Telegram CEO Pavel Durov indicted in France, faces up to 10 years in prison

>> Georgia right now, though, let's go the scene and France, the CEO of Telegram probably draw. He's under indictment, barred from leaving that country. French authorities say he fell to prevent illegal activity on that messaging app. E was arrested Saturday released after posting 5 million dollar euro bail. This case, by the way, could be a first holding a tech executive responsible for what his users posted. Our international correspondent Ross calling us live on the scene right now in Paris. Ross, tell more about this case. >> just picking up on your last point, if you would, too much Elon Musk rimac. So Zuckerberg from Facebook being held responsible are arrested, charged banned from leaving I country. It really be making waves. That's why this is so important. What's been happening with Telegram and its Russian-born found a 39 year-old yet full days of questioning here in France. He was arrested on Saturday and then on Wednesday it was announced that he was going to be released from custody. But then charged and then released on bail 5 million dollar bail. And he also has to attend a police station twice a week and he's not allowed to leave France while this form an investigation continues to see if it would eventually potentially proceed to a trial. We have from Mister Durham's Loya Devon in the VA Kaminsky. He's been speaking saying that, quote, It's totally up said to think that the head of the social network could be involved in criminal acts that do not concern him need the direct K no indirect K. And then I went on to echo some of the sentiment in a statement that we really received a few days ago from Telegram itself at the loya going on underline the message. That statement from Telegram saying that at the network does comply in all respects with European rules concerning digital technology and he's a moderate in the same standards as other social networks. This is to do with an allegation from French prosecutors that miss to do. Rove has not done enough to call the spread of extremist material online on Telegram to call the promotion of terrorism to call the online sexual exploitation of children on Telegram. Also that the network is being used for drug trafficking strolled inside the building. Owner of study are often eyes and said it is completely upset to think that somebody who found a network who owns a network could be responsible for the Thought that by 3rd parties. >> before I let you go yesterday, you were on Paralympics 2, D and I notice by the way, you're wearing church leaves no umbrella. It appears that the the skies cooperated quite a show put on by France for the second games this time the game to the Paralympians. >> Yeah, we're still waiting for the first medal for Team USA. A any days in the Paralympics? But we have been having some of the gold medals tricking through for the evidence for China. And that has been the start of the sporting action, which followed the opening ceremony. And although it the cost of the moment, you write umbrellas, what what? You need it during the Olympics opening ceremony. It was some buses that you needed at the very of the Paralympics opening ceremony we or use of a sunset over the de Triomphe. Just another of those iconic monuments that has been center stage of the Paris Olympics and now for the Paris parent think. >> I don't think I've ever heard of glorious summer sunset described with so much poetry. Our

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