Published: Aug 11, 2024
Duration: 00:21:07
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: kevin can f himself show
friendship isn't the big things it's a million little things hello there friends and welcome to this another episode of a million little TV shows podcast this is where we break down and discuss episodes of TV shows that you may not have even heard of I believe these TV shows need a little more love and that is what this platform is here to do each week we will be covering different shows from all over the globe we'll be breaking down each episode giving you the main highlights and going through it bit by bit but for now I think it's best that we find out what's on the menu [Music] today hello there and welcome back to this a million little TV shows podcast this is now episode 8 of season 5 and as you know we've finished with a million little things now so we're going to be moving on to finishing off season 1 of Kevin K [ __ ] himself now these are the last four episodes again I'm going to use the structure that I used in the previous episode where I'm just going to watch the episode comment on it and hopefully that's going to be the format going forward because as you could see from a million little things it was a lot more in depth this is very linear and bounces from episode to episode without much Interruption really whereas a million little things there was a lot going on there was a lot of interlocking characters whereas this is very straightforward so that's the way I'm going to do it and so I think we should just get into the the episode and enjoy it for the impeccable comedy there it is so with that being said this is Kevin can go [ __ ] himself season 1 episodes 5 to8 so as we know from the previous four episodes Allison is married to an absolute [ __ ] buffoon called Kevin the episodes are set out so that whenever Kevin is in the room everything's light and Breezy like a early 2000 comedy based around a male that basically just [ __ ] everything up and his wife has to clean everything up on the other side of that when he's not in the room we see the true nature of his home life Allison is constantly depressed and it's a bit more like a thing from Shameless and so everything dulls when he isn't there and everything brightens up when he is even though when he is all he's doing is causing chaos and so Allison can't see a way out of this she wants to leave him but she can't she thinks he'll just find her wherever she is and so she's decided that the the only way out of this is to kill him and so she found out from an ambulance man that basically people are dying all the time from Oxycontin overdoses and they can be anyone from a king to a poper so she decides that this is the best way to get him out of her life and so she needs to get some oxy and basically kill him in that way so there's no real suspicion it looks like an overdose and she can just get on with her life but when she's end up going to a neighbor partty who is actually a drug dealer in the area things start to go downhill because the person who supplies Patty ends up going out of business and ends up getting arrested and now they've headed out of town to try and get their hands on some stuff but while they were out of town Kevin has ended up reporting his car as being missing and the Police Stopped both Patty and Allison while they were out on the road and now Patty is starting to realize even though she was one of Kevin's friends how bad Allison actually has it so now that we know that Patty knows that Allison wants to kill Kevin she basically on the drive home tells Allison that she doesn't think she's up to it and so throughout episode 5 we just start to see Allison becoming more and more Reckless she wants to prove to Patty that basically she can do this and so she ends up quitting her job stealing from places around town including her actual old work and she ends up going to see Sam at his Diner her old boyfriend who she ends up taking into the back and having sex with right there in his office and after she tells him that she's quit her job he offers her a new one that she can come work at the cafe with him and obviously now that they've got this connection they can do more things together Patty however when she gets back is now shunned by the group they have found out that while they were on this road trip for this beauty conference that basically they've ended up going and eating in in some Diner that basically Kevin really enjoys and while there were there they didn't happen to get Kevin a burger which shows the mentality of this guy basically in the last episode he got his wife nearly arrested for stealing his car and when she comes back he ends up shunning Patty because they didn't get him a burger and he blames it on the fact that Allison knows nothing about food but Patty she does and why she didn't get him a burger is beyond so throughout the whole episode we end up seeing the three guys led by K trying to basically replace Patty and they find a guy a bar who's a bit they even say in the episode a bit Travis ble so if you haven't seen Taxi Driver you won't get that reference I'm sure you'll have seen Robert dairo as the taxi driver character where he's just a bit [ __ ] crazy and this guy ends up brandishing a knife around and it's only when Patty comes to save them that they bring her back into the fault at one point in the episode Allison and Patty talk because Patty's actually found the drugs that Allison stole from the trucker in her pocket and Allison says she's just going to grind it up into his food and she's going to feed it to him Patty says what if that doesn't work because right now Patty's having a real issue a local druggie and all around bad dude has started to turn up at her work turn up at her home basically threaten her and tell her that if she doesn't come up with the goods I.E some more drugs he's going to end up doing something that's going to affect her and all while this is happening Patty has ended up falling out with her boyfriend who in the last episode asked her to marry him and it seems like now they've even broken up and she's also getting harassed by this cop and she's trying to find this local drug dealer obviously we know it's Patty but there seems to be something else there when she asks her if she will come to a local function as in Patty will go with this cop to this local function so Patty thinks about things and she decides that she can make all their problems go away with the fact that this guy this criminal Nick is basically just Expendable she thinks that maybe if her and Allison get Nick to kill Kevin in the most bloody way possible then obviously Nick's going to go down for it and as long as they keep their story straight that they had nothing to do with it then it'll mean that they get away with it Scot free and Kevin ends up dead plus they get rid of the drugs because they can give it to Nick and so it can just be some drug fuel problem that Nick had with Kevin so they go over to see Nick and hire him they tell him who Kevin is and basically what he needs to do for them but they're not sure on the time frame of when it's going to happen Nick says it's going to be soon but tonight is quite a big night for everyone involved because it's Kevin's birthday so obviously everything has to revolve around Kevin and what he's doing and this [ __ ] idiot ends up once again doing the whole two parties trick where he's running back and forth between this restaurant and basically this arcade gaming center next door where Neil is is Allison's in the restaurant and Neil's next door so Kevin basically just keeps running back and forth trying to keep up with both what Neil's doing but also trying to keep Allison sweet Allison knows the trick she knows what's going on so she's nonplused by it she just wants to sit and read a book and enjoy her evening but when Kevin sees that on the next table to them is a former New York Ranger hockey player Kevin is now on one and he finds out that this guy is going to be ordering the biggest stake and of course then he has to have an eating competition with this guy for the honor of Boston and and once again it's one of those stupid comedy tropes that means you know the main character is now jumping back and forth but keeps getting Fuller and Fuller and he can't explain away what's going on he manages to get out of some tricky situations but generally cuz Neil's an idiot mainly but obviously Allison he's trying to explain to her but she knows the deal she do doesn't care she just wants him to go also while they're having this meal like I say she's now sleeping with her boss who is her old friend Sam and when Sam comes into the restaurant as well it turns out that he's there with his wife and so they ask Allison to come join her and there's a bit of tension between the two of them and eventually Allison and Sam fall out over this and then we've got Patty who tells Allison that she's not going to be going to the dinner tonight so she can't be there to keep Kevin distracted while Allison enjoys a nice meal in the restaurant while reading a book but Patty tells her that she's not going this year because she has something else on she's going to be sitting at home all night but actually she ends up going to a bar it's the night that the cop who spoke to her previously has basically asked her out and so she goes to this cop bar and ends up getting off with the cop that is investigating the case of the drug dealer and so everything is now up in the air then there's a whole [ __ ] stupid plotline around the fact that Nick who has been hired to kill Kevin keeps walking back and forth through the restaurant because he actually works there parttime so every time that Allison sees him she thinks that Nick's going to kill him and at one point the most opportune moment for Kevin to actually die was when he ends up choking on some of the meat that he's trying to consume while in competition with this New York Ranger and it would have been the perfect opportunity for to just expire and that' be it and Allison doesn't have to think about it anymore she doesn't have to think about paying this guy Nick he died by accidental causes but it ends up being Sam who saves him and so Allison just cannot catch a break so because Allison is so pissed at the fact that that Kevin just gets away with whatever he wants to do she goes and sees Nick and she tells him look you need to do this as soon as possible I am out of town on Saturday and I need you to go over and do this but Nick ends up getting to a fight at work and decides to push the date forward and as we go into episode 9 we see Allison she is in the police station and she's being interviewed by the cop who is dating p as they're going through the interview process they basically getting the story of what happened over the last few days Allison just keeps going around trying to make appointments trying to make sure that people realize who she is and see her around town she also breaks off any sexual contact with sound because that way it looks like she's not a cheating spouse and she ends up going to a fertility clinic to check whether she is okay to start having kids so it looks like she is planning a future with her husband of course Kevin is oblivious to anything that's going on around him and he is starting a band which again another stupid comedy Trope that in a normal sitcom would be a little bit of fun but with this guy cuz he's such a [ __ ] idiot is trying his hardest to get on everyone's nerves Allison however finds out that she can't really have kids or at least that time is ticking for her and that she really needs to get a move on while she was at the fertility clinic she actually picked up some leaflets to make sure that people remembered that she was there cuz she ends up knocking the stand over and then when she gets back home she just dumps it in the bin but that leaflet is found by Neil and Neil decides to start interrogating Kevin because he thinks that Kevin and Allison are going to split up the band so that they can have kids but Kevin obviously knows nothing about this until he is confronted with his evidence he goes to the local clinic and checks whether his sperm works and it's here that he finds out that he's got a really good chance of having a kid now instead of being the selfish prick that he's always been he decides that a kid would be a good idea usually it's all about Kevin because everything is about Kevin and he's always stated that kids aren't any good because they would take the focus away from him and that's not what he wants but now he wants a child that night Kevin comes back from a night out and tries to sleep with Allison but at that point all of a sudden glass smashes downstairs he heads out the room and we hear a single gunshot and so as we head back into the police station we end up finding out that Kevin is the one who was still alive in fact they're both still alive Kevin has shot Nick but it's ended up the he's in hospital on life support they're told that Nick has been taken off life support but he's still in a pretty critical condition Kevin and Allison go home and he is an absolute mess he just can't function anymore even though the world is still that bright shade that it always is when he's around he's a mess Neil keeps trying to suggest doing fun things and he just doesn't want to he doesn't know what to do eventually after trying to sleep it off he goes to a bar and tries to have a drink but while he's there everyone around him finds out the story that's just happened and they all start to congratulate him and it's that will of the people that it's that need of his that people want him that people love him that people care for him that's what he wants that's how he gets over this and it's here that he makes a drastic decision about what his next goal is going to be instead of being a father like he just wanted to be 2 minutes ago he now wants to be a counselor and run for city council Allison however is just devastated she can't believe that he's going to get away with this all as well and not only that she thinks the police officer Tammy who is dating Patty basically thinks that she's involved and so now Allison needs to find out what Tammy thinks of her and so she asks Patty if Patty will help her out and go and take a look in Tammy's notebook Patty says she won't do it but eventually when she gets Tammy alone she takes a look and finds absolutely nothing and so this causes a massive argument between both Allison and Patty where they are at Allison's and they just yelling and screaming at each other while Patty is away from her salon and she is talking to Allison her ex-boyfriend turns up at a salon where Tammy is sat waiting on Patty he starts to speak to her and tells her that basically he had his suspicions about Patty all along there was something not right there but he never actually questioned her on it but now that she's seen a really good cop maybe the cop will find out what the hell was going on maybe she'll ask the questions that he wasn't able to and so now Tammy is starting to suspect Patty in something probably that she was the drug dealer they've already found a load of evidence that Allison and P both planted at Nick's place but now they have a new lead and so now that Kevin has this new bee in his Bonnet about becoming a counselor Neil is starting to realize how he's going to lose his best friend over this because basically it's taking up all his time at the minute and he's only in the campaign stage and so he knows that once he becomes a counselor that's going to be it so Neil tries to play one last game with him and tells him that as soon as we start playing this game or doing something different you're going to take your mind totally off being a councelor you don't really want to do it you're just doing it for now and so after Allison and Patty's fight Allison walks into the kitchen and again we see the tonal shift straight away it goes from the darkness of Patty and Allison's argument into the light which means that Kevin's there but it turns out that Kevin isn't there person who is is hiding in the car and it's Neil Neil tells her that he heard everything and that he is going to tell Kevin what's been going on he heard everything and he wants to make sure that his best friend knows what the hell is going on and so just as he's about to ring Kevin Allison steals his phone and then we see something that we've never seen from Neil before as he grabs her by the throat and starts to throttle her until a glass smashes over her head and both Patty and Allison Stand United over Neil and tell him that he's not going to say a [ __ ] thing so there's the Cliffhanger for the second season to start Neil is on his back he's got a wound on his head his sister has just bashed him over the head with a glass bottle and the two women of the show Stand United it's incredible when you see it the tonal shift the way it goes from the really dark side of things to the really Lighter Side of things when Ken's around or being an idiot or someone from that idiot group is there and now that you're seeing it from both Patty and Allison's side that they basically hate the people that they hang around with and that it's really not fair for them to be living the life that they're living it just makes a lot of sense you know I've been going through a lot in the last few months and I've literally this weekend near enough had a breakdown when I sat with a friend of mine and we were s talking about all of this kind of thing where me and her we sit and we laugh and it's all lighthearted and fun and great and everything like that but she's one of the people that's known me for probably one of the longest people who's known me and I have to be honest around her we literally sat in her car for about 20 minutes just talking about everything that's been going on with me because as much as I can spin out a funny story and can it was really difficult that day and I don't know I don't know what came over me I don't know why I feeling the way that I'm feeling but this show makes me see it from both sides Kevin's an idiot and that is generally believe what I am I try and be an idiot around people to make them laugh make them smile brighten their day a little bit but when I'm on one [ __ ] me I am on one and it is really difficult I feel like I am both sides of this relationship I am both Kevin and Allison but yeah I love this show none of the jokes land for me when it comes to Kevin but the storyline lands every time I find it fascinating how they came up with a concept is beyond me I imagine it was someone who didn't like the old 90 style of comedy shows or 2000 style of comedy shows and put it on the other side and said what would happen if the person that you are with is that annoying Patriot it's very clever very clever concept I'm got it didn't survive till the season 3 but we will obviously cover season 2 but for now that is it that is it for this season of Kevin can [ __ ] himself and you know like I've said next we've got jinny and Georgia we've also got the horror of Dolores roach which is a one shot season so should be pretty good to just get through it and then after that there's quite a lot of one shot Seasons coming up so we're going to be covering a [ __ ] ton of TV that is basically one and done or two and done and it's going to hopefully flow a bit better and I'm going to make sure that I'm getting through it as quickly as possible cuz I do like the longer episodes but they are [ __ ] hell to edit and I just think I need to make this a bit more quick and concise just talk about the main points of the show so I think this is going to be the format going forward but we'll see we'll see what happens with each show it may end up being that I can't do this for each show but anyway that's it for today so again I hope you're all doing well out there it's really great to hear from you guys my Instagram numbers are going up now as well so that's always good to see my podcast numbers up through the [ __ ] roof which I love so thank you for today I hope you're all doing well out there and I will speak to you soon [Music] bye and that is it for now Amigos and yes I am as angry as you are at me for that sentence but I hope you enjoyed the show and had some fun along the way it means a lot that you are listening and supporting me this is an independent podcast after all and doesn't get a lot of backing so it is great to know that you're out there you're listening and if you want to come talk to me on any of the platforms I'm on just come say hi I'm on Instagram I'm on Twitter and I'm even a little bit on Tik Tok I don't post that much but I'm on there and you can also drop comments in the comment sections on any of the platforms Spotify Apple podcasts podbean wherever you get a podcast from but as always thank you for your time and I will speak to you soon