VP Kamala Harris Releases Her Policies On Campaign Website With Only 56 Days Left Until The Election

hello everyone join us on an exciting Journey with explore the world Cameroon London and Sydney go take you explore Cameroon the heart of Africa experience the vibrant culture nature and traditions from Yi Market to Rainforest Adventures every Bach Now new discovery join the cameroonian food music and Wildlife with our explorers this book now true celebration of C Spirit get your copy now available on Amazon B and Nob and through your library and bookstores we inrs park don't miss this adventure finding the right real estate professional can be challenging I'm broker Melissa Wilson I'm knowledgeable in all aspects of the real estate process so whether you're looking to buy new or an existing home or have a commercial need I'm here to help [Music] make sure you pick up my two books that's in Amazon right now the first one is p aggressive racism in the system of white supremacy and I talk about in that particular book how the system of white supremacy really runs and on our daily lives here in America in our latest book seven steps of decolonized the mind we go through those steps to try to deprogram you uh from the system of white supremacy make sure you can pick up those books on amazoncom [Music] introducing the African diaspora News Channel app your gateway to stories that's overlooked by the corporate mainstream media at African deper News Channel we cover stories that don't receive mainstream attention and we serve as the voice to the tral black community we are committed to informing and educating through the power of media connecting the African diaspora one story at a time with our platform we're helping to end Injustice by exposing it join us in standing for excellence in journalism and serving our community download the African dipor news app today all right ladies and gentlemen boys and girls we are here it is um Monday and just starting the week September the 9th um we're going to as you see on the title we're going to go through your favorite Vice President of the United States finally release our policies excuse me so we're going to go through it see what's there right in real time see if anything interests you um something you may like you know I don't know if you want to vote for her or not I don't know I'm just just talking just objectively not saying much more than that hope your weekend was was good um M mine was cool and everything you know of course I did my stream Saturday but um you know we in the family went seen uh the they just released a new version of Beetlejuice so I don't know if you you know remember that movie Beetlejuice um you know Michael Keaton is you know back in it playing Beetlejuice again it actually was it was funny I enjoyed it you know so um it was family friendly didn't have no nothing nasty or nothing like that in there so so yeah if you want to check out you know maybe a movie on the weekend or something you know with the family you can bring the kids to you can check that out um also you know I seen it come across the wire today um our great great brother uh James Earl Jones uh James Earl Jones that passed away at the age of 93 ladies and gentlemen 93 years old you know that brother iconic voice of course the voice of Darth Vader and that that we all know um you know like this one have you come to destroy me you know I mean yeah Darth Vader he's done Mufasa he's been around a very long time I'm thinking about that brother's life and what he's seen in his 93 years but today black folks not even living the 93 black folks are passing away in their 30s and 40s they they were saying that a lot of black folks today are living slave um lifespans but yet we're not on the plantation so we need to we need to really refigure out what's going on because uh we should be living to our 70s 80s 90s or hundreds right so let's let's look more into that but outside our great brother James Earl Jones becoming an ancestor now in all of that um just make sure that you know hey if you're going on the trip with us to Ethiopia uh make sure you know like I said keep up with that you know your payments if you if you pay the deposit and all that you know definitely like to see y'all in March I also appreciate everybody that took advantage of the um back to school promotion I think that'll be ending tomorrow back to school promotion for the one year on the app a lot of people have taken advantage of that and um understand the app is you know our support system where we can you know say different the things we like to say uh certain programming we going going to be producing there just as we get through this little patch we're trying to get through right now um I I saw your girl um I think on X Was Your Girl Candice Owens they they they didn't you know gave her a strike and Dem monetized her but she was on there you know speaking speaking uh and I think the her interview with Kanye did it um when Kanye was you know saying all kind of you know things about um the Jewish Community but this the thing I focus on black people I don't focus on nobody else um people's complaining but you know at the end of the day it's their platform if they don't want you talking about certain things they want you saying certain things certain words whatever you have to follow the rules it is what it is that's why we have the African diaspora News Channel app because we we we keep you know promoting that and keep pushing that because if we can get to our 10,000 members hey you know but even if even on our own I'm still going to keep a certain decorum right just cuz you on your own doesn't mean you go crazy and just but that's not what we do here anyway but certain stories we can't cover here certain opinions we can't have here because this is their platform and we I respect that but on our platform we can have certain opinions certain live streams I've done on there I wouldn't have done here on YouTube I say I'm not doing it on YouTube I already know where that's going to go you understand so we always looking to make sure you know follow the rules that's that's just kind of thing thing you can do um having your own is is is a always a beautiful thing so that's why you know like I said we got all these people that be watching if everybody was was there you know at least we can get 10,000 people there oh we in business now we really in business we can produce so many more shows and it's a lot of documentaries I want to do be producing too and and documentaries that's go right to the app right um not nothing I want to do a big crowdfunding for it no no no I don't do all that I want to just have the our members that support the app we produce documentary shows whatever and we fill it up on the app and you just watch it over there that's kind of where we we want to go so definitely appreciate everybody who supporting us on the app who've been supporting us for for a while um you know so yeah yeah thank you for doing that or just join yesterday just join today thank you for that because it's definitely greatly greatly appreciated um so we definitely going to get to everything that we need to get to uh night for sure tomorrow night of course we got uh the debate so tomorrow night show get cut a little shorter uh than we normally would do it uh just so I can get off of here y'all can get off of here and check out the debate because I want to make sure I watch that in real time and then we'll probably give a with the next day we'll give a uh synopsis of that right so all right so let's start off the week right um start off the week right with super mayor and then let's let's go on and get started hey guys it's super mayor Tiffany a Henry the people's mayor y'all forget I am the leader they want to hear from the mayor if y'all ain't learned that yet the mayor not the trustees that don't do nothing that only run their mouth y' don't do no work no work what is that no comedy y'all should be ashamed of y'all y'all black y'all are black and y'all sitting up here beating and attacking on a black woman that's in power y'all should be ashamed of y'allselves so this is what it's all about guys they don't want a black person in power they don't want a woman in power you if you ain't seen that yet and someone so young everybody got to understand God give you what you can handle that's what God give you he ain't going to give you more than that as long as you can stay stay the course fight the fight and keep going that's what we going to do here at Thon Township Clerk what are you doing you out of order you out of order did I call the did I say call the road I'm still speaking you're out of order clerk key you out of order cler ke like stop y'all out of order everybody want to run stuff y'all don't run this house over here stop please now you have to listen in order to learn remove her remove her that's what all the hate is all about it's all about your superm became too powerful too quick I'm so rare so unique and that's why everybody got problem it's all about control and I stand in the fire cuz I want the boys and girls of the Next Generation to see what it looks like to come out of controversy and to come out of all the hatred uncap at the end of the day God give the test to his strongest soldiers throughout all the country throughout all the drama all the NES all the haters and I see some of y'all in the line let me flip the camera around so you can see them in the line there she go look right there right there that that part but then tell you that didn't that get in a little hate group but you in my line getting food your kids out here bouncing in the bouncy house you on the skate rink all that to actually standing a fire while doing it and guess what doing good and looking good too all right ladies and gentlemen that was uh your super mayor definitely so we go on and get started all right we we ringing the bell class and session class and session make sure you get get your notepad and and and participate in class if we are ask those of you sitting in the back leave the Elmer glue alone please it's not to be uh put on your hands or sniffed chemicals in that all right so let's let's let's do our uh one thing we got to do real quick don't take long let me go to this website right here we got two websites to show you real quick in the beginning where we at where we at uh hold on definitely in the spirit of what we talking about tonight go to vote.gov vote.gov vote.gov get registered to vote you cannot participate in the election if you do not register yourself to vote update your information all of that go to vote.gov is very very important as you can see it's an official website of United States government and other thing that you need to do is go to travel.state.gov and get yourself a US passport what is the reason for you not to U have a US passport I don't know you should be able to travel all over the world if you so choose to even if you haven't made a plan to travel throughout the world go to travel.state.gov go ahead on and get down and get your passport that's very very important so one day you can go somewhere maybe a cruise or or wherever else you need to go but you ain't not going to be a to do it without a passport so get one ladies and gentlemen all right so let's goad on and go to the website that all of you have been waiting for uh the website for your favorite vice president in the entire uh Multiverse actually boom there it is Harris walls I mean look look look look at your vice president she is so happy y'all she happy she's going to bring you so much joy um if she get elected according to what Democrats are saying she's going to bring you Joy and and I that's I guess that's all you need is joy and you know uh I guess she took the place of God and trying to give you unspeakable joy boy okay all right so um a new way forward all right let's get into it vice president Harris and Governor walls are fighting for a new way forward that protects our fundamental freedoms strengthens our democracy ensures every person has the opportunity to not just get by but get ahead um put y'all in office though and we struggling okay okay okay let me get through it as a prosecutor Attorney General Senator and now Vice President of United States KLA Harris always stood up for the people against predators scammers and Powerful interest she promised to be a president for all Americans a President Who unites us around our highest aspirations and a president who always fights for the American people from the courthouse to the White House that has been her life's work um locking black people okay you lock black people up you know I'm just reading this let me go through building an opportunity economy and lower cost for families okay this the first bullet point and say vice president Harris grew up in a middle class home as a daughter of a working mom she believes that when the middle class is strong America is strong that's why as president KLA Harris would create an opportunity economy where everyone has a chance to compete and a chance to succeed whether they live in a rural area small town or big city vice president kamla Harris has made clear that building of the middle class will be a defining goal of her presidency is that that's why she would make it a top priority to bring down cost increase Economic Security for all Americans as president she will fight to cut taxes for more than 100 million working in Middle Class fam of course Americans while lowering the cost of everyday needs like healthc care housing and groceries um why aren't y'all doing that now you do understand she's the incb she's in office now Trump is not in office but she is okay but let's go she would bring together organized labor it say and workers small business owners entrepreneurs and American companies to create good paying jobs grow the economy and ensure that America continues to lead the world why aren't we doing that now I'm going keep asking that question all right cut taxes for middle class families here we go vice president Harris and Governor walls believe that Working Families deserve a break that's why under their plan more than 100 million working and middle class Americans will get a tax cut they would do this by restoring two tax cuts designed to help the middle class and working Americans a child tax credit and the earned income credit and say through these two programs millions of Americans is say get to keep more of their hard-earned income they will expand the child tax credit to provide a$ 6,000 tax cut to families with newborn children they believe no child in America should live in poverty Y and these actions would have a historic impact unlike Donald Trump why you mentioning Trump just say what you going to do sis vice president Harris and Governor walls are committed to ensuring no one earning less than 400,000 a year will pay more than taxes that's same thing that Biden said so this is a continuation of what Biden was already saying and you see how that went how many people when they filed their taxes what this year they was talking about how much they owed in taxes and they making 400,000 a year but okay so they believe that we need to chart a new Way Forward by making our tax system fair and prioritize investment innovat Innovation they ensure the wealthiest Americans and the large corporations pay their fair share you didn't do that to your own Administration they they not paying anything so we could take action to build up the middle class while reducing deficit this includes rolling back the Trump tax cuts for wealthiest Americans enacting a billionaire minimum tax quadrupling the tax on stock BuyBacks what quadrupling the tax it say and other reforms to ensure the very wealthy are are playing by the same rules as the middle class under her plan it say the tax rate on long-term capital gains for those earning a million dollars a year or more would be 28% because when the government encourages investment it Le leads to broad-based economic growth and creates jobs which makes our economy stronger oh no no no no no no no I'm let me tell y'all real quick and I'm and I'm I'm in business the lower the tax rate the more money you can keep the more money you can keep you can give raises or you can hire more people the more taxes you're paying the more you going to have to cut back payroll payroll is going to be your highest thing you're going to pay in business the high EST so when you get a tax cut in business and she saying more than a million dollars listen listen they say they want to hire all those IRS agents to go after the the the rich and a lot of regular people are getting audited not people who's making $400,000 I'm telling you I don't like that already I don't like it y'all I don't like it I don't like it all right make rent affordable and Home Ownership more attainable let's see how she going to do this I'm very curious cuz I haven't read this thoroughly I'm read with y'all vice president Harris has always stood up for renters and homeowners as Attorney General of California she took on the big Banks to deliver 20 billion for the middle- class families who face foreclosure and help pass a homeowner Bill of Rights on the first of his kind in nation vice president Harris knows that a home is more than a house it represents Financial Security and an opportunity to build intergenerational wealth but for too many Americans home ownership is too far out of reach vice president Harris has put forward a comprehensive plan to build 3 million more rental units that's a problem oh why rental units no single family homes but let's continue rental units and homes that are affordable to end the National Housing Supply crisis in in her first term and she will cut red tape to make sure we build more housing faster and penalize firms that hoard available homes to drive up prices for local home buyers that's not the problem but let me I F let me get into this for vice president Harris knows rent is too high and will sign legislation to Outlaw new forms of price fixing by corporate landlords it say as for new homes are built in affordable housing Supply increases vice president Harris will provide first-time home buyers up to 25,000 and said to help with the down payments with more generous support for first generation homeowners this will help more americ Americans experience the pride of home ownership in the financial security that it represents and brings offering more Americans a path to uh the middle class and economic security here's the problem with this you build those homes what are you going to do about private Equity scooping up all those homes that's the problem right now private Equity are buying up single family homes and they're putting them to rent creating more of a housing crisis if you're going to do this then you need to put down in legislation that private Equity cannot buy residential property they can only buy commercial now they want to build all the commercial property knock yourself out but when it comes to residential single family homes they should not be able to buy that but she's not saying that either and um her hubby Doug is in a real estate like that and tied to private Equity too okay just want to put that out there all right grow small businesses and invest in entrepreneurs it's the next as she say she's going to do now of course she said that they they uh that small businesses is said neighborhood shops high tech started up small manufacturing more more the end of economy she did Senator and vice president KLA Harris will always support small businesses and invest in entrepreneurs as president now she's led the Biden Harris Administration effort to increase access to capital for small businesses and bring Venture Capital to parts of Middle America that is to have far far too long been overlooked driving a record of 19 million new business applications tripling The sba's Lending to blackowned businesses it say and more than doubling small dollar lending to Latino and women owned businesses okay women could mean anybody it says she has also championed uh expanding Federal contracts for minority owned small business we already know about that word minority and say as part of her opportunity economy agenda she has put forward a plan to help help small businesses and entrepreneurs innovate and grow she has set an ambitious goal of 25 million new business applications while in her first term it say or let say yeah first term over 10 million more than Trump saw during his term to achieve this she will expand a startup expense tax deduction for new businesses from 5,000 to 50,000 to take on every obstacles and red tape that can make it harder for small business make it harder for grow small business that she would drive venture Capital to the talent it say that exists it say all across our country in rural areas and increase it say the federal contract dollars going to small businesses okay that you say uh you know if you in them circles I guess take on Bad actors and bring down cost okay what she going to do there now as Attorney General of California KLA Harris she say she took on the banks and delivered you know and all that fine now it says president sh direct Rec Administration crack down on anti comptitive practices that let big corporations jack up prices and undermine the competition that allows all businesses to thrive while keeping prices low for consumers it say and she will go after Bad actors who exploit an emergency to rip off consumers by calling for the first ever Federal ban or corporate price gouging on food and groceries it say which will build the anti-price gouging statutes already it say in place in 37 States say just as she did as vice president she would take home big farming lower drug prices and cap instent cost not just for scen but for all Americans she'll keep fighting and say to bring down prescription drug cost by taking on Pharmacy middlemen who raise consumer prices for their own gain and squeeze independent phy profits how you going to do that when you funded by a lot of these people just curious okay she going to strengthen and bring down a cost of health care how you going to do that that's interesting um she said that of course you know she fought against Donald Trump trp and them trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act and she said making Affordable Health Care a right not a privilege by expanding and strengthening the Affordable Care Act and making permanent the Biden Harris tax credit enhancements that are lowering healthc care premiums by average of $800 a year for millions of Americans I don't know where that come from because I haven't seen it I've seen my stuff go up big time and say she build on the Biden haris success in bringing down the cost of life saving prescription drugs and Medicare beneficiaries by extending the $35 cap on insulin and the $2,000 cap on out of pocket spending for seniors to all Americans then she's talking about the inflation reduction act you know I don't want to get too too monotonous on this stuff talking about low on the prices this you know talking about here she announced medical debt you know will be removed from credit reports okay I mean that's I look at that as a good thing uh help cancel 7 billion of medical uh debt for 3 million Americans as President should work with states to cancel medical debt for even more Americans and say vice president Harris has led in administrate efforts to combat maternal mortality women are dying it say from child birth at higher rates in any other development country actually it's black women but I don't know why you said women the vice president called on the states to extend Medicaid postpartum coverage from two months to 12 it say 46 states do so up to uh just three near the administration start I mean so far I'm not impressed I'll be honest with you I'm not impressed so far protect and strength Social Security you know some you protect Social Security Medicare Relentless attacks from Donald Trump and his extreme allies she will strengthen Social Security and Medicare for the Long Haul but making Millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share in taxes no you're not no you're not no you're not you've been in there three and A2 years you ain't made him do it no you're not say she will fight to ensure that Americans can count on the the B count on getting the benefits they earn let me tell you somebody the Millionaires and billionaires if they if she really can enact some taxes on them they'll just they'll just move they'll move out this country and move their money too people them people got money they ain't got to put up with that y'all really don't know how the rich people move them rich people got several passports like they Le there's a go other country they got the citizenship in they got to put up with her all them support American innovation and workers okay let's see how you going to do that cuz with all the migrants how you going to do that I'm curious so working with Biden vice president Harris help P Landmark legislation bipartisan infrastructure law the chips and science Act and the inflation reduction act and American Rescue plan which things that actually drove up inflation that supported more than 60,000 infrastructure projects and I haven't really seen them nor has I seen the jobs come from them spurred more more than 900 billion in private sector Investments and double Investments you know talking about the construction okay fine fine f president she'll build on that ensure the industries workers th I'm just kind of skimming through it because I want to make sure we stay within our limits here should also fight for unions because vice president pro labor Miss okay I'm going through here you talking about you going to sign Landmark Pro Union legislation including the pro act to support work workers who choose to organize and bargain in the public SE service freedom to negotiate uh to make the freedom for public service workers form unions the law of the land how you going to do that in right to work states though cuz right to work states you know uh that's going to be your challenge the right to work states um it said during her leadership vice president unions representing those from Auto Workers and then this a thing too see yall not counting on all the migrants that you brought in see the migrants is not going to talk about no unions so it's going to end up happening the moment you start talking about the union they going to fire all y'all and they going to bring the migrants in there and they're going to do the jobs they don't they not g to talk about no Union they just want a job see y'all see vice president Harris about to get y'all uh fired keep on let let her do that let her do that reunion law watch how many of y'all get fired you see all right provide a pathway to the middle class through quality affordable education so she say she will fight to ensure parents can afford high quality child care and preschool for children she'll strengthen public education and training as a pathway to the middle class and say and she'll continue to work to end unreasonable burden they say of student loan debt go so basically getting the continuation of the Biden policies from what I'm hearing and the fight for to make higher education more affordable so to but when they say affordable they never give you a dollar amount they always say affordable what is Affordable it says so the college can be a ticket to the middle class to dat vice president Harris have helped deliver large investment in public education American history provide 170 billion in student debt relief for almost 5 million borrows and delivered record debt investment in HBCU tribal colleges Hispanic serving institutions and other minority serving institutions talking about she helps Stu students uh afford College by increasing the maximum P Grant award by $900 largest increase in more than a decade she's implemented policy have live to one million registered apprentices hired now see this is what I would have rather instead of college I would rather more investment in the skill trades that's what I would want I but he had to be me I I would invest more than that okay invest in affordable child care and long-term care you know we we getting there just give me a minute cast aside and vote on American Rescue plan which brought up inflation it said which made investments in the care economy as president she fight to lower cost for American families including by expanding high quality Home Care Services for Seniors and people with disabilities ensuring hardworking families can afford high quality Care all while ensuring that care workers are paid a living wage they say and treated with dignity and respect they deserve how you going to force somebody to pay anybody a particular wage unless you mandate something at a federal level lower energy cost and tackle a climate crisis oh no I'm an energy guy so let me let's look at this so it's a vice president Oh attorney general count one t million settlement against big oil and help polluters uh hold polluters accountable as vice president she cast a tiebreaking vote to pass the inflation reduction act which brought up the inflation and say largest investment climate action in history the historic work in lowering household energy costs what creating hundreds and thousands of high quality clean energy jobs and building a thriving clean clean energy economy all while ensuring America's energy security and independence with record energy production what are y'all talking about our our prices went through the roof y'all shut down the Keystone Pipeline which was bring helping bring energy down cost down y okay as president she will unite Americans to tackle the climate crisis she builds on this historic work Advan environmental justice whatever that means as say Protect public lands and public health increase resilience to climate disasters and she's going on and on and on and on and on why didn't you do it now that's a question I want to know you could have did this now that way you could point to hey I did this this this this and this but yet you seeing what you're going to do but you had three and a half years ma'am as vice president said the international climate conference uh cop 28 it say she knows that meeting the global challenge will require Global cooperation and she is committed to continuing and building upon United States international climate leadership okay okay now look here we go right here with the dis information Trump's project 2025 agenda Donald Trump does not have a project 2025 that is the Heritage Foundation why y'all keep putting this on here but y'all the people that always talk about disinformation they said vice president Harris lowering cost agenda is start start contract Donald Trump's plans to jack up prices weaken the middle class cut Social Security and Medicare eliminate Department of Education that's not on his website and programs like Head Start and in the Affordable Care Act project 20 will give him unprecedent control to implement his destructive agenda including another handout to his billionaire friends and corporations his plans would increase cost for families uh by at least 3900 a year by slapping a trump sales tax on imported everyday Goods that increase American that American Family rely on you mean Oh you mean talking about tariffs uh that he's he's talking about leving against certain countries like gas food clothing medicine they would raise rents it say and 1,200 a year to the typical American Mortgage people's mortgages are going up now what are you talking about people all over Tik Tok crying about they can't afford their homes anymore because they because their mortgage rates keep going up like I'm just trying to figure this out okay Trump asked Big Oil Executives to give his campaign money so he can roll back regulations and cut taxes for Big Oil to boost their profits well as a person that that worked in the oil and gas industry for about 22 years I can tell you certain regulations slow down work believe believe it or not it do so it's not about so much profit it's about production of course profit is going to be made but I would prefer to produce quicker than just having to stall for a month or two months playing around with a regulation I said Trump's economic plans would trigger it say a recession by mid 2025 we already in a in a in a light recession now it say it say cost America over three million jobs oh no them jobs going to go away because them corporations going to start laying off Americans and they're going to hire our our new friends um a lot of the migrants okay uh threaten hundreds of thousands of clean energy jobs increase the debt let Say by over five trillion s inflation skyrocketing it's already Skyrocket it saying hurt everyone but the richest American amans okay so that's that's the first section ladies and gentlemen the first section all right um I don't know how y'all feel about some of this stuff you know and you see all right only thing we don't have is her laugh on here all right so she G to safeguard our fundamental freedoms what is that to a fight for the future it say also fight for freedom in this election many fundamental freedoms are State the freedom to make your own choice about your body uhoh uhoh without government interference the freedom to love you say who you love openly um and with pride okay we know who she's talking about it say and the freedom that unlocks all others the freedom to vote okay restore and protect reproductive freedoms let's go there um she talks about you know the Supreme Court you know and and the ones he picked some about since roie Wade was overturned by president has driven the administration strategy to defend reproductive fre freedom I don't know why yall call it reproductive when you are doing what you're doing in the womb it saying Safeguard the Privacy their patience and providers that Governor Tim Walls it say LED Minnesota to become the first state to pass law protecting women's right to choose it say following the overturn roie Wade um let said vice president Harris has traveled America and heard stories of women hurt by Trump abortion bans as he didn't do an abortion ban they returned it to the states and some states voted for it and they have it in their states even red states have voted for it as say stories of couples just trying to grow their family cut off in the middle of ibf treatments Trump's actually support IVF that's what I heard and say stories they say and he actually wants the government to pay for it from what he recently said and say stories of women miscarrying in parking lots developing sepsis losing the ability to ever have children again all because doctors are afraid they go they may go to jail for caring for patients as president she would never allow a National Abortion ban to become law it said and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom Nationwide she will sign it okay here we go ladies and gentlemen protect civil rights and freedoms black people pay attention Okay so she beli they said many fundamental freedoms right stake in this election they will fight to ensure Americans have the opportunity to participate in our democracy by passing a John Lewis voting rights and the freedom to vote acts laws that will enshrine voting right protections and say expand vote vote by male uhoh uhoh expand vote by mail okay and early voting and more I don't need to go there about the about that part of it right her Administration will also continue to protect Americans from discrimination building on her work to secure two billion funding for the offices of civil rights across the federal government and as president she will always defend the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride now that's that's in the that's in the Civil Rights section y'all and and you know who what she's talking about when she says that in 2004 she officiated some of the nation's first same-sex marriages and as attorney general she refused to defend California's anti-marriage equality Statewide referendum as president she'll fight to pass the equality act to enshrine anti-discrimination protections for the lgbtq I plus American in health care housing education and discrimination so basically what she wants to do is she wants to give them an uh LGBT hate crime bill that's basically what she's saying here anti-discrimination she wants to give them specifically a hate crime Bill I'm just reading what she put I y'all see it y'all see it I'm not I'm not doing nothing I'm taking it from their website that's the beauty about us over here we we go right to the text now it say Donald Trump is a threat to our fundamental rights and freedoms and no she a mention nothing about black people I want you to pay attention to that ski we is a threat to our fundamental rights and freedoms he brags that he probably responsible handpicking Supreme Court Justice who overturn Ro unleashing Trump abortion bans in States across the country that's not what happened Supreme Court basically said it is returning to the States but okay I mean y'all I don't know why y'all keep lying putting women's lives at risk and threatening doctors and other health providers with jail time he said there should be punishment for women who have an abortion and c abortion band a beautiful thing to watch and say that why they keep lying if it was true I like yeah he said that but no that's not true it say if elected Trump would ban abortion Nationwide restrict access to bir control for states it say to report on women's miscarriages and abortions and jeopardize is access to IVF man they lying this dude Trump and his allies continue to demonize and attack the lgbtqi plus individuals and families his project is the Heritage Foundation not his project 2025 agenda eliminate Federal rules to protect the lgbtqi plus Americans from discrimination and Trump is directly attacking a Bedrock about democracy the right to vote his basic claims of a stolen election 2020 inspired states to slash voter protections and Purge uh their voter roles you know so okay now ensure ensuring safety and justice for all okay so so y'all y'all seeing this right yeah yeah hey y'all we just going through it not making nothing up all right so they gonna make our community safer from gun violence and crime but yet they're not doing it now okay so she talk about her time as a district attorney how she raised conviction rates of violent offenders including game members gun felons and domestic abusers and she says attorney general say vice president Harris built on this record removing 1,200 illegal guns from the streets of California and and Prosecuting some of the toughest transnational criminal organizations in the world in the White House you said Harris helped deliver the largeest investment in public safety ever investing 15 billion in supporting um local law enforcement and Community safety programs across 10,000 cities towns and counties okay so basically what she's saying here uh I'm funding the police and while I was in office for 3 and 1/2 years I funded the police well you remember when Biden said in that state of reunion speech we're going to fund the police we going to fund them fund them and fund them so basically she's saying I'm going to fund the police okay all right that's cool let say Biden and Harris encouraged bipartisan Corporation to pass the first major gun safety law in 30 years which included record funding to hire and train 14,000 mental health professionals for our schools and yeah how that how's that's going what we saw in Georgia the other day it say as head of the first ever White House Office of gun violence revention she spearheaded policies to expand backround checks and Clos The Gun Show loophole under her and Biden's leadership violent crime is at a 50-year low with a large single drop say murders ever the president she won't stop fighting so the Americans can have the freedom to live safe from gun violence in our schools communities and places of worship she'll ban assault weapons of hock pass and magazines require Universal background check and support red flag laws that keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people um you know all those those people in in in the streets that got switches that's illegal that's completely illegal you don't supposed to have that and yet they got it so how you going to stop people from getting those weapons illegally I'm just saying now the switch is basically turn a a gun into a fully automatic instead of a semi-automatic and that's illegal they catch you with that oh you out of here um she will also continue to invest in funding law enforcement look at that she say say it again to invest in funding law enforcement including hiring and training officers and people that support them it say and build upon gun violence prevention so all this is by funding the police right here okay cool secure our border and fix our broken immigration system no Jesus no she didn't say this no you didn't say this on this on this uh uh oh god so let's read this um they believe in tough smart Solutions secure the Border you the borders are ma'am what what did you secure it said keep Community safe and reform our broken immigration system attorney general California vice president have went after International drug gain human traffickers and cartels that smuggled guns drugs and human beings across the US Mexico border as vice president she supported the bipar and border security B Bill the strongest reform in decades the legislation is it would have deployed more is a detection technology to intercept fentol and other drugs and added 1500 border security agents to our uh te our border after Donald Trump killed the the Border deal it say for his political gain she and Biden took action on the own and now border crossing are at the lowest level in four years so so according to you Trump got more stroke than you and you the vice president and and the president he has more stroke it says a lot about what people think about you the administration is it said is seizing record amount of F and secured funding the most significant increase in Border agents in 10 years um no the no when y'all got rid of the remaining Mexico policy that's what created the problem and that's coming from people I know that work on the border um it say as president she will bring back the bipartisan uh border security Bill and sign it into law it said at the same time she knows our immigration system is broken and needs comprehensive reform that includes strong border security and the earned Pathway to citizenship okay right here is dog whistle to amnesty that's a dog whistle for amnesty and Nancy Pelosi recently said on Bill Mah that she wants to legalize 20 million people and she's she's one of the big dogs in the Democrat Party um if vice president KLA Harris get elected Nancy Pelosi gonna make sure that get done but this is amnesty right there okay tackle the opioid infal crisis okay this this is what she's saying here um they they they committed to ending the opiod epidemic and taking the scourge ofal she's seen devastating impact fend upon families of close it says she met and mourn with those who have lost loved ones the fender overdoses it say turn General she prosecuted drug trafficker seizing over 10,000 kilos cocaine 12,000 PBS of meth and say in the white house she helped direct more than 150 billion to disrupt the flow of elicit drugs and discovered billions of dollars in Investments to States it say to fund life saving programs under Biden Harris Administration FDA made the overdose reversal drug uh nxone they say available over the counter and said this past year the number overdose deaths in US declined for the first time in 5 years as president she was signed a bipar and Border Bill they'll fund thee technology to intercept into even more illicit drugs and she'll keep fighting to end the opioid epidemic but notice all this that we got right here but when it was black people we was on crack we was getting Mass incarcerated but all these other people oh we going to do this for them just want y'all to pay attention to that ensure no one is is above the law uh ladies and gentlemen Ure no one is above the law it says so she'll fight to ensure that no former president has immunity for crimes committed while in the white house she will also support Common Sense Supreme Court reforms like requiring Justice to comply with ethics rules and said that other federal judges are bound by and imposing term limits to address the crisis of confidence facing the Supreme Court okay good luck with that she say Trump is a convicted Criminal who only cares about himself he say he's proven that time and time again from caving to gun lobby and doing nothing about the address gun violence you're not doing anything about it either you say killing the bip parts and border is Security deal that doesn't make y'all look good when y'all keep saying Trump destroy the bill it doesn't make you look good at all it lets people know that you don't have no influence over the over the the government and he's stronger than you so maybe he should be president that's what it kind of sound like to me stop saying that that's not a good look it's say if elected president president Trump Implement his project Here We Go lineing Again project 2025 agenda to consolidate power reading Department of Justice and FBI under Direct Control so he can give them unchecked legal power to go after his opponents well I mean y'all was kind of doing that in your Administration and say and Rule as a dictator on day one not only Will trump fail to tackle violence in our communities and fix our broken immigration system he will make it less safe he says we should get over gun violence and he's pushing more guns over the streets when did he say that it say and wants to arm teachers in classrooms he advances cruel immigration agenda which includes separating children from their parents and he is refusing to commit to accept the results of the 2024 election if he loses a second time yeah yeah y'all okay we we almost done not not not long keep American Safe secure and prosperous it says she never waver on the defense of American Security and ideals uh it says vice president she confronted okay all right so let's let's get get to this he says she's ready to be commander-in chief on day one she's going to help restore American leadership on the world stage strengthen our national security through her travels to 21 countries and meetings with more than 150 world leaders defended American values democracy Advanced interest say Harris has been tireless and affected Diplomat in the world stage she's met with China's Z xinping making clear she will always stand up for American interest in the face of China's threats travel to Indo Pacific four times to advance it say our Economic Security partnership she visited Korea it a uh demilitarized zone to affirm unwavering commitment to South Korea saying the face of North Korean threats 5 days before Russia attacked Ukraine she met with president zalinsky to warn him about Russia's plan to invade and help mobilize a global response to more than 50 countries to help Ukraine defend itself against Putin's brutal aggression and she's work with our allies to ensure NATO is stronger than ever uh they's say going to take action to protect us forces the interest Iran and you know they they working they working to end the war in Gaza they said but they said such that Israel secured hostage are released they going into that she not really saying nothing here I'm just saying I'm just looking at invest in America's sources of strength um say make sure that America not China wins the competition for the 21st century see the problem with America is China is the global Walmart and who can compete against the global Walmart the only reason why a lot of American businesses aren't closed right now is because y'all keep way a lot of Chinese companies and goods out like for instance they have a problem with Teemu because you can get things on teu for cheaper prices than you can get into some of these stores I know I've done it that's why they want now all a sudden want to get rid of teu cuz they can't really compete say she would invest in the competitive advantages that make America strongest Nation on Earth American workers Innovation industry will work to ensure America uh remains a leader in the industries of the future from semiconductors to clean energy to artificial intelligence she stood up to China's unfair economic practices how did you do that to protect American workers businesses and families and she has an advanced our economic cooperation around the world from rallying International leaders at an AI Summit in the UK to convening semiconductor businesses I'm sorry are Business Leaders in East Asia Des spurring private investment across Africa you're just talking you're not saying what you're going to do support service members veterans their families caregivers and survivors um now I thought this is funny they were yall were in veteran homelessness um you could do that now by putting veterans in some of them nice hotels that you putting the migrants in I just thought this was interesting seeing that right there just that's the first thing I I I eyed on right was that um investing mental health and you know prevention you know unli prevention uh efforts and eliminating barriers unemployment expanding Economic Opportunity for military and Veteran families it say a Harris walls Administration will continue to ensure that service members veterans and their families receive the benefits they earned now Trump's agenda let's see what that is someone as dangerous as Donald Trump should never be allowed to serve as commander-in Chief in office he C up the dictates and turn his back on allies he undercut America's Competitive Edge boasting that not a single American Factory would close underne his watch and then doing nothing as Factory shuddered he said he would let Russia do whatever the hell they want and to our NATO allies it say and he calls soldiers who gave their life in defense of American de democracy suckers and losers top American uh military generals and National Security officials including those who work for Trump have warned that he is dangerous and unfit to lead now he is surrounded by Ultra loyalist it say who enable his worst U impulses ladies and gentlemen we waited all that time for that I don't feel like I just feel that that was you never had the situation where somebody put something out just just to just because you don't say how you're going to do anything but one thing I did get from the situation and one thing that stuck with me for sure you're going to do an you're going to do an anti-lgbt hate crime bill that's for sure you're going to do amnesty I got that you're going to definitely we going to get them taxes more you going to raise the taxes and then the American public going to suffer it because when you raise those taxes on those businesses they're going to pass that increase of tax to the consumer so the price is going to be raised again which can hurt inflation right so I got that um oh boy you say you going to end you say you going to end homelessness for the veterans you could do that now listen all the things that she say she G to do as president she can do it now she's in the white house with Biden she can implement this now why you talking like you're not in the White House y'all got to every time she talk always think about that she's in the white house she's called vice president KLA Harris not Senator not representative not attorney general vice president she's already there now man come on come on man come on but she already told y'all was about to happen so didn't I tell y'all that they was going to go there they going to go there with amnesty she's she's going to codify and make sure you know LGBT has an anti-lgbt hate crime bill that's going to protect them she only they only mentioned black one time they only mention black one time it say black on businesses she didn't mention black people she didn't mention our issues she didn't mention nothing she didn't mention nothing about uh the normal things they normally talk about they she didn't mentioned court she didn't mention prison reform she didn't mention mass incarceration she didn't mention anything about even affirmative action right with the Supreme Court why she didn't attack that notice she didn't mention that either it's a whole lot of stuff she's she's not mentioning she didn't mention anything about police brutality she's not mentioning about anything about the the the uh uh black people's home ownership rates and how bad it is and what she going to do to fix that she did not mention black people at all and I'm glad see this why they wa this why they didn't want to put this out they put this out today the debates tomorrow this her Administration just like I told y'all I've been telling y'all right here on this microphone that they have no they I'm telling you if you put her in office I'm now now since she put this out I'm really believing that you put her in the office we done we we are done she don't think about people that was her policies on her website we took this whole stream to look at she has promised to do to do amnesty in so many words she's promised to do an anti-lgbt hate crime Bill she's promised that she's not saying how she going to do a whole lot of things over and over and over you're putting out lies about Trump look Trump say a lot of things that you can get him on that came out of his mouth you ain't got to you ain't got to lie on him I mean come on but but no no no no I I I'm sorry I can't vote for the demise of my people of my community I can't do that we can't get a hate crime Bill we can't get one but everybody else can everybody else can yeah yeah yeah buckard we all been telling y'all we've been telling y'all and see you you're not going to get this on MSNBC you're not going to get this on CNN you're not going to get this on Fox Newsmax we take our time to go through this stuff they'll just give you a blurb of it but they're not going to really point and look and look at that language in there and what they're really saying and then go pay attention to what nasty Pelosi said so it makes sense that by the amnesty thing because she wants 20 million people to be given a legal status she's mentioning it so many words so just like I said you put her in office you going to have everyone get a amnesty they're going to be legal and and and lawful at that point and it's all good now then they they they going to get amnesty and then a hate crime bill will be passed for the LGBT that's two things for sure that's that she that she's going to do that's something that she has put on her website She's she's going to do that and then what happened to Black Americans what happened to you you're not even mentioned you only mentioned one time black own business not nothing about your concerns even when she talked about the M maternal mortality rate she they say women when everyone in this country know black women leave in that department No Other Woman do but black women she didn't couldn't even put down black women okay you talking about reproductive Justice and health you a mentioning what black women's concerns are I want y'all to pay attention that black women who support vice president KLA Harris she's not even she's not even thinking about y'all and some of y'all have crashed out so hard for her y'all have attacked y'all have said that you hate black women if you don't support her go back and read that website yourself don't don't just take my word for it I showed you like Noah bro nah man nah man I'm good I'm good I am good good good on on on on vice president Harris is nothing in there that impressed me I don't feel included I don't feel my community is included I don't feel included so why would I vote for somebody don't I don't even I don't feel included but but we've made a a 60-year mistake and we got a status correct we can cry about it we say oh man we voted 60 years look it's time to turn that around now you got the information now you know now you know so so now you know in November or I would say early voting some people got early voting starting this month in my state it'll be next month be there the first day of early voting and get it over with get it over with that way you ain't thinking about it you say y I already got the information I already know what I'mma do what I'm going vote for now tomorrow what we going to cover is we going to we G to we're going to go through the the Matthew Shephard James bird um hate crime act because the Democrat Shields try to when you say about the you know covid-19 hate crime act they and you say hey well the Asians got a hate crime Bill and they say well the the co The James Bird Matthew Sher bill that that's a hate crime bill for black people well I I we want to go through the text of that tomorrow it won't take as long as it did today with this and we'll look back at the covid-19 bill and then we got some questions that way some things that you could tell the Shields and know when you're being lied to once again you're being lied to notice when they talk about protecting people they specifically talk about it they said the Asian Community with Biden and she's saying the LGBT they specifically talk about everybody else when it come to us you an afterthought you don't matter brother you don't matter sister you don't matter and the Democrats have moved on from the black community they've moved on I know that may hurt your feelings but they have moved on they moved on to other groups they moved on you know with the migrants and and everybody else you know and so so youve been a diard Democrat you know it's been a good ride for you it's been a good run if you stay at that party now you going to just be the Lackey you're going to be the serving them you're not priority no more you used to be a priority they used to prioritize you they don't have no need for you no more the Democrats and they have they're proving it every day they're not even think about it they're not even mentioning you even Biden did more mentioning of black people in the last election I I can say that much he didn't do nothing nothing but he at least played the game they not even playing the game no more they not even mentioning you they not listen she she not even saying the word black black is a dirty word oh don't say that word black that's a dirty word y'all pay attention to all that y'all can't y'all pay attention yeah yeah minorities but you know you you know the statement about minorities minority don't mean black white women are minorities White LGBT is a minority a white disabled person is a minority and that's in the white category we haven't even got to the other ones so white minority don't mean black when they say women women owned that's every woman that's not just black women so understand the Democrats have no use for for black people and that's okay that's beautiful that's okay that's okay because we needed that as a community swift kick in the butt so now I hope you would wake up and you say okay now I know what to do I see what she own I see what she's about to do so I'm going to get my behind to that voter Booth the first day of early voting and make sure that that they don't try to demise my my community that's all that's all ladies and gentlemen well well shutter speed gaming if that that's what you going to do and if you going to you choosing to vote for Trump I don't care who you vote for as long long as we vote against uh uh blue right now because they are seeking to um people say replace that the term is not replace they are trying to annihilate our community at this point not replace not replace cuz they want they want us out here with no protection but everybody else can be protected everybody can be protected but not us why so when they harm us nothing happens to nobody you understand if if if we had an anti-black hate crime bill then people couldn't be harming us like they do and they' be going to prison but you got to keep black people not protected but we got to stop V voting for our own demise too because we're participating in our own destruction and that's why I want to that's what the message I'm trying to get to you stop participating in your own destruction as a collective of people but you know now you know and uh hope you take that information and and and share with your friends and family but thank you all for joining us tonight on the stream we greatly appreciate it make sure you click the like button make sure you click the Subscribe button um that's that's very very important clicking the Subscribe button make sure you tell your friends and family and also once again download the African Dias News Channel app and the Google Play and Apple App Store once you do that uh hit create account and you can choose monthly quarterly or yearly uh we need all hands on deck to join us o on the app to help support the platform that's one of the best things you can do is that um on our app so we'll see y'all tomorrow night um like I said we'll be ending the the stream maybe around you know you know 10 to 15 till uh before the um the debate so we so y'all see the debate we we not going to mess that up

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