Major Vivek Jacob Again | Para-SF Special Indian Military Legend - (US Soldier Reacts) Part 2/4

hi welcome to the channel so today I'm continuing my reaction to the Beer biceps podcast major Vette Jacob again Paris SF special Indian military Legend let's get to it and you know so yeah that is the prices one pays the yeah how is he looking at life now well B and he he's he is a person who was full of life and in flow and very simple heartful and and very open and from that openness came his courage and things like that but somehow you know it's like a neural network something some networks got disfigured you know or broken and some other formed and things like that so the perception of his life had shifted about who he is and you know how he looks now and how people look at him and what is his use from being a super soldier to being somebody who's uh you know given a cushy like a simple position like he's he's running there's something called a CSD in the you know it's like a canteen where there are various products that you know people can buy it's run by the unit itself so you know that person was given a place there and from being a super soldier to actually sitting in you know just helping people sell t-shirt you know selling stuff in the canteen and maintaining records of what's being sold and handling the money and you know this kind of sounds like it might be similar to uh US military BX or PX which would be a base or post exchange and that is actually run by apes and you'll find them on military installations all over the world it's just a place where military and their family can shop taxfree things like that so so he he he was quite hard broken and his he was you know uh his perception of life was not as vibrant and as open and as happy and as in the flow as it was when I met him after this and and then many years later I met him again but we the heart is is what it is and you know it it adjusts and adapts over a period of time and then again starts showing itself you know over a period of time you're able to recover back to who you actually are so he's happy now he's accepted a lot of things about yo and all that and in fact he was such a pristine pure uh you know person no smoking no alcohol no nothing just a good man you know good human being just just chill always happy and always in the you know always in the lead of combat always in the lead everywhere anything whatever he would do he would do with very very with a lot of happiness and presence uh with a very light heart but uh after this you know I saw his heart has grown heavy and and he's he would judge himself and and uh since he's a person who would not blame the world he would look at himself and all his angst and all his all his uh all his sense of what's gone wrong would be directed within so that was his immediate state after after after a couple of months when he got his you know memory back to a certain extent something had changed but then many years later when I met him again so he was you know he had come back to a a lot of very was how he used to be so yeah I can imagine after such a horrible injury that it would take a long time to recover physically and emotionally so I'm glad that he is actually doing better what's the spiritual aspect of being a soldier I know this is something you've marinated a lot in your head I couldn't ask you this the last time uh especially when life has trained you to be capable of doing what you're doing as a super soier and then life shows you all these moments it's got to change a man's soul in some format and maybe your soul descended to this realm with some kind of int ention of having of wanting to experience something more extreme than usual the spiritual aspect of being a soldier so ultimately everything is spiritual only everything is coming from out of something and we experience the material world in a basically your spirit becomes more dense your energy or wherever that thing is coming from it becomes dense and in that denseness is where matter is happening and you know people are experiencing each other and and circumstances and there are Joys and sorrows and goals and targets and failures and successes and all of that all that that goes on in life likes and dislikes hate judgment acceptance love happiness all of these things are what make up life it's a denser format where all of these things happen and basically energy at a denser vibration creating matter and all of that Jaz so so uh in the special forces or or in the military in the armed forces anywhere in the world uh people who are constantly going into this life and death life and death there's a barrier right there's a barrier where you reach if I do this I might die you know at some point you will and at some point so basically the chances of of you losing your life losing your limb you know becoming maed or whatever the chances are just always there it's like a 50/50 if you may say every time you go out of your you know out of your base it's a 50/50 so it's just a matter of a mind which is calculating is it a 30 40 or is it a 3070 or is it a 50/50 or what all these things happen in the brain but when so when you go out you forget about all of these things what are the chances of this happening what are the chances of that happening you don't go you don't you don't exist in Duality all life all experiences happens in Duality there is black and then there is white and then there's all the shades in between that black and white and that's life right be it emotionally be it physically be it circumstantially which whichever way relationships love emotion whatever but when you go out of your base you have to you have to cross this you have to basically cross your mind you have to let go of your mind and and and when you go out you focus completely in the now there is no paast there is no future there is only the now and what you're going to do in the now and what you have to do in the now and where are you going so in in in that uh Flow State spirit and matter and and all the blacks and the whites and the Grays and all of that become singular and that Singularity basically you the brahmand the universe this that all things are there but they don't exist also and I just want to add on to what he was saying is that if you are constantly trying to live live in the past and the future that can be dangerous when you're doing missions during a mission your mind needs to be focused on the task at hand that way you can actually get home safely to your loved ones you don't need any distractions in between you are operating are you able to form memories like in your in your battles like you're able to register everything your witnessing absolutely okay because I would assume the relevant things hard so things which are relevant so we pick up so there there's an infinite amount of information that's always floating around your brain your mind your five senses plus there's a six sense and I don't know beyond that but senses senses physical body connected to your mind body central nervous system etc etc and then there's a six sense it's an instinct people call it Instinct so what happens is when you cross this when you let go of of duality of whether I whether will I live or will I die or what will happen and all these things you you just let go and then you go out because if you're carrying all of that if you're carrying your past you're carrying everybody has good experiences and bad experiences in life and and if you carry all of that into combat or into chaos because either you are going to create chaos or chaos is going to happen to you that is sure chaos whichever way so when you go out that's where the connect between Spirit or the spiritual aspect of of your existence opens up because you have to enter into into that Dimension where chaos is existing and you go in there with it's like a surrender basically to conquer you surrender you know you so you you surrender you you you you accept you become aware and then you become focused and then you go into a flow and then you go and either create chaos or destroy that chaos okay like to give more context to theist listeners there was something you said on the show the last time you said that every time you actually are part of a battle scenario you knew before the battle happened that today something will happen yeah that happened over a period of time that's where the six sense think is coming from So You developed your intuition over the course of your military career I didn't develop it I had no idea that something like this exists as I said in the previous part A lot of times combat veterans do develop some kind of six sense or intuition that something that's going to happen had no opinions about six sense or even inkling that something like I heard about it i' read about it or whatever people have experiences they they they can predict something before it happens and things like there are many Saints who do that right small question before pleas within battle scenarios before moves happened from the enemy side were you able to predict the enemy's move so I'll answer it very simply uh it's not about the enemy or about you or whatever it is about it is about knowing that something is going to happen you just know it and it happens over a period of time slowly slowly that instinct starts getting developed it's like a new neural network forming which creates a certain Dimension where now you in material form can experience something that hasn't happened it hasn't happened only break down this like you could see it uh earlier so again like I said this started I started realizing this after a long period of time that I'm consciously like somewhere what is happening and what I am is a connect that's how I know about it it hasn't happened only that how do you know about it so over a period of time as you're as like I said you have to surrender to go in you have to give up all idea of past and future of life and death and of love and and all the various things that you're carrying in your brain you have to let go of all of that and completely focus and going so when you go into that space that space is is is where you know the spiritual realm or with there there's no other way to describe it but when you go into that space that's space where you're basically so you become aware so when you become aware and that's when it then these kind of things start pouring into your Consciousness it happens over a period of time you start realizing it after long time for some people probably depending on how open they are for some people it can happen in the first go itself for some people it may happen over after many years in combat and for some people it may never happen I know a lot of people have been in combat over a long period of time but they've never been able the six sense hasn't opened up so to be specific uh earlier I could I could feel it right he something something is going to happen but I couldn't say what it's going to happen and then uh a little later as as time and as experience kept expanding and expanding and expanding at some point I could just get up after couple of days of you know sitting in in a mountain in a forest somewhere and just get up and like that 5 six hours before 5 six hours before yeah maybe you're not even in the vicinity of the enemy at that point yeah but you just knew 5 six hours before that the information would just come to your mind yeah you just get it just get it I'm I'm going to try comparing this to a very civilian scenario as a content creator now eight years in if I'm using Instagram reals and I use Instagram reals because it's my fuel in order to create content for the future which is going to pay my bills going for that okay so I'm using Instagram res I hear a song I close my eyes and I think of exactly what I want the content piece to be around that song and I know that oh if I just saw this visual in my head I know it's going to do well and that's the closest have come to experiencing intuition within my own workfield and I can feel it building over time efficiency as it's efficiency efficiency yeah better pattern recognition better so people operate on their five senses right they're operating on the five senses they make calculations based on their five senses but your mind is always limited because it's not aware of everything so whatever you are aware of basis that you make decisions you make calculations you make decisions you take action so when people expect and there like when I see the books that you're reading the kind of people that you interview on your podcast the kind of experiences that you have shared with me about your life and things like that so basically you are you are from gross reality you are becoming lighter and lighter and going into into a spirit if lack of a better word you're going into I don't want to talk mumbo jumbo basically so I will use use uh no a lot of people may not get it so there's no point then do any of you guys have any examples that you want to share of Intuition or sick sense in your military or civilian life for me the only example I can think of off the top of my head was in 2020 I had this gut feeling that something was wrong in the world or that something bad was going to happen and then a few weeks of feeling this feeling that is when the pandemic hit and then finally my feelings started to subside simply you you you like I said you become dense and come into into material reality and once you basically doing what your heart desires and the more you keep doing what your heart desires or what experience you are seeking and that starts opening your full potential like that and you become lighter and lighter and lighter and then you you expand into into a realm where space and time and energy and all of these things are actually one and then you you can decide how to manifest it you download information from a higher place it's ultimately you only it's just your we think we are the Mind where everybody is defined defend all of us Define ourselves bases an ie I am this I like this I don't like that I want to do this I don't want to do that that there's an eye so where is that eye that eye is in your mind it's the tendency of the Mind the tendency of how our brain has formed how a neural network has formed how how we have grown up in this Society in this environment in this world basis which an eye forms right there's a DNA also involved you're carrying your ancestral memory in that and a very dense eye forms and you believe you are that eye and that is what your limitation is so that eye is in your brain in your mind right after a lot of experience after a lot of things for some people it may happen earlier for some people it never happens for some people like me it happens after a long time or whatever but when it happens so uh there you start losing this eye that you have decided who you are and that once the more you lose that eye is when the real U starts opening up and that place that real you that is actually opening up which is let's call it Source let's call it Spirit let's call it God uh ultimate or Supreme Consciousness or whatever it may be you know so so you your eye dissolves and you go into that state and that's the state where time space energy are all happening simultaneously and you know that's where you you can actually go into a space of awareness where something that has not actually happened at all you have already predicted a very practical actionable year is reduce your ego I personally believe work towards it from spiritual ways like meditation calming down Etc uh being in a flow State constantly or for prolonged periods of time creating a lot if you're a creative professional or being in a physical Flow State like how you guys used to be another very raw question for you do you believe in the law of karma yes and no okay hold hold this St I've asked some special forces vets about this you know what I'm going to ask you no please go ahead no I don't you're not able to predict I don't need to um what is the karma of taking another another human being's life when when your duty is to take another human being's life so all of this is my opinion sure my opinion based on the experiences that I've had and the reason why I'm sharing it is is so that you know hopefully people can relate to it and maybe it may do some good in life so karma is is as far as I'm concerned or what I have understood uh is simply this that Karma exists for those whose neural network is formed like that and for them karma is is real cause and effect is real it is real but for people who have or consciousnesses which have which have zoomed out uh of that for them karma is not real it is an illusion like everything else real illusion so for for that which is in for that Consciousness which is denser and which is steeped in this for lack of in Maya right so whichever Consciousness is which is which is dense and limited and pointed and it's there for them karma is for those karma is real they believe in it they understand and everything in in this material world does operate on cause and effect so uh a lot of people who believe in karma and it's like a losing battle this is a world of karma you will do Karma and for some people that Karma will be good and for some people that that Karma will will not be good for example as far as combat if I related to combat for one person you know from one perspective the other person is an enemy right from that enemy's perspective I am also his enemy right and uh uh and then there's a third person who will say that oh that guy is a hero and that guy is a villain right and then there'll be other other person from that fellow's country who say no that guy is a villain and that guy is a hero so it's a perception karma is also ultimately a perception so basically what is reality reality is what you perceive what your individual cons Consciousness how it adds up it's like you can put put put um uh the same set of colors let's say three colors blue green red and the same paint brush and you can give it to three different people and they'll paint three different pictures so karma is like that do soldiers have this personal question to themselves at any point I'm sure there are some who might uh there must be some who might right and at some point like even I had a thing at some point uh at some point I had no no thought of karma or no knowledge of karma or anything like that I just used to do what needs to be done Duty yeah that's what you that's what that's where life has brought you or what you have chosen or whatever and then you are there and uh and then at some point you know you realize K when you look at the world and you come and you reflect back on your life and you digest what has happened and then you know in new light like you said that when we met the last time you know you were raw you know you were you were growing to a certain point and today when you from there when we met last time and today where we are you have a very different perspective about life right it's just more evolved more open more flow you're less uh lesser of a personality involved uh and yet there is more of you which has come out right so so similarly is uh uh it's like that uh there are people who carry regret and guilt and things like that for variety of reasons in Life Special Forces soldiers or military soldiers may carry it for some reasons people in the Civil world may carry it for some reasons or whatever ultimately a perspective everything is a perspective and your perspective is your reality that's it so two questions one do you believe in karma and two how do you define it I personally believe in karma and I think the simplest definition is you receive everything you put out into the universe and the world and one more thing if you are getting any value from this podcast then please go ahead and smash that like button I honestly feel so like a part podcast has not even begun yet this conversation has not begun yet partially because after a very long time we're doing an English military podcast okay um and a lot of our newer audiences have probably not seen our old stuff which is why before we move forward into the show uh there is a topic I always discuss with special forces vets and that's animals uh I feel you have a extremely different relationship with wild animals as compared to people on CV Street what is CV street according to you what is different profession that's all with different goals different targets different experiences non-armed forces yeah the nature uh on the so in the armed forces it's it's purely about destruction at the end of the day and destruction because destruction create that ability to destroy when it is exercised ability is there right with the standing army India has and with the standing armed forces that India has or any nation has it it's a capability to destroy some the enemy or destroy something or this or that so and then that capability is exercised sometimes and and you but it's all about destruction and that destruction is is the other half of creation right so but in the Civ Street there's a mix of everything go around destroying things make things whatever I say I don't think people on CV Street understand how in sync with nature Armed Forces Personnel are y are so much more out there and in some ways yall are living the kind of life that the human body and mind and soul is possibly meant to live which is actually out their nature away from cities uh let's begin this tangent with a story you had once told me about a bear that you had come across you told me this the last time I was in Oroville um it was the first time I was ever speaking to a special forces vet and it blew me away so let's give it to the audiences as well so uh you know you are you the like when you come in the Civ Street when you come to your office spaces or in your in the buildings and and in the cities there's no Wildlife here like especially no Wildlife that can kill you you know like in like a leopard or a bear or whatever you know CH there'll be some birds in this and that maybe some dogs and this and that one exception would be po bears in Canada you will see them actually running around certain Canadian towns and probably Alaska too that's about it and that two you are so busy in your life that you generally don't have time for observing a bird or observing a dog or something seeing what its life is like that and things like that when you but the nature of our work in the Army in the military in the in the armed forces especially in the in the Special Forces you're always out there in midst of raw nature it's like just raw wildli filmmakers really yeah a combat zone and combat zone is happening in these kind of areas you know altitude mountains and deep forests and things like that away from civilization and to away from civilization uh and as it is cities have such expanded and Humanity has expanded where they we have chopped up our forests and we' have you know created a different reality other than nature uh and so all this Wildlife doesn't have space to stay here so it concentrates itself into forests and things like that whichever is left so our work is there so since our work is there we are operating in the same space where wild animals are there nature in its full form is there your midst of Nature and in not only just physically but you uh over it takes time to understand this like for an for us it took me a long time to reflect back and understand how it is happening but we merge with nature not only at a physical level but we merge with nature also at a very uh deeper Consciousness level or awareness level if you may say because all life has awareness in it right it's different levels of it different approaches to the same Consciousness so uh the first time I experienced it uh was uh these are all Reflections you just see and what is actionable you act on it what is not actionable you you let it pass so I was uh sitting in some mountain in some forested mountain in top of some place and it was we uh uh we operate mostly only at night only you know in complete darkness to uh um and we operate in budy pairs like two guys you know like that so me and my buddy uh were sitting on this very very extremely dangerous place and we were we had we were doing a job that we had come for and it was all about waiting so dangerous because of human beings yeah it's like enemy or whatever so you you're sitting there and and you're waiting so so at that point of time um it was my turn so we uh we give Sentry duties right God so because you have to sleep as well so we have like 45 minutes to an hour to an hour and a half depending on the kind of threat perception there is there and depending on the kind of operation depending on kind of circumstances your length of Duty expands or contracts whatever what is the need of that particular op so I was sitting there it was my turn and I um I and uh uh I had a night vision goggle hanging around my neck and my weapon was on my lap and like you sit in a yo yoga position and you fold your legs and you sit like that so I was sitting like that and on my lap was my weapon and I was staring into the darkness there was a particular place I had to look at and I was just constantly just looking at that and waiting so my buddy was asleep and maybe hour and a half had passed and I just waiting and waiting and I I heard some noise right next to me like a foot away or something 2 ft away or whatever so I I just heard a noise so I couldn't see it was pitch black so I switched on my night vision goggles and I check here and I turned to look and I saw this leopard sitting right next to me so like where this flower pot is so and this the first time I've seen I saw a leopard like and Sh Zoo maybe I have not seen a leopard whatever so I saw this fellow sitting right next to me and he was staring at the same place I was staring at for the last hour and a half he was also looking there only how far was he less than a meter sitting here yeah less than a meter so so leopards are the master of stealth and I'm very curious to know just how long the leopard was there before he even noticed him I mean that is scary but considering that the leopard was actually sitting or lying down then that meant that he felt comfortable and he did not see Jacob as a threat just sitting there on he was sitting on his hunches and he was upright and just sitting and look he was just looking at where I was looking one leopard next to another leopard I don't know one animal next to another animal so so um uh I I saw saw this fellow like this and then I took the night vision goggle and my weapon was pointing ahead so I turned my weapons Barrel towards this F and switched the safety off and put my finger on the trigger and waited if it if it kills me or it tries if it attacks me I'll I'll kill it first I was just sitting and waiting waiting waiting and about four five minutes it just kept sitting there and then slowly got up and walked off and so that's one thing and then when I reflected back realized that where we were operating there were a lot of scorpions there were snakes there were this but and we constantly in that in that kind of terrain and we never got bitten no snake has bitten me no scorpion has bitten me nothing and very very very rare is it that somebody gets bitten by something or something gets attacked it happens there have been Bears who have attacked our team there's my commanding my second in command was there he was attacked by a bear the bear climbed basically got onto it and was trying to catch his neck hold this whole story I'm so sorry listeners but dial it back to the leopard we we'll talk about the bear as well yeah yeah yeah yeah please see this is so difficult as a podcast I want what were you thinking about with the leopard I wasn't thinking anything if it attacks then then I'll obviously I will have to kill it what what's the Consciousness exchange then so so it's it's like in the world like for example you and me right when you have a different life I have a different life you're doing different things I'm doing different things etc etc but when we come and sit in one space we find what's common amongst us and we settle into that commonality and a new dimension opens where you know we can be one and do the same thing you know head in the same direction what's happening on this podcast yes so exactly is how is that leopard and me were sitting he was also peaceful with me he I was not an anomaly in his environment and obviously he was not an anomaly he or she I don't know was not an anomaly in her environment he was just sitting so we were both in alignment both in peace and both both just looking at the same thing but animals can sense fear so animals I believe uh or I don't know if it's right or wrong but what I believe is that animals have lesser to think about right so animals don't think all these things what happened going to happen tomorrow what happened yesterday what is going to happen happen one hour from now nothing they operate on Instinct and instinct is where the spiritual Dimension or the real Dimension really lies so they they operate Beyond judgment they have no judgment of right and wrong good and bad you know you know happy and sad and all of these things they just do what they do what they're built for and they play out that so they in a way people would say that animals uh are a lower Consciousness or but uh my opin is that animals are a more relaxed and more higher Consciousness that's why they don't carry what do I mean compare an animal with a yogi for example right like a spiritual person like a saint or a master or a Buddha or whatever so so what does spirituality really say spirituality says get out of your mind that's what it says so when you when you when your mind melts away and dissolves off you are left with what you are there is no duality of of God and human there there's no concept of God and human It Centers out into what you are and then that opens up new Realms of magic and you know dimensions and v v so so animals also uh don't have too many thoughts I I suppose they are operating on Instinct so they don't where does this the so-called Maya or the Matrix or whatever lie it lies in the mind and it is made up of thoughts those thoughts lead to actions and uh uh Duality manifests itself into matter as per the kind of thoughts and actions you take so that's where mind creates matter or mind creates circumstances and how those circumstances align and are designed etc etc but animals don't operate like that like animals don't think they no mind right so what is is there is no Duality what is is so that's how animals are and when Special Forces and uh soldiers when they are in combat there's uh the more advanced more experienced in SF guy you would find him in the moment not thinking because thinking is where where tensions lie thinking is where limitations are thinking is where where construct is thinking is where the framework or the prison or whatever is of your own yes so true yeah so so so so and so in that particular case since I was also not thinking in the leopard was also not thinking and we were just very much immersed in not only the physical surroundings but in the now of the moment itself so there was a pieace he was sitting doing his thing I was sitting doing my thing and in fact probably if I now if I think of it animals like that don't come uh so close to human beings but like an SF Soldier if you see you know you would not have taken bath for weeks you know two three weeks you have not cleaned your body you know you have not brushed your teeth you have you uh you have sweated so many times you know and and and the smell of the forest itself and everything so you basically you going into your natural state and you align with nature you align with the forest itself you start smelling like the forest so you're a familiar smell to the animal so what do you believe do you think that animals actually can sense human emotions such as fear me personally I completely believe that I think that animals are able to attune to what we're feeling especially certain species such as dogs anyway thanks for watching and once part three is up I'll put it right here

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Category: News & Politics

[संगीत] इस वीडियो में बताई गई सारी जानकारी पब्लिक प्लेटफॉर्म पर उपलब्ध है इसमें ऐसी कोई जानकारी नहीं दी गई है जिससे हमारे सुरक्षा बलों की गोपनीयता भंग होती है डिफेंस डिटेक्टिव सेना का सम्मान करता है और उन्हीं जानकारियों के आधार पर काम करता है जो सार्वजनिक रूप से मौजूद हमास और इजराइल के बीच चल रही लड़ाई का असर जो है अब वह अमेरिका पर भी भार पड़ने लगा है वैसे तो अमेरिका इन लड़ाइयां को हवा देता आया है और इन्हीं लड़ाइयां का डर दिखाकर दूसरे देशों... Read more

"Netflix has distorted our truth" IC 814 Kandahar Hijacking I Survivor's Account I Barkha Dutt thumbnail
"Netflix has distorted our truth" IC 814 Kandahar Hijacking I Survivor's Account I Barkha Dutt

Category: News & Politics

Anil ch sharma was the chief of cabin crew on board that flight and if anybody knows what he's talking about it's him what kind of horror did did you all experience that you think this series has failed to capture this blindfolding is one example it came in bits and pieces you know my first reaction... Read more