Riot turned Katarina into a POKE MAGE!? (NEW Q BUFF IS BROKEN)

yo what up guys welcome back to another summ RI video today I am playing Karina we're trying out the new Buffs Karina Q AP ratio went up by 10% from 35 to 45 and the base damage went up by 40 at Max rank so now there's a new really annoying op uh poke Catarina build you Max q and just no spam Q so you're going to have need a you need Scorch got noing orb OBS Focus Sudden Impact and Relentless Hunter and you're going to want to build a leandre's first item and just going to like have this really annoying like poke burn constantly we're into the new champ Aurora so I went Doran shield first the first few levels are going to be like pretty rough but we do scale up pretty well with the new bus gu we just want to like try to like que off the minions here look for some poke damage also got ignite we're going to try to go for some cheese kills some solo bows we go we got the we got the passive damage on there dor Shield is helping a lot I could get on second win in this match up would have been decent walk up and Q like that PL Le damage very Nicea potion I'm going to walk up for this Canon oh she missed her Q luckily yeah we can get a g here I like that she went inis and I'm going to e back over here Dodge her e not bad not bad trade I have uh I have Doran Shield healing so might benefit me more going to rush the uh faded ashes component once we have enough gold for that our poke gets super annoying her Q's down I like q and the is down is when I should like walk up and like poker with q but I need hit level four first she's running out of Mana there's a little combo we can do going to avoid her Auto attacks her passive is pretty good the three hit Max Health passive she has 160 Mana left so maybe only a few spells see if I can bait out her Q by walking forward out of a range back and forth like this yeah are cute so I can walk up and C her Ally has been slain nice we're even in farm which is quite good got hit by that just going to leave my Doggers in the wave so I can wave clear ah crap I got hit nice got the bouncer I can kill here yep you got it let's go that was easy all right she has TP which means I need to reset right now cuz I'm at a TP disadvantage she'll be back before me and have Tempo and push the wave let's go fade dashes now it is uh right there okay and we'll buy boots boots is nicer I can like you know close the gap faster and reach her with my Q I have more move speed than her now which is nice 335 to 368 W I have a lot of moov speed it's cuz of Relentless Hunter the C is roaming but yeah because of the TP diff I lose this wave here but it's all good um I was going to focus on hitting level six here just going to clear this wave and then look to Rome cuz Ro is like boss side maybe they're on Dragon I think they're on Dragon right now are they forcing a dragon oh they crazy no they both get away come here I'm what I just press R I got a flash off that look at my damage bro she's already like 25% HP and maybe this is diable can he cross the wave in more or is he just going to go for it uh okay I'm going to push I'm going to push it there's no minions down in there our himr dingler is chasing him it's going to focus on way clearing he can maybe dive does Z have passive he do so you definitely can do a dive here s is here now and I'm down the fight can't you can't just be here I can get close enough i' e on to them now we're out of range back to Lane we go oh okay we're still scrapping I get poked from this bush no I might actually I should not walk here have oh I got to force it oh all right we went way too deep into the jungle I blame himman dingler freaking hman dingler man he baited us all with with his ping we got collapsed on and if I had old I could at least like trade one per one there I should just went back to Lane he missed some minions but it's okay we're playing Katarina we can like just kind of perar roam and not really play with perfect fundamentals like you need to on like Mages for example where you need 10 CS a minute like air against SCP more we can fight early game we can snowball off some early game fights all right I'm not going to hit the minions here I want it to push towards me so Aurora has to overextend she has no ult and no flash so I'm going to look to all in her I think I will use Q here to thin the wave his smidge this buff was so good and it raised K's win rate a lot so they're going to have to like Nerf it for next patch I think for r hting it but then giving her more like dagger damage and this is how you hold a freezer you need four minion on a cannon wave see if I can get some poke I go boom like that only like that boom I got my e back got a little bit poke on her there again L this drop the ignite on her I think I can kill here like this then throw a Q and then bang got her that's a solo kills I even get an assist I CH actually is nutty this Chum is so nutty though dude what the hell she's like a crazy poke assassin poke Mage assassin now yeah guys if use this while you can if you like playing C CH is really fun very op amazing in Solo if you like climbing for LP if you like messing around in Norms or whatever she's a killing machine her W clear is really good oh she M oh [ __ ] she's pissed guys oh there's a talent on me can I escape oh I escaped I get my EB back here we go in oh my goodness just waiting on my old here I press R I'm going to press e to finish her off I'm just going to flash cuz I want that kill so bad nice the leash the cannon leash get that fast prior um yeah I'm going to back here and spend gold and then I'm going to get back around the time that she's back in Lane I think your TP is still down right maybe for like another minute or two we have our LeAndre now we have some crazy Pok damage and to get up to uh 6% bonus damage as it fully Stacks so we got the AY We Got The Scorch and we got the leandre's burn on our q and Sudden Impact is done 400 true damage what the it's so good Talon is ring bot here I think our bot Lan is chilling maybe maybe not himer Dinger himer Dinger is never chilling he's in there is he on Dragon trying to sneak it I feel like he's sneaking it nope he's not he's in his uh bside jungle pering if my tracking is correct I have my Al I could just chunk her if I want to my gosh my w clear is just insane there he is I'm ran bot finish the dragon 3K HP uh I think just do dragon I don't know if we can definitely not saving them they're already dead should just finish the objective that bonus movement speed going if Zach finds an engage here I'm down to fight this maybe we get SAA oh my God there's a TP and let's just send it wow okay going to press r oh she's barrier okay yeah that was a little little two handam there little two handam got shut down in Zach both also shutdowns he has kaisa Flash and kaisa barrier that does you know help out our bot Lane through their laning phase now just just the fact that she doesn't have those so they can potentially win a 2v2 if they uh poke let the rest through n's hurricane interesting she wants that AOE she wants that we clear I guess I'm I don't know if you win those buddy that's that's a new champ you're fighting there that's a new champ new champs are strong new champ versus old champ all righty let's go M and play for this plate maybe going Dash that minion oh my God look at my H damage that was chunky I'm going do the same thing here I'm going to eat his minion and cute bam chunked good chunk good chunk how she already that low oh my God I saw that trinket I thought that was Talon I messed up my ew look how low she is dude this is broken disgusting poke right games you made a You made a mistake buffing her like K should be allowed to have this op of a ling phase look at that she's just wow dude what the heck right jump is disgusting this is like the most broken version of Karina I've ever played in summers Rift Ally Q is doing way too much I'm not like that super fed either like I feel like my items is you know pretty standard for uh 14 minutes that was healthy I would love the r ball here walk over 10 pings 10 danger pings four Wards six M and still get the double kill that's exactly what have happened there all right next item I can pretty much just go like anything now I think Shadow flame is best just crazy uh crit damage when they get lower do I run bot here catch midwave I can run bot but there is a there's a ward in Bush all I'm going to TP behind them he they got the tur and and though this was a terrible idea by me I made a big mistake I could have just walked through this bush but I didn't expect him to dive like that I was trying to avoid this Ward all right well I am trolling so hard but I will get this guy I I will avenge I will avenge you I'm sorry for uh my pathing I guess I didn't realize realized that the tower was at low HP and then they would just dive afterwards I don't think I realized that byby I'm sorry kalista I feel bad about that you Des are better should go mid now kalista and I will s Side Lane what do you what do you think about that okay you want bot Lane still I think you're a little weird mid is much safer for you okay if I flashed over the wall I it would be so psycho I think we can actually die this guy all we got CL the kill SW de and we'll just we'll just take this Tower we have two people mid defending that so that's good get another objective here oh my God my Q did that much damage wait oh that's a talent what the all right we traded we traded not not bad not bad your tret has destroyed kill good I got eight kills got to reset and spend our Gold by a large Rod actually I'm going to be greedy and go for this wave it's a free Canon [Music] wave oops I think I took too many Tower shots I can't eat a wordss anymore I forgot I think that was changed a while ago unfortunate all right so we greeted for that canow wave I'm a little late to the Dragon but I am richer so it's all right it's all good I have a twole lead on most of their Champions except for garan hopefully I don't see garan this game but I I might see him in my Nexus soon he's kind of he's kind of winning Top Lane kind of hard terms of Cs and Tower Advantage all right I'm here I'm in there I'm in there oh I'm pressing R oh my God it's so much damage disting oh a blue buff there's an aurora coming this way I think like right here I blast hereo they know yo how do they know how do they know is that bush wed what they knew EX exactly the bush I was in I thought I was sneaky with it oh I wonder where they had Vision to know exactly where I was there what played I guess darn it oh dud top is looking rough we going lose his Tower too I can only like deal with Garen if he has already used his Q in a fight that's only way I can like really like shred him and do damage okay well they might be uh they won't be able to contest this dragon so that's good I like hex te Dragon gives me attack speed right my my old scills with attack speed more damage and it's hex tech dragon soul that Soul's bust no they stole it he's too good going wow that's a lot of damage I don't know if I can keep fighting this I I need a recall again I'm going to go push mid and reset your team destroy and that wave is dead nice my Farm's kind of low but I got 10 kills Champion just Farms Champions instead of minions really well all right next item do I want void sta I can go like crit bloom or something how do that daren's buying Mr and he's kind of RA boss I just taking side lanane I don't really like that I don't have anywhere to farm so maybe I just roam M and fight enforce the r here play for kills but this Karina I do not actually mind that wonderful um maybe we just push mid oh perfect him he needs to die I don't have I'm tripping there we go Baron can we Baron any barers They're All Dead desty to gar if uh these two would just come to Baron we could totally get it with three of them dead I'm fineing with stus resetting I think garen's on his way here where are you man [ __ ] team is trolling a I don't know if you have time for this before like Garen or somebody else shows up garen's over the wall n and this is like way too sauce kill my Kista she deserves it she took too long all right I shouldn't have F this sh I mean three were dead I felt like it was a good like a good call but like my team just took way too long to come do it an ally has been slain our DPS just took too long to come we should have just like pulled off but I kind of we kind of yelled it after limit test oh he's he's he's we need Zach to be uh I'll go Bots hopefully you can W clear here dud what is this kalista build it's so bad collector and bl room King she needs collector and runan I mean she needs vther and King is what I'm trying to say unfortunately even though English I one trick English I'm not very good at it sometimes we might need the I don't think they're on Baron but maybe they could they're not on it okay I'm going to push out B and there is a gar problem he's only two and two but he's just such a such a presence in the S Side Lane this game let's play for Dragon I think our silus silus has made a good comeback this game he was he was 02 now he's 3-2 oh okay we're fighting mid I'm going to walk there even though I can buy void staff now I can I can clean up this for sure if the Fight Continues I have a Flink they don't see me they're going to walk right here what's up [ __ ] I press R wow oh my God the skills oh my god oh my god wow C things I sh resets I'm like two HP man nice for holding off the Garen I mean do you want to fight that okay the exhaust who has exhaust oh himr himr looks so far away though so I was like how did he exhaust from so far that range be crazy bro oh kalista is a little trolling going to push out top and hopefully he gets that nobody's contesting the dragon at the moment I think Talon just now spawn maybe he doesn't get there in time I'm going start heading I'm start like heading there now just in case oh [ __ ] he's there it's a Smite fight he gets there so fast no he's still another the Talon burst is too much for Zach burst so that would go better if our kalista went to Dragon instead of pushing up mid and dying to Aurora IMO also fourth on my health there maybe a little bit more than that is our close to finally building a blade room King let's freaking go she'll do damage how exciting well that Vision was weird like the plant I put a word here and I couldn't see the plant that was right there did y'all see that that's bizarre ideally uh syus is the bot L here CU he has TP and baron is up but just going to farm this play the cards that we got all right I got 1,800 gold go B can you B oh y'all are so far up that's so bad you cannot be this far up with no pressure on map elsewhere my bot Lane has 15 deaths no guys's bot lane splitting I Me Maybe we could fight up here Al if we can cheese him like this oh it's HED all right what if they forgot we were here they didn't forget ah oh mean I got two or we killed two little late PP and unnecessary at this point okay okay nice good Pi good taks we were able to avenge some of our fallen comrades nice we killed four wait Zach could win this if he gets any CC off here oh like maybe if he gets Q if his Q came up and he could hit minion wait I look away for like one second and Zach just like revived and killed bro I looked at for one second and thought Zach was just dead that's so funny he comes out of his uh passive and just murders her that's so funny can like our ADC like play the game man play the game with us it would be so nice we would have like two Barons by now we have himer we have himer passive himr turrets oh well this is going to get caught bought by Talon I think we should we should we should go Baron yeah I knew it I knew it I called it I called it I knew it unfortunately I think Tal's going to get here too fast yeah we can't burn just cuz we can't get everyone on the same page in this game we have to look for a pick I'm going back to my uh my bush maybe this bush too is uned meet the cheese okay I I think it's worded oh why did they eat there get off me oh my God that was such body man I ain't feel so good man I feel a little low HP right now low on that HP you have a gar problem oh kalista would you mind wave clearing top yay oh oh that's that's bad I was like half a second away from finishing the recall too man damn you Talen oh hell yeah D would you look at that she finished BL room King and she does damage to a gar I love that she's scaling now um F this is not good I am dead for Fourth Dragon for like 3 seconds yeah hopefully they get some picks here team clutching team clutching okay there is hex gate so I won't I won't get there like that slowly I w't be like too late to it uhoh okay nice nice oh kais Ard in that's huge that's huge nice nice nice good job kaisa kaisa on our team in that play could go Z here but I really want rabadon for like a ginormous damage boost like he is 441 damage before Rabon wait we can do Baron and drag okay it's looking up for us going to spam ping dragon and hopefully we will go to it this time we could have had several Barons this game guys back yay my team is going to the baron let's go my damage not bad here it's not bad Zach no SM he's trying to Zone all righty I'm going to reset for my rabbit on huge Spike game is saved we we stopped him from getting hex and we finally got the baron we could have had literally the there was like two other chances that we could got a free Baron but we just couldn't get everyone grouped but finally it has happened going to push out a wave and then we'll look to fight somewhere my God my passive doing work to the point I'll clear this word real quick I am out of Mana so let me uh grab a blue bar here hell yeah maybe we look for an engagement I got the shield oh hell no ah ah a and Talon went to point and click kill me man oh my God there's nothing I can even do about it and we're not even all grouped where is my HR bro why is H splitting why was silus late okay then well our coordination as a team is absolutely horrid it's it's quite unfortunate or support wants to like split push oh my God s's going for the 1v3 just to grab a all right the zoning him roll oh man this gar just totally outplayed me guys he totally outskilled me like there was just nothing I could do he press q r and I just die like never it's like what can I do okay this is a fight we can clean up going for Talon he get his shield he's going to hop the wall though all right we can't chase him okay we still have Baron we can uh maybe push for Mid in him oh hell no that's a gar his Q is down I'm going to I'm going to fight him to see what Happ all righty he's too tanky 3 11 M by the way uh I want to see what happen since he had his Q silence down if I could like actually do damage turn turns out now I'm quite mistaken gar is quite the raid boss course the nature go crazy on him yeah we got to heal up uh next item it's got to be as for like you know the gar and Talon damage that's my main problem in these fights got a tough game on our hands here just severe lack of Team coordination but it has made it you know bit more fun to play with all this wild fighting okay Center Flash press R okay that's all I got I can get a reset oh my God my Q just killed them both oh I didn't mean to either I would like to escape oh okay he outskilled me again damn it he's too good damn this guy he's just so good at the game man his out plays are just generational God bless we killed him ah dude ah how does he even do that combo okay po are dead go dragon Go Dragon drag please please please please please please hopefully to does not steal a third time he's really good with smites is a q q Smite combo been doing a lot Zach might lose his passive here Zach is committed okay well I mean ton can't eat over any more walls now he's running out of walls the E over this is good all right we're heading to the dragon there we got to get this they can't if they get this this game is really really hard to win Zak is in there my team is still doing the dragon oh my God nice he can't get over the wall holy that made me so nervous my jungler was over the wall oh man I wish I could reach over here I press oh I lost Vision I lost Vision like I like walked up the que and I lost Vision oh that's that's rough at least we got Dragon we just got to stall here and not die otherwise they'll end mid cuz they have a wave mid right now there's the wave that has two cannons my God BR spooking me not again bro I'm tired of getting galed okay we got the we got the wave cleared though but the next one's there unfortunately is Zach all right Zachary holy Zak is healing and don't stop healing oh my God he lives I don't think I can kill him man this champ is too too insane so side only CLA can deal with him [ __ ] no I can't eat him man almost got him I almost got him sheit okay we got a w clear we got a w clear this scen got so hard too much too much limit testing and the too much anti Synergy in the uh in the objective Department we really don't want to fight those guys we really do not want to fight this not with Garen you know thing over there and everyone so low going to heal as well and get 1,000 HP back we're going to need it we have to play around baring though all right I'll pushed up cool oh [ __ ] we're fighting I got to get to this fight oh no I'm too late to this fight oh it's not looking good I might just send it ah ah damn it might be J it might be J I was too far from that fight they uh took you can probably end now un this H can like stall and wave clear I Stay Alive maybe they just go to Baron but I don't know I can't really defend if they do just decide to push mid tret has destroyed okay they didn't end the game that's awesome we still have a chance and I have my Z now yay I have armor okay any who I 780 787 AP right now it's pretty good I'm pretty sure if they're was any other champion and not like Garen uh this is not good either an ally has and the G's in our base taking the inhibitor oh that's unfortunate we couldn't catch that guy hey they're not on Baron yet and maybe I fight mid here their waves far oh what a H can't even like walk forward I'm pressing R oh my god wow wow that was like the equivalent of like how good Garen is woo wait winnable winnable winable we can we can we can take objectives maybe maybe Dragon first Is It soul soul is huge God bless our CLA scaling she's the only one that can like do damage to Gin he doesn't really have that much armor blade r King on hit kalista is our only hope into Garin we need go Baron right off there we can't be recalling nice 8 Seconds on Talon please stop hitting that you need to hit the baron right now it's very time sensitive they are all respawning and on the way nice we got it get out leave leave leave leave reset reset reset okay still one of the last still inil this is such a back and forth game man this is so intense look at them they're like hunting hey nice got the flash okay he's going for it good luck barrier I in nice an Al they killed Senna we lost kalista though they might try to end top if they're smart if Garen is smart he will just go top here and threaten to end yeah he's doing it h in silus though I wait I kind of I kind some nutty things that Aurora he's dead oh my God they're holding off the gar I pressed R oh my God we can end we can end we can end we need minions minions are far let's go dude let's go we won we won but their B Ling's up in 10 we have to we have to end okay nice we TP get the B up I might I might I might try to fight them I on these two looks cool all right we won that game let's go so what do you guys think of the Katarina buff is it op or what cuz my opinion yes I'm glad it's getting uh reverted guys uh you know if you want to LP if you want or if you just want to have fun on Katarina like me try it out in your games the early game feels like so much better compared to uh you know previous Karina the uh yeah they're going to uh I I saw on Twitter that they're going to revert this buff but like give her her passive more damage for daggers so it'll be like around the same but yeah it's more like there's like more counterplay because you can like walk out of the dagger instead of just like pointing click Q it is 63,000 damage what a banger game that was really fun to play what a back and forth uh nail biter 43 minute game yeah GG's guys I hope you enjoyed the variety content if you want more variety let me know Down Below in the comments what CHS you want to see me play next and yeah body that like button subscribe if you're new leave a comment down below what you want to see me play next and thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed have a bless one guys peace

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