nicola coughlan & jake dunn (the media is unhinged)

works I'm testing this so if anything happens you guys literally I've only used this software once so we'll see what happens okay so I'm coming on here because um can we let this girl live her life can we let this girl live her life please I'm literally seeing so many things about this photo of her and Jake Don it this festival and I'm looking at these stories of her and this guy and I'm just like okay first of all why is everyone jumping on her D like come on speculations of Nicola coin's new romance why does it have to be a romantic first of all okay leave her alone and then people want to keep making videos and articles about it and then the Daily Mail and M and big Publications are doing it too like now they're getting on it and they're saying like Nicola cochan and Jake Dunn are inseparable as they let their hair down at all points Festival in London girl girl listen I don't know about you but that doesn't mean they're together I don't know where people get these Notions from I really don't understand she's touchy feely with everybody she's literally touchy feely with everybody like I mean if you look at every single other picture of her with her castmates with her freaking friends like she's touchy feely with everyone I mean I don't know I don't know where people get these ideas from I would really like to know but I mean you know you can look at pictures of her all day long with other people she's like you could say that her and Luke Thompson are dating but they didn't say that right because they knew you know they're like yeah there's no way but then when she is touchy fely with another guy all of a sudden she's dating him okay here's my issue with this whole thing like first of all let her live okay can women live second of all they wanted to ship like they shipped Luke and his alleged girlfriend but that's because there were pictures of them basically like making out there were pictures of them dancing with each other there were pictures there was proof where's the proof here with Nicola and Jake except for the fact that they were having fun at a festival now I love this girl to death I want her to be happy if they are dating that's amazing like good for her I mean girl you got you a tall drink of water like good for you but my thing is there's no proof of it she's touchy with everyone that she knows like you can even look at I mean I don't know like just look at all the pictures of her with her castmates with her friends everything everything um I don't see it but also at the same time they're being really ages with this too like they're they're saying that he's like 13 years her Junior like Okay so this headline says Nicola Caan's rumored new bow how is he how is he a rumored new bow after after pictures at a festival somebody somebody please tell me because I'm not the dots are not connecting like it the not it's not doing it for me the Bridgeton actress the second part of this gets me was spotted with Disney's Renegade NSTAR who's 13 years her Junior okay so even if they were together like I don't okay so me personally I really don't think that I don't know I mean what do you I don't know Nicholas seems like a very emotionally intelligent person okay like I don't feel like she would seriously date somebody who's that much younger than her like there's nothing wrong with it I mean a Gap relationships are a thing cool if that's you good but my thing with it is the double standard so everyone was calling out Luke and hating on him for dating a girl who's 23 and he's 30 how old is he 30 31 30 I don't know but people were calling him names people were slandering him people were literally being so mean to him and now that Nick is suspected of dating someone who's so much younger than her the age Gap here if they are dating is bigger than Luke and his rumored girlfriend okay so that's my first issue um my second issue is where's your proof where's your proof you guys everyone needs to calm the F down okay I I think they're friends that's just me until proven otherwise innocent until proven guilty okay I think friends she's very extremely touchy feely with everybody and it's not fair to jump on these pictures of her just at a festival and being like oh she's dating this guy ew he's so much younger but you know good for her and it's like it's a lot of conflicting things out there that's going on right now and I'm just like um okay I see you guys in the live sorry I just figured out how to turn the comments my bad who is Jack B Michelle I'm not like in with everything yeah Camila was there with the with them in the pictures and Camila is her really good friend I I'm just trying to come at this from like a logical perspective okay she I I feel like Nicola would not serious like dating is fun okay you guys like dating doesn't always have to be serious either like when people are shipping celebrities and when people get shipped together it's like it's very black and white I feel it's like people are like oh they're going to be together forever or whatever and and dating sometimes is just to have fun maybe she's having fun let her live like okay girl you got you a little young you know go ahead with your bad self Cougar Town up in here okay um by the way Cougar Town um reference to Luke's boy band days yes I did that um okay he's in the friend group Jack R yeah I remember her talking about him in an interview um yeah so it's like they were all there as friends so I don't understand where this is coming from other than the that I think she was seen with him out at a pub like before and they were seen together on separate occasions and maybe that's where this speculation is coming from but honestly like I'm gonna share my screen again I'm just trying to I'm trying to see like these videos about all this it's it's really interesting how everyone's just jumping on the everyone's jumping on her D Nicola was spotted at East London's All Points East Festival cozying up to 24-year-old Jake dun and that smile on her face okay so here's my first issue cozying up to 24y old Jake like okay so there's the age reference again and then cozying up doesn't mean that're going anywhere in the photo shared by the son Nicolas Stood Beside Jake affectionately wrapping her arm around his affectionately oh my God they're using trigger words okay go ahead back she looked gorgeous in a stylish white summer dress with puff sleeves she was also wearing a popup Bagels black bucket hat okay so here's my thing with the the bagel's Hat because everyone said oh that's his hat she's wearing it they're dating blah blah blah first of all I think she bought a bunch of those hats for her whole friend group um setting the record straight here I I believe I saw a comment somewhere and it said that she bought a bunch of those hats for a bunch of her friends so it doesn't have to be his hat yeah thank you Kathy she's living her life having fun shouldn't be any of our business so the whole purpose of me going live today was that but it's also to point out just kind of the hypocrisy of some of the fan base now I know not all of us because a lot of us are chill a lot of us are really cool people who just want nothing but the best for all these people okay Bridgerton till the day I die but there's a lot of hypocrisy going on with the fact that Luke has gotten so much hate Luke has gotten so much hate just because you know we ship him with Nick I still do I'm still on this train I'm still at the restaurant it's a long game I'm not leaving yet but the fact that he got so much hate for dating someone and her age getting called out and then Nick now supposedly supposedly allegedly being with somebody who's much younger than her and she's not getting any of that and I'm not saying she should she should not but I feel like it's not right I feel like everyone's like oh Nick yes you go girl BL and then with Luke everyone was just bashing him everyone was hating everyone was creating troll accounts online and I'm like oh my gosh like why why him like I don't know I I it's it's very it's very odd okay and Luke actually came online the other day and was like you know there's been fake accounts made about me his post was really sad and um the picture that he posted in that post I don't think it was recent I think it might have been an old pick but he looked sad in it so everyone took that and ran with it too right like oh he looks sad and depressed blah blah blah maybe he is we don't know but you know the fact that he had to come online and say something like that like literally brought this man out of his hiding place because he had to say something about the things that people are saying about him it's just sad so it's just the double standards it's weird um Victoria did you see the comparison between the other guys that have their arms on shoulder and only Luke has his arm on her waist I did I trust me girl I am so far down this Rabbit Hole I've seen so much um I'm actually working on a video about the body language between Nick and Luke and it's it's really good it's really good um but yeah I mean it's the it it's it's it's not so much a body language thing with Nick because she's like that with everybody she's like that with her friends her family she's like that with a lot of people she's very touchy feely if you guys saw the interview that she did um with the reaction to the trailer I'm going to share my screen again and show you because I have all these saved trust me and I'm sorry if you guys can't see this video accurately because of this hold on I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm gonna try Okay so yep I have a whole folder she's she's just like that with everybody so here we go I don't know if you guys can see this I'm so sorry if you can't I mean like she's just like that with everybody and then here's another one of her with Golda and it's so cute though I love it but I mean like she's just leaning her head on her and she I mean Nicolas just like that with everybody so you know it it is what it is um I think that H you can't see I'm sorry okay hold on I got you I got you and if you can't see then I'm gonna just okay I'm gonna keep talking when I'm looking for this on YouTube but um yeah I don't know what do you guys think about the whole accusation because there's there's been gossip Rags writing about it I mean there's been like everyone saying stuff about it and assuming that she's with him and there's like literally been nothing to say that I don't know but okay I'm gonna make the video for you guys I can't figure out how to share my screen with that but anyway if you guys watched the trailer interview with all the casts of Bridgerton on that one couch the one where Nick and Luke were getting really too comfortable with each other she was really touchy and cutesy with like Hannah do with Golda with all of them so I think you can't really judge body language with Nick very easily because of the fact that she's like that with everybody now Luke on the other hand you can judge body language with him a little bit better because he's more reserved and he doesn't really do touchy feely stuff with everybody he even said he only hugs people he's close to so but yeah like Nick is just that way so like seeing all this stuff about her because of this music festival thing like they weren't kissing you guys they weren't even even making out she was just standing next to him with her arm around him how many times has she stood next to Luke and people with her arm around them like so many times like I can't even count so I mean you know like that picture is tiny but you know that's the infamous picture of her and Luke I mean just she's just that way so I think oh let me see your com I'm sorry I see your guys's comments I'm going back I got this I agree 100% foolishness she was with Camila yes she's very kinesthetic she's just being her authentic self yes yes like that's that's who she is a lot there's there's certain people in the world who there's very touchy people there's very intimate people with everyone that's how my best friend is and that's why everyone like gathers around her all the time because she's just that way and that's the same way that Nick is too Jack Rook Rook Jack Rook is her friend at Comic star in the UK theyve been friends for years yeah he actually did the um he had a tweet on that episode where Nick and Luke were giving each other compliments and he was one of the tweets I remember that um but yeah so I just I just want to do this live really quick because I'm I'm just kind of I'm Bamboozled I'm baffled I'm flabbergasted that so many people are just trying to ship Nick and Jake and it's like dude they're just I don't know this is my opinion and I'm just trying to set the record straight here so everyone can take a chill pill in my head they're just friends now there's been people on Instagram and the fandom who are like I'm convinced they're together blah blah blah I'm like how are you convinced because there's no convincing evidence for me so far so I'm just like yeah and if my internet is unstable right now I'm sorry you guys trying my best I have xinity they suck but it's good um so yeah I'm I love all of you guys though I mean for being here and riding the train with me because honestly the train ride ain't over it ain't over until we I get confirmation until I get 100% confirmation it ain't over for me Nick or Luke's girlfriend is actually still rumored like there's been no official nothing I mean it's like you know there was one instagrammer who was basically like um yeah they're still cousins in my opinion because there's been no official say one way or the other and I feel like the fact that Nick posted a picture of him and her um on the Bridgerton set the other day this was an old picture but I feel like they're on good terms now you know or you know at least somewhat um I know everyone felt a weird energy during this break between them which was sorry my cat is being really like hi um there was like a weird energy between them during the break for filming I feel and I feel like a lot of people picked up on it but hopefully since they're getting you know to filming again everything's Gucci I think the filming for season actually got delayed again thanks Bridgerton because it happened in season 3 too and I'm like okay cool what's the reason for that I don't know but yeah so anyway the fact that like there's a bunch of YouTubers talking about them being together and not even that just gossip brags talking about them being together it's kind of crazy and we all know the Daily Mail is just like you know a hag rag or whatever you want to call it like they're not these these people are just making assumptions but can we just all agree as a fan base though if we love Nick like it doesn't matter who she's with as long as she's happy we're good but girl I mean I would rather you be with you know who but it's fine I'm not GNA sit here and be one of the crazies who's like you suck what are you doing because that's not fair so yeah but yeah sound off in the comments like what else you guys think about this situation because I'm sure you guys have seen a lot of stuff circulating and yeah I just I wanted to come on set it straight and I also wanted to say if you know anyone in the fan base who's been bashing Luke or who's been you know saying negative things about him in the whole situation and then the tables turn and Nick has a potential situation too but people aren't bashing her it's kind of messed up and it's like okay Luke like you know if if he read DMS from random people I'd send him a i DM on Instagram and be like you know it's not fair the hate you got for the girl that you're allegedly seeing even though you know I don't like her Vibes but that's none of my business like that's none of anyone's business we don't know them personally this goes back to the video I made recently we don't know them they're not our friends in our lives believe me if they were my friends in real life like I'd have some words I'd have some like sisterly motherly advice to give them but I don't know them so I can't say nothing you know I can only go based on assumptions but yeah and there here's another photo I just found of Nick and Lydia West her co-star in um what is it big mood I mean it's really tiny I'm so sorry you guys but she's just she's like that with everybody she's very touchy she like anything anyone she can touch she just grabs on to so she's very much like a personal space invader which I love Space Invaders which I love that I like girl you can get all up in my personal space come on chaperone style let's go but but yeah so hopefully you know I hope a lot of you guys watching this aren't really participating in this nastiness going around online because we're better than that um we love them both we just want to see them both happy but I I still think Luke and Nick's chemistry is just off the freaking charts and like you you can only have that when you've known someone for such a long period of time like it's not it's it's it's not something you can brush under the rug there's a reason why I keep saying this there's a reason why people are so infatuated with them literally there's a reason and it's a valid reason it's like I can't wait till I upload my video about the body language and have you guys seen the video of the dating coach who actually analyzed one of their interviews and it what made me upset about that was it wasn't even one of their most like touchy interview it was their safest interview he could have analyzed and he analyzed it but knowing that he's still kind of halfway boarded the ship even though the interview wasn't even that like telling and that's really something to to witness it's like okay I'm gonna watch this guy analyze their other interviews now and watch him get on board the ship with us because he will Theodora says Luke and Nick have undeniable chemistry they decided to identify as friends which I identify as a friend yes I identify as a cat but that's just me um so yeah I mean I I think that it's a long game you know we can all sit here in our dulu and it's totally fine as long as we're not projecting negativity on these people as long as we're not bashing their decisions we I mean I can like I will gladly like lead the ship on past the icebergs because there's gonna be some icebergs along the way okay so Victoria de saw that I agree why they would why would they choose that video yeah I don't know girl I don't know why he would choose that because he he probably didn't know about them he probably doesn't even know about bridgeson that much so he probably just picked the first video that popped up on his search to be honest um because I think when I searched their interviews that video that he watched was in the top interviews for some reason so yeah but he said if you guys want to send that dating expert um who analyzed their interviews some stuff he said you can send it to him on his disc Discord and I'll link his information um in the comments after the stream is done but yeah I linked him several interviews best believe I linked him those racy interviews that I remember so I'm like Analyze This [ __ ] analyze this please because tell us we're not crazy we're not we are feet firmly planted on the ground but it's it's it's just one of those things where we have to let these people like live their own life and make their own decisions because and I'm sure a lot of you guys who watch my videos also watch the tarot reader card videos some of these people read their energies um Luke and Nicola and stuff and they say the same thing it's like stuff can totally be written in the universe or whatever but people still have free will and whatever they choose to do they can Veer off their chosen path right so you know we just gotta just let it happen who like literally examples MAA and Ashton Kutcher took over a decade was it two decades I don't know how long it freaking was but they took forever to get together but they did and then Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds they got together they were friends first like there's so many instances of this happening and the fact that there's a lot of people in comments in comment sections saying he has a girlfriend or she has a boyfriend or what you guys act like that ain't Ironclad okay not even marriage is Ironclad like rings come off papers are served um so happened before in Hollywood where people have broken off literal marriages to get together with their co-stars Angelina and Brad Pit I mean look how that ended too but it lasted a good while but I'm just saying like I feel like if we really care about these people and we really want them to get together it needs to be the right time and it needs to be like a a for sure thing because you know how sad would that be if like they got together and was everyone wanted and what they wanted and then it ended because it wasn't it just wasn't the right timing it wasn't the right you know and the and where they are in their careers right now I mean they're not new to the industry but they're new to exploding like this their careers are only just starting and to get into a relationship with another person like that when your career trajectory is still on the up and up is so very hard it's hard you guys it's hard for normal people like please tell me like you have an easy time with dating who has an easy time with dating not me nobody I actually don't date by choice but um that's another story for another time story time later but it's it's it's it's so much harder I don't know why I just stuttered it's so much harder for celebrities and I feel like if we want Nick and Luke to get together it needs to be the right time so they won't end in disaster that's all I'm saying I like your attitude I want Luke and Nick to get back on the Bridgton set so they can recharge me too too I want that I want them to be around their Bridgeton fam again you guys notice like that cast has such good energy it's not even funny like the Bridgeton cast has such good energy and when they're around each other they just make each other better people it seems and it's so positive the whole atmosphere on the set and that's so rare in entertainment to see a an entire ensemble cast get together and get along like that the video was provided by a viewer he didn't pick it what video are you talking about um Theodora the video was provided by a viewer oh the video for the dating expert okay so yeah I guess I don't know that was a poor choice though no offense if you're the one in here Who provided that video I mean it was it was fine but um I want him to analyze the videos of them doing the compliment battle and I want him to analyze the videos of them in Brazil okay I want him to analyze all those videos that will be interesting um but yeah I just wanted to come on here and say that really quick I hope you guys are having a good day other than you know the fact that it was a long day I'm sure some of you were at work I had an interview it went great yeah she can't react to our dulu because she needs to maintain professionalism for future projects yeah they can't so and I'm sure they're they're fully aware of what fans are saying and like I said in my last video even if they're not they can feel people can feel energy because energy is all around us all the time and if someone's projecting a a type of energy on you you can definitely feel it you can definitely feel negativity you can feel positivity you can feel all that so I'm and Nick is chronically online so she knows what everyone's saying so I'm one that's why I'm always wondering why she posted those two songs that she had posted because I'm like girl you could have posted a Beyonce song you could have posted like a Britney Spears song but no you had to go and post these two songs that had these lyrics that were very suspicious that's all I'm saying but yeah no they they they know what they're doing they can't react to Fan speculation or they they can they just you know if you're professional if you know what you're doing you shouldn't right so um but I still firmly believe that they're meant to be together one day I really do like I'm really wishing and hoping for that but I feel like one of them has some growth to do or Nicola is very focused on her career right now and she you know is probably just like I don't want anything to do with that so I saw a comment the other day actually too and I'm going to tell you guys this and it kind of made me raise an eyebrow but I was like okay well this is probably just someone's dulu speaking too but I saw a comment that says something along the lines of yeah I think something happened in Brazil and they had a talk and Nick wanted him to date Nick wanted him to date other people to make sure that the feelings he had for her were real and I'm like girl if that only was true I'm like I that that sent me I'm was like you know I wish that was true that would be really really interesting if that was true but um who knows who knows what even happened in Brazil people keep talking about Brazil and I'm like did anything even happen though like we don't have any proof they were very flirty the whole tour and then Brazil happened and I think it was because like if any of you guys watching me now if you have a hint of why people think something happened in Brazil please tell me because I have no idea no earthly idea all I know is that when they were in Brazil they were very touchy feely and then after Brazil happened like they you know they just got more touchy feely and then something else shifted so there's a PR coach on the clock app would love to see how she would handle l and a okay so PR Co so do PR coaches actually so that's the other thing about body language that I keep saying like there on these press tours people are kind of told what to do um to play things up but the thing about body language is that it's very much subconscious and people can't be coached on how to react or how to look at people or you know how to do their micro movements which is like eyebrow raises lip biting stuff like that like that's very much subconscious and something natural so my whole thing with the pressor speaking of PR which you know you just said was that yeah that it can't be fake um but anyway what is the clock app I don't I'm I'm so old I don't know what any of these things are you guys I don't know what anything is I'm literally 80 years old I don't but I need to get on that because that's interesting um okay well I hope you guys have a really really good evening thank you guys all for jumping on and listening real quick I just wanted to like squash all this crap and like set expectations because we shouldn't sh we we shouldn't assume people are together unless something like 100% comes out and the only reason why we know Luke is dating this other girl is because she's still rumored but there's pictures of them on vacation together and like getting like you know kissing and dancing or I'm sorry I don't like her but anyway I'm not I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be mean but you know we don't know about Nicola she's very much like this with everyone so if stuff like this comes out again just be aware and if you hear stuff in the fan base and people being like Oh Nick's dating this guy now oh she because she was hugging him and she was all up on him she's all up on everyone all the time I'm like girl um I love her energy but that's how she is so let's not judge the conclusions let's wish them both well you know on the down low let's let's wish that they you know get together during season four but but we'll see I'm excited to see pictures come out um for season 4 uh like BTS stuff but one more thing before I go and that just reminded me the reason why everyone is like this and a lot of people are saying that the fans are crazy for shipping them this long and why are you still talking about this blah blah because if you guys remember the casting crew also did that on social media in particular a lot of the BTS people and stuff they would respond to people's comments on Instagram post about Luke and Nick not Penelope and Colin Luke and Nick and be like egging people on you know like saying we're on the ship too we're not getting off blah blah and you know it's just like it's it's that thing it's I've never seen something like this in my whole life and I don't follow celebrities like that but there's some shows where you know I've followed and kept tabs on especially back in the day like friends I was obsessed with that show and the actors and you know I'm trying to think of a more modern version um of a show where people just keep tabs on actual actors but it was like the cast and crew was joining in on the circus that's why people are still you know on the ship because it wasn't just the fans which is the crazy part it's like yeah all these all these other people were doing it too so and our problem and our fault anyway guys I'm so glad you all came on I know it's it's dinner time so I'm about to go get some dinner but I hope you guys have a wonderful night I hope you guys have a wonderful evening thank you so much Victoria and Theodora on yes I had an interview for another full-time job because I still got to do them you know um but yeah it went well so we'll see what happens anyway guys I'll see you in my next video I'm definitely gonna be doing there's a oh my God there's a b I'm definitely gonna be doing lives a lot more now that I figured out how so keep an eye out um yeah my next video is g to be either the body language one or reacting to the dating coach I'm not sure yet whatever one I finish editing first I got you all all right guys have a good night love yall so much bye

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