Blink Twice Geena Davis - "Stacy"

Published: Aug 09, 2024 Duration: 00:02:49 Category: Film & Animation

Trending searches: geena davis
I play Stacy who is um sort of the uh allaround Girl Friday you know I I kind of uh do everything and nothing um she is uh quite scattered in fact very clumsy and uh and we don't know quite why that is happening but you find out later um why she's so profoundly clumsy but in the meantime I get to be really funny I mean I I think the character is very funny Channing Tatum is playing Slater King uh who is kind of kind of like a movie star but he he's he's not really but he's um incredibly wealthy and charismatic and has that kind of impact on people where they're like Swept Away by uh by how gorgeous and uh and charismatic he is so um he has a very powerful effect on people Zoe you know I've been an enormous fan of before I met her but she's just amazing I mean she not not only directs the film she co-wrote it and her her talent and focus and and um confidence her calm sort of confidence is is remarkable it really I mean it helps so much in a movie like this was so many characters in such an uh unusual plot um she's really just a a revelation I think well the snakes are interesting because at first it's just merely that there are these slightly poisonous snakes all over the island and and there's a basket of dead snakes and so it seems just like there's a sort of snake problem in snake population problem on the island but uh the snakes turn out to be integral to the plot I I I think they will be very surprised there's there's quite a turn that happens in this movie which I didn't expect when I was reading it or the title didn't indicate uh was going to happen so I hope that they're like wow that was wild yeah that's what I hope they think

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