Ian Wheeler Tears His ACL As Well As Two Other Players Placed On IR!

Published: Aug 23, 2024 Duration: 00:15:20 Category: Entertainment

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Ian willing has a torn ACL uh Webster needs some Webster got a neck injury I mean a growing injury and then we already seen the uh unfortunate things of Douglas Coleman with the neck injury so we a little banged up but we gonna talk more into it after this Chicago Bears Central your number one place for all Chicago Bears news and content thank y'all tuning in for another episode of sh I'm so used to doing shy toown Chicago Bears Central hey we just came in for a little update because the news has dropped we have three current injured reserve players on this team that just placed on IR a couple minutes ago we have unfortunately we we as you know we've been watching hard kns you know Ian Willer has been fighting for the third stream running back spot between him veis and Travis Homer and he became more of a favorite for the Bears fans over the past few weeks going to into the season we just found out that this man has a torn ACL so it's looking like he might not make the team and it's looking like veis is just basically been announced as the third streight running back what's your thoughts on NE on Ian as we before we go into the other two I mean I like the young man but unfortunately for him he just took one step closer to being a doctor uh it's just the reality of the situation man he he's a good kid um most of the preseason was solid for him except for the last game but um hey vas proved that at least on the outside Zone runs that he's a viable asset to this team as long as he can hold on to the ball get him in open space and you kind of want to see that you can't teach speed you can't teach athleticism and that's what my man has uh and you know we spent the entire training camp kind of being down on veis and uh he's basically you know backing him himself into the position but best of luck to Ian Willer wherever he ends up maybe he'll be back in training camp next season after he recovers from this injury uh this prayers is up for my guy it is what it is definitely pray up yeah it kind of sucks because I thought at least uh they would look at him as possibly as a guy we can use as special teams because as Bobby noted in last game special team mainly our return specialist is is a problem and um I feel like he probably could have been somebody we could look at because in his time in college he was known as a guy of special teams to get some work done in that facet but that ain't happening this year TS ACL hopefully he recover as fast as possible but like he said I think he said he was going to be a physician if I'm not mistaken or something like that or psychiatrist one of them is was one one with a p that's all I know but um yeah hopefully uh that's why they always say always have a backup plan so he definitely has a back plan where he's going to make have a hell of a career for himself so yeah that that's not good news we necessarily wanted to hear but it is what it is now we also have somebody who had a I would say a somewhat standout game but he's been a part of this squad for a nice little minute the seba Webster has been placed on a with a growing injury that we all know that he played pretty well especially in that last half of the game um last last week or last Thursday or this Thursday and um yeah we thought like he was going to make the team again um he's pretty much been on and off the team on the practice squad for the last few years but um they placed them on IR so it must be a significant groin injury what's your thoughts on that hey you don't want to play with the groin you need that to be effective at anything to to walk properly and you know my man's is he it sucks that the injuries are happening to these players but the reality is I'd rather it be these guys than any of our top guys that's just the nature of football I mean seriously like these are bottom of the order bottom of the depth chart bottom of the you know barely making the team kind of players uh that's getting hurt right now so at the end of the day man I I don't want Webster to be hurt but you know I prefer him over one of our top tier guys um and you know hopefully he can catch on with another team as well because he's been practice squad mostly for his career here with the Chicago Bears and uh it's next man up man that's that just sucks yeah it is and um yeah he was 83 for the Bears for those who don't know so yeah like he he somebody I seen that we could have used in a slot game and other things other facets but um I think this move also maybe uh gives the cushion for um why my his name the 66 [ __ ] I don't know why his name is Dro is out of my head Johnson Johnson yes gives a leeway for Johnson even more to make the team because we know he's been baging injury and that's why he didn't play the last two games but with this being said I think he's have um a Colin Johnson that's his name Colin Johnson has a good chance to make this team now with him being gone because like I said he's kind of been lingering around this franchise as uh a piece that we could possibly pull in if necessary so coling has a good chance to do it and our final guy that been placed on I now I don't know if you see because we didn't really talk about it because well during the game they didn't really show it and um I don't know where I was at maybe I walked off at that point but um Douglas Coleman during that game against um who we play last Kansas City Kansas City um he had a tackle and it was very Ryan Shier like like the tackle didn't look as bad as it you did but you know he he he kind of B leaned his neck back and he just fell to the ground you can see him trying to like feel around so we knew it was a serious injury but we didn't see the whole cting off the field leaving in the ambulance type of deal during the game so we kind of found out after the game um during the game they said he got um I don't know if he got airlifted but he was taken to a hospital and he was released the next day so that was good news but we come to find out today that it's a neck injury and he is placed on um they didn't really give any uh specifications of the exact injury of the Nick but um what's your whole thoughts about that because I feel like we didn't really know about this guy to let or what of the the situation to later on I mean the neck injury is tough like that's one of the worst injuries you could have as a as a football player as a person period uh my wife works in emergency rooms and just two things that she always say you know you want to protect your back uh your neck you want to make sure those things are solid uh just throughout your life so hopefully this is not as serious as it looked um they did show him being uh carted off in the ambulance we were just kind of like in our Zone over here on the channel when it was happening uh but you know it's sad to see man but again these are situations in which these guys are going to find themselves not on the team unfortunately for them you know injuries play a role in the decision-making process um obviously unless you're like a top pick uh and depending on when you were that top pick uh you know other than that it's a WAP for these guys yeah like when it comes to Douglas I'm just glad he's at home he's been released he's back at home so I'm just glad that he's okay for the most part it doesn't seem like um it's it's something very significant like they said it was more of a scare more than anything but yeah I'm pretty glad that he just fine as a human because like you said you the neck is nothing you want to play about it's probably one of the most freakiest scariest injuries to actually see before your eyes so yeah I'm just glad the kid because he is Young he's 26 years old so hopefully he um is not as bad hopefully there's no spinal problems no spinal issues so he could recover and still live out his dream because he's still young is this true the Bears made another trade for Browns DET tackle Chris Williams I don't see anything um I don't know I I didn't see anything I'm let me check Twitter real quick C hey because hey it' be funny if we BR if some news be broken on some [ __ ] like this um yeah I'm not necessarily I don't see anything on but yeah if if it's true and SCE what is your Source yeah where you getting that from I would like to know that but um yeah if it does happen like of course we're going to find out we going to drop as well but um that's pretty much it for this current episode we just uh came to tell y'all the um IR so before we go let me ask you this what do you what you think this going to do for the Final Cuts for this team what what do you think this going to do for the Bears for the Final Cuts I mean the way that these especially defensive players have been playing it was some difficult decisions to make um and that just makes it a little bit more it just makes it a little easier for these guys to to to to make these cuts um now it sucks for the the people who are hurt but it is what it is um especially at the running back situation it was kind of a tossup between veis and uh Homer and the last gentleman um Willer but at the end of the day Homer didn't show me anything in the preseason he definitely got to beit yeah Homer I feel like Homer out of everybody on this running back room he done nothing he didn't he didn't do nothing the past two years so um yeah I'm I'm not a fan of him like we know why he's here he's he was at Seattle so he has a relationship with Shane walr so I'm pretty sure he knows majority of what the plays or how it's going to be called but at the end of the day you ain't gonna be on the field to be using it so it don't matter but um he was here before Shane wadr and he still ain't did yeah yeah he was here for before Shane wadr and he was really brought in for the special team but I'm sitting here like he's not the athlete for a special team so yeah it's a little weird when it because that situation I don't know if they going to cut him but um based on his performance it's cut like he should be cut but um hold on now there a second [ __ ] that's saying that hold on now did we actually just make a trade I mean Brad bigs they say said that let's look look up Brad bigs on the uh all right hold on the Tweeter he did say he said they have traded a six round we do have another six round pick so it's definitely look at that boy Ryan's pose is cooking bro he never stopped cooking we gonna start calling him Chef poles around this bit for real I'm trying to make sure this is confirmed confirmed because I don't just want to be like yeah we got Chris Williams and then it was some [ __ ] so oh on wait a minute [Music] uh yeah I don't know I don't know like it it says it I'm I'm I'm pretty I mean for the most part brag bigs is for the most part pretty reliable when it comes to certain things of this so it did say we have traded the 2025 six round pick for the Browns The Tackle Chris uh Williams Oh yeah this is on chgo too they swapping p with the Browns yeah they picks with the Browns so yeah um more death and that's what we heard defensive tackle Chris Williams and a seventh round pick round the Browns get the fifth round pick let me look up some Chris Williams but yeah um we all know that what he said um PO said he said we are a little limited when it comes to DET tackle death and we thought what we made with uh dell Taylor yesterday we felt like he was going to be the somebody that we might push in Walker so he could fill in more of that death at the DT position but now he said no I'm going out to make a move and um he's a young guy fitting with he is a young guy 26 26 years old um been in the league couple years he's a 6 two 300 pound so more of like a um a Billings type of archetype build when it comes to that he played out a Wagner College um he's drafted player and uh he's played for the Colts Chiefs and Cleveland Browns he played for Indiana for two years so yeah um look like he's gonna be a Chicago Bear but he hasn't done much um he's only played 13 games yeah um and he didn't play I don't know if they got any any run with the Browns because from right now all I see is stats for the Indianapolis Colts yeah because that's the majority of he he was at the coach for the majority of the time the other the Chiefs and Browns he was only there for a year and I don't know if he was necessarily on the roster because even with this Cleveland I think he was signed to the uh he was signed to the practice squad of Cleveland a couple days ago so like it's not a big significant move like I said it's a death piece that's what he was talking about he didn't feel comfortable going into this season with a not would not a lot of death piece when it comes to the D tackle position because for the most part All We Got Is pickings Billings Dexter and that's true that's true D tackles at 63 302 lbs is crazy measurements bro I cannot imagine myself being 300 pounds that's crazy yeah it's crazy but um yeah he does have two sacks in the preseason and a fource fumble so far this preseasonal tackles yeah six total tackles in his career I think that's what I just read but yeah um y'all just got two breaking news in in in the midst of it so we got three players going on IR but we got one coming in through vi vi of a trade so hey po ain't done cooking who knows if this the last move he gonna make because like I said every time we think he done he just open that pot and add a little bit more seasoning to that joint hey sometimes you got to do that man that's what you gotta smell it a little bit see if the recipe working properly yeah I mean it's and it's it's really about Comfort it's being about being comfortable he really did not feel comfortable about a limited shorts when it comes to D tackles and who knows what else he's not comfortable with but um thank y'all for tuning in for another episode we we've been in here we we did we dropped the news um if po drop some more news y'all know we gonna be the first to drop it thank y'all for tuning in for another episode of bear Central and

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