Listen! I have some experience in managing war and peace! Viktor Orbán

so my experience on Wars this is not my first war I'm serving U as prime minister more than U 22 years so my first war was the banian war and I do remember the war in Georgia so what I'm speaking about is not reading things on you know so I have some experiences how to manage Wars and how to manage peace and the ban war was uh just uh the next neighborhood to Hungary so we were in a very dangerous situation so I have some experiences and that's the reason why I thought that we have to do a peace Mission the first lecture I have got from my practices Mr I'm afraid they don't hear you too well so that would be much better but see so um so the first the first okay the first thing is that if there is no communication no chance to stop the war so communication is the number one very few wars in the European history went on without communication with the fighting parties and what we are doing is is bad because we don't have communication lined to the Russians so we need communication to Ukraine and we need communication to Russia as well that's the first the second is um ceasefire so if we are waiting for to have a peace plan which is accepted by both Waring parties there will be never peace because the first step is not the peace plan the first first step is ceasefire if you look at the stories of the wars in the last 30 years at least three ceasefires belong to One Peace plan so you can't start to make peace by peace plan peace plan is very important but First Communication second ceasefire then to start to negotiate on peace plan this is the right order we are not doing that at this moment that's the reason I went to KF first then to Moscow then to Beijing then to Washington NATO Summit and then to melago hopefully to the next president of United States uh to discover the war it's done it's already done hopefully hopefully hopefully uh we can discuss the ODS but this is not the issue for today probably uh so I went there to understand what are the chance of the peace and my conclusion was especially after the two meetings with the president of Ukraine and Russia that there is no intention neither sides to have peace both parties said both leaders said that they think that the time is on their side if you think as worrying party that the time is on your side you will continue so my impression is that there is no real intention whatever they are saying there is no real intention neither sides to make a ceasefire and a quick peace so therefore that was the reason I went to Beijing and to Washington as well so I think now we should create an international context and surrounding which embodies and express convincingly that the whole world not only the South but the whole world even Europe would like to have ceasefire as soon as we can so without having that International surrounding the war just the two- part to convince any of the Waring part it's not helpful so we need a big circle of Peace of friend otherwise we can't move to the peace

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