Published: Aug 26, 2024
Duration: 00:58:01
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: bears cuts
a [Music] am I there I am where am I Amateur hour again all right I don't know who's on the 53 man roster yet neither to you guys neither's anybody it's going to come out any minute so I just decided to impromptu do this live we can check together we can see what's going on and we can figure it out I got I got all my I got all my tabs open I got my phone open I got everything open I'm trying to update as we go along and I'm ready I'm ready for it I'm ready for it where is it give it to us Bears it's right now two minutes from now it's supposed to be set let us know all the moves let us know if any trades happen's the comments Katon Wilfong what's up man all right we'll pull this up real quick this is my this is before I get it all done this is my PowerPoint that I put this together with and then I convert it but we'll just share it the way it is uh as we know Austin Reed and Brett rippen have both been cut um none of the running backs so far have been cut so that's going to be the surprise here in a couple minutes uh Colin Johnson John Jackson Freddy Swain all cut and Simba Webster placed on IR will Dante Pettis and DeAndre Carter both make it or will we pick somebody up don't know Steven Carls and Tommy sweing both cut Mercedes Lewis and Brennon bat still both on the team I expect them both to stay on the team uh Jake Kieran Jerome Carvin Avante Collins jyre Carter all cut Larry boram Doug Matt PRI Bill Murray Theo Benedict all still here Theo Benedict's not officially on the IR this was my projection guys this is from the video the other day where I did my projections so that's not official yet he's not on the IR Keith Randolph Jaylen Hutchings deshun malerie Michael dwom for Byron cower all cut a lot of people were surprised by Byron coward I wasn't uh with the addition of Chris Williams that wasn't going to happen I was just kind of hoping we'd do like a seventh for sixth pick swap for Byron coward he had a really good preseason Jake Martin is not on the IR either that's a projection I made I don't know if that's going to be an accurate projection either this is going to be really interesting to see how this defensive line uh ends up shaking out jamy chromos still on the team Dominic Robinson as of right now and any second now these things could change we'll check the uh sites I have Twitter open checking all the Insiders I also like Wy City Green Iron for their updates frequently Paul MAA Javin white and Carl Jones Jr all cut I see all six of those making it but we'll see what happens uh none oh actually Greg strowman is cut now too let's fix that one boom Greg strowman is cut sorry Greg you're gone I'm surprised Ro torren isn't gone yet I would figure he'd be gone before Greg maybe they're letting Greg get on the waiver early uh Doug Coleman who is cut he's an IR designation so once he clears waivers he will be cut but they have him on the IR which is a classy move so that they can be able to pay for his medical as he goes through this he's covered by the Bears that's good quindell Johnson Adrien Colbert cut we'll see what happens here with this this is going to be an interesting one too and then Patrick scales is still on the team corus waitman is now cut too not a shocker Cameron Lions is cut I was kind of hoping they would keep him that was not one of my bigger predictions though so no huge news there nothing crazy so that's where we are so far we'll see what happens it's going to come out real [Music] soon freaking love this fishing 702 uh I don't chug beer on here sorry I'm not going to grift for your super chats either just enjoy being a Bears fan with all you guys so Bear Down Dr Earl what up Chago up Bear Down appreciate you guys being here we'll find out we'll find out what's going on here I'm refreshing all my pages this might be a more boring live I just figured we figure it all out together as it happens and I that's what I'm doing I'm just going to keep scrolling through all this stuff we are going live later for the fantasy draft for those who are involved in that those who weren't still welcome to watch and be a part of the little party it's going to be a quick draft 15 seconds between and there's two of them and the winner uh of those two drafts combined is going to get tickets to 2025 season opener and so that is the prize for this year's fantasy football party 24 teams one will get season tickets Andy Anderson welcome was soyo swine tasting welcome Bear Down Wally F farz this is the man that's helping make the season ticket or the opening tickets possible we're going to compensate him with the jersey and he's going to donate to uh to the to the channel for the winner of the fantasy football so bear down to you man kraton big decks accidentally the backup punter he said my bad these better keep going throughout the season we are to the deadline but we just don't know so that's why I did this is just as I'm I'm updating all the screens as we go along nothing yet there now I got to go to Twitter Twitter and see the Insiders nothing there there so we're all just waiting we're waiting to see there's there's I went through the roster real quick we'll do that again here in a second but I'm not seeing any updates yet we're all just waiting for it baby all right Bears come on give us the news we're all super excited here I don't know how long it's going to take guys it might take his 20 minutes I'm excited to see who's on the practice back to Squad too nothing yet nothing yet we're going to keep updating I'll go through this again oh you're talking about fantasy football I like we picked up Jordan Mason he's a rookie he's an undrafted rookie hey man you're not alone you're not alone we were all there and uh that's okay it's time it's time I don't know if we were wrong that's the thing I'm going to keep telling you guys on this channel I don't know if we were wrong Justin Fields is is an ascending quarterback we like the idea of the hall uh but Caleb is definitely him Caleb is very very special so I really hope they don't trade Kil Herbert people are praying for it I don't know if anybody's they shouldn't be praying for it it's just he's on the last year of his deal so we can get value yeah I hope he makes it through waivers too for Colin Johnson I just barely said this Bob I'm not going to be chugging beer or doing shots so I'm not grifting for your guys money through super chats and and shots and all that BS I'm sorry I I had my beef with Harrison Graham we we talked it out over Twitter messenger uh I told him I don't respect what he does and I think he's a clown and he didn't have anything to say except he just had to accept it because it was what it was so I'm not gonna back down from it hey he's he's a he's a dad and he's doing his thing and good for him but I'm just not into the whole I even turned down just so you guys know I got my first offers for spons sponsors on this channel and it was uh tequila the whole um the brand ambassador for for tequila and then us sports betting I'm just not going to promote that stuff I just I'm not a big believer of pushing that on you guys if somebody else comes along and there's a better sponsorship I'm down for it if not we're going to keep sharing the stuff I get paid through YouTube's ABS I get paid nothing for this channel so far we just want to grow it we want to keep growing it maybe one day I'll make something for it um I just I'm not the biggest Harrison Graham fan he was a Kansas City Chiefs fan and then he got paid to be a Bears Super Chat Sports dude and that's fine that's fine he's he's given good good news to people uh I I'll stop there I'm not gonna keep going I just I'm not a big fan so I'm gonna I'm GNA try to do my analysis and we'll go from there that's what we'll do so we'll go back through this real quick and then we'll check again to see if any news is broke this is the stuff I put together this is my prediction of everything I'm going to update this make a full video on it later but these are the that are gone Brett rip and Austin Reed tell you guys my thoughts on that real quick this is the exact same thing the Bears did last year it doesn't mean neither of these guys are going to be on the team but to fill out the 53 man roster they usually only keep keep two especially if you have two solid ones same thing as last year we had Justin Fields Tyson bent we knew that was going to be one and two there was going to be a battle keep going into Camp so they kept those two and then they signed back to the pract practice squad Peterman and is that who yeah man it's been the last couple years has kind of flown by one of these guys will make it to the practice squad and then they'll have the emergency callup they need but how often do you use the emergency callup unless one of these guys get hurt during the week or something happens you're not really too worried about those other guys so I'm not too worried about that one no news on any running back so far which is kind of crazy to me Ian wheeler is on the IR that is done so he's there but how many of these guys will squeak through will we have five blazing game could squeak through it Shane Waldren doesn't use his fullbacks I don't know Travis Homer's a decent special teamer but we have better options now in my opinion so we'll see right now Simba Webster is done with his surgery it went well today so he will be healing he is on the IR John Jackson Colin Johnson Freddy Swain cut so I was wrong on that one that was more of a speculative one winings that I wanted because the six foot6 ability I still don't necessarily me think DeAndre Carter is making the team we could pick up a specialist That's a return specialist we could pick up another wide receiver you see a lot of people getting cut like cadarius Tony's been cut if we like his speed maybe we get him I don't I'm not saying we're going to or I want that but we could always pick someone else up too it's not set in stone that these are the six guys that's not necessarily true tight ends these are the four left I I really want to see that be the way it is Tommy Sweeney and Steph Carlson are both cut uhy Carter a anthon Collins Jerome Carvin Jake Kieran all cut Larry borne Bill Murray Doug Kramer Ryan or Matt prior and Theo benedit are still on the team he is not on the IR this is my speculation video I haven't updated anything uh to be official until we're done I'll do an official video after all this I'm just giving you update where things are right now on the defensive line Byron Cowart Michael DW for Deshawn malie Jaylen Hutchings Keith Randol all cut uh Jacob Martin's not on the IR this was my speculation that we would Place him on the IR Dominique Robinson jry croma uh Daniel Hardy all still on the team as it stands right now it could be changing as I'm speaking we'll go check in a second uh Noah Su aan agang Binga and Micah Baskerville still all on the team jaavin white Paul MAA and Carl Jones have been cut all three of those so that room is really cleaning up if there there could be one more cut we might not keep six I want us to keep six because of the new special team rules and then cornerbacks Greg strowman is the only one gone I don't know why ro ro Torrance isn't yet I expect that one very soon Leon Jones as well this is going to be the biggest thing to see right here is how how that shakes out these three right here to see which one or two make the roster there that'll be interesting and same here tarious Mor Hicks Doug Coleman is on IR designation but he is on waivers as well so once he clears waivers he'll be cut but he's covered by the IR which is a classy move by the Bears to cover his medical as he's gone through the scary uh hit that he took in the final preseason game against the Chiefs where he had to be hospitalized so hopefully everything recovers well for him but he is being he's on waivers he will be off the team Adrien Colbert quindell Johnson be on as well and then Cameron Lions who I just kind of wanted for the Youth not shocked on this one but Patrick scales is is headed to the IR he could come off early uh we'll see what happens there who knows what's going to happen with that whole situation but corus Whitman's cut left footed putter I expect him to be back on the practice squad for sure so that's where things stand right now we'll go back now and check all the sites and see what's happening all right lots of stuff a lot of chat going on thanks for tuning in guys 168 people in the chat wow this was uh this was impromptu and we got a few people here Scott Ellsworth Robert Phillips squeegee Doug Dyer Wally frh Richard C coad sorry uh Carlton Barry that's right stany NJ elar yeah I hope he makes the practice squad I think he might go to the ER IR though ER let's hope he might goes to the ER okay let's check the sites again let's see if there's any updates we'll do this live with you guys that was the whole point of this all right nothing changing there man release it let us know what's going on I gotta go back to Twitter and check all the Insiders see what everyone was saying nope we will not be doing shots we will not be doing beer chugging uh I actually am uh sober I don't know what the right word to say I don't drink I don't drink alcohol uh my dad role is very important to me and not that you can't be a parent in drink I'm not trying to condone anyone who does drink absolutely not uh tailgating good beer I understand completely I just do not so won't be doing that here on the channel sorry guys will not be doing that on the channel I'm a man I'm 40 come after me all right I don't see any updates we'll see how long we keep this going on hey good for you Robert Phillips good for you my man keep going and again those who who want a good beer with the game and and want to enjoy their football no problem that's not what I'm trying to say at all I just a choice I made with my little girls and my kids raising them it's just a just a life for me so blazing game cut all right we got some news is that true I we have to check these things now you guys throw it in here we'll make it a part party for all of us um I'm going to look and see if I can find an Insider that's confirmed that yep right here one minute ago Brad bigs see if I can share that on the screen so Carri blazing game has been cut thanks Doug dyer for sharing that one remove this and we will present Twitter and we'll let you guys know as they happen so here's the next one from Brad bigs right there in the middle and I'm only going to share the the ones from the uh verified or reputable um insiders bears are terminated the contract to fullback Carrie blazing game as a vested veteran but the plan is to bring him back team is expected resign on Wednesday for the same amount after it processes an IR move uh we'll see I don't know I don't know what to think about that one they're looking to make space for a couple days while they think things out so he could be cut he could be coming back we'll see what happens I like the idea of not having a fullback um I like that there's a lot of be dads and bare Family Guys in here guys um and again you guys who who do drink or who want a tailgate beer or or whatever I'm not I don't want that to turn into me saying there's something wrong with it I I don't want I don't want me to like be condoning anyone that's not what I'm doing this was just for me this is just so uh good Community here I hope hard a lot of support for for Daniel Hardy and I'm I'm with you guys on that one too I want to see Daniel Hardy make it so let's pull back up let's pull this back up let's pull this up and as of right now we got Carrie blazing game off the team we're going to update this we go along we'll make a video later once it's all official I like this yeah you're right I said it backwards I think you mean condemned not condu you're right I said it backwards sophisticated thoughts appreciate that thanks for being here you're right I and either way it's it's personal choice that's that's what I'm trying to get across personal choice for you guys just got two little girls and that's just my it's just my viewpoint on it so 10 more Cuts where do you see them Doug man you're right on the you're right on the front line here let's see if I can refresh here I see the carry blazing game one now let's see Chicago Bears Cuts this is all I've been doing today guys too my little my little mouse is probably like destroyed it's probably refresh refresh refresh refresh we're not cutting Nate Davis all I'm seeing if I see something that's official I'll share it but I'm seeing a lot of rumor stuff and there's no good on the rumors don't like the rumors all right see anything official yet if you've got a spot for us Doug oh 10 more to make I got you I got you okay okay so claims good questions if you guys have questions let's go over them so claims will be on uh Wednesday or Thursday I think it's two days after so let's look it up uh so the waiver order so there's a difference between a vested veteran and a waiver let's go into that real quick so a vested veteran can sign anywhere immediately so once they're cut like Carrie blazing game is a vested veteran if somebody wants him and they want to offer him and he doesn't see the value with the Bears and he doesn't think the Bears value him uh he can go sign anywhere right now like he can go make a deal and get signed and that's his prerogative uh someone who's on their rookie deal gets waved and in the waiver order is last year's draft by where they should have been so really um Carolina has the number one waiver they'll have the number one priority the Bears had it last year and the bears were able to pick up quindell Johnson off the waivers because of that on this exact time but the waivers will process I think it's tomorrow don't hold me to that I'll in my video later I'll I'll bring it up but the waivers won't happen today teams have an opportunity to put their waiver in hey we want this player we want this player and it's unlimited so but they have to bring him to the 53 man roster that's different than signing them to the practice squad if you're taking someone on waivers you got to bring them onto your 53 man roster so if Carolina wants to pick up some of these uh not vested players some guys on their rookie contract that are on waivers they put their waiver in they can take the first 10 guys if they want they can take as many as they want and then it goes to number two number three number four and we're number nine because we really had the ninth draft pick ninth slot and so that's where the waivers come into play um so we'll see in a couple days but I expect the Bears to start signing their practice squad guys right away just like right after the draft you get undrafted free agency uh they start signing them immediately appreciate yeah any anybody that gets anything that comes along because I'm on here with you guys now Foster from Thursday so Thursday is the waiver day is what Foster appreciate you Foster Foster's the man yep noon tomorrow so we got a couple of we got noon tomorrow we got Thursday from a couple different people it's one of the two it's one of the two different things yeah nothing's out that we're seeing Carrie blazing game uh we're we're refreshing it as we go along Carrie blazing game has been cut uh speculation he'll be resigned on tomorrow after uh rosters are set there saying after an I injured uh iil designation we'll see how true that is but for now he is cut so let's keep going here let's see if we can find anything else come on Bears we're all ready we have to assume the roster hasn't been released yet because the Bears have to make room for michah Parsons nothing there nothing on the Insiders nothing on see I like to go to windy C grd iron they update there pretty quick as well nothing there either not seeing anything yet noon tomorrow Bob billing says it's noon tomorrow for waivers so we'll see waivers tomorrow I don't see the bears picking up any waivers our roster is pretty solid all right so the one big change so far since we started doing this Carrie blazing B game's been cut that might be the five you go into the season with DeAndre Swift Kil Herbert bis Jones Roshan Johnson Travis homer I'm not solding Travis Homer but they see the Special Teams value in him and we clearly had an issue with special teams uh during the preseason that was our only weakness the whole preseason preseason looked pretty solid other than other than the Special Teams coverage both kick return punt return kickoff punt uh that was our only weakness we weren't the worst in the league but we just that was our weakness all right come on Bears anybody who finds anything post it on the right I think the biggest surprise for some people so far was J Tyreek Carter I wasn't shocked by that one at all just with how um um Bill Murray has played so freaking well and Matt prior has come over and looked like Prime Matt prior looked like he was with his one year with the Colts and uh last year very limited role with the ners he looked really good and Bill Murray was the offensive player of the pre-season for anybody I mean 67 pass rush snaps uh with the highest possible grade you can have there uh and then his run blocking was a lead as well so he had one he had one penalty that was called back and they declined it so can't be held against him but he did have one penalty but that was it I mean he looked really really solid all right still not seeing anything some of you guys all right not happening not happening oh really that's interesting I've seen some out there that are that are pretty interesting um rumors on some big time defensive tackles um cadarius Tony was waved um he's very excited he is very excited 31 times he's excited if you guys didn't see that on Twitter there was a video made from his press conference and derell Taylor I'm just excited I'm excited I'm excited I'm excited I'm excited is this true BC th we got a six for Larry boram from New England I really pushed that a lot for us to trade Larry borham who I was not a fan of because of last year he's played really well uh this preseason but with Kieran amagi you don't draft a third rounder to just get shoved down the depth chart especially that with Matt PRI being very flexible between guard and Tackle um so let's see if we can find some validity before make that official here so I'm I'm going to highlight those and then we'll go check them out we'll see if we can find an Insider that's confirmed it if you guys have a place for it or a link or who has reported it let me know I don't see anything official yet on that one this might just be a rumor and that's okay if you guys bring up some rumor we'll we'll check him out we'll look into him I don't know if anyone would trade for him right now with his injury anybody know anything on his injury too like how that injury is gone because I haven't heard since he got carded off the field if he's better or not and I'm okay with Larry borm with his progress he's made he's coming to the end of his contract and we and we we got prior and we have kiragi so there's just no point to having him around all right let's move that one off that's not official yet PLL taking a nap no they're just not sharing with us yet they're selfish and they're greedy they don't want to give us all the fun and the excitement yeah everyone's seeing that rumor I saw a rumor similar that when I didn't see New England uh it's not confirmed yet so a couple people saying it I haven't seen anything from the Insiders that I look at so if anybody has an official spot let me know polls must be taking a nap we can bring that so here's the thing with my thoughts if you didn't see my video this morning it was not an official oh we're we're gonna do this we should do this this is what we should do it was having fun with it because Caleb had texted that or he had sent out his tweet or his post or whatever you want to call him at Twitter now it's just possible it is possible to do it and you do that when you have a window of a quarterback you know is on his rookie contract because you can spend the money elsewhere and go into that Super Bowl window that's the big Advantage the Bears have with how we've built this roster if we can enter that Super Bowl window this year we've got five legitimate years to be Super Bowl contenders every single year you've got Chief situation on your hand where we could be in this in the Super Bowl every one of those five years win three or four of them that would be amazing uh you never know what happens when you make the Super Bowl I'm not saying that's my prediction right now let's just freaking get to the playoffs first what's win those 10 11 12 games let's get to the playoffs then we can get excited but that's why you make those moves that's when you're able to trade away your couple first the khil mack trade wouldn't have been bad if we had the right quarterback if we if we had figured it all out so I'm not down on it uh Tom pisaro let's go check that out let's go see if Tom pisaro had the Larry borm news Tom pisaro let's find Tom pisaro first Tom Tom pisaro there's the news on Vikings wave 2022 first round draft pick safety Lewis sign that's crazy I don't know that's wild of me to give up on a guy after after two years but sometimes it doesn't work sometimes you've got a uh who is the the Raiders guy that we picked up off waivers for that exact same reason the offensive lineman oh my gosh I'm kicking myself and he didn't work out for us either first rounder Jaylen gon got released as well from the Raiders interesting I'm not seeing anything on Tom pisaro as well so we'll keep going with this yeah I saw that AJ Dylan on injured reserve going to be interesting to see who that rookie they how he does yeah I'm with you on that one I like the six linebackers especially with the new kickoff rules how short they are to go only 10 yards until you hit that's more of a linebacker style I don't think anybody's talking about that enough that those new kickoff rules you used to have your defensive backs you used to have your your running backs that needed a to truck down the field to get 40 yards to be able to hit that's the whole reason they stopped it to have those high impact now it's more linebacker style where you're within 10 yards you make the hit you read you break off you you make the tackle that's much more of the linebacker style so I do see us keeping more linebackers this year we kept five last year I see us keeping uh six this year maybe even the seventh but now we're down to six yeah I I don't know if they wouldn't uh it depends on how much draft Capital you're willing to give back but I like the idea that I had of of giving them khil Herbert and Demarcus Walker it gives them a bridge Gap and it gives them a solid running back bridge gap for two years and then they got the draft next year to use our pick on a defensive end uh so there's different ways they can King poles could work it out it's just not going to happen I don't see it happening Borman his ankle but how bad is it anybody know how bad it is bears tried to trade for Lewis sign before Vikings cut him to me that they aren't sold on Hicks yeah but I I don't know is that is that Doug where's I I believe what Doug's saying I've seen a couple things from Doug before but um I don't know I really like our safety room the way this tarus Moor has played his his butt off I'll say that his butt off so um maybe let's go here and I'll show you what the receiver room or the safety room looks like right now let's make that bigger so there's the safety room right now Doug Coleman is gone uh he is on the IR designation but he's on waivers so the Bears are just covering him to make sure he gets his medical Adrien Colbert is gone quindell Johnson's gone who we picked up last year on waivers with the first waiver Elijah Hicks and tarius Moore still there one of those two should make the roster if they were going for uh for sign that's interesting to me all right yeah I don't know why they take so long to release it to us um maybe their last minute deals they have to get pushed through I don't know oh is that true Doug Colts and Bears are the last two not to release their rosters Leatherwood is who I was talking about you're right Alex Leatherwood yep you guys oh I'm way behind on the chat sorry guys sporting news is reporting Larry borm trade let's go check it out let's go check it out I like us getting a couple picks back you can always package those up to trade higher Josh kazir says King poles just fli formor an injured player he was cutting to recoup a 20256 that's from the sporting news we'll pull that up let's take this one off stop screen present share screen share from the sporting news right there Patriots L land young Bears offensive lineman the last second trade proposal and that's obviously they're honestly a good team for borm to go to because they need offensive tackle help and this is a good gap for them to be able to help a rookie quarterback to to survive bleach reports Alex K proposed to trade is this official says they land him yeah it says it's done Bears received 2025 six round pick that's going to be a high sixth round pick too so that's nice it's really a late fifth rounder all right so that looks like borm is gone uhoh what we got here not Bates don't tell me Brennan Bates is waved don't you do that guys I gotta go check now guys going to upset me don't you break my heart don't break my my heart don't you break my heart I'm not going to believe it till I see it Brad bigs I don't like that at all I don't like that at all oh I don't like that one this feels like the draft where I got disappointed pull something out of your hat PS to make me feel better I don't like that one mother bit I don't like that one bit he had such a freaking good pre season he hands of gold he was one of the highest rated guys I get it practice and the games I get all of that how do you not keep Brennan Bates after what he just did oh he better make it back to the practice squad yep Greg bats probably won't get picked up anyways I don't know it says right there if we go back to it let's remove this several teams are already interested in him uh have wave tight end Brandon Bates undrafted rookie from Kentucky he could return to the practice squad but multiple teams have already expressed interest I don't like it one bit oh I don't like it one bit okay Jacob Martin's making it to the to the IR man I keep saying ER what a slip up there to the IR that was something I anticipated short term is what you'll see there uh two guys can be to come off the IR if they're designated from the 53 man to come back during the season so the Bears like Jacob Martin they just don't want to cut uh Daniel um I can't even think I'm so upset that brenon Bates got that's I didn't want readyy Stewart and Brennon Bates those are the two I wanted for undrafted free agents I don't like this one bit what that would help Scott are you messing with me right now don't toy with my emotions right now guys don't toy with Me Kate Stover if he got cut it's not going to happen he was drafted by them he's not going to get cut by Houston that would freaking that would freaking make my whole day right now yeah exactly that's what I wanted I wanted baates to really fill that role Shane Waldren doesn't use fullbacks he doesn't use them he he uses four tight ends and he was doing that all preseason we only ran 48% of our snaps in 11 personnel which is three wide receivers just so you guys know wide receiver wide receiver wide receiver tight end running back that's an 11 personnel he ran so many two running back sets and so many two and three uh tight end sets it's not even funny and maybe he was just not showing his hand but oh oh I don't like that I don't like that at all maybe they just want him to develop on the practice squad and they're and they're confident they can keep him on the practice squad I don't I don't like that one maybe we're eyeing a different tight end though anyone out there you think I don't know anybody who's been cut right now there were no free agents left that I like moali Cox was rumored but now galani woods from uh the Colts they they were overloaded with tight ends in in um Indianapolis and but gelani Woods who's been perpetually injured ever since they drafted him is now on the IR again for the year with turf toe so I don't see Mo Cox getting cut anymore he was their Prime Cut candidate and I thought he would be great for us to pick up yeah that was yesterday dubsy uh Travis Gibson traded to the Jags to the Seahawks for a seventh round pick so no there's no tight ends right now that I'm eyeing we'll have to see what happens on Cuts yeah they're they're twin team Seattle they're their punt returner that they just cut I don't remember his name um Dwayne Eskridge really quick I can see us picking him up as our wide receiver six for kick return and punt return duties that's an option we could have other than that not really Carlton I think a lot of us we just have to trust that there's going to be something good that happens here I'm with you though Homer is a waste of space they if they see the Special Teams value with him there's other guys I mean Colin Johnson was was laying the lumber this preseason on every hit that he had even at six fo put six he was so freaking in there on every play and our defensive backs were freaking yeah I yeah we're not always gonna like everything that happens I agree I agree we're not going to like it all all right let's remove this let's do this again update it a little bit all right right so nothing changed there nothing changed there nothing changed there yet nothing CH oh Larry boram's gone so he's gone Boop I should do something for a trade designation but there's Larry borm he's gone we'll do a little circle to show he's traded we'll fix that later don't worry guys brenen Bates gone oh this one makes me sad that one breaks my heart oh this feels like Terrell Lewis from last year oh I don't like it I don't like it one bit he better make it to the practice squad if he doesn't I am legit gonna be pissed I'm already I'm holding back here I'm I'm not happy with that one at all not happy not happy Theo benedi what are you talking about Theo oh our our tackle you got me thinking about he got me thinking about tight ends right now don't be toying with me uh I don't know if he'll make it to the IR as well if he doesn't make it the IR he's definitely waved he's not going to make the roster hopefully you get him on the the 53 man or the practice squad yeah I'm with I'm with all you I think all you guys are kind of the same spot as me especially since he could have learned after Mercedes Lewis all right let's go check again anybody got anything official let me know yep per Brad bigs the Bears are expected to place defensive end Jacob Martin on the IR with the designation to return so he you can designate to that's a new rule this year so if they're placed on the IR before the 53 man rosters are set they have to miss the entire season which is nice for us to be able to keep someone like Ian wheeler who needs to develop anyways undrafted free agent uh I would have liked to see him on kick returns but he tore his ACL you can't do that's legitimate uh and he will be on the IR all year and we can keep him so that's kind of nice uh but Jacob Martin they want to bring back from the IR he's just not quite as healthy or they want the extra roster spot and they don't see Jacob Martin being an impact from day one because he hasn't been practicing he's been off all offseason so he needs to come back so they have a short-term designation for him waved Brennan bats waved blazing game I don't like baits being cut I don't like it at all don't like it don't like it don't like it let's go check Brad Big's page see if he has anything else nothing else yet I don't know why I get so upset over this team it's not affecting my I mean it does affect my life H Pettis has got to make it now he's got to make the roster there's no way Pettis doesn't make the roster in my opinion he's got to be the punt returner he had a good he had a good last couple games too at wide receiver too he was getting open he had a lot of Separation I don't have the official separation stats on him but he had a lot of Separation it looked really good let's get over to the wide receiver so you can see that so I had Pettis making I had that was really an emotional one for me I wanted Colin Johnson to make it because of his special teams ability and he 6 foot6 high point but I said during my video during my 53 man roster I wouldn't be shocked if I didn't see DeAndre Carter making it who knows if he will yet if he gets cut and goes to the practice squad and we sign someone from another team was my other option as our wide receiver six I won't be shocked with that either but that's where we stand on that one they were reporting it like it was uh officially done so don't take it to the bank yet guys we'll see let's go back and look I don't see the official anywhere else so it might have been spective the big one before today was this excuse me that hit tickle in my throat that the saints were in on Larry borm that they wanted to trade for him that was the big one for before today so give us our freaking roster man give us the roster now I demand it yeah and I've been saying on Bears Twitter those who are wanting cadarius Tony we've seen enough from dropping wide receivers we don't need a wide receiver to come in and drop passes from our quarterback we don't need that uh no huge cap space Cuts Larry boram will create space he was a vested because he played enough snaps he he vested in at a higher value so he was going to make over three million um um running backs carrye blazing game was million and a half Travis Homer would save us two million so no huge there's not going to be any huge roster cuts that will save us a ton we're in good space right now anyways I want Tony would be funny not darus Tony can't count to 15 yeah this is the opposite this is opposite day yes so uh there are two drafts happening backto back so those who don't know I'm doing first ever fantasy football league two drafts two leagues backto back they will end on the 15th week week 15 week 16 will be the final of the two winners of those the winner gets two tickets to the season opener of 2025 so that will happen at 6 o'cl Central Time the second one happens at 7:30 central time get ready for craziness because they're 15 seconds in between we're not going to drag out a long draft it's going to be quick hitting not the way I normally do drafts but it's going to be hit hit hit hit hit uh there are defensive players and we're gonna we're going to rock that thing it's going to be fun those who aren't in on it who didn't make the first year of it I put a lot of stuff out there for people to join in if they wanted to filled up two leagues we might do more leagues next year those who weren't can still come and check it out uh but but there's 24 people and the two winners of those will face head-to-head on week 16 or week 17 of the season um no don't say that Greg yeah bis is safe I've been saying that forever there's no way we're cutting bis if we cut bis I'd be just as I'd be more pissed than Brennan Bates oh K is it on the Bears website let's do this let's let's go let's go let's go let's go now I'm all roster moves Bears reach 53 man roster limit let me get up on the screen we'll see it together let's remove this stop screen present share screen here's the Bears website let's go following players were waved awesome I gotta make this bigger for you guys sorry I forget make this bigger get out of here don't care about your cookies follow these players with Austin Reed Brennan Bates Theo bennedict so he's waved Jak curean jry choma DeShawn mallerie no Micah Baskerville I don't like that one Carl Jones Jr Leon Jones ready Stewart no what the heck what the [Applause] heck [Music] no Ro torren Cameron lions coreless waitman vested veterans players with least four to cruit were wait released making them free agents for those who want to sign with any team Brett rip and Carrie blazing Game Colin Johnson Steven Carlson ion Collins Byron Cowart Greg strowman Adrian coob tarus oh I'm shocked of that one too oh no that's okay we had so Much Death there I wasn't completely shocked on Wednesday the Bears can establish 60 man prox six of those players okay here we go two quarterbacks Caleb Williams and Tyson bent four running backs and Deandre Swift Kil Herbert Travis Homer and Roshan Johnson genius move way to go Bears way to go way to go all right what am I missing here who did we lose then dandre Swift khil Herbert Travis oh they're not counting bis Jones as a running back then kept three tight ends Cole Kat Gerald Everett Mercedes Lewis 10 offensive linemen Braxton Jones Darnell Wright Kier amagi Coleman Shelton Doug Kramer they kept Doug Kramer on the 53 man I'm not upset with that at all I was talking on Twitter with couple different people today how I think he's come along really well I just saw him as more of an emergency guy we pull off the practice squad but if we didn't think we can keep on the practice squad then heck I'm okay with this Kevin Jenkins Nate Davis Bill Murray love it that was another one I was gonna be pissed if we' cut him Ryan Bates Matt prior I like all of those this makes me very happy this okay for all my upset there's happy DJ Moore Keenan Allen Roman dun Tyler Scott veis Jones and DeAndre Carter not upset by this uh where's Dante Pettis where's Dante Pettis ptis they didn't show Dante Pettis up here being cut I don't see Dante Pettis being cut he not in the wide receiver room not on the running back room all right we'll keep going 10 defensive lineman are in roster spots Mont SWAT derell Taylor Demarcus Walker Daniel Hardy yes everyone should be happy about that should be very happy Austin Booker get out of here go home Dom Rob I don't know if they're still trying to Mor him in I don't know I don't have anything to say on that one Geron gervon Dexter Andrew Billings Chris Williams and Zack Pickins all those are fine except that that's exactly how I predicted except that linebackers we only kept five again I don't understand that I don't understand it at all shaine Edmonds TJ Edwards Jack sanbor aan ogong mcga and Noah Su kept 10 defensive backs in Blackwell Josh Blackwell Kyler Gordon Jaylen Johnson Jaylen Jones okay I can see that that was uh that's who we kept over ready Stewart well and Blackwell Terrell Smith Stevenson Kevin B jquan brisker Elijah Hicks and Jonathan Owens not upset about any of that I didn't think we would keep Elijah Hicks h but here we are three Specialists are Tory Taylor CYO Santos Patrick scales all right I didn't see Dante Pettis here where did I miss did I miss it guys Dante Pettis not seeing anywhere he's got to be cut if he's not on all this whole list is more Dante Pettis I don't see Dante Pettis there did I miss it am I missing it I don't see Dante Pettis anywhere all right the dude just got left out he got left out of his party I gotta check your guys's chat screens what do you guys say on the S side on injured reserve okay okay okay thank you no Bor on the list trade yeah that was the rumor we saw we thought we saw an official site but it wasn't officially officially official let's see here we go here's how the 53 man roster stands now by position in alphabetic order there's the two quarterbacks there's the four running backs there's the six receivers uh who that one I don't know maybe it's because how much they paid him he's a lot to cut he would be a lot of dead cap maybe they think his experience is too good I don't know um I like all that I like the offensive line a lot I really feel like they jailed and cohes for you guys who didn't didn't see I put it on a very brief blip of a video uh for the last three years we've been 27th 29th and 28th and pass blocking efficiency preseason is preseason I get it it's it's not the season but it's big Improvement when you're second overall in the entire league in this pre-season for all four games they looked really good defensive line looks good I had us taking keeping nine exactly like it shows here is what I had minus Dominic Robinson linebackers instead of five I had six I had all these guys except I had us keeping Micah Baskerville uh I don't see where it talks about the IR though but that makes sense if Dante Pettis is on the IR he would be the other one to come off designation I would guess don't see it all right but this is straight from the Bears website so there you have it a little upsetting with a couple of these for me that one's very upsetting that one's very upsetting that one's slightly upsetting I think they might think they can squeak him on to the practice squad so I'm not very upset about that he will definitely make it to the practice squad he should make it to the practice squad um if we can't get um Brett ripen of the practice squad expect Austin Reed there uh Cameron Lions won't make the practice squad but we'll see if we resign him how bad Patrick scales injury is you expect the left footed punter to make it to the practice squad we did the same thing last year it helps with the punt return duties helps get the practice um I'd like to see Leon Jones and Carl Jones back in the practice squad but we'll see who we sign there's going to be other players that are cut that the Bears want so so we'll see what happens there Panthers got Steward this is obviously I I understand Dilla d verer x that you're speculating but anybody should be scooping him up on waivers for sure yeah I'm not saying over our number two Bean's clearly our number two uh he's our number two for sure but every team carries three just in case so there will be someone on the practice squad I like Baskerville as well no where did you see Pettis is on the IR Larry borm is on the IR and designated to return I don't like that at all don't like it I don't like it one bit on their transactions let's go to their transactions page injury updates there all right where's the transaction page here [Music] news um FAS moves not seeing it I'm going to trust you guys on this one I don't like his keeping Larry boram I don't like that one at all team transactions let's go back let's go team transaction thank you all right so here we go placed offensive lineman Larry bornman defensive lineman Jacob Martin on reserve injur designation for return so you can pick two with the new rule you can pick two of those guys to be able to return that means we're keeping Dante Pettis all year uh without without him coming back all right there you have it guys that's it this is it there it is let me know what you guys think you obviously know who I'm unhappy with I'll make a video here and then we do have the draft here in two hours uh I'll be going live for that um and I'll do an update there as well so I'm GNA log off appreciate you guys being here great Bears Community you guys are awesome this is a lot of fun I wanted it to go exactly the way I wanted it to go but I have to understand I don't know everything uh we all have to understand that um King poles knows what he's doing I am much happier with this offensive line I'm much obviously our core four wide receivers are all that really matter anyways and our top two tight ends are all that matter I really wanted us to keep Ryan or Brandon Bates I really want us to keep ready Stewart I'm not happy about either one of those I don't I don't understand the ready Stewart one especially yeah Anthony you just know what I'm saying right now ready and bait stick out like Thor sums hopefully they get the practice squad I just don't know if they will they played so well so I'll update you as it comes along we'll we'll definitely update thanks for being here over 300 in the over 300 checking it out so if you don't mind hitting the like button appreciate all of you guys uh I will update I will make a video on it and then we're going to have the draft here in a couple hours so till then claw up bear down and I'm staying optimistic stay positive we're good 12 days till week one against the Titans claw up Bear Down D Bears see you soon