's weak he's weak and can't follow through but you know when he was asked who looks up to him Victor Orban Vladimir Putin Kim Jong-un this this stuff would be unbelievable to have as a political attack ad if it hadn't come out of his mouth on a debate stage and he was proud of it he was proud of it KLA Harris was able to within a m matter of a few seconds use this guy's inflated ego and narcissism to bait him into melting down on a national stage in front of 60 million you you don't think Vladimir Putin could do that you don't think shun ping could do that you don't think that folks who are looking to flatter this guy as he shakes down our allies like at some type of Racket operation rather than standing with our allies I had the opportunity in June to be at the 80th commemoration of the D-Day and driving down those small French roads to the Normandy beaches were French Flags American flags British flags Canadian flags free people standing together in the defense of democracy Donald Trump knows nothing about it it's why he would turn his back and tell Vladimir Putin do whatever the hell you want in Ukraine you think they're stopping in Ukraine you think he's stopping in Ukraine you think China's not watching when they watch this of course they are that's why we need the strong leadership that was displayed by kamla Harris to make sure that we put dictators in their place and this country stays firm look our allies are worried but they're also hopeful just like you they've seen the leader stride onto that stage so they would maybe say I don't know whether to laugh or cry but just like you're doing it we're channeling it into joy and action we're making sure that we have that rare chance in this election to turn the page on this guy to end it once and for all so look we can choose a new generation of leadership a positive joyful all-encompassing future for that this great nation has been founded on we can do that I'll say and what is what is so beautiful about that and about kamla Harris we were on the bus touring some of these states and we were getting off at a rally where there was supporters there like this and they were holding up signs on the side of the street they were not supporters they make it easy cuz they all wear the same hat so you know what it is said said it was a a group of independent thinkers standing there ready to yell at us so no but that's me KLA Harris's first instinct was and this is the first time we're on the bus together my wife gwy vice president and Doug were there who Doug and gwy I want to give them a big round of applause too so they're out working it but look we're we're walking off that bus and that's the scene in front of us and she turns to me and she said uh Tim don't ever forget we work just as hard in the policies we put in place to benefit their those people their families as well as those people and their families this is a policy for everyone can you imagine can you imagine Donald Trump saying we're going to look out for those folks that don't vote for me because this started and I love this story as a young prosecutor KLA Harris talks about going in that courtroom for the first time KLA Harris for the people she's had one client that's the people of this country that's the people she's worked for and she talks about this when she helped those folks when she was in that classroom or in that courtroom same way with the classroom I would say for all of us cuz this is true too man the cemetry is just too beautiful on that one she didn't do it and I didn't do it I didn't ask if someone was a Republican or a Democrat they're an American and they came in that class that courtroom they came in that classroom they're to be treated that way that's what she's done every single day but the question she asked him is are you okay what do you need that's what leadership looks like so look on Tuesday and again I'll say this no surprise but I do think we should probably lift it up one more time KLA Harris did her job on Tuesday now Michigan and Grand Rapids we need to do ours we need to do our job look the way our country is I'll go to my grave maybe not understanding it but you know what there'll be a time to think about that later this is going to be a razor thin election we're still the underdogs in this thing but here's the beautiful thing we get the opportunity to affect that outcome we get the opportunity to decide in 54 days what type of country we want so for each and every one of us this is the time to put it all out there you hear me say this all gas no breaks we're going to sleep when we're dead that's what that means is you've seen it and look I'm not I'm I'm I'm here and don't ever close that yearbook I was looking when I came here the first thing I do is read the local paper and catch up on things and I saw this uh this Hudsonville game because I'm a defensive guy wins 1412 Last Week Big Game here and then I look up because this is you know gives me an opportunity to say it as being part of a state championship team Forest Hill Central is playing in one so look I got to tell you the uh the people who kind of dismiss us whatever look life isn't about hoping you win life isn't about I wish this would happen it's great to have aspirations you have to but how you get things done is you have a plan and you execute it the plan to win this thing is is we've got the best candidate that we could ever have in KLA Harris we've got energy amongst the American people we've got that desire to win but I said this as football team there's not a football team in the state that doesn't want to win the state championship and every year they start out thinking that the difference is who gets it done and it takes a lot of things to get it done it takes a team to get it done we need to lift up for her right now and get this thing done so look I know I know my God you came on a Thursday to listen to a guy from Minnesota while you stood under a whale way in the back of the room again because you love the country because you know you're part of this it's not hyperbole the presidency of the United States and the future of our democracy could very well go right through this room in Grand Rapids that's how important Michigan is so look around let's commit to get this thing done let's bring one more person in let's do one more volunteership let's make one more phone call people are picking up the phone now I'm going into these offices they want to talk about it because once again our politics is fun and hopeful and gives us something to work for so for each of us don't buy it that she won because she won the debate mik if these elections were about having the best ideas and the best candidates we'd Win Every Damn Race we always have better ideas and better candidates but that's not what wins races what wins races is people who care enough to get on the ground and get the work done and take that debate performance take those resources that have been out there take that energy and funnel it down into voter contact get out the vote efforts and ballots and ballots so I'll tell you what last time I was in Michigan we were in Detroit and there was a massive crowd in the hanger and Donald Trump said oh no it's just AI I'm sure you'll say the same about this AI whale okay I'm obsessed with the whale I love it so but look what I say is let him say it let him try and tell that we've got 32 field officers over here and tens of thousands of volunteers out working we're doing the work and in 54 days what won't be AI is the ballots cast for KLA Harris the next president of the United States so Grand Rapids let's work together let's chart that new way forward let's do it because we believe in the promise of America and as you know the vice president tells us it and it is so true when we fight we win when we fight we when we fight we thank you Grand Rapids thank you hello Michigan it is good to be here and uh can we all agree our future is pretty bright with people like Mariah holy SM backstage I was just uh getting introduced to Mariah and uh she said uh KLA Harris is going to change the world and um that inspiration in our young people who we know our future it was something else so Mariah thank you for all you're doing and beautiful lakes blue whales all the things in Michigan you it's not as if you don't have at all and then you have Gretchen Whitmer on top of it so she she is such a dear friend but I'll tell you she is so good at what she does she has convinced my son he's a Michigan State fan now so it's it's terrible politics for me but uh he is true blue over or he is True Green over there on it so uh you get it so uh look you we got an incredible delegation and we know some of these races are going to be close but uh we have got to keep the majority in the house make sure you send Hillary scalton back to the house make sure you and you got it you you've always had incredible senators and you got Gary Peters very difficult to replace Debbie stab now but you're going to do it with Alys Stoten make sure you get it done make sure you get it done to each and every one of you thank you a lot of places you can be on a late summer day um get busy you're after work kids are from coming home from school uh you chose to be here uh on behalf of the vice president myself but on behalf of this country thank you for caring and loving your country enough to show up thank you one one final thank you thank you to my fellow cat owner Taylor Swift look she she's not here but let me just say uh vice president I know you're all waiting oh what a bait and switch this guy left on us look vice president uh Harrison I couldn't be more excited to have her support really grateful so um and look look it it's not as if I didn't warn these guys a few months ago you mess with C people and you will find out you will find out so uh they did so uh beautiful strategy there picking on the cap people so um look all of you are here but H how can we not start with the debate how can we not start with the debate um look what was so clear about it was and and again not surprising but there was one person on that stage who should be the next president of the United States one person she commanded the room and I know all of us are incredibly proud of Vice President Harris but let's be very clear none of us were surprised of what happened there none of us were surprised no one has come with more experience to this job than she has and no one has done more damage than Donald Trump has so we knew what was coming and no pun intended from the get-go she had the upper hand walking in given the handshake look it says something about character we talk about this often Shake hand and when you lose which he did last time and which he will again you shake hands and walk away so I got asked right after the debate you know do you think we should do another one and I said hell every day we should do another one of course well it's not going to happen cuz Donald Trump confirmed today he's not doing another one so um give him give him a little break that one left a mark that one left a mark so he's with it so look who he was was on full display the other night his true colors were out there not just his makeup not just his makeup so if I heard somebody say if you want to know in a debate who's winning or whatever turn the sound down and you would have sworn that was a nearly 80-year-old man shaking his fist at Clouds that's what it looked like so look this guy has spent his entire life focused on himself obsessed with the past and the thing that is unforgivable rooting against America and America's people which he's done consistently he had a lot of weird stuff too so I'm just going to say that and and that was and and that you tell me you had this on your bingo card and they're eating cats and they're eating cats oh Michigan we love you look and it would be it it would be funnier too if it wasn't so dangerous but I want to be clear about this guy last week he did one of these these fake Town Halls where he gets one of the Fox News people to ask him questions that he knows and then he then he answers on this but what was so fascinating about that was in that amount of time that he was there you should go see this it's really something to see in that little interview he did 11 times he reassured the people there that he was not weird now yes some of you picked up on this if you need to remind people 11 times you're not weird you might be weird there you go so look but it's what he didn't say that was probably the most disturbing of the night Trump refused to say that he wants the brave fighters in Ukraine to win the war in protection of democracy it's a pretty low bar that's a pretty low bar when he got asked that question the other thing he refused to say was he refused to say if he would veto a national abortion ban well you know why he refused to say because you know exactly what he would do look they don't trust women and women don't trust them that is that simple that is that simple but for all of us that that old uh that old saying of the frog and the boiling water whatever don't allow ourselves to get this way the most damaging thing that he wouldn't say is he refused to acknowledge he lost the last election he refused to condemn the January 6 criminals who attacked the US Capitals in our democracy but in the anger that he got into as the Poise and dignity and the sharp uh retorts from vice president Harris he lost some of that composure in there and when he was referring to those riers and you go back and make sure you'll see this again I'm sure he said we did nothing wrong he didn't say they he said we and then at the end and then at the end of this thing you watched 90 minutes you watch beat him at The Ballot Box beat him at The Ballot Box we have got the opportunity people what he didn't say and this is the difference and look there's a lot of reasons my God too many to list the time we're here a lot of reasons this guy shouldn't get anywhere near the White House again but we have a responsibility and can to tell people what the alternative is because what he did not do he did not say one thing what he would do to make life better for the American people not once remember after he came down his golden escalator he said this would be easy this would be easy I would have a healthc care plan on day one that was 9 years ago but look it's progress apparently he has the concepts of a plan I taught high school for 20 years every one of my kids everyone everyone everyone of my kids had a better excuse for not doing their work than that they never told me they had a concept of the plan so look on every single issue vice president Harris is standing on those issues with you and your family it is clear Donald Trump has no plan for you his agenda his agenda is about him and the thing is I will say this while he didn't articulate it the other night they've made it easy for us to know what they're going to do because they wrote it in a 900 page document called project 2025 I keep asking this who is asking for that agenda who is asking for that agenda who is asking except folks that want to take control over your lives that's the only people asking for it no one sitting around asking to give billionaires tax cuts nobody's sitting around asking said let's make insulin more expensive and they keep telling us and convinced of this nobody's sitting around the bars in Grand Rapid say you know the first thing we need to do is we need to ban George Orwell's books that no one's saying that no one's saying that they find a lot of time to talk about banning books but they can't find one damn day to get weapons of war out of our schools and get those out not one well look what I was most proud of in this why Donald Trump spent the entire time whining about himself talking about his problems KLA Harris spent her time talking about you and the way forward talking about the future this guy is stuck in the past she's focused on the future of this country the bright future that each and every one of us get to partake in so look she took him to task and I we can't say this enough she prosecuted the case against him but what I'm what I am so proud to be part of this ticket I'm so proud to be in a room like this under a whale by the way which is quite awesome um on a Thursday night thinking about the direction of our country what I am most proud of is because of of all the things Donald Trump has stolen and all the things he did what is unforgivable is him stealing our joy so here's the thing KLA Harris is bringing not only solutions that focus on you she's doing it with a smile and Joy on her face this guy this guy on purpose and make no mistake it's on purpose he broke our political system he tried to break our faith in one another he tried to bake the thing that makes midwesterners stick together we're positive people for God's sakes we walk on water half the year we have to be it's cold as hell half the year we don't care we dig our neighbors out this guy is trying to tell you your neighbor's the enemy this guy's trying to tell you that he knows best about what folks in Grand Rapids need well trust me nothing could be further from the truth so here's the deal we're nice folks we'll dig you out after a snowstorm we'll say hi to you at the store some of us might even let you merge on the highway not all of us we have a saying for that it's Minnesota nice is what we call it I'm sure you have it too but the one thing I'll tell you about Midwestern ERS that stretches across that beautiful blue wall of Northern America here the one thing about us is don't ever mistake our kindness for weakness ever so for all of you and your teachers it made me an eternal optimist but it also made me understand I supervis the lunchroom for most of those years I taught too and we we can have joy and we can do things and we can be nice but I'll tell you the one thing we're not going to do we are not going to tolerate a bully in that lunchroom are in our politics and again I'm going to go back to this kamla Harris has a lot of practice on putting bullies in their place and the one thing I want to be clear about is coming back to no one should have been surprised by how she performed on that debate stage from her time as a prosecutor to her time as a county attorney to her time as the Attorney General of the largest state in the nation to her time as a United States Senator to her time as our vice president every day every single day putting the American people first she took on the Predators she took on the frauders she took down career criminals and Powerful corporate interests which by the way was on the stage the other night all those things so so this time just to be clear that criminal being on the stage got put in his place all those things were wrapped up into one guy and I think many of you recognized she used a wonderful line he's not dealing with that very well he's not dealing with that very well but here's what she did simultaneously and this is what true leaderships looks like and she says this time time again and I love it a mark of true leadership is not who beats people down it's who lifts people up who lifts them up so so when it's a bully and there's a time she proved she can beat some people down if they need it which he needed it but for the American people she laid out a plan for an opportunity economy a place that's not just a concept go to kah and you can see what's laid out there read it tell your friends send it to your relative that you're dreading seeing get it out to them because you know what they watched that the other day and I don't hear them out there much I don't see them out there much they're a little bit because they're good people there are neighbors they're like H that didn't look very presidential screaming about eating cats is not a solution it's not a solution but what KL Harris was talking about is things that you actually care about they might not be sitting down at the bar talking about banning books but they might down there be talking about how can I afford a house I'm working hard I'm working hard I want to have a house and because that house becomes a home to some of these folks you're Real Estate Mogul venture capitalist whatever that's just an asset to be traded and sold to whoever you want for us it's a place we gather around the kitchen table to talk to our kids about what happened at school that's what KLA Harris wants for you that's what she wants for you she knows that folks are being squeezed on grocery prices but let's all be very clear here folks you know this in Michigan I'm a Minnesota guy those of us who've been on farms farmers are getting 390 for a bushel of corn and barely 10 bucks for soybeans they're not getting rich somebody in The Middle's taking a cut for not growing the corn not processing the corn not doing anything she's talking about price gouging that's illegal in 37 States already and should be illegal across the country to gou and in this country the richest country on Earth it's a absolute disgrace that folks have to ration their drugs because they can't afford them because trust me big farm is doing just fine we need to make sure that folks get their insulin at a price of $35 each get the drugs that they need wo and you know what's really interesting because Gretchen Whitmer proved it you can see this we did it in Minnesota KLA Harris wants it for the country you take care of workers you make sure folks can unionize you make sure folks have money you know what happens when you do that the economy grows and businesses soore she wants to make it easier for any one of you if you want to start a small business cut the red tape give you a tax cut and let you start that dream that you want to get going and I'm going to go back to this you did it in Michigan we did it in Minnesota she has talked about it on the first day she's in office and that bill comes over from Congress she'll sign the proa making it easier to organize that ability to collect the bur you know we did something to Minnesota that I'm like maybe we ought to do everywhere is we also made it against the law in Minnesota to have employers put you in a room and give you anti-union propaganda you're a factory worker kamla Harris is going to keep creating tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs right here in Michigan and by the way well the Trump Administration even if you don't count the jobs lost under Co KLA Harris and Joe Biden created six times more manufacturing jobs than Donald Trump ever did and for Governors we got to get things done your Governor here made it clear because of what kamla Harris was able to do you're able to have your Governor show the rest of the country how to fix the damn roads and that's something that happened historic Investments historic bipartisan investments in infrastructure and no matter who you are and this is fundamental KLA Harris is out there fighting to make sure you have the freedom to make the choices about your life and your family not government some of you old enough to remember when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it not these guys this means the Govern should be free invade your doctor's office invade your school library even invade your bedroom let me say this too it is weird as hell to think about other people's bedrooms it is weird as hell so look we in Minnesota and Michigan across this country we respect our neighbors for their personal choices we might not make them we might not make the same choice but we respect them that's for you to make for me to make in Minnesota I've talked about this and and I'm going to I think this is a national Golden Rule cuz I've talked about it you know how Society works best is when you mind your own damn business things work better things work better so we'll continue to talk about Freedom that people make their health care decisions not politicians we mean freedom is to get a good education for a better job and a better future not crippling student loan debt for the rest of your damn life and they don't want to talk about it they want to avoid it Freedom means our kids being able to go to school without being shot dead in the Halls you know it here Oxford High School Michigan State we saw it in Georgia last week look I'm I'm a teacher I'm a parent this the best time of year leaves are changing Friday night football's back our kids have a new start and they're going in it's a time of excitement and hope everything we want that's what we want for our kids but too many of our kids these first days of school are a time of sheer Terror a time that is going to stick with them forever so let's be clear I know guns you know guns I'm a veteran I'm a Hunter I'm a Hunter KLA Harris is a gun owner by the way which you found out so look I'm not going to take any crap about them about the Second Amendment we support the Second Amendment but our first responsibility is keeping our children safe and you can have watch how quickly they move on in they don't remember names oh they remember names in certain incidents what they want to try and politicize things but they don't remember the names of the Innocents who die and Donald Trump actually said when he got asked about this he got irritated he said look people just need to get over it and his running mate Senator Vance last week said look just fact Al life think about that now family's forever broken too many of has been there my own son was in a location where someone was shot in the head too many of us have this this this H you see it these guys say it's a fact of life and get over it move on do the next thing work on the next tax cut for billionaires or whatever important stuff is um how morally broken do you have to be to not be able to spend any time internalizing children and teachers being gunned down in the first week weeks of school in their cafeterias in their Labs texting their parents goodbye as they're standing there hiding under desks running for their lives and to say well you know what happens for all of us that crap does not happen in other places in the world we are better than that I believe in the American people we can hold two thoughts at the same time and make sure that we say what vice president Harris said last week it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way look Michigan you know it I know it we cannot have four more years of that nearly 80y old man yelling at people to get off his yard screaming about cats and looking out for himself he cannot go back because when he goes back this time the one thing I do believe I do believe that he said this time it will be much much worse that that they want to act like oh I don't know I don't know project 2025 I don't know anything about this or whatever here's what I know enough about is as a longtime football coach you take the time to draw up a Playbook you plan on running it you plan on running it and he's going to use it he's going to use it they are telling us exactly what what they're going to do and this one this is I don't believe much of what he says and he usually doesn't follow through but he did do this he was with a bunch of his rich friends down in Mar logo and he said look you're rich as hell and I'm going to give you a tax cut he did that he did that and he ballooned the national debt and the middle class is stuck with the bill all those things making groceries and the things that we know we need as Joe Biden and KLA Harris fought to bring down inflation to put our country on a path to recovery this guy wants to add a national sales tax to all of us you know what I figure he look who can blame him he's looking out for himself and he says this he tells you oh you know price of bacon at the grocery stores you and I both know that guy has never been in the grocery store and he's never bought bacon ever so he doesn't give a damn if the tax is on that because he doesn't know what bacon cost a pound he doesn't know what milk costs cuz it doesn't matter so let's be clear this guy wants the tax cuts for himself to underfund government and then those incredible public servants and I want to say this to the mayor to the County Commissioners to the folks who are here thank you for the work you do every day to the pressure to our city workers our state workers our federal workers our police our teachers our firefighters and our military those are professionals they're paid for with tax dollars and you know what they are loyal to they are loyal to the Constitution and the rule of law Donald Trump's plan is to remove those people and install his political lackies that's what project 20125 is going to do so in so in a health eer like in Minnesota instead of being able to depend on the CDC and people from the Mayo Clinic we can listen to Donald Trump about drinking bleach and trying to find a way to stick Au UV light in ourselves we're in the middle of a pandemic with our neighbors dying and this guy is undermining the responses take that across all of government that's project 2025 so look again wouldn't answer the question on Banning a abortion he will ban abortion across his country whether Congress is there or not be absolutely clear about it and when asked who do you admire who respects you because to be very clear the vice president was right I traveled to our friends and our Allied countries whether it's Australia whether it's Great Britain whether it's France whether it's Canada whether it's Mexico They're laughing at this guy they don't trust him he's weak he's weak and can't follow through but you know when he was asked who looks up to him Victor Orban Vladimir Putin Kim Jong-un this this stuff would be unbelievable to have as a political attack ad if it hadn't come out of his mouth on a debate stage and he was proud of it he was proud of it KLA Harris was able to within a matter of a few seconds use this guy's inflated and narcissism to bait him into melting down on a national stage in front of 60 million you you don't think Vladimir Putin could do that you don't think XI junping could do that you don't think that folks who are looking to flatter this guy as he shakes down our allies like it's some type of Racket operation rather than standing with our allies I had the opportunity in June to be at the 80th commemoration of the D-Day and driving down those small French roads to the Normandy beaches were French Flags American flags British flags Canadian flags free people standing together in the defense of democracy Donald Trump knows nothing about it it's why he would turn his back and tell Vladimir Putin do whatever the hell you want in Ukraine you think they're stopping in Ukraine you think he's stopping in Ukraine you think China's not watching when they watch this of course they are that's why we need the strong leadership that was displayed by KLA Harris to make sure that we put dictators in their place and this country stays firm look our allies are worried but they're also hopeful just like you they've seen the leader stride onto that stage so they would maybe say I don't know whether to laugh or cry but just like you're doing it we're channeling it into joy and action we're making sure that we have that rare chance in this election to turn the page on this guy to end it once and for all so look we can choose a new generation of leadership a positive joyful all-encompassing future that this great nation has been founded on we can do that I'll and what is what is so beautiful about that and about KLA Harris we were on the bus touring some of these states and we were getting off at a rally where there was supporters there like this and they were holding up signs on the other side of the street they were not supporters they make it easy cuz they all we wear the same hat do you know what it is said said it was a a group of independent thinkers standing there ready to yell at us so no but that's me KLA Harris's first instinct was and this is the first time we're on the bus together my wife gwy vice president and Doug were there who Doug and gwy I want to give them a big round of applause too they're out working it well look we're we're walking off that bus and that's the scene in front of us and she turns to me and she said uh Tim don't ever forget we work just as hard in the policies we put in place to benefit their those people their families as well as those people and their families this is a policy for everyone can you imagine can you imagine Donald Trump saying we're going to look out for those folks that don't vote for me because this started and I love this story as a young prosecutor KLA Harris talks about going in that courtroom for the first time KLA Harris for the people she's had one client that's the people of this country that's the people she's worked for and she talks about this when she helped those folks when she was in that classroom or in that courtroom same way with the classroom I would say for all of us cuz this is true too man the the cemetery is just too beautiful on that one she didn't do it and I didn't do it I didn't ask if someone was a Republican or a Democrat they're an American and they came in that class that courtroom they came in that classroom they're to be treated that way that's what she's done every single day but the question she asked him is are you okay what do you need that's what leadership looks like so look on Tuesday and again I'll say this no surprise but I do think we should probably lift it up one more time kamla Harris did her job on confus now Michigan in Grand Rapids we need to do ours we need to do our job look the way our country is I'll go to my grave maybe not understanding it but you know what there'll be a time to think about that later this is going to be a razor thin election we're still the underdogs in this thing but here's the beautiful thing we get the opportunity to affect that outcome we get the opportunity to decide in 54 days what type of country we want so for each and every one of us this is the time to put it all out there you heard me say this all gas no breaks we're going to sleep when we're dead that's what that means is you've seen it and look I'm not I'm I'm I'm here and don't ever close that yearbook I was looking when I came here the first thing I do is read the local paper and catch up on things and uh I saw this uh this Hudsonville game because I'm a defensive guy wins 14 12 Last Week Big Game here and then I look up because this is you know gives me an opportunity to say it as being part of a state championship team Forest Hill Central is playing in one so look I got to tell you the uh the people who kind of dismiss us whatever look life isn't about hoping you win life isn't about I wish this would happen it's great to have aspirations you have to but how you get things done is you have a plan and you execute it the plan to win this thing is is we've got the best candidate that we could ever have in kamla Harris we've got energy amongst the American people we've got that desire to win but I said this as football team there's not a football team in the state that doesn't want to win the state championship and every year they start out thinking that the difference is who gets it done and it takes a lot of things to get it done it takes a team to get it done we need to lift up for her right now and get this thing done so look I know I know my God you came on a Thursday to listen to a guy from Minnesota while you stood under a whale way in the back of the room again because you love the country because you know you're part of this it's not hyperbole the presidency of the United States and the future of our democracy could very well go right through this room in Grand Rapids that's how important Michigan is so look around let's commit to get this thing done let's bring one more person in let's do one more volunteership let's make one more phone call people are picking up the phone now I'm going into these offices they want to talk talk about it because once again our politics is fun and hopeful and gives us something to work for so for each of us don't buy it that she won because she won the debate Mike if these elections were about having the best ideas and the best candidates we'd Win Every Damn Race we always have better ideas and better candidates but that's not what wins races what wins races is people who care enough to get on the ground and get the work done and take that debate performance take those resources that have been out there take that energy and funnel it down into voter contact get out the vote efforts and ballots and ballots so I'll tell you what last time I was in Michigan we were in Detroit and there was a massive crowd in the hanger and Donald Trump said oh no it's just a AI I'm sure you'll say the same about this AI whale okay I'm obsessed with the whale I love it so but look what I say is let him say it let him try and tell that we've got 32 field officers over here and tens of thousands of volunteers out working we're doing the work and in 54 days what won't be AI is the ballot cast for kamla Harris the next president of the United States so Grand Rapids let's work together let's chart that new way forward let's do it because we believe in the promise of America and as you know the vice president tells us it and it is so true when we fight we win when we fight when we fight we thank you Grand Rapids thank you hello Michigan it is good to be here and uh can we all agree our future is pretty bright with people like Mariah holy smart back backstage I was just uh getting introduced to Mariah and uh she said uh KLA Harris is going to change the world and um that inspiration and our young people who we know our future was something else so Mariah thank you for all you're doing and beautiful lakes blue whales all the things in Michigan you it's not as if you don't have it all and then you have Gretchen Whitmer on top of it so she she is such a dear friend but I'll tell you she is so good at what she does she has convinced my son he's a Michigan State fan now so it's it's terrible politics for me but uh he is true blue over or he's True Green over there on it so uh you get it so uh look you got an incredible delegation and we know some of these races are going to be close but uh we have got to keep the majority in the house make sure you send Hillary scalton back to the house make sure you and you got it you you've always had incredible senators and you got Gary Peters very difficult to replace Debbie stab now but you're going to do it with Alys scoten make sure you get it done make sure you get it done each and every one of you thank you a lot of plac you can be on a late summer day um get busy you're after work kids are from coming home from school you chose to be here on behalf of the vice president myself but on behalf of this country thank you for caring and loving your country enough to show up thank you one one final thank you thank you to my fellow cat owner Taylor Swift look she she's not here but let me just say uh vice president I know you're all waiting oh what a bait and switch this guy left on us look vice president uh Harris and I couldn't be more excited to have her support really grateful so um and look look it it's not as if I didn't warn these guys a few months ago you mess with C people and you will find out you will find out so uh they did so uh beautiful Str there picking on the cap people so um look all of you are here but how how can we not start with the debate how can we not start with the debate um look what was so clear about it was and and again not surprising but there was one person on that stage who should be the next president of the United States one person she commanded the room and I know all all of us are incredibly proud of Vice President Harris but let's be very clear none of us were surprised of what happened there none of us were surprised no one has come with more experience to this job than she has and no one has done more damage than Donald Trump has so we knew what was coming and no pun intended from the get-go she had the upper hand walking in giving the handshake look it says something about character we talk about this often shake hands and when you lose which he did last time and which he will again you shake hands and walk away so I got asked right after the debate you know do you think we should do another one and I said hell every day we should do another one of course well it's not going to happen because Donald Trump confirmed today he's not doing another one so um give him give him a little break that one left a mark that one left a mark so he's with it so look who he was was on full display the other night his true colors were out there not just his makeup not just his makeup so if I heard somebody say if you want to know in a debate who's winning or whatever turn the sound down and you would have sworn that was a nearly 80-year-old man shaking his fist at Clouds that's what it looked like so look this guy has spent his entire life focused on himself obsessed with the past and the thing that is unforgivable rooting against America and America's people which he's done consistently he said a lot of weird stuff too so I'm just going to say that and and that was and and the you tell me you had this on your bingo card and they're eating cats and reading C oh Michigan we love you look and it would be it it would be funnier too if it wasn't so dangerous but I want to be clear about this guy last week he did one of these these fake Town Halls where he gets one of the Fox News people to ask him questions that he knows and then he then he answers on this but what was so fascinating about that was in that amount of time that he was there and you should go see this it's really something to see in that little interview he did 11 times he reassured the people there that he was not weird now yes some of you picked up on this if you need to remind people 11 times you're not weird you might be weird there you go so look but it's what he didn't say that was probably the most disturbing of the night Trump refused to say that he wants the brave fighters in Ukraine to win the war in protection of democracy it's a pretty low bar that's a pretty low bar when he got asked that question the other thing he refused to say was he refused to say if he would veto a National Abortion ban well you know why he refused to say because you know exactly what he would do look they don't trust women and women don't trust them that is that simple that is that s but for all of us that that old uh that old saying of the frog and the boiling water whatever don't allow ourselves to get this way the most damaging thing that he wouldn't say is he refused to acknowledge he lost the last election he refused to condemn the J January 6 criminals who attacked the US Capitals in our democracy but in the anger that he got into as the Poise and dignity and the sharp uh retorts from vice president Harris he lost some of that composure in there and when he was referring to those riers and you go back and make sure you'll see this again I'm sure he said we did nothing wrong he didn't say they he said we and then at the end and then at the end of this thing you watched 90 minutes you watch beat him at The Ballot Box beat him at The Ballot Box I we have got the opportunity people what he didn't say and this is the difference and look there's a lot of reasons my God too many to list the time we're here a lot of reasons this guy shouldn't get anywhere near the White House again but we have a responsibility and can to tell people what the alternative is because what he did not do he did not say one thing what he would do to make life better for the American people not once remember after he came down his golden escalator he said this would be easy this would be easy I would have a healthare plan on day one that was 9 years ago but look it's progress apparently he has the concepts of a plan I taught high school for 20 years every one of my kids everyone everyone every one of my kids had a better excuse for not doing their work than that they never told me they had that concept of the plan so look on every single issue vice president Harris is standing on those issues with you and your family it is clear Donald Trump has no plan for you his agenda his agenda is about him and the thing is I will say this while he didn't articulate it the other night they've made it easy for us to know what they're going to do because they wrote it in a 900 page document called project 25 I keep asking this who is asking for that agenda who is asking for that agenda who is asking except folks that want to take control over your lives that's the only people asking for it no one's sitting around asking to give billionaires tax cuts nobody's sitting around asking said let's make insulin more expensive and they keep telling us and convinced of this no nobody sitting around the bars in Grand Rapid say you know the first thing we need to do is we need to ban George Orwell's books that no one's saying that no one's saying that they find a lot of time to talk about banning books but they can't find one damn day to get weapons of war out of our schools and get those out not one but look what I was most proud of in this why Donald Trump spent the entire time whining about himself talking about his problems KLA Hara spent her time talking about you and the way forward talking about the future this guy is stuck in the past she's focused on the future of this country the bright future that each and every one of us get to partake in so look she took him to task and I we can't say this enough she prosecuted the case against him but what I'm what I am so proud to be part of this ticket I'm so proud to be in a room like this under a whale by the way which is quite awesome um on a Thursday night thinking about the direction of our country what I am most proud of is because of all the things Donald Trump has stolen and all the things he did what is unforgivable is him stealing our joy so here's the thing KLA Harris is bringing not only solutions that focus on you she's doing it with a smile and Joy on her face this guy this guy on purpose and make no mistake it's on purpose he broke our political system he tried to break our faith in one another he tried to bake the thing that makes midwesterners stick together we're positive people for God's sakes we walk on water half the year we have to be it's cold as hell half the year we don't care we dig our neighbors out this guy is trying to tell you your neighbor's the enemy this guy is trying to tell you that he knows best about what folks in Grand Rapids need well trust me nothing could be further from the truth TR so here's the deal we're nice folks we'll dig you out after a snowstorm we'll say hi to you at the store some of us might even let you merge on the highway not all of us we have a saying for that it's Minnesota nice is what we call it I'm sure you have it too but the one thing I'll tell you about midwesterners that stretches across that beautiful blue wall of Northern America here the one thing about us is don't ever mistake our kindness for weakness ever so for all of you and your teachers it made me an eternal optimist but it also made me understand I supervised the lunchroom for most of those years I taught too and we can have joy and we can do things and we can be nice but I'll tell you the one thing we're not going to do we are not going to tolerate a bully in that lunchroom or in our politics and again I'm going to go back to this KLA Harris has a lot of practice on putting bullies in their place and the one thing I want to be clear about is coming back to no one should have been surprised by how she performed on that debate stage from her time as a prosecutor to her time as a county attorney to her time as the Attorney General of the largest state in the nation to her time as a United States Senator to her time as our vice president every day every single day putting the American people first she took on the Predators she took on the frauders she took down career criminals and Powerful corporate interest which by the way was on the stage the other night all those things so so this time just to be clear that criminal being on the stage got put in his place all those things were wrapped up into one guy and I think many of you recognized she used a wonderful line he's not dealing with that very well he's not dealing with that very well but here's what she did simultaneously and this is what true leaderships looks like and she says this time and time again and I love it a mark of true leadership is not who beats people down it's who lifts people up who lifts them up so so when it's a bully and there's a time she proved she can beat some people down if they need it which he needed it but for the American people she laid out a plan for an opportunity economy a place that's not just a concept go to kamla and you can see what's laid out there read it tell your friends send it to your relative that you're dreading seeing get it out to them because you know what they watched that the other day and I don't hear them out there much I don't see them out there much they're a little bit because they're good people they're our neighbors they're like H that didn't look very presidential screaming about eating cats is not a solution it's not a solution but what KL Harris was talking about is things that you actually care about they might not be sitting down at the bar talking about banning books but they might down there be talking about how can I afford a house I'm working hard I'm working hard I want to have a house and because that house becomes a home to some of these folks you're a Real Estate Mogul venture capitalist whatever that's just an asset to be traded and sold to whoever you want for us it's a place we gather around the kitchen table to talk to our kids about what happened at school that's what KLA Harris wants for you that's what she wants from you she knows that folks are being squeezed on grocery prices but let's all be very clear here folks you know this in Michigan I'm a Minnesota guy those of us who've been on farms farmers are getting 3.90 for a bushel of corn and barely 10 bucks for soybeans they're not getting rich somebody in The Middle's taking a cut for not growing the corn not processing the corn not doing anything she's talking about price gouging that's illegal in 37 States already and should be illegal across the country to G PR and in this country the richest country on Earth it's a absolute disgrace that folks have to ration their drugs because they can't afford them because trust me big farm is doing just fine we need to make sure that folks get their insulin at a price of $35 each get the drugs that they need and you know what's really interesting because Gretchen Whitmer proved it you you can see this we did it in Minnesota KLA Harris wants it for the country you take care of workers you make sure folks can unionize you make sure folks have money you know what happens when you do that the economy grows and businesses sore she wants to make it easier for any one of you if you want to start a small business cut the red tape give you a tax cut and let you start that dream that you want to get going and I'm going to go back to this you did it in Michigan we did it in Minnesota she has talked about it on the first day she's in office and that bill comes over from Congress she'll sign the proa making it easier to organize that ability to collect bur you know we did something in Minnesota that I'm like maybe we ought to do everywhere is we also made it against the law in OTA to have employers put you in a room and give you anti-union propaganda if you're a factory worker kamla Harris is going to keep creating tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs right here in Michigan and by the way well the Trump Administration even if you don't count the jobs lost under Co kamla Harris and Joe Biden created six times more manufacturing jobs than Donald Trump ever did and for Governors we got to get things done your Governor here made it clear because of what kamla Harris was able to do you're able to have your Governor show the rest of the country how to fix the damn roads and that's something that happened historic Investments historic bre bipartisan investments in infrastructure and no matter who you are and this is fundamental kamla Harris is out there fighting to make sure you have the freedom to make the choices about your life and your family not government some of you are old enough to remember when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it not these guys this means the government should be free invade your doctor's office invade your school library even invade your bedroom let me say this too it is weird as hell to think about other people's bedrooms it is weird as H so look we in Minnesota and Michigan across this country we respect our neighbors for their personal choices we might not make them we might not make the same choice but we respect them that's for you to make for me to make in Minnesota I've talked about this and I'm going to I think this is a national Golden Rule cuz I've talked about it you know Society works best is when you mind your own damn business things work better things work better so we'll continue to talk about Freedom that people make their Healthcare decisions not politicians we mean freedom is to get a good education for a better job and a better future not crippling student loan debt for the rest of your damn life and they don't want to talk about it they want to avoid it Freedom means our kids being able to go to school without being shot dead in the Halls you know it here Oxford High School Michigan State we saw it in Georgia last week look I'm a teacher I'm a parent this the best time of year leaves are changing Friday night football's back our kids have a new start and they're going in it's a time of excitement and hope everything we want that's what we want for our kids but too many of our kids these first days of school are a time of sheer Terror a time that is going to stick with them forever so let's be clear I know guns you know guns I'm a veteran I'm a Hunter I'm a Hunter KLA Harris is a gun owner by the way way which you found out so look I'm not going to take any crap about them about the Second Amendment we support the Second Amendment but our first responsibility is keeping our children safe and you can have both watch out quickly they move on and they don't remember names oh they remember names in certain incidents what they want to try and politicize things but they don't remember the names of the Innocents who die and Donald Trump actually said when he got asked about this he got irritated he said look people just need to get over it and his running mate Senator Vance last week said look just fact Al life think about that now family's forever broken too many of has been there my own son was in a location where someone was shot in the head too many of us have this this this H you see it these guys say it's a fact of life and get over it move on do the next thing work on the next tax cut for billionaires or whatever important stuff is um how morally broken do you have to be to not be able to spend any time internalizing children and teachers being gunned down in the first weeks of school in their cafeterias in their labs no texting their parents goodbye as they're standing there hiding under desk running for their lives no and to say well you know what happens for all of us that crap does not happen in other places in the world we are better than that I believe in the American people we can hold two thoughts at the same time and make sure that we say what Vice president Harris said last week it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way look Michigan you know it I know it we cannot have four more years of that nearly 80-year-old man yelling at people to get off his yard screaming about cats and looking out for himself he cannot go back because when he goes back this time the one thing I do believe I do believe that he said this time it will be much much worse that that they want to act like oh I don't know I don't know project 2025 I don't know anything about this or whatever here's what I know enough about is as a longtime football coach you take the time to draw up a Playbook you plan on running it you plan on running it and he's going to use it he's going to use it they are telling us exactly what they're going to do and this one this is I don't believe much of what he says and he usually doesn't follow through but he did do this he was with a bunch of his rich friends down in Mar logo and he said look you're rich as hell and I'm going to give you a tax cut he did that he did that and he ballooned the national debt and the middle class is stuck with the bill all those things making groceries and the things that we know we need as Joe Biden and KLA Harris fought to bring down inflation to put our country on a path to recovery this guy wants to add a national sales tax to all of us you know what I figure he look who can blame him he's looking out for himself and he says this he tells you oh you know price of bacon at the grocery stores you and I both know that guy has never been in the grocery store and he's never bought bacon ever so he doesn't give a damn if the tax is on that because he doesn't know what bacon cost a pound he doesn't know what milk costs cuz it doesn't matter so let's be clear this guy wants the tax cuts for himself to underfund government and then those incredible public servants and I want to say this to the mayor to the County Commissioners to the folks who are here thank you for the work you do every day for pleasure to our city workers our state workers our federal workers our police our teachers our fire fighters and our military the those are professionals they're paid for with tax dollars and you know what they are loyal to they are loyal to the Constitution and the rule of law Donald Trump's plan is to remove those people and install his political lackies that's what project 2025 is going to do so in so in a health emergency like in Minnesota instead of being able to depend on the CDC and people from the Clinic we can listen to Donald Trump about drinking bleach and trying to find a way to stick Au UV light in ourselves we're in the middle of a pandemic with our neighbors dying and this guy is undermining the responses take that across all of government that's project 2025 so look again wouldn't answer the question on Banning abortion he will ban abortion across this country whether Congress is there or not be absolutely clear about it and when asked who do you admire who respects you because to be very clear the vice president was right I traveled to our friends and our Allied countries whether it's Australia whether it's Great Britain whether it's France whether it's Canada whether it's Mexico They're laughing at this guy they don't trust him he's weak he's weak and can't follow through but you know when he was asked who looks up to him Victor orbon Vladimir Putin Kim Jong-un this this stuff would be unbelievable to have as a political attack ad if it hadn't come out of his mouth on a debate stage and he was proud of it he was proud of it KLA Harris was able to within a matter of a few seconds use this guy's inflated ego and narcissism to bait him into melting down on a national stage in front of 60 million you you don't think Vladimir Putin could do that you don't think XI junping could do that you don't think that folks who are looking to flatter this guy as he shakes down our allies like it's some type of Racket operation rather than standing with our allies I had the opportunity in June to be at the 80th commemoration of the D-Day and driving down those small French roads to the Normandy beaches were French Flags American flags British flags Canadian flags free people standing together in the defense of democracy Donald Trump knows nothing about it it's why he would turn his back and tell Vladimir Putin do whatever the hell you want in Ukraine you think they're stopping in Ukraine you think he's stopping in Ukraine you think China's not watching when they watch this of course they are that's why we need the strong leadership that was displayed by kamla Harris to make sure that we put dictators in their place and this country stays firm look our allies are worried but they're also hopeful just like you they've seen the leader stride onto that stage so they would maybe say say I don't know whether to laugh or cry but just like you're doing it we're channeling it into joy and action we're making sure that we have that rare chance in this election to turn the page on this guy to end it once and for all so look we can choose a new generation of leadership a positive joyful all-encompassing future for that this great nation has been founded on we can do that yes I'll say and what is what is so beautiful about that and about KLA Harris we were on the bus touring some of these states and we were getting off at a rally where there was supporters there like this and they were holding up signs on the other side of the street there were not supporters they make it easy cuz they all wear the same hat do you know what it is said said it was a a group of independent thinker standing there ready to yell at us so no but that's me KLA Harris's first instinct was and this is the first time we're on the bus together my wife Gwen vice president and Doug were there who Doug and gwy I want to give them a big round of applause too so they're out working it but look we're we're walking off that bus and that's the scene in front of us and she turns to me and she said uh Tim don't ever forget we work just as hard in the poliy we put in place to benefit their those people their families as well as those people and their families this is a policy for everyone can you imagine can you imagine Donald Trump saying we're going to look out for those folks that don't vote for me because this started and I love this story as a young prosecutor Comm Harris talks about going in that that courtroom for the first time KLA Harris for of the people she's had one client that's the people of this country that's the people she's worked for and she talks about this when she helped those folks when she was in that classroom or in that courtroom same way with the classroom I would say for all of us cuz this is true too man the cemeter is just too beautiful on that one she didn't do it I didn't do it I didn't ask if someone was a Republican or a Democrat they're an American and they came in that class that courtroom they came in that classroom they're to be treated that way that's what she's done every single day but the question she asked him is are you okay what do you need that's what leadership looks like so look on Tuesday and again I'll say this no surprise but I do think we should probably lift it up one more time kamla Harris did her job on Tuesday now Michigan and Grand Rapids we need to do ours we need to do our job look the way our country is I'll go to my grave maybe not understanding it but you know what there'll be a time to think about that later this is going to be a razor thin election we're still the underdogs in this thing but here's the beautiful thing we get the opportunity to affect that outcome we get the opportunity to decide in 54 days what type of country we want so for each and every one of us this is the time to put it all out there you heard me say this all gas no breaks we're going to sleep when we're dead that's what that means is you've seen it and look I'm not I'm I'm I'm here and don't ever close that yearbook I was looking when I came here the first thing I do is read the local paper and catch up on things and uh I saw this uh this Hudsonville game because I'm a defensive guy wins 1412 Last Week Big Game here and then I look up because this is you know gives me an to say it as being part of a state championship team Forest Hill Central is playing in one so look I got to tell you the uh the people who kind of dismiss us whatever look life isn't about hoping you win life isn't about I wish this would happen it's great to have aspirations you have to but how you get things done is you have a plan and you execute it the plan to win this thing is is we've got the best candidate that we could ever have in KLA Harris we've got energy amongst the American people we've got that desire to win but I said this as football team there's not a football team in the state that doesn't want to win the state championship and every year they start out thinking that the difference is who gets it done and it takes a lot of things to get it done it takes a team to get it done we need to lift up for her right now and get this thing done so look I know I know my God you came on a Thursday to listen to a guy from Minnesota while you stood under a whale way in the back of the room again because you love the country because you know you're part of this it's not hyperbole the presidency of the United States and the future of our democracy could very well go right through this room in Grand Rapids that's how important Michigan is so look around let's commit to get this thing done let's bring one more person in let's do one more volunteership let's make one more phone call people are picking up the phone now I'm going into these offices they want to talk about it because once again our politics is fun and Hope hopeful and gives us something to work for so for each of us don't buy it that she won because she won the debate Mike if these elections were about having the best ideas and the best candidates we'd Win Every Damn Race we always have better ideas and better candidates but that's not what wins races what wins races is people who care enough to get on the ground and get the work done and take that debate performance take those resources that have been out there take that energy and funnel it down into voter contact get out the vote efforts and ballots and ballots so I'll tell you what last time I was in Michigan we were in Detroit and there was a massive crowd in the hangar and Donald Trump said oh no it's just AI I'm sure you'll say the same about this a I whale okay I'm obsessed with the whale I love it so but look what I say is let him say it let him try and tell that we've got 32 field officers over here and tens of thousands of volunteers out working we're doing the work and in 54 days what won't be AI is the ballots cast for kamla Harris the next president of the United States so Grand Rapids let's work together let's chart that new way forward let's do it because we believe in the promise of America and as you know the vice president tells us it and it is so true when we fight we win when we fight we win when we fight we win thank you Grand Rapids thank you hello Michigan it is good to be here and uh can we all agree our future is pretty bright with people like Mariah holy SM backstage I was just uh getting introduced to Mariah and uh she said uh KLA Harris is going to change the world and um that inspiration in our young people who we know our future was something else so Mariah thank you for all you're doing and beautiful lakes blue whales all the things in Michigan you it's not as if you don't have it all and then you have Gretchen Whitmer on top of it so she she is such a dear friend but I'll tell you she is so good at what she does she has convinced my son he's a Michigan State fan now so it's it's terrible politics for me but uh he is true blue or he's True Green over there on it so uh you get it so uh look you got an incredible delegation and we know some of these races are going to be close but uh we have got to keep the majority in the house make sure you send Hillary scalton back to the house make sure you and you got it you you've always had incredible senators and you got Gary Peters very difficult to replace Debbie stab now but you're going to do it with Alys Stoten make sure you get it done make sure you get it to each and every one of you thank you a lot of plac you can be on a late summer day um get busy you're after work kids are from coming home from school uh you chose to here uh on behalf of the vice president myself but on behalf of this country thank you for caring and loving your country enough to show up thank you one one final thank you thank you to my fellow cat owner Taylor Swift look she she's not here but let me just say uh vice president I know you're all waiting oh what a bait and switch this guy left on us look vice president Harrison I couldn't be more excited to have her support really grateful so um and look look it it's not as if I didn't warn these guys a few months ago you mess with C people and you will find out you will find out so uh they did so uh beautiful strategy there picking on the C people so um look all of you are here but H how can we not start with the debate how can we not start with the debate um look what was so clear about it was and and again not surprising but there was one person on that stage who should be the next president of the United States one person she commanded the room and I know all of us are incredibly proud of Vice President Harris but let's be very clear none of us were surprised at what happened there none of us were surprised no one has come with more experience to this job than she has and no one has done more damage than Donald Trump has so we knew what was coming and no pun intended from the get-go she had the upper hand walking in giving the handshake look it says something about character we talk about this often shake hands and when you lose which he did last time in which he will again you shake hands and walk away so I got asked right after the debate you know do you think we should do another one and I said hell every day we should do another one of course well it's not going to happen because Donald Trump confirmed today he's not doing another one so um give him give him a little break that one left a mark that one left a mark so he's with it so look who he was was on full display the other night his true colors were out there not just his makeup not just his makeup so if I heard somebody say if you want to know in a debate who's winning whatever turn the sound down and you would have sworn that was a nearly 80-year-old man shaking his fist at Clouds that's what it looked like so look this guy has spent his entire life focused on himself obsessed with the past and the thing that is unforgivable rooting against America and America's people which he's done consistently he said a lot of weird stuff too so I'm just going to say that and and that was and and the you tell me you had this on your bingo card and they're eating cats and they're eating cats show oh Michigan we love you look and it would be it it would be funnier too if it wasn't so dangerous but I want to be clear about this guy last week he did one of these these fake Town Halls where he gets one of the Fox News people to ask him questions that he knows and then he then he answers on this but what was so fascinating about that was in that amount of time that he was there and you should go see this it's really something to see in that little interview he did 11 times he reassured the people there that he was not weird now yes some of you picked up on this if you need to remind people 11 times you're not weird you might be weird there you go so look but it's what he didn't say that was probably the most disturbing of the night Trump refused to say that he wants the brave fighters in Ukraine to win the war in protection of democracy it's a pretty low bar that's a pretty low bar when he got asked that question the other thing he refused to say was he refused to say if he would veto a National Abortion ban well you know why he refused to say because you know exactly what he would do look they don't trust women and women don't trust them that is that simple that is that simple but for all of us that that old uh that old saying of the frog and the boiling water whatever don't allow ourselves to get this way the most damaging thing that he wouldn't say is he refused to acknowledge he lost the last election he refused to condemn the January 6 criminals who attacked the US Capitals in our democracy but in the anger that he got into as the Poise and dignity and the sharp uh retorts from vice president Harris he lost some of that composure in there and when he was referring to those riers and you go back and make sure you'll see this again I'm sure he said we did nothing wrong he didn't say they he said we and then at the end and then at the end of this thing you watched 90 minutes you watch that beat him at The Ballot Box beat him at The Ballot Box we have got the opportunity people what he didn't say and this is the difference and look there's a lot of reasons my God too many to list the time we're here a lot of reasons this guy shouldn't get anywhere near the white house again but we have a responsibility and can to tell people what the alternative is because what he did not do he did not say one thing what he would do to make life better for the American people not once remember after he came down his golden escalator he said this would be easy this would be easy I would have a health care plan on day one that was nine years ago but look it's progress apparently he has the concepts of a plan I taught high school for 20 years every one of my kids everyone everyone every one of my kids had a better excuse for not doing their work than that they never told me they had a concept of the plan so look on every single issue vice president Harris is standing on those issues with you and your family it is clear Donald Trump has no plan for you his agenda his agenda is about him and the thing is I will say this while he didn't articulate it the other night they've made it easy for us to know what they're going to do because they wrote it in a 900 page document called project 2025 I keep asking this who is asking for that agenda who is asking for that agenda who is asking except folks that want to take control over your lives that's the only people asking for it no one's sitting around asking to give billionaires tax cuts nobody sitting around asking said let's make insulin more expensive and they keep telling us and convinced of this nobody's sitting around the bars in Grand Rapid say you know the first thing we need to do is we need to ban Jo Well's books that no one's saying that no one's saying that they find a lot of time to talk about banning books but they can't find one damn day to get weapons of war out of our schools and get those out not one but look what I was most proud of in this why Donald Trump spent the entire time whining about himself talking about his problems KLA Harris spent her time talking about you and the way forward talking about the future this guy is stuck in the past she's focused on the future of this country the bright future that each and every one of us get to partake in so look she took him to task and I we can't say this enough she prosecuted the case against him but what I'm what I am so proud to be part of this ticket I'm so proud to be in a room like this under a whale by the way which is quite awesome um on a Thursday night thinking about the direction of our country what I am most proud of is because of all the things Donald Trump has stolen and all the things he did what is unforgivable is him stealing our joy so here's the thing kamla Harris is bringing not only solutions that focus on you she's doing it with a smile and Joy on her face this guy this guy on purpose and make no mistake it's on purpose he broke our political system he tried to break our faith in one another he tried to bake the thing that makes midwesterners stick together we're positive people for God's sakes we walk on water half the year we have to be it's cold as hell half the year we don't care we dig our neighbors out this guy is trying to tell you your neighbors the enemy this guy's trying to tell you that he knows best about what folks in Grand Rapids need well trust me nothing could be further from the truth so here's the deal we're nice folks we'll dig you out after snowstorm we'll say hi to you at the store some of us might even let you merge on the highway not all of us we have a saying for that it's Minnesota nice is what we call it I'm sure you have it too but the one thing I'll tell you about midwesterners that stretches across that beautiful blue wall of Northern America here the one thing about us is don't ever mistake our kindness for weakness so for all of you and your teachers it made me an eternal optimist but it also made me understand I supervise the lunchroom for most of those years I taught too and we can have joy and we can do things and we can be nice but I'll tell you the one thing we're not going to do we are not going to tolerate a bully in that lunchroom or in our politics and again I'm going to go back to this kamla Harris has a lot of practice on putting bullies in their place and the one thing I want to be clear about is coming back to no one should have been surprised by how she performed on that debate stage from her time as a prosecutor to her time as a county attorney to her time as the Attorney General of the largest state in the nation to her time as a United States Senator to her time as our vice president every day every single day putting the American people first she took on the Predators she took on the frauders she took down career criminals and Powerful corporate interests which by the way was on the stage the other night all those things so so this time just to be clear that criminal being on the stage got put in his place all those things were wrapped up into one guy and I think many of you recognized she used a wonderful line he's not dealing with that very well he's not dealing with that very well but here's what she did simultaneously and this is what true leaderships looks like and she says this time and time again and I love it a mark of true leadership is not who beats people down it's who lifts people up who lifts them up so so when it's a bully and there's a time she proved she can beat some people down if they need it which he needed but for the American people she laid out a plan for an opportunity economy a place that's not just a concept go to kah and you can see what's laid out there read it tell your friends send it to your relative that you're dreading seeing get it out to them because you know what they watch watch that the other day and I don't hear them out there much I don't see them out there much they're a little bit because they're good people they're our neighbors they're like H that didn't look very presidential screaming about eating cats is not a solution it's not a solution but what KL Harris was talking about is things that you actually care about they might not be sitting down at the bar talking about banning books but they might down there be talking about how can I afford a house I'm working hard I'm working hard I want to have house and because that house becomes a home to some of these folks you're Real Estate Mogul venture capitalist whatever that's just an asset to be traded and sold to whoever you want for us it's a place we gather around the kitchen table to talk to our kids about what happened at school that's what KLA Harris wants for you that's what she wants for you she knows that folks are being squeezed on grocery prices but let's all be very clear here folks you know this in Michigan I'm a Minnesota guy those of us who've been on farms farmers are getting 390 for a bushel of corn and barely 10 bucks for soybeans they're not getting rich somebody in The Middle's taking a cut for not growing the corn not processing the corn not doing anything she's talking about price gouging that's illegal in 37 States already and should be illegal across the country to gouge price and in this country the richest country on Earth it's a absolute disgrace that folks have to ration their drugs because they can't afford them because trust me big farm is doing just fine we need to make sure that folks get their insulin at a price of $35 each get the drugs that they need and you know what's really interesting because gret and Whitmer proved it you can see this we did it in Minnesota KLA Harris wants it for the country you take care of workers you make sure folks can unionize you make sure folks have money you know what happens when you do that the economy grows and businesses soore she wants to make it easier for any one of you if you want to start a small business cut the red tape give you a tax cut and let you start that dream that you want to get going and I'm going to go back to this you did it in Michigan we did it in Minnesota she has talked about it on the first day she's in office and that bill comes over from Congress she'll sign the proa making it easier to organize that ability to collect bur you know we did something in Minnesota that I'm like maybe we ought to do everywhere is we also made it against the law in Minnesota to have employers put you in a room and give you anti-union propaganda if you're a factory worker KLA Harris is going to keep creating tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs right here in Michigan and by the way well the Trump Administration even if you don't count the jobs lost under Co KLA Harris and Joe Biden created six times more manufacturing jobs than Donald Trump ever did and for Governors we got to get things done your Governor here made it clear because of what kamla Harris was able to do you're able to have your Governor show the rest of the country how to fix the damn roads and that's something that happened historic Investments historic bipartisan investments in infrastructure and no matter who you are and this is fundamental KLA Harris is out there fighting to make sure you have the freedom to make the choices about your life and your family not government some of you old enough to remember when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it not these guys this means the government should be free invade your doctor's office invade your school library even invade your bedroom let me say this too it is weird as hell to think about other people's bedrooms it is weird as hell so look we in Minnesota and Michigan across this country we respect our neighbors for their personal choices we might not make them we might not make the same choice but we respect them that's for you to make for me to make in Minnesota I've talked about this and I'm going to I think this is a national Golden Rule because I've talked about it you know how Society works best is when you mind your own damn business things work better things work better so we'll continue to talk about Freedom that people make their Healthcare decisions not politicians we mean freedom is to get a good education for a better job and a better future not crippling student loan debt for the rest of your damn life and they don't want to talk about it they want to avoid it Freedom means our kids being able to go to school without being shot dead in the Halls you know it here Oxford High School Michigan State we saw it in Georgia last week look I'm a teacher I'm a parent this the best time of year leaves are changing Friday night football's back our kids have a new start and they're going in it's a time of excitement and hope everything we want that's what we want for our kids but too many of our kids these first days of school are a time of sheer Terror a time that is going to stick with them forever so let's be clear I know guns you know guns I'm a veteran I'm a Hunter I'm a Hunter KLA Harris is a gun owner by the way which you found out so look I'm not going to take any crap about them about the Second Amendment we support the Second Amendment but our first responsibility is keeping our children safe and you can have both watch how quickly they move on and they don't remember names oh they remember names in certain incidents what they want to try and politicize things but they don't remember the names of the Innocents who die and Donald Trump actually said when we got asked about this he got irritated he said look people just need to get over it and his running mate Senator Vance last week said look just fact of life think about that now family's forever broken too many of has been there my own son was in a location where someone was shot in the head too many of us have this this this Happ you see it these guys say it's a fact of life and get over it move on do the next thing work on the next tax cut for billionaires or whatever important stuff is um how morally broken do you have to be to not be able to spend any time internalizing children and teachers being gunned down in the first weeks of school in their cafeteras in their Labs texting their parents goodbye as they're standing there hiding under de running for their lives and to say well you know what happens for all of us that crap does not happen in other places in the world we are better than that I believe in the American people we can hold two thoughts at the same time and make sure that we say what vice president Harris said last week it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way look Michigan you know it I know it we cannot have four more years of that nearly 80-year-old man yelling at people to get off his yard screaming about cats and looking out for himself he cannot go back because when he goes back this time the one thing I do believe I do believe that he said this time it will be much much worse that that they want to act like oh I don't know I don't know project 2025 I don't know anything about this or whatever here's what I know enough about is as a longtime football coach you take the time to draw up a Playbook you plan on running it you plan on running it and he's going to use it he's going to use it they are telling us exactly what they're going to do and this one this is I don't believe much of what he says and he usually doesn't follow through but he did do this he was with a bunch of his rich friends down in Mar logo and he said look you're rich as hell and I'm going to give you a tax cut he did that he did that and he ballooned the national debt and the middle class is stuck with the bill all those things making groceries and the things that we know we need as Joe Biden and comma Harris fought to bring down inflation to put our country on a path to recovery this guy wants to add a national sales tax to all of us you know what I figure he look who can blame him he's out for himself and he says this he tells you oh you know price of bacon at the grocery stores you and I both know that guy has never been in the grocery store and he's never bought bacon ever so he doesn't give a damn if the tax is on that because he doesn't know what bacon cost a pound he doesn't know what milk costs cuz it doesn't matter so let's be clear this guy wants the tax cut himself to underfund government and then those incredible public servants and I want to say this to the mayor to the County Commissioners to the folks who are here thank you for the work you do every day to the Pres to our city workers our state workers our federal workers our police our teachers our firefighters and our military those are professionals they're paid for with tax dollars and you know what they are loyal to they are loyal to the Constitution and the rule of law Donald Trump's plan is to remove those people and install his political lackies that's what project 2025 is going to do so in so in a health emergency like in Minnesota instead of being able to depend on the CDC and people from the Mayo Clinic we can listen to Donald Trump about drinking bleach and trying to find a way to stick Au UV light in ourselves we're in the middle of a pandemic with our neighbors dying and this guy is undermining the responses take that across all of government that's project 2025 so look again wouldn't answer the question on Banning abortion he will ban abortion across this country whether Congress is there or not be absolutely clear about it and when asked who do you admire who respects you because to be very clear the vice president was right I traveled to our friends and our Allied countries whether it's Australia whether it's Great Britain whether it's France whether it's Canada whether it's Mexico They're laughing at this guy they don't trust him he's weak he's weak and can't follow through but you know when he was asked who looks up to him Victor orbon Vladimir Putin Kim Jong-un this this stuff would be unbelievable to have as a political attack ad if it hadn't come out of his mouth on a debate stage and he was proud of it he was proud of it kamla Harris was able to within a matter of a few seconds use this guy's inflated ego and narcissism to bait him into melting down on a national stage in front of 60 million you you don't think Vladimir Putin could do that you don't think XI Jun ping could do that you don't think that folks who are looking to flatter this guy as he shakes down our allies like at some type of Racket operation rather than standing with our allies I had the opportunity in June to be at the 80th commemoration of the D-Day and driving down those small French roads to the Normandy beaches were French Flags American flags British flags Canadian flags free people standing together in the defense of democracy Donald Trump knows nothing about it it's why he would turn his back and tell Vladimir Putin do whatever the hell you want in Ukraine you think they're stopping in Ukraine you think he's stopping in Ukraine you think China's not watching when they watch this of course they are that's why we need the strong leadership that was displayed by KLA Harris to make sure that we put dictators in their place and this country stays firm look our allies are worried but they're also hopeful just like you they've seen the leader stride onto that stage so they would maybe say I don't know whether to laugh or cry but just like you're doing it we're channeling it into joy and action we're making sure that we have that rare chance in this election to turn the page on this guy to end it once and for all so look we can choose a new generation of leadership a positive joyful all-encompassing future that this great nation has been founded on we can do that I'll and what is what is so beautiful about that and about kamla Harris we were on the bus touring some of these states and we were getting off at a rally where there was supporters there like this and they were holding up signs on the other side of the street they were not supporters they make it easy cuz they all wear the same hat do you know what it is said said it was a a group of independent thinkers standing there ready to yell at us so no but that's me KLA Harris's first instinct was and this is the first time we're on the bus together my wife Gwen vice president and Doug were there who Doug and gwy I want to give them a big round of applause too they're out working it well look we're we're walking off that bus and that's the scene in front of us and she turns to me and she said uh Tim don't ever forget we work just as hard in the policies we put in place to benefit their those people their families as well as those people and their families this is a policy for everyone can you imagine can you imagine Donald Trump saying we're going to look out for those folks that don't vote for me because this started and I love this story as a young prosecutor Comm Harris talks about going in that courtroom for the first time KLA Harris for the people she's had one client that's the people of this country that's the people she's worked for and she talks about this when she helped those folks when she was in that classroom or in that courtroom same way with the classroom I would say for all of us cuz this is true too man the cemetery is just too beautiful on that one she didn't do it and I didn't do it I didn't ask if someone was a Republican or a Democrat they're an American and they came in that class that courtroom they came in that classroom they're to be treated that way that's what she's done every single day but the question she asked him is are you okay what do you need that's what leadership looks like so look on Tuesday and again I'll say this no surprise but I do think we should probably lift it up one more time kamla Harris did her job on Tuesday now Michigan and Grand Rapids we need to do ours we need to do our job look the way our country is I'll go to my grave maybe not understanding it but you know what there'll be a time to think about that later this is going to be a razor thin election we're still the underdogs in this thing but here's the beautiful thing we get the opportunity to affect that outcome we get the opportunity to decide in 54 days what type of country we want so for each and every one of us this is the time to put it all out there you heard me say this all gas no breaks we're going to sleep when we're dead that's what that means is you've seen it and look I'm not I'm I'm I'm here and don't ever close that yearbook I was looking when I came here the first thing I do is read the local paper and catch up on things and uh I saw this uh this Hudsonville game because I'm a defensive guy wins 1412 Last Week Big Game here and then I look up because this is you know gives me an opportunity to say it as being part of a state championship team Forest Hills Central is playing in one so look I got to tell you the uh the people who kind of dismiss this whatever look life isn't about hoping you win life isn't about I wish this would happen it's great to have aspirations you have to but how you get things done is you have a plan and you execute it the plan to win this thing is is we've got the best candidate that we could ever have in KLA Harris we've got energy amongst the American people we've got that desire to win but I said this as football team there's not a football team in the state that doesn't want to win the state championship and every year they start out thinking that the difference is who gets it done and it takes a lot of things to get it done it takes a team to get it done we need to lift up for her right now and get this thing done done so look I know I know my God you came on a Thursday to listen to a guy from Minnesota while you stood under a whale way in the back of the room again because you love the country because you know you're part of this it's not hyperbole the presidency of the United States and the future of our democracy could very well go right through this room in Grand Rapids that's how important Michigan is so look around let's commit to get this thing done let's bring one more person in let's do one more volunteership let's make one more phone call people are picking up the phone now I'm going into these offices they want to talk about it because once again our politics is fun and hopeful and gives us something to work for so for each of us W don't buy it that she won because she won the debate Mike if these elections were about having the best ideas and the best candidates we'd Win Every Damn Race we always have better ideas and better candidates but that's not what wins races what wins races is people who care enough to get on the ground and get the work done and take that debate performance take those resources that have have been out there take that energy and funnel it down into voter contact get out the vote efforts and ballots and ballots so I'll tell you what last time I was in Michigan we were in Detroit and there was a massive crowd in the hangar and Donald Trump said oh no it it's just AI I'm sure you'll say the same about this AI whale okay I'm obsessed with the whale I love it so but look what I say is let him say it let him try and tell that we've got 32 field officers over here and tens of thousands of volunteers out working we're doing the work and in 54 days what won't be AI is the ballots cast for KLA Harris the next president of the United States so Grand Rapids let's work together let's chart that new way forward let's do it because we believe in the promise of America and as you know the vice president tells us it and it is so true when we fight we win when we fight we when we fight we thank you Grand Rapids thank you hello Michigan it is good to be here and uh can we all agree our future is pretty bright with people like Mariah holy SM backstage I was just uh getting introduced to Mariah and uh she said uh KLA Harris is going to change the world and um that inspiration in our young people who we know our future it was something else so Mariah thank you for all you're doing and beautiful lakes blue whales all the things in Michigan you it's not as if you don't have it all and then you have Gretchen Whitmer on top of it so she she is such a dear friend but I'll tell you she is so good at what she does she has convinced my son a Michigan State fan now so it's it's terrible politics for me but uh he is true blue over or he's True Green over there on it so uh you get it so uh look you got an incredible delegation and we know some of these races are going to be close but uh we have got to keep the majority in the house make sure you send Hillary Scolton back to the house make sure you and you got it you you've always had incredible senators and you got Gary Peters very difficult to replace Debbie stab now but you're going to do it with Alys scin make sure you get it done make sure you get it done each and every one of you thank you a lot of places you can be on a late summer day um get busy you're after work kids are from coming home from school uh you chose to be here uh on behalf of the vice president myself but on behalf of this country thank you for caring and loving your country enough to show up thank you one final thank you thank you to my fellow cat owner Taylor Swift look she she's not here but let me just say uh vice president I know you're all waiting oh what a bait and switch this guy left on us look vice president uh Harris and I couldn't be more excited to have her support really grateful so um and look look it it's not as if I didn't warn these guys a few months ago you mess with C people and you will find out you will find out so uh they did so uh beautiful strategy there picking on the C people so um look all of you are here but how how can we not start with the debate how can we not start with the debate debate um look what was so clear about it was and and again not surprising but there was one person on that stage who should be the next president of the United States one person she commanded the room and I know all of us are incredibly proud of Vice President Harris but let's be very clear none of us were surprised at what happened there none of us were surprised no one has come with experience to this job than she has and no one has done more damage than Donald Trump has so we knew what was coming and no pun intended from the get-go she had the upper hand walking in given the handshake look it says something about character we talk about this often shake hands and when you lose which he did last time and which he will again you shake hands and walk away so I got asked right after the debate you know do you think we should do another one and I said hell every day we should do another one of course well it's not going to happen cuz Donald Trump confirmed today he's not doing another one so um give him give him a little break that one left a mark that one left a mark so he's with it so look who he was was on full display the other night his true colors were out there not just his makeup not just his makeup so if I heard somebody say if you want to know in a debate who's winning or whatever turn the sound down and you would have sworn that was a nearly 80-year-old man shaking his fist at Clouds that's what it looked like so look this guy has spent his entire life focused on himself obsessed with the past and the thing that is unforgivable rooting against America and America's people which he's done consistently he said a lot of weird stuff too so I'm just going to say that and and that was and and the you tell me you had this on your bingo card and they're eating cats and they're eating cats oh Michigan we love you look and it would be it it would be funnier too if it wasn't so dangerous but I want to be clear about this guy last week he did one of these these fake Town Halls where he gets one of the Fox News people to ask him questions that he knows and then he then he answers on this but what was so fascinating about that was in that amount of time that he was there you should go see this it's really something to see in that little interview he did 11 times he reassured the people there that he was not weird now yes some of you picked up on this if you need to remind people 11 times you're not weird you might be weird there you go so look but it's what he didn't say that was probably the most disturbing of the night Trump refused to say that he wants the brave fighers in Ukraine to win the war in protection of democracy it's a pretty low bar that's a pretty low bar when he got asked that question the other thing he refused to say was he refused to say if he would veto a National Abortion ban well you know why he refused to say because you know exactly what he would do look they don't trust women and women don't trust them that is that simple that is that simple but for all of us that that old uh that old saying of the frog and the boiling water whatever don't allow ourselves to get this way the most damaging thing that he wouldn't say is he refused to acknowledge he lost the last election he refused to condemn the January 6 criminals who attacked the US Capitals in our democracy but in the anger that he got into as the Poise and dignity and the sharp uh retorts from vice president Harris he lost some of that composure in there and when he was referring to those riers and you go back and make sure you'll see this again I'm sure he said we did nothing wrong he didn't say they he said we and then at the end and then at the end of this thing you watched 90 minutes you watch beat him at The Ballot Box beat him at The Ballot Box we have got the opportunity people what he didn't say and this is the difference and look there's a lot of reasons my God too many to list the time we're here a lot of reasons this guy shouldn't get anywhere near the White House again but we have a responsibility and can to tell people what the alternative is because what he did not do he did not say one thing what he would do to make life better for the American people not once remember after he came down his golden escalator he said this would be easy this would be easy I would have a health care plan on day one that was 9 years ago but look it's progress apparently he has the concepts of a plan I taught high school for 20 years every one of my kids everyone everyone every one of my kids had a better excuse for not doing their work than that they never told me they had a concept of the plan so look on every single issue vice president Harris is standing on those issues with you and your family it is clear Donald Trump has no plan for you his agenda his agenda is about him and the thing is I will say this while he didn't articulate it the other night they've made it easy for us to know what they're going to do because they wrote it in a 900 page document called project 2025 I keep asking this who is asking for that agenda who is asking for that agenda who is asking except folks that want to take control over your lives that's the only people asking for it no one's sitting around asking to give billionaires tax cuts nobody sitting around asking said let's make insulin more expensive and they keep telling us and convinced of this nobody's sitting around the bars in Grand Rapid say you know the first thing we need to do is we need to ban George Orwell's books that no one's saying that no one's saying that they find a lot of time to talk about banning books but they can't find one damn day to get weapons of war out of our schools and get those out not one but look what I was most proud of in this why Donald Trump spent the entire time whining about himself talking about his problems KLA Harris spent her time talking about you and the way forward talking about the future this guy is stuck in the past she's focused on the future of this country the bright future that each and every one of us get to partake in so look she took him to task and I we can't say this enough she prosecuted the case against him but what I'm what I am so proud to be part of this ticket I'm so proud to be in a room like this under a whale by the way which is quite awesome um on a Thursday night thinking about the direction of our country what I am most proud of is because of all the things Donald Trump has stolen and all the things he did what is unforgivable is him stealing our joy so here's the thing come Harris is bringing not only solutions that focus on you she's doing it with a smile and Joy on her face this guy this guy on purpose and make no mistake it's on purpose he broke our political system he tried to break our faith in one another he tried to bake the thing that makes midwesterners stick together we're positive people for God's sakes we on water half the year we have to be it's cold as hell half the year we don't care we dig our neighbors out this guy is trying to tell you your neighbor's the enemy this guy is trying to tell you that he knows best about what folks in Grand Rapids need well trust me nothing could be further from the truth so here's the deal we're nice folks we'll dig you out after a snowstorm we'll say hiid to you at the store some of us might even let you merge on the highway not all of us we have a saying for that it's Minnesota nice is what we call it I'm sure you have it too but the one thing I'll tell you about midwesterners that stretches across that beautiful blue wall of Northern America here the one thing about us is don't ever mistake our kindness for weakness so for all of you and you're are teachers it made me an eternal optimist but it also made me understand I supervised the lunchroom for most of those years I taught too and we can have joy and we can do things and we can be nice but I'll tell you the one thing we're not going to do we are not going to tolerate a bully in that lunchroom or in our politics and again I'm going to go back to this KLA Harris has a lot of practice on putting bullies in their place and the one thing I want to be clear about is coming back to no one should have been surprised by how she performed on that debate stage from her time as a prosecutor to her time as a county attorney to her time as the Attorney General of the largest state in the nation to her time as a United States Senator to her time as our vice president every day every single day putting the American people first she took on the Predators she took on the fraudsters she took down career criminals and Powerful corporate interests which by the way was on the stage the other night all those things so so this time just to be clear that criminal being on the stage got put in his place all those things were wrapped up into one guy and I think many of you recognized she used a wonderful line he's not dealing with that very well he's not dealing with that very well but here's what she did simultaneously and this is what true leaderships looks like and she says this time and time again and I love it a mark of true leadership is not who beats people down it's who lifts people up who lifts them up so so when it's a bully and there's a Time she proved she can beat some people down if they need it which he needed it but for the American people she laid out a plan for an opportunity economy a place that's not just a concept go to kamah and you can see what's laid out there read it tell your friends send it to your relative that you're dreading seeing get it out to them because you know what they watched that the other day and I don't hear them out there much I don't see them out there much they're little bit because they're good people they're our neighbors they're like H that didn't look very presidential screaming about eating cats is not a solution it's not a solution but what KL Harris was talking about is things that you actually care about they might not be setting down at the bar talking about banning books but they might down there be talking about how can I afford a house I'm working hard I'm working hard I want to have a house and because that house becomes a home to some of these folks you're a Real Estate Mogul venture capitalist whatever that's just an asset to be traded and sold to whoever you want for us it's a place we gather around the kitchen table to talk to our kids about what happened at school that's what KLA Harris wants for you that's what she wants for you she knows that folks are being squeezed on grocery prices but let's all be very clear here folks you know this in Michigan I'm a Minnesota guy those of us who've been on farms farmers are 390 for a bushel of corn and barely 10 bucks for soybeans they're not getting rich somebody in The Middle's taking a cut for not growing the corn not processing the corn not doing anything she's talking about price gouging that's illegal in 37 States already and should be illegal across the country to gouge price and in this country the richest country on Earth it's a absolute disgrace that folks have to ration their drug drugs because they can't afford them because trust me big farmers doing just fine we need to make sure that folks get their insulin at a price of $35 each get the drugs that they need and you know what's really interesting because Gretchen Whitmer proved it you can see this we did it in Minnesota KLA Harris wants it for the country you take care of workers you make sure folks can unionize you make sure folks have money you know what happens when you do that the economy grows and businesses sore she wants to make it easier for any one of you if you want to start a small business cut the red tape give you a tax cut and let you start that dream that you want to get going and I'm going to go back to this you did it in Michigan we did it in Minnesota she has talked about it on the first day she's in office and that bill comes over from Congress she'll sign the proa making it easier to organize that ability to collect the bur you know we did something in Minnesota that I'm like maybe we ought to do everywhere is we also made it against the law in Minnesota to have employers put you in a room and give you anti-union propaganda if you're a factory worker kamla Harris is going to keep creating tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs right here in Michigan and by the way well the Trump Administration even if you don't count the jobs lost under Co kamla Harris and Joe Biden created six times more manufacturing jobs than Donald Trump ever did and for Governors we got to get things done your Governor here made it clear because of what kamla Harris was able to do you're able to have your Governor show the rest of the country how to fix the damn roads and that's something that happened historic Investments historic bipartisan investments in infrastructure and no matter who you are and this is fundamental KLA Harris is out there fighting to make sure you have the freedom to make the choices about your life and your family not government some of you old enough to remember when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it not these guys this means the government should be free invade your doctor's office invade your school library even invade your bedroom let me say this too it is weird as hell to think about other people's bedrooms it is weird as hell so look we in Minnesota and Michigan across this country we respect our neighbors for their personal choices we might not make them we might not make the same choice but we respect them that's for you to make for me to make in Minnesota I've talked about this and I'm going to I think this is a national Golden Rule because I've talked about it you know how Society works best is when you mind your own damn business things work better things work better so we'll continue to talk about Freedom that people make their Healthcare decisions not politicians we mean freedom is to get a good education for a better job and a better future not crippling student loan debt for the rest of your damn life and they don't want to talk about it they want to avoid it Freedom means our kids being able to go to school without being shot dead in the Halls you know it here Oxford High School Michigan State we saw it in Georgia last week look I'm a teacher I'm a parent this the best time of year leaves are changing Friday night football's back our kids have a new start and they're going in it's a time of excitement and hope everything we want that's what we want for our kids but too many of our kids these first days of school are a time of sheer Terror a time that is going to stick with them forever so let's be clear I know guns you know guns I'm a veteran I'm a Hunter I'm a Hunter KLA Harris is a gun owner by the way which you found out so look I'm not going to take any crap about them about the Second Amendment we support the Second Amendment but our first responsibility is keeping our children safe and you can have fa watch how quickly they move on and they don't remember names oh they remember names in certain incidents what they want to try and politicize things but they don't remember the names of the Innocents who die and Donald Trump actually said when he got asked about this he got irritated he said look people just need to get over it and his running mate Senator Vance last week said look just fact Al life think about that now family's forever broken too many of has been there my own son was in a location where someone was shot in the head too many of us have this this this H you see it these guys say it's a fact of life and get over it move on do the next thing work on the next tax cut for billionaires or whatever important stuff is um how morally broken do you have to be to not be able to spend any time internalizing children and teachers being gunned down in the first weeks of school in their cafeterias in their Labs texting their parents goodbye as they're standing there hiding under desks running for their lives and to say well you know what happens for all of us that crap does not happen in other places in the world we are better than that I believe in the American people we can hold two thoughts at the same time and make sure that we say what vice president Harris said last week it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way look Michigan you know it I know it we cannot have four more years of that nearly 80-year-old man yelling at people to get off his yard screaming about cats and looking out for himself he cannot go back because when he goes back this time the one thing I do believe I do believe that he said this time it will be much much worse that that they want act like oh I don't know I don't know project 2025 I don't know anything about this or whatever here's what I know enough about is as a longtime football coach you take the time to draw up a Playbook you plan on running it you plan on running it and he's going to use it he's going to use it they are telling us exactly what they're going to do and this one this is I don't believe much of what he says and he usually doesn't follow through but he did do this he was with a bunch of his rich friends down in Mar logo and he said look you're rich as hell and I'm going to give you a tax cut he did that he did that and he ballooned the national de that and the middle class is stuck with the bill all those things making groceries and the things that we know we need as Joe Biden and KLA Harris fought to bring down inflation to put our country on a path to recovery this guy wants to add a national sales tax to all of us you know what I figure he look who can blame him he's looking out for himself and he says this he tells you oh you know price of bacon at the grocery stores you and I both know that guy has never been in the grocery store and he's never bought bacon ever so he doesn't give a damn if the tax is on that because he doesn't know what bacon cost a pound he doesn't know what milk costs cuz it doesn't matter so let's be clear this guy wants the tax cuts for himself to underfund government and then those incredible public servants and I want to say this to the mayor to the County Commissioners to the folks who are here thank you for the work you do every day for the pressure to our city workers our state workers our federal workers our police our teachers our firefighters and our military those are professionals they're paid for with tax dollars and you know what they are loyal to they are loyal to the Constitution and the rule of law Donald Trump's plan is to remove those people and install his political lackes that's what project 2025 is going to do so in so in a health emergency like in Minnesota instead of being able to depend on the CDC and people from the Mayo Clinic we can listen to Donald Trump about drinking bleach and trying to find a way to stick Au UV light in ourselves we're in the middle of a pandemic with our neighbors dying and this guy is undermining the responses take that across all of government that's project 2025 so look again wouldn't answer the question on Banning abortion he will ban abortion across his country whether Congress is there or not be absolutely clear about it and when asked who do you admire who respects you because to be very clear the vice president was right I travel to our friends and our Allied countries whether it's Australia whether it's Great Britain whether it's France whether it's Canada whether it's Mexico They're laughing at this guy they don't trust him he's weak he's weak and can't follow through but you know when he was asked who looks up to him Victor orbon Vladimir Putin Kim Jong-un this this stuff would be unbelievable to have as a political attack ad if it hadn't come out of his mouth on a debate stage and he was proud of it he was proud of it comma Harris was able to within a matter of a few seconds use this guy's inflated ego and narcissism to bait him into melting down on a national stage in front of 60 million you you don't think Vladimir PU could do that you don't think xiuning could do that you don't think that folks who are looking to flatter this guy as he shakes down our allies like it's some type of Racket operation rather than standing with our allies I had the opportunity in June to be at the 80th commemoration of the D-Day and driving down those small French roads to the Normandy beaches were French flags American flags British flags Canadian flags free people standing together in the defense of democracy Donald Trump knows nothing about it it's why he would turn his back and tell Vladimir Putin do whatever the hell you want in Ukraine you think they're stopping in Ukraine you think he's stopping in Ukraine you think China's not watching when they watch this of course they are that's why we need the strong leadership that was displayed by KLA Harris to make sure that we put dictators in their place and this country stays firm look our allies are worried but they're also hopeful just like you they've seen the leader stride onto that stage so they would maybe say I don't know whether to laugh or cry but just like you're doing it we're channeling in into joy and action we're making sure that we have that rare chance in this election to Turn the page on this guy to end it once and for all so look we can choose a new generation of leadership a positive joyful all-encompassing future that this great nation has been founded on we can do that and what is what is so beautiful about that and about KLA Harris we were on the bus touring some of these states and we were getting off at a rally where there was supporters there like this and they were holding up signs on the other side of the street there were not supporters they make it easy cuz they all wear the same hat you know what it is said said it was a a group of independent thinkers standing there ready to yell at us so no but that's me KLA Harris's first instinct was and this is the first time we're on the bus together my wife gwy vice president and Doug were there who Doug and gwy I want to give them a big round of applause too they're out working it but look we're we're walking off that bus and that's the scene in front of us and she turns to me and she said uh Tim don't ever forget we work just as hard in the policies we put in place to benefit their those people their families as well as those people and their families this is a policy for everyone can you imagine can you imagine Donald Trump saying we're going to look out for those folks that don't vote for me because this started and I love this story as a young prosecutor KLA Harris talks about going in that courtroom for the first time KLA Harris for the people she's had one client that's the people of this country that's the people she work for and she talks about this when she helped those folks when she was in that classroom or in that courtroom same way with the classroom I would say for all of us cuz this is true too man the CET is just too beautiful on that one she didn't do it and I didn't do it I didn't ask if someone was a Republican or a Democrat they're an American and they came in that class that courtroom they came in that classroom they're to be treated that way that's what she's done every single day but the question she asked him is are you okay what do you need that's what leadership looks like so look on Tuesday and again I'll say this no surprise but I do think we should probably lift it up one more time kamla Harris did her job on Tuesday now Michigan and Grand Rapids we need to do ours we need to do our job look the way our country is I'll go to my grave maybe not understanding it but you know what there'll be a time to think about that later this is going to be a razor thin election we're still the underdogs in this thing but here's the beautiful thing we get the opportunity to affect that outcome we get the opportunity to decide in 54 days what type of country we want so for each and every one of us this is the time to put it all out there you heard me say this all gas no breaks we're going to sleep when we're dead that's what that means is you've seen it and look I'm not I'm I'm I'm here and don't ever close that yearbook I was looking when I came here the first thing I do is read the local paper and catch up on things and uh I saw this uh this Hudsonville game because I'm a defensive guy wins 1412 Last Week Big Game here and then I look up because this is you know gives me an opportunity to say it as being part of a state championship team Forest Hill Central is playing in one so look I got to tell you the uh the people who kind of dismiss us whatever look life isn't about hoping you win life isn't about I wish this would happen it's great to have aspirations you have to but how you get things done is you have a plan and you execute it the plan to win this thing is is we've got the best candidate that we could ever have in comma haris we've got energy amongst the American people we've got that desire to win but I said this as football team there's not a football team in the state that doesn't want to win the state championship and every year they start out thinking that the difference is who gets it done and it takes a lot of things to get it done it takes a team to get it done we need to lift up for her right now and get this thing done so look I know I know my God you came on a Thursday to listen to a guy from Minnesota while you stood under a whale way in the back of the room again because you love the country because you know you're part of this it's not hyperbole the presidency of the United States and the future of our democracy could very well go right through this room in Grand Rapids that's how important Michigan is so look around let's commit to get this thing done let's bring one more person in let's do one more volunteership let's make one more phone call people are picking up the phone now I'm going into these offices they want to talk about it because once again our politics is fun and hopeful and gives us something to work for so for each of us don't buy it that she won because she won the debate mik if these elections were about having the best ideas and the best candidates we'd Win Every Damn Race we always have better ideas and better candidates but that's not what wins races what wins races is people who care enough to get on the ground and get the work done and take that debate performance take those resources that have been out there take that energy and funnel it down into voter contact get out the vote efforts and ballot and ballot so I'll tell you what last time I was in Michigan we were in Detroit and there was a massive crowd in the hanger and Donald Trump said oh no it's just AI I'm sure you'll say the same about this AI whale okay I'm obsessed with the whale I love it so but look what I say is let him say it let him try and tell that we've got 32 field officers over here and tens of thousands of volunteers out working we're doing the work and in 54 days what won't be AI is the ballots cast for kamla Harris the next president of the United States so Grand Rapids let's work together let's chart that new way forward let's do it because we believe in the promise of America and as you know the vice president tells us it and it is so true when we fight we win when we fight we wi when we fight we win thank you Grand Rapids thank you hello Michigan it is good to be here and uh can we all agree our future is pretty bright with people like Mariah holy SM backstage I was just uh getting introduced to Mariah and uh she said uh KLA Harris is going to change the world and um that inspiration in our young people who we know our future was something else so Mariah thank you for all you're doing and beautiful lakes blue whales all the things in Michigan you it's not as if you don't have it all and then you have Gretchen Whitmer on top of it so she she is such a dear friend but I'll tell you she is so good at what she does she has convinced my son he's a Michigan State fan now so it's it's terrible politics for me but uh he is true blue over or he's True Green over there on it so uh you get it so uh look you got an incredible delegation and we know some of these races are going to be close but uh we have got to keep the majority in the house make sure you send Hillary scalton back to the house make sure you remember and you got it you you've always had incredible senators and you got Gary Peters very difficult to replace Debbie stab now but you're going to do it with Alys scin make sure you get it done make sure you get it done to each and every one of you thank you a lot of plac you can be on a late summer day um get busy you're after work kids are from coming home from school uh you chose to be here uh on behalf of the vice president myself but on behalf of this country thank you for caring and loving your country enough to show up thank you one one final thank you thank you to my fellow cat owner Taylor Swift look she she's not here but let me just say uh vice president I know you're all waiting oh what a bait and switch this guy left on us look vice president uh Harris and I couldn't be more excited to have her support really great gr F so um and look look it it's not as if I didn't warn these guys a few months ago you mess with C people and you will find out you will find out so uh they did so uh beautiful strategy they're picking on the cap people so um look all of you are here but H how can we not start with the debate how can we not start with the debate um look what was so clear about it was and and again not surprising but there was one person on that stage who should be the next president of the United States one person she commanded the room and I know all of us are incredibly proud of Vice President Harris but let's be very clear none of us were surprised of what happened there none of us were surprised no one has come with more experience to this job than she has and no one has done more damage than Donald Trump P so we knew what was coming and no pun intended from the GetGo she had the upper hand walking in giving the handshake look it says something about character we talk about this often shake hands and when you lose which he did last time and which he will again you shake hands and walk away so I got asked right after the debate you know do you think we should do another one and I said hell every day we should do another one of course well it's not going to happen cuz Donald Trump confirmed today he's not doing another one so um give him give him a little break that one left a mark that one left a mark so he's with it so look who he was was on full display the other night his true colors were out there not just his makeup not just his makeup so if I heard somebody say if you want to know in a debate who's winning or whatever turn the sound down and you would have sworn that was a nearly 80-year-old man shaking his fist at Clouds that's what it looked like so look this guy has spent his entire life focused on himself obsessed with the past and the thing that is unforgivable rooting against America and America's people which he's done consistently he said a lot of weird stuff too so I'm just going to say that and and that was and and the you tell me you had this on your bingo card and they're eating cats and they're eating cat oh Michigan we love you look and it would be it it would be funnier too if it wasn't so dangerous but I want to be clear about this guy last week he did one of these these fake Town Halls where he gets one of the Fox News people to ask him questions that he knows and then he then he answers on this but what was so fascinating about that was in that amount of time that he was there and you should go see this it's really something to see in that little interview he did 11 times he reassured the people there that he was not weird now yes some of you picked up on this if you need to remind people 11 times you're not weird you might be weird there you go so look but it's what he didn't say that was probably the most disturbing of the night Trump refused to say that he wants the brave fighters in Ukraine to win the war in protection of democracy it's a pretty low bar that's a pretty low bar when he got asked that question the other thing he refused to say was he refused to say if he would veto a National Abortion ban well you know why he refused to say because you know exactly what he would do look they don't trust women and women don't trust them that is that simple that is that simple but for all of us that that old uh that old saying of the frog and the boiling water whatever don't allow ourselves to get this way the most damaging thing that he wouldn't say is he refused to acknowledge he lost the last election he refused to condemn the january6 criminals who attacked the US Capitals in our democracy but in the anger that he got into as the Poise and dignity and the sharp uh retorts from vice president Harris he lost some of that composure in there and when he was referring to those riers and you go back and make sure you'll see this again I'm sure he said we did nothing wrong he didn't say they he said we and then at the end and then at the end of this thing you watched 90 minutes you watch that beat him at The Ballot Box beat him at The Ballot Box we have got the opportunity people what he didn't say and this is the difference and look there's a lot of reasons my God too many to list the time we're here a lot of reasons this guy shouldn't get anywhere near the White House again but we have a responsibility and can to tell people what the alternative is because what he did not do he did not say one thing what he would do to make life better for the American people not once remember after he came down his golden escalator he said this would be easy this would be easy I would have a health care plan on day one that was 9 years ago but look it's progress apparently he has the concepts of a plan I taught High School for 20 years every one of my kids everyone everyone every one of my kids had a better excuse for not doing their work than that they never told me they had a concept of the plan so look on every single issue vice president Harris is standing on those issues with you and your family it is clear Donald Trump has no plan for you his agenda his agenda is about him and the thing is I will say this while he didn't articulate it the other night they've made it easy for us to know what they're going to do because they wrote it in a 900 page document called project 2025 I keep asking this who is asking for that agenda who is asking for that agenda who is asking except folks that want to take control over your lives that's the only people asking for it no one's sitting around asking to give billionaires tax cuts nobody sitting around asking said let's make insulin more expensive and they keep telling us and convinced of this nobody sitting around the bars in Grand Rapid say you know the first thing we need to do is we need to ban George Orwell's books that no one's saying that no one's saying that they find a lot of time to talk about banning books but they can't find one damn day to get weapons of war out of our schools and get those out not one but look what I was most proud of in this why Donald Trump spent the entire time whining about himself talking about his problems KLA Harris spent her time talking about you and the way forward talking about the future this guy is stuck in the past she's focused on the future of this country the bright future that each and every one of us get to partake in so look she took him to task and I we can't say this enough she prosecuted the case against him but what I'm what I am so proud to be part of this ticket I'm so proud to be in a room like this under a whale by by the way which is quite awesome um on a Thursday night thinking about the direction of our country what I am most proud of is because of all the things Donald Trump has stolen and all the things he did what is unforgivable is him stealing our joy so here's the thing KLA Harris is bringing not only solutions that focus on you she's doing it with with a smile and Joy on her face this guy this guy on purpose and make no mistake it's on purpose he broke our political system he tried to break our faith in one another he tried to bake the thing that makes mid westner stick together we're positive people for God's sakes we walk on water half the year we have to be it's cold as hell half the year we don't care we dig our neighbors out this guy is trying to tell you your neighbor's the enemy this guy is trying to tell you that he knows best about what folks in Grand Rapids need well trust me nothing could be further from the truth so here's the deal we're nice folks we'll dig you out after a snowstorm we'll say hi to you at the store some of us might even let you merge on the highway not all of us we have a saying for that it's Minnesota nice is what we call it I'm sure you have it too but the one thing I'll tell you about midwesterners that stretches across that beautiful blue wall of Northern America here the one thing about us is don't ever mistake our kindness for weakness ever so all you and your teachers it made me an eternal optimist but it also made me understand I supervise the lunchroom for most of those years I taught too and we can have joy and we can do things and we can be nice but I'll tell you the one thing we're not going to do we are not going to tolerate a bully in that lunchroom or in our politics and again I'm going to go back to this kamla Harris has a lot of practice on putting bullies in their place and the one thing I want to be clear about is coming back to no one should have been surprised by how she performed on that debate stage from her time as a prosecutor to her time as a county attorney to her time as the Attorney General of the largest state in the nation to her time as a United States Senator to her time as our vice president every day every single day putting the American people first she took on the Predators she took on the frauders she took down career criminals and Powerful corporate interests which by the way was on the stage the other night all those things so so this time just to be clear that criminal being on the stage got put in his place all those things were wrapped up into one guy and I think many of you recognized she used a wonderful line he's not dealing with that very well he's not dealing with that very well but here's what she did simultaneously and this is what true leaderships looks like and she says this time and time again and I love it a mark of true leadership is not who beats people down it's who lifts people up who lifts them up so so when it's a bully and there's a time she proved she can beat some people down if they need it which he needed it but for the American people she laid out a plan for an opportunity economy a place that's not just a concept go to kamah and you can see what's laid out there read it tell your friends send it to your relative that you're dreading seeing get it out to them because you know what they watched that the other day and I don't hear them out there much I don't see them out there much they're a little bit because they're good people they're our neighbors they're like H that didn't look very presidential screaming about eating cats is not a solution it's not a solution but what KL Harris was talking about is things that you actually care about they might not be sitting down at the bar talking about banning books but they might down there be talking about how can I afford a house I'm working hard I'm working hard I want to have a house and because that house becomes a home to some of these folks you're a Real Estate Mogul venture capitalist whatever that's just an asset to be traded and sold to whoever you want for us it's a place we gather around the kitchen table to talk to our kids about what happened at school that's what KLA Harris wants for you that's what she wants for you she knows that folks are being squeezed on grocery prices but let's all be very clear here folks you know this in Michigan I'm a Minnesota guy those of us who've been on farms farmers are getting 390 for a bushel of corn and barely 10 bucks for soybeans they're not getting rich somebody in The Middle's taking a cut for not growing the corn not processing the corn not doing anything she's talking about price gouging that's illegal in 37 States already and should be illegal across the country to G and in this country the richest country on Earth it's a absolute disgrace that folks have to ration their drugs because they can't afford them because trust me big farmers do just fine we need to make sure that folks get their insulin at a price of $35 each get the drugs that they need and you know what's really interesting because Gretchen Whitmer proved it you can see this we did it in Minnesota KLA Harris wants it for the country you take care of workers you make sure folks can unionize you make sure folks have money you know what happens when you do that the economy grows and businesses sore she wants to make it easier for any one of you if you want to start a small business cut the red tape give you a tax cut and let you start that dream that you want to get going and I'm going to go back to this you did it in Michigan we did it in Minnesota she has talked about it on the first day she's in office and that bill comes over from Congress she'll sign the proa making it easier to organize that ability to collect you know we did something in Minnesota that I'm like maybe we ought to do everywhere is we also made it against the law in Minnesota to have employers put you in a room and give you anti-un propaganda if you're a factory worker kamla Harris is going to keep creating tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs right here in Michigan and by the way well the Trump Administration even if you don't count the jobs lost under Co kamla Harris and Joe Biden created six times more manufacturing jobs than Donald Trump ever did and for Governors we got to get things done your Governor here made it clear because of what kamla Harris was able to do you're able to have your Governor show the rest of the country how to fix the damn roads and that's something that happened historic Investments historic bipartisan investments in infrastructure and no matter who you are and this is fundamental KLA Harris is out there fighting to make sure you have the freedom to make the choices about your life and your family not government some of you old enough to remember when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it not these guys this means the government should be free invade your doctor's office invade your school library even invade your bedroom let me say this too it is weird as hell to think about other people's bedrooms it is weird as hell so look we in Minnesota and Michigan across this country we respect our neighbors for their personal choices we might not make them we might not make the same choice but we respect them that's for you to make for me to make in Minnesota I've talked about this and I'm going to I think this is a national Golden Rule because I've talked about it you know how Society works best is when you mind your own damn business things work better things work better so we'll continue to talk about Freedom that people make their health care decisions not politicians we mean freedom is to get a good education for a better job and a better future not crippling student loan debt for the rest of your damn life and they don't want to talk about it they want to avoid it Freedom means our kids being able to go to school without being shot dead in the Halls you know it here Oxford High School Michigan State we saw it in Georgia last week look I'm a teacher I'm a parent this the best time of year leaves are changing Friday night football's back our kids have a new start and they're going in it's a time of excitement and hope everything we want that's what we want for our kids but too many of our kids these first days of school are of sheer Terror a time that is going to stick with them forever so let's be clear I know guns you know guns I'm a veteran I'm a Hunter I'm a Hunter KLA Harris is a gun owner by the way which you found out so look I'm not going to take any crap about them about the Second Amendment we support the Second Amendment but our first responsibility is keeping our children safe and you can have f watch how quickly they move on and they don't remember names oh they remember names in certain incidents what they want to try and politicize things but they don't remember the names of the Innocents who die and Donald Trump actually said when he got asked about this he got irritated he said look people just need to get over it and his running mate Senator Vance last week said look just fact of life think about that now family's forever broken too many of has been there my own son was in a location where someone was shot in the head too many of us have this this this H you see it these guys say it's a fact of life and get over it move on do the next thing work on the next tax cut for billionaires or whatever important stuff is um how morally broken do you have to be to not be able to spend any time internalizing children and teachers being gunned down in the first weeks of school in their cafeterias in their Labs texting their parents goodbye as they're standing there hiding under desks running for their lives no and to say well you know what happens for all of us that crap does not happen in other places in the world we are better than that I believe in the American people we can hold two thoughts at the same time and make sure that we say what vice president Harris said last week it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way look Michigan you know it I know it we cannot have four more years of that nearly 80-year-old man yelling at people to get off his yard screaming about cats and looking out for himself he cannot go back because when he goes back this time the one thing I do believe I do believe that he said this time it will be much much worse that that they want to act like oh I don't know I don't know project 2025 I don't know anything about this or whatever here's what I know enough about is as a longtime football coach you take the time to draw up a Playbook you plan on running it you plan on running it and he's going to use it he's going to use it they are telling us exactly what they're going to do and this one this is I don't believe much of what he says and he usually doesn't follow through but he did do this he was with a bunch of his rich friends down in Mar logo and he said look you're rich as hell and I'm going to give you a tax cut he did that he did that and he ballooned the national debt and the middle class is stuck with the bill all those things making groceries and the things that we know we need as Joe Biden and KLA Harris fought to bring down inflation to put our country on a path to recovery this guy wants to add a national sales tax to all of us you know what I figure he look who can blame him he's looking out for himself and he says this he tells you oh you know price of bacon at the grocery stores you and I both know that guy has never been in the grocery store and he's never bought bacon ever so he doesn't give a damn if the tax is on that because he doesn't know what bacon cost a pound he doesn't know what milk costs cuz it doesn't matter so let's be clear this guy wants the tax cuts for himself to underfund government and then those incredible public servants and I want to say this to the mayor to the County Commissioners to the folks who are here thank you for the work you do every day for the pressure to our city workers our state workers our federal workers our police our teachers our firefighters and our military those are professionals they're paid for with tax dollars and you know what they are loyal to they are loyal to the Constitution and the rule of law Donald Trump's plan is to remove those people and install his political lackeys that's what project 2025 is going to do so in so in a health emergency like in Minnesota instead of being able to depend on the CDC and people from the Mayo Clinic we can listen to Donald Trump about drinking bleach and trying to find a way to stick Au UV light in ourselves we're in the middle of a pandemic with our neighbors dying and this guy is undermining the responses take that across all of government that's project 2025 so look again wouldn't answer the question on Banning abortion he will ban abortion across this country whether Congress is there or not be absolutely clear about it and when asked who do you admire who respects you because to be very clear the vice president was right I traveled to our friends and our Allied countries whether it's Australia whether it's Great Britain whether it's France whether it's Canada whether it's Mexico They're laughing at this guy they don't trust him he's weak he's weak and can't follow through but you know when he was asked who looks up to him Victor orbon Vladimir Putin Kim Jong-un this this stuff would be unbelievable to have as a political attack ad if it hadn't come out of his mouth on a debate stage and he was proud of it he was proud of it KLA Harris was able to within a matter of a few seconds use this guy's inflated ego and narcissism to bait him into melting down on a national stage in front of 60 million you you don't think Vladimir Putin could do that you don't think XI junping could do that you don't think that folks who are looking to flatter this guy as he shakes down our allies like at some type of Racket operation rather than standing with our allies I had the opportunity in June to be at the 80th commemoration of the D-Day and driving down those small French roads to the Normandy beaches were French Flags American flags British flags Canadian flags free people standing together in the defense of democracy Donald Trump knows nothing about it it's why he would turn his back and tell Vladimir Putin do whatever the hell you want in Ukraine you think they're stopping in Ukraine you think he's stopping in Ukraine you think China's not watching when they watch this of course they are that's why we need the strong leadership that was displayed by KLA Harris to make sure that we put dictators in their place and this country stays firm look our allies are worried but they're also hopeful just like you they've seen the leader stride onto that stage so they would maybe say I don't know whether to laugh or cry but just like you're doing it we're channeling it into joy and action we're making sure that we have that rare chance in this election to turn the page on this guy to end it once and for all so look we can choose a new generation of leadership a positive joyful all-encompassing future that this great nation has been founded on we can do that I'll say and what is what is so beautiful about that and about kamla Harris we were on the bus touring some of these states and we were getting off at a rally where there was supporters there like this and they were holding up signs on the other side of the street there were not supporters they make it easy cuz they all wear the same hat do you know what it is said said it was a a group of independent thinkers standing there ready to yell at us so no but that's me KLA Harris's first instinct was and this is the first time we on the bus together my wife gwy vice president and Doug were there who Doug and gwy I want to give them a big round of applause too so they're out working it well look we're we're walking off that bus and that's the scene in front of us and she turns to me and she said uh Tim don't ever forget we work just as hard in the policy we put in place to benefit their those people their families as well as those people and their families this is a policy for everyone can you imagine can you imagine Donald Trump saying we're going to look out for those folks that don't vote for me because this started and I love this story as a young prosecutor Comm Harris talked about going in that courtroom for the first time KLA Harris for the people she's had one client that's the people of this country that's the people she's worked with and she talks about this when she helped those folks when she was in that classroom or in that courtroom same way with the classroom I would say for all of us cuz this is true too man the cemetry is just too beautiful on that one she didn't do it and I didn't do it I didn't ask if someone was a Republican or a Democrat they're an American and they came in that class that courtroom they came in that classroom they're to be treated that way that's what she's done every single day but the question she asked him is are you okay what do you need that's what leadership looks like so look on Tuesday and again I'll say this no surprise but I do think we should probably lift it up one more time kamla Harris did her job on Tuesday now Michigan and Grand Rapids we need to do ours we need to do our job look the way our country is I'll go to my grave maybe not understanding it but you know what there'll be get time to think about that later this is going to be a razor thin election we're still the underdogs in this thing but here's the beautiful thing we get the opportunity to affect that outcome we get the opportunity to decide in 54 days what type of country we want so for each and every one of us this is the time to put it all out there you heard me say this all gas no breaks we're going to sleep when we're dead that's what that means is you've seen it and look I'm not I'm I'm I'm here and don't never close that yearbook I was looking when I came here the first thing I do is read the local paper and catch up on things and uh I saw this uh this Hudsonville game because I'm a defensive guy wins 1412 Last Week Big Game here and then I look up because this is you know gives me an opportunity to say it as being part of a state championship team Forest Hill Central is playing in one so look I got to tell you the uh the people who kind of dismiss is whatever look life isn't about hoping you win life isn't about I wish this would happen it's great to have aspirations you have to but how you get things done is you have a plan and you execute it the plan to win this thing is is we've got the best candidate that we could ever have in KLA Harris we've got energy amongst the American people we've got that desire to win but I said this as football team there's not a football team in the state that doesn't want to win the state championship and every year they start out thinking that the difference is who gets it done and it takes a lot of things to get it done it takes a team to get it done we need to lift up for her right now and get this thing done so look I know I know my God you came on a Thursday to listen to a guy from from Minnesota while you stood under a whale way in the back of the room again because you love the country because you know you're part of this it's not hyperbole the presidency of the United States and the future of our democracy could very well go right through this room in Grand Rapids that's how important Michigan is so look around let's commit to get this thing done let's bring one more person in let's do one more volunteership let's make one more phone call people are picking up the phone now I'm going into these offices they want to talk about it because once again our politics is fun and hopeful and gives us something to work for so for each of us don't buy it that she won because she won the debate Mike if these elections were about having the best ideas and the best candidates we'd Win Every Damn Race we always have better ideas and better candidates but that's not what wins races what wins races is people who care enough to get on the ground and get the work done and take that debate performance take those resources that have been out there take that energy and funnel it down into voter contact get out the vote efforts and ballots and ballots so I'll tell you what last time I was in Michigan we were in Detroit and there was a massive crowd in the hanger and Donald Trump said oh no it's just AI I'm sure he'll say the same about this AI whale okay I'm obsessed with the whale I love it so but look what I say is let him say it let him try and tell that we've got 32 field officers over here and tens of thousands of volunteers out working we're doing the work and in 54 days what won't be AI is the ballots cast for KLA Harris the next president of the United States so Grand Rapids let's work together let's chart that new way forward let's do it because we believe in the promise of America and as you know the vice president tells us it and it is so true when we fight we win when we fight when we fight we thank you Grand Rapids thank you hello Michigan it is good to be here and uh can we all agree our future is pretty bright with people like Mariah holy smart backstage I was just uh getting introduced to Mariah and uh she said uh kamla Harris is going to change the world and um that inspiration in our young people who we know our future was something else so Mariah thank you for all you're doing and beautiful lakes blue whales all the things in Michigan you it's not as if you don't have it all and then you have Gretchen Whitmer on top of it so she she is such a dear friend but I'll tell you she is so good at what she does she has convinced my son he's a Michigan State fan now so it's it's terrible politics for me but he is true blue over or he is True Green over there on it so uh you get it so uh look you got an incredible delegation and we know some of these rates are going to be close but uh we have got to keep the majority in the house make sure you send Hillary Scolton back to the house make sure you remember and you got it you you've always had incredible senators and you got Gary Peters very difficult to replace Debbie stab now but you're going to do it with Aliss St and make make sure you get it done make sure you get it done each and every one of you thank you a lot of places you can be on a late summer day um get busy you're after work kids are from coming home from school uh you chose to be here uh on behalf of the vice president myself but on behalf of this country thank you for caring and loving your country enough to show up thank you one one final thank you thank you to my fellow cat owner Taylor Swift look she she's not here but let me just say uh vice president I know you're all waiting oh what a bait and switch this guy left on us look vice president uh Harris and I couldn't be more excited to have her support really grateful so um and look look it it's not as if I didn't warn these guys a few months ago you mess with C people and you will find out you will find out so uh they did so uh beautiful strategy there picking on the C people so um look all of you are here but H how can we not start with the debate how can we not start with the debate um look what was so clear about it was and and again not surprising but there was one person on that stage who should be the next president of the United States one person she commanded the room and I know all of us are incredibly proud of Vice President Harris but let's be very clear none of us were surprised of what happened there none of us were surprised no one has come with more experience to this job than she has and no one has done more damage than Donald Trump has so we knew what was coming and no pun intended from the get-go she had the upper hand walking in giving the handshake look it says something about character we talk about this often shake hands and when you lose which he did last time and which he will again you shake hands and walk away so I got asked right after the debate you know do you think we should do another one and I said hell every day we should do another one of of course well it's not going to happen cuz Donald Trump confirmed today he's not doing another one so um give him give him a little break that one left a mark that one left a mark so he's with it so look who he was was on full display the other night his true colors were out there not just his makeup not just his makeup so if I heard somebody say if you want to know in a debate who's winning or whatever turn the sound down and you would have sworn that was a nearly 80-year-old man shaking his fist at Clouds that's what it looked like so look this guy has SP his entire life focused on himself obsessed with the past and the thing that is unforgivable rooting against America and America's people which he's done consistently he had a lot of weird stuff too so I'm just going to say that and and that was and and the you tell me you had this on your bingo card and they're eating cats and they're eating cats oh Michigan we love you look and it would be it it would be funnier too if it wasn't so dangerous but I want to be clear about this guy last week he did one of these these fake Town Halls where he gets one of the Fox News people to ask him questions that he knows and then he then he answers on this but what was so fascinating about that was in that amount of time that he was there and you should go see this it's really something to see in that little interview he did 11 times he reassured the people there that he was not weird now yes some of you picked up on this if you need to remind people 11 times you're not weird you might be weird there you go so look but it's what he didn't say that was probably the most disturbing of the night Trump refused to say that he wants the brave fighters in Ukraine to win the war in protection of democracy it's a pretty low bar that's a pretty low bar when he got asked that question the other thing he refused to say was he refused to say if he would veto a National Abortion ban well you know why he refused to say because you know exactly what he would do look they don't trust women and women don't trust them that is that simple that is that simple but for all of us that that old uh that old saying of the frog and the boiling water whatever don't allow our ourselves to get this way the most damaging thing that he wouldn't say is he refused to acknowledge he lost the last election he refused to condemn the January 6 criminals who attacked the US Capitals in our democracy but in the anger that he got into as the Poise and dignity and the sharp uh retorts from vice president Harris he lost some of that composure in there and when he was referring to those riers and you go back and make sure you'll see this again I'm sure he said we did nothing wrong he didn't say they he said we and then at the end and then at the end of this thing you watched 90 minutes you watch that beat him at The Ballot Box beat him at The Ballot Box we have got the opportunity people what he didn't say and this is the difference and look there's a lot of reasons my God too many to list the time we're here a lot of reasons this guy shouldn't get anywhere near the White House again but we have a responsibility and can to tell people what the alternative is because what he did not do he did not say one thing what he would do to make life better for the American people not once remember after he came down his golden escalator he said this would be easy this would be easy I would have a health care plan on day one that was 9 years ago but look it's progress apparently he has the concepts of a plan I taught high school for 20 years every one of my kids everyone everyone every one of my kids had a better excuse for not doing their work than that they never told me they had a concept of the plan so look on every single issue vice president Harris is standing on those issues with you and your family it is clear Donald Trump has no plan for you his agenda his agenda is about him and the thing is I will say this while he didn't articulate it the other night they've made it easy for us to know what they're going to do because they wrote it in a 900 page document called project 2025 I keep asking this who is asking for that agenda who is asking for that agenda who is asking except folks that want to take control over your lives that's the only people asking for it no one's sitting around asking to give billionaires tax cuts nobody sitting around asking said let's make insulin more expensive and they keep telling us and convinced of this nobody's sitting around the bars in Grand Rapid say you know the first thing we need to do is we need to ban George Orwell's books that no one's saying that no one's saying that they find a lot of time to talk about banning books but they can't find one damn day to get weapons of war out of our schools and get those out but look what I was most proud of in this why Donald Trump spent the entire time whining about himself talking about his problems kamla Harris spent her time talking about you and the way forward talking about the future this guy is stuck in the past she's focused on the future of this country the bright future that each and every one of us get to partake in so look she took him to task and I we can't say this enough she prosecuted the case against him but what I'm what I am so proud to be part of this ticket I'm so proud to be in a room like this under a whale by the way which is quite awesome um on a Thurs night thinking about the direction of our country what I am most proud of is because of all the things Donald Trump has stolen and all the things he did what is unforgivable is him stealing our joy

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